How to close antimalware service executable windows 10. Antimalware service executable: what is it and how to disable it. Windows Defender Process

Even though modern computers are quite powerful and can easily perform several tasks at the same time, there are files, programs or processes that can overload the system quite heavily. Most often, the user does not immediately understand what is going on.

The system begins to frantically slow down and freeze, even though all the updates have been installed and the operating system has only recently been loaded. Most of all, this situation leads Windows 10 owners to a dead end, because this New Product should work much faster than previous versions. How to test the system and identify the reason for its slowdown?

Reasons why your computer slows down

Main reason similar problem most often are virus programs. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from such problems, and periodically scan the system . But sometimes the antivirus program itself can cause unnecessary processor overload. This happened with the file MSMPENG.EXE or Antimalware Service Executable, this is part antivirus system, which is responsible for protection.

When you install Microsoft products, this product will, in one way or another, be part of your system. This file will also be present in MSE, ForeFront Windows Defender and others similar programs. In the "eight" or "ten" this is part of the built-in Windows Defender. Users often complain that Antimalware Service Executable loads the Windows 10 system. How to solve this problem?

How to get rid of system overload?

You can see how much the program is loading the system in the Task Manager. To enter it, click right click mouse to the taskbar and select the appropriate item. Or in “Run” type “msconfig”, whichever is easier for you. If you see that Antimalware Service Executable is heavily loading the system, you will need to either change the conditions for its launch. In general, if you have another antivirus program, and you are confident in it, there is practically no need for Antimalware Service Executable. To disable it you need:

  • Open Windows Defender (you can just type it in the search);
  • Uncheck the “Options” box and save the changes.

In order to change the launch conditions, you need to go to the “Task Scheduler” and specify new parameters there. For example, you can schedule it to run at night when you are not using your computer.

Windows cares about the security of users' computers, and . This service can be found in the device manager and is launched under the file name MSMPENG.EXE. It works quite often, although it must be turned off, which loads the processor.

Antimalware Service - what is it?

Before you figure out how to disable Antimalware Service, you need to make a reservation about the purpose of the process. It is necessary to protect the system from viruses and is included in Windows Defender. In general, in Windows, especially in 10, there is excessive concern for the user, which provokes frequent refusals of such protection.

Initially, it was planned that many services would run on the system at night, thus maintaining the health of Windows without compromising performance. Usually the PC is turned off at night, so the process of protection, scanning, updating, etc. is postponed to another time.

Despite the fact that Antimalware Service Executable loads Windows 10, the developers do not recommend disabling it completely, because the PC will become defenseless against viruses. If there are significant inconveniences with the service, it is better to assign a convenient work framework for it; you can set a time for processing the system outside of your work schedule.

Antimalware Service Executable how to disable?

The antimalware Service Executable Windows element is not so easy to deactivate; the developers took care of its functionality. Today there is only one 100% effective method achieve your goal through the task scheduler, but there is also another option.

Antimalware Service Executable how to disable Win 10:

  1. Click on Start and “Control Panel”;
  2. At standard form categories, you need to select the “Administration” tile;

  1. Select the “Task Scheduler” item;

  1. Expand the Microsoft list;
  2. Then Windows;
  3. Next, set the focus to “Windows Defender”;
  4. There should be 4 actions in the options window, highlight the first one;
  5. Go to the “Conditions” tab and deselect each item;

  1. Follow the procedure for each action.

Windows Defender should no longer start at all, but responsibility for the integrity of the system passes into your hands and this should be taken care of separately. Today there are many active antiviruses, including free type who will take care of your computer's health for you.

Antimalware Service Windows 10 changing settings

Antimalware Service Executable Windows 10 does not have to completely deactivate the tool, because you can set a time frame for operation. This way it will only work certain period time that suits you. Typically, a time is set when the user does not use the PC or the computer runs regular, long-term processes that do not require the use of a large amount of system resources.

When Antimalware Service Executable loads the PC you should:

  1. Follow the path (described earlier) to the Windows Defender folder;
  2. Select an event and go to the “Triggers” tab;
  3. Click on “Create”;

  1. Set the frequency of launching the procedure, it is better to set it to “Every day” and a time that will be suitable for the situation;
  2. If necessary, you can activate “Stop task after” by allocating time for the action, for example 1-2 hours.

The situation when Antimalware Service Executable loads the disk will be much easier to manifest itself, since flexible setup will allow the user to get along with the service. Wherein necessary checks, scanning and other actions will be able to be performed, albeit not to their full extent.

Disabling via the registry

The procedure does not always work, but for home version the path to the registry is completely closed, but how Alternative option can be used. Disabling the defender using the registry consists of several steps, so it is necessary:

  1. Win + R and type regedit;
  2. Using sequential navigation, you should go through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows Defender;
  3. You need to find the DisableAntiSpyware entry and double click open it;

  1. Change the value from 0 to 1.

In some cases, such a parameter does not exist at all, then you should create it yourself. RMB on free space in the destination directory and “Create”, and then “32-bit DWORD Value”. Don't forget to indicate required name, otherwise the recording will not be accepted.

After completing the shutdown procedure, you need to take care of the security of your computer and download a third-party antivirus.

If you still have questions on the topic “Antimalware Service – what is it and how to disable it?”, you can ask them in the comments

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In the list of processes in the Manager Windows tasks you can often find yourself curious Antimalware process Service Executable. Sometimes it puts more load on your computer's processor, but often the load on the computer is zero at rest (RAM consumption is within 100 MB). What is it and what is the Antimalware Service Executable process for?

What is this Antimalware Service Executable process?

For those who are familiar with English PC terminology, the word “Antimalware” will already explain a lot. Literally this translates as “Anti-virus executable service”. It is the standard background system process and part of the Windows Defender antivirus built into Windows 10. The “source” of this process is executable file MsMpEng.exe located in Windows folder Defender in the directory Program Files on system partition Windows.

What are you???

Windows Defender is an integral part of Windows 10 and also a sequel free antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows 7 (there it is optional). Thanks to this, Microsoft guarantees every Windows 10 computer a certain level antivirus protection and completely eliminates the need to use third-party antivirus software.

Antimalware Service Executable is background process Windows Defender. It hangs in the background Always and is responsible for checking files for presence malicious code. Every executable file on the system is checked by this process. He is also responsible for downloading the so-called “definitions” - updates for Windows Defender. Although the process itself is called Antimalware Service Executable, on the Details tab you will find it under the guise of MsMpEng.exe.

Antimalware Service Executable loads the processor

It happens and that's normal. If you see that Antimalware Service Executable is starting to consume a lot of CPU resources (in other words, it is "hogging" the CPU), this means that Windows Defender is scanning your computer for viruses or other malware. Like any other antivirus, Defender Windows time conducts regular background scans from time to time in order to constantly maintain its digital hand on the pulse and monitor the health of your computer.

Increasing resource consumption may also mean downloading antivirus updates or processing a found threat.

Antimalware Service Executable is loading the disk

As is the case with the processor, the disk load of this service means that Windows antivirus conducts various operations with your files. Since the program reads, scans and, if necessary, corrects or removes threats found in files, the load on the disk may increase, which in turn affects the performance of the drive. Again, this is normal and how it should be. Just wait until the system finishes its business, after which the load on the processor or HDD by this process will drop to virtual zero. Double-click the Windows Defender Security Center icon and look at the virus protection status. If it displays information about the threats found (Windows in this case can inform you about the presence of a virus with a corresponding notification), then the reason that msmpeng.exe loads the disk will be the computer’s struggle with the detected virus. After the cleanup or quarantine, the load will drop and everything will be fine again.

Restarting the computer can, in principle, solve the problem of excessive load on the processor or disk, but only if some kind of failure or temporary bug has occurred in Defender itself. If increased consumption resources are motivated by a detected virus, the need to download an update, or a scan of your executable file, then Antimalware Service Executable will still load your computer to perform the purposes for which it was created.

How to disable Antimalware Service Executable

Whatever your reasons for this, you can disable Antimalware Service Executable. Just keep in mind that simply “cancel the task” will not disable this process. Windows is equipped with mechanisms that many call “foolproof.” The option to disable this process is disabled in , as it is a vital component in keeping your computer and your information safe.

Windows will tell you that your computer's security is disabled and your device is vulnerable. Please note that Windows Defender will re-enable these settings after some time unless you install third-party antivirus software.

Some sites mistakenly advise users to disable this process in Task Scheduler. But the thing is that Windows Defender performs its procedures not through the Task Scheduler, but through the automatic Windows maintenance, which cannot be disabled.

You can completely disable Antimalware Service Executable only by installing another antivirus, which in turn will also perform background scans and scans of your computer and, accordingly, at times load the processor or disk of the device. Moreover, the Antimalware Service Executable process may continue to be listed in the Task Manager, but it will not load the disk or processor of the device.

Antimalware Service Executable virus?

Of course not. History knows no cases when malware was so brazenly disguised as a mechanism Windows protection from viruses. Windows Defender itself is an antivirus and prevents various infections from running on your computer.

In Windows 10, there are many processes that consume computer resources. Antimalware Service Executable was no exception. Read how to disable it in Windows 10 within this article.

About the process

The Antimalware Service Executable process is built into Windows 10 antivirus service, to detect and suppress virus threats. Behind this process answers Windows service Defender Antivirus Service. The service runs constantly, which ensures protection for all operating system products. GUI the application does not, runs in the background.

The executable file of the process is called MsMpEng.exe and is located in C:\Program Files\Windows Defender. Antimalware Service Executable is an integral part of . If the process starts long time consume system resources, load the disk and the computer slows down all the time, you can turn it off this service.

How to disable?

Disabling Antimalware Service Executable is not as easy as we would like. The developers have taken care to protect this process and it will not be possible to suspend its operation using the usual methods.

Only the task scheduler can help with the shutdown. Using it, you can disable all conditions for the operation of Defender components. To start it:

  1. Go to Control Panel → Large icons→ Administration.
  2. Launch Task Scheduler.
  3. Open the path “Task Scheduler Library” → Microsoft → Windows → Windows Defender.
  4. Open 4 files one by one, go to the “Conditions” tab and remove all marks.
  5. Do the procedure for each file.
  6. Then, shut down all 4 files by changing the Status to Disabled.

    Should I turn it off?

    By disabling Antimalware you will lose protection from external threats. Defender will not be able to prevent the detection of viruses when they enter your computer. Therefore, if for one reason or another you decide to disable its operation, take care of installing others.

During the operation of the computer, situations arise when it begins to slow down greatly, as a result of which it becomes impossible to work. One of the common causes of the problem is a process called MSMPENG.EXE, which appears in the Task Manager as Antimalware Service Executable.

Many users do not know what the default operating system Windows system configured a large number of various updates that are automatically launched at night, when, theoretically, users should not be at the computer.

However, the owners modern computers Often, in order to save resources and energy, machines are simply turned off at night, as a result of which updates are not made. Therefore, after turning on the computer, you can see processes like Antimalware Service Executable, which will load the processor and RAM at full capacity.

What it is?

Antimalware Service Executable - specialized antivirus service Microsoft, which is present in every antivirus product of this developer. Please note that experts do not recommend completely removing the process from the computer, but to solve the problem they recommend changing its operating time to the most convenient time for the user.

If you have this process now, and you cannot wait for it to work, since you need your computer to perform important tasks, feel free to turn off the process and go about your business without lags or slowdowns.

How to change settings?

To change Antimalware Service Executable settings, do the following:

1. Click " Start", go to " Control Panel».

2. Go to the “ Administration».

3. Go to the section " Computer management" and select the service " Task Scheduler».

4. Follow the path: Utilities-Task Scheduler-Scheduler Library-Microsoft-MicrosoftAntimalware.

5. From the available processes, select " MicrosoftAntimalwareScheduledScan", then double-click.

6. Select the section " Triggers", double-click on the trigger that opens and in the corresponding field indicate the time when the program will turn on and use system resources.

There can only be one task in the list, but regardless, open its settings by double-clicking. If you wish, you can completely disable this process through the settings, delete the task itself, but, as mentioned above, this is not recommended. additional protection It won't hurt against viruses.

Another way: Disable via Local Group Policy Editor

1. Press the buttons " Windows + R"or go along difficult path: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run. In the “Run” window that opens, enter or copy the command “ gpedit.MSC» click « OK»
2. In the local editor group policy, go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows components>Windows Defender.
3. In this folder, find Disable Windows Defender, double-click on it, in the menu that opens at the top left, put a checkmark next to “ Turn on", apply and click OK.
4. Done. Restart your computer if the defender does not turn off immediately.
Did it help? No? Turn it off

Via the registry

1. Click " Windows + R", enter regedit in the input window, click OK.
2. In the registry editor, go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows Defender.
3. Double-click on the DisableAntiSpyware entry and change its value to 1 and click OK.