What are the most requests in Yandex. Google and Yandex keyword statistics

If you look at Yandex search queries, you can form an opinion about the material, spiritual and cultural state of society. You can draw the appropriate conclusions yourself by following the link wordstat.yandex.ru, entering any search query offhand or one that is interesting to you. Many novice sociologists resort to the help of the Yandex search engine.

Let's look at an example: the query “porn” (and all related queries) breaks any popularity records. Our fellow citizens type the phrase “porn online” about 121 million times a month. But the request “Mussorgsky” was of interest to only 60 thousand Internet users. It becomes obvious that in modern society classical music is interesting to a small number of people.

In general, Yandex indexes several billion pages. And even more than that, you can always find cached data that was once posted on the World Wide Web, but was subsequently deleted. It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of what people are looking for in Yandex. Because the answer will be vague, but at the same time true: they are looking for everything!

You can easily see all the results that users are entering right this minute, online. There is a special corporate service that you can visit by going to the Yandex company information page. You can see the countries that use the Yandex search service. This is useful information for some companies involved in promoting goods and services. Well, ordinary users can look there out of curiosity.

Let's talk about the most popular queries. First, some facts and interesting figures. According to statistics, Runet users access Yandex more than 3 billion times every month. Every day, 100 million search queries are entered into Yandex. Half of these requests come from residents of several cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. According to statistics, every day residents of these cities alone perform 18.5 million search queries, and the duration of search sessions (several queries to find the necessary information) is 100 years. And this is every day!

So, what are the most popular queries?

There is an interesting pattern. The top 10 queries of the Yandex search service include the query mail.ru, just as the top 10 queries of the mail.ru search service include the Yandex query. If you do not take into account sexually anxious fellow citizens, then the top 10 requests to the Yandex search service look like this:

1. In contact.
2. Classmates.
3. Mail.ru.
4. Odnoklassniki is my page.
5. In contact, login to the site.
6. In contact input.
7. Auto. RU.
8. Download.
9. My world.
10. Games for girls.

But don't think these queries can give you the full picture. The top ten makes up no more than 5% of the total number of search queries. But there are more than 12% of illiterate requests.

The most common erroneous query is spelling the word “oddnoklassniki” with one letter s. After “classmates”, the first five errors look like this: agency (agency), russifikator (russifier), shporgalki (cheat sheets), Toyota (Toyota) and vidio (video). Despite this unpleasant moment, it is very pleasing that very few obscene expressions are used in search queries - less than 1%.

What can't you find in Yandex?

There are situations when the necessary information may not be found in Yandex, as in any other search engine. For example, if you want to be able to read Chomsky's collected works, you are unlikely to succeed. In practice, you can enter any query and get an answer, but there is no guarantee that the desired page will be found. But hosting companies and providers are “guilty” of this because they block objectionable content. For example, Internet censors worked during the flood in Krymsk, and Yandex indexed blogs with eyewitness accounts, and from the links found you saw “404 error” or “503 bad get away.” In general, the search engine itself does not have built-in “censors”.

In general, Yandex will not be able to find pages that it has not indexed, that is, has not included in its database - the index. If you are creating a website, you should remember that you must make it searchable. Yandex webmaster will help you with this.

What is SEO and why do I get a bunch of unnecessary information when I search in Yandex?

Since the advent of search engines, the first search optimizers have appeared. Thanks to the so-called SEO optimization, it is possible to raise your website to the top of the search results. That is why often when you enter a simple phrase “bouquet of flowers”, the search engine displays sites of online flower stores and flower delivery services in the search results.

No matter what search service you use, let your search be successful!

Our company’s specialists decided to find out what queries users in the city of Vladimir ask the Yandex search system more often than others. The choice of this city is due to the location of our company’s main office there.

To analyze statistics, we chose the Yandex service http://wordstat.yandex.ru/

Fig.1. Yandex request statistics

This service allows you to view statistics of requests to the Yandex search engine for specified phrases over the last month.

At the beginning of the review, we will describe the methodology for compiling the rating, then we will present the final results, divide requests into segments, determine the most popular topics and directions, the further, the more interesting it will be.

How popular is the website promotion service?

First, let’s determine how popular SEO promotion services are in Vladimir and the region, compared to regions traditionally active in this direction.

In addition to statistics on the number of requests, the service has the ability to view statistics on a specific request in a certain region, from which we can find out:

1. Number of page impressions for a specific request from a particular region

2. The popularity of a particular query in a particular region, the average value of which is designated 100%, i.e. if we see a popularity indicator of more than 100% in any region, this means increased interest; if less than 100%, this means decreased interest.

Fig.2. Statistics on the request “website promotion” for the Moscow and Moscow region, popularity 176%.

Fig.3. Statistics on the request “website promotion” for the Vladimir region, popularity 119%.

In general, as expected, the topic of SEO and search engine promotion is most popular in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. However, in Vladimir and the Vladimir region there is interest in the topic of SEO and is determined by an above-average indicator of 119% popularity; this circumstance cannot be encouraging. The region has all the prerequisites for the active development of this area.

Search query analysis

Most users, when searching for any product or service, often add the name of their region to the search bar, for example, if you are looking for website creation services located in the city of Vladimir, then most likely you will ask a request indicating your city, “ website creation in Vladimir" In some cases, such a clarification is justified, despite the fact that Yandex takes into account your location and by default produces results with priority for sites located in the same region as the user.

If you look at the query statistics for the phrase “in Vladimir,” a large number of queries will be dedicated not to the city and region, but to political and cultural figures bearing this name. The leader on this list is a currently popular TV presenter; the high frequency of requests is due to the search for replays of radio and television programs with his participation for subsequent listening and viewing online.

Fig.4. Statistics for the request “in Vladimir”

However, among others, in third place we see the query “Vladimir 2014” with a total of 322,735 impressions.

Fig.5. Statistics for the request “Vladimir 2014”

Let's look at the statistics for the phrase “Vladimir 2014”, the number of impressions reflects the number of all requests and phrases that include words from the request, such as “Vladimir Soloviev Sunday evening 2014”, as well as “bus schedule Vladimir 2014” or “concerts in Vladimir 2014” . By sorting the statistics results, we can get a selection of the most popular queries and topics by region.

Fig.6. List of popular queries for the phrase “Vladimir 2014”

Based on the data received, we can determine the rating of the most frequent requests with reference to 2014 and the region we have chosen; in the rating we will not take into account requests that are repeated on the topic, except for those that have an additional territorial reference (the most popular bus routes, etc. ), while excluding interest in a single concert or event not directly related to the city.

The list, sorted by our parameters, amounted to 101 items; the full list can be found in this file.

In this review, we segment the obtained data for ease of perception and clarity of information.

Rating of popular routes

Based on the data received, we have prepared a rating of the most popular destinations of interest to Yandex users in Vladimir.

Regular buses turned out to be the most in demand in Vladimir, request “ bus schedule Vladimir 2014"ranks second in our ranking with 4,370 impressions. The electric train is mentioned only in 12th place, with the request “ Vladimir Moscow train schedule 2014"and the number of impressions equal to 905.

The next group of requests consists of users interested in a particular brand of car, among which the most in demand in Vladimir at the moment is Renault Logan. Request " Renault Logan 2014 in Vladimir» users typed in the search engine 168 times.

The next group of queries can be conditionally called “information and entertainment”, i.e. users were interested in any events and activities.

Most popular request

This group contains the leader of our rating, the most popular request among Vladimir residents at the time of compiling our rating is the request “ Vladimir City Day 2014» with the number of impressions 14035. It should be noted that the statistical data on which the analysis is based date back to September-October 2014, this year, the holiday was celebrated on October 11, the coincidence of these time periods caused interest in the request.

Next, we can identify a group under the general name “help”, people who searched in Yandex wanted to find certain information and get help, the basic questions “when” and “how much”.

Fig. 10. Popular reference information of the city of Vladimir

The next group, conventionally designated as "information", it is compiled according to the interests of users on the principle of searching for certain information, which in the future can be the basis for further actions, or the user is simply interested in a certain event in the city and wants to know its details and news.

Fig. 11. Popular news and other information

The next group is formed from requests whose purpose is to find reviews, ratings, or obtain a list of more complete information about certain places in the city.

Separately, we can highlight queries about the weather, statistics data were updated in mid-November, statistics are given for the previous month, i.e. user request period is the end of September - beginning of October.

Fig. 13. Weather in Vladimir

The last list includes all other requests. After consulting briefly and deciding unanimously, we named this group accordingly - “the last group.”

The group includes queries that have a dual or ambiguous interpretation, or for certain reasons, we decided not to include them in the previous, fairly strictly segmented groups.

Fig. 14. Queries of interest to Yandex users in the region of Vladimir and the Vladimir Region

As a result, we identified the most popular topics and news, routes and events that interest city residents. This rating reflects only a general picture of user interests, and the method of compiling it is not the only possible one.

If you were interested in this material and want to find out more information, we invite you to read our company’s review of the situation with regional and SEO services using the example of the Vladimir region, in it you will find a lot of useful information and learn what you need to pay attention to when selecting a contractor for provision of SEO services.

Thank you for taking the time to review our review, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of them!

Before starting work on creating a new Internet project, experienced webmasters evaluate its prospects - does it make sense to invest time and money? It may happen that a large-scale undertaking ends in failure due to the fact that the niche is absolutely not in demand.

Knowing the most popular queries in Yandex or other search engines for which you are promoting will help you choose a niche with a large target audience from the very beginning.

  • popularity of the topic on the Internet;
  • audience's solvency.

First of all, they look at popularity, since good traffic can be monetized in any case, for example, by adding the site to the Yandex advertising network (YAN) or Google Adsense.

Topic popularity = lots of search queries = high-frequency keywords

This means we need to find out the frequency of the words and phrases that interest us.

How to find out the frequency of specific requests

If you already have certain ideas on the future theme of the site, then it is enough to sketch out a preliminary list of the most popular queries in this topic and “break through” their frequency through the service - wordstat.yandex.ru.

For example, if you came up with the idea of ​​making a website about reindeer breeding, you can see how many people are searching for “how to breed deer.”

The popularity of the query in the Yandex search engine will be expressed in specific numbers, and then you can assess for yourself how it will fit into your business plan.

We see that the topic about deer is not particularly in demand, maybe it’s worth choosing some more popular queries for the site and investing in them.

The maximum that we can get from this service is to look at the popularity of complex key queries (consisting of 2 or more words) with the obligatory inclusion of one of them.

For example, we look for what people most often want to buy. Their requests should look like this: “buy ...” (instead of an ellipsis). In the Wordstat field we enter “buy” and in the list of suggested options we will see all the most popular requests to buy in Yandex. A selection of keys for a tire store can begin with the general request “buy tires”:

From the list you can already see what and how much they are looking for. From a general request, many groups of narrower specialization can be distinguished. Each of these groups can then be considered individually according to the same scheme and queries of 4-5 words can be isolated. For an online store, everything will end with the narrowest queries – product cards.

Similarly, you can search for the words “watch”, “download”, etc. If the topic you need has similar unifying words, then you are in luck. It’s more difficult when all the queries in a topic are not similar to each other. I’ll tell you later how to fish them out.

Where to get ALL search queries

You already understand that the wordstat service will not show us all the statistics on the Internet and will not “burn” the most popular queries, it will only tell us the frequency of what we asked.

Some webmasters recommend using the Google trends service for searching, which shows currently popular topics on the Internet, but this is ineffective, since it is full of show business news, cinema and other nonsense - there will be no real clue for a promising site.

There is a real way to get a complete selection of all key queries that search engines processed, but this pleasure is not free - it’s called Pastukhov’s Database (site pastukhov.com).

To satisfy curiosity about the most popular keys, Pastukhov has posted several dozen keys from the TOP directly on the website in this form,

but for work it won’t work (complete downloads, watches, games, movies, songs), and for the full version they ask from 200 to 600 dollars, depending on different promotions.

If you constantly create a lot of websites, then the database can be useful, but there is an option to find out popular keywords cheaper, or rather, for free.

LiveInternet – the most popular queries for FREE

We will use the Liveinternet statistics service for this. Unfortunately, using the data from this service will not provide a 100% match with the data from the search engines Yandex or Google, since not all Internet sites use traffic counters from LiveInternet and not everyone who uses makes their statistics public, but the sample there is very large, therefore, more than enough for real work. In the end, we need a list, and then we’ll get the exact numbers using Wordstat.

A useful thing about Liveinternet is that you can immediately sort by category - dig up search queries not across the entire Internet, but in a specific topic (although you can do it across the entire Internet too).

Open the website – liveinternet.ru

If we need data on general search queries across the network, then we go straight to the ranking of sites; if we need key phrases on a specific topic, then we select one of the headings.

For example, I chose the computers group. Now we need group statistics - this is a link with a graph icon at the top of the list of sites in the ranking. Please note that we can specify the country and region - for sites that are tied to a territory, we need queries that are popular in a given area.

In the statistics we will see general traffic figures and much more, but we are interested in the left column of the menu and, specifically, the “By search phrases” item.

A significant proportion of requests here are hidden under the code name “Others,” but don’t let this confuse you, the most popular ones are open.

To make the selection as convenient as possible, in the settings of the final table, select “By months” and “Total”. Below you can configure a certain number of lines displayed simultaneously on the page (from 10 to 100).

Thus, we get a list of the most popular queries in a given category. You shouldn’t be surprised if non-thematic ones pop up among the queries - this is due to the fact that the selection is not based on real categories of queries, but on sites that are in the Liveinternet rating. And it often happens that a site is mistakenly placed in the wrong category and its requests are taken into account. It also happens that the site is thematic, but it has a page with text on a different topic, which gives significant search traffic that is not related to a given category.

So, you will need to select the most popular words and phrases by hand.

Now we can expand our selection to select specific key phrases for writing articles for our website. To do this, we take a list of words taken from Liveinternet and return to our favorite Yandex Wordstat. By entering words one by one, we will get narrower meanings of popular queries, but, most importantly, in the right column we will find queries that are similar in topic, expanding our initial selection.

Here is a method for freely obtaining the most popular queries in search engines without purchasing all sorts of Pastukhov databases and other lists.

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Have you decided to create your own website? This means that you are already familiar with the concept of key queries. Of course, the success of any informational, entertainment or commercial project depends on the relevance of the target phrase by which users will find your site. We present to your attention the most popular queries in Yandex for 2017. This way, you can find out the interests of the public and decide on the core for your project. Data were collected based on analysis of the Wordstat resource. If you are interested in the information business, you will probably be interested in reading the article on the best sites for finding a job! Let's start reviewing the top 10 most popular “keys”.

Top 10 most popular queries in Yandex


Download music for free

The ranking of the most popular key queries on Yandex opens with the phrase: “Download music for free.” About one and a half million searches for this key are registered per month. Actually, it’s not surprising, because everyone listens to music. Social networks, of course, are convenient, but sometimes you need to download a song to your mobile device, flash drive or car. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of resources providing this service. It is extremely difficult to compete with them by creating your own project. In addition, do not forget about copyright!

Movies online

The next position in the niche of popular key phrases is occupied by the phrase: “Movies online.” Well, who doesn't like to watch a good movie? Thanks to the presence of large resources with our own hosting, we have the opportunity to include an interesting film without downloading files. Naturally, watching movies online is in greater demand than the word form with the word “download”. Over 1.8 million users interested in this service are registered per month in the Yandex search engine.

Translator from English to Russian

Schoolchildren, students, employees of various organizations - everyone is faced with the need for translations. English is an international language. All leading companies, websites, brands use terms in English. For this reason, it is not at all surprising that the phrase “Translator from English to Russian” was in the top of the most popular requests. In total, over 2 million occurrences of these words are registered in Yandex searches every month. Naturally, in different declination and order.

Masha and the Bear all episodes in a row

The next position is occupied by the animated series “Masha and the Bear”. We are talking about the most popular cartoon in the CIS. Every month the query “Masha and the Bear all episodes in a row” appears in Yandex searches about 2.2 million times. It is difficult to explain what causes such a stunning demand for the cartoon. According to the plot, we see an interpretation of the good old fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest. By no means, in this instructive and funny cartoon, Masha does not play the role of the Bear’s hostage. Quite the contrary. This very funny and educational project is loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Online radio listen online

Next comes a rather interesting, perhaps incomprehensible request for many: “Listen to online radio online.” It would seem that in the 21st century, radio is not so popular, but that was not the case. Indeed, a lot of people turn on the broadcast literally from the very morning. Taxi drivers, bank employees, service personnel and many other people do not mind turning on the radio while working. More than 2.3 million occurrences of this query are registered per month in Yandex. By the name, you probably guessed which station interests users more than others.

Google translator

It is difficult to overestimate the popularity of the Google search engine and all the tools adjacent to this resource. Continuing the theme of the prevalence of the English language, it is not at all surprising that the query “Google Translate” takes 6th place in this top. Every day, many people use an intuitive resource to translate texts, phrases and words. The popularity of this module is due to its speed and simplicity. Even a novice user can easily cope with the task.

Games for boys

  1. Someone is looking for virtual games;
  2. Someone is online;
  3. Others are interested in developmental solutions.

Of course, most often this request is entered by parents, not boys. For this reason, it is not difficult to guess that the target audience is interested in a way to entertain a child. On average, about 2.4 million requests are registered per month.

We only need what we need.

Anton Chekhov

Probably many people are interested what people most often ask for in search engines, what are the most popular search queries? and in demand.

Errors and typos in queries, activity by geographic and time parameters, the most popular search engines and questions..

Yandex itself provides answers to these questions:

Interesting figures and facts on the Runet sector:

According to Yandex statistics, the monthly viewing of search results pages by Runet users is more than 3.1 billion times.

Every day more than 100 million requests.

Approximately half of all requests (~45% - 48%) come from residents of just ten cities:

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Voronezh
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Samara
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Omsk
  • Novosibirsk
  • Khabarovsk

Every day the residents of these cities spend 18.5 million. search sessions, the total duration of which is - 100 years.

Search session- this is the sequence of queries with which the user solves one search problem.

Search session duration- time from the first request to the last.

The average number of requests to Yandex per person is 6 - 7 within 2 - 3 search sessions.

On average, a person spends about two minutes to ask one query and view the search results.

Quantity single word queries on Yandex fell almost four times, while queries of three or more words, on the contrary, increased by almost 80%.

The most verbose queries are asked by Yandex and Ukr.net search users - about 5 words

When searching on Ngs.ru and Nn.ru, about 4 words are entered.
- QIP users - on average 2 words.
- The length of requests for [email protected] and yandex.ru differ very rarely.

Google refused to research TNS.

Ten most popular queries

The most popular queries are queries asked by users of all regions, with the same search wording.

It is worth understanding that, despite numerous repetitions, frequently asked queries are only a very modest part of all requests to Yandex. Even all taken together, the first hundred popular queries make up no more than 5% of the total, and the first ten make up less than 3%.

Also, in different cities and regions, the list of popular queries often includes large regional portals that are not interesting to users of other remote cities.

The first step of the most popular queries asked to search engines [email protected], Yandex And QIP, are still occupied by queries related to social networks. The bulk of the people “hang out” there.

The next most popular are queries with the word " porn", number of lovers" strawberries"and peeping in" keyhole"is clearly not decreasing.

Another interesting pattern is observed:

  • The top 10 Yandex requests include the request "mail.ru"
  • The top 10 requests from Mail.ru include the request "Yandex"
  • The top 10 QIP queries include both of these queries "Yandex" And "mail.ru"

If we discard “concerned” users, then the following most popular questions for search engines are distributed approximately as follows:

Distribution of the most popular queries on different sites
(orange - Yandex, blue - mail.ru, green - QIP)

The number and popularity of these requests in percentage terms are almost the same in all ten cities.

  1. in contact with
  2. classmates
  3. mail.ru
  4. porn
  5. in contact login to the site
  6. in contact input
  7. auto RU
  8. porn online
  9. my world
  10. games for girls

Most popular questions:

Approximately 2.5% of all entered requests for [email protected], usually formulated as a question. For Yandex, this figure is even more than 3%.

Most questions start with:

  1. Which
  2. How many

Yandex considers the following queries to be the most popular and frequently repeated questions asked daily to all search engines:

6. Frequently used qualifying words

Recently, more and more requests (about 10%) began to contain clarification - a direct indication - to buy, sell or receive something.

The most common clarifications today are download And for free. Requests to Yandex and mail.ru with words download And for free- approximately 4% of all available requests.

The most common clarifications

7. The most common mistakes and typos:

Despite the fact that the number of errors and typos in queries has generally decreased, 12% of all queries are written illiterately.

The most common errors are those caused by incorrect keyboard layout. So, the most common Yandex spellings are: "nftvuchyukg", "nfyukg", "zyltrc"..

Unfinished queries (for example, "vko" or "is familiar with") occupy a solid second place.

Every tenth request for [email protected] looks like a website address (well, people confuse the browser address bar with the search bar).

- The most common erroneous request - "classmates ", with one letter "c". (from 3% to 5% of users).

- Second place among misspellings confidently keeps his word "agency" . For every 100 correct queries with this word, more than 30 queries are misspelled - "agency" , without the letter "t".

According to wordstat.yandex.ru (April - May 2010), the most errors are in popular queries, except " classmates " And "agency" , come from the words:

  • russifier (russifier)
  • cribs (cribs)
  • Toyota (Toyota)
  • video (video)

85% of search queries contain a noun as the first word, which is 25% more than last year. Most often, the question is formulated as follows: nouns, adjectives, verbs. - "Hot tour package buy"

And finally, obscene language:

Surprisingly, there are very few such requests - much less than one percent.

The very minimum percentage of requests containing obscene and obscene language comes from Ukr.net users; people respect their language and do not want to pollute it.

Continuing the topic What is most often searched on the Internet. Popular queries, It will be interesting to see statistics on regional features and Geo-dependent search queries.

But about this and about Yandex statistics comparing user activity in different cities -