The promised Beeline payment is 100 rubles. Additional services of Beeline. The essence of the Beeline “Trust payment” service

Each operator is ready to provide its regular customer with the opportunity to communicate even with a zero balance, and Beeline is no exception. If you forgot to replenish your balance on time, use the “Trust payment” service. Deferred, or as it is also called, a promised payment from Beeline allows you to receive a certain amount into your account within a few minutes after the request. Let's find out under what conditions and to which subscribers this service will be available.

Conditions for receiving a Trust payment on Beeline

The Trust Payment service allows you to instantly top up your balance with a loan in an amount that directly depends on your monthly communication costs. This Beeline service is activated for three days, during which it is necessary to deposit money into the account in an amount equal to the amount of the received payment with the operator’s commission.

There is no subscription fee for the option since the service is one-time, but as mentioned earlier, a fee may be charged for its use in cases where a large amount is borrowed. Thus, you can use the “Trust Payment” service on Beeline an unlimited number of times, and after the expiration of one payment and its payment, you can immediately connect a second one.

Beeline can only be used by subscribers of this operator with a number valid for at least two months. In addition, you must be an active subscriber - you must pay monthly for cellular communications, and the expense must be at least 50 rubles per month.

On most tariffs, the promised payment will be available if you have been using Beeline services for more than two months. If you are connected to one of the tariffs " Beeline World", then your cooperation with the company must exceed three months. For Beeline subscribers - six months.

Beeline promised payment amount

The amount you will receive in debt directly depends on your expenses for cellular communications, as well as on the service payment system in force on the tariff.

If your tariff is Beeline no monthly fee, or it exists, but is withdrawn from the account daily, The dependence of the amount of the promised payment on communication costs will look like this:

For users of those tariff plans where subscription fee is charged once at the end of the month, the amount of the trust payment can be equal to the size of the subscription fee, on which the company’s commission directly depends:

In this case, the promised payment will be available to those who have been subscribers to the Beeline network for at least three months and spend more than 200 rubles on communication monthly.

For Beeline customers connected to "All in one" tariffs more than 3 months, the allowable amount of “deferred payment” is equal to the subscription fee plus 1 ruble. The ratio of the amount of available credit and commission is presented in the image below:

"Trust payment" is available for activation and on modems. If your Internet expenses are from 50 to 70 rubles, you can request the promised payment in the amount of 30 rubles. If the costs exceed 70 rubles, the loan size can be 300 rubles or more, and the commission for it can be 20 rubles.

You can receive a trust payment from the Beeline cellular operator in roaming. In this case, the commission will remain the same, but the amount provided will be greater.

You can set a trust payment ban on your phone by contacting the Beeline support center at 0611 or going to the subscriber account on the company’s website.

To get started, send a short command *141*7# from your phone and find out the amount of credit available to you.

Next, all that remains is to borrow money. This is quite simple to do - you need to dial the short combination *141#. Your request will be instantly delivered to the operator, and the answer will come within a few seconds. Within 1-2 minutes the balance will be replenished with the amount available to you.

You can control the available balance on your balance in the “ ” application or by sending a request *102#.

The trust payment from Beeline will be active for the next three days, and during this time you must repay the debt or your number will go into the red and be blocked.

You can make the promised payment only to your number. If you do not want to borrow money, ask another Beeline subscriber to top up your account according to the recommendations in the article “”.

Not everyone replenishes their balance in a timely manner, and then the moment comes when the money in the account runs out, and it is imperative to be in touch. What to do, especially if it is not possible to top up your balance right now? Beeline offers a simple solution to the problem - “Promised payment”. This is one of two ways to borrow from an operator. How to take the promised payment on Beeline? This is very easy to do, in several ways - the operator really cares about its subscribers.

What is this “Trust Payment” service?

So, what is the “Trust payment” service from Beeline? This is an opportunity for the subscriber to top up the balance by borrowing a certain amount. The amount of payment depends on the average monthly communication costs for the last 3 months.

To order, you can send a USSD command:

Call the contact center at 8 800 700 06 11 (from a landline number or another operator), or go to your Personal Account.

The service is activated even with a minus balance. Its validity period is 3 days. During this time, the subscriber must top up his account with an amount that is at least slightly higher than the amount owed. Then the debt will be written off. If the balance is not topped up, 3 days after activating the service, the subscriber’s phone will be disconnected until the account is topped up. So, when ordering a service and choosing the amount, you need to clearly calculate your capabilities.

This service is available to all Beeline subscribers, except those who have been using their number for less than 60 days. This is understandable, because the operator must first study the subscriber’s capabilities, and only then lend him money.

There are some restrictions on tariff plans. So, if a subscriber uses the “Beeline World” or “Welcome” tariff plan, then trust payment services will be available to him, but the amount will not exceed 60 rubles.

How many times can I order services? The quantity is not limited, but at least 24 hours must pass after the payment of the previous trust payment.

Beeline trust payment is a paid service, the cost of its connection is 15 rubles, but the fee opens after the payment of the debt amount.

Features of the “Trust payment” service

There are many ways to replenish your account in debt, which will be discussed below. This is good, since some people find it convenient to pay for mobile services using commands or SMS, while others find it easier to do it online.

The main feature of the service is the amount that the subscriber can borrow. As mentioned above, it is determined by operators based on average monthly communication costs.

So, if a subscriber spends more than 3,000 rubles, and the balance on his account is up to 90 rubles, then he can top up in the amount of up to 450 rubles.

If the costs do not exceed 100 rubles, then the amount of the promised payment will not exceed 50 rubles, and the account balance must be at least 30 rubles.

A prerequisite is that the average monthly communication expenses must be at least 50 rubles.

Thus, the subscriber cannot choose the amount himself; this is done by the operator.

The same applies to roaming. For communication costs up to 450 rubles per month, the subscriber has access to an amount of 150 rubles. You can expect to receive 450 rubles if the costs range from 450 to 3000 rubles.

The service is also available for replenishing the modem balance. If expenses range from 5 to 70 rubles per month, the amount of the trust payment is 30 rubles; with expenses from 70 rubles, the loan amount increases to 300 rubles.

And you need to take into account that each connection will cost 15 rubles; we remind you that the service is not free. But it’s convenient and necessary if you can’t top up your account and need to call urgently.

You can manage the service both through commands and in your Beeline Personal Account.

Automatic promised payment

If you regularly forget to replenish your account on time, the Beeline Automatic Promised Payment service will be relevant. With its help, you get the opportunity to always be in touch, regardless of whether you have topped up your balance or not. It’s very simple: when the automatic promised payment is activated, funds are transferred to your account automatically after there are less than 50 rubles left on it. At the same time, you receive a notification about the transfer and a reminder about the terms of use of the service.

By the way, otherwise these conditions are the same - the loan is given for 3 days, after which the phone will be turned off if you do not deposit the required amount into the account in a timely manner. The amount that can be borrowed is calculated according to the same principle - based on your monthly communication costs.

What can be the amount in the “Promised payment” service?

It is worth taking a closer look at the size of the Promised Payment. For example, a Beeline subscriber wants to borrow 100 rubles, is this possible? Yes, if communication costs per month are more than 1000 rubles for the last three months. To make it easier to understand what amounts are available and in what cases, please study this table.

For home network

There are calculations for roaming, which will be discussed below.

We remind you that the subscriber cannot independently choose the amount; it is determined by the operator. These tables will help you navigate the amount available. To find out more specifically how much you can top up your balance at the moment, you need to send the USSD command *141*7# Call from your phone. After sending this command, a message with the available amount will be sent to your phone.

Is it possible to take the Promised payment while roaming?

Many Beeline subscribers go beyond their home network, but problems with replenishing their accounts remain abroad. Therefore, users are interested in whether it is possible to order a Promised Payment while roaming?

Yes, the service is available to those who are outside the home network. The conditions for its connection remain unchanged. To order the promised payment, you can send the command *141*#Call, call the contact center at 0611 or 8 800 700 06 11. Or activate the service in your Personal Account.

The difference in roaming conditions is in the amounts available for receipt. The difference is not too big, but it is there, as can be seen from the table below.

As can be seen from the table, the loan amount in roaming also depends on the average communication costs per month, but it is slightly higher than in the home network, which is explained by the higher cost of communication.

Forgot to deposit money into your account, but urgently need to use mobile services? Don’t know how to receive the promised (trust) payment on Beeline? We understand, it happened to us too. Now we’ll figure out how to quickly solve the problem and borrow from the operator, and we’ll also explain to whom such an opportunity is generally available.

The promised (trust) payment is an opportunity to use the money of the cellular operator for some time, paying for communication services and other options. The option is very similar to the similar “On Full Trust” service from MTS and the opportunity of the same name for Tele 2 and MegaFon subscribers.

How to connect

To activate the “Promised (trusted) payment” service, you can use one of the following methods:

  • dial SMS command;
  • log into your Personal Account on the operator’s website;
  • use the Beeline mobile application.

For activation of the “Promised (trusted) payment” service, the company takes a percentage: the greater the debt amount, the greater the commission. In principle, the option is similar to a bank loan. How to make the promised payment larger on Beeline? The answer is simple - spend a larger amount on communication services. But first things first.

Mobile app

How to receive the promised payment on Beeline for mobile device owners? For this:

1. Open the “My Beeline” mobile application - an analogue of the Personal Account for owners of smartphones and tablets.

For reference, you can download it from the PlayMarket and AppStore online stores. Authorization works on the same principle as in your Personal Account - enter your phone number as a login and receive a temporary password in an SMS message.

2. On the main page, click the “Details” button next to the balance image.

4. Here, under the account replenishment methods, alternative options are listed, and the OP we need is among them.

5. Open the section, here you can see the available amount, as well as other conditions - commission and validity period.

6. Click the yellow “Connect” button.

7. We wait for SMS notification that the money is in the account.

It’s not difficult to get an extra balance from Beeline; the operator credits money quickly and easily. But what if you still don’t have enough money to cover communication costs? Find out everything about it in our article.

To home internet

The services provided by the strip operator are not limited to mobile communications. Many subscribers use home Internet from Beeline, and they may also need a service such as a promised payment.

How to get a promise to such clients on Beeline? Again, using self-service services, in this case, through your personal account. For home Internet users, this service differs from the standard personal account; you need to log in to it using your account number.

  1. Log in to the service;
  2. Open the “Profile” section. The button to go is located in the top menu;
  3. On the left, under the balance information, there is a “Top up account” button. Click on it;
  4. After listing the possible replenishment methods, you will see a tedious section. The service is available only when the subscriber’s balance has crossed the minus threshold. The amount of the promised payment depends on the size of the subscription fee for the home Internet tariff.

Connection conditions

When a Beeline subscriber does not have money in his account, and there is no opportunity to replenish it, then the popular “Trust Payment” service will come to the rescue. This is an opportunity to borrow a certain amount of money from the operator, which must be returned within one week. If this is not done, the number will be blocked until the balance is replenished and the debt is fully repaid.

The subscriber cannot independently choose how much money he wants to borrow. The amount of the trust payment will depend on the amount of funds the user spends during the month. The more he pays, the larger the loan.

Mandatory conditions for connecting the “promised payment” option

The option is not available to all subscribers. The operator will not take risks and lend money to users in whom he is not entirely sure.

Features of connecting to the Beeline promised payment service:

  • Borrowed money can only be spent within three days, then it disappears from the balance;
  • You will be provided with finance on credit only if you have been a Beeline subscriber for at least two or three months (the choice depends on the tariff plan);
  • Every month the user must spend more than 50 rubles on repayment of communications;
  • The account balance must not exceed certain limits;
  • After the debt is fully repaid, the opportunity to take it out again will be available after 24 hours.

How to take a trust payment on Beeline

First you need to find out whether the operator will lend you money and how much. To do this, send a request: *141*7#. If the answer is yes, you should use one of the following methods:

  • Send a simple command *141#;
  • Activate the service using
  • Dial service number 0611 and listen to the autoinformer prompts.

The cost of connecting the option is 15 rubles. Money is withdrawn every time you use the option.

You can take the promised payment to Beeline both in Russia and abroad.

You can set a ban on connecting to this service by contacting the office of the mobile communications company or calling 0611. You will need to provide company employees with an identification document of the SIM card owner.

What will be the amount of the trust payment?

If a subscriber spends quite a lot of money on mobile communication services every month, then he will receive much more in debt than a thrifty user.

Approximate loan amounts when staying in the Russian Federation:

  • With monthly costs of 50-100 rubles. You can borrow 50 rubles, but the balance must be less than 30 rubles;
  • With communication costs from 100 to 1000 rubles. you will be credited 80 rubles, but there must be less than 60 rubles left in your account;
  • If a user spends from 1000 to 1500 rubles per month, then, accordingly, he can count on a loan of 100 rubles, and he still has less than 60 rubles on his balance;
  • The operator will lend 200 rubles to a subscriber who spends from 1500 to 3000 rubles. (there is less than 60 rubles left in the account);
  • Clients paying more than 3000 rub. monthly, have the right to receive 450 rubles, and there should be no more than 90 rubles in the account;
  • On tariffs and “Beeline World” the amount of the confidential payment is 60 rubles.

If the subscriber is abroad, he can count on other amounts:

  • For expenses less than 100 rubles, the user will receive 80 rubles. (balance - less than 30 rubles);
  • Subscribers who spend from 100 to 1000 rubles on services are given 150 rubles. (balance - less than 60 rubles);
  • If you have to pay from 1000 to 1500 rubles, then the operator will lend you 200 rubles. (balance – up to 150 rub.);
  • For expenses of more than 1,500 rubles, the loan will be 450 rubles. (the balance is less than 150 rubles).

What is Automatic Promised Payment?

Many users are interested in how to take the promised payment on Beeline without activating the option every time the money runs out. For this purpose, there is an “automatic trust payment” option. It will be activated automatically if the balance remains less than fifty rubles.

The service is activated using the command *141*11#.

You can disable automatic payment using the symbol combination *141*10#.

You can check the amount that the operator can borrow using the combination *141*9#.

A useful option, with which you can borrow funds for a short time, can be useful when traveling, both in Russia and abroad. It is especially important to connect it in places where there is no access to terminals and ATMs, for example, in a forest, in a village, in the mountains.

It's no secret that when the phone's balance runs out, most communication services become unavailable. To again be able to make calls, send SMS and use the Internet, you need to top up your account. At the moment, there are quite a few ways to replenish your balance, but it is not always possible to use them. For such situations, the Beeline company has a special offer, within which the subscriber can borrow a certain amount of money from the operator and continue to use communication services. To make this possible, you need to figure out how to take a trust payment on Beeline. There are several ways to do this.

You can activate the Beeline Trust Payment service in the following ways:

  • ;
  • Through ;
  • In the "My Beeline" application.

Before you take a trust payment on Beeline, you need to familiarize yourself with the features characteristic of this service.. The fact is that the “Trust payment” service provides for many nuances that every subscriber who decides to receive a loan from the operator should know about. As part of this article, we will provide a detailed overview of this service.

  • Important
  • To find out how much of the “Trust Payment” is available to you, dial *141*7#.

Features of the Beeline Trust Payment service

Many subscribers approach the issue of connecting various services of cellular operators irresponsibly, after which they are surprised by all sorts of unpleasant surprises. Any product from operators requires preliminary study and the “Trust Payment” service from Beeline is no exception. Of course, you can activate the service without going into details, but then you will not know how long it will take to repay the debt, what commission you will have to pay for such a service and for whom it is generally available. All these questions are important and you need to get answers to them before you take a trust payment on Beeline.

The “Trust payment” service is characterized by the following features:

  • The amount of the trust payment is determined individually for each subscriber and depends on the amount of communication expenses for the last 3 months (from 30 rubles to 500 rubles);
  • The validity period of the service is 3 days;
  • Trust payment is not available for subscribers who have been using Beeline services for less than two months;
  • The size of the commission depends on the amount of the payment (from 20 to 50 rubles), a trust payment in the amount of 30 rubles is free;
  • The service fee will be charged after 3 days or after the balance is replenished;
  • The service is not available to subscribers of the postpaid payment system;
  • It is impossible to receive within the framework of the promised payment.

These are the most important features of the Trust Payment service in our opinion. However, this service is also characterized by other services. You can get acquainted with all the nuances on the operator’s official website. You can also contact customer support. We talked about it in a separate article.

  • Important
  • The “Trust payment” service is not available to subscribers of the postpaid payment system.

Activation of the “Trust payment” service

At the beginning of the article, we already told you how to take a trust payment on Beeline. This can be done using a special USSD command or through the self-service system. Which option is more convenient is up to you to decide. Your personal account is convenient because it allows you to perform various operations via the Internet in a couple of clicks. Here you can not only take the promised payment, but also top up your balance, view your payment history, etc. The USSD command is convenient for those who for some reason do not use the self-service system. The command is also relevant when there are no funds on the balance and it is not possible to use your personal account. So, once again consider in more detail how to connect to the Beeline Trust Payment service.

You can take a trust payment on Beeline in the following ways:

  • Using USSD command * 141 # ;
  • Through your Beeline personal account;
  • In the "My Beeline" application.

Before connecting to the service, we recommend that you find out the amount of the promised payment available to you. This can be done directly in your personal account or using the command *141*7#. As for connecting the service through the self-service system, everything is extremely simple. For example, if you decide to use the “My Beeline” application, then go to the “Services” section, select “Trust payment” in the list and click “Connect”.

  • Important
  • You can set a ban on receiving a trust payment by calling the operator. Disabling the ban is possible only in the Beeline office.

An alternative to the “Trust payment” service

Perhaps everyone understands how to take a trust payment on Beeline. It is also worth noting that the operator provides the opportunity to activate the “Automatic Trust Payment” service. According to the terms of this service, if you have a balance of 50 rubles, you will automatically receive the promised payment. To activate the service, dial the command: *141*11#. The service can be deactivated using the command *141*10#. The service can be very useful, but it is not always relevant. The trust payment must be returned no later than three days later, however, not everyone has such an opportunity. For such cases, special services are provided that are available with a negative balance.