How to get a new Wi-Fi password. MAC Address Scanner application and address change. We intercept traffic and decrypt the WiFi password

It often happens that the Internet is distributed via a Wi-Fi wireless network, and there is a need to connect a new device to an already working network, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. Such a “first” connection in most cases requires entering a password, which is set during the basic setup of the router and protects the network from unauthorized access by third-party users. Since a lot of time often passes between configuring Wi-Fi and connecting a new client, it is not always possible to remember the network password at the right time. What to do if you forgot your Wi-Fi password? The problem, I must say, is solved quite simply, and we will tell you exactly how in this article.

How to view the Wi-Fi password on a computer with Windows 7/10

This method only works if you already have a computer connected to a Wi-Fi network. Moreover, in Windows 7 and Windows 10, the procedure for finding the required password will not be different. So first we need to go to Network and Sharing Center. To do this, right-click on the current connection icon on the taskbar, and then follow the corresponding link (you can also get to the section through the Windows Control Panel).

In the left menu select the item Change adapter settings.

Double-click on the icon and in the window that opens, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

We go to the “Security” tab, where in the “Network security key” field the password we need is hidden. To display it, check the box next to the “Display entered characters” option.

Thus, we were able to view the password for our Wi-Fi through a computer connected to the target wireless network. If for some reason you were unable to determine your password using the above method, then follow the instructions below.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password through the router settings

Since the password for the Wi-Fi router is written in the settings of the router itself, then, of course, you can also look it up there. Let's look at how to go to the configuration page and find the desired section using the example of two popular router models: and.

We will connect from a computer connected to the router via cable. To get to the administrative section, enter the IP address in the line of any browser . Then we log in using the username and password (admin and admin by default).

Let's move along the branch Wireless - Wireless Security. The required key will be in the field Wireless password.

As we can see, everything is very simple.

We go into the settings of the D-Link router in the same way as in the case of TP Link. Next, in the interface, select the section Wi-Fi - Security Settings. Look at the password in the field PSK encryption key.

For routers from other manufacturers, approximately the same scheme works, only the name and location of the Wi-Fi configuration tab differ. If you cannot log into the control panel of the router (forgot your password), then all that remains is to reset its settings to factory settings using a special button on the case (usually labeled RESET). Then you can log in with standard data, which must be indicated on the router itself. Typically this is admin And admin. Next, simply set new security parameters for the wireless network, and you will no longer need to find out the old Wi-Fi password. However, when you roll back to the factory state, you will have to reconfigure the Internet connection itself.

Welcome, dear visitors! Many owners of home Wi-Fi routers and access points are faced with the problem of forgetting the password for their own Wi-Fi network. This happens for various reasons, for example, you have been using it for a long time or your provider set it up for you and provided you with a password. Or you simply forgot it over time, since the Wi-Fi network connects automatically when you start your laptop or computer, you don’t really think about the WiFi password for this wireless network. Wi-Fi works and is good. But sooner or later the question arises, how to find out the WiFi password from your home network?

Usually we want to see the wifi password when we want to connect a new device to a wireless network, be it a new laptop, phone or. If you don’t know the password for your own network, then don’t worry. In this article we will tell you how to find out the WiFi password through Windows and by logging into the router (or as it is also called a wireless Wi-Fi router). So let's find out where you can look up your network's authentication credentials.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password in Windows

This chapter of our instructions will help those of you who already have a network connected to a computer with a built-in WiFi module or to a laptop. If you have such a computer and the Wi-Fi network is already functioning on it, then finding out the password will not be difficult. However, we would like to warn you right away that this can only be done as an administrator, that is, you need to log in to your laptop or PC with administrative rights. on Windows you can read it at the given link.

So, we find the Wi-Fi icon in the form of a ladder in the Windows tray, or go to the “Control Panel” of the operating system. We need to find the item “Network and Sharing Center”, like in the picture:

Once in the Network Control Center, we find the menu item “Manage wireless networks”, as shown in the following screenshot of our instructions:

After this, you need to find a working Wi-Fi network that you want to connect to, right-click on it and select the “Properties” menu item. Here's a screenshot of how it's done:

Note that in some stripped-down editions of Windows 7 and Windows 8, the “Manage wireless networks” item may not be available; in this case, you need to open the list of WiFi networks in the tray, find your wireless Wi-Fi network, right-click on it and click on "Properties". How to find out the right network if there are many of them? It’s very simple, on the contrary it should say “Connected” (as already written above, if there is no connected network, then the whole idea of ​​finding out the WiFi password from Windows is pointless).

So, having gone into the properties of the wireless Wi-Fi network, we need to go to the “Security” tab, as shown in the following picture (don’t forget that everything needs to be done as an administrator). After this, on the tab, just check the “Display entered icons” checkbox and the long-awaited password will appear in the “Network security key” line.

By the way, here you can find out the type of security and encryption type of your network, which can be useful when connecting a smartphone or tablet. It would seem that the article can be completed and we managed to find out the WiFi password, but what to do if you do not have a connected wireless network, how can you find out a forgotten WiFi password in this case? In this case, our path lies straight to the interface of the router or access point, depending on what Wi-Fi is distributing.

How to view the wifi password on a router

Surely for beginners it will be difficult to enter the Wi-Fi router itself. But here too website rushes to the rescue. At the following link you will find a complete guide. Briefly this is done like this:
  • Open the browser.
  • We enter the WiFi router address into the address bar - it is either or
  • In the window that appears, enter the username and password for the interface.

If you don’t remember the router password, you will have to reset the settings using the “Reset” button, which is located on the back of the router, and again. In principle, we have already described further actions in the article on how, but for clarity, we will probably repeat ourselves. Since everyone's routers are different, the interface of these routers will also differ. If you find yourself in the settings for the first time, then do not be afraid. You need to look carefully and find the router menu item, which is usually called “Wireless” or “Wireless Security”.

On routers with Russified firmware, you need to look for the “Wireless network” item.

As you can see from the previous two pictures, the field itself where the WiFi password is set can have different names. This can be “PSK Password”, “WPA-PSK Key” or simply “Passphrase”. If you really can’t find the item you need in the settings, then download the manual for your router model. It is worth noting that not all routers display the password:

If the password is not visible in the settings of your Wi-Fi router (as shown in the screenshot above), then you just need to change it to another one. Finally, we want to answer a question that interests many: how to find out your neighbor’s wifi password. In fact, everything is not as simple as you think, dear readers. If the Wi-Fi network is protected by encryption such as TKIP, WPA or WPA (we wrote about them), then hacking someone else’s network is quite problematic, since these types of encryption provide good channel protection.

For inquisitive minds, we advise you to look at the article, which describes a method for brute-forcing passwords, provided that the model of the wireless router is known. We want to end here. If you encounter any difficulties or simply want to ask a question, please do so in the comment form below.

You can find out the password for your neighbor’s wi-fi by yourself or using programs

In the modern world, an Internet connection is necessary almost everywhere. The times when you had to be in an apartment or internet club to access the network are long gone, and on the streets you can rarely find an area without Wi-Fi coverage. However, not all wireless network points are open for connection, so the question of how to find out the Wi-Fi password remains incredibly relevant. Also, it’s not always about hacking someone else’s password. There are times when you need to find out the settings of your own Wi-Fi network or the password of a router that has long been forgotten or lost after another mistake.

How to find out the password of the connected Wi-Fi in your apartment?

If at least 1 computer is connected to the Wi-Fi network

First of all, you need to consider how you can find out your password. Today, even a child knows what Wi-Fi is, but, nevertheless, few people think about its safety. As a rule, most users do not change the password to their router, so over time they simply forget: the connection is always available and there is no particular need to know the password. Only when some changes occur and sitting down becomes inaccessible do you have to spend hours remembering the correct symbols. How to find out the password of the connected Wi-Fi in this case? In fact, everything is simple, for this you need to have at least one computer connected to your network.

  1. First you need to go to the Network Control Center, which can be done in the “Network” tab. To do this, click on the button in the lower left corner of the screen, which opens Windows properties, and select the appropriate section.
  2. After you have entered the control center, you need to find the “manage wireless networks” subsection.
  3. Once you enter it, you will see your network connection, so the next step is to open its properties.
  4. In the “Security” section, check the box, after which you will be able to see the encrypted password for the network to which the computer is connected.

If no device is connected to the Wi-Fi network

Although the previously described method is the simplest, and the entire algorithm of actions can be performed even by someone who has never entered the system settings, it is not always possible to use it. The thing is that if you do not have a computer that is connected to the required network, then this method will be completely useless. How to find out the Wi-Fi network password if you have no current connections? In this case, you cannot do without the settings of your router.

The most effective way, which is guaranteed to give you the opportunity to find out the password for a wireless network, is to set up a router. This is where the current password is set, which is valid for all connected devices.

  1. The first thing you need to do is go to the router settings. It is worth clarifying that while performing this procedure, the device must be connected to your computer, otherwise you simply will not be able to find it.
  2. Open the menu in the lower left corner of the screen and select the “Network” tab, where you will see your device. An alternative way would be to load the desired IP address in your browser, which will also bring up the desired window. As a rule, for routers from different manufacturers you need to enter different numbers, so there is no universal way to enter its settings. The required IP address, as well as the default login and password, are always written in the instructions for the device or on the router itself. Check the technical data sticker on the back of the adapter.
  3. When you have found the desired IP address and settings login information, simply enter them in the appropriate fields.
  4. After the desired menu opens in front of you, find the wireless network management tab, where your password will be in the required column.
  5. Then you can either save it and connect from other devices, or change it to more memorable words or numbers.

Video on how to find out the wi-fi password

Many users often ask how to find out the password for a Wi-Fi router if they cannot enter its settings. If for some reason you changed the default login or password, but forgot it, then the only way is to reset the device settings. This will allow you to return the factory settings to the default and use the login information that is written in the instructions.

How to find out Wi-Fi password on Android?

Given the abundance of various mobile gadgets, many are interested in how to find out the Wi-Fi password on Android. This can only be done if you have root rights to the device. There are two simple ways:

  • With the help of a conductor. Download any file manager (the standard one is not suitable, since it does not see hidden and system folders), go to data/misc/ and select the wifi folder. In the wpa_supplicant.conf file you will find all the saved passwords for any network, so just select the name you need.
  • Find any app on Google Play to display social network passwords.
  • If you do not have root rights to the device, then download the necessary application and do everything that is written in the instructions. If your actions are successful and you get full access to your tablet or smartphone, then use any of the previous options.
Video on how to find out the wi-fi password on Android

How to find out the password for someone else's Wi-Fi?

To begin with, it’s worth putting aside any moral questions and directly considering the methods of hacking someone else’s Wi-Fi network. Naturally, everyone has different goals, but as a result, to gain access to a closed Wi-Fi point, hacking is indispensable. Highlighting the main reasons, we can note the most popular options:

  • A trivial desire to find out your neighbor’s Wi-Fi password to save money.
  • Expensive prices for using the Internet in hotels.
  • Fraudulent actions with other people's passwords and data.
  • Intentional hacking to test security level.

The last option should be discarded due to the fact that such cases are rare and, as a rule, only professionals crack passwords. Fraudulent intentions also need to be ruled out, since this qualifies as a crime, so it’s better to focus on how to find out the password for someone else’s Wi-Fi to use the Internet for free.

The first method is the simplest and most common, and is achieved by simply selecting simple passwords. As a rule, most users are not interested in setting up complex encryption for their network. Moreover, many do not even change the standard settings. That is why you can experiment with numbers, for example “1234” or the most popular phrases (qwerty, the name of the network itself, username, etc.). If your neighbor is not particularly resourceful, then sooner or later you will achieve your goal and gain access to his wireless network.

When it comes to choosing symbols in organizations, hotels and other public places, things are a little more complicated. Usually, in such cases, a series of not particularly complex numbers is used so that the password is easy to remember, but not guessed in a few minutes. For example, seven sevens or the reverse order of the numbers from 9 to 1 are quite common options, so it is best to start with them.

The second method is more complicated, but it is guaranteed to achieve the goal. It is an automated form of the first option and is called “butforce”. Firstly, you need to have a laptop, as well as a fairly powerful Internet connection, so that the hacking program can guess the password from the database. As a rule, this takes a certain amount of time, but ultimately provides almost 100% results. The only exceptions are the most complex passwords consisting of numerous letters, numbers and other characters, which are extremely difficult to guess even with the help of a program.

The third hacking method is to exploit a WPS connection vulnerability. If a specific access point supports this technology, then hacking will not be difficult. It is worth clarifying that without certain knowledge and understanding of the process, you are unlikely to be able to achieve your goal in this way. However, if you understand how to act, then even passwords of 30-40 characters will not be an obstacle.

How to protect your network from hacking?

You need to think not only about how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, but also how you can secure your network from hacking attempts. It is worth clarifying that this is due not only to the reluctance to share one’s own Internet, but also to maintaining its speed.

  • Set the most complex passwords. It is worth understanding that the cat’s birthday or numbers from 1 to 5 are not the values ​​that will allow you to avoid hacking. Use passwords with a variety of characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers. Try to make the password as unclear as possible, but at the same time you can remember it.
  • If your Wi-Fi point supports WPS, then disable this function in the settings, which will avoid hacking using its vulnerability.
  • Change your password once a month. Even if they try to hack you using automatic programs, then a regular scheduled password change, for example, once every 2-4 weeks, will completely eliminate the occurrence of such problems.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to somehow find out the Wi-Fi password? What did you do for this? Tell us about it in

Quite often, many users have questions about where to find the WiFi password on their computer. This may be due to many reasons. And not everyone knows how to do this. Let's try to consider several simple situations when obtaining such information is extremely necessary, and also briefly dwell on some methods that are not entirely legal from a moral point of view, proposing a general solution to the problem.

In what cases do you need to find out the WiFi password on your computer?

First of all, let's look at exactly when you may need to obtain information about the desired combination used as a security password for connecting to wireless networks. It is quite obvious that you can simply forget the password or not write it down after the first connection setup. If the connection was previously made, there will be no special problems in this case. When a connection is set to connect automatically, the computer system will always connect to the network automatically when it detects a signal from the router.

However, sometimes you can find users who try to find a WiFi password on their computer that is used by another person. For example, your neighbors allowed you to use their connection, you forgot to tell them the combination, you yourself went on vacation, you have an urgent need for Internet access, but you cannot reach them by phone. An almost similar situation involves the fact that someone at home simply changed the password, but did not say a word to the household.

Finally, we can also note a group of users who belong to attackers. They quite often crack passwords in order to use someone else's connection to download large amounts of content from the Internet (this is in the best case). But few people know that by calculating the original password combination through a hacked connection, you can sometimes even gain access to someone else’s computer. In this situation, the goals of the attackers are clear, and, apparently, they relate to the theft of personal confidential information of other users.

Where can you find the WiFi password for your connection on your computer?

First, let's look at the simplest option, when you simply forgot your combination, but for some reason you need to remember it. Where can I see the WiFi password on my computer? It's simple! First of all, use the network management section in the “Control Panel”, click on the name of your connection and click the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

In the window that appears, go to the "Security" tab. Here you will see a field with a password, which is presented in the form of dots. Just check the "Show password" box located just below and you will receive the original combination.

Viewing the searched combination on the router

Now a few words about how to view the WiFi password on your computer using the settings of your router (router or ADSL modem operating in wireless mode). First you need to access the device's web interface. This can be done through any installed web browser. In the address bar you need to enter the combination (1.1) or any other that is indicated on the sticker on the back of the router. Then you will need to enter your login and access password (usually admin is used for both fields). Where can I find the WiFi password on my computer in this case? And there shouldn’t be any special problems here.

Go to the wireless mode section and select the connection protection item. The password will be indicated in the PSK key field. If necessary, you can change it, after which you will have to save the changes and completely reboot the device. When you try to connect again from a computer or mobile device, you will need to enter a new password.

Resetting parameters with setting a new password

If you decide not to waste time searching for a password, or your routing device is not working correctly, the easiest way is to enter the router settings and perform a full reset in the appropriate section.

After restarting the device, you can enter a new combination and save the options.

A little about illegal activities

Now let's briefly look at some actions that are considered somewhat illegal. Typically, a password can be cracked by introducing specialized viruses into a computer system through an online sniffer (for example, when sending an email to a victim with an attachment in which, when opened, a malicious code is triggered, and the attacker receives the external IP address of someone else’s computer). But it is far from certain that the victim will open such an investment. Therefore, many people use simpler methods, preferring manual password selection or special programs.

Brute force

Brute force refers to the concept of brute force. That is, the attacker tries to break through the defense, selecting all sorts of combinations.

It goes without saying that it takes a matter of minutes to calculate passwords like qwerty, 12345678, names or dates of birth. But passwords containing letters, numbers, and special characters (for example, “K_*&$08^j)r”) will take a very long time to crack even by the most advanced hackers without using specialized software.

Wi-Fi Crack Program

But let’s return to the questions regarding how you can find out the WiFi password from your computer if you are working on your own device and the connection is not available to you. In this case, according to many experts, the simplest solution is to use a small utility called Wi-Fi Crack. It cannot be classified as a professional hacking tool, but it can be used for simple cases.

A description of all operations performed, based on moral and ethical considerations, is not provided. It is enough to note only that after their execution, the result of an attack on a secure connection through access to a special file on someone else’s computer in which the required key is stored will be the display of the password with the possibility of its further use.

MAC Address Scanner app and address change

This software, unlike the previous application, can be used on your own computer terminals or laptops if the connection is protected not by a password combination, but by a MAC address.

In this utility, you first need to specify scanning of all available addresses, save the report and select the desired address. After this, you should change it on your own machine. To do this, go to the properties of the active connection, click the settings button and go to the additional settings tab. Now all that remains is to write off the one that was calculated by the scanner in the properties of the network address, save all the changes made and completely reboot the computer terminal and router to update the binding.


That’s briefly all that can be said about where to find the WiFi password on your computer. As is already clear, there is nothing particularly complicated here when it comes to your connection. But it is better not to use specialized software or crude hacking to gain access to other people’s connections and networks, since this, by and large, if we put aside all the moral aspects of the operations performed, can even be classified as illegal actions. And that is why the hacking methods described above were presented solely for informational purposes without encouraging users to use them in practice.

With the development of the Internet in the world, we are increasingly using devices that require constant access to the Internet. And so that all our gadgets interact with the boarding school, we use a Wi-Fi router, which allows us to create a home wireless network. Once you connect Wi-Fi to your laptop, phone, or tablet, you no longer need to enter a password, which is why you most often forget it. But sometimes it happens that you urgently need to find out the Wifi password. The situation may be different, for example, you reinstalled windows on one of the laptops, or reset the settings to, or friends came to you and asked for the password for your Wifi. And here the question arises how to find out the password for your wifi router. I decided to tell you how you can remember your Wifi password using easy and difficult methods.

How to find out the WiFi password for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

The easiest and simplest way to find out the password is to simply look in the Windows wireless connection settings. I'll tell you how to do this now.

Firstly, you need a laptop with Windows OS with a configured Wifi connection for the network from which you want to find out the password. Now we need to go to the properties of the wireless network. To do this, in the lower right corner there is a wireless network connection icon, right-click on it and select “Network and Sharing Center”

Then in the window that opens, select “Manage wireless networks”

A window will appear with available connections. Select ours (most likely this is the one to which the laptop is connected), right-click on it and select “properties”.

A window will open, go to the Security tab, in it, in the “Network security key” item, you will see your network password encrypted with dots. To display it, check the box next to “Display entered characters”, and you will see what password was set when setting up Wi-Fi.

Also for those who like visual clarity of video: How to find out a friend's wi-fi password if you're visiting

How to find out the password for wifi windows xp

In Windows XP, finding out the wifi password is a little more difficult than in newer versions of the OS. But don't be afraid, I will explain everything to you in detail.

Just like with 7, we need a laptop with a configured connection. Then go to Start >> Control Panel. A window will appear, in it we look for “Wireless Network Wizard”, double-click on it.

A settings window should appear, in it we put a dot in the “add new computers and devices” item and click continue.

Then a text document will appear in the node with the words “Network key (WEP/WPA key)” and the password for your Wifi network will be written.

Video: Various ways to determine WiFi password on Windows xp


Find the WiFi password in the router settings

You can also find out the password for your WiFi in the router settings. To do this, you need a computer or laptop connected to a Wi-Fi router. Enter in the address bar of any browser. On many models the default is or The default login and password for the router is most often admin and admin (to find out your default settings more accurately, find your router in the “” section)

Once you get to the router settings page, find the Wireless item there or a similar inscription. Then find the security settings (Wireless Security). In the field opposite there are inscriptions containing (Key) or (Password), if in Russian (key)/(password) this will be your Wifi password. The figure below shows what it looks like using tp link routers as an example.

If you need a visual representation of where to look for the Wi-Fi password from your router, find it in the menu item of the article ““.