Flip a photo in Microsoft Office Picture Manager

The social network Odnoklassniki is famous for the fact that it allows us to find people with whom we previously studied, worked, served, or were simply once friends. The huge audience of this social network. networks are exactly adults. Many of them are not good with computers. Especially for such people, I write short notes where I answer various questions. We recently looked at how possible as well.

Today I will answer the question of flipping photos in Odnoklassniki. Well, right off the bat. Possibilities flip photo in Odnoklassniki unfortunately not anymore. It is unknown why the developers removed this function.

What should I do then, you ask?

The answer is simple. Before uploading photos to a social network, you need to flip them in advance. Look, I have several pictures that I want to upload to Odnoklassniki. One of them looks like this:

To open it via standard Viewing Windows Photos.

And at the bottom of the toolbar, find the icon responsible for turning it 90 degrees. By clicking on this button we achieve the desired result.

It turned out great!!!

Now, when we close the photo, it will retain its appearance and can be uploaded to social media. net.

Well, what should you do if you need to rotate a photo in Odnoklassniki that has already been uploaded? It seems to me that you can only get by by reloading the images. That is, those that are deleted sideways, then aligned on the computer and uploaded again to the social network.

The social network Odnoklassniki is famous for the fact that it allows us to find people with whom we previously studied, worked, served, or were simply once friends. The huge audience of this social network. networks are exactly adults. Many of them are not good with computers. Especially for such people, I write short notes where I answer various questions. We recently looked at how possible as well.

Today I will answer the question of flipping photos in Odnoklassniki. Well, right off the bat. Possibilities flip photo in Odnoklassniki unfortunately not anymore. It is unknown why the developers removed this function.

What should I do then, you ask?

The answer is simple. Before uploading photos to a social network, you need to flip them in advance. Look, I have several pictures that I want to upload to Odnoklassniki. One of them looks like this:

To open it via standard Viewing Windows Photos.

And at the bottom of the toolbar, find the icon responsible for turning it 90 degrees. By clicking on this button we achieve the desired result.

It turned out great!!!

Now, when we close the photo, it will retain its appearance and can be uploaded to social media. net.

Well, what should you do if you need to rotate a photo in Odnoklassniki that has already been uploaded? It seems to me that you can only get by by reloading the images. That is, those that are deleted sideways, then aligned on the computer and uploaded again to the social network.

Uploaded photo

You can rotate a photo in Odnoklassniki when it has already been uploaded. Now let's figure out how to do this.

On the computer

If you need to flip the photo several times, then click on the “Rotate Photo” button next.

Let's try to flip a photo through the phone.

On the phone

As we can see, we will not be able to flip the photo using the phone. Odnoklassniki flips photos only through a computer, so if you need to do this, use a PC.

Photo before loading

Another way to flip photos is to flip them before they are uploaded to the Odnoklassniki website, that is, in special programs on the computer. Let's look at how to do this.

Rotate a photo in Paint

Rotate a photo in the Windows editor

In this step-by-step instructions, we described in detail and showed how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki. Now you know that this can be done both before uploading the photo to the Odnoklassniki social network, and after uploading it to the site. But don’t forget that your classmates only allow you to flip photos if you use a computer for this. It is not possible to flip a photo through the mobile application. Therefore, it is recommended to turn the photo over as needed in advance, and then post it in photo albums. Better yet, take pictures right away so that you don’t have to flip the photo later and waste extra time on it.

Sometimes photos taken appear to be turned on their side or completely upside down. This occurs due to the smartphone's sensors incorrectly determining the current orientation during shooting. Eliminating minor problems is very easy. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki using the built-in social network tool or standard Windows programs.

Expanding one that has already been uploaded to the profile owner’s album is not difficult. To do this, you will need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • Open a social networking site.
  • Find the photo you want to flip.
  • Open it full screen.
  • Under the image, on the right side, click on the “Rotate photo” link.
  • Click on the line until the image is in the correct position. The turn is performed 90 degrees to the right.

Mission accomplished. No additional saves are required. If the change was made with , then after closing it the changes will not be noticeable until the page is reloaded.

How to flip a photo before uploading to OK

In order not to worry about the appearance of the uploaded pictures during and after uploading, it is better to rotate them before uploading them to the network. You can accomplish your plans using standard Windows programs. There is no need to download third-party software.

Rotate an image in Paint

To rotate a picture in this program you need to:

  • Specify the save location and file name. To avoid making copies, you can replace the original.

Reference. You can quickly add images for editing by dragging a file from a folder onto the program window.

Rotate an image in the Windows editor

You need to do this:

Let's summarize. You can flip the picture using both standard social network tools and built-in operating system programs. In the first case, users will see an unedited image. When using programs, the image will be uploaded to the network immediately in the correct form.

The other day I had a desire to add a few photos to my Odnoklassniki page.

This came as a complete surprise to me, since I remember exactly that a year ago the Odnoklassniki editor allowed you to flip images, experiment with their color and apply various filters. Now, when Odnoklassniki does not have such an opportunity, the photo must be rotated in advance using special programs (graphics editors) or special features of the operating system - the Windows viewer.

Graphic editors that can be used to rotate photos.

1. Viewing Windows Photosthe easiest way to rotate a photo.
The Windows Photo Viewer program is part of Windows; just double-click on the photo icon with the left mouse button, and the main window will appear in front of us.

(Picture 1)

Rotate the photo using the “Rotate” button and click on the “Next Image” button to save the changes.
When closing the program, changes are also saved automatically.

This is what the photo looks like after rotation.

(Figure 2)
If the quality of the photo may deteriorate due to rotation, the viewer will warn you about this.

2. Adobe Photoshop– suitable for both experienced users and dummies. The program is multifunctional and requires certain knowledge and skills for professional work. But rotating a photo using Adobe Photoshop is easy. To do this, install the Russified version of the program on your computer.

Then open the desired photo in one of the possible ways:
— launch Adobe Photoshop, then select File/Open;
- Left-click on the photo icon to open the menu and find Open with Adobe Photoshop.

The interface of your version of the program may differ from mine, but our task is to rotate and save the photo, so we do the following:
In the top horizontal menu we find Image / Rotate canvas / by ... degrees.

Adobe Photoshop allows you to choose the compression level and thereby not overload the Odnoklassniki page with too large photographs. This can be seen in the pictures: in the first case, the photo size is 2.7 MB, in the second - only 500 KB.

3. XnView is another interesting graphic editor that allows you to perform many actions directly from the main window, including rotating photos. The program is free for personal use, multilingual (the language is selected automatically during installation), and takes up about 14 MB. Download it from the Internet, install it and launch it. The main window looks like this: on the left there is a vertical directory tree, at the top there is a horizontal menu, below which photo icons are displayed. If you left-click on an icon, the photo will appear in the center of the screen. Its size can be changed with the mouse wheel, and rotated using the red arrows in the upper left corner of the horizontal menu. By holding down the Ctrl or Shift keys, you can select and rotate multiple photos at once.
You can save the image using the button on the top horizontal panel “File Operations” (folder with an arrow) or the hotkey combination Alt+C.

As you can see, there are many ways to rotate a photo in Odnoklassniki. All you have to do is choose the one you like best.