How to find out if RAM is working. MemTest86 RAM test

If you start to experience blue screens of death frequently on your computer, write down the error number and look on the Internet for the reasons for its occurrence. It may be that the problems are caused by a malfunction of one of the components (often the hard drive or RAM). In today's article we will look at how to check the performance of RAM.

There are several signs by which you can determine that the cause of various problems is a faulty RAM:

  • Blue screens of death often appear with error numbers 0x0000000A and 0x0000008e. There may also be other errors that indicate a malfunction.
  • Crashes under high load on RAM - during games, video rendering, working with graphics, and more.
  • The computer does not start. There may be beeps that indicate a malfunction.
  • Distorted image on the monitor. This symptom speaks more about problems with the video card, but sometimes memory can also be the cause.

By the way, if you observe any of the above symptoms, this does not mean that the problem is with the computer’s RAM. But it's still worth checking.

Methods for checking RAM

There are several ways available to every user to check RAM, both using additional software and exclusively using Windows tools. In this article we will look at several methods that may be useful to you.

Method 1: Windows Memory Diagnostic Utility

One of the most popular utilities for checking RAM is . This product was created by Microsoft for advanced testing of computer memory for problems. To use the software, you need to create bootable media (flash drive or disk). How to do this can be found in the following article:

Then all you have to do is connect the drive to the computer and set the boot priority from the flash drive in the BIOS (below we will leave a link to a lesson on how to do this). Windows Memory Diagnostic will launch and RAM testing will begin. If errors were identified during the check, it is probably worth contacting a service center.

Method 2: MemTest86+

One of the best programs for testing RAM is . As with previous software, you first need to create a bootable USB flash drive with MemTest86+. Almost no action is required from you - just insert the media into the computer connector and select boot from the flash drive through the BIOS. The RAM testing will begin, the results of which will be immediately displayed.

Method 3: Standard system tools

You can also check RAM without the help of any additional software, because Windows has a special tool for this.

We looked at three methods that allow the user to determine whether errors during computer operation are actually caused by faults in RAM. If errors were identified during RAM testing using one of the above methods, we recommend contacting a specialist and subsequently replacing the module.

One of the common causes of critical Windows errors (BSOD) is faulty random access memory (RAM). One faulty memory stick is enough to disrupt the correct operation of the system.

On this page

What indicates faulty memory

Faulty memory may indicate different error codes occurring on the same system. In other words, if you constantly have different error codes on the blue screen, the first thing you need to do is check your RAM.

Another indicator could be memory dump analysis result. The process of analyzing small memory dumps is described. An example of such a decryption, suggesting a memory failure, is given below.

Crash date: Wed Feb 6 19:54:09.750 2008 (GMT+3) Stop error code: 0x50 Process name: AcroRd32.exe Probably caused by: memory_corruption (ntMiLocateAndReserveWsle+51)

Testing RAM

To test RAM, as a rule, you use either a program Memtest86(or its variants), or a Microsoft tool - Windows Memory Diagnostic. You can use any of the methods described below. If the memory is faulty, there is a good chance that any of these will identify the problem.


You can download the program from the official website An ISO image of the diagnostic disk is offered for download, which must be burned onto a CD. The disk is bootable, so by inserting it into the drive and restarting the computer, you can begin diagnosing the RAM (of course, in the BIOS, the first boot device should be a CD or DVD-ROM). The program displays a report and reports all errors found.


Memtest86+ is a program created by independent developers based on Memtest86. The program claims to support the latest platforms and technologies. The principle of operation is similar to Memtest86 - an ISO image is also offered for download to create a bootable diagnostic disk.

Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic

Microsoft, of course, has its own RAM testing tool - Windows Memory Diagnostic.

For Windows 7, memory diagnostics are described in detail in the article

Hello, dear readers, Trishkin Denis is in touch.
A computer consists of several key circuit boards and components. One of them is RAM. In case of problems with the PC, this element in most cases is not the source. However, there are still times when you need to check your RAM in Windows 7 first, and only then try other tools.

Random access memory (RAM or random access memory) is the part of a computer system that stores executable code and intermediate data currently being processed by the processor. She is volatile. This element is considered one of the key ones, and therefore the computer cannot operate without it.

If problems occur with this component, it usually manifests itself in two processes: Windows constantly restarting or the appearance of a blue screen of death.


What to do?( )

First you need to find out whether the emerging instabilities are associated with this particular component or with others. This will allow you to understand what needs to be done next.

If there is a RAM problem, there are only two options:

    1 Component burned out. In this option, when turned on, all coolers begin to rotate, but nothing else happens.

    2 The element works partially. Failures could occur in one or more chips. Here the situation will not be so obvious. The operating system can run for some period of time, loading RAM. In this case, when running a resource-intensive program, Windows will reboot, freeze, or show the screen of death.

In the first case, everything is clear - you need to replace the component. In the second, first you need to fully test your memory for errors. This can be done using a standard system application or a special program.

Built-in solution on Windows( )

If you manage to boot the OS, then this element is not burned out. To find out the specific causes of failures, you need to run the appropriate performance test program.

For this:

In addition, you can run the diagnostic wizard the next time you start Windows. To do this, in the OS boot manager you need to click " Tab" and select " Diagnostics


What to do if errors were found?( )

You need to immediately understand that it will not be possible to correct the error and return everything as it was before. If faulty components are found, you must contact the place of purchase. It's good if the device is covered by a warranty. Otherwise, the chance of replacing the damaged module is minimal.

Interesting to know! In Windows, if you identify a RAM problem, it is recommended that you contact the component manufacturer directly to obtain all the necessary information to resolve the error.

Extra options( )

If you suspect that there are some problems with the RAM memory, it is recommended to run diagnostics with standard parameters. But at the same time, you can customize the process in detail. As already mentioned, to do this you need to click “ F1».

In the window that appears, install:

To proceed to setting the next parameter, click " Tab" To return - " Esc" Having specified everything you need, click “ F10" and testing will begin.


Memtest test program( )

This product is considered the best for testing RAM. It is compatible with the latest versions of Windows, starting with Vista. To identify RAM problems, this application runs eight different tests one at a time. Each of them is designed to test its own area, including the frequency of operation. For the program to function correctly, you need to make a boot disk or flash drive.

To do this, we find a program that is already offered in the *.iso image. After this, you need to write it to a disk or portable storage device by running the downloaded imageUSB program file.


Then we insert the disk or flash drive into the computer and reboot. We need to set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive or use the boot menu - for a more detailed explanation of how to do this, use. After that, we save, reboot and we are thrown into the testing window.


Important! Diagnosis should be carried out only in this way. If you decide to try to check the RAM from Windows, this may lead to a premature reboot. As a result, you will not achieve the desired results.

If errors are detected, red lines appear on the monitor, indicating all the necessary information.


It is also necessary to clarify that if you use several memory sticks, you need to check them one by one. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to determine which module has failed.

It must be remembered that although RAM is not considered the “heart” of the computer, it is nevertheless an important node, which is also supplied with voltage for operation. Therefore, any overvoltage in the system has a negative impact, as well as on other elements.

In case of constant use of the computer under heavy loads, many experts recommend installing an additional number of coolers on the case - as many as will fit on the rear panel. This will help cool not only the memory sticks, but also other elements.

In addition, on the technology market today you can find additional components for cooling RAM. They are:

It should be noted that in addition to problems associated with production or operation, RAM may stop working due to one more common ailment - dust. In this case, the computer sometimes does not start at all and even produces sounds, the designations of which are simply impossible to find in any user manual.

Computer builders often install RAM cards in the first slots, which are closest to the processor, when building a new machine. If you notice this in yourself, it is advisable to move them further away. To enable dual-channel mode, you can install them in slots of the same color. This should speed things up.


Dust accumulates most near areas where fans are installed. Therefore, it is the first connectors that are most exposed to dust.
Personally, at some point my computer showed a blue screen of death. At that time I did not yet know what to do with him. I started from the principle " turn off/on" or " disconnect/connect" And then I reinstalled the bar further, having first cleared it and the slots from the stick. Everything worked and I didn’t get any more BSODs because of this.

Dust is, in fact, the enemy of all electronics. To clean it, you can use a brush or a soft brush. It is imperative to thoroughly clean the recesses in the connectors and the contacts themselves on the board. You can also use a soft eraser for this procedure. After applying it to metal parts, you can immediately notice that they will become lighter.

Damage due to a virus( )

It is worth mentioning separately that there are some viruses whose action can lead to failure of RAM memory. Fortunately for many users, this program is not widespread on the World Wide Web, and it can be found extremely rarely. In addition, antiviruses try to look for such software not only on individual devices, but also on the Internet, cleaning it out. This only proves once again that it is better to have a security program on your PC.


Another surefire method is to use only proven resources. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize that you have already left the borders " safe internet» in search of the information you need.

RAM, although not considered the most important component in a computer, nevertheless, not a single machine will work without it. It is a device that operates in the device longer than other components. Despite this, there are still situations when this element fails.

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  1. Hello admin, I have strange problems with the operation of my computer, it can suddenly freeze when running any application, and sometimes I just walk away from it for a few minutes, and when I come back again, it is already frozen, only a reboot helps. The system unit is clean, the temperature of the components is ideal, I reinstalled Windows, nothing helps. It starts to freeze on a clean system, without installed programs or antivirus. Agree, this is a rather unpleasant situation. And just yesterday the system went to a blue screen with an error indicating a faulty RAM. On one of the forums I was advised check computer RAM, I would like to know in detail how this can be done. I found your site through articles.
  2. Second letter. Admin, please tell me how to check RAM the Memtest86 utility on a netbook, that is, I don’t have a disk drive, so I need to somehow create a bootable flash drive with the Memtest86 utility, but how to do this?

How to check your computer's RAM

Judging by the story of our reader, he actually has problems with RAM, but we can only say with certainty after we check it. By the way, you can check the RAM without any tests, for example, by elimination. Surely you have two RAM modules in your system unit, remove one module (with the computer turned off, of course) and leave the computer running with the remaining RAM. If all freezes stop, then the removed RAM module was faulty.

It would be a good idea to check the contacts of the RAM modules for the presence of plaque; if there is any, it should be removed with a simple eraser.

One of my friends bought a system unit second hand, during operation it constantly froze and rebooted, the problem turned out to be the RAM, the two RAM modules had to be absolutely identical and work in dual-channel mode, so the AIDA program showed that the modules operate at different frequencies and we were never able to make friends with them; the motherboard BIOS did not have such settings and we had to buy another RAM.

But sometimes the RAM modules are practically new and operate at the correct frequency, then how can you check the computer’s RAM?

In this case, friends, we will turn to special programs to check RAM for errors in the Windows XP operating system; we will use the Memtest86 utility.
But if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed, then we will check the RAM of our computer with the built-in diagnostic tool.
Start, enter mdsched (Windows Memory Checker) in the input field,

We click on it with the left mouse and we are immediately prompted to restart our computer and check our RAM. I suggest choosing this option.

Our computer reboots and the RAM is checked for errors.

How to check computer RAM using Memtest86 utility

Not a bad program, it can also detect RAM errors. To make a bootable Memtest86 CD, go to the website select

Download (Pre-built & ISOs),

Then Download - Pre-Compiled Bootable ISO (.zip)

Download the ISO image of the program in a zip archive, actually extract the image from the zip archive,

For those who don’t know how to burn an ISO image to disk, read our article. So we have a CD with the Memtest86 program ready. Now we need to boot the computer from this CD. If anyone doesn’t know how to do this, read on.
If you want to make a bootable USB flash drive Memtest86, go to
Download - Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7) *NEW!* and download the archive with the installer to your computer.

Then you need to connect a flash drive to your computer, then take out the installer from the archive and run it, in this window select your flash drive (in our case the letter D:), do not forget to check the box as in the screenshot and click the Create button, in a minute your flash drive will become bootable (be careful, all your data on the flash drive will be deleted).

If you don’t know how to boot a desktop computer or laptop from a flash drive? You can read our article -.
So, whether you booted your computer from a disk or from a flash drive, it doesn’t matter, the Memtest86 program starts working right away.

If my memory serves me correctly, the program conducts no less than 9 tests: to identify problems with memory addressing, hardware errors, errors in memory circuits, recording errors, and so on. If errors are identified, it will look like this.

Which pop up every now and then with varying frequency.

To eliminate RAM from the list of suspects, it must be thoroughly tested. We will check the RAM for errors using a small programMemtest.

2 How to check RAM for errors

Unpack it and start the installationMemtest . Select your flash drive and check the box next to the selected flash drive. Let's launch. Your bootable USB flash drive is ready.

Now we reboot the computer and set the bootloader. To do this, go toBIOSpressingDelbefore booting the system. And as the initial boot we select our disk or flash drive, depending on whereMemtest recorded.

If everything is done correctly, then instead of loading the operating systemWindowswill loadMemtest and the RAM will begin checking for errors.

The program itself tests each block of RAM for errors.Memtest can last 6-8 hours for only one stick of RAM.

But thanks to 9 different levels of testing, it is very good at finding errors in RAM, if any.

My advice to you ifMemtest finds errors, it is better to replace such RAM with a new one, because sooner or later problems with memory will still begin.

By the way, it is very useful to conduct a similar test after purchasing a new memory stick. If errors are found, you can immediately go to the store and exchange the RAM stick for a new one.

Memtest perfect for ownersWindows XPFor those who are too lazy to bother with the bootloaderMemtest , VWindows Vistaand 7 has a built-in utility.

To start it, select start and in the run line type the command -mdsched.exe . You will be asked to reboot, to which we answer yes.

After the reboot, the RAM error checking utility will automatically start.

By pressing F1 we ​​select scan settings. This is certainly notMemtest with 9 verification cycles, but still suitable as an alternative.
I usually choose a wide set of tests with 4 repetitions.

Now you know how to check RAM for errors, soon I will look at an excellent program for testing a hard drive, and we will also learn how to deal with dead pixels on monitors. Interesting?

Then subscribe to be among those who read the latest articles first. That's all for me and I am sincerely happy for those whose RAM passed the test without errors. Congratulations, your RAM will serve you for a long time :)