Redirect output to a file. I/O redirection

You're already familiar with two methods for working with the output of command line scripts:

  • Displaying the output data on the screen.
  • Redirect output to a file.
Sometimes you need to show something on the screen and write something to a file, so you need to understand how Linux handles input and output, which means learning how to send the results of scripts to where you need them. Let's start by talking about standard file descriptors.

Standard file descriptors

Everything in Linux is files, including input and output. The operating system identifies files using file descriptors.

Each process is allowed to have up to nine open file handles. The bash shell reserves the first three handles with IDs 0, 1, and 2. Here's what they mean.

  • 0 , STDIN - standard input stream.
  • 1, STDOUT - standard output stream.
  • 2, STDERR - standard error stream.
These three special handles handle input and output to the script.
You need to really understand standard streams. They can be compared to the foundation on which the interaction of scripts with the outside world is built. Let's look at the details about them.


STDIN is the shell's standard input stream. For a terminal, standard input is the keyboard. When scripts use the input redirection character -< , Linux заменяет дескриптор файла стандартного ввода на тот, который указан в команде. Система читает файл и обрабатывает данные так, будто они введены с клавиатуры.

Many bash commands accept input from STDIN unless the command line specifies a file from which to take the data. For example, this is true for the cat command.

When you enter the cat command at the command line without specifying any parameters, it accepts input from STDIN. After you enter the next line, cat simply displays it on the screen.


STDOUT is the shell's standard output stream. By default this is the screen. Most bash commands output data to STDOUT, which causes it to appear in the console. Data can be redirected to a file by appending it to its contents using the >> command.

So we have a data file to which we can add more data using this command:

Pwd >> myfile
What pwd outputs will be added to the myfile file, but the data already in it will not go anywhere.

Redirecting command output to a file

So far so good, but what if you try to do something like the following by accessing a non-existent xfile, all designed to cause an error message to be sent to myfile.

Ls –l xfile > myfile
After executing this command, we will see error messages on the screen.

Attempting to access a non-existent file

An error is generated when attempting to access a non-existent file, but the shell did not redirect error messages to the file by printing them to the screen. But we wanted error messages to go into the file. What to do? The answer is simple - use the third standard descriptor.


STDERR is the shell's standard error stream. By default, this handle points to the same thing that STDOUT points to, which is why we see a message on the screen when an error occurs.

So, let's say we want to redirect error messages to, say, a log file or somewhere else, instead of printing them to the screen.

▍Redirect error flow

As you already know, the file handle STDERR is 2. We can redirect errors by placing this handle before the redirect command:

Ls -l xfile 2>myfile cat ./myfile
The error message will now go to myfile.

Redirecting an error message to a file

▍Redirect error and output streams

When writing command line scripts, there may be situations where you need to redirect both error messages and standard output. In order to achieve this, you need to use redirection commands for the appropriate descriptors, specifying the files where errors and standard output should go:

Ls –l myfile xfile anotherfile 2> errorcontent 1> correctcontent

Redirecting errors and standard output

The shell will redirect what the ls command would normally send to STDOUT into the correctcontent file thanks to the 1> construct. Error messages that would go to STDERR end up in the errorcontent file due to the 2> redirect command.

If necessary, both STDERR and STDOUT can be redirected to the same file using the &> command:

Redirecting STDERR and STDOUT to the same file

After the command is executed, what is intended for STDERR and STDOUT ends up in the content file.

Redirecting output in scripts

There are two methods for redirecting output in command line scripts:
  • Temporary redirection, or single line output redirection.
  • Permanent redirection, or redirection of all or part of a script's output.

▍Temporary output redirection

In a script, you can redirect the output of a single line to STDERR. In order to do this, just use the redirection command, specifying the STDERR descriptor, and precede the descriptor number with an ampersand character (&):

#!/bin/bash echo "This is an error" >&2 echo "This is normal output"
If you run the script, both lines will appear on the screen, since, as you already know, by default errors are output in the same place as normal data.

Temporary redirection

Let's run the script so that the STDERR output goes to a file.

./myscript 2> myfile
As you can see, now normal output is sent to the console, and error messages go to a file.

Error messages are written to a file

▍Permanent output redirection

If your script needs to redirect a lot of output to the screen, it is inconvenient to add the appropriate command to each echo call. Instead, you can set the output to be redirected to a specific handle for the duration of the script using the exec command:

#!/bin/bash exec 1>outfile echo "This is a test of redirecting all output" echo "from a shell script to another file." echo "without having to redirect every line"
Let's run the script.

Redirecting all output to a file

If you look at the file specified in the output redirection command, you will find that everything that was output by the echo commands ended up in that file.

The exec command can be used not only at the beginning of the script, but also in other places:

#!/bin/bash exec 2>myerror echo "This is the start of the script" echo "now redirecting all output to another location" exec 1>myfile echo "This should go to the myfile file" echo "and this should go to the myerror file" >&2
This is what you get after running the script and looking at the files to which we redirected the output.

Redirecting output to different files

The exec command first redirects output from STDERR to the file myerror . The output of several echo commands is then sent to STDOUT and printed to the screen. The exec command then causes whatever ends up in STDOUT to be sent to the file myfile , and finally we use the redirect command to STDERR in the echo command, which causes the corresponding line to be written to the file myerror.

Once you've mastered this, you'll be able to redirect output where you want it to go. Now let's talk about input redirection.

Redirecting input in scripts

To redirect input, you can use the same technique that we used to redirect output. For example, the exec command allows you to make a file the source of data for STDIN:

Exec 0< myfile
This command tells the shell that the input source should be myfile rather than the normal STDIN. Let's see input redirection in action:

#!/bin/bash exec 0< testfile count=1 while read line do echo "Line #$count: $line" count=$(($count + 1)) done
This is what will appear on the screen after running the script.

Input redirection

In an earlier article, you learned how to use the read command to read user input from the keyboard. If you redirect input by making the data source a file, then the read command, when trying to read data from STDIN, will read it from the file, and not from the keyboard.

Some Linux administrators use this approach to read and then process log files.

Creating your own output redirection

By redirecting input and output in scripts, you are not limited to the three standard file descriptors. As mentioned, you can have up to nine open handles. The remaining six, numbered 3 through 8, can be used to redirect input or output. Any of them can be assigned to a file and used in script code.

You can assign a handle to output data using the exec command:

#!/bin/bash exec 3>myfile echo "This should display on the screen" echo "and this should be stored in the file" >&3 echo "And this should be back on the screen"
After running the script, part of the output will appear on the screen, part - in a file with descriptor 3.

Redirecting output using its own handle

Creating File Descriptors for Data Entry

You can redirect input in a script in the same way as you redirect output. Store STDIN in another handle before redirecting input.

After finishing reading the file, you can restore STDIN and use it as usual:

#!/bin/bash exec 6<&0 exec 0< myfile count=1 while read line do echo "Line #$count: $line" count=$(($count + 1)) done exec 0<&6 read -p "Are you done now? " answer case $answer in y) echo "Goodbye";; n) echo "Sorry, this is the end.";; esac
Let's try out the scenario.

Input redirection

In this example, file descriptor 6 was used to store a reference to STDIN. Then input redirection was done, the file became the data source for STDIN. The input to the read command then came from the redirected STDIN, that is, from the file.

After reading the file, we reset STDIN by redirecting it to handle 6. Now, in order to check that everything is working correctly, the script asks the user a question, waits for keyboard input, and processes what is entered.

Closing file handles

The shell automatically closes file handles after the script completes. However, in some cases it is necessary to close handles manually before the script finishes running. In order to close a handle, it must be redirected to &- . It looks like this:

#!/bin/bash exec 3> myfile echo "This is a test line of data" >&3 exec 3>&- echo "This won't work" >&3
After executing the script, we will receive an error message.

Attempting to access a closed file descriptor

The thing is that we tried to access a non-existent descriptor.

Be careful when closing file handles in scripts. If you sent data to a file, then closed the handle, then opened it again, the shell will replace the existing file with a new one. That is, everything that was previously written to this file will be lost.

Getting information about open handles

To get a list of all handles open in Linux, you can use the lsof command. On many distributions, such as Fedora, the lsof utility is located in /usr/sbin. This command is quite useful because it displays information about each handle that is open on the system. This includes what is opened by processes running in the background and what is opened by logged-in users.

This command has many keys, let's look at the most important ones.

  • -p Allows you to specify the process ID.
  • -d Allows you to specify the number of the descriptor about which you want to obtain information.
In order to find out the PID of the current process, you can use a special environment variable $$, into which the shell writes the current PID.

The -a switch is used to perform a logical AND operation on the results returned by using the other two switches:

Lsof -a -p $$ -d 0,1,2

Displaying information about open handles

The type of files associated with STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR is CHR (character mode). Since they all point to a terminal, the file name matches the name of the device assigned to the terminal. All three standard files are both readable and writable.

Let's look at calling the lsof command from a script in which, in addition to the standard ones, other descriptors are open:

#!/bin/bash exec 3> myfile1 exec 6> myfile2 exec 7< myfile3 lsof -a -p $$ -d 0,1,2,3,6,7
This is what happens if you run this script.

View file handles opened by a script

The script opened two handles for output (3 and 6) and one for input (7). The paths to the files used to configure the descriptors are also shown.

Output Suppression

Sometimes you need to make sure that commands in a script, which, for example, can be executed as a background process, do not display anything on the screen. To do this, you can redirect the output to /dev/null . This is something like a “black hole”.

Here's an example of how to suppress error messages:

Ls -al badfile anotherfile 2> /dev/null
The same approach is used if, for example, you need to clear a file without deleting it:

Cat /dev/null > myfile


Today you learned about how input and output work in command line scripts. Now you know how to handle file descriptors, create, view and close them, and know about redirecting input, output and error streams. All this is very important in the development of bash scripts.

Next time we'll talk about Linux signals, how to handle them in scripts, running scheduled jobs, and background tasks.

Dear readers! This material provides the basics of working with input, output, and error streams. We are sure that among you there are professionals who can tell you about all this what only comes with experience. If so, we pass the floor to you.

To write data to file or read them from there, the process must first open this file (if opened for writing, it may have to first create it). In this case, the process receives descriptor(descriptor) of an open file is a number unique to this process, which it will use in all write operations. The first file opened will receive a descriptor, the second will receive a 1, and so on. Having finished working with the file, the process closes it, and the handle is freed and can be reused. If a process terminates without closing the files, the system does this for it. Strictly speaking, only the open descriptor operation specifies which file will be used. Both regular files and hole files (most often terminals), and channels, described in the Pipeline..Pipeline section. Further operations - reading, writing and closing, work with the handle as with data flow, and where exactly this flow leads does not matter.

Each Linux process receives at startup three"file" opened for it by the system. The first one (handle) is open at reading, This standard input process. It is standard input that all read operations work on unless they specify a file descriptor. The second (descriptor 1) is open for writing, this standard output process. All write operations work with it unless a file descriptor is explicitly specified in them. Finally, the third data stream (descriptor 2) is intended to output diagnostic messages, it is called standard error output. Since these three handles are already open when the process starts, the first file opened by the process itself will most likely have handle 3.

Handle A handle to the data stream opened by the process. Descriptors are numbered starting from. When a new data stream is opened, its descriptor is assigned the lowest number that is not currently in use. Three pre-opened handles: standard input (), standard output(1) and standard error output(2) issued to the process at startup.

Copy mechanism environment, described in the lecture, implies, among other things, copying all open handles of the parent process to the child. As a result, both parent and child processes have the same data streams under the same handles. When it starts starting command interpreter, all three pre-opened descriptors are associated with terminal(more precisely, with a corresponding tty-type hole file): the user enters commands from the keyboard and sees messages on the screen. Therefore, any command run from the shell will output to the same terminal, and any command run interactively(not in the background) - enter from there.

Standard output

Methodius has already encountered the fact that some programs can output not only to the terminal, but also to a file, for example, info when specifying parametric key" -o " followed by a file name will output the manual text to a file instead of displaying it on the monitor. Even if the program developers do not provide such a key, Methodius knows another way to save the program output in a file instead of displaying it on the monitor: put a “>” sign and indicate the file name after it. Thus, Methodius already created short text files (scripts) using the cat utility (see lecture Process access to files and directories).

$ cat > textfile This is an example file.

^D $ ls -l textfile -rw-r--r-- 1 methody methody 23 Nov 15 16:06 textfile Example 2

. Redirecting standard output to a file The use of the “>” symbol, of course, did not expand the capabilities of the cat utility itself. Moreover, cat in this example did not receive from no parameters: no “>” sign, no subsequent file name. In this case, cat worked as usual, without knowing (and not even being interested!) where the output data would end up: on the monitor screen, in a file, or somewhere else. Instead of ensuring that the output itself reaches the final destination (be it a person or a file), cat sends all data to standard output(abbreviated as stdout).

Replacing standard output is a task for the shell. In this example, the shell creates an empty file whose name is specified after the ">" sign, and a handle to this file is passed to the cat program as number 1 ( standard output). This is done very simply. In the lecture Process Access to Files and Directories, we talked about how commands are run from the shell. In particular, after executing fork(), two identical processes appear, one of which - the child - must run the command instead of itself (execute exec()). So, before that he closes standard output (handle 1 is freed) and opens file (linked to first a free descriptor, i.e. 1), and the command being launched does not need to know anything: its standard output has already been replaced. This operation is called redirection standard output. If the file already exists, the shell will write it again, completely destroying everything it contained before. Therefore, Methodius, in order to continue writing data to the textfile, will need another operation - “>>”.

$ cat >> textfile Example 1. ^D $ cat textfile This is an example file.

Example 1. $ Example 3

. Non-destructive redirection of standard output

Methodius got exactly the result he needed: he added data from the standard output of the next command to the end of an already existing file.

Standard output A data stream opened by the system for each process when it starts, and intended for data output by the process.

Standard input standard input Similarly, to transfer data to the input of the program, you can use< » служит для перенаправления содержимого файла на стандартный ввод программе. Например, если вызвать утилиту sort без параметра, она будет читать строки со стандартного ввода. Команда « sort < имя_файла(abbreviated as stdin). When working with the command line, standard input is the characters entered by the user from the keyboard. Standard input can be redirected using the command shell by feeding it data from a file. Symbol "

» will feed sort data from the file as input.< textfile Пример 1. Это файл для примеров. $

$sort Example 4

. Redirecting standard input from a file< », sort получает данные со стандартного ввода, ничего не зная о файле « textfile », откуда они поступают. Механизм работы shell в данном случае тот же, что и при перенаправлении вывода: shell читает данные из файла « textfile », запускает утилиту sort и передаёт ей на стандартный ввод содержимое файла.

The effect of this command is exactly the same as the sort textfile command, the difference is that when " It is worth remembering that the operation ">": It always creates a file of zero length. Therefore, for, say, sorting data in file sort must be applied sequentially < файл >new_file and mv new_file file. View command team< файл >same_file will simply cut it down to zero length!

Standard input A data stream opened by the system for each process at the time it starts, and intended for data entry.

Standard Error Output

As a first example and redirection exercise, Methodius decided to write a guide to cat in his file:

$ info cat > info: Write node ( invocation... info: Completed. $ head -1 File:, Node: cat invocation, Next: tac invocation, Up: Output of entire files $

Example 5. Standard error output

The surprised Methodius discovered that, despite his instructions to go to a file, two lines output by the info command still made it to the terminal. Obviously, these lines did not make it to standard output because they do not directly relate to the manual that the program should output, they inform the user about the progress of the work: writing the manual to a file. For this kind diagnostic messages, as well as for error messages that occurred during program execution, Linux provides standard error output(abbreviated as stderr).

Standard Error Output The data stream that the system opens for each process when it starts, and is intended to diagnostic messages, output by the process.

Using standard error output along with standard output allows you to separate the actual output of the program from various accompanying information, for example, by directing them to different files. Standard error output can be redirected in the same way as standard I/O by using the character combination "2".

$ info cat > 2> cat.stderr $ cat cat.stderr info: Write node ( invocation... info: Completed. $

Example 6. Redirect standard error output

This time nothing got to the terminal, the standard output went to the file, the standard error output went to cat.stderr. Instead of “>” and “2”, Methodius could have written “1>” and “2>”. The numbers in this case indicate descriptor numbers openable files. If some utility expects to receive open a descriptor with a number, say, 4, then to launch it Necessarily you will need to use the combination “4>”.

Sometimes, however, you want to combine standard output and standard error output into a single file rather than separate them. The bash shell has a special sequence for this, “2>&1”. This means "direct standard error output to the same place as standard output":

$ info cat > 2>&1 $ head -3 info: Write node ( invocation... info: Completed.

File:, Node: cat invocation, Next: tac invocation, Up: Output of entire files $ Example 7

. Combining standard output and standard error output In this example, the order of redirections is important: on the command line, Methodius first indicated where to redirect the standard output (“>”) and only then ordered the standard error output to be redirected there. If he had done it the other way around (“2>&1 >”), the result would have been unexpected: only standard output would have gone into the file, and diagnostic messages would have appeared on the terminal. However, the logic here is ironclad: at the time the operation “2>&1” was executed, the standard output was associated with the terminal, which means after When executed, the standard error output will also be associated with the terminal. And subsequent redirection of standard output to a file, of course, will not affect the standard error output in any way. The number in the construction “&number” is the number open

descriptor. If the above utility that writes to the fourth descriptor were written in shell, it would use redirections like " >&4 ". To avoid typing the cumbersome construction “> file 2>&1”, bash uses abbreviations: “ &> file” or, which is the same, “ >& file”.

Redirect to nowhere Sometimes it is known that some data output by the program will not be needed. For example, warnings from standard error output. In this case, you can redirect standard error output to file-hole , specifically designed for data destruction - /dev/null . Anything written to this file will simply be thrown away and.

won't be saved anywhere

$ info cat > 2 > /dev/null $ Example 8

. Redirect to /dev/null

One of the most interesting and useful topics for system administrators and new users who are just starting to understand how to work with the terminal is Linux I/O stream redirection. This terminal feature allows you to redirect the output of commands to a file, or the contents of a file to command input, to combine commands together, and to form command pipelines.

In this article, we will look at how I/O stream redirection is performed in Linux, what operators are used for this, and where all this can be used.

All the commands we execute return us three types of data:

  • The result of the command, usually text data requested by the user;
  • Error messages - inform about the process of command execution and unexpected circumstances that have arisen;
  • The return code is a number that allows you to evaluate whether the program worked correctly.

In Linux, all substances are considered files, including linux input/output streams - files. Each distribution has three main stream files that programs can use, these are defined by the shell and identified by their file descriptor number:

  • STDIN or 0- this file is associated with the keyboard and most commands receive data to work from here;
  • STDOUT or 1- this is the standard output; the program sends all the results of its work here. It is associated with the screen, or to be more precise, with the terminal in which the program is running;
  • STDERR or 2- all error messages are output to this file.

I/O redirection allows you to replace one of these files with your own. For example, you can force a program to read data from a file on the file system rather than the keyboard, you can also print errors to a file rather than to the screen, etc. All this is done using symbols "<" And ">" .

Redirect output to file

Everything is very simple. You can redirect output to a file using the > symbol. For example, let's save the output of the top command:

top -bn 5 > top.log

The -b option causes the program to run in non-interactive batch mode, and n - repeats the operation five times to obtain information about all processes. Now let's see what happened with cat:

Symbol ">" overwrites information from a file if there is already something there. To append data to the end use ">>" . For example, redirect output to a linux file for top:

top -bn 5 >> top.log

By default, the standard output file descriptor is used for redirection. But you can specify this explicitly. This command will give the same result:

top -bn 5 1>top.log

Redirect errors to file

To redirect error output to a file, you need to explicitly specify the file descriptor you are going to redirect. For errors, this is number 2. For example, when trying to gain access to the superuser directory, ls will throw an error:

You can redirect standard error to a file like this:

ls -l /root/ 2> ls-error.log
$ cat ls-error.log

To append data to the end of the file, use the same symbol:

ls -l /root/ 2>>ls-error.log

Redirect standard output and errors to file

You can also redirect all output, errors, and standard output to a single file. There are two ways to do this. The first, older one, is to pass both handles:

ls -l /root/ >ls-error.log 2>&1

First, the output of the ls command will be sent to the ls-error.log file using the first redirection character. Then all errors will be sent to the same file. The second method is simpler:

ls -l /root/ &> ls-error.log

You can also use appending instead of rewriting:

ls -l /root/ &>> ls-error.log

Standard input from file

Most programs, except services, receive data for their work through standard input. By default, standard input expects input from the keyboard. But you can force the program to read data from a file using the operator "<" :


You can also immediately redirect the output to a file too. For example, let's re-sort the list:

sort sort.output

Thus, we redirect input/output to linux in one command.

Use of tunnels

You can work not only with files, but also redirect the output of one command as the input of another. This is very useful for performing complex operations. For example, let's display five recently modified files:

ls -lt | head -n 5

With the xargs utility, you can combine commands so that standard input is passed as parameters. For example, let's copy one file to several folders:

echo test/tmp/ | xargs -n 1 cp -v

Here the -n 1 option specifies that only one parameter should be supplied per command, and the -v option to cp allows detailed information about movements to be printed. Another useful command in such cases is tee. It reads data from standard input and writes to standard output or files. For example:

echo "Tee operation test" | tee file1

In combination with other commands, these can be used to create complex multi-command instructions.


In this article, we covered the basics of Linux I/O stream redirection. Now you know how to redirect output to a linux file or output from a file. It's very simple and convenient. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Command redirection operators are used to change the default locations of command input and output streams to some other location. The location of the input and output streams is called a handle.

The following table describes command input and output redirection operators.

Redirection operatorDescription
> Writes the output of a command instead of the command line to a file or device such as a printer.
< Reads the command input stream from a file rather than from the keyboard.
>> Appends the command output to the end of the file without removing existing information from the file.
>& Reads the output of one descriptor as input to another descriptor.
<& Reads the input of one handle as the output of another handle.
| Reads the output of one command and writes it to the input of another command. This procedure is known as channeling.

By default, the command input (STDIN handle) is sent from the keyboard to the command interpreter Cmd.exe, then Cmd.exe sends the command output (STDOUT handle) to the command prompt window.

The following table shows the available descriptors.

Numbers 0 to 9 represent the first 10 descriptors. The Cmd.exe command interpreter is used to run the program and redirect any of the 10 handles. To specify the required handle, enter its number before the redirection operator. If the handle is not defined, then by default the input redirection operator "<» будет ноль (0), а оператором перенаправления вывода «>" will be one (1). After entering the operator "<» или «>"It is necessary to indicate where to read and where to write data. You can specify the file name or any of the existing descriptors.

To specify redirection to existing handles, use an ampersand (&) followed by the number of the desired handle (for example, & handle_number). For example, to redirect handle 2 (STDERR) to handle 1 (STDOUT), enter:

Duplicate descriptors

The redirection operator "&" duplicates output or input from one specified handle to another specified handle. For example, to send the output of the dir command to File.txt and send the error output to File.txt, type:

dir>c:\file.txt 2>&1

When duplicating a descriptor, all its original characteristics are copied.

For example, if a handle is write-only, then all its duplicates will be write-only. You cannot duplicate a read-only handle into a write-only handle.<)

Command input redirection (<». Например, для ввода команды sort из файла List.txt введите:

To redirect numeric keypad input to a file or device, use the "


The contents of File.txt will appear on the command line as a list in alphabetical order.<» открывает заданное имя файла с доступом только для чтения. Поэтому с его помощью нельзя записывать в файл. Например, при запуске программы с оператором <&2 все попытки прочитать дескриптор 0 ни к чему не приведут, так как изначально он был открыт с доступом только для записи.

Operator "

  • Note<».

Handle 0 is the default for the input redirection operator "

Redirect command output (>)

The output of almost all commands is displayed in the command prompt window. Even commands that output data to disk or a printer produce messages and prompts in the Command Prompt window.

To redirect the output of commands from the Command Prompt window to a file or device, use the ">" operator. This operator is used with most commands. For example, to redirect the output of the dir command to the file Dirlist.txt, enter:

dir>dirlist.txt If the Dirlist.txt file does not exist, the Cmd.exe command interpreter will create it. If the file exists, Cmd.exe will replace the information in the file with the data received from the command.

dir To run the command netsh routing dump

and then sending the results of its work to Route.cfg, enter:

netsh routing dump > c:\route.cfg<&0 все попытки записать дескриптор 1 ни к чему не приведут, так как изначально дескриптор 0 был открыт с доступом только для чтения.

The ">" operator opens the specified file with write-only access. Therefore, the file cannot be read using this operator. For example, when running a program with a redirection operator

  • Note.

Handle 1 is the default for the output redirection operator ">".<&» для перенаправления ввода и дублирования

Using the operator "

To use the input redirection operator, the file being specified must already exist. If the input file exists, the Cmd.exe command interpreter opens it with read-only access and sends its contents to the command as if it were numeric keypad input. When a handle is specified, the Cmd.exe command interpreter duplicates it into a handle that exists on the system.

For example, to read File.txt into input descriptor 0 (STDIN), enter:

To redirect numeric keypad input to a file or device, use the "< file.txt

To open a File.txt file, sort its contents, and then send it to a command prompt window (STDOUT), type:

To find File.txt and redirect handle 1 (STDOUT) and handle 2 (STDERR) to Search.txt, enter:<&1

To duplicate user-defined descriptor 3 as input to descriptor 0 (STDIN), enter:

Using the ">&" Operator to Redirect Input and Duplicate

When you redirect output to a file and specify an existing file name, the Cmd.exe command interpreter opens the file with write-only access and overwrites its contents. If a handle is specified, the Cmd.exe command interpreter duplicates the file into the existing handle.

To duplicate user-defined descriptor 3 into descriptor 1, enter:

To redirect all output, including descriptor 2 output (STDERR), the commands ipconfig into handle 1 (STDOUT) and then redirecting the output to Output.log, enter:

ipconfig.exe>>output.log 2>&1

Using the ">>" Operator to Append Output

To append the output of a command to the end of a file without losing the information stored in it, use a double greater than character (>>). For example, the following command adds the directory listing created by the command If the Dirlist.txt file does not exist, the Cmd.exe command interpreter will create it. If the file exists, Cmd.exe will replace the information in the file with the data received from the command, to the Dirlist.txt file:


To add command output netstat at the end of the Tcpinfo.txt file enter:


Sometimes it's more convenient to write it like this:

SET OutFile="%~n0.html" > %OutFile% ECHO ^ >> %OutFile% ECHO ^ >> %OutFile% ECHO ^ best page^>> %OutFile% ECHO ^>> %OutFile% ECHO ^ >> %OutFile% ECHO Hello World >> %OutFile% ECHO ^>> %OutFile% ECHO ^

Using the channel operator (|)

The vertical line pipe operator (|) takes the output of one command (default STDOUT) and directs it to the input of another command (default STDIN). For example, the following command sorts a directory:

In this example, both commands are run simultaneously, but the command sort pauses until command output is received If the Dirlist.txt file does not exist, the Cmd.exe command interpreter will create it. If the file exists, Cmd.exe will replace the information in the file with the data received from the command. Team sort uses the command output If the Dirlist.txt file does not exist, the Cmd.exe command interpreter will create it. If the file exists, Cmd.exe will replace the information in the file with the data received from the command as its input and then sends its output to descriptor 1 (STDOUT).

Combining Commands with Redirection Operators

By combining filter commands with other commands and file names, you can create custom commands. For example, to save file names containing the string "LOG", use the following command:

dir /b | find "LOG" > loglist.txt

Command output If the Dirlist.txt file does not exist, the Cmd.exe command interpreter will create it. If the file exists, Cmd.exe will replace the information in the file with the data received from the command sent to the filter command find. File names containing the string "LOG" are stored in the Loglist.txt file as a list (for example, NetshConfig.log, Logdat.svd, and Mylog.bat).

When using more than one filter in one command, they must be separated using a pipe (|). For example, the following command searches each directory on drive C for files that have the string “Log” in their names and displays them page by page:

dir c:\ /s /b | find "LOG" | more

The presence of a pipe (|) tells cmd.exe that the output of the DIR command should be sent to the filter command find. The find command selects only those file names that contain the string "LOG". The more command displays the file names obtained by the command find with a pause after each screen is filled. For more information about filter commands, see

In the system, by default, three “files” are always open - (keyboard), (screen) and (displaying error messages on the screen). These, and any other open files, can be redirected. In this case, the term "redirection" means to take the output from a file, command, program, script, or even a single block in a script (see Example 3-1 and Example 3-2) and pass it as input to another file, command, program or script.

Each open file has a file descriptor associated with it. The file descriptors, and are 0, 1 and 2, respectively. When opening additional files, descriptors 3 through 9 remain unoccupied. Sometimes additional descriptors can do a good job, temporarily storing a link to, or. This makes it easier to return handles to their normal state after complex redirection and swap manipulations (see Example 16-1).

COMMAND_OUTPUT > # Redirect stdout (output) to a file. # If the file was missing, it will be created, otherwise it will be overwritten. ls -lR > dir-tree.list # Creates a file containing a list of a directory tree. : > filename # The operation > truncates the file "filename" to length zero. # If the file did not exist before the operation, # then a new file with zero length is created (the "touch" command has the same effect). # The symbol: acts as a placeholder here, without outputting anything. > filename # The operation > truncates the file "filename" to length zero. # If the file did not exist before the operation, # then a new file with zero length is created (the "touch" command has the same effect). # (same result as ":>" above, but this option does not work # in some shells.) COMMAND_OUTPUT >> # Redirect stdout (output) to a file. # Creates a new file if it was missing, otherwise appends it to the end of the file. # Single-line redirection commands # (affect only the line on which they appear): # ——————————————————————— 1>filename # Redirect output (stdout) to file "filename". 1>>filename # Redirect output (stdout) to file "filename", the file is opened in append mode. 2>filename # Redirect stderr to file "filename". 2>>filename # Redirect stderr to file "filename", the file is opened in append mode. &>filename # Redirect stdout and stderr to file "filename". #==================================================== ============================= # Redirect stdout, for one line only. LOGFILE=script.log echo "This line will be written to the file \"$LOGFILE\"." 1>$LOGFILE echo "This line will be added to the end of the \"$LOGFILE\" file." 1>>$LOGFILE echo "This line will also be added to the end of the \"$LOGFILE\" file." 1>>$LOGFILE echo "This line will be printed to the screen and will not end up in the \"$LOGFILE\" file." # After each line, the redirection made is automatically reset. # Redirect stderr, for one line only. ERRORFILE=script.errors bad_command1 2>$ERRORFILE # The error message will be written to $ERRORFILE. bad_command2 2>>$ERRORFILE # An error message will be added to the end of $ERRORFILE. bad_command3 # The error message will be printed to stderr, #+ and will not go to $ERRORFILE. # After each line, the redirection made is also automatically reset. #==================================================== ============================= 2>&1 # Redirects stderr to stdout. # Error messages are sent to the same place as standard output. i> i V j. # Output to file with descriptor i passed to file with descriptor j. >&j # File descriptor is redirected 1 (stdout) to a file with a descriptor j. # Output to stdout is sent to file descriptor j. 0< FILENAME < FILENAME # Ввод из файла. # Парная команде ">", often found in combination with it. # # grep search-word filename # File "filename" is opened for reading and writing, and associated with handle "j". # If "filename" is missing, it is created. # If descriptor "j" is not specified, then descriptor 0, stdin, is taken by default. # # One use for this is writing to a specific position in a file. echo 1234567890 > File # Write a string to the file "File". exec 3<>File # Open "File" and associate with handle 3. read -n 4<&3 # Прочитать 4 символа. echo -n . >&3 # Write the dot character. exec 3>&- # Close handle 3. cat File # ==> 1234.67890 # Random access, and that's it! | # Conveyor (channel). # A universal tool for combining commands into one chain. # Looks like ">", but is actually more extensive. # Used to combine commands, scripts, files and programs into one chain (pipeline). cat *.txt | sort | uniq > result-file # The contents of all .txt files are sorted, duplicate lines are removed, # the result is saved in the file "result-file".

Redirection operations and/or pipelines can be combined on the same command line.

command< input-file >output-file command1 | command2 | command3 > output-file See Example 12-23 and Example A-17.

It is possible to redirect multiple streams to one file.

ls -yz >> command.log 2>&1 # A message about an invalid "yz" option in the "ls" command will be written to the "command.log" file. # Because stderr is redirected to a file.

Closing file handles

Close the input file descriptor.

0<&-, <&-

Close the output file descriptor.

1>&-, >&-

Child processes inherit open file handles. This is why conveyors work. To prevent handles from being inherited, close them before starting the child process.

# Only stderr is passed into the pipeline. exec 3>&1 # Save the current "state" to stdout. ls -l 2>&1 >&3 3>&- | grep bad 3>&- # Close desc. 3 for "grep" (but not for "ls"). # ^^^^ ^^^^ exec 3>&- # Now close it for the rest of the script. # Thanks S.C.

For more information about I/O redirection, see Appendix D.

16.1. Using the command exec

Team exec redirects input from to a file. From now on, all input, instead of (usually the keyboard), will be made from this file. This makes it possible to read the contents of a file, line by line, and parse each line entered using sed and/or awk.

Example 16-1. Redirecting with exec

#!/bin/bash # Redirect stdin using "exec". exec 6<&0 # Связать дескр. #6 со стандартным вводом (stdin). # Сохраняя stdin. exec < data-file # stdin заменяется файлом "data-file" read a1 # Читается первая строка из "data-file". read a2 # Читается вторая строка из "data-file." echo echo "Следующие строки были прочитаны из файла." echo "——————————————" echo $a1 echo $a2 echo; echo; echo exec 0<&6 6<&- # Восстанавливается stdin из дескр. #6, где он был предварительно сохранен, #+ и дескр. #6 закрывается (6<&-) освобождая его для других процессов. # # <&6 6<&- дает тот же результат. echo -n "Введите строку " read b1 # Теперь функция "read", как и следовало ожидать, принимает данные с обычного stdin. echo "Строка, принятая со stdin." echo "—————————" echo "b1 = $b1" echo exit 0

Likewise, the design exec >filename redirects output to the specified file. After this, all output from commands that would normally be directed to is now output to this file.

Example 16-2. Redirecting with exec

#!/bin/bash # LOGFILE=logfile.txt exec 6>&1 # Link desc. #6 with stdout. # Storing stdout. exec > $LOGFILE # stdout is replaced by the file "logfile.txt". # ———————————————————— # # All output from the commands in this block is written to the $LOGFILE file. echo -n "Logfile: " date echo "————————————-" echo echo "Output of \"ls -al\"" echo ls -al echo; echo echo "Output of the command \"df\"" echo df # ———————————————————— # exec 1>&6 6>&- # Restore stdout and close the file. #6. echo echo "== stdout restored to default == " echo ls -al echo exit 0

Example 16-3. Simultaneous redirection of devices, and, using the exec command

#!/bin/bash # # Convert characters in the input file to uppercase. E_FILE_ACCESS=70 E_WRONG_ARGS=71 if [ ! -r "$1" ] # Is the file readable? then echo "Unable to read from the specified file!" echo "Usage: $0 input-file output-file" exit $E_FILE_ACCESS fi # In case the input file ($1) is not specified #+ the exit code will be the same. if [ -z "$2" ] then echo "The output file must be specified." echo "Usage: $0 input-file output-file" exit $E_WRONG_ARGS fi exec 4<&0 exec < $1 # Назначить ввод из входного файла. exec 7>&1 exec > $2 # Assign output to an output file. # Assuming the output file is writable # (add check?). # ———————————————— cat — | tr a-z A-Z # Convert to uppercase # ^^^^^ # Read from stdin. # ^^^^^^^^^^ # Write to stdout. # However, both stdin and stdout were redirected. # ———————————————— exec 1>&7 7>&- # Restore stdout. exec 0<&4 4<&- # Восстановить stdin. # После восстановления, следующая строка выводится на stdout, чего и следовало ожидать. echo "Символы из \"$1\" преобразованы в верхний регистр, результат записан в \"$2\"." exit 0

Next: Redirecting errors to a file Up: I/O redirection Previous: Redirecting input from a file Contents Index

Redirecting output to a file

To redirect standard output to a file, use the `>' operator.

I/O redirection in Linux

Follow the command name with the > operator, followed by the name of the file that will serve as the destination for the output. For example, to write the output of a program to a file, enter:

If you redirect standard output to an already existing file, it will be overwritten from the beginning. To append standard output to the contents of an existing file, you must use the `"' operator. For example, to add the results of the work when running the program again to a file, enter:

Alex Otwagin 2002-12-16

A program is usually valuable because it can process data: accept one thing, produce another as output, and almost anything can act as data: text, numbers, sound, video... The input and output data streams for a command are called input And conclusion. Each program can have several input and output streams. Each process, when created, necessarily receives the so-called standard input(standard input, stdin) and standard output(standard output, stdout) and standard error output(standard error, stderr).

Standard input/output streams are intended primarily for exchanging text information. It doesn’t even matter who communicates via texts: a person with a program or programs between themselves - the main thing is that they have a data transmission channel and that they speak “the same language.”

The textual principle of working with a machine allows you to escape from specific parts of the computer, such as the system keyboard and video card with a monitor, looking at a single terminal device, through which the user enters text (commands) and transmits it to the system, and the system displays the data and messages required by the user (diagnostics and errors). Such a device is called terminal. In general, a terminal is a user's entry point into a system that has the ability to transmit text information. A terminal can be a separate external device connected to a computer via a serial data port (in a personal computer it is called a “COM port”). A program (for example, xterm or ssh) can also work as a terminal (with some support from the system). Finally, virtual consoles- also terminals, only organized programmatically using suitable devices of a modern computer.

When working at the command line, the shell's standard input is associated with the keyboard, and standard output and error output are associated with the monitor screen (or terminal emulator window). Let's show it using the simplest command - cat. Usually the team cat reads data from all files that are specified as its parameters and sends the read directly to standard output (stdout). Therefore the command

/home/larry/papers# cat history-final masters-thesis

will display the contents of the file first, and then the file.

However, if the file name is not specified, the program cat reads input from stdin and immediately returns it to stdout (without modifying it in any way). Data passes through cat like through a pipe. Let's give an example:

/home/larry/papers# cat Hello there. Hello there. Bye. Bye. CtrlD/home/larry/papers#

Every line entered from the keyboard is immediately returned to the screen by the cat program. When entering information from standard input, the end of the text is signaled by entering a special key combination, usually CtrlD.

Let's give another example. Team sort reads lines of input text (also from stdin if no file name is specified) and outputs a set of these lines in an ordered form on stdout. Let's check its action.

/home/larry/papers# sort bananas carrots apples Ctrl+D apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers#

As you can see, after pressing CtrlD, sort Displayed the lines in alphabetical order.

Standard input and standard output

Let's say you want to pipe the output of the sort command to a file to store an alphabetically ordered list on disk. The command shell allows you to redirect the standard output of a command to a file using a symbol. Let's give an example:

/home/larry/papers# sort > shopping-list bananas carrots apples CtrlD/home/larry/papers#

You can see that the output of the sort command is not printed on the screen, but it is saved in a file named. Let's display the contents of this file:

/home/larry/papers# cat shopping-list apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers#

Now let the original unordered list be in a file. This list can be sorted using the command sort, by telling it that it should read from a given file rather than from its standard input, and in addition redirecting the standard output to a file, as was done above. Example:

/home/larry/papers# sort items shopping-list /home/larry/papers# cat shopping-list apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers#

However, you can do it differently by redirecting not only the standard output, but also standard input utilities from the file using the symbol:

/home/larry/papers# sort< items apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers#

Command Result sort< items equivalent to the command sort items, however the first one demonstrates the following: when issuing the command sort< items the system behaves as if the data contained in the file had been entered from standard input. Redirection is done by the command shell. Team sort the file name was not reported: this command read data from its standard input as if we had entered it from the keyboard.

Let's introduce the concept filter. A filter is a program that reads data from standard input, processes it in some way, and sends the result to standard output. When redirection is applied, files can be used as standard input and output. As stated above, by default, stdin and stdout refer to the keyboard and screen, respectively. The sort program is a simple filter - it sorts the input data and sends the result to standard output. A very simple filter is the program cat- it does nothing with the input data, but simply sends it to the output.

We've already demonstrated how to use the sort program as a filter above. These examples assumed that the source data was in some file or that the source data would be entered from the keyboard (standard input). However, what if you want to sort data that is the result of some other command, for example, ls?

We will sort the data in reverse alphabetical order; this is done by the command option sort. If you wanted to list the files in the current directory in reverse alphabetical order, one way to do it would be like this.

I/O redirection

Let's first use the command ls:

/home/larry/papers# ls english-list history-final masters-thesis notes /home/larry/papers#

Now we redirect the command output ls to a file named file-list

/home/larry/papers# ls > file-list /home/larry/papers# sort -r file-list notes masters-thesis history-final english-list /home/larry/papers#

Here is the command output ls saved in a file, and after that this file was processed by the command sort. However, this path is inelegant and requires the use of a temporary file to store the program output ls.

A solution to this situation could be to create docked commands(pipelines). The docking is carried out by the command shell, which directs the stdout of the first command to the stdin of the second command. In this case we want to send commands to stdout ls to stdin commands sort. A symbol is used for docking, as shown in the following example:

/home/larry/papers# ls | sort -r notes masters-thesis history-final english-list /home/larry/papers#

This command is shorter than a collection of commands and is easier to type.

Let's look at another useful example. Team

/home/larry/papers# ls /usr/bin

returns a long list of files. Most of this list flies across the screen too quickly for the contents of this list to be read. Let's try to use the more command to display this list in parts:

/home/larry/papers# ls /usr/bin | more

Now you can “turn through” this list.

You can go further and dock more than two teams. Consider the team head, which is a filter with the following property: it outputs the first lines from the input stream (in our case, the input will be the output from several concatenated commands). If we want to display the last alphabetical file name in the current directory, we can use the following long command:

/home/larry/papers# ls | sort -r | head -1 notes /home/larry/papers\#

where is the team head displays the first line of the input stream of lines it receives (in our case, the stream consists of data from the command ls), sorted in reverse alphabetical order.

Using stacked commands (pipeline)

The effect of using a symbol to redirect file output is destructive; in other words, the team

/home/larry/papers# ls > file-list

will destroy the contents of the file if the file previously existed and create a new file in its place.

If the redirection is done using symbols instead, the output will be appended to the end of the specified file without destroying the original contents of the file. For example, the command

/home/larry/papers# ls >> file-list

attributes the output of the command ls to the end of the file.

Keep in mind that input and output redirection and command splicing are done by shells that support the use of symbols, and. The teams themselves are not able to perceive and interpret these symbols.

Non-destructive output redirection

Something like this should do what you need?

Check it out: wintee

No need for cygwin.

However, I have encountered and reported some issues.

Also you might want to check out because it contains tee (and doesn't need cygwin), but be careful that EOL output is UNIX-like.

Last but not least, if you have PowerShell, you can try Tee-Object. Type in PowerShell console for more information.

This works, although it's a little ugly:

It's a little more flexible than some other solutions in that it works in its own way so you can use it to add.

I use this quite a lot in batch files to log and display messages:

Yes, you could simply repeat the ECHO statement (once for the screen and a second time redirecting to the log file), but that looks just as bad and is a maintenance issue.

Redirecting input and output

At least this way you don't have to make changes to messages in two places.

Note that _ is just a short file name, so you will need to remove it at the end of your batch file (if you are using a batch file).

This will create a log file with the current time and time and you can use the console lines during the process

If you have cygwin in your Windows environment path, you can use:

A simple C# console application would do the trick:

To use this, you simply pass the source command to the program and specify the path to any files for which you want to duplicate the output. For example:

Will display search results and also save the results in files1.txt and files2.txt.

Note that there is not much in the way of error handling (nothing!) and support for multiple files may not be necessary.

I was also looking for the same solution, after a little try I was able to successfully do this on the command line. Here's my solution:

It even hijacks any PAUSE command.

An alternative is to tee stdout to stderr in your program:

Then in your dos batchfile:

Stdout will go to the log file and stderr (same data) will be shown on the console.

How to display and redirect output to a file. Suppose if I use the command dos, dir> test.txt, this command redirects the output to the file test.txt without displaying the results. how to write a command to print the output and redirect the output to a file using DOS, i.e. Windows command line and not UNIX/LINUX.

You may find these commands in biterscripting ( useful.

This is a variation of MTS's previous answer, however it adds some features that may be useful to others. Here is the method I used:

  • The command is set as a variable that can be used later in the code to be output to the command window and added to the log file using
    • the command avoids redirection using the carrot symbol so that commands are not evaluated initially
  • A temporary file is created with a file name similar to a batch file name that uses command line option extension syntax to obtain the name of the batch file.
  • The result is added to a separate log file

Here is the sequence of commands:

  1. Output and error messages are sent to a temporary file
  2. The contents of the temporary file are then:
    • added to log file
    • output to command window
  3. The temporary file with the message is deleted

Here's an example:

This way the command can simply be added after later commands in a batch file, which looks much cleaner:

This can be added at the end of other commands as well. As far as I can tell this will work when messages have multiple lines. For example, the following command prints two lines if there is an error message:

I agree with Brian Rasmussen, the unxutils port is the easiest way to do this. In the Batch Files section of his Scripting pages, Rob van der Woude provides a wealth of information about using MS-DOS and CMD commands. I thought it might have its own solution to your problem, and after TEE.BAT digging around there, I found TEE.BAT, which appears to be just that, a packaged MS-DOS language pack. This is a fairly complex batch file and I would be inclined to use the unxutils port.

I install perl on most of my machines, so the answer is using perl:

dir | perl or catalog | perl dir.bat

raw and untested.