Why doesn't MTS pick up today? What to do if the network is lost

Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) is one of the largest companies in the CIS, providing cellular and landline telephone services, mobile and broadband Internet, television, etc. The number of all subscribers is more than 1 million.

Why is there no MTS connection? Such a large company also experiences disruptions. In May, hundreds of service users systematically complain about the frequent lack of quality communication.

The most common failures occur in the operation of services:

  • mobile communications (more than 50%);
  • 2G and 3G Internet (approximately 30%);
  • other services requiring network access (about 20%).

What is the problem?

Most often, problems with MTS appear due to preventive maintenance to improve communication quality, or replacement of equipment. Other factors causing failures include:

  1. General network congestion.
  2. Subscriber location.
  3. Adverse weather conditions.
  4. Problems with your mobile device.

Solution algorithm

If the service is currently unavailable, then do not panic or throw away your SIM card. What about MTS communications today? You should try to determine the cause yourself, starting with research into internal problems in the mobile device.

If none are found, you need to wait a little - perhaps technical and preventative work is being carried out. This process usually takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour. If time has already passed and the connection has not appeared, you need to contact the operators and describe to them in detail the essence of the problem that has arisen.

Internal problems in the mobile device

The first thing you need to check is that the SIM card is installed correctly in the device. It may happen that as a result of a fall, the slot or card tray is displaced, and the phone is supposedly offline. If problems arise with MTS communication, you must contact the service center for the help of a qualified technician.

Some phones provide manual selection of network standards - GSM or WCDMA. Perhaps the mode has gone wrong and the network is configured for a different reception format. Check that the network format settings are correct and select the “Automatic” mode. It is likely that this is where the problem lies.

Another common cause of the problem is that the operating system settings on the phone have gone wrong. In this case, you need to install the factory configuration and restart the entire system.

Check the condition of the SIM card, it may be damaged or blocked. What to do in this case? If you find that it is not working, you should contact any local MTS service center, where employees will give you a new one, but keep the old number.

Subscriber location

Although MTS provides its subscribers with a wide coverage area, there is no network in some hard-to-reach areas outside its borders. These are called "blind spots". It should be remembered that the connection may periodically disappear on such objects as:

  • in a forest located far from populated areas;
  • in metro tunnels;
  • in underground buildings, cellars, basements;
  • in buildings with too thick walls;
  • on some trains or electric trains;
  • high in the mountains;
  • near devices that cause radio interference.

In order to be in touch again, you just need to change your location. In this case, all settings will be saved and the phone will connect to the network automatically.

Adverse weather conditions

Strong wind, rain, or snowfall - all these factors directly affect the quality of communication. Unfortunately, MTS will not be able to fix these problems until weather conditions stabilize, so you will have to wait.

If the equipment was not broken or damaged, the provision of services will begin as soon as possible as usual.

General network congestion

According to the terms of the contract, which each subscriber accepted before starting to use the SIM card, the mobile operator has the right to turn off access to 2G and 3G Internet for a while, or completely block the communication channel. This is done in order to maintain the integrity of the equipment during periods of network congestion.

The signal reception level on the phone display can be maximum, but neither the Internet, nor cellular communications, nor sending messages will work correctly. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to get through to the operator and explain the essence of the problem. As soon as the congestion level decreases, communication will become available again.

Preventative work

The company is constantly improving the services provided, so from time to time preventative maintenance or equipment replacement is carried out on the lines. MTS warns its users in advance about the start of this process via SMS messages and on the company website.

Don't forget that most network outages are temporary and can be quickly fixed. First of all, you need to check the operation of your phone; perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a faulty SIM card.

Remember that it should not be exposed to heat, liquids or mechanical damage.

If preventive work is carried out, it takes very little time - from 20 minutes to 1 hour and usually occurs at night. The mobile operator MTS is concerned about constantly improving the quality of its services in order to satisfy the wishes of its customers for high-quality and inexpensive communications.

It is difficult to explain why there is no MTS connection when you have no idea about the situation. There may be no connection for a variety of reasons, so no one will give you a definite answer (with the exception of a help center specialist). Many forums advise not to look for the answer to this question on the Internet, but to immediately contact MTS customer support. This advice is not without meaning, but what if there is no connection at all? In addition, connecting to a help center specialist sometimes takes a lot of time, so many people prefer to find ways to solve the problem on the Internet.

As part of this review, we will talk about the most common reasons for the lack of communication on MTS, and also tell you how to restore cellular communication. As for restoring communication, this is not always possible and much depends on the cause of problems with cellular communication.

Reasons for lack of MTS connection

Don’t know why there is no MTS connection? This problem annoys you so much that you are already thinking about it? Before resorting to such measures, you should figure out exactly why there is no cellular communication. It is possible that similar problems will not arise with another operator.

There may be no MTS connection for the following reasons:

  • Network congestion;
  • Engineering works;
  • Location;
  • Bad weather conditions;
  • Problems with the phone.

There may be no MTS connection for any of the above reasons. How to find out which one is relevant in your case? Each reason has its own characteristics, based on which you can understand why there is no MTS connection. Of course, not all causes are characterized by individual characteristics, but even in such cases a solution can be found.

The following information will help you determine the reason for the lack of network:

  1. Network congestion. If you have carefully read the contract for the provision of communication services, then you probably know about the existence of a clause according to which the operator can limit the speed of the Internet or even deprive the connection for some time, if the network is highly congested. If the network is congested, you will face problems not only when using the Internet, but also when sending messages or trying to make calls. It is difficult to determine this cause, because in this case there are no visible signs. The signal may be strong, but there will be no connection due to network congestion. At such moments it is especially difficult to get through to the operator, so you just have to be patient and wait. As a rule, such a problem quickly resolves on its own and there is nothing you can do here.
  2. Engineering works. This problem is in many ways similar to the previous one. It is also not possible to influence it. But, it will be easier for you to call the operator and find out why there is no MTS connection. The operator must notify the operator in advance of technical work, but for unknown reasons, not all subscribers receive the appropriate notifications. If you don’t want to wait for the operator’s response, try going to or on the operator’s official website - there will most likely be information about technical work and their duration.
  3. Location. Notice the signal indicator on your phone? If the signal is weak or absent at all, then you should not be surprised at the lack of communication. You yourself understand perfectly well how to solve this problem - you need to change the location. If you are unable to leave the area, for example, you live here, then you should consider purchasing a SIM card from another operator that has a stronger signal in your area.
  4. Bad weather conditions. Is there strong wind or rain outside? If the connection was lost precisely after the weather changed, then most likely this is the problem. How to solve this problem? Not at all, unless you can influence the weather.
  5. Problems with the phone. None of the above reasons suits you and you still don’t understand why there is no connection on MTS? The problem may be with your phone. First of all, check if the SIM card is installed correctly. In addition, the problem may be caused by a malfunction of the phone's operating system. In this case, it is enough to simply restart the phone or reset it to factory settings. A more serious problem is possible when the phone itself is faulty and needs repair. In this case, only a master will help you.

What to do if there is no MTS connection

The problem of lack of communication is not uncommon for all Russian operators, which is especially true for small settlements. MTS, like other cellular operators, regularly increases their coverage area and perhaps soon even the most remote corners of the country will not experience communication problems.

Unfortunately, this time has not yet come. So what to do if there is no MTS connection? As you already understand, a lot depends on the reason, and there are more than enough reasons. In most cases, you just need to wait and the connection will improve. If there is no connection for a long time, you need to call the operator or go to the nearest MTS office. It’s also a good idea to check if your phone is faulty.

Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) is one of the largest companies in the CIS, providing cellular and landline telephone services, mobile and broadband Internet, television, etc. The number of all subscribers is more than 1 million.

Why is there no MTS connection? Such a large company also experiences disruptions. In May, hundreds of service users systematically complain about the frequent lack of quality communication.

The most common failures occur in the operation of services:

  • mobile communications (more than 50%);

  • 2G and 3G Internet (approximately 30%);

  • other services requiring network access (about 20%).

What is the problem?

Most often, problems with MTS appear due to preventive maintenance to improve communication quality, or replacement of equipment. Other factors causing failures include:

  • General network congestion.

  • Subscriber location.

  • Adverse weather conditions.

  • Problems with your mobile device.
  • Solution algorithm

    If the service is currently unavailable, then do not panic or throw away your SIM card. What about MTS communications today? You should try to determine the cause yourself, starting with research into internal problems in the mobile device.

    If none are found, you need to wait a little - perhaps technical and preventative work is being carried out. This process usually takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour. If time has already passed and the connection has not appeared, you need to contact the operators and describe to them in detail the essence of the problem that has arisen.

    Internal problems in the mobile device

    The first thing you need to check is that the SIM card is installed correctly in the device. It may happen that as a result of a fall, the slot or card tray is displaced, and the phone is supposedly offline. If problems arise with MTS communication, you must contact the service center for the help of a qualified technician.

    Some phones provide manual selection of network standards - GSM or WCDMA. Perhaps the mode has gone wrong and the network is configured for a different reception format. Check that the network format settings are correct and select the “Automatic” mode. It is likely that this is where the problem lies.

    Another common cause of the problem is that the operating system settings on the phone have gone wrong. In this case, you need to install the factory configuration and restart the entire system.

    Check the condition of the SIM card, it may be damaged or blocked. What to do in this case? If you find that it is not working, you should contact any local MTS service center, where employees will give you a new one, but keep the old number.

    Subscriber location

    Although MTS provides its subscribers with a wide coverage area, there is no network in some hard-to-reach areas outside its borders. These are called "blind spots". It should be remembered that the connection may periodically disappear on such objects as:

    • in a forest located far from populated areas;

    • in metro tunnels;

    • in underground buildings, cellars, basements;

    • in buildings with too thick walls;

    • on some trains or electric trains;

    • high in the mountains;

    • near devices that cause radio interference.

    In order to be in touch again, you just need to change your location. In this case, all settings will be saved and the phone will connect to the network automatically.

    Adverse weather conditions

    Strong wind, rain, or snowfall - all these factors directly affect the quality of communication. Unfortunately, MTS will not be able to fix these problems until weather conditions stabilize, so you will have to wait.

    If the equipment was not broken or damaged, the provision of services will begin as soon as possible as usual.

    General network congestion

    According to the terms of the contract, which each subscriber accepted before starting to use the SIM card, the mobile operator has the right to turn off access to 2G and 3G Internet for a while, or completely block the communication channel. This is done in order to maintain the integrity of the equipment during periods of network congestion.

    The signal reception level on the phone display can be maximum, but neither the Internet, nor cellular communications, nor sending messages will work correctly. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to get through to the operator and explain the essence of the problem. As soon as the congestion level decreases, communication will become available again.

    Preventative work

    The company is constantly improving the services provided, so from time to time preventative maintenance or equipment replacement is carried out on the lines. MTS warns its users in advance about the start of this process via SMS messages and on the company website.

    Don't forget that most network outages are temporary and can be quickly fixed. First of all, you need to check the operation of your phone; perhaps the cause of the problem lies in a faulty SIM card.

    Remember that it should not be exposed to heat, liquids or mechanical damage.

    If preventive work is carried out, it takes very little time - from 20 minutes to 1 hour and usually occurs at night. The mobile operator MTS is concerned about constantly improving the quality of its services in order to satisfy the wishes of its customers for high-quality and inexpensive communications.

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    Find out details

    When the ability to freely access the Internet from MTS suddenly disappears, you need to find out as quickly as possible why it is not working and take urgent measures to restore traffic.

    Why does the Internet stop working on MTS?

    There are several reasons why 4G does not work on a computer. Most often, the reasons that the Internet does not work in the MTS network is a lack of funds on the personal balance to pay for traffic or the use of a prepaid traffic package.

    There are several ways to check this:

    • go to your personal account on the official MTS online website (of course, you must first register your account there);
    • open a mobile application called “My MTS” (you need to download it and install it on your own phone);
    • send a request from your smartphone by dialing *111*217# one by one (after that you can press call).

    If it turns out that mobile Internet access was blocked due to lack of money or exhausted traffic, then you just need to top up your own account.

    The MTS Connect modem device may not work due to the SIM card if it is not inserted properly. This problem often occurs among those who use a USB extension cable to find the best place where the modem will receive the signal. The optimal place, as a rule, is at a level of one to one and a half meters from the floor and closer to the window. And quite often the USB extension cable does not attach well to the modem. If you handle the modem carelessly, it can constantly fall to the floor and, as a result, the SIM card moves a couple of millimeters away from its original location. This cannot be seen immediately visually, since it is covered with a lid. In this case, the issue is resolved quite simply.

    If the Internet does not work on the MTS network, and there is almost a hurricane raging outside the window, gusts of wind are knocking over trees, breaking electrical wires, and in general the view from the window is alarming, then you should not be surprised that the modem will not work. Often, due to poor climatic conditions, the connection speed is reduced to almost 30-50 kb/s or even to zero.

    Another reason that the modem does not work in the MTS network is network overload. That is, if the network is extremely loaded, then the connection speed decreases. If there is an important holiday, the Internet may be overloaded. In this case, after some time, the network will recover itself.

    MTS does not work at all if technical work is ongoing. Communications technicians can perform repair work while users are trying to access the Internet. It is important to consider that for the modem to operate, it is necessary that the technical equipment on the communication tower is in good working order. And all equipment ever breaks down or needs diagnostics.

    Also, modem software (software) may not be installed on your computer or laptop. In order for the computer to “see” the modem, you must install the appropriate software on it. In new modem devices, the software is located directly on MTS Connect itself. But here, too, there are certain problems. As a rule, everything goes fine during the installation of modem software. But if you accidentally delete a program and then try to install it again, you may encounter specific problems. So, the modem may refuse to install the software again. This is explained by the fact that the creators of the program did not take everything into account when deleting the program. That is, after it is deleted, the corresponding entries are saved in the registry; the program is not completely deleted. To properly uninstall a program, you need to use a special program called Autoruns. In it you will need to uncheck “MTC Connect” and clean the registry using CCleaner or RegCleaner. And only after that it will be possible to install the modem software again.

    At the same time, you should install a new version of drivers for your modem - they can be found on the operator’s official website or using search engines. You should check the settings of your antivirus program or any program with Firewall options. If there is no antivirus program, then you need to install it and conduct a full scan of the computer.

    How to contact technical service

    In fact, sometimes technical reasons arise indicating that communications and the Internet are not working for the MTS mobile operator. In this case, if the 3G MTS standard does not work, then the automatic registration performed on the network has failed.

    Problems with the Internet could arise due to the fact that the user was outside for a certain time, in particular, going down to the basement or driving along a remote highway located somewhere outside the city. When returning to the user's network, the automatic registration of the smartphone could fail.

    This is evidenced by the fact that there is no network icon on the iPhone LTE screen. If you turn off your smartphone and then turn it on again, it is likely that the smartphone will register on the network, and its owner will again gain access to the global network. When, after turning on the smartphone again, the signal strength symbol observed on the network does not appear, then either the user has still not reached the coverage area or his smartphone has become faulty.

    Some MTS users sometimes need to find out why the Internet on their phone does not work.

    One of the reasons may be that the “Wi-Fi” function on Android or “Data transfer” is disabled. In this case, you need to check the settings of your own smartphone. It may be that the user accidentally disabled the options that are needed to access the Internet. For this

    • in the section called “Wireless networks” you should check whether Wi-Fi is connected (of course, if a Wi-Fi network is used to connect to the global network).
    • In the same section, you need to check whether there is a sign opposite the “Data transfer” option directly in the tab called “Mobile networks”. After connecting, the user can freely access the Internet.

    Sometimes, when you use a router, modem or smartphone, the Internet settings may go wrong. When everything is fine with the MTS network, it is possible that you need to delve into the settings to open access to the global network again. They simply could fly off for some reason or the user could accidentally delete them. Restoring Internet settings is not a very difficult task. To do this, you can follow these steps:

    • make a call to toll-free number 0876 and follow the voice menu prompts to order new settings sent to your smartphone;
    • send a blank message or a message directly with the word “Internet” to No. 1234.

    After the settings on the smartphone are updated, the Internet will be available again.

    If MTS home Internet is disconnected, you need to:

    • reboot the Wi-Fi router, probably the whole point is that it freezes;
    • if rebooting the device does not help, you can try connecting the cable directly to the computer;
    • check the balance of your own account in your personal account, and if there is not enough money in it, you can top it up using any available method.

    When technical problems arise, the question arises: where to call? Naturally, you should contact technical support. To do this, dial one of these numbers.

    • Technical support number 0890. After the autoinformer is listened to and the necessary keys are pressed, the caller will be connected to an MTS help desk consultant.
    • From a landline or cell phone - 8 800 250 0890 (the call is free). After dialing the number, you need to wait for the voice message, then press one and then zero. The connection is made quite quickly. You should explain your problem to the call center employee, and he will certainly find a way to help.
    • To contact the technical support service free of charge, you need to dial +7-495-76-601-66.

    If we talk about waiting on line, then it is advisable to call technical support in the 1st half of the day on weekdays, that is, before the lunch break. At this time, customers hardly need to wait more than two or three minutes. In the second half of the day, and even more so on weekends, the mobile network is quite overloaded.

    Many problems can be solved on your own if you log into your personal account using the official website or mobile application. This option is advantageous in that in this way the user saves, first of all, his own time and studies the working algorithm with the service, which helps to simplify the subsequent use of MTS services. In addition, there is online technical support in your personal account. Its consultants typically respond more quickly than telephone staff.

    Many people have had problems with the Internet since its inception. Especially when it comes to working with a mobile operator. This is perhaps a very common and unpleasant phenomenon. What to do in cases when MTS's Internet does not work? To be honest, there are a lot of options. And now we will try to sort everything out.

    Negative balance

    Let's start with the mobile Internet. It most often causes glitches and problems. So, you picked up the phone and noticed that MTS’s Internet does not work. What should be done in this situation?

    For example, for starters, check the balance of your phone. Our current operator has one rule - only subscribers who have a “plus” on their account can use the Internet. Even if you paid for the selected connection package a month in advance.

    Have you discovered that you have a negative balance? Just close the debt and wait until you receive a message about the number being unblocked. That's all. Now we know what to do if the Internet on your phone (MTS) does not work. But this is not the only scenario.

    Engineering works

    Also, failures in working with the World Wide Web among cellular operators can be observed during technical work and maintenance. It has not been customary to notify about these events for a long time. Only if the process takes a long time.

    Internet is not working on your phone (MTS)? Then call the service center hotline and then find out what’s wrong. Perhaps some kind of accident occurred, or technical work is actually being carried out. Is the answer yes? In this situation, all you need is patience. When all failures and work are completed, the performance of the Internet and communications in general will be restored.

    Bad signal

    True, not everything is always so bad. Quite often, if the mobile Internet (MTS, Beeline or any other cellular operator you have) does not work, the reason may be a bad signal. That is, you are far from the transmission tower. And because of this, there are malfunctions.

    In addition, the reason for this behavior can be a huge load on the network. Even if you are in the city center, where transmission lines give the maximum signal, the Internet may refuse to work. Or do it extremely slowly. Change your location and wait a bit. Until the load on the network subsides. Often it is enough to simply move away from the place where the MTS Internet does not work well.


    It is also worth noting that quite often the World Wide Web refuses to work due to the presence of viruses on the gadget. This applies to both phones and computers. In the second case, this phenomenon occurs more often.

    In order to get rid of the problem, you will have to scan the gadget, clean it of infections and spyware, and also reboot. After that, check if everything is ok. MTS Internet does not work? Take the phone to a service center. Or to the operator at the nearest office. Explain what you think about the phone becoming infected. Let them help you there. Often, in the case of smartphones and tablets, this is the wisest decision.

    If the problems concern the computer, then you should clean the operating system yourself. This is where an antivirus comes to the rescue. Scan your computer, find viruses, and disinfect dangerous files. Next, delete what remains. Now you can reboot and check if everything works. No? Then we continue to think further, what’s the matter.

    Drivers and settings

    In principle, we figured out the phone and tablet. If the Internet does not work for MTS on these gadgets, there is no need to panic. Just try all the above solutions one by one. But if we are talking about home Internet, then you will have to try. After all, the connection occurs through a computer.

    And therefore, quite often, users’ home Internet (MTS or any other operator) does not work due to a lack of drivers, as well as reset hardware settings. The situation can be corrected easily and simply by installing software for the modem. All settings will be set automatically.

    Where can I get drivers? Either from the official MTS website, or directly from the kit with the modem. A few minutes of waiting - and all problems are solved. Make sure the entire process runs smoothly. Otherwise, there will be no result from the drivers. In addition, to connect to the MTS Internet, you must have installed content called “MTS Connect”. Usually it is installed along with the drivers. If it is missing, find the program for your operating system on the official MTS website.

    Equipment issue

    Sometimes situations arise in which the World Wide Web refuses to work due to a modem malfunction. Or its incompatibility with the operating system. This has been a fairly common occurrence lately. This is especially true for users who have updated their computer to Windows 10.

    Are you having problems with your MTS connection? Internet does not work? Check that the modem is working properly. It is advisable to connect it to another computer with exactly the same operating system. Also, pay attention to the system requirements for establishing contact with your "machine". If they do not comply, one should not be surprised that the home Internet refuses to work. You can change the operating system and restart the connection attempt. If it turns out that the modem is faulty, it will have to be replaced.