Online calculator with voice input. Multi-screen voice calculator from ATNSOFT. Limitations of the free version

It would seem that there could be something unusual in a simple calculator; there are a great many such programs and they all have similar functionality, consisting in more or less complex arithmetic calculations.

Personally, I constantly use a calculator on my smartphone, but the built-in application is not always convenient. In this short article I will tell you about a fairly simple-looking, but very convenient calculator for users who do not need complex mathematical functions.

1. Where to download the application

The multi-screen voice calculator from ATNSOFT can be easily found and downloaded in the Google application market, which is available in all Android smartphones. This application has already been installed by about 100 thousand people and, according to user ratings, it received a good score of 4.4.

2. Calculator features

The ATNSOFT calculator has the following features:

  • parallel calculations
  • text notes for calculations
  • Easy copy and paste
  • computing history
  • additional memory cells
  • voice control

As well as some other interesting nuances and features, which I will also talk about later.

3. Application interface

At first glance, the graphical shell of the ATNSOFT calculator is quite simple and the appearance of the application cannot be called stylish and modern.

However, as it turned out, this simplicity has its own zest - the buttons are located quite conveniently, plus they are intuitively grouped by color. This layout is really nice to use, and the calculator also supports working in horizontal mode.

There are separate buttons for deleting the last character and clearing the entire screen. The percentage calculation function and brackets will be useful to many users. Of the more complex calculations, there are only roots and exponentiations, which are grouped on one button and entered with a short or long tap, respectively.

4. Application settings

Settings are opened by swiping across the screen from the left edge.

Here you can enable the display of memory buttons, vibration feedback when pressing keys, prohibit turning off the screen when working with a calculator, and hide the status bar of the smartphone. In full screen mode with memory buttons, the calculator looks like this.

Also in the settings you can select the voice input language and set the number of decimal places in the range from 0 to 40 (the default is 8, but 2 is enough for me). In addition, here you can choose a dark theme for those who do not like the light one.

With a dark theme, the app takes on a more stylish look while maintaining easy-to-use color coding.

In general, there are quite a few settings, but they are all very useful.

5. Parallel calculations

One of the main features of the ATNSOFT calculator is its multi-screen interface, which allows you to carry out several parallel calculations. It's really very convenient and I liked it.

We do the calculation on the first screen, and the result of the preliminary calculation is displayed immediately without pressing the equal button, which is convenient.

To switch to the second screen, swipe your finger from right to left.

On the second screen that appears, we make the second calculation.

Now, if necessary, you can create a third screen and so on, and then switch between screens by swiping left and right to compare results or make adjustments to already performed calculations.

6. Text notes

Screens are numbered by default in the lower left corner, but by clicking on the number you can set a name for each screen. So I set the name Citylink for the first screen, and Technopoint for the second.

7. Copy and paste

Copying and pasting any numeric expressions into the input field can be done as in any text editor - select-copy-paste. Copying the result of a calculation is even easier; just a short tap with your finger on the number after the equal sign. And you can paste the result anywhere in the input field or another window using a separate button.

8. History of calculations

In addition to parallel calculations, it is possible to view the history of calculations and even use it as a template for subsequent calculations, that is, correct what you once already calculated. There is also a special button to open the calculation history.

The history will display all the calculations you made on the calculator, with the latest ones being higher than the previous ones.

When you tap on any calculation or its result, the corresponding numbers will be copied to the current calculator window and you can adjust or continue the calculation.

You can either clear your history completely or delete any individual lines from it by simply swiping them left or right. And when you tap on the calculation date, you can assign a text label to it.

This will allow you not to get lost in the calculations and understand where and what you calculated.

9. Memory cells

Memory cells work on the same principle as in a regular calculator.

But at the same time, there are additional memory cells that are selected using the corresponding button.

This way you can change cells during calculations to store different intermediate values. You can find out which cell is currently selected by the indicator on the cell selection button, and if the cell is not empty, then its current value is displayed under the input field.

When you long tap on a cell, you can select the action you want to perform with it.

You can also assign names to memory locations, which are text labels.

10. Voice input

The first time I pressed it, I was prompted to install Google voice search.

Then the market opened and an error message appeared.

But I was not at a loss, clicked on the magnifying glass and found the desired application by searching.

It turned out that this application was simply disabled on my smartphone.

You had to immediately click on the three dots and turn it on.

After that, it became possible to update the application, which I did.

The next time you press the microphone button, it changes color to red and a quiet beep is heard.

After the signal, you need to pronounce an arithmetic expression out loud (for example, 46 multiplied by 58) and you will immediately get the result.

In general, when the Internet is connected, everything works fine. In the smartphone settings you can also install a Russian offline package for voice recognition.

But without the Internet, the calculator does not always recognize the voice correctly.

11. Limitations of the free version

In the free version of the calculator from ATNSOFT, the number of screens and memory cells is limited to five, and when the Internet connection is active, advertising will be displayed at the top of the application window.

There are no more restrictions, try it - maybe this will be enough for you. And if not, you want to get rid of ads or just support the developer, you can purchase the paid version.

12. Links

A free version of the calculator from ATNSOFT is available at the following link:

Well, the Pro version can be purchased at another link:

Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 4a
Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 5
Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 5a


In terms of its functions, the program is no different from most similar applications. You will also be able to perform simple calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and squaring) and more complex ones (calculating fractions, rooting numbers, solving trigonometric problems).

First of all, the program stands out for its ability to enter data and operations by voice. That is, to solve an example with the addition of several numbers, you need to click on the microphone icon next to Google or Yandex, and then say the command “three plus two” in a clear voice; you don’t have to say the equal sign, since the program will automatically display the result on the screen.

The program can perform calculations not only by voice, but also by standard input using the keyboard. To do this, you need to swipe to the left, after which you will see the usual numbers and operations for calculations. Swiping to the right reveals additional functions for calculating more complex examples.

By clicking on the “Functions” button on your smartphone, you can: view information about the author, select a recognition language (Russian, English, German and French), and also view help about the application, which only works if you have Internet access.


Surely the weakest point in the program is its interface, but, according to the developers, the design will soon be improved.


Voice calculator is a good calculator with a minimal set of functions and voice input. The program is distributed free of charge, does not contain paid purchases, but has built-in advertising, which cannot be disabled yet. The emphasis in the application is on voice control, while the “calculation” and graphical parts do not particularly stand out. But the application is definitely worthwhile, both in terms of the idea itself and its implementation. We give the calculator a + from our editors.

If you like the program, then perhaps you should pay attention to a separate widget, which is no different in functionality from this application. You can buy it by following the link to Google Play.

Online calculator for calculations at work, home or school. Commands can be entered either with the mouse or with the numeric keypad. The calculator loads quickly and works online.

You will be able to perform simple arithmetic operations, as well as calculating percentages, raising a number to a power, and calculating the square root.

The calculator has a temporary memory and a display of current calculations.

Button functions

[ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], ... [ 9 ] - standard numeric keys;
[ 00 ] - key for entering 2 zeros;
[ → ] - deletes the last entered character on the display;
[ +/- ] - changing the mathematical sign of the number on the display to the opposite;
[ XY ] - raising the number X to the power Y;
[ √ ] - square root calculation;
[ + ] - addition, [ - ] - subtraction, [ x ] - multiplication, [ ÷ ] - division;
[%] - calculation of interest;
[ M+ ] - saving in memory with a [ + ] sign;
[M-] - saving in memory with a [-] sign;
[MR] - displaying the contents of memory on the display;
[MC] - clearing memory contents;
[AC] - reset the calculator including memory;
[C] - reset the calculator, without resetting the memory.

Entering commands from the computer keyboard

To work with the calculator, you can use any number keys on a computer keyboard: both the number keys located on top and individual number keys located on the right.

To enter equal, you can use the key.
To erase the last character, use the key (arrow key).
To enter a plus sign, use the [ + ] key on the top or side keyboard.
To enter a minus sign, use the [ - ] key on the top or side keyboard.
To enter the multiplication sign, use the [ * ] key on the side keyboard.
To enter a division sign, use the [ / ] key on the side keyboard.
To reset the calculator, you can use the , keys on the top keyboard, or on the numeric keypad.

Examples of calculations using an online calculator

Calculating the square root of 529: 529 [√]. The result is 23.
Raise the number 3 to the power 4: 3 [XY] 4. Result - 81.
Calculating the percentage of a number: 500 [x] 25 [%]. The result is 125.
Adding a percentage to a number: 500 [+] 25 [%]. The result is 625.
Subtracting a percentage from a number: 500 [ - ] 25 [ % ] . The result is 375.


Why, if you try to calculate 2+2x2 using an online calculator, it turns out to be 8, is the calculator probably counting incorrectly?

The calculator calculates correctly! The thing is that the calculator, when entering the next mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, etc.), makes a subtotal.

Pay attention to the current actions display located on the right under the main display.

From the history of calculators

The ancestor of the calculator is abacus, which in Latin means board. The abacus was a board with recesses along which counting marks moved (these could be stones or bones).

"Accountant" is a voice-controlled calculator.
In addition to regular calculations, you can enter numbers and operations by voice.
Voice input is carried out using online services Google or Yandex. When using Yandex, the application may close unexpectedly, because... The service is young and apparently not yet debugged.
Owners of devices with Android version 4.1 and higher can enter data by voice using the Google service - OFF LINE. To do this, update Google Voice Search and install the Russian language pack (Settings->Language and Keyboard->Google Voice Input->Offline Speech Recognition).
Work with percentages is supported. The operation "equals" can be used, but it is not necessary. It is possible to continue the calculation (“plus two”).
When performing calculations “manually”, the calculation can be done by clicking on the “result output field”.

Voice recognition is critical to extraneous noise and diction. If you speak the language with an accent, unclearly or in loud noise, you should not blame the application for an incorrect result. The result that was received by the application is displayed on the screen and you can always verify the correctness (or incorrectness) of the input. I also do not recommend using the application for children and teenagers. Apparently, an unformed voice is also not recognized correctly. There can be no talk of any calculations under such conditions.

When using the Google service, the smartphone is tuned to the owner’s intonation and speech is recognized better and better over time, unless this function is specifically disabled:

Further ways to develop the free application:
- adding operations
- the ability to save the calculation made in the phone’s memory (linked by date/time, location, the ability to give your own name to the calculation made (also by voice)...
- design improvement