I have trouble hearing my voice on my cell phone. Can't hear or is hard to hear the other person you're talking to on your Sony Xperia? We solve the problem. My interlocutor has difficulty hearing me on the phone

Quite often, the “Xperia Problems” page contains messages from Xperia phone users who complain about poor hearing during calls. Therefore, it was decided to create a small guide to solve this problem.

“They can’t hear me well and I can’t hear the other person well” is one of the common problems with Sony Xperia.

Basically, poor audibility during calls on Sony Xperia occurs due to incorrect operation of the software, those algorithms that, on the contrary, should help you hear better and be heard, but we will consider all the options.

The main reasons for the problem when I/the interlocutor is hard to hear

First and the most common reason for insufficient audibility is the “Noise Reduction” and “Subscriber Voice Enhancement” settings (not available on all firmware). You need to go to Settings - Call and at the very bottom find these items and disable them. After this, you need to restart your smartphone and check whether the audibility situation has changed. It is worth noting that this feature has disappeared in firmware based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow for some new Xperia devices. For example, on Xperia X and Xperia X Performance.

Second A common reason why you/your interlocutor is hard to hear may be due to the mobile network settings. You need to go to Settings - Mobile network - Mobile network settings and try changing the Preferred network type from one to another (LTE (preferred)/WCDMA/GSM to WCDMA (preferred)/GSM). Many Xperia owners noted that this improved their audibility during conversations.

Third the reason lies in the voice search “OK Google”. There are cases when users complained about the lack of sound during a call (the other party cannot hear you). This is typical not only for Sony Xperia, but also for any other Android devices. To check the impact of voice search, you need to go to Google Now - Settings - Voice Search - "OK Google" recognition and turn off this feature. Afterwards you need to reboot the device.

Fourth The reason why you or your interlocutor is hard to hear when talking to Sony Xperia may occur after a firmware update. It happens that the new software has some bugs or the update did not install on the phone as it should. Therefore, if none of the above helped, then you need to try doing a Hard Reset (full reset) of your Xperia device. To do this, go to Settings - Reserve. copy and reset - Master reset - Reset phone settings. After this, ALL data from the phone's memory will be deleted and the phone software will return to its original form. Usually this always helps.

Fifth The reason for poor hearing during conversations is moisture trapped in the earpiece and microphones. This applies to waterproof Sony Xperia smartphones. After the Sony Xperia device has been in water, it is necessary to allow the membranes that protect the speakers and microphones to dry for some time.

Sixth The reason is the most unpleasant and it is related to hardware problems. If you or your interlocutor are hard to hear, and the possible reasons mentioned above have already disappeared, then most likely the issue is a manufacturing defect in the speaker or microphone. In addition, problems with poor hearing may occur due to internal damage to the smartphone as a result of falls or impacts. Then you should contact the service center.

Write in the comments if this guide was useful and helped you get rid of problems with poor hearing. Also share in the comments if you have found any other probable causes of poor communication.

All phone models have a sound-to-electricity converter - a microphone. The microphone converts sound waves into electrical impulses. But for this process to occur normally, sound must reach the microphone unhindered.

By analogy with the human ear, where there is a sound detector (this is what is called the ear) and a sound transducer (inner ear), the same is done in a mobile phone. There is also a sound catcher (a small hole in the phone case or sound-conducting material of the case (this is done on older Samsung models)), which directs the sound to the transducer - the microphone.

At the moment, phones use 3 types of microphones: carbon (the vast majority of phones have it), electronic (it’s on expensive Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones) and a new electronic one with increased sensitivity (it’s on new Nokias above the middle class) . The peculiarity of phones with an electronic microphone is that they pick up sound through almost the entire body of the phone, as a result of which voice clarity and the audibility of quiet sounds are much better.

The pictures show different options for sound detectors in phones:

Description of types of microphone failures.

How can you tell if your microphone is broken?

This can be seen from the fact that during a conversation the other party:

  1. Can’t hear you or can’t hear you well (or the interlocutor can hear you very quietly, like a whisper)
  2. He hears every other time (with one call everything is fine, but when he calls another time he doesn’t hear)
  3. The subscriber hears extraneous noise or even a hum, and the voice is weakly audible or not heard at all.

In the first case you just need to replace the microphone, as this usually happens after a fall or after “bathing” the phone. Electronic microphones, when replacing, must be soldered carefully and carefully, as they are very sensitive to overheating and the ingress of any liquids, so replacing an electronic microphone is more expensive. Carbon microphones are easier to replace, so the cost of replacing them (and the microphone too) is lower. Sometimes, when you can’t hear it at all, it’s not the microphone, then you need to look, maybe something happened with the board, or maybe something with the microcircuit and auxiliary elements. This requires time for research, which increases the repair period.

In the second case Research is required to identify the real cause, as it may not be in the microphone. This is not a simple case. Therefore, repairing such a breakdown takes a long time. There was such a case with a new electronic microphone on Nokia, but they still sorted it out and helped the owner of the phone.

In the third case, most often it occurs after a poor-quality repair, or after a phone being repaired has fallen. Necessary

Your question:

What to do if you can’t hear the Nokia call?

Master's answer:

It happens that owners of a proven and high-quality Nokia brand of cell phones suddenly contact service centers with unexpected complaints: the phone does not ring when incoming calls are made, or the volume is so minimal that the call is not perceived, even if the owner is holding the device in his hands. What could be the possible causes of this problem and how can this inconvenience be eliminated?

Before you take your phone to the technicians so that they can repair the speaker, you can delve into the device settings and try it out. First of all, check whether the signal volume is at the proper level. Please note, in addition, that the volume of the call increases if you approach a window or go outside from the room. It is natural that when you select the “Vibrate alert only” or “Silent” modes, you will not hear an incoming ringing signal or SMS message: you need a replacement for this call when switching the alert mode.

If all the settings are correct, the ringer has been replaced, but still no sound is heard, the speaker may need to be replaced. If you have technical skills and are good with accuracy and fine motor skills, then you can do this at home. To do this, the phone is disassembled, the board is removed, and then the speaker itself. In Nokia phones, the speaker is usually held very tightly, so you need to remove it as carefully as possible. If you take out the mesh, which is located under the speaker, and insert a new speaker, working in two directions, without the mesh, and then assemble the phone, the signal will sound much louder and will even resemble stereo sound.

Very often, when repairing a speaker, the speaker is installed from a different phone model, whose sound is more clear and loud. This usually does not affect the operation of the device itself.

If you are not confident in your “dexterity of hands” and abilities, then it would be better to shift the work of replacing the speaker onto the shoulders of experienced specialists from the service center, who will provide at least post-warranty repairs if something turns out to be wrong with the phone after repair . Only very brave and confident people or experienced engineers can “treat” the device at their own risk. The professional technicians of the GSM-Help service center will repair your phone with surprisingly high quality and efficiency, because many devices with similar faults pass through their hands every day.

When calling from the phone, I can’t hear the interlocutor or me. What to do?

    This usually happens when the connection of one of the subscribers is poor. This means he needs to move to where the phone can pick up the signal better. To do this, you can climb onto a roof or tree. But you should be careful.

    If you rule out a phone malfunction, then you should reboot the phone, this may help.

    Sometimes there may be a connection failure, you should call later.

    And if there is a malfunction, then it is better to send the phone for repair.

    Good afternoon, there are two possible reasons:

    1) Operator glitch;

    2) Phone glitch.

    You can try calling back first if the problem persists. Then you just need to reboot your mobile phone and the problem will most likely be solved.

    A similar problem occurs often. There may be various reasons.

    You need to try rebooting your phone, this may fix it.

    Problems with the microphone or speaker may also be the cause.

    The telecom operator may have problems.

    In fact, there can be a lot of reasons, for example, the speaker has burned out, or perhaps the handset has become damp and therefore the microphone has stopped working, or the cause may be a broken cable, or the microcircuits have burned out. This happens quite often, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the phone’s deafness using a full diagnosis of the device.

    The problem disappeared, all I had to do was reboot the phone =). To restart your mobile device, you need to hold the power button for 2-3 seconds, a menu will appear, and in this menu find the Restart computer command.

    Firstly, Galaxy is a series, there are several dozen, or even hundreds, of specific models! You must always specify the full model.

    It's difficult to say what exactly your problem is. If, for example, they heard you, but you said nothing, you could say that the microphone is faulty. And so that the microphone and speaker at once...it’s unlikely.

    It could also be due to viruses or malicious programs, Android is Android.

    I advise you to give your smartphone to knowledgeable people, let them take a look.

    In this situation, there may be more than one reason. But to a greater extent, it looks like there is some kind of glitch in the network or in the phone. So here, just try turning off and turning on your mobile again.

    Also, the reason may be a problem with both the microphone and speaker.

    It is also possible that you have viruses on your phone.

    Usually, a common cause of this phenomenon is problems with the phone, since it may simply not work correctly; usually a simple reboot can solve such a problem, but if this does not help, then the problem is most likely on the operator’s side.

    Personally, I had such a problem, and when I took my phone to a repairman, after he carried out a detailed diagnosis, he said that my cable coil had blown, and the same thing happened to one of my friends and the analysis was the same diagnosis. apparatus, brought

    There may be several reasons, namely:

    • either the cable itself, which ensures correct operation of the speaker, or its contact has broken;
    • the cable coil is broken;
    • due to falls of the phone (if, of course, they took place), a break could occur on the phone board;
    • The microcircuit may have problems.

    As you can see, the problems are of a very serious nature; they are not clogging the sound passages with dust or dirt, which you could fix yourself. And so, it seems to me, a trip to the master is inevitable. Well, if the phone is still under warranty, then go straight to the service center of the establishment where you purchased your gadget.

I'll try to suggest the basic principles of setting up sound in the engineering menu.

On the same phones, but with different firmware versions, the engineering menu may be slightly different. We describe it using the iPhone H6 engineering menu as an example.

We enter the engineering menu by entering the appropriate code. For example, for some phone models *#9646633#

Go to the Audio menu. By default, the audio settings use three modes:
- normal mode – the main mode of using the phone
- loudspeaker mode – hands-free mode
- headphone mode – headset mode

We choose the sound in which mode annoys us. For example, we don't like the microphone sensitivity in “Normal Mode”. Go to the menu “Normal Mode” - “Microphone”. We observe the menu items “Volume 0” - “Volume 1” - “Volume 2” - “Volume 3” - “Volume 4” - “Volume 5” - “Volume 6”. These menu items determine the microphone signal level at various settings of the overall phone volume, which, if necessary, is adjusted by the phone volume rocker. Now, by changing the values ​​in each of the 7 points, you can customize the phone for yourself. The basic principle is “The higher the volume of the speaker, the lower the sensitivity of the microphone” (if there is noise outside, the volume of the speaker is higher to hear the interlocutor and the sensitivity of the microphone is lower, to reduce the transmission of external noise, and vice versa - in a quiet room, with a quiet sound from the speaker, You can increase the sensitivity of the microphone so as not to raise your voice). The minimum value of these parameters is 0, the maximum is 255.
Those. set type settings:
Volume 0 - 255
Volume 1 - 235
Volume 2 - 215
Volume 3 - 205
Volume 4 - 195
Volume 5 - 185
Volume 6 - 175

These are not specific values. This is the principle. Specific values ​​may depend on the characteristics of your microphone.
Parameter values ​​are selected using the volume rocker.
Then “Install”.
Excessive sensitivity of the microphone leads to an echo effect when the interlocutor hears himself.

The volume of other audio devices is adjusted in the same way as the microphone:
Speech – speaker level in talk mode
Keyboard Tone – the volume of the beep when you press keys.
Melody – ringing signal volume
Sound – TV and FM volume

Same as Normal mode - set values ​​for Speaker Mode and Headphone Mode.

In each of the items (Speech, Melody, etc.) there is a final item “16 Level Setting”. It has 2 parameters: Max Analog Gain and Step. This is for setting 16-step volume control of the audio player in the appropriate mode (Normal, Headphones, etc.)
Max Analog Gain is the maximum volume of the audio player. Step is the step to decrease the volume (from maximum) when you press the rocker. Thus, if for example Max Analog Gain=160, Step=10, then the volume will change from maximum (160) to zero. If Max Analog Gain=160, Step=5, then the volume will be from 160 to 80.
These parameters are duplicated in all items (Speech, Melody, etc.); it is enough to set them in one item.
P.S. Their influence on the volume of the video player was not noticed (although there is also 16-step regulation)

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone? If the device is under warranty, then you can simply contact the service center, where they will repair or replace the relevant parts. What if the warranty has unfortunately already expired? Then you should try to independently determine what is the cause of this defect: a software failure or a hardware failure?

Why can't my interlocutor hear me on my Android phone?

You can find out the cause of the problem quickly enough by simply connecting the headset. If you then make a call using the speakerphone and the interlocutor can hear you, it means that the microphone built into the phone is damaged, and the device must be taken to a service center to have the part replaced. At times, simply rebooting the smartphone helps.

Sometimes, as a result of the fact that the interlocutor cannot hear you well on the phone, there is a system failure that you can try to fix yourself without turning to specialists. In this case, you should proceed as follows:

  • Go to " Settings»
  • Find the item " Memory and Backup»

  • Create a backup by connecting a memory card, or use cloud storage, a copy can also be saved using a computer via USB port
  • Produce " Reset to factory settings»

This is a radical measure, but if the device worked fine in its pure form before you started installing programs, then the problem lies with the installed software. This turns out to be enough to eliminate the reason that the interlocutor cannot hear me well on the phone.

If you apply, save all information that is stored on your device as it will be deleted during the reset. Please note that all photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications will disappear, so do not neglect backup. Some smartphone models have built-in utilities for saving a backup copy in the cloud services of phone manufacturers. Read more about this in the article.

A complete data reset will delete all information stored on the device (photos, videos, account settings, messages, contacts, and applications). Before resetting your data, be sure to create a backup copy - instructions.

What should I do if the person I’m talking to can’t hear me well on the phone?

To troubleshoot problems with the microphone, try cleaning your phone using a program that is available on the Play Store. Tubro Cleaner will safely clean your smartphone of unnecessary files and programs that slow down the operation of the device, and also eliminate settings errors. Launch the application, and the utility will monitor the operation of the smartphone’s system files.

  • Download and install the program on your device
  • Run " Speed ​​up»

  • Turn on Tubro Cleaner
  • Get rid of debris clogging the system

You can clear your smartphone of files that cause software failures using the built-in utility, if your phone has one. To use this function you must:

  • Go to " Safety»
  • Then select " Optimize»

  • Select files to be optimized
  • Perform Cleanup

When I call, the interlocutor cannot hear me - drastic measures

Well, the last option is to reflash the phone. You most likely won’t be able to do this on your own without a certain skill, if you don’t have enough experience or have never done reflashing. It’s better to contact a service center, where specialists will do everything faster and safer for your smartphone. If you decide to change the software yourself, you should go to the phone manufacturer's website to download the firmware and upload it to the device. But, if you dare to take such a step, be sure to create and save a backup copy, as described above.

We deliberately do not give advice like “take a toothpick and clean the microphone hole yourself from accumulated dirt or dust,” since it is quite easy to damage the microphone by piercing it. After this, replacement is possible only at a service center. If the interlocutor has difficulty hearing me on the phone, use our tips.

Often, users of Sony Xperia smartphones are dissatisfied with the quality of audibility during communication with a contact, and this situation also occurs in the reverse order. In this article we will look at all possible problems of audibility during communication. In most cases, the issue can be resolved at the software level without much effort, free of charge and without having to contact repair centers.

We will consider the reasons in order of frequency encountered by owners of smartphones from this company.

First reason. Software enhancement of sound quality.

There are a couple of functions, the essence of which is to improve sound quality; in fact, not all smartphones implement them adequately. These functions are “Subscriber Voice Enhancement” and “Noise Reduction”. If during a conversation your contact is concerned that your voice is not being heard adequately and this affects more than just one person, try taking the simplest steps to disable these functions. To do this, just go to the call settings and deactivate them. Just keep in mind that your smartphone may require a reboot after the operations performed.

The second reason. I can’t hear the other person due to the type of network

Network settings failed. This is not a common case, but since it’s easy to check, do the following: go to the following points: Settings -> Mobile network -> Network type -> select WCDMA/GSM. We reboot the device, in this case, preferably by removing the battery (if technically possible, remove it after turning it off)

Third reason. Google OK

A much-hyped Android feature (in practice, it’s nothing more than a toy, and even harmful due to bugs in operation that can affect many programs). This thing sometimes results in the inability to hear the contact. Disable the “Voice search” function in Google services, the settings there are standard and intuitive.

Fourth reason. Serious software failure

From this point on, we move on to extreme ways to solve the problem when the interlocutor is not heard or is hard to hear. And perhaps at this stage it will be relevant for you to contact a special service center - sony-helpers.ru, but if you still want to figure it out on your own, read on.

“Hard Reset” or “Hard reset of the smartphone to factory settings.” An important point is to remember during this procedure that all data (except for those on the card) will be erased, so be sure to make a preliminary backup of contacts, correspondence and other necessary information. We will not describe this procedure in detail, because there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet and it is easily accessible.

Fifth reason. The technology failed

Your earphone or speaker is faulty. The saddest and most expensive thing is that the only way to resolve this situation is to contact a service center where qualified specialists can help you. We do not recommend trying to carry out repairs yourself; if you lack experience, no video tutorial can protect you from causing even greater damage to the device.

As you can see, hiring experts to resolve the issue is not so necessary; you can carry out certain diagnostics yourself without spending extra money. But keep in mind that all actions that you perform on your smartphone will occur solely at your own responsibility.