Is it possible to make details in 7 months? Free invoice detailing on a megaphone

Beeline call detailing is needed by everyone who closely monitors their mobile communications expenses, wants to know where the balance goes, how many incoming calls there were and why such large bills arrive. Not everyone knows how to make details or where to get a printout, so we will teach you how to do it yourself. Then it will be easy to view, order or request details via Beeline and the Internet.

Ways to get details for free

Let’s immediately define what detail is, because it means a detailed description of incoming and outgoing calls, paid actions, recent commands, messages, who you called over the last couple of months, how long the conversations lasted and what is accounted for by the Internet.

If you know the subscriber’s personal data, you can order easy control without registration, even for your loved ones. Although it is not so easy to receive an account statement for a stranger.

To determine who the subscriber called, you can use the following options:

  • Visiting your personal account;
  • Via email;
  • Via a mobile application;
  • By personal contact to a Beeline communication salon.

All these methods of receiving are free, but often require registration, entering a login and password, and having personal information about the subscriber.

Through your personal account

In this option, the user must be registered in a personal account on the official Beeline website, after authorization on which, you can find out:

  1. Personal account status;
  2. Balance at the time of replenishment and at the end of the month;
  3. Details about phone calls;
  4. Latest paid actions;
  5. How much conversation has there been over the past six months or a year?

After logging into your account, click on the financial information tab
Select the required period and click on the Generate report button
You can also download the file to your PC. To do this, select the file format and click on the “Save” button.

In total, several sections are available to the subscriber:

  • Balance and bonuses;
  • Cost structure;
  • Detailed detail.

Order details via mail

In this case, you need to send a request to number 1401 via SMS, in which you indicate your email address. After a while, you will receive a notification that the file has been sent to your email, when you go to it you will find it in the format of a text document.

After we have written the SMS, go to our mail and read the letter from Beeline

Please note that such a request is less informative than visiting your personal account, but does not require additional registration. You can place an order no more than ten times a day, but it is free.

If you want to disable detailing via email, dial *110*0221#.

Detailing via mobile application

To get information about calls, to get acquainted with how much the service costs, how many operations are carried out per day, you can download the Beeline application to your phone.

There, in the finance section, you enter your email address, select a format and order a printout. It is available for tablets, phones, computers, and the cost is free.

Easy control

If you do not have access to the Internet, then by activating the “Easy Control” service by calling *122#, each time you will receive a message about the last five transactions on your account, tariff plan and a link to a more detailed description.

Details through a visit to the Beeline office

There is another way to find out details about your account, tariff plan and expenses, this is by visiting a Beeline office.

To do this, you need to take with you a passport or a power of attorney in the name of the SIM card issuer. Each subscriber will be given a printed statement, but not free of charge.

It is impossible to give an exact cost; different tariffs apply everywhere; you can find out about them on the company’s official website.

Order Features

There are a few things to remember about call and message detailing:

  1. You can even find out the duration;
  2. Numbers of subscribers with whom you corresponded;
  3. Message texts cannot be printed or viewed;
  4. It is not possible to hide or clear detail history.

Regarding the last point, this feature is for all operators, but there are methods to hide data from outsiders:

Additional features

If you cannot enter your personal account or do not want to activate, you can use other opportunities from Beeline:

  • Send an SMS with your email address to number 1401;
  • Send a request to *122# and get information about the last five actions;
  • Come with your passport to the company office.

It will be useful to view:

You may have to pay for visiting and printing at the Beeline office, but information can be obtained even for the last three years, and not just six months, and the completeness of the information is much greater.


Remember that it is not recommended to provide personal data, transfer it, or even give your phone number to strangers, because this will allow you to log into your personal account and change the tariff conditions. Although the call detailing option itself is convenient, fast and free (in most cases), with its help it is easier for subscribers to control costs, monitor traffic on the Internet and change services or order new ones.

The details of MTS calls for a selected period of time will allow you to analyze the use of communication services and the associated costs. This can be a printout for up to 3 years, which you can receive at the company’s office, or an electronic report form for any time period up to six months, which can be very quickly ordered via the Internet:

Not a penny will be debited from your MTS account for the information received - the service is provided free of charge.

What is it for?

The call detailing service is very similar to the well-known bank statement, which indicates the main items of expenses, the time of transactions, and so on. If, for example, you received an excessively large bill at the end of the month, you can always check the correctness of the calculations using detailing. If an error is identified, you must point it out to the operator, who will apologize and recalculate, providing bonuses to the tariff as moral compensation. This is the most obvious purpose of the Call Detailing service; now let’s talk about two other advantages.

In any case, given that “Call Details” is free, we can safely say that this is a convenient and useful function that allows you to quickly check information that is important for any adult.

What information will be provided?

The detailed statement will indicate absolutely all operations that were performed using your number: SMS and MMS messages, calls and spent traffic.
In addition, the statement will display all account replenishments and movements of funds on it. There are often situations when one of the spouses or children, in secret from their significant other or parents, respectively, transferred money to their account. These points will be reflected in the statement. The likelihood that someone in your family or work colleagues is doing something similar is very low, but it is always useful to be aware of the status of your account.

Order using the My MTS application

So, you have already installed the “My MTS” application on your smartphone or tablet, all that remains is to figure out how to order a detailed call through your personal account. Well, you have to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Log in to the application.
  2. In the main menu, select the “Account” section.
  3. Find the sub-item “Order details”.
  4. Select the type of detail: by balance or conversations.
  5. Specify the period for generating the statement, then click “Order”.

Done, request sent! After this, the statement will be sent to your email in the form of a file, or will open in the mobile version of your personal account. Everything is as simple as possible. If you don't succeed the first time, try again! The number of requests is not limited, and the service itself is free, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If you need to obtain a statement that is more than six months old, contact the nearest MTS communication store. This service is already paid, but you will receive data not only electronically, but also in printed form.


A detailed report allows you to obtain complete information on the phone number used, because it displays not only how much money was written off for using a particular service. The report shows all the phone numbers to which calls were made or SMS were sent. That is why providing details is available only to the owner of the number.

However, sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to request a detailed report of a telephone number other than your own. Today we will tell you how to order details of calls to someone else’s mobile phone number MTS, Beeline, and MegaFon, how to do it legally, and whether it is possible to get a printout of someone else’s for free.

How to order a report

You can get call details from any mobile operator free of charge in electronic form, or buy a printout in printed form from an MTS, Beeline, or MegaFon operator. Let us add that on Beeline, in addition to call details, you can separately order a printout of SMS, but not the texts, but the numbers from which they came. The latter type of report is available only for an additional fee. You cannot receive a printout of the SMS text from either someone else’s number or your own from any operator.

You can order a detailed invoice without even leaving your home. To do this, you will need access to the Internet and a phone number where you need to receive the report. Access to the number is necessary to confirm actions, since the service is provided only with the consent of the subscriber. Having a mobile phone in your hands, you can access your subscriber account and order a report to your email address.

However, if you need to get details on someone else’s phone number, then this can be done subject to certain rules. When receiving a detailed report in electronic form, you will need the owner of the number to provide you with the login details for the subscriber's account.

The second option for obtaining details of someone else’s number is to order it through the telecom operator’s salon. In this case, you will need to issue a notarized power of attorney from the SIM owner. The service is not free, and it is provided by any notary licensed for this type of activity.

However, it is worth noting that this option for obtaining details for someone else’s phone number is only available if the owner of the number has not established a ban on the use of a power of attorney when contacting the operator’s salons.

Please note that ordering details using another person's number is available in any region. For example, if you are in Moscow and need to get Beeline details for a Vladimir subscriber, then this is possible.

How to order electronically

If you have received permission from the owner of the number to order account details, then you will need Internet access to receive it electronically. You can order details after logging in on the operator’s website, which requires a password, and the login is the subscriber’s phone number.

If the owner of the number has not yet created his account on the operator’s website, or has forgotten his password, then you can get a new one. It will arrive on your phone as an SMS, and the person will be able to dictate it to you.

If you need to order details of someone else’s license plate on a regular basis, then you should add it to your list. Depending on the cellular operator, there may be a restriction that does not allow you to link a number of another region, or registered to another person, for viewing in one profile.

Please note that a report is provided to MegaFon number without additional payments only for the first order during the day. If you submit a request again, then for each day reflected in the report, the operator will debit one and a half rubles from the phone number.

How to get a printout

You can receive a detailed report in printed form in the operator’s salon. To do this, you will need to contact the owner of the phone number, or have a power of attorney issued in your name.

Ordering details in the form of a printout is provided only on a paid basis. The cost depends on the period for which you need to receive it. So, on MegaFon it is one and a half, on MTS - three, and on Beeline - five rubles for every day.

Let’s add that you can get a separate printout from Beeline of the numbers from which the SMS was received. The maximum period is three months, and the cost of the report is one hundred and fifty rubles.


When ordering call details on someone else's phone number, you must remember the responsibility for committing such actions without the consent of its owner. You can only do this if the user has granted you this right. Liability for obtaining details fraudulently may not be limited to an uncomfortable conversation with the owner of the number, but may entail criminal liability under the law.

If another person has given you the right to receive details by his phone number, then you can do this either free of charge or for an additional fee. MTS and Beeline provide details via the Internet completely free of charge, and MegaFon only upon the first request per day. You can also get a printout in the salon, but such a service is always paid for, and the cost depends on the mobile operator.

Why do you need call details? There could be a limitless number of reasons. We all make calls every day, write SMS messages and access the Internet from our phones, sometimes without noticing how funds are spent, and at the end of the month it can be useful to “work on the mistakes”. Maybe you have a child whose expenses need to be controlled, or after changing your tariff plan you feel like your money is running out too quickly. Sometimes call details are even made in order to keep track of your “other half.” We will help you make Beeline call details for free, no matter the reason for which you need it.

How to make Beeline call details for free?

There are not so many ways to get bill details and a printout of Beeline calls, but their variety and quality will satisfy even the most demanding customers. Everyone will find the most suitable way for themselves, corresponding to their knowledge, skills, and capabilities, to control their calls and account balance.

Account details and calls through your Personal Account

The most complete information on spending funds can only be obtained through your Beeline personal account. In it you will find data not only on incoming and outgoing calls and SMS messages, but also details of expenses and their distribution by type of service. In addition, the expense control panel of your personal account displays the balance at the beginning and end of a given period, payments made from the subscriber number and its replenishment.

Access to your personal account, as well as ordering call details and Beeline accounts, is provided free of charge. You can find complete instructions for working with this section in the article -.

Order call details by e-mail

This method is a little less informative, but allows you to quickly obtain all the necessary data without having to delve into the intricacies of working with the subscriber’s personal account. Send an SMS message to the short number 1401, in which write your email address. Within a few minutes, Beeline will process your request and send you an SMS notification “Your request has been completed. The ordered details have been delivered to the e-mail you specified,” after which a free Beeline account detail in MS Excel (.xls) format will actually be delivered to your email.

Video presentation of the service

You can order details by email no more than 10 times a day. The service is provided free of charge both when you are on your home network and when roaming.

You can set a ban on the service of delivery of details by email; to do this, dial *110*0221# and press “call”. This ban can be canceled through the customer support service by calling 0611, in your personal account, or at the Beeline service office.

Service "Easy control"

The service allows you to control your expenses anytime, anywhere. Even without access to the Internet, you can quickly find out about the latest debits, when and what the funds from your Beeline account were spent on.

In order to receive a report, dial *122#, in response to the request you will receive an SMS message in which the last five debits from your account will be displayed, and a link to the description of your tariff plan.

Detailing in the “My Beeline” mobile application

The mobile application for Android, iPhone and iPad devices allows you to quickly access the minimum necessary functions for managing your tariff, services and Beeline account. For example, with its help you can make a request for details that will be delivered to your email in PDF format.

Ordering call details through is very simple: on the main page of the application or in the “Finance” section, select a period and write your e-mail address to which you want the printout to be delivered.

You can download the application for free from the AppStore and Google Play.

Subscriber account details in Beeline offices

If none of the above methods suits you, you can make details of Beeline calls on paper by contacting the customer service office. You need to present your passport (if the contract is in your name) or a passport and a notarized power of attorney to receive details from the person in whose name the contract is concluded.

Call printout in this case will be paid, its cost is different for different payment systems. You can find out prices and full conditions for receiving Beeline call printouts on the company’s official website, service offices and support phone number - 0611.

Monitor your account and expenses wherever and whenever it is convenient for you, and most importantly, always stay in touch!