Complete removal of flash player. How to remove Adobe Flash Player without installing special programs

On this page we will figure out how to completely remove it from your computer so that you can then reinstall it. Such actions are necessary when the player starts to glitch or does not work. A successful reinstallation with complete removal and subsequent installation allows you to fix many problems. Let's start with the elementary method.

Reinstalling Flash Player Using Control Panel

First of all, we will look at how to reinstall the flash player and analyze the whole process step by step.

Uninstall each version of the flash player, first closing all running browsers. If you forget to do this, the program will warn you about it. When this process is completed, restart your computer and reinstall the flash player from the link below.

This method does not completely remove all program components. And if it doesn’t help, then move on to another method.

Remove Flash Player completely from your computer

To allow you to completely remove Flash Player from your computer, Adobe has developed an uninstallation program. You need to download a program called Uninstaller following link:

Close all browsers. Now download and carefully read what the removal wizard says. Once it is finished, you will need to delete some files.

Open File Explorer (My Computer) and open the folder

Delete all files in this folder.

Delete files from folders as well, but if there is no such folder, look at others.

  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\ Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player

The address can be copied and pasted into address bar.

Hello readers of the blog of the ComService company (Naberezhnye Chelny)!
Today we will figure out how to remove Adobe Flash Player. This can be done in two ways: remove the flash player as regular program in Windows and clean the remaining files or download from the site ADOBE utility For Adobe removal Flash Player, use it and also clean the files. Below we will consider both options.

Article structure

1. Uninstalling Adobe Flash Player using Windows

Left-click on Adobe Flash Player, highlighting it, and click the “Delete” button

The Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller will launch. Click the “DELETE” button

Click “DONE”

Removed in the same way Adobe version Flash Player for .

It remains a mystery to me why, when a program is correctly uninstalled according to all the rules and without failures, “spare parts” remain from the uninstalled program. Adobe Flash Player is no exception. “Spare parts” from it remain in the following folders:

  1. C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash

  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash

  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player

  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player

Copy the first address. Open and paste the copied path into the address field

We delete the contents of the opened folder.

In the same way we delete all files from other places.

Or find this page for example

Let's go down a little to section “1. Download the uninstaller for Flash Player" and click on the link uninstaller.

Run the downloaded file and remove Adobe Flash Player further as described in the first part of this article.


In this article, we figured out how to remove Adobe Flash Player from your computer. Now you can re-create it and there will be no problems. If you have problems with the installation, read

Probably everyone already knows what Flash Player is and what it is needed for, so I will skip the description of this program. Adobe Player Flash Player can sometimes crash and freeze, just like most other programs. Very often, completely removing the player and then installing a new version from the official website helps solve almost all problems with online video playback. In my article “” I wrote how to install new version player, now I want to tell you how to remove Adobe Flash Player in the easiest way.

We will remove Flash Player in two stages. First, you need to uninstall the program using the Windows Uninstall Programs utility. Naturally, go to the Start menu and open the control panel of our Windows.

Then click “Uninstall a program” in the control panel (if not found, then “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features”, depending on the version of Windows).

In the list of uninstall or change programs, find Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Adobe Flash Player Plugin. These are the ones we have to remove. Try to read the article to the end and remember what you read, since you will have to close all browsers during the removal process. Click on Adobe Flash Player Plugin with the left mouse button, then click the “Delete” button above the list. A window will open Flash removal Player, close all browsers and click “Delete” again.

Adobe Flash Player will be removed from your computer, but that's not all. You need to delete the remaining files from the old player. Go to “My Computer”, open drive (C:) -> Windows folder-> System32 -> Macromed -> Flash. Manually delete all files that exist here. Let me remind you, select the files and press the Shift+Del keys at the same time. Adobe Flash Player has now been permanently removed.

Adobe Flash Player is a special player that is required so that your browser installed on your computer can correctly display Flash content hosted on various sites. If you suddenly have problems using this plugin or you simply no longer need it, you will need to follow the procedure complete removal.

Surely you know that when deleting programs through standard menu“Remove programs”, remains in the system great amount files related to the program, which may subsequently cause conflicts in the operation of other programs installed on the computer. That is why below we will look at how you can completely remove Flash Player from your computer.

How to completely remove Flash Player from your computer?

IN in this case, if we want to remove Flash Player completely, then using standard using Windows we can’t do it, so to remove the plugin from the computer we will use the Revo Uninstaller program, which will not only remove the program from the computer, but also all the files, folders and registry entries that, as a rule, still remain on the system.

1. Launch Revo Uninstaller. Please pay Special attention that the operation of this program should be carried out exclusively in account administrator.

2. In the program window on the tab "Uninstaller" a list will be displayed installed programs, among which there is Adobe Flash Player (in our case there are two versions for different browsers– Opera and Mozilla Firefox). Click on Adobe Flash Player right click mouse and in the menu that appears, select "Delete" .

3. Before the program starts uninstalling Flash Player, it will create a point Windows recovery, which will allow you to roll back the system if, after completely removing Flash Player from your computer, you have problems with the system.

4. Once the point is successfully created, Revo Uninstaller will launch the built-in Flash Player uninstaller. Use it to complete the program removal procedure.

5. Once Flash Player removal is complete, return to the window Revo programs Uninstaller. Now the program will need to conduct a scan, which will check the system for the presence of remaining files. We recommend that you note "Moderate" or "Advanced" scan mode so that the program checks the system more thoroughly.

6. The program will begin the scanning procedure, which should not take much time. Once the scan is completed, the program will display the remaining registry entries on the screen.

Please note that in the program, highlight only those registry entries that are highlighted in bold. Anything that you doubt should not be deleted again, as it can disrupt the operation of the system.

Once you have selected all the keys that relate to Flash Player, click on the button "Delete" , and then select the button "Further" .

7. Next, the program will display the remaining files and folders on the computer. Click the button "Select all" , and then select "Delete" . To complete the procedure, click on the button "Ready" .

This completes the uninstallation using the Flash Player removal utility. Just in case, we recommend restarting your computer.

When this or that problem occurs, for example, if you cannot watch a video in a browser, or play online games on a computer, this is usually due to the fact that Adobe Flash Player, due to a system failure, or due to other circumstances, is not working wrong. If you have problems with video display or you can’t launch and play some online game, then it is often enough just to reinstall Adobe Flash Player, or update to latest version.

However, many users quite often encounter the fact that neither reinstallation, nor updating to the latest version or rolling back to the previous one solves the problem with playing videos, launching games, and so on. In such cases, Adobe, the program developer, recommends using special utility to completely remove this software product. The program (Uninstaller) for removing Flash Player is available for download from the official Adobe website or on this page using the “Download” link below.

To completely uninstall Adobe Flash Player from the operating room Windows systems“without tails”, you need not only to use the removal utility, but also to perform a number of actions yourself, which will subsequently make it possible with a high degree of probability to eliminate any existing problems associated with the flash player.

First, be sure to close all browsers you are running, as well as applications that may use Flash, in particular these may be various messengers, media players and other programs.

Then we run the utility to remove the flash player or, in other words, Uninstaller. After the setup wizard completes its work, you will still need to find and delete files and folders remaining after deletion. You can do this using Explorer operating system, or regular Windows tool– “Run” (can be called using the keyboard shortcut “Win” + “R”).

First, delete all files and folders here: C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash

Then, we also check for the presence and delete, if any, files and folders in the following paths:

  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
  • %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player
  • %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player

If you cannot delete a file or folder, simply restart your computer and try again. At this stage, the removal of Adobe Flash Player can be considered complete.

You can check the functionality of the flash player.

If everything was done correctly and the uninstallation was successful, you will see an empty gray rectangle, as in the screenshot below.

In case something went wrong and Flash Player is still working, you will see the following.

Restart your computer again and check again whether the flash player is working or not, the uninstallation should complete successfully.

This instruction describes the process of removing Adobe Flash Player from the Windows operating system; instructions for Mac OS can be found.

Download the utility for removing Flash Player (Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller).

note that Google browser Chrome already contains a built-in plugin (module) of Adobe Flash Player. Often there are problems with video playback in Chrome or other Chromium browser (SRWare Iron, CoolNovo, etc.) are due to the fact that the browser’s flash module and Flash version Player installed on the system conflict with each other. In this case, you can simply disable one of the modules by entering the following in your browser's address bar: chrome://plugins/.

This method is usually relevant and solves the problem with Adobe Flash Player, not only in Google Chrome, but also other chromium browsers.

Adobe Flash Player is a cross-platform module from Adobe for macOS. Adobe Flash Player is designed to display various media content in the browser...