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Light hug

The bodies of the man and woman are only slightly touching. This type of hug is used when a man, as if by chance, collides with a woman, slightly touches her body, without causing anyone to suspect that this was done on purpose.

In this case, the initiative belongs to the woman. Under some pretext, she secludes herself with a man and at a convenient moment presses herself against the body of a man who responds to her by hugging her and enjoys her embrace. You can hug your partner both from the front and from the back. The first and second types of hugs are used by those lovers who cannot yet communicate completely freely with each other.

Hugs with body rubbing

In this case, the man and woman press against each other and rub their bodies. They make all movements slowly and for a long time. This type of hug can be used in the dark or in a crowd, as well as in any secluded place.

Strong hug

This is basically the same hug as in the third type, but much stronger. One of the partners rests his back against a tree, wall, column, the second presses him tightly to himself and both, squeezing each other in their arms, rub their bodies hard. These last two types of hugs are intended for those couples who have already expressed mutual feelings for each other in hints and through special signs and are ready for.

The second type of hug is performed with an experienced woman immediately before sexual intercourse. There are four types of close hugs:

"Plexus of vines"

A woman hugs her lover when he is standing: she wraps herself around him like a vine wraps around a tree. She raises her face and looks at the man with a loving gaze, bending his face towards hers in order to merge into one. Or, pressing herself against the body of her lover, she makes sounds expressing pleasure, and meaningfully points with her gaze at her or other parts of the body that can cause sexual attraction. This type of hug is designed to arouse desire in a man.

"Climbing a Tree"

The woman places one foot on her partner’s foot, wraps the other leg around the man’s thigh and presses him to her so that the penis comes into contact with the vagina through the clothing. Or she puts her arm around his waist and the other around his shoulders. At the same time, she reaches up with her whole body, as if wanting to climb onto her partner’s body and kiss him.

Both of these hugs are meant to arouse passion and desire.

"A mixture of rice and sesame grains"

This hug takes place in bed. A man and a woman lie on their sides face to face and hug each other. The hug is so tight that it can be compared to a mixture of sesame and rice. The one lying on the left side passes the left under the right side of the partner (who accordingly does the opposite) and places the right foot on the left foot of the partner. Thus, the contact is so close that the genitals of the partners touch and they rub them, which brings great pleasure to both.

"Milk and Water" Hug

This type of hug is reminiscent of the process of mixing milk and water. A woman sits astride a man's lap, looking into his ; or, if they are in bed, the man hugs her body with great strength. During this embrace, they are so overcome by the desire for copulation that they strive to penetrate each other. In this ecstatic state, they are not even fully aware of the strength of the hug.

Hip hugs

This type of hug is carried out by partners lying on their sides. One of the partners hugs with his legs one or both thighs of the partner and squeezes them. This position of the hips forms closed forceps. Those with fuller thighs are more active and have more fun.

Touch upper parts hips

The man lies on his back, and the woman lies on top, pressing her legs and waist against the same parts of the man's body. Then she lets her hair down and plays with the man's body, kissing him, scratching him, biting him and getting great pleasure.

Breast touching

In this case, the woman presses her breasts to the chest of her lover. A man experiences pleasure from contact with a woman’s soft and lush breasts. This hug can be done while sitting, lying on your back or on your side.

Most women prefer hugs to be strong, but at the same time gentle and affectionate. Some women with a calm temperament prefer strong hugs and gentle kisses, others the opposite. It all depends on the woman’s temperament, her sexual and moral education and a number of other factors. After all, each person is deeply individual.

From reader comments:

Hugs go a long way psychological impact per person. During hugs, substances are released in the body that affect mood, decision-making, and a sense of trust.

Unexpected hugs can cause a release of adrenaline and oxytocin in the body, which causes kindness and joy in a person.

Hugs are a free but invaluable therapy option. However, they have no contraindications and are completely harmless.

Hugs bring many benefits. For example, at this moment endorphins - hormones - are released. Therefore, the person being hugged may even stop experiencing physical pain.

Hugs increase a person's resistance to stress. After all, at this time he feels protected and gains strength to move on.

You can even recharge through hugs good mood from another person. It is enough to hug someone who is happy, and the vibes will immediately transfer from him.

When we don't enough warmth and affection, when we want to feel a state of security, we dream of plunging into the embrace of our beloved arms. Sometimes hugs express emotions and feelings much more clearly than any other expression of emotion.

For men It's easier to show love than to express it in words, so they often use hugs instead of phrases. And for us, women, it is important to correctly learn to read male hugs, since each of them carries its own meaning.

According to psychologists If a man hugs you from the back, this is an indicator of serious intentions. In his thoughts, this man considers you a couple, you are very dear to him, and perhaps he is already ready to propose to you. Covering your vulnerable spot, intertwining his hands on your chest, he is thereby ready to protect you from all life’s adversities.

But if your man hugs you only from the back and nothing else, perhaps you seem inaccessible to him, he is afraid to look into your eyes. As described above, a hug from the back is a sign of a very good attitude, but the man is afraid that you may be indifferent to him. If you really care about your man, reveal your feelings to him, don't torture him. This will give impetus to the development of a new round of relationships.

Deep your loving man will not only hug you, but also pat you on the back. Gentle strokes can mean a strong sensual attraction, an invitation to something more than a hug.

Sometimes, if stroking back do not stop, a woman may think that the man is doing this automatically, but in fact he has gone somewhere into himself, lost in thought. This is not entirely true. Most likely in this moment he needs your support, he is upset, but how a real man, can’t admit it. Caress him, distract him from sad thoughts, hug, kiss, and stroke his back. If you guess the man you love so often and sensitively, you will become for him the most tender and desirable woman in the world.

A man's hug is so strong as if he, hugging you, wants to imprint himself on your body, have a clear sensual background. IN in this case You don’t have to be clairvoyant, so it’s clear that you are attracted to each other.

If a man hug leans his forehead against you, this means that for him you are the most close person, and he's crazy about you. Such a man, even if you have recently met, is ready for serious relationship, time doesn’t matter to him, as if you’ve known each other for a long time.

Patting on back men express their good disposition towards each other. Therefore, if your man lightly pats you on the back while hugging you, do not perceive this gesture as loving, it is exclusively friendly. For such a man, you are like a “friend of his own”; he does not perceive you as a woman.

Well, what if embrace your male friend is accompanied by patting only occasionally, for example, with a certain difficult life situation, then this is just a gesture of friendly support in difficult times and nothing more. This man believes that friendly support is more important to you at the moment than love feelings.

In general, there is one holiday- World Hug Day. It is celebrated on January 21st. On this day, you can take the initiative into your own hands, hug not only your loved ones, but also colleagues, friends, and relatives. According to psychologists, a person needs at least 4 hugs a day for peace of mind. This is not only a pleasant activity, but also useful. During hugs, the hormone of happiness is produced, arterial pressure returns to normal, immunity is strengthened.

In arms with beloved man and woman feels different. A man first feels warmth and security, the closeness of a true friend. And only then does he feel loved and enjoy it.

Woman first of all, he feels loved and protected, secondly, he perceives psychological support and the opportunity to share your mood and feelings with a loved one.

The type of manifestation of emotions and the manner of a loved one to demonstrate outbursts of tenderness are inextricably linked with feelings. Using the information from the article, you can easily you will understand the meaning hugs and thoughts that arise in a man.

Around the waist

The lover hugs the girl's back from below, pressing her tightly to himself. The gesture has a certain meaning: the young man wants not just to “squeeze and kiss,” but intimacy. The hug is accompanied by the touch of the partners' hips - additional confirmation.

Pay attention: is his head touching yours? A hug signals a desire to get closer both in bed and mentally. At the initial stage of a relationship, you are not a girl for the night, a couple of days, but a chosen one for for a long time. If you have been together for several years, he is ready to move on to a new, more serious stage of the relationship.

From the back

The guy is used to hugging a girl from behind - he’s head over heels in love. The man shows that he is ready to protect and protect from troubles and adversity. Movement also provides an opportunity to demonstrate strength and courage.

With massage

The guy, hugging the girl, gently strokes her back with his hands. Signals the warm and romantic feelings of the chosen one. Perhaps he is relaxing and enjoying himself. Take the time to find out if your loved one is really upset and needs a massage. He will definitely appreciate the value of your efforts and care.

With a pat

The guy's hug is accompanied by a light pat on the back. Double meaning. The first one will upset you: he doesn’t have feelings and sees you as a friend. Does your chosen one use the gesture often? The relationship apparently won't go far.

The second meaning is patting on the back in public: demonstrating one’s own freedom and not taking the relationship seriously. A guy uses patting in private - he gets angry and doesn't feel passion.

You should not make hasty conclusions and interpret the essence of the manifestations in the same way. There are exceptions to any option, and patting is associated with additional method show love and affection.

Another explanation: the young man is shy, not used to showing his personal life to others. He tries in every possible way to demonstrate that you are friends. Or he is very concerned about everyday problems, he does not have the slightest desire to show feelings and tenderness. There are many options available. Don't take the negative meaning of hugs personally!

To sum it up: the way you hug says something about your partner's manners and habits. First they need to be understood, sorted out, and then interpreted. When he hugs you, don't think about the meaning. Reciprocate.

Have you ever noticed how often your loved one hugs you? But hugs are great way to find out how a guy feels about you, let's try to figure out this riddle... You can determine without words how he feels about you the moment he touches your body.

The guy hugs you around the waist.

This type of hug may mean that the young man not only shows tender and warm feelings towards you, but also wants to get closer to you as much as possible. He expects not only kisses, but also sex. Therefore, when your thighs touch and are even pressed too close to each other, then this is an unconditional sign that the desire to spend a passionate night with you exceeds all others at the moment. And the lower his hands are at such moments, the stronger his attraction.

He snuck up from behind...

If a guy comes up from behind and hugs you, then this speaks of his great love and some hiddenness of his feelings. Until he decides to confess something very secret to you, because such hugs are like a question: will you allow yourself to be loved? Many couples like to warm up to each other in this way, so sometimes a hug from the back is just a way to give your partner warmth.

The guy’s shoulders, like a warm blanket, “wrap” your body, he presses you to him, thus creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. When a guy hugs his girlfriend from behind, it means that he wants to protect and protect her, as if he is taking her under his wing. He wants to seem like a strong and courageous man on whom his lady can rely. If your lover often hugs you from behind, then he dreams of always being with you and you can rely on him in a difficult situation. Therefore, try to show him how calm and reliable you are with him - because this is very important for him.

By the way, this type of hug may have another explanation - the guy wants your relationship with him to become even closer and more frank.

Massage while hugging.

If a guy, hugging you, lightly strokes your back, then this indicates his tender and sincere feelings for you. It’s as if he wants to assure you that as long as you’re around, everything will be fine. After all, the back, due to the fact that it is out of sight, is considered a vulnerable part of the body, so pleasant touches to the back bring great pleasure, especially if a loved one touches it.

And don’t be surprised if after some time, the guy moves from innocent touches to more overt ones. In this way, he expresses his attraction to you, strives to become closer to you, and most importantly, he does not want you to be afraid of anything.

Hug more often and love each other, and then you will probably become much happier.

The verbal expression of our emotions makes up only about 10% of the information communicated to the outside world.

We broadcast the remaining 90% through actions: body position, facial expressions, handshakes. And a man and a woman express their affection with hugs, touches and kisses.
Why do people hug? We melt with tenderness, or explode with anger, sometimes our cheeks burn when we are shy... All our inner emotions are reflected in our actions. And with hugs we express our favorable disposition towards the person and the fact that we are ready to protect him.

Body-oriented psychotherapy. Eat large section psychology under that name. Its founders and successors claim that most psychological and somatic problems can be solved if the brain is given the opportunity to express “its feelings” through body movement, because it “remembers everything”, recording our feelings, experiences, and negative life experiences. And by hugging each other, we, without even realizing it, provide protection to this person.

Hugs to relieve stress. When we hug each other (of course desired effect can only be achieved with people we like), at this time the human body produces endorphin - the hormone of happiness and oxytocin - the hormone of calm. After all, by hugging, we seem to say to a person: “you are not alone, I am with you.” Thus, we satisfy the basic need - the need for security. As a reaction to the manifestation of love, joy hormones are produced, which have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.

Hugs teach us to love. If a child is not hugged or caressed, he will lag behind in development, and may also have health problems. If his parents do not set an example for him, he will not learn to express his feelings. And this is a direct path to low self-esteem. So, by hugging, we learn to love! Psychologists say that if you hug a person who has fallen into depression, their level of cortisol (stress hormone) decreases, which means they are cured.

Why do women hug? They like to feel emotional closeness. In men, the level of sensations from hugs is almost lower than in the fair sex.

Types of male hugs and their meaning. You can find out how a man treats you and what he wants from your relationship by the nature of his hugs. For example, he hugs you, and at the same time tries to touch your forehead with his forehead, or tries to hug you from the back, etc. How can this behavior be interpreted?

Hand in hand. Instead of hugging you, he holds your hand in his for a long time, twirls the bracelet on your wrist, and, at the same time, looks dreamily into the distance. Observe where his gaze is directed, if to the left, this indicates that he is all in memories and they are clearly not about you; if to the right - he dreams. Maybe we should talk about this and dot all the i’s.

I will be your protection... says a man if he hugs you from behind. And if he wants to protect you, it means that he is definitely not indifferent to you. And if he does this only occasionally, most likely he is not interested in you; if he never hugs you at all, perhaps he considers himself unworthy of you, and is afraid of being rejected.

SOS sign. If he hugs you “face to face”, and his hands gently stroke your back, he is more likely to strive to take care of you. Perhaps at this moment he himself needs your protection, but he does not dare to say so. Look carefully at his face (whether upset, calm, or peaceful - you need to determine) and try to understand. The best thing to do is ask directly. Back rub good way energy transfer.

Applause in the hall. Sometimes a man, hugging a woman, pats her lightly on the back. These hugs don't last long. Most likely, this is a friendly gesture, and he undoubtedly likes you as a business partner.

What does the Kama Sutra say? An ancient treatise on touch says this: “Touching a girl’s body with a hand speaks of the first trembling caress. If a man puts his hand on a woman’s shoulder, which is closer to him, this is an approaching caress. If he puts his hand on the woman’s shoulder, which is further from him, this is already a declaration of love. If a man takes a woman by the hand above the elbow, he asks her to stay with him. If you lightly touch your hand, please be more friendly. If he puts his hand on the side of the woman that is farthest from him, then he wants intimacy...”

Sign language is an ancient science that is of great interest today. Having learned the language of hugs, you will understand the opposite sex without words.