Basic concepts of the topic communication technologies. Modern communication technologies

Quantitative growth information elements in various industries, sub-sectors and sectors of the economy is outgrowing into a new quality - moves to a higher stage of its development.

Information begins to play a decisive role and influences the entire reproduction process (see Fig. 14).

In the conditions of informatization the technological basis of the economy is changing. Currently, the 5th technological order dominates in developed countries, the defining components of which are the achievements of microelectronics, software, computer technology and information processing, automation of processes in production and management, space and fiber-optic communications. Since the 20-30s of the XXI century. The 6th technological order will dominate, which is characterized by the use of biotechnologies, artificial intelligence systems, global information networks, and integrated high-speed transport systems. The technological basis of the information economy is more dynamic than the industrial one, since in the context of economic globalization it functions as an open system. In addition, the pace of innovation is accelerating.

New structures not only ensure a constant increase in labor productivity, but also lead to the emergence of new forms of social and economic activity (distance education, telework, telemedicine, e-commerce, e-democracy, etc.).

In the information economy, information and technological activities are closely intertwined into a single process, which tends to self-accelerate, resulting in the continuous development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and a qualitative update of the technological basis.

Information technology is changing the relationship between power, automation and flexibility. Mass production is no longer relevant to automation, resulting in lower entry barriers in a significant number of industries. Mass production is being pushed to the periphery economic life, or even even beyond the boundaries of developed countries.

  • * TAI - transaction costs of production
  • customization - adaptation of the company to the requirements of a specific client

Rice. 14. Modification of reproduction under the influence of informatization

Information and communication technologies (ICT), according to American experts, have caused more significant changes in the world than all previous technological revolutions, which is why this phenomenon is called modern information revolution.(Rod industrial revolution was the production and distribution of energy.) ICTs act as the core of economic transformation, around which major technological breakthroughs arise in the field of new materials, energy sources, and production technology. The consequence of the introduction of ICT is qualitative renewal of the technological basis of the country's economy.

The concept of “technology” was formed in the first half of the 18th century. The first part of the word - techne - is translated as art, skill; the second - logos - as science, knowledge. Technology is the result of the practical implementation of scientific knowledge 1 . In relation to the industrial stage of economic development, it is generally accepted that technology is a method of converting used production resources into finished products, or a set of methods and means for processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products, etc. in material production.

Recently, technology has been defined as a set of management, research, development and engineering processes, which also includes human potential, which is the foundation of the productive activities of society.

Information economics theorists M. Castells, Harvey Brooks and Daniel Bell understand technology as “the use of scientific knowledge to determine how things are made in reproducible manner." It is emphasized that the ability or inability of a society to control technology to a large extent shapes its destiny and, although it does not determine historical evolution and social change, “embodies the ability of societies to transform themselves and determines the directions in which society ... decides to apply its technological potential” .

American economist Paul Pilzer notes that “wealth is a product not only of natural resources, but also of technologies.

Rice. 15.

And of these two components, technology is immeasurably more important" 1 . P. Pilzer expressed this mathematically with a simple formula:

where: - wealth; R - natural resources (land, labor,

minerals, etc.); T - technology; n is the degree of influence of technological advances on them. Technology is self-reinforcing, as each technological advance builds the foundation for the next.

Under information (IT) and communication technologies (CT), according to the definition of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, technologies are understood that use microelectronics for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data, texts, images and sound (see Fig. 15).

The information and communication technology market has 2 segments: the IT market, which includes computer hardware, office hardware, software and IT services; and the CT market, which includes communications services, end-user communications equipment, and communications and networking equipment.

ICT technologies ensure the transformation of information into the most accessible and user-friendly forms.

By the beginning of the 21st century, commercial demand for information increased sharply, which largely determined the most effective areas for using information and communication technologies.

Industry technologies at the stage of industrial development of society were the main generator of its progress. With the introduction of ICT technologies, the need for industry technologies still remains, since the sphere of material production does not disappear in the information society. These technologies provide computer support for the intellectual activity of industry technology specialists in creating added value 1 .

The information economy and industrial production will coexist. As in the case of the positive impact of industry on agriculture, thanks to ICT technologies, the production of industrial goods will increase. Developed industrial technologies, based on uncompensated consumption of natural resources, in the conditions of the 20th century are moving to a new quality, which is characterized by the creation unified macro-technological system, gradually becoming international In this system, there is a contradiction between the technologically developed “center” (highly developed Western countries), which consumes the bulk of natural resources, and the “periphery” (countries dominated by industrial, early and pre-industrial technologies), which supplies these resources to the “center.” In the second half of the 20th century, “dirty” industrial production began to move to developing countries.

In the information society material production is modified: There is a transition from predominantly mechanical technologies to technologies that use new forms of movement of matter (physical, chemical, biological and microbiological) and their gradual development. Industrially based productive forces are gradually becoming global productive forces. At the same time, material production in a post-industrial economy should be aimed at reducing the use of natural and human resources, as absolutely limited resources. It aims to satisfy utilitarian needs by changing its technological parameters. There is individualization, miniaturization of production, and the emergence of network enterprises. Material production creates for the information society the means of material support, creation, distribution and use of information. Qualitative changes in material production technologies cause significant changes in the structure of the social reproduction process.

Comparative characteristics of industrial

and ICT technology

Table 9.

Industrial technologies

Information and communication


Technologies are predominantly machine-based

Technologies are predominantly intelligent

Strong dependence on resource limitations of a material nature

Information is the main resource limitation

Technologies with both high and low capital intensity

Low capital intensity, relative ease of development of mass ICT

New technology is spreading gradually in a limited area

New technologies are almost instantly cover the entire planet 1

Enterprises and firms are limited in their activities by territorial boundaries

Enterprises and firms are much less limited by spatial boundaries due to the presence of a corporate Internet

1 ICT technologies are improving 3-6 times faster than energy technologies. Dissemination of information via the Internet is on average 720 times faster and 355 times cheaper than by mail or fax // Kosyrev D. Will the Internet help Africa // Diplomatic Courier-NG. 2000. May 4. No. 8. P. 11.

Reducing the company's production costs and improving product quality

Significant reduction in the company’s production costs and the cost of the information and knowledge-intensive products themselves; significant improving product quality 2

Complicating interaction

producers and consumers; rising transaction costs

Simplification of interaction between producers and consumers thanks to the Network; reduction of transaction costs. Rising switching costs 2

Growth of fixed capital and slowdown of its circulation

Accelerating the movement of all types of capital

New technologies are a powerful monopoly barrier that holds back market competition.

The rapid change in new ICT technologies makes markets more transparent, which sharply increases competition and radically changes the methods of its management

The growth of the social division of labor both within a single country and between countries

Much accelerate the division of labor within the country and especially - between countries which leads to increased economic and information globalization

The emergence of new industries, mainly material production

The emergence of new industries, mainly services

Impact mainly on the economy and social sphere

Impact on the economy, culture, politics, society as a whole

Growth in quantitative and qualitative indicators of produced material goods

Lead to mass customization of production, that is, adaptation of companies to the requirements of a specific customer

The emergence of new professions and specialties related mainly to the sphere of material production

The emergence of new professions related to the collection, processing and use of information; radical modification of traditional professions and specialties

  • 2 If the auto industry had been cutting costs as quickly as the computer industry over the past 30 years, the latest Lexus would cost no more than $2 today, and a Rolls-Royce would cost about $2.5, yes and only if these cars consumed one and a half liters of fuel per million kilometers. See: Naisbitt J. Global Paradox. N.Y., 1995. R. 99.
  • 3 Switching costs - these are the costs of changing providers, connecting new equipment, reinstalling the operating system.

Information and communication technologies constitute a potential basis for the creation, transformation, use and change of product range and production growth, and serve as a prerequisite for the development of e-commerce.

There are certain differences between industrial and ICT technologies (see Table 9).

For the first time, ICT technologies appeared in the military sector of the economy and subsequently began to spread throughout the economy. New information technologies in the 1970s. were concentrated mainly in the USA. The technological momentum of the 1960s, spurred by military contracts, prepared American technology to leap forward. This was also facilitated by the oil crisis of 1973-1974, which prompted highly developed countries to radically restructure their economies. In addition, the development of new information technologies was a way to ensure military superiority over the USSR in response to the latter's challenge in the space race and nuclear weapons. The next major American technological breakthrough began in 1983 in connection with the Star Wars program. In fact, technologies developed in the previous decade 1 were used and promoted. Military contracts and technology initiatives of the US Department of Defense played a critical role in the early stages of the information technology revolution in the 1940s-1960s. In the United States, the range of ICTs in the national economy was formed by the mid-1990s. due to the widespread use of military scientific and technical developments for civilian purposes.

The avalanche-like progress of ICT technologies in the world was also due to the needs of rapidly growing financial capital and the industries serving it.

In Russia, ICT was initially used for commercial and business purposes; its use began in banks and factories. Then many corporations began to use communications, but only in recent years the true potential of ICT has emerged in all aspects of our lives: in education, healthcare, communication between people. The use of ICT in all areas of society is a revolutionary change in the Russian economy.

The ICT industry belongs to the service sector and depends on the development of the economy as a whole, on investments in it and the demand of other industries for the products of the ICT industry.

ICT services have a peculiarity: for a powerful qualitative leap forward, a critical mass is required. When it is accumulated, the market begins to develop intensively, as self-sufficient and autonomous factors come into play: the more users join the services, the more popular the service itself becomes and the more significant The word of mouth factor plays a role. The more users connect to services, the more attractive this market is for application developers, and the more applications, the higher the attractiveness of the service itself; The principle of diminishing marginal utility does not apply. Once critical mass is reached, investment risks for operators are reduced, which in turn leads to faster and more efficient deployment of the Network and services.

In modern conditions technologies are capitalized, that is, when they are present on the financial market, and therefore can be assessed by a mass investor in terms of expected profitability

Rice. 16. Penetration of ICT technologies into the value chain 1

and risk. The information breakthrough and the entire new technological structure are becoming possible thanks to the presence of a highly developed financial market.

At the stage of industrial development, scientific and technical inventions (railroads, electricity, automobiles and others) contributed to the quantitative and qualitative growth of manufactured goods. material goods. Modern information technologies promote growth in scale and diversification information services, among which telemedicine, telework, entertainment services (online music stores, online games, etc.), electronic education, commerce, libraries, insurance, consulting services, government and others are becoming widespread.

In the information economy spiral of technological development looks like this: information - increased competition in markets - innovation in production - more advanced ICT technologies - new knowledge and new information.

ICT technologies allow companies to coordinate activities across widely separated geographic regions (for example, Boeing engineers working on a project with suppliers online). Information and communication technologies enable many new relationships in business, expanding the number of possible industries in which a company can gain a competitive advantage.

Today, ICT technologies have spread to the entire value chain, optimizing it and performing control and executive functions, the number of which is constantly increasing (see Fig. 16).

The development of ICT technologies is the foundation for informatization of other sectors of the economy and society. That's why rapid development of the information technology industry is a necessary prerequisite for informatization of all other spheres of life and activity of society.

However, it should be noted that the mere use of ICT technologies in the work of a production or trade industry does not transform it into a branch of the information economy. It is necessary to change the structure of companies in accordance with the model of information networks, that is, the transformation of industrial companies into network enterprises.

ICT technologies generate more and more data as a company carries out its activities or enable the acquisition and collection of information that was previously unavailable. This enables firms to evaluate more alternative development strategies than before.

ICT technologies expand a company's ability to use connections between individual areas of activity and, accordingly, better coordinate its efforts with the actions of suppliers and consumers. These technologies have a powerful impact on competition.

The computer industry is considered environmentally friendly. At the same time, IT companies often act as major environmental destroyers. The use of IT equipment involves the consumption of electricity, and its improvement leads to an increase in this consumption. With the miniaturization of electronic equipment, the threat of large quantities of electronic equipment ending up in landfills after use has increased. IT equipment contains hazardous chemicals such as chromium, cadmium and organic halogens. The EU adopted a special Directive “On electronic and electrical waste” (2002), and in the same year an agreement was reached according to which the use of four heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium), as well as bromide and polybromide connections in the production of electronic and electrical equipment must be discontinued on July 1, 2006 1 .

Information and communication technologies (ICT)-- a set of technologies that ensure recording of information, its processing and information exchanges (transmission, distribution, disclosure).

Information technology is a set of methods and software and hardware designed to reduce the complexity of the process of using information.

Information technologies are methods and means of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, storing and using information.

Information technologies also mean software, hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as modern means and information exchange systems that provide operations for collecting, producing, accumulating, storing, processing and transmitting information.

The emergence of information technologies is associated with the following achievements: the emergence of new means of storing information, the development of communications, the possibility of automated processing of information using a computer.

A better term for educational technologies that use a computer is computer technology. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of which is the computer.

ICT includes computers, software and electronic communications. ICT often also includes technologies for management consulting and design of business and administrative processes, since design results usually involve the use of computers and electronic communications.

Information technologies are divided into three groups: saving, rationalizing and creating (creative) information technologies save labor, time and material resources (printer, scanner, copier).

Rationalizing information technologies are automatic search and order systems (book search systems in libraries).

Creative information technologies include a person in the process of working with information (text editor).

Information technologies can be classified according to their functional purpose. A. V. Dvoretskaya identifies the following types of information technologies: presentations, educational games and developmental programs, didactic materials, simulator programs, virtual experiment systems, electronic textbooks, electronic encyclopedias.

Presentations are the most common type of presentation of demonstration materials. Presentations are electronic filmstrips, but, unlike conventional filmstrips, they can include animation, audio and video fragments, elements of interactivity, that is, a reaction to user actions can be provided. Presentations are especially interesting because they can be created by any teacher who has access to a computer with minimal time. They are actively used to present student projects.

Educational games and developmental programs are aimed at preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. This type includes interactive programs with a game scenario. By performing various tasks during the game, students develop fine motor skills, spatial imagination, logical thinking and, possibly, gain additional skills when working on the keyboard.

Didactic materials - collections of tasks, dictations, exercises, as well as examples of abstracts and essays presented in electronic form, in the form of a simple set of file texts.

Simulator programs perform the function of didactic materials. Modern simulator programs can track the progress of the solution and report errors.

Virtual experiment systems are software systems that allow a student to conduct experiments that would be impossible for safety or financial reasons.

Electronic textbooks and training courses combine all or several of the types of training programs described above into a single software package.

Electronic encyclopedias combine the functions of demonstration and reference materials. In accordance with their name, they are an electronic analogue of conventional reference and information publications. Unlike their paper counterparts, such encyclopedias have additional properties and capabilities: they support a convenient search system by keywords and concepts, a convenient navigation system based on hyperlinks, and the ability to include audio and video fragments.

In the elementary grades, a teaching tool such as visualization is used. Visualization is the leading tool in learning. Visual aids ensure the complete formation of any image or concept and thereby contribute to a more solid assimilation of knowledge and understanding of the connection between scientific knowledge and life. Visibility helps students develop an emotional and evaluative attitude towards the knowledge being communicated, increases interest in knowledge, makes the process of assimilation easier, and maintains the child’s attention. There are the following types of visualizations.

*pictorial and pictorial-dynamic clarity - these are paintings, drawings, photographs, transparencies, films. The function is to introduce facts, objects, phenomena through their display.

*Sound clarity (recordings, tape recordings, radio); function - reproduction of sound images.

*mixed visualization - educational, sound film; function - recreating the most complete live representation of the action.

*Educational films and film fragments - they serve to systematize and generalize knowledge. Demonstration of the film is an organic part of the lesson and is combined with other teaching methods and independent work of students.

*Educational filmstrips are static images on film, united by a single storyline and, therefore, having a certain sequence in presenting the topic material. Filmstrips can be used at all stages of the learning process.

*Training transparencies are a photographic positive image on film placed in a special cardboard or plastic frame. They serve as material for testing students' knowledge and for conducting oral and written essays.

*Recordings are used to record excerpts and plastics from musical works. You can perform morning exercises using special recordings.

*Television is a television program that is used in the educational process. They constitute learning processes tailored to the curriculum; They are used in lessons and used in extracurricular activities.

Currently, our country has begun to use technical means of education. G.M. Kojaspirova understands technical means as devices and instruments that serve to improve the pedagogical process, increase the efficiency and quality of teaching by demonstrating audiovisual means.

Let us list the main classifications of technical teaching aids identified by Kodzhaspirova:

By functional purpose;

According to the principle of design and operation;

By type of training;

According to the logic of work;

By the nature of the effect on the senses;

By the nature of the presentation of information.

According to their functional purpose, technical means of training are divided into technical means of transmitting educational information (overhead projectors, tape recorders, televisions, players, etc.), knowledge control (special programs, video recorders), training (keyboard on the simulator), training and self-study (TV and curriculum), auxiliary (electronic board, electrorecorders) and combined (language devices, closed-circuit television systems, computer systems). According to the principle of design and operation, technical teaching aids can be mechanical (clock model), electromechanical (sewing machine), optical (telescopes), sound (player), electronic (multimedia TV) and combined (tape recorder). By the type of training, technical devices are distinguished: individual (presentation), group (TV), and continuous. According to the logic of operation, technical teaching aids can have a linear program, that is, they do not depend on feedback (educational presentations, television, television programs); and with an extensive program that provides various operating modes (electronic textbooks).

Based on the nature of the impact on the senses, visual (pictures), audio (projector) and audiovisual (TV) technical teaching aids are distinguished. Based on the nature of information presentation, technical teaching aids can be divided into screen (pictures), sound (recording, projector), screen-sound (video recording). Educational personal computers are becoming widespread in schools and can be used in teaching any subject. These programs are adapted to the age and individual characteristics of students. Personal training computers are equipped with a clock and can operate in tutor and examiner mode, independently identify and analyze errors, and offer training exercises to practice skills. However, many computers are mounted on cathode ray tubes, which negatively affect vision, so schoolchildren are not recommended to work with them for more than one lesson a day. Before using educational technology, students must be taught how to use it. Teaching aids act as the subject of learning. During the initial introduction, students often pay great attention to studying the display and other technology. To increase the effectiveness of the first lesson, according to Bazhenova, it is necessary to specifically teach students to work with new tools, prepare them to perceive and remember information, provide instructions, give cognitive tasks, check readiness for work and clearly define the goals of work, objects of assessment and control. One of the brightest components of the environment in which a modern child grows up is the so-called information technology. This word is used as an analogue of the term media - a means of mass communication (computer systems, television, radio, print, etc.). And no matter how small the child is, all these means are present almost every day in his life, they play a great role in the formation of his ideas about the world, and develop him morally and aesthetically. Our research in this area indicates that the study of modern media by children can not only form their ideas about the functioning and role of mass media in our lives, but, above all, provide a unique means of development for the child himself. In the process of working with a media text (film, TV show), many skills and abilities acquired by children in classes in other types of art are activated, emotional responsiveness, attention, the ability to analyze, and correctly express their emotions through words are developed. All this gives us the right to conclude that media education of students allows not only to use new technologies in the educational process, but also to systematize, synthesize knowledge and skills, and form the media culture of students. Bazhenova also emphasizes in her article that a person, entering the computerized world, must know the theoretical foundations of computer science and be able to use a computer in his professional activities. The school is obliged to prepare children for life in modern society, therefore, the problem of computerization of education should become a leading one in the educational process. The student must overcome the mental barrier of computer illness. To solve this problem, it becomes necessary to introduce children to computers early, not at the level of excursions and games, but in the form of regular classes. The programs used must be rational, effective and compatible with the core curriculum. The computer will not only affect all areas of the child’s personal development when he has a program that corresponds to the methods and techniques of each specific teacher. Consequently, the teacher himself must take part in the development of the software tools he needs. According to Pavlova, one of the important conditions for improving the quality of the auxiliary process in general, and the lesson in particular, the successful acquisition of knowledge by children, the formation of their skills and abilities, is the use of information technology teaching aids, which contribute, first of all, to a better implementation of the principle of visibility in teaching. At the same time, information technology teaching aids (ITSO) make it possible to collectively influence the senses, develop thinking, activate creative abilities, cultivate interest in classes, and, in general, educate and form educated citizens of our society. The most effective and most emotionally affecting means of visualization is cinema. Educational films and videos serve to systematize and generalize knowledge, highlight individual issues of the topic, and contain factual material for the formation of ideas. Educational films - videos should not be considered as a method of visual illustration; they carry educational information. A computer is a powerful means of influencing the human psyche. Thanks to modern technology, the creation of various visual illustrations and sound accompaniment, fascinating children's encyclopedias are already appearing on the computer today, allowing the child to “travel” around the world, etc.

All types of teaching aids carry a different didactic load, helping students create a holistic picture of the historical past, deepen and systematize knowledge, develop skills, and optimize the educational process. The use of a variety of teaching tools, both traditional and new technologies, can provide significant support to the teaching process in primary school and will improve the quality of student learning.

Technical teaching aids have been included in our educational institutions for quite some time and during the second half of the 19th century they became widespread. Thematic electronic publications on history, encyclopedias, albums, textbooks, and sets of multimedia presentations are published. Such materials are based on electronic media and are projected onto a screen using a multimedia projector. Multimedia is a modern computer technology that allows you to combine text, sound, video, graphics and animation in a computer system.

Modern humanity has become involved in a general historical process called information. In this period of development of society, the production of information becomes the main activity, and computerization acts as part of this process. Information is becoming the main resource of scientific and technological development and socio-economic development of the world community, significantly influencing the acceleration of the development of science. New information technology teaching aids (ITTE) in the field of education are one of the leading factors in personality formation.

The concept of information is fundamental in this process. With the advent of modern computer technology, information began to act as one of the most important resources of the scientific and technical process. The concept of information is used in all areas: science, technology, culture, sociology and everyday life.

New information and technical means, based on the principles formulated by B.E. Paton, V.I. Gritsenko and B.I. Panshin, are defined as a set of fundamentally new systems and methods of data processing implemented in the system of organizational management of education and in the training system, representing integral training systems and displaying an information product at the lowest cost and in accordance with the laws of the environments in which they develop. [Cit. from 13.110s.]

The following areas of new information technology teaching aids are currently being developed:

1) universal information technologies (text editors, graphic packages, database management systems, spreadsheet processors, modeling systems, expert systems, etc.);

2) computer telecommunications;

3) computer training and monitoring programs, computer textbooks;

4) multimedia software products.

There are computer and e-learning. According to Kodzhaspirova’s definition, computer training is a training system in which a computer is one of the technical means of teaching. E-learning is learning using systems and devices of modern electronics.

All developmental education programs are aimed at activating the subject of educational activities. We want to see the elementary school student independent and proactive, striving to develop his habits, diverse needs, and inclinations. When you start talking about the possibility of using new information technologies (NIT) in this regard, in other words, computer technology.

According to Molokova, the use of new information technologies can transform the teaching of traditional academic subjects, rationalizing child labor, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing educational material, and most importantly, raising children’s learning to an immeasurably higher level. The computer is able to quickly and effectively teach children to independently work with large texts, which is what secondary schools require from primary schools when issues of continuity are discussed. The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited.

With the help of information technology, it is possible not only to provide information, but also to receive it from the user. Information technology can enable learning anywhere and anytime, making it a powerful tool for learning learning materials in education. According to many experts, new information technologies can make a revolution in learning very likely. They, information technologies, help children become more active and independent students, allow them to learn from each other and have access to the widest range of information.

Information technology is seen as a possible means that allows for the greatest accessibility to educational resources. The rapid process of informatization of the education system makes it possible to use information technologies in most lessons, including in the “World around us” lessons. The use of information technologies provides support for the educational process, makes it possible to realize the educational, developmental and educational goals of education, taking into account the learning conditions and the specifics of the subject area, allows you to fill in the content and evaluative-controlling side of the learning process.

The specific features of information technologies make it possible to assess their role in achieving the goals of education for primary schoolchildren. Firstly, information technologies complement the content and methodology of studying material, which increases the possibility of enriching and systematizing students’ sensory experience. Especially in cases where in a real learning situation this perception is impossible or difficult. For example, a demonstration of the dynamics of development of such a natural object as a frog (observation of individual, hidden moments).

Secondly, information technology provides the conditions for an individualized learning process for both students with learning difficulties and successful students. For example, each topic offers tasks of different difficulty levels.

Thirdly, the level of clarity is much higher than in printed textbooks. Moreover, the visibility is of a higher level, since it is realized with the help of animation, sound, and video clips.

In addition, information technologies ensure that the teacher creates a favorable intellectual background for learning, which is especially necessary for high-achieving students.

Information technologies perform a number of didactic functions: educational, developmental, educational. The educational function is focused on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the readiness of younger schoolchildren for further education, for the conscious assimilation of knowledge of natural science and social science content.

The developmental function is focused on the formation of the most important components of educational activity in the process of studying the surrounding world. As a result of schoolchildren’s work using information technology, the developmental effect of learning is enhanced: the formation of qualitative characteristics of perception, imagination, attention, memory and especially thinking.

The educational function determines the possibility of forming correct relationships with the outside world. Its aesthetic, moral, ethical and legal standards. The possibility of individual work with information technologies creates a favorable condition for the development of educational and cognitive motivation, conscious personal acceptance of norms in the natural and social environment.

Using information technology, the teacher pursues the following goals: firstly, providing content and technological support for the basic means of teaching, strengthening the visual basis for the formation of natural science and social science knowledge in younger schoolchildren. Secondly, the formation of a general culture and erudition of younger schoolchildren, ensuring the creation of a prosperous intellectual background for learning. Thirdly, the formation of the information culture of students, familiarizing them with self-education. And, fourthly, the development of students’ cognitive interests, deepening their interest in studying the “World around us.”

There are various forms of organizing training using information technologies.

The classroom-lesson system, with a focus on teacher guidance in the process of acquiring new knowledge, remains today the main task of organizing education.

It is necessary that information technologies fit organically into the existing system of organizational forms and means of training, expanding the capabilities of traditional ones and laying the preconditions for the development of new forms of training.

Depending on the characteristics of the communicative interaction between the teacher and students, there are individual and frontal forms of organizing learning. The frontal form of teaching involves the whole class working on the implementation of a specific didactic task, the achievement of which becomes possible with the active interaction of students with each other. With this form of learning organization, students complete a task common to all at the same pace. This feature should be taken into account when using demonstrations and when conducting group games. Collective and group work differ, firstly, in the number of participants, and secondly, in the style of their interaction. In the collective form of educational organization, the class is considered as a single educational team, united by a common goal and a common result of activity, with strict adherence to the rules of cooperation between management and subordination. In elementary school, the leader is often the teacher. He “conducts” a dialogue, asks questions, sets tasks, helps find a way to solve them, and takes on the function of control and evaluation.

It is this form of organization that is appropriate when working with demonstration material. The teacher displays demonstration material on a common screen or on computer screens and conducts a conversation based on it. The group type of frontal work offers an equal distribution of roles between students. The contribution of each student to solving the task constitutes the overall result of joint activity. This form can be used when working with story games.

When building an individual form of training, the teacher can use any existing, modified, or developed exercises based on special templates. An individual task may contain several exercises, the total duration of which cannot exceed 15-20 minutes. The number of exercises is set by the teacher depending on the purpose of the lesson, the student’s level of preparation, and his ability to work on a computer. The teacher can prepare a fragment of the lesson. The purpose of this fragment can be different: it can be used at the beginning of studying a topic, and then working with it precedes working with a textbook and other printed media. A fragment of the computer version of the topic can be used at the stage of consolidating the material after working with printed teaching aids. In this case, it performs the function of supplementing and expanding students’ knowledge, helping to develop the ability to use it in various situations, both reproductive and creative.

A training fragment can be built to solve other problems of the educational process, for example, organizing collective and individual training in the classroom; conducting tests; preparation of differentiated tasks; building an individual form of training.

When organizing an individual form of education, the teacher must select tasks taking into account the real knowledge and skills of a particular student, his psychological characteristics and the pace of learning, the gradual complication of the tasks presented, the presentation of tasks of different types, the success of the child’s activities, reliance on his positive achievements, the opportunity to receive real result, providing the opportunity to work in the “zone of near development”, that is, allowing attempts to complete difficult tasks with the help of a teacher, giving the student the right to choose the types of tasks and an activity partner.

Verification and assessment of the achievements of junior schoolchildren is an essential component of the educational process. When using information technology, the results of students completing textual and training exercises are provided in a form convenient for subsequent analysis, which allows us to talk about improving the technology for recording progress and the quality of education.

Based on the specific successes or failures of the student, the teacher develops a plan for further presenting the student with a system of tasks. Thus, a clear definition of learning outcomes makes it possible to predict the direction of each student’s progress in the educational material, adjust the existing methodological system of the teacher’s work, and determine trends in the development of the education system.

Control and assessment in primary school is considered as one of the means of developing positive motives for learning and students’ readiness for self-control. In the process of using information technology, the objectivity of the assessment increases, which can help reduce anxiety and develop the qualities of students' control activities. Sometimes the negative side of a teacher’s activity is his egocentricity, which manifests itself in the bias of assessing not the result, the process of activity, in summing up the results of control based on the “average score”, therefore, transferring the assessment function from the teacher to the computer can contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem and self-confidence in students , in one's strengths and optimism.

Any control, including that organized within the framework of the use of information technology, creates a certain emotional background and causes a corresponding emotional reaction in the student. Therefore, when using information technology, it is necessary to include carefully thought-out remarks assessing the degree of success of students’ activities. It is especially important that there is no need to provide assessments of the pace of work, the personal qualities of students or the characteristics of their mental processes. Thus, the organization of control and evaluation using information technology is considered as one of the important tasks of improving teaching activities, which must meet modern requirements for the work of a teacher and implement the principles of humanization of individualization of teaching.

Currently, an electronic textbook “Nature. Human. Society”, which can be used in teaching practice with different computer equipment. The most optimal way is to conduct natural science classes in a computer science classroom, that is, in a classroom where students have individual workstations at computers; the teacher also has a similar workplace. In this case, it is possible to make maximum use of the resources of the electronic textbook when organizing various forms of training. Under such conditions, classes using a computer are held once a week with half the class in the class for 15 minutes, the rest of the lesson takes place without the use of a computer. Division into subgroups can take into account the level of mastery of computer skills, for example, students with a high level of computer skills are combined into one group. They may be given work with tasks of high complexity. Another group includes students with an average or low level of computer skills. They are given tasks that match their computer skills.

Thus, it is possible to organize the activities of students using various forms of work.

Information and communication technologies

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technologies in the field of education in the last decade has attracted increased interest in pedagogical science. Russian and foreign scientists made a great contribution to solving the problem of computer technology of education: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Papert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information for the benefit of its users.[I,II]

With the advent of such a component as informatization in the education process, it became appropriate to reconsider its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training of specialists based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

    the use of active teaching methods and, as a result, increasing the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various types of educational activities (teaching, research, etc.);

    adaptation of educational information technologies to the individual characteristics of the student;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in training and education;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improvement of software and methodological support for the educational process[ 3 ]

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. Regarding the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

    means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training tools (problems, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    complex means (remote).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and educational (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    search engines (directories, search engines).

3. By type of information:

    electronic and information resources with text information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and educational materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video excursions; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);



Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information for the benefit of its users.
As noted by E.I. Vishtynetsky and A.O. Krivosheev, the use of ICT used in the field of education should aim to achieve the following tasks, such as:

  • support and development of the student’s systematic thinking;
  • support for all types of cognitive activity of the student in the acquisition of knowledge, development and consolidation of skills and abilities;
  • implementation of the principle of individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity.

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. Regarding the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

  • means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);
  • practical training tools (problems, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);
  • aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions);
  • comprehensive tools (distance learning courses).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

  • information and educational (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);
  • interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);
  • search engines (directories, search engines).

3. By type of information:

  • electronic and information resources with text information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and educational materials);
  • electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video excursions; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);
  • electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);
  • electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);
  • electronic and information resources with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, anthologies, problem books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

4. According to the forms of application of ICT in the educational process:

  • lesson;
  • extracurricular

5. According to the form of interaction with the student:

  • technology of asynchronous communication mode – “offline”;
  • technology of synchronous communication mode – “online”.

Several aspects of the use of various educational ICT tools in the educational process can be highlighted:

1. Motivational aspect. The use of ICT helps to increase the interest and formation of positive motivation of students, since the following conditions are created:

  • maximum consideration of individual educational opportunities and needs of students;
  • a wide choice of content, forms, pace and levels of training sessions;
  • revealing the creative potential of students;
  • students' mastery of modern information technologies.
  • when creating interactive tables, posters and other digital educational resources on individual topics and sections of the academic discipline,
  • to create individual test mini-lessons;
  • for creating interactive homework and simulators for students’ independent work.

3. Educational and methodological aspect. Electronic and information resources can be used as educational and methodological support for the educational process. The teacher can use various educational ICT tools in preparation for the lesson; directly when explaining new material, to consolidate acquired knowledge, in the process of monitoring the quality of knowledge; to organize students’ independent study of additional material, etc. Computer tests and test tasks can be used to carry out various types of control and assessment of knowledge.
In addition, the teacher can use a variety of electronic and information resources when designing educational and extracurricular activities.

4. Organizational aspect. ICT can be used in various options for organizing training:

  • when teaching each student according to an individual program based on an individual plan;
  • in frontal or subgroup forms of work.

5. Control and evaluation aspect. The main means of monitoring and assessing the educational results of students in ICT are tests and test tasks that allow for various types of control: input, intermediate and final.
Tests can be carried out in on-line mode (carried out on a computer in interactive mode, the result is evaluated automatically by the system) and off-line mode (results are evaluated by a teacher with comments and work on errors). Thus, the use of ICT in teaching Russian language and literature significantly increases not only the effectiveness of teaching, but also helps to improve various forms and methods of teaching, and increases students’ interest in in-depth study of program material.
It should be noted that ICT is not only a computer, it is also the ability to work with information. And then it is necessary to highlight communication technology.
Communication technology is based on interconnected comprehensive training in all types of speech activity:

  • listening;
  • speaking;
  • reading;
  • letter.

The main thing in communicative teaching technology is the content of speech behavior, which consists of:

  • speech actions;
  • speech situation.

Communication technology provides for the functionality of learning (student activity):

  • the student asks;
  • confirms the idea;
  • encourages action;
  • expresses doubts and in the process updates grammatical norms.

At the same time, the novelty of the situation must be ensured:

  • new speech task;
  • new interlocutor;
  • new subject of discussion.

The main way to master communicative competence is through different types of activities, because in activity there arises:

  • awareness of the need for communication;
  • need to use speech;
  • speech behavior is formed.

Activities in which communication technology is implemented can be:

  • educational;
  • gaming;
  • labor

The unit of organization and the core of the learning process using communication technology is the situation. Using the situation:

  • a system of relationships between those who communicate is established;
  • communication is motivated;
  • speech material is presented (presented);
  • speech skills are acquired;
  • Children’s activity and independence of communication develops.

In communication technology, the selection of educational material meets the child’s needs:

  • speech structures necessary for the child to communicate are selected;
  • it is possible to use a simplified model of speech communication (even a non-verbal form of communication).

Education should influence not only the thinking of children, but also their feelings and emotions:

  • bring joy to children;
  • accompanied by positive emotional experiences.

The material was prepared by I.A. Igusheva, a methodologist at the Central Regional Educational Institution of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House.
(based on sites:

Information Communication Technologies– these are technologies related to telecommunications, i.e. “communication at a distance” via the World Wide Web, aimed at integrating subjects into a single information space in order to obtain the maximum amount of information.

Information and communication technologies can be divided into two groups.

Rice. ICT groups.

The first group includes electronic textbooks and dictionaries; text, graphic editors, test programs, presentations, etc. This software does not bind users, but assumes exclusively individual work.

The second group should include communication technologies themselves. They are based on the principle of information exchange, their goal is the joint work of users and the organization of computer-mediated communication. This type of communication is carried out through the World Wide Web through email, teleconferences, forums, blogs and chats.

Communication technologies are based on the exchange of information. Information is exchanged through information transmission channels. Information transmission channels can use various physical principles. Thus, when people communicate directly, information is transmitted using sound waves, and when talking on the phone - using electrical signals. Computers can exchange information using communication channels of various physical natures: cable, fiber optic, radio channels, etc.

The general scheme for transmitting information includes a sender of information, a channel for transmitting information, and a recipient of information.

If there is a two-way exchange of information, then the sender and recipient of information can change roles.

The main characteristic of information transmission channels is their throughput(information transfer speed). The channel capacity is equal to the amount of information that can be transmitted over it per unit of time.

Bandwidth is typically measured in bits per second (bps) and in multiples of Kbps, Mbps. However, sometimes the unit of measurement is byte per second (byte/s) and its multiples KB/s and MB/s.

The relationships between units of information transmission channel capacity are the same as between units of measuring the amount of information:

1 byte/s = 8 bit/s;

1 Kbps = 1024 bps;

1 Mbit/s = 1024 Kbit/s;

1 Gbit/s = 1024 Mbit/s;

The main components of communication technologies:

· local computer networks;

· global computer network Internet;

· TCP/IP data transfer protocol;

· Email;

· teleconferences;

· electronic board.