How to find old comments on VK. How to find user comments on VKontakte

Man is by nature very curious. I want to know everything about everyone, without giving too much away about myself. With the advent of the era of social networks, human curiosity has even been lost: there are so many possibilities at once! People talk about themselves by posting photos, communicating openly in public discussions, etc. Often the information is on the surface, and in order to look at it, no tricky actions are required. However, a seemingly simple task - finding comments from a VKontakte user - requires some tricks.

Search for comments from VK users

Before VKontakte switched to a new format, finding comments was not very difficult. In any case, you could view your comments in the section specially designated for them. Then this section was renamed “Answers”, and then completely sent to Notifications. So at the moment, there are indeed difficulties in finding answers. And not only friends, but even your own.

What are the reasons for such changes? Why can’t I directly view the comments of at least people added to my friends list? And why is it impossible to find your old records without cunning schemes? We don't have an exact answer. But there are assumptions. In the first case, the management of the social network is most likely trying to follow the golden rule of user privacy. As for the lack of a separate archive for comments, apparently they simply don’t see the need for it. And in vain: resourceful users still manage to find out what comments this or that person left.

Today there are two ways to solve this problem. One does not always work, the other is not always worth trusting.

Let's start with a completely safe method that can be done directly on the site. It consists of the internal search capabilities of the service and requires only one thing from you: know the id of the person whose comments you want to find. It’s easy to determine an ID: it is usually included in the profile link:, where ####### are the numbers that are the searched ID. However, you should expect a “setup” - instead of the expected numbers there will be some set of letters. Don't despair, nothing is lost yet! We click on the avatar and look at the link in the address bar: after the word photo the same id we need will be written. We will definitely copy it. Now it will be useful to us, because... Let's move on to our primary task. We do the following:

1.Go to the News section;

2.Go to the Search tab;

3.In the search bar, enter *id#######, where # is the same copied ID;

4.Go to Search Options, select Message Type - comments only.

In theory, all the person’s posts that he left under the posts of other users and communities should appear. But not everything is so rosy: if a user comments in closed groups, you will not be able to see his comments. Plus, not all comments, in principle, are displayed.

Therefore, we offer another way - to turn to third-party services. There are many of them on the Internet, and everyone can choose the one that suits them. Such services find comments and sometimes even likes on other people’s accounts, providing you with information both free and for a fee. But whether these services can be trusted is unknown. They may also compromise the security of your data, so use them only at your own risk.

Based on the above, we conclude that it is possible to find comments from other VKontakte users. And if you decide to write a review, tag a Friend in your posts, or even give an innocent like, then through the internal Search of the social network, all this can be found. Is it good or bad)

As you know, communication on VK does not end with correspondence with friends. There are a huge number of groups and communities where you can leave comments. What kind of groups are there when you can go to a friend’s wall and write something?

Many users are interested in finding their earlier comments in order to remember what they wrote several years ago. Is there such a possibility?

Unfortunately, VKontakte does not offer the ability to search by comments. In fact, we are sure that the programmers of the social network will clearly not have any problems with the implementation of such a feature, so the reason for the failure is unknown. It is possible that advanced search will significantly load the system, and perhaps this is the policy of the owners of the social network. Be that as it may, there is no search for comments and is not expected.

What can be done? We can only invite you to look at your own comments, to which responses were left or hearts (likes) were given. Here's how you can do it.

Go to your page and click “My Answers” ​​in the menu.

In front of you you will see the entire list of notifications, including both the rating of the comment and the response to it.

If you want to see only those comments that have been replied to, click on the "Replies" button.

Yes, this is not the best option for searching for your comments, but at the moment there is no other way out of the situation. In addition, replies to comments are saved for a long time. For example, we managed to find a comment left 9 months ago.

[SOLVED] Comments on photos in VK: how to view them

Published: 03/12/2016

When your photo albums on VKontakte are overflowing with photos, drawings and pictures, it becomes very difficult to keep track of comments. Don’t go through all the photo archives to find the latest comments and respond to them in a timely manner. Of course, when new comments are published from their friends, the user receives corresponding messages in “Alerts”, but even in this way you do not always have time to notice new comments.

If you don’t visit VKontakte too often, the situation drags on even more. As a result, your friends and acquaintances wait a long time for you to respond to their comments on the photo on VK, and you remain mysteriously unaware that such comments even exist. In general, this is no good, and you need to monitor the comments by promptly responding to requests from your friends, colleagues and relatives. We will tell you how to quickly view all the comments on a user’s photos and albums on VKontakte in the next article on the site “Copy Paper - Step-by-Step Instructions” (

Note: if there are no new comments on your photos for a long time, check again to see if comments are closed in your profile and album settings! If comments are closed, they need to be opened.

How to view comments on photos in VK: step-by-step instructions

Go to the “Comments on photos” option:

Using this section, you immediately open all comments on photos in VK that were left by your acquaintances and friends.

3. In order to view all comments on a photo in Contact, published in various albums, you must first enter the album you are interested in. And already inside the album, find a similar option “Comments on the album”.

4. To make sure that no new and fresh comments have appeared on the photo in VK, we suggest going to another section of the menu, where the latest information about changes related to your profile is received. This is the “Notifications” option (in the form of a call) located at the top of the user page.

True, the notifications contain a lot of other unnecessary information, but finding new comments among other data will not be difficult. Especially if you configure which notifications you want to receive. This is done through “Settings” in “Notifications”, by clicking on this option you will be taken to the settings page, where you can uncheck or add checkboxes as you wish:

Here, in fact, is how easy it is to find and view comments on photos on VKontakte, which even a beginner who has just begun to master all the functions and subtleties of this social network can handle. And we finish the story and remind you once again: add to our VK group ( and follow new publications on the site!

How to read hidden comments on VKontakte?

Using privacy settings, you can restrict access to view your comments (see how to restrict access to a VKontakte page).

Other users can do the same. What if we need to see what is written under a photograph, video or post on the wall? How to view hidden comments on VKontakte?

Now let's see if this is possible.

What does it look like?

If comments are closed, then when you try to read them, you will see the following picture.

Writing can be available only to the user's friends, or to individuals. Is it possible to see the comments in this case?

How to view hidden comments?

I hasten to disappoint you. There are few exits.

If viewing comments is available to friends, then try sending a request to the user (see how to send a message to VK if your personal account is closed). If you are added, viewing hidden information will be automatically activated.

The second option is even more difficult. You just need to hack the user’s page (see how to hack a VKontakte page). But I have already explained to you that this is extremely difficult to do.

See also:

How to limit the ability to comment

Go to page settings.

Go to the “Privacy” menu and look for the “Wall Posts” section. Set the value to “Only friends” for the parameters “Who can comment on my posts” and “Who can see comments on my posts.”

On VKontakte, users leave hundreds of comments under interesting posts and photographs every second. You don’t need to look far for examples - open any popular group and you will see how new messages constantly appear under posts on the wall. I'm sure everyone has left a comment somewhere at least once. Sometimes there are situations when you need to look at all your comments, for example, to delete them. It can be interesting where and what comments other users leave. Let's take a closer look at convenient ways to view comments using the VKontakte interface and learn how to use them to find your comments and other users.

How can I see the latest comments in the community?

First of all, this feature will be useful for administrators and moderators of groups. Also for ordinary users who are interested in seeing the latest comments from community members.
Open the search for records and write “ type:reply" in the field - get a list of comments, the latest ones will be at the top.

Comments among photos and videos of the group

You can also view the latest comments in a group among photo albums and a list of videos.

This option is available to community administrators and those users who have certain rights.
Comments can be seen both for all albums and for each separately. Go to the group photo albums and click Album comments.

In the Videos section above the video list there is a Comments Review button, clicking on which will provide a list of all comments in chronological order.

Let me remind you once again that you can’t see comments in all groups, but only where you can edit and add albums and videos.

Search comments via SearchLikes

SearchLikes is an application that has various functionality, in more detail about what I have already written under the hood at least and.
Let's look at the interface for working with comments. The system has two types of search - comments among photos and in a group. How it all works: you select a specific user, anyone - through friends you can reach anyone. There are two buttons on the selected person’s page:

Searching among photos has a simple set of functions - selecting by gender, or all at once. As a result, you will receive a list of comments and a photo, if it is not hidden by privacy settings.

As you know, communication on VK does not end with correspondence with friends. There are a huge number of groups and communities where you can leave comments. What kind of groups are there when you can go to a friend’s wall and write something?

Many users are interested in finding their earlier comments in order to remember what they wrote several years ago. Is there such a possibility?

Unfortunately, VKontakte does not offer the ability to search by comments. In fact, we are sure that the programmers of the social network will clearly not have any problems with the implementation of such a feature, so the reason for the failure is unknown. It is possible that advanced search will significantly load the system, and perhaps this is the policy of the owners of the social network. Be that as it may, there is no search for comments and is not expected.

What can be done? We can only invite you to look at your own comments, to which responses were left or hearts (likes) were given. Here's how you can do it.

Go to your page and click “My Answers” ​​in the menu.

In front of you you will see the entire list of notifications, including both the rating of the comment and the response to it.

If you want to see only those comments that have been replied to, click on the "Replies" button.

Yes, this is not the best option for searching for your comments, but at the moment there is no other way out of the situation. In addition, replies to comments are saved for a long time. For example, we managed to find a comment left 9 months ago.

Good afternoon. In this article we will learn how to find comments on VKontakte: yours, others’ and other users.

Search for comments on VKontakte

Sometimes it happens that (yours or other people's) contain important information that you may need in the future. It happens that you remember that you or someone left an important answer in a discussion or photo, but you can’t remember in what place. The social network VKontakte has the ability to search for comments. Now you will learn how to view your comments on VK and how to find the answers of others.

How to find your comments on VKontakte

To find your comments on VK, go to the “News” section...

And in the right menu select “Comments”.

Here in the feed we can see all the posts, photos or videos that you personally responded to. True, the search service only finds the post itself, and you will have to find the comment itself manually in the discussion. There is no exact way to find your comment itself on VK.

How to find comments you like on VKontakte

Typically, materials marked with like (posts, articles, photos and videos, etc.) are located in . But to see the comments you personally like on VK, you need to do the following:

1. Go to “News”…

2. Afterwards, click the plus sign in the page menu and check whether the “Like” tab is displayed in your page (there should be a checkmark opposite this item).

3. Then apply a filter on this tab, unchecking all the checkboxes and leaving only the “Comments” item.

Then in your feed you will see all the comments that you once liked. By the way, here you can quickly remove the like.

How to find a person’s comments on VK

To view the comments of any person on VKontakte, you will have to resort to one trick. There is no direct way to find people’s comments on VK - this relates to the sphere of privacy. But you can find a person’s comment if someone answered them. The method works in a rather limited way - you will not be able to find single remarks left without answers, as well as discussions in closed groups. But, unfortunately, there is no other way yet.

2. Next, instead of the numbers 12053604, insert into the link the id of the person whose comments we want to find. If you don’t know what ID is and where to get it, then read the article. For example, I want to see the comments of my friend Anton.

4. After this, we get to the feed and can see a list of responses to the comments of the user we selected. You can also see here who, when and where responded to the selected person’s comment, and the text of the response is also visible. If you go to the recording, you can go to the full discussion and see all the answers from the person we need.