Which monitors are better for your eyes? The best eye monitors

Why do my eyes get tired from the monitor? Why do your eyes turn red after half an hour on one screen, while on another you can work all day and not get tired? And what to do with it?

Is it worth looking for enemies of the people among manufacturers and downloading rights at service centers? Do you need to try a dozen monitors in order to suddenly find one that doesn’t tire your eyes?

Meanwhile, there are several aspects of the problem, and each contributes to visual discomfort.

1. Excessive backlight brightness and working environment

The optimal luminosity of a monitor for working with graphics is prescribed in GOST (see A. Frenkel, A. Shadrin “Colorimetric adjustment of monitors”, the book is available for free in the public domain).
But now we will not talk about the workplace of a professional color corrector, but about the environment of a real user.
The fact is that our working conditions are usually very different from what is described in GOST. Someone sits facing the window and is forced to turn the backlight to maximum. Someone, on the contrary, has his back to the light source and is constantly struggling with glare. For some reason, for some reason, a table lamp is turned on behind the screen and hits the eyes (yes, yes, I know those too!).
Often these conditions cannot be changed (the employer is stupid, for example).
But it’s best to place the monitor sideways to the window (like the entire desktop, remember how the desks are at school? - the window is on the left). In this case, not only will you not experience problems with brightness and glare, but most likely you will also not need to constantly change the backlight strength throughout the day.

Why does too bright (as well as too dim) backlight tire your eyes?
The opening of the pupil is controlled by two types of muscles (dilating sympathetic fibers, which run radially, and constricting parasympathetic fibers, located circumferentially), which maintain the desired diameter, depending on the light, like the diaphragm on a camera. Moreover, this happens constantly and reflexively, without our conscious participation:

If you have to keep muscle fibers tense for a long time, they get tired. Moreover, the eyes become more tired from the constant constriction of the pupil. At dusk or even in complete darkness, we feel more comfortable resting and relaxing than in bright light. In the dark, the eyes and brain seem to go into a resting stage, but only until we try to force them to work in these conditions, that is, to perceive and process visual information. Then the lack of brightness will also be very tiring.
In addition, with insufficient or excessive brightness, we are still forced to keep our eyelids tense and blink too rarely or too often. This can cause your muscles to tire, your eyes to water, or, on the contrary, your mucous membranes to dry out.

How to properly adjust the brightness of your monitor so that you can end each working day with healthy eyes?

Most often, the factory backlight setting is made so as to show the monitor in all its glory in a store window. Yes, bright, contrasting, colorful. We bring it home, turn it on, freak out, and start turning down the brightness until we think it's enough.
We do not take into account one physiological factor. When transitioning from light to dark, the vision adaptation time can be up to 5 minutes. That is, we turn down the backlight, but the pupil has not yet expanded adequately to this brightness, the retina has not responded, and it seems to us that it is too dark.
Many people work almost at maximum brightness, and their eyes are constantly strained to compensate for this.

Meanwhile, it is more correct to adjust the backlight not from the maximum, but from the minimum value, gradually increasing it. After all, the eye adapts to an increase in illumination much faster than to a decrease - it takes only 5 seconds, not 5 minutes!
We start with a minimum and increase the brightness of the backlight until the eyes begin to read information without tension, in a relaxed state. Usually this moment of reaching a comfortable level is well felt - there was a strain on the eyes, and then it suddenly went away.

What image should be displayed on the screen during setup?

Of course, this should not be a white field that is completely blinding. I usually take some well-known photograph or generally rely on the good old Realcolor test wallpaper. At the same time, you can see from them whether the gamma (contrast curve) is set correctly.

2. Excessive contrast and micro-contrast

Modern monitors have very high contrast (that is, the difference between the darkest and lightest simultaneously reproduced shade). This is especially true for OLED technology. But others are not far behind.

This is both good and bad for the eyes. It’s good because the image is clearly visible, and bad because within a relatively small area of ​​the monitor there are nearby areas with very strong contrast that is beyond the capabilities of the eye. That is, we cannot simultaneously adequately perceive the entire range of halftones. The eye does not understand what to do - either contract the pupil for the light part of the picture, or expand it for the dark part.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that with the factory settings, the shadows are usually too “cluttered” and the highlights are knocked out. That is, where in a digital image there are actually still halftones, on the screen we see either solid blackness or a white field without details.
This is what a test Realcolor wallpaper with strong contrast might look like before calibrating the monitor:

This forces us to strain our eyes, peering in vain into the shadows and highlights in search of information that has been “eaten” by the excessive contrast setting.

The problem is usually solved by profiling the monitor. As a result of this procedure, if we select the Gamma 2.2 or L* setting, the midtones are distributed more smoothly across the entire range, and details in the shadows and highlights are much easier to read. In this case, the difference between the lightest and darkest tone usually becomes smaller, i.e. contrast drops.

Of course, this makes the picture less impressive, not as impressive, especially when it comes to watching movies or playing games, but we make life much easier for our eyes when working, details in shadows and highlights are easier to read, such an image is easier and more comfortable to perceive. For the same reason, a paper book does not tire your eyesight as much as text on the glowing screen of a tablet or smartphone.

LCD panels also have high micro-contrast; their picture is much clearer than that of old lamp monitors (with the possible exception of Trinitron technology).
On the one hand, this is good, you don’t need to look closely. On the other hand, clearly visible pixel squares are unnecessary, unnatural information for the eyes. With rare exceptions, we don't want to see screen cells instead of a smooth picture. And in this sense, retina displays certainly facilitate perception due to the smoothness of the contours. We are not discussing the feasibility of 4K and 5K monitors now; I have another material dedicated to this.

3. Color temperature

Typically, at the factory, monitors are set to their “native” color temperature, that is, no additional coefficients are applied to the original color values ​​of neutral pixels, and on a white fill we get virtually pure backlight color (whether lamps or diodes). This is also due to a technical feature - for LEDs and fluorescent lamps, maximum luminous efficiency is achieved in the cold blue-green part of the spectrum.
Therefore, the factory setting usually gives a cold picture (high color temperature - 6500 K and above).
By the way, according to GOST, this temperature is precisely what is recommended for preparing digital images for viewing on monitors. Again, because the factory calibration is basically like this.

However, we must also take into account that 6500 K is only one of the color coordinates. At a temperature of 6500 K, the image can be both pinkish and greenish, deviating from the CG graph vertically:

Now let's see what is better not for the car, but for our eyes.
It is believed that a typical European tends to perceive warm lighting and colors more comfortably, shifted to the area of ​​yellow shades. Evidence of this can easily be found in world art and in the color rendition of the best photographic films.
In everyday life, we consider warm light more comfortable than cold light. If you place two table lamps with bluish and yellowish light next to each other, it will be quite obvious which one is more pleasing to the eye.
This is partly due to purely national characteristics and stereotypes of thinking, but also to the fact that the “automatic white balance” system in our visual apparatus (in the “eye-brain” connection) more easily compensates for the warm shade of lighting.
Man is a diurnal predator. Therefore, by nature, his eyes are, as it were, “tuned” to perceive naturally neutral sunlight. And from time immemorial, artificial lighting has been yellowish - both open flames and incandescent lamps, which only recently began to give way to various energy-saving light sources, whose spectrum is more like pornography by an unknown artist. I also had a question on this topic.

The page of a paper book is also associated with yellowish paper. Just search for “book page” in Google:

You will not find a single blue or even bluish page here.
We are comfortable with what we have become accustomed to over several centuries, and not with what has come into our lives over the past two decades.
By the way, the second standard for setting monitors, described in GOST and intended for preparing layouts for printing, assumes a color temperature of 5500 K as close to the typical whiteness of a paper sheet.

Summarizing all that has been said, it is easy to understand that it will be most comfortable to work on a monitor set to a low color temperature. White point D55 (5500 K) is quite suitable, which is also a prepress standard.
At first, this calibration may seem too yellow, but your eyes will quickly get used to it and thank you.
And although some users whose occupation is not related to color may not attach importance to color temperature at all, we must remember that it still inevitably affects visual fatigue.

4. Screen flickering

Today, a flickering monitor is not such a rare thing.

Previously, screens on cathode ray tubes generally always had a scanning frequency, which could be higher or lower, but it always was. In practice, this was expressed in the fact that the image is drawn by an electron beam on the screen line by line from top to bottom, but the image quickly fades, i.e. When the beam reaches the bottom of the screen, the top lines are already dim.
This is perceived by the eye as a more or less pronounced flicker, which is tiring.
When I used a CRT monitor, I could accurately distinguish scanning frequencies of 60, 75, 80, 100 hertz. The low frequency is perceived as increasing pressure on the eyes. We do not see the flickering itself, but we feel it, especially with peripheral vision. If you switch the monitor from a low scan frequency to 100 hertz, you can feel your eyes relaxing.

In modern LCD monitors, the image is reproduced according to a slightly different principle. The pixels on them do not fade out, and the picture is only updated with a new one at a certain frequency, which is not perceived as flickering.

However, such a monitor may have its own catch. It's all about the lighting.
Whether it is a fluorescent lamp or LEDs, the brightness of their glow is controlled in a certain way by electronics. The simplest and cheapest way to change brightness is pulse width modulation (PWM).

Translating the picture into simple Russian, the more frequent and longer pulses a lamp or diode flickers, the brighter its glow will appear.
It is clear that at low brightness the pulses will be either rarer or shorter, which means the flickering effect will be more noticeable.

Usually we do not see this effect directly, although we can subconsciously feel it as “shaking” of the image and discomfort, which contributes to fatigue during long work.

Another method of adjusting brightness is to change the voltage. In the context of digital monitor control, this method is somewhat more complicated to implement. But its advantage is that the image does not flicker, i.e. we always see a static picture, as if it were a slide on a viewing table.

Usually the manufacturer does not indicate in any way that the brightness of the backlight on the monitor is adjusted using PWM. But this is easy to determine with the so-called “pencil test”.
We take a pencil or pen in our hand and begin to quickly wave it in front of the monitor, on which some light, static picture is displayed.
If the screen flickers, then the smeared trail from the pencil will be intermittent, and if there is no flickering, then it will be continuous.

However, one must also take into account the following feature: at maximum brightness, there may be no flickering at all - the pulses will seem to be completely adjacent to each other, merging into one continuous one. But as soon as you reduce the brightness, pulsation will inevitably come out, if there is any.

It is clear that we need to give preference to monitors without PWM, because, although this effect may not be directly noticeable, it will still spoil our nerves and health during long-term work.

5. Monitor size and viewing distance

Today, when monitors with a diagonal of 26-30” and even more are freely available, many are trying to buy something larger - “in reserve”. A lot is not a little, of course.
Although a larger monitor allows you to see more image detail with less eye strain, it also has its own nuances.

Let's say that part of our screen is occupied by a white text editor or browser window, and the other part displays a darker desktop.

If the monitor is small or located at an adequate distance, then it only takes up part of the field of view, and the eye simply adheres to a certain average “exposure”. But if the screen is of a significant size (or if we have our nose pressed against the screen), then when we move our gaze from the program window to the area with icons on the right, the eye will be forced to constantly adapt to the darker image and vice versa.

Naturally, this does not go in vain, and we get tired.
If you bought a large monitor, you need to try to work behind it at a sufficient distance and, being carried away by work, do not “fall” towards it over time, simultaneously bending into a question mark pose - after all, the comfort of the spine also affects the condition of the entire body as a whole.

1. Adjust the monitor backlight from minimum, gradually increasing it, and stop exactly at the moment when the information is perceived clearly enough and without tension.
Avoid contrasting room environments and light sources either behind or in front of the monitor.

2. Reduce the contrast of the image, simultaneously improving the readability of highlights and shadows. To do this, profile your monitor at Gamma 2.2 or, better yet, at L*. Sometimes you can get by with hardware installations.

3. Set the monitor to a “warm” color temperature (about 5500 K) - this can be done either using the settings on the monitor itself or during the profiling process.

4. Make sure that the monitor backlight does not flicker - using a simple “pencil test”. If there is flickering (PWM) and your eyes get tired, then don’t torture yourself, get rid of this monitor and buy a normal one.

5. Keep an adequate distance from the screen, so that it does not occupy your entire field of vision - in this case, your eyes will adjust less when looking from light to dark. And watch your posture, of course.

The monitors used by modern computers can work almost around the clock without the need for rest. But, unlike monitors, human eyes need to rest from time to time, since 60–70 percent of active users complain of decreased visual acuity. From looking at the display for a long time, your eyes begin to hurt, myopia occurs, and disorders occur in the muscular system. The flickering of the monitor can often cause headaches, the mucous membranes of the eyes dry out and a “sandy feeling” arises in them. Fatigue affects blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the eyeball is disrupted. To reduce this negative impact or get rid of it altogether, it is important to work behind a quality screen. Let's look at the TOP 3 best eye monitors.

Monitor DELL U2415

Dell has released a new model of the DELL U2415 monitor. It is very similar to the previous U2414H, but has its own differences. The U2415 boasts an increased aspect ratio, which here is 16:10, and a resolution of 1920x1200 pixels. Features overview below:

  1. Packaging and equipment. The monitor is supplied in a large box made of thick corrugated cardboard with slotted holes for easy carrying. An image of the DELL U2415 is printed on the front and back of the package, and its technical characteristics, capabilities, etc. are indicated on the sides. The delivery set of this device includes: the monitor itself, a special stand for it, a cover for the cable compartment, a USB 3.0 cable, a power cable for the Euro plug and mini-DP/DP, a CD with the necessary drivers and setup guide, instructions, warranty and report calibration.
  2. Appearance. The diagonal of the DELL U2415 is 24.1 inches, the matrix is ​​IPS, and the viewing angles are 178 degrees both horizontally and vertically. The display has a matte surface that appears monolithic. There is a black narrow plastic frame at the bottom. On the sides of the screen there is a dark gray border, also made of plastic. When the image appears on the monitor, you can see that there is a margin of 7 mm at the top, and a border of about 6 mm on the sides. According to the manufacturer, all fields are 6.9 mm. All monitor control buttons are touch sensitive. They are indicated by low-contrast dots and a power icon, under which there is a status sensor. The back side is matte and also plastic. On the top of the panel at the back there is a narrow grille for ventilation. At the bottom of the back side there are all the connectors that can be covered with the lid included in the kit. A little to the left of these connectors there is an input for a Kensington lock, and on the right there is a built-in USB input with a high load rating. There are a total of 5 USB connectors in the DELL U2415. The monitor has a power supply. The stand is made of plastic with a matte surface. With its help, you can tilt the monitor back and forth, lift it and turn it to the sides, and this will not affect its good stability. The inside of the stand is made of steel and aluminum, so it won't break. It is equipped with rubber pads on the bottom that do not scratch the table and prevent the monitor from sliding on a smooth surface. The device can be installed not only on a standard stand, but also mounted on a VESA-compatible bracket. Without taking into account the stand, the dimensions of the DELL U2415 are 532.2x350.6x45.7 mm, and with it - 532.2x402.9x205 mm. The model weighs 4.25 kg, additional delivery weighs 2.1 kg.
  3. Monitor switching. The DELL U2415 has 4 digital video inputs: 2 HDMI, supporting MHL 2.0 and a full-size Display port with its Mini counterpart. The input is selected in the settings menu. If there is no signal from one, the other will automatically turn on. Through the full-size Display Port input, you can connect 3 display devices in series, if the video card and other links in this chain allow. It is worth noting the ability of the outputs to receive digital audio signals, which are subsequently converted to analog and fed through a 3.5 mm jack. An audio system can be connected here. The monitor has one USB input and 5 3.0 outputs, one of which supports high power. Through the menu, it is possible to disable the USB hub when entering sleep mode.
  4. Settings menu. When turned on, the sensor on the DELL U2415 glows faint white, and blinks when waiting. The start menu appears the moment you touch the touch buttons. It consists of 4 icons that are located immediately above these buttons. Using the first two, you can quickly call up two previously programmed functions. The next icon is responsible for calling the main menu, and the last one closes it. For ease of use, various tips pop up. The touch keys work well, but the backlight is rather weak. The main menu is large and easy to use; you can turn on the Russian version with translation. Using a CD, it is possible to automatically configure the monitor using the Display Manager program and driver downloaded there. This program has a number of useful functions that will simplify your work with DELL U2415.
  5. Image level. The design of the gadget is made in such a way as to minimize the impact on human eyes and ensure comfortable long-term work with the monitor. As standard, you can customize the brightness, the required level of contrast, sharpness and color rendition. The latter indicator can be adjusted using one of the profiles. You can also select the appropriate color temperature from 6 values ​​for correction. Manual adjustment is also provided. There are 3 transformation modes, with them the image changes taking into account the boundaries of the display and maintaining the proportions of 5:4 or 4:3. The third mode automatically stretches the picture to the entire screen size. If the connection is HDMI, then the resolution is 1920x1200 pixels with a frequency of 60 Hz. Assessing the performance of the monitor in general, we note a good level of brightness and clear colors. The display of shadows is also fine. The matte structure of the screen prevents glare from appearing, even if a lamp is on nearby or the rays of the sun are shining. It is for these reasons that it is comfortable to work with the monitor without discomfort or harm to the eyes.
The price of DELL U2415 in Russia is 21,000 rubles. Watch the video review below:

Monitor BenQ SW2700PT

Manufacturers from Taiwan BenQ launched a new series of Pro Graphics monitors a few years ago. Its pioneer was the PG2401PT model. Oddly enough, we did not wait for the next model; instead, a new series appeared called SW, which began with the SW2700PT monitor with a large diagonal, good resolution and an increased aspect ratio of 16:9.
  1. Packaging and equipment. The SW2700PT comes packaged in a sturdy cardboard box. It is quite large and has slots on the sides for easy transportation. The packaging contains images of the monitor and information about its characteristics. In addition to the screen itself, the package includes cords: USB 3.0 for connecting to a PC, Display Port/mini port and DVI-D. There is also a network cable, a disassembled protective visor, a disk with programs and drivers, instructions and a report on the calibration done. The mentioned visor is needed to protect the monitor from light; it consists of 4 plastic parts with black soft fabric on the inside. The parts are fastened together with a plastic-metal element. Assembly does not take much time, just a few minutes. The visor is of high quality and holds securely when installed on the monitor.
  2. Appearance. The monitor has a diagonal of 27 inches with viewing angles of 178 degrees in each direction. Additionally, the IPS matrix is ​​equipped with built-in LED backlighting. In terms of its design, the SW2700PT model looks somewhat strict. The outer parts of the screen, like the stands, are made of matte black plastic. There is a protruding part at the back with a smooth mirror surface that quickly shows scratches and fingerprints when touched. The matrix from the outside looks half matte, black and hard. The bottom end is equipped with five mechanical buttons for setup and control. The keys on the panel look like dots, the last one is indicated by a power icon, and then there is an indicator showing the status. At the back, at the bottom of the protrusion, all the necessary connectors are built in, including for power. Frequently used ports are located on the left side of the monitor unit. These include USB and a memory card slot. The Kensington lock entrance is located in the corner of the rear panel. Also, the back side of the monitor is equipped with ventilation grilles. The screen can be moved on the stand, allowing for quick installation to the required height. BenQ SW2700PT can be tilted in different directions and rotated. There is even a special scale with a moving mark on the stand for this purpose. The stand itself is made of aluminum and steel. Rubber feet are fixed under it, which do not scratch the table and do not slip on it. The monitor can be mounted on a VESA bracket. A mounted canopy will protect the device from excess light. On top of it there is a curtain that can be pulled back and the calibrator can be installed without the need to remove the visor. Dimensions of the device without a visor are 653x445–567x323 mm with a stand. It weighs 8.3 kg, and the visor weighs 0.87 kg.
  3. Monitor switching. BenQ SW2700PT has 3 digital inputs: full-size Display Port, DVI-D and standard HDMI. You can select them in the start or main menu. When the signal from the working input is lost, the monitor automatically goes into sleep mode and turns on again when the signal returns. The model is equipped with a USB 3.0 connector and a similar pair of outputs. Cards of any version can be inserted into a special slot. The device does not have a built-in speaker, but you can connect headphones. Their quality is average, but there is no noise and the sound is quite pleasant. Volume and sound on/off are adjusted in the menu.
  4. Settings menu. The monitor indicator glows dim white during operation, while in standby it glows orange. When you press any touch button, start settings with 5 icons appear, located above each of the keys. The first three icons can be programmed and quickly accessed, the next icon brings up the main menu, and the last one returns to normal mode. For comfortable and understandable control, hints pop up. Working with the monitor will be facilitated by an external controller connected via a cord. It is constructed of plastic and has a round shape. The buttons on the case are matte. The presence of rubberized pads prevents slipping on the surface. There is a special place for the controller at the base of the stand. The buttons work well, but due to the round shape of the device, they can sometimes be confused. The cord from the controller is 61 cm long, and the buttons are programmable. Using the disk, you can use special software to make it easier to configure the monitor and install the necessary driver on it for proper operation.
  5. Image level. The monitor is made with maximum eye comfort in mind. Color temperature can be adjusted using 3 values ​​or manually adjusted by moving the sliders of the 3 main colors. Each user will adjust brightness, sharpness, contrast, shades, etc. to his or her own taste. Geometric transformation can be changed in three modes, which depend on the availability of the video signal. When connecting HDMI (DVI), the resolution will be 2560x1440 pixels with a frequency of 60 Hz. Display Port in combination with a good video card will output images in 10-bit color. The image on such a monitor is high-quality, bright and well-saturated with the correct level of colors. The matte coating of the matrix provides additional comfort when working with the monitor.
The price of BenQ SW2700PT in Russia is 42,000 rubles. Check out the video review below:

LG 34UM95 monitor review

The latest model from the review of the TOP 3 best monitors is LG 34UM95. Screens with a large aspect ratio are becoming fashionable, which are more aimed at fans of games, watching movies and other entertainment. LG 34UM95 not only has a 21:9 aspect ratio, but also supports high resolution, plus it causes minimal harm to the user's eyes.
  1. Packaging and equipment. The 34UM95 monitor is packaged in a large red and white rectangular cardboard box. A description and technical capabilities of the device are printed on the sides of the package in large print. For convenient movement, there are slots for hands on both sides. In addition to a wide range of paper instructions, leaflets and a monitor, the kit includes: three cords (power, Display Port and HDMI), two disks with drivers and necessary software, an external power supply and a report from the factory on the calibration performed. Based on the capabilities of the monitor, you can independently purchase a USB cable for connecting to a PC and a Thunderbolt cable.
  2. Appearance. Screen diagonal - 34 inches. The monitor is mounted on a transparent special stand made of plastic and metal. It is quite stable, the monitor can change the angle of inclination, but there is no rotation adjustment or height change here. The entire front part of the LG 34UM95 is occupied by a large display with the company logo at the bottom. There are metal edges with a glossy structure on the sides. The back cover of the monitor is made of plastic, but looks very similar to aluminum. The panel is matte to the touch. The screen can be fixed on the wall; a special mount is provided for this. At the bottom at the back there are two USB 2.0 connectors, one USB 3.0, a headphone input, a Thunderbol port, a DisplayPort and two HDMIs. The dimensions of the model are 829.9x172.9x468.9, and the weight is 7.7 kg.
  3. Settings menu. The bottom edge of the monitor is equipped with a four-way joystick. It is located in the center in a small bulge below the LG logo. By the way, the logo serves as a status indicator and glows white when the monitor is turned on. Pressing the joystick or moving it up/down will bring up the start menu, and moving it to the sides will open the volume settings of the integrated speakers. The start menu contains 4 sectors, the top one is responsible for reading modes, the left one will show the main menu, the right one will launch picture-by-picture, and the bottom one will turn off the monitor. In the main menu, the first position is occupied by the “Quick Access” item, here you can adjust the volume, brightness, change the image size, change video input connections, etc. Then comes the “Function” option, where the economy mode, calibration, etc. are configured. In LG 34UM95 you can look at two images at the same time using the PBP section. In the “Screen” item you can adjust the quality of the picture’s visibility and its color saturation. In the “Settings” section, you select the necessary parameters for power, lock, language, etc. The last point suggests returning to factory settings.
  4. Image level. As mentioned at the beginning, the LG 34UM95 model has a high resolution of 3440x1440 pixels. This is a good option for people who spend a lot of time playing games and watching movies. When the dual monitor function is activated, it is possible to simultaneously view two video files at once. The monitor itself is made using the latest technology; it does not flicker and does not tire the eyes while viewing. The image comes out with good quality, without graininess. When the viewing angle changes, the brightness decreases. Color rendition is good, contrast is clear. On such a monitor it is pleasant not only to watch movies, but also to play games.
The price of LG 34UM95 in Russia is 52,500 rubles. Watch the video review below:

In our review of the TOP 3 best eye monitors, we looked at modern models that have already found their users. In addition to many positive qualities, each of the presented screens has a main feature - with prolonged use, their negative effect on the eyes is minimal, or even reduced to zero.

9 months ago

Today, a modern person cannot do without a computer. And not only at work, but also at home. Now a computer is an absolute necessity for many people. But in this case, one problem automatically appears that leads to deterioration of health - the quality of the monitor. We must admit that it is not easy to solve. However, if the problem of visual impairment exists, then it must be dealt with.

We have to find out which monitor is better for the eyes so that it does not cause harm to health. A mistake when choosing a monitor can lead to eye damage. First of all, they experience a negative impact. This means that the buyer must choose a product that during use does not affect the quality and visual acuity.

It happens that someone has a good monitor at home, but on the desk in the office where he works, the monitor is antediluvian. You can’t call him anything else. In this case, there is no doubt that the quality of a person’s vision will deteriorate day by day. However, in those companies where it is customary to care about the health of employees, they always buy and install high-quality equipment.

If there are monitors at work in an institution or organization that make employees feel uncomfortable while working on them, this means that the head of the company not only does not care about the health of employees, but also does not attach importance to increasing their productivity.

IMPORTANT! We would like to draw the attention of those who consider themselves an avid gamer and dream of their own gaming computer, that buying such a PC will be expensive. And the problem can only be solved by self-assembly and proper selection of the monitor.

What should you pay attention to?

If the task is to determine which monitor is better for vision, then it is very important to immediately focus on some indicators. There should be no glare when the monitor is turned on. The body should be matte. It must be borne in mind that the higher the contrast ratio, the safer the device. The minimum contrast ratio is 600:1 - 700:1.

IMPORTANT! Please note that there are manufacturers who have prepared a certain trick for the consumer. They may specify a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1. It is impossible not to believe what is written. This is the absolute truth. However, it must be emphasized that such a fantastic contrast is determined only when the screen image is completely white or black. When you sit down at the computer and start working on it, you will see that it will definitely have some other shades.

There are currently three types of monitors on the market.:

- CRT.
- Liquid crystal.

CRT screen

It is classified as the first generation of monitors. CRT monitors are based on cathode ray tubes. It must be admitted that this option today is considered obsolete.

The monitor operates on a cathode ray tube based on a kinescope. A kinescope is an electronic device that converts electrical signals into a visible image. This means that we see everything that is shown on the CRT monitor thanks to this very special tube. Light comes through it. Then it comes to the surface, which reflects everything. And then it displays the image.

Such monitors are no longer produced. They were discontinued. Such monitors require a lot of energy to consume. They are heavy and big. Working behind them also damages their eyesight. The eyes are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. It spreads behind and on the sides of the monitor at a distance of up to one and a half meters.

If you use such a monitor often, “flickering” appears. This phenomenon leads to the fact that visual acuity becomes lower. Such devices are not produced today. However, you can still buy CRT monitors that have been used. Such a purchase will not cost much. Approximately 50 US dollars. However, you need to know that the damage to vision from such a monitor is considerable.

Such models can now be purchased secondhand. The purchase will be inexpensive. However, this is the very case when saving will not be beneficial. That is, for someone who is seriously thinking about which monitor is best for the eyes, this option is definitely not suitable. It needs to be abandoned.

LED devices

The technical characteristics of LED models are better. And much more. Compared to CRT models, these monitors use LEDs rather than electric lamps. The main operating principle of this monitor is based on LEDs. Thanks to such small lights, you can see the image on the screen.

The LED has the ability to produce crystal black or white colors. Due to this, the device provides increased contrast, brightness and clarity. A person perceives each color as more natural. As a result, his attention becomes heightened.

Such monitors have specific differences. They require about half as much electricity to consume as CRTs. And for the price they are quite attractive. They are convenient to use. They don't need much space.

And most importantly, from the point of view of the problem we are studying, they almost do not blur vision. There is no need to use mercury in their production. That is, they are safe and environmentally friendly.

Monitors have a high level of contrast. Their images are bright and clear. Dimensions are compact. Such monitors can be recommended as an excellent option for the eyes.

LCD monitors

Cyanophenyl is used in the manufacture of liquid crystal products. He is in a liquid state. At the same time, it retains the properties of crystals. Currently, such monitors are considered the most modern.

Liquid crystals are the basis for the operation of such monitors. When a signal is given, they light up one by one on the screen. As a result, an image appears.

The cost of such a monitor largely depends on its diagonal. However, on average, the purchase costs the consumer from eighty US dollars. The cost of the product is affected by its dimensions. However, in general, many people can afford such a purchase.

This monitor has a simple device. It has no electromagnetic radiation. A big plus is the affordable price. These factors largely determined the great demand for LCD monitors throughout the planet.

When you work on such a computer, your eyes don’t get very tired. This means that an LCD monitor can be considered the safest type of all existing ones.

Please note that LCD monitors do not emit electromagnetic radiation at all, and this always has a positive effect on human health.

Matrix type

Which monitor matrix is ​​better? There is no clear answer to this question. However, it will be important to clarify what it is.

Purely externally, the matrix looks like a glass plate. Inside this plate are liquid crystals that change color.

The simplest products react only when the electrical signals that pass through them change. Models that are more complex can adjust both brightness and color themselves. There are also modern examples that can be additionally illuminated and thereby create the maximum possible contrast.

There are such types of matrices:

TN is a common option, inexpensive.

V.A. In addition to this type, there are also MVA, PVA and other varieties. When the marking contains a combination of the letters VA, this should be understood to mean that the model is environmentally friendly. It also has minimal negative effects on the human body. Matrices VA, MVA, PVA have the least negative impact on vision. With their help, the screen is able to project images with high definition. It is clear that the price of such matrices is high. For excellent characteristics you need to pay accordingly, that is, expensively.

S-IPS is the least common type of matrix. It is expensive, but this is the price for high quality. The S-IPS matrix can be found very rarely. However, a monitor with such a matrix has very high performance. And most importantly, it causes minimal harm to health. Buying it is always expensive. But if someone values ​​their health, then they must pay the required amount. No regrets.

IMPORTANT! If it is important for you to have good vision, then buy a monitor with a VA matrix (MVA, PVA and others) or S-IPS. They cause the least harm to the eyes. And therefore the costs will pay off handsomely.

The best matrix for a monitor is one that has good viewing angles. To do this, the buyer needs to look at the monitor from the side. If this product is perfect, then its picture can be seen from everywhere. An inexpensive unit, unfortunately, cannot provide such opportunities. The picture will be fuzzy, blurry and faded.

Which monitor matrix is ​​best for your eyes? One in which the picture is visible from any angle. We also emphasize that when you work with such a monitor, the strain on your eyes is much less.

IMPORTANT! So, when choosing a monitor, be sure to pay attention to indicators such as viewing angle, realistic color reproduction and acceptable response time. However, these indicators do not affect vision. This means that in our case they should be perceived as secondary.

Computer rules

Modern monitors are capable of functioning around the clock without interruption. But this does not mean that a person should work in the same mode without breaks.

If you look at the display for a long time, your eyes get tired and myopia appears. A flickering monitor can cause headaches. The mucous membrane of the eyes dries out, and a “sandy feeling” appears in them. Fatigue disrupts blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the eyeball.

Even the most sophisticated monitor, if installed incorrectly, can cause vision problems. You can significantly reduce the risk of eye diseases if you follow simple rules.

The screen should be located at eye level. The optimal distance to the screen is about half a meter. Remember, the larger the diagonal of the product, the more convenient it is for the user. For a desktop computer, a monitor with a screen diagonal of 15 inches or more is good.

It’s good when, in addition to the main lighting, there is also additional lighting, and also when there are no glares or reflections on the screen. Follow the rule: work for an hour, rest for 15 minutes. When working in front of a screen for a long time, use light filters and glasses.

If you are choosing a monitor based on which one is better for your eyes, then pay attention to the following characteristics:

In working condition, there should be no glare on the screen;

The screen should have a matte body, as well as a keyboard;

There must be high screen contrast ratios (at least 600:1 - 700:1).

How to deal with eye fatigue?

The eyes are tired of the monitor, if there is a burning sensation, itching, or redness in the eye area. You can get rid of discomfort using Visine drops. Just keep in mind that it is not recommended to use drops constantly.

There is also a drug called Vidisik, which is similar to natural human tears. It quickly relieves redness and discomfort.

Similar to a television, based on a huge cathode ray tube. There was nothing to please such a unit. A bulky, heavy electrical energy destroyer. It's no wonder that with the advent of thin monitors, users all over the planet breathed a sigh of relief.

But here, too, everything turned out to be not so simple. Each thin device was strikingly different from each other in color rendering, price, and viewing angles.

Matrix. Its features and characteristics

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor is an extremely controversial issue. First of all, it’s worth clarifying what it is.

In appearance, it is a glass plate, inside of which there are liquid crystals that change color. The simplest products respond only to changes in electrical signals passing through them. More complex models independently adjust color and brightness. And the most modern examples are also additionally illuminated, creating the highest possible contrast.


The answer to the question “which matrix is ​​better for a monitor” is impossible without mentioning a term such as “response”. This property is characterized by how smoothly the frames on the screen will change due to voltage changes. Measured in milliseconds (ms).

What type of monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? Of course, with good image response. But if you figure out which type of monitor matrix is ​​better for everyday life? With a response of 10 ms or less. What about the gaming type of monitor matrix? Which is better? prefer a response of less than 5 ms.

Update frequency

The refresh rate will tell you a lot about which matrix is ​​better for a gamer's monitor. The picture in the virtual world changes very quickly. Only the highest quality screens can refresh at rates greater than 120Hz.

Viewing angle

Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor in general? Of course, the one with good viewing angles. What are they? In order to understand what we are talking about, it is recommended to look at the monitor from the side. For an ideal product, the picture will be visible from everywhere. A cheap unit will not be able to please you with such convenience. The picture is faded, blurry and unclear. Which monitor matrix is ​​better for the eyes? Of course, the one where you can view the image from any angle. In addition, when working with such a monitor, your eyes get much less tired.

TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)

For a long time, such a matrix was considered the best for a monitor. Simple and cheap, it is still built into millions of devices every year. What made this technology especially popular was its price. It is thanks to affordability that users are ready to forgive the matrix for its disadvantages, of which there are many. Viewing angles are extremely poor. You need to sit exclusively in front of the monitor to see the full picture. Some manufacturers use a special film to increase viewing angles, but this helps little.

The human eye is a unique mechanism capable of seeing more than sixteen million different shades. With a matrix of this type, it will not be possible to realize this property given by nature, no matter how hard you try. Colors are usually dull, faded, dull, faded, unnatural. But for an undemanding user this is not a critical problem.

There are very few complaints about contrast changes. The main users are office workers. Working with text on monitors requires special concentration. Text with low contrast is far from being the best assistant; it tires your eyes very quickly. Graphics specialists dislike such matrices even more. This monitor is only good for watching movies and playing some games.

The only thing that can please the matrices of this type is the fast response of black and white shades. But in today's world of color this is a weak advantage.

Almost every budget laptop in the world is sold with a TN matrix.


Numerous user complaints have prompted manufacturers to explore a new “monitor matrix type” technology that is better and more productive than its predecessors.

The latest development is called IPS (In-Plane Switching). This type of matrix was produced by Hitachi. What is its significant difference from TN? First of all, it is color rendering. No matter how much users love their huge cathode ray tube monitors, they convey shades very accurately. And now the opportunity to enjoy bright and rich colors has arisen again.

Viewing angles have also increased significantly compared to its predecessors.

The disadvantages of the technology are the color change from black to purple when viewed from the side. Also, the first models had a relatively low response time - 60 ms. There were many complaints about the low contrast. Blacks appeared grey, making typing difficult and nearly impossible to work with in applications that required fine-grained design.

However, manufacturers were aware of the shortcomings and after some time the world saw S-IPS (Super IPS) technology, in which many of the shortcomings were eliminated. First of all, the new product pleased gamers. The response time has decreased by almost five times, to 16 ms. This value is excellent for solving the vast majority of everyday tasks.

The main manufacturers of IPS matrices are Hitachi, LG, Phillips, NEC.

MVA (PVA) matrices

A little later, a new matrix was presented to the world, which took into account the numerous wishes of both gamers and office workers - MVA.

The only drawback of such monitors was the distortion of some shades. But opponents of the TN matrix noted color rendering as quite tolerable and suitable for most tasks.

Of course, not everything immediately became smooth and ideal. The first models were quite slow, even compared to their TN predecessors. Sometimes, when changing frames quickly, the user could notice a picture that did not change for several moments. This problem was solved somewhat later, when accelerated matrices of this type entered the market.

But such monitors are fine with contrast and viewing angles. Black is black, and details are visible even in their smallest variations. It is not surprising that professional designers choose MVA.

There is another type of matrix of this type. Its name is PVA. It was developed by the Korean corporation Samsung. PVA is much faster and has more contrast.

Working on such a matrix is ​​a pleasure, so it has taken its rightful place in the niche for professionals.

What to choose

So, there are three main types of matrices.

TN technology should be chosen only if the budget is very limited.

An IPS type matrix is ​​suitable if the buyer is actively involved in graphics or drawings.

Which monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? MVA! It is optimal for aesthetes who value the perfect picture.

Technological progress significantly improves the quality of life of people and makes it more convenient. On the other hand, many difficulties and problems arise. Let's try to figure out which monitor is better to choose for your eyes so as not to harm your health. If the monitor is chosen incorrectly, then, first of all, the eyes suffer. This means that you need to choose products so that the quality and visual acuity do not suffer.

Someone has to be lucky...

It often happens that at home you have a good monitor, but at your workplace it is, as they say, antediluvian. This cannot but affect the quality of vision. However, respectable companies take care of the health of their employees and install high-quality equipment.

If there are monitors in the office that make people feel uncomfortable, then the head of the company not only does not care about the health of the employees, but also about their productivity.

Important! Are you an avid gamer dreaming of your own gaming PC? These PCs are quite expensive. The solution to the problem is self-assembly. Another of our articles provides all the necessary information to help you inexpensively and quickly.

What should you pay attention to?

First of all, when determining which monitors are better for vision, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • No glare when the monitor is on.
  • Matte body.
  • Contrast of the device. The higher the contrast ratio, the safer the device. The minimum contrast ratio is 600:1 - 700:1.

Important! Regarding contrast, some manufacturing companies resort to this trick. For example, a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1 is indicated. Oddly enough, this is true, but this contrast is determined when the screen image is completely black or white. If you do this or that work on a computer, then other shades are sure to be present.

Choosing the best eye monitor

Today, there are 3 types of monitors on the market:

  • Liquid crystal.

CRT screen

CRT monitors are based on cathode ray tubes. This is a morally outdated option. These monitors have been discontinued. Their features:

  • Large weight and size.
  • High power consumption.
  • Negative effects of electromagnetic radiation on the eyes.

Important! Sometimes every PC owner experiences situations when the processor can no longer be repaired and needs to be replaced. Many people have difficulty choosing a chip, especially if it is intended for a laptop. To avoid unpleasant moments, our specialists have prepared another article for you.

It is possible to purchase such models secondhand. Their cost will be small, but such savings are very doubtful. And if you are thinking about which monitor is better to choose for your eyes, you should definitely forget about this option altogether.

Important! If your home space does not allow you to purchase a full-fledged computer desk for a laptop, a portable computer desk would be an excellent solution. View step-by-step master classes with photo instructions.

LED devices

LED models are much better in their characteristics. Unlike CRT models, LEDs are used here. These monitors are distinguished by:

  • High contrast level.
  • Brightness and clarity of the image.
  • Economical energy consumption (half that of CRT monitors).
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Compact dimensions.

As an option for a good eye monitor, this one is great.

Important! Today, SSD drives are increasingly gaining popularity among active PC users. If you also decide to get an SSD drive, we suggest you familiarize yourself with practical tips that will help you easily.

LCD monitors

Now about liquid crystal products. Cyanophenyl is used in their production. This is a liquid substance, but it retains the properties of crystals well. The cost of the product directly depends on its dimensions, but in general it is affordable. When working on a computer, your eyes do not get very tired.

Important! LCD monitors do not contain electromagnetic radiation, which also has a positive effect on people's health.

Matrix type

This is another indicator that you need to pay attention to in order to choose the best monitor that is safe for your eyes. There are the following types of matrices:

  • TN is an inexpensive and common option.
  • V.A. In addition to this type, there are also MVA, PVA and other varieties. If the marking contains the letter combination VA, this means that the model is environmentally friendly and its negative impact on the body is minimal.
  • S-IPS is the least common type of matrix: expensive and high quality.

Important! When choosing a monitor, you must also take into account such indicators as viewing angle, color reproduction, and response time. However, these indicators do not have any effect on vision and are therefore secondary.

Computer rules

Even the most sophisticated monitor will not save you from visual impairment if it is not installed correctly. If you follow a number of simple rules, you can reduce the risk of eye diseases to a minimum:

  • The screen location is strictly at eye level.
  • The optimal distance from the eyes to the screen is about 50 cm.
  • The question often arises as to which monitor size is best for the eyes. The answer is clear: the larger the diagonal of the product, the more convenient it is to work on it. Monitors with a screen diagonal of 15 and 15 inches are convenient for a desktop computer.
  • Basic lighting when working on a computer is not enough! It is necessary to use additional lighting.
  • Try to keep the screen free of reflections and glare.
  • After every hour of working at the monitor, take 15-minute breaks.
  • When working in front of a screen for a long time, use glasses with light filters.

Important! In order to extend its service life, it is very important for all owners of a laptop to take proper care of it, especially with regard to heat exchange processes between the radiator and the processor. To protect your laptop from the effects of overheating, experts recommend using thermal paste. View another of our articles and you will learn about.