How to send a large file by mail. How to send a video by email

How to send a document by email for dummies, three easy ways.

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With the development of the World Wide Web, more ways to communicate between people at a distance have appeared. Now you can not only call someone without leaving your home, but also send an email.

At the same time, using e-mail, you can send letters with attachments in the form of various text documents, presentations, photographs, videos, and more. Of course, the whole process of sending an email with an attachment is quite simple.

However, it is sometimes difficult for novice users to cope with this task without outside help. This article will take a closer look at sending emails with attachments.

How to send a document by email

Despite the many different services that provide the ability to send letters electronically via the Internet (Yandex.Mail, Gmail,, Yahoo, Rambler and others), they all work according to the same algorithm.

Only file attachment on such services may vary slightly. But in general, to send an email with an attachment, you can follow the following procedure:

  • First, you need to log into your account on the service and click on “Write” or another button provided by the mail service for writing a letter electronically.
  • Then indicate in the “To” line the email address of the recipient.
  • If necessary, you can specify the subject of your letter in the “Subject” field.
  • Next, in addition to plain text, if you need to send a document or other file from a computer, you need to find the tool that is responsible for this on the service you use and click on it. For example, if you use Yandex.Mail, Gmail or Yahoo for these purposes, then you need to click on the icon in the form of a paper clip, and on and Rambler there is an “Attach file” button.
  • After you find the document you want to send, click on it with the mouse to select it and click on the “Open” button.
  • After uploading the files to the mail service, check that the letter is formatted correctly (to whom you are sending it and what exactly). If there are more documents than you need or you have chosen the wrong thing, then, as a rule, a trash icon appears next to it on the right side, clicking on which deletes the unnecessary file. To add a document, again click either on the paperclip or on “Attach file”.
  • To send an email to the recipient, click on the “Send” button.

It is also worth noting that when using the mobile version of mailboxes, the algorithm of actions is similar to the extended one. That is, if you are on the road and the required document is on your phone or tablet, then if you have a mobile application, it can also be sent by e-mail.

In this case, also fill out all the required fields, and then click on the paperclip or “Attach file”, thus adding the document and sending. As you can see, everything is quite simple and convenient.

Send link

If your document is stored on cloud services such as Google Drive, Yandex Drive, and others, or you created the document in Google Doc, then you can send a link to the document.

To do this, open the document, click on access settings and copy the link, which can be sent in an email. If these are documents stored on Drive, then you can download them to your computer; if this is a document in Google Docs, then you can jointly edit it, make amendments, comments, and so on.


If you use the Word program to create and edit documents, you can set up the email sending function once and then use it.


Pay attention to the top panel, namely the tab - mailings. A new icon should appear there, with the name you gave it.

Now, after creating or editing a document, click on this icon. You only need to indicate the recipient's email, and the document will be sent to the specified address.

How to send a document by email, summary

I showed you three ways to send a document by email, choose the one that is most convenient for you. Once you send a letter, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in this process.

The main thing to understand is that you do not send the paper document, it remains with you. You send an electronic copy of it, and the recipient will print it himself if necessary.

But to send the paper original of any document, you should use our regular, all-usual mail and send the document by registered mail.

Email is still one of the main methods of communication on the Internet. E-mail is especially often used to send text documents, which are rarely large in size.

But sometimes there is a need to send a video, music or other large file by mail. In such situations, users usually face limitations of email services. In most cases, the file exceeds the maximum size and is not sent.

If you also encounter a similar problem, then our article should help you. Here you will learn how to send a large file by mail.

Method number 1. Divide the file into parts.

If you need to send a large file by email, you can split it into parts and send each part as a separate email. This way you can bypass the maximum file size limitation.

In order to split the file into parts you will need any archiver. For example, you can download and install the free 7-zip archiver. After installing the archiver, right-click on the file you want to send by mail and select “7zip – Add to archive”.

After this, a window with archiving settings will appear in front of you. There is no need to be intimidated by such a large window with a bunch of settings. Everything is quite simple here. In order for the resulting archive to be easily opened on any computer, you need to select “Archive format – zip”. In addition, you need to indicate what size parts the resulting archive should be divided into. To do this, you need to indicate the required file size under the “Split into volumes” line. The file size must be specified in bytes. In this case, you can specify “10M”, this will mean that you want to divide the archive into parts of 10 megabytes in size.

After archiving, you will receive several files with the size you specified earlier. Now each of these files can be sent by mail as a separate letter. And in order to unpack this archive and get the original file again, the recipient just needs to download all parts of the archive to his computer and open file number 001.

Method No. 2. Upload the file to cloud storage.

Another way to send large files by mail is through cloud file storage. Cloud file storages are online services that allow the user to store their files on the Internet. Files uploaded to such storage become accessible from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

The most popular cloud file storage services at the moment are DropBox, Google Disk, OneDrive and Yandex.Disk. In this article, using the DropBox service as an example, we will demonstrate how you can use cloud storage to send large files by email.

Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with a large file. High quality movies that weigh 20-30 GB- The usual thing. Computer games are also getting bigger and bigger. Programs, and those, continue to gain weight. What can we say about the photographs taken with modern cameras - they are simply huge (). The problem comes when we want to send these giant files to someone over the Internet.

However, there are several ways to send large files. Let's try to figure out what these methods are and how you can use them.

1. The first method will be very convenient for transferring very large files. To do this you will need to install torrent client. If you don’t know what it is, you can read it on the Internet – there’s a lot of information there. You can download the torrent client. After installation, run utorrent.

In the top menu click Torrent/Create.

In the window that appears, click File select our large document or program that we want to send. You can use the button Folder, if there are several files. Then click Create and save in...

If a message like this appears,

then we agree and click Yes. The process of creating a torrent will begin, after which you will be asked to select a name and folder to save. Having created a torrent, open it by double-clicking with the left mouse button, or through the menu Torrent/Add. The add torrent window will open. You need to check that the path to the file matches the actual one. If not, then we fix it. Click OK.

The file will begin checking, and if everything is done correctly, the status will change to Is heard, and a green arrow will appear in front of the name.

The final touch is to right-click on the torrent and click in the context menu.

That's all. Now you need to send the torrent file to the person to whom you wanted to transfer that very large file. He will need to run it. Let me remind you that your friend should also have utorrent installed, and you should not close the program while your friend is downloading the file.

Everything is simple here. After registration, on the page press download files, or drag them directly from your hard drive.

After the file is downloaded, a link will be available that can be shared with friends.

Besides Yandex.Disk, there are many similar services. The most popular of them are and cloud storage on

3. Another way to transfer large files is through file hosting services. Today there are a huge number of them, so it makes sense to name only the most famous. Here they are.,,,,,

To start working with them, you need to register. After registering in your personal account, you will be able to download files. You can download via http, ftp, your own downloader or via a remote server. It sounds good, but when downloading from these file hosting services, your friend will be annoyed by a large number of advertisements and very low speed when downloading for free.

4. I left the “delicious” for last. A file sharing service that does not require registration! Can you imagine this? You can upload a file and send a link to a friend in just a couple of minutes. The service is called .

Very easy to use. We go to the site and drag the file into the circle directly from our computer.

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1. Especially famous postal services in our country are, and All of these sites limit the likelihood of large files being transferred via email. The service limit is 30Mb per letter, for and it is 20Mb.

2. There are two ways to send a huge file by email: Creating a multi-volume archive. A multi-volume archive is an archive that consists of several parts (files) of identical size, and the size of the part can be specified independently when creating the archive. Thus, if you create a multi-volume archive with a part size of 20Mb, then you can send it in several letters, using any of the mail services listed above, and then unzip it on another computer.

3. To make a multi-volume archive, run the WinRAR archiver program. Click on the "Add" button on the toolbar. In the window that opens, go to the “Files” tab, in the “Add files” section, click the “Add…” button and select the files that you want to place in the archive.

4. Go to the “General” tab, in the “Divide into volumes by size” line, indicate the size of the archive parts in bytes, or select this value in the drop-down list. For ease of further data extraction, the archive can be made self-extracting; to do this, check the “Make SFX archive” checkbox. Give it a name if necessary and click OK. Now you can send files by email.

5. Another method of transferring large amounts of data is the use of file sharing services. As usual, such services allow you to send files of several gigabytes. Some mail services, such as and, have made personal file hosting services and linked them to mail, so that they can easily send large files by mail.

Anyone who started using the Internet sooner or later faced the problem of sending files from their computer to other users. This simple action puzzled many.

You will need

  • - computer
  • - Internet
  • - Email
  • – file


1. First, we need a registered account on one of the mail servers or a mail program configured to work with your mailbox. First of all, in order to send a file by e-mail, you need to make a letter in which we will send this file. To do this, click on the “Write a letter” button.

2. In the “To” field, enter the email address of the person you want to send the file to. In fact, all mail servers and programs support the possibility of sending letters to several addresses at once. So you can send a file not only to one person, but also make a real mass mailing, indicating more than one address. You can also fill in the “Subject” field. But it is allowed to ignore it. We do the same with the field where you need to enter the text of the letter - we fill it out only when necessary.

3. Now you need to attach the necessary file to the letter. To do this, click on the “Attach file” or “Prefer file” button. An explorer window will appear in which you need to locate and select the required file. Click “OK” and wait until the file is uploaded to the server. After this, you can attach one or more files.

4. All that remains is to send the letter to the recipient. Make sure that the addresses to which you are sending correspondence are indicated correctly and click the “Send letter” button.

Video on the topic

Make sure not only that your mail server can send a file of this size, but also that the recipient's mail service is capable of accepting files of this size, otherwise the mail will easily not reach the recipient.

Helpful advice
All email systems have limits on the size of files that can be sent. If your file is too large, you can upload it to a file hosting service and send a link to it to a friend, or use a special program to split the file into several parts and send them separately.

Today it is possible to communicate by sending emails, create websites, and run a business using the Internet. There are many possibilities. One of these possibilities is the transfer of files from one computer to another. There are many methods, but one of the best is the exchange of information by e-mail. This method is especially common among the masses of Internet users.

You will need

  • Required file, mailbox.


1. You can send a file in 2 ways: - through the operating system mail program; - through the web interface of mail customers. In order to send the file you have selected through the mail program to your mailbox, you need to select the file and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “Send” - “Mail Recipient”. In the window that opens, select the recipient of the message. Specify the subject of the letter and write the text of the message, if necessary. In this window you can see that a file has been attached to your email. Click "Submit".

2. In order to send the file you have chosen through the web interface of the mail customer, you need to open your mailbox in an Internet browser. Before this, you need to log in to your mail by entering your username and password. Click “Write a letter” (Send). Perform the same steps as when sending a file through the operating system mail program.

3. Some antivirus products are strict about email attachments. If the results of the anti-virus scan of these files are negative, the anti-virus blocks the opening of these files. Therefore, when sending a letter, spend a little more of your time. Archiving your file will take this time. You can add a file to a “.zip” archive through the “Send” menu – “Compressed zip folder”.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: How to send a file by mail if it is large

E-mail is convenient for sending business letters and other documents to the addressee. You can also send photos, music and videos by e-mail. If these files quite bulky in weight, use the special services of your mailer.

You will need

  • – registered e-mail;
  • – file to download.


1. Many email services provide their users with an excellent service for sending large files. The convenience of this function is that it does not require special actions or time expenditure, because downloading voluminous information is as automated as possible: the file itself will be sent to the server. Your task is only to choose the appropriate item when working with mail.

2. So, say, in, when creating a new letter, just click on the link that says “Send file > 20 Mb,” which is located to the right of the “Attach file” button. After clicking the link, you will find yourself on a further page with the address, from which you will be able to send up to twenty files weighing up to one Gigabyte. To send them to the server, click the “Upload file” button, select their location and wait for the download to complete. After that, click the “Get link” button - it will need to be inserted into the “body” of your letter.

3. Here you can take advantage of VIIP access, in which large amounts of information are stored on the server for up to 2 months. You can activate VIP access using an SMS message costing 54 rubles in Russia and 2 USD. for other countries. By enabling this function, you will be able to extend the storage period of your information on the server, increase the size of information sent at a time to 2 GB and the storage capacity to 20 GB. And your documents can be on the website for a whole year if you connect to the paid Superfile service. Its cost without VAT is 27 rubles for Russia and 1 cu. for other countries.

4. On Yandex, huge amounts of information are uploaded to the file hosting Yandex.People, where you can upload several files at once. In this case, the maximum size of a single file can be up to 5 GB. Another advantage of this hosting is the storage time of information on it – up to 3 months. When uploading multiple files, the maximum size of each should be approximately 2 GB.

Video on the topic

Typically, users have no difficulty attaching small files to emails, but with large files, things are not so simple. Many email services set restrictions that do not allow files larger than 25 MB to be attached to messages. However, these restrictions do not mean that you cannot send a large file via email. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Find the file on your computer, right-click on it and select Compress. Compressing a file this way often eats up about 20% of the file, helping you get around the attachment limit.

The computer will create a new file with the same name but a different extension. You can attach it to a message in the usual way.

Splitting a file into several archives

If you still want to send the file via email, you can take steps to break the file into smaller pieces. For example, if you have a 50MB document that you need to send via email, you can create multiple archives at once.

New files will appear on the screen, which you can send individually. You can then attach each individual part to separate emails, making sure to notify the recipient that you are doing so. The recipient will have to download each attachment separately and then use a file extractor to extract the larger, split file and put it back together.

This method works, but is quite labor-intensive. However, there is another option.

Video - How to send a large file by mail?

Uploading files via a cloud storage service

The simplest option for sending files that are too large is to use a cloud storage and file sharing service. There are several safe and reliable services, including Dropbox and Google Drive,

The two largest web-based email services, Gmail and, have integrated their file sharing services (Google Drive and SkyDrive, respectively) into their products. You can try sending a large file by uploading it to the cloud.

Let's look at this method using gmail and Google Drive as an example.

Many have their own cloud storage, but Google Drive is still one of the most popular and feature-rich. There is another way to send a large file by mail.

  1. Step 1. Upload the file as usual.
  2. Step 2. Change your access settings. To do this, right-click on the file and set up access via the link, as shown in the picture below.

These are the main and easiest ways to send large files via post services. We hope our recommendations were useful and you coped with the task that stood before you.

Video - How to send a large file by mail