Update Microsoft no framework latest version. Free programs for Windows download for free

Release 4.7 is a necessary improvement to the .NET Framework, ensuring high performance, compatibility and security for related applications. The latest version of the software platform provides software developers with the maximum range of capabilities available today to create software for various environments, operating systems and for a variety of devices.

The average person is not particularly interested in how cross-platform application programs are created and without which they do not work. Many users are simply forced, due to various circumstances, to download free Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (32-bit, 64-bit) for the normal functioning of certain software. By the way, synchronized Skype or Viber on a computer, tablet and smartphone is quite convenient.

Advantages of compatible software and advantages of the Framework

By analogy with the DirectX standard for the gaming industry, Microsoft.Net Framework is necessary to provide a variety of modern business processes. We recommend the latest version of Windows Microsoft.. Microsoft .NET Framework allows users to access more secure, practical, functional and progressive software products. Such software works with a variety of data sources and provides an ergonomic interface both for locally oriented work and on the Internet.

The advantages of the Microsoft Framework include:

  • support of modern industrial standards,
  • improved maximum performance,
  • improved support for multi-core processors (optimized),
  • object-oriented and server-centric,
  • a reliable foundation for high-performance computing,
  • on-the-fly processing of operational garbage,
  • many programming language options,
  • use of parallel computing,
  • debugging applications at a high quality level,
  • compatibility with Windows Runtime components,
  • working with Unicode encoding,
  • use ZIP compression.

General description of the Microsoft .NET Framework software platform

Starting with the already outdated Win 98, 2000, NT 4.0 and XP, data integration using the Microsoft .NET Framework provides a uniform principle of information processing. So in 2002, Microsoft responded to the growing popularity with the Java platform. Now, if necessary, it is possible to download Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32-bit, 64-bit) for free on the website https://site or on the official website in Russian without registration and SMS. Today, the Microsoft Framework exists as libraries and plugins that provide the functioning of programs standard for the .NET architecture. A special feature of such software is that it works with data and program code both on a separate computer and on an Intranet or Internet.

The software platform is based on the Common Language Runtime specification environment, which works with different programming languages. Important components include: Communication, Identity and Workflow Foundation, CardSpace, Parallel Extensions. It is possible to work together between program elements written in different programming languages, for example: part of the code in C++ accesses an element from the Delphi library, and an unhandled exception constructed by a method in C# is intercepted and processed by the Delphi module.

The following programming languages ​​are included with Microsoft Visual Studio: C#, C++/CLI, VB, JScript, F#; also supported: Zonnon, COBOL, Delphi, FORTRAN, IronRuby, Iron Python, Mercury, Oxygene and others.

Free implementations of the Microsoft .NET Framework

Independent alternative projects PortableNET and Mono allow .NET architecture applications to run on other operating systems. Portable.NET is free software that provides a portable set of tools for Common Language Infrastructure applications and supports a variety of operating systems. The Mono project is a full-fledged implementation of the .NET Framework based on, among others, Unix, Linux and Mac OS.

Disadvantages, lack of security, incompatibility

Disadvantages of the technology include the fact that managed bytecode that has not undergone obfuscation may be subject to decompilation, which can lead to the loss of trade secrets. Questionable cross-platform implementation due to support for a number of not completely cross-platform standards requires compensation in the form of versions for mobile devices and other operating systems, in addition to the Microsoft Windows operating system, which are not fully compatible. There are many such implementations, for example: Compact Framework for Windows CE, Micro Framework for microcontrollers, DiscUtils for virtual drives and others.

The latest version of the .NET Framework during installation replaces the current one and is incompatible with Win XP and other outdated Windows. According to reviews and comments from users of Microsoft Windows XP SP3, you should download Net Framework 4.0 for free in Russian, since new versions are not supported by Expishka.

Earlier versions should only be used in special cases. For example, version 3.5 SP1 can be useful because it includes the extended .Net Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2. In some situations, the distribution will install only the new components of the latest version of the package, which will allow legacy applications to function on the new platform, without updating applications targeting previous versions. Such situations are described in the documentation for the corresponding application, or require contacting the support service of the IT company that developed such software.

In a standard situation, when installing a new version of a package, the manufacturer advises uninstalling the current version. You should not install different language versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework on the same computer.

With the rapid development of new technologies, programs have appeared that facilitate the normal operation of applications even with the most complex technical code. Today they are familiar to us as DirectX.

However, after the advent of the Internet, this was no longer enough, because most software and computer games for one reason or another, they began to need access to the World Wide Web.

That's why Microsoft developed their .NET Framework software platform. What are its features and what exactly is it used for?

What is the .NET Framework?

This application is used for the correct operation of the program connected to the Internet. This development was a kind of response from the global corporation Microsoft to a platform that was very popular at that time and quite quickly became many times more famous than its competitor.

Today there is more and more software refuses to work without .NET Framework, which indicates the complete dominance of this application in its market.



The main feature of this program is the fact that by downloading the Microsoft Framework for free, you will install the application, compatible with almost any existing programming language, and therefore with software written in these languages.

By and large, this is one of the main reasons for the rapid increase in popularity of the discussed Microsoft development.

Also, it is not at all necessary to constantly download latest version of Framework, because each new build of this program has information about the previous ones. This eliminates incompatibility between them, which saves the user from unnecessary hassle.

Moreover, there have long been separate developments with which you can write technical codes for the Framework in new languages.


Naturally, being a program from Microsoft, the .NET Framework is supported by the operating system for Windows-based computers. You can install .NET Framerwork for Windows 7, 8, 10 and for other previous versions of this OS. Not so long ago, independent projects began to be built that make it possible to run the program under discussion on other systems.


In the end, it should be said that in today's realities it is simply necessary to download the .NET Framework for Windows 7 x64 or another version of this OS, because without this platform almost none of the computer programs now work.

Microsoft managed to create another product of the highest quality, which became not just the best, but literally irreplaceable in its market.

That's why we We recommend downloading the .NET Framework for Windows for free 7 x64 or for another version of Windows on our website. Using the link below you can download Windows .NET Framework from the official website completely free of charge.



    Publication date:

    • The .NET Framework is Microsoft's comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have a superior user experience, transparent and secure communications, and the ability to create rich business processes.

      The .NET Framework 4 runs alongside its previous versions. Applications based on previous versions of the .NET Framework will continue to run on the platform for which they are designed by default.

      The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 contains the following new features and enhancements.

      • Improvements to CLR (Common Language Runtime) and BCL (Base Class Library)
        • Improved performance, including improved multi-core support, background garbage collection, and server-side profiler attachment.
        • New memory mapped file types and new numeric types.
        • Easier debugging, including dump debugging, Watson minidumps, mixed mode debugging for 64-bit processors, and code contracts.
        • For a complete list of extensions for the CLR and BCL, see .
      • New developments in Visual Basic and C#, such as lambda operators, implicit line continuations, dynamic dispatch, and named and optional parameters.
      • Improvements in data access and modeling.
        • The Entity Framework allows developers to program relational database operations using .NET objects and Language Integrated Query (LINQ). It includes many new features, including persistence override and support for POCO, foreign key mappings, slow loading, test-driven development support, in-model functions, and new LINQ operators. Additional features include support for multi-tier data science applications with self-tracking entities, custom code generation using T4 templates, model first development, an enhanced designer interface, improved performance, and pluralization of entity sets. For more information, see .
        • WCF Data Services is a component of the .NET Framework that allows you to create REST-based services and applications that use the Open Data Protocol (OData) to expose and receive data over the Internet. WCF Data Services contains many new components, including enhanced BLOB support, data binding, row counting, feed customization, projection, and query pipeline enhancements. Native integration with Microsoft Office 2010 now allows you to expose Microsoft Office SharePoint Server data as an OData feed and access that feed using the WCF Data Services Client Library. For more information, see .
      • Extensions in ASP.NET
        • Additional HTML controls, element IDs, and custom CSS styles make it easy to create web forms that are standards-compliant and search engine optimized.
        • New dynamic data components such as new query filters, entity templates, rich support for Entity Framework 4, and validation and template creation capabilities that can be easily applied to existing web forms.
        • Web forms support for new AJAX library enhancements, including built-in support for Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).
        • For a complete list of extensions for ASP.NET, see this link.
      • Improvements in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
        • Added support for multi-touch input, ribbon controls, and Windows 7 taskbar expandability capabilities.
        • Added support for Surface SDK 2.0.
        • New controls for business applications, such as the charting control, smart editing, data grid, and others, improve the productivity of developers building data applications.
        • Improvements in performance and scalability.
        • Improvements to text clarity, pixel binding, localization, and interaction.
        • For a complete list of extensions for WPF, see.
      • Enhancements to Windows Workflow (WF) to help developers maintain workflows more efficiently. Includes an improved action programming model, an improved designer interface, a new flowchart modeling style, an expanded action palette, workflow rules integration, and new message correlation capabilities. The .NET Framework 4 also provides significant performance improvements for WF-based workflows. For a complete list of extensions for WF, see.
      • Enhancements in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), such as support for WCF Workflow Services to create workflows that support message-based activity correlation. In addition, the .NET Framework 4 provides new WCF components such as service discovery, routing service, REST support, diagnostics, and performance. For a complete list of extensions for WCF, see.
      • The latest parallel programming components, such as parallel loop support, TPL (Task Parallel Library), PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) queries, and coordination data structures, allow developers to efficiently manage the capabilities of multi-core processors.

    System requirements

    • Supported Operating System

      Windows 7; Windows 7 Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2; Windows Server 2008; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1; Windows Vista Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 3

          • Windows XP SP3
          • Windows Server 2003 SP2
          • Windows Vista SP1 or later
          • Windows Server 2008 (not supported in the primary server role)
          • Windows 7
          • Windows Server 2008 R2 (not supported in the primary server role)
          • Windows 7 SP1
          • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
        • Supported architectures:
          • ia64 (some features are not supported on ia64, such as WPF)
        • Hardware requirements:
          • Recommended minimum: 1 GHz or faster Pentium processor, 512 MB RAM or more
          • Minimum disk space:
            • x86 – 850 MB
            • x64 – 2 GB
        • Prerequisites:
          • or later
          • or later

    Installation Instructions

        1. Important! Make sure your computer has the latest service pack and important Windows fixes. To search for security updates, visit Windows Update. If installing on 64-bit XP or Windows 2003, you may have to install the Windows Imaging Component. The 32-bit version of Windows Imaging Component is available from . The 64-bit version of Windows Imaging Component is available from .
        2. Click the "Download" button on this page to start downloading. If needed, a compact x86-only installer can be obtained from . If you need to install on ia64, the installer for the ia64 architecture can be obtained from .
        3. To begin installation immediately, click the button Execute.
        4. To save the downloaded files on your computer and install them later, click the button Save.
        5. To cancel the installation, click the button Cancel.

    additional information

      • Additional requirements for server installation

        If you need to install a server, you must install the following software on your computer in addition to the basic components:

        • Internet Information Services 6.0 or later. To access ASP.NET features, you must install Internet Information Services (IIS) with the latest security updates before installing the .NET Framework. ASP.NET is only supported on Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2.
        • (Recommended) MDAC Data Access Components 2.8 or later.

        NOTE: Most users do not need to install a server. If you are not sure whether to perform a server installation, perform a basic installation.

        Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Setup with Server Core installation option

        This version of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 does not support the Server Core installation option of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. To obtain the version of Microsoft .NET Framework 4 that supports the Server Core installation option for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, click here

Net Framework is a software platform for running applications developed in the appropriate environment. It is a kind of analogue of Java from the now owned Oracle Sun Microsystems and is also necessary for the development of these same programs. The basis of the engine is a common language runtime environment for CLR code, compatible with various languages. The Framework runs on a number of operating systems from Microsoft 32 bit/64 bit. These include:

  • Windows 7;
  • Windows 8.1;
  • Windows 10

The latest version of the platform no longer supports XP.

Features of version 4

The new development Net Framework 4.0.30319 was introduced in 2010 and differs from the third version in the following ways:

  • support for new commands and operations in Visual Basic;
  • availability of MEF support;
  • compatible with IronRuby and IronPython;
  • the presence of modeling tools and a special programming language necessary for the formation of domain-specific models.

The link below will help you download the latest Framework for free. The installed software product is critical for the proper functioning of the Internet connection and most applications using the network. In general, No Framework is becoming a global standard for the network industry, much like DirectX or ActiveX are for running computer games.

Compared to the most advanced version of Java, Net Framework is distributed without registration and shows exactly 300% increased performance. This allows you to create high-end and complex products, consisting of several modules, faster, and their performance will be high even on older computers. Development speed increases due to the availability of many ready-made functions, classes, and visually presented tools. New developers of multi-platform applications can download this Framework for free.

Disadvantages and Limitations

Running applications developed using this technology on a weak laptop, despite the higher operating efficiency compared to Java, consumes more resources than less popular analogues.

The absence of obfuscation or obfuscation of the code makes it easy to decompile (decipher) the application and interfere with its code, which promises the loss of trade secrets and the disclosure of the working mechanisms of the hacked software.

Microsoft has limited the cross-platform implementation of the Framework, which is why it is present on other platforms, but in a clearly stripped-down form, that is, with less functionality.

You can install the NET Framework on any computer by downloading the installer from our website.

When installing another program, users are often faced with the requirement to have a new version of the .NET Framework. Its manufacturers, Microsoft, constantly release updates for their product. You can always download the current version of the component for free on the website. So how do you update the .NET Framework on Windows 7?

Manual update

There is no update as such in the .NET Framework. It occurs like a normal program installation. The difference is that the old version does not need to be deleted; the update is installed on top of the other versions. To install it, you need to go to the official Microsoft website and download the latest .NET Framework. After this the file is launched "exe".

The installation process takes about 5 minutes, no more. After rebooting the computer, the update will be completed.

Updating using the ASoft .NET Version Detector utility

In order to avoid searching for the required installation file on the website for a long time, you can use the special utility ASoft .NET Version Detector. Once launched, the tool will scan your computer for installed versions of the .NET Framework.

Versions that are not in the system are marked in gray font, opposite green download arrows. By clicking on it, you can download the required .NET Framework. Now the component must be installed and the system rebooted.

This completes the .NET Framework update, that is, in essence it is no different from installing the component.

And yet, if you have updated to the latest version of the .NET Framework, then you will no longer be able to install any earlier version, the program will generate an error.