I go to church, do everything, but life doesn’t change. What to do? Removing AMD drivers. "I can't change!" Why don’t long-awaited changes happen to a person who works on himself?

March 5, 2018

Is it possible to defeat karma? Or what should I do if I work and nothing changes?

These are the consequences of a person’s actions, the consequences of his thoughts, choices, efforts. Karma is not something external to a person, it is not imposed from the outside, but everyone creates it themselves.
It is possible, but not always. It all depends on what is stronger: past tendencies in consciousness, or new ones that we create in currently with your own efforts.

What surrounds us, how we live, what kind of relationships we have - this is the fruit of our own efforts. And when efforts in the past (hidden from our memories) lead to something good in the present, people call it “luck.” And when efforts (hidden from memories) lead to something negative in life, then people call it “bad luck”, “curse”, “bad luck”.

If we make efforts and they are crowned with success, we call it “I deserved it, I earned it,” and we appropriate the result of our efforts. And when we make efforts and even a lot of effort, but don’t see the result, then we say, “such is fate”, “I’m never lucky”, “apparently it’s written in the family”, or even blame the circumstances, the people around, the country or God.

But no one is to blame for what happens to us. Until we learn to live consciously and take responsibility for what happens to us, we will not be able to defeat karma.

Many people complain that they have been practicing for a long time, working with themselves, but no results are visible. In any case, there are no exactly the results that a person strives for. There are no radical changes in the way of life, in the environment and environment. And so, then everything is fine with them, Love reigns inside, then there is a rollback, and everything is terrible again and everyone hates them, again there is self-flagellation, and there is no happiness in life. “What did I do that was so bad in the past,” they ask, “that I have such bad karma?”

Whatever you did in the past, it cannot be corrected, and therefore, first of all, you should accept the reality as it is, accept the result of your efforts in the past. I focus on what to accept without self-flagellation and resentment towards yourself and others! You accept that there is snow outside and don’t be offended by yourself for living in such a climate. So accept all the circumstances of your life. If you blame yourself for these circumstances, take offense at yourself, you will fall into the trap of guilt and activate the tendency to punish yourself. If you blame yourself, then naturally you punish yourself automatically. And the result of this whole process is failure in life. This will only make matters worse.

Therefore, accept everything as it is, but without guilt, resentment or self-punishment.
Second! You need to continue to make the right efforts towards your goal. Don’t look up to someone who did it quickly, but just keep doing it.

You have tendencies in your consciousness that have created certain living conditions, and there is a goal of how you want it differently. And in the direction of this goal you do something, you make efforts. To overcome karma/past tendencies, your efforts must be greater than past tendencies. Whichever is stronger wins. What is stronger gives the result in the form of a lifestyle.

The fact that someone succeeds quickly and easily than you means that the old tendencies in his mind were simply weaker than his efforts towards the new. Therefore, the fact that you work, but there is no result, means that you simply need more time and effort to balance negative tendencies with positive ones, and so that new tendencies can become stronger than past karma.

Also, it is important to figure out what exactly you want and whether you are making the right efforts. And it often happens that a person is not fully aware of all his true desires. For example, he runs towards success, but what he really wants is acceptance and love. Or she’s looking for a job, but in fact doesn’t want to work, but wants to be a little girl so that the world will take care of her.

If the goal is , then this means that you will make efforts in the right direction. And if there are unconscious secondary benefits, then this means that all your efforts will be useless. You will waste your energy, get a negative result, again be offended by the whole world or yourself, start punishing yourself or others, again get hit on the head with the same rake and once again prove to yourself that everything is useless... This is how lying to yourself, or simply lack of awareness, works.

So karma can only be defeated by self-honesty, awareness and constant effort! And never expect anything, especially quick results. The more expectations, the more disappointments. Only honesty, awareness and constant effort!
And yes! Your efforts may not be successful in this life. But they will already be a new trend in the next one, due to your good karma. So nothing disappears without a trace in our consciousness. What tendencies you feed with attention and effort, those tend to greatest influence for our lives.

Hello dear readers.

Compared to previous versions of Microsoft's OS, the seventh surprised by the presence functional tools allowing in every possible way change the design. Users can choose the background, sounds, window color, and even window transparency. But some people encounter a situation where the theme on the computer does not change to Windows 7. This may be due to for various reasons. We will analyze them in more detail in the article, and also try to influence the situation.

Causes of problems with changing themes in Windows

There are several main factors why the design does not change:

    the OS build does not support this function;

    insufficient RAM or video card.

Options for solving the problem

If users could not change appearance operating systems from the very beginning - most likely the problem is in the editorial office. So, simple ones, like “ home Basic" And " Initial", they don't allow you to do this. The fact is that they do not provide such a function. Previously, I already told you how to achieve the desired result using third-party software. At the same time, you can replace the existing OS with a more “ advanced».

Others encounter a situation where, having an assembly “ Maximum" or " Professional“Suddenly, for some reason, the desired tool stops working. There can be many options here, the most common of which are malware or insufficient equipment performance. And if everything is clear with the first, it’s worth stopping at the last and telling in detail.

So some Windows users 7 may encounter a situation where at one point the function of changing the design is disabled. This usually happens after the system evaluates installed equipment. For its own reasons, the OS decides that clients do not have insufficiently powerful components installed (in particular RAM or video card), and they simply will not be able to pull Aero function. And therefore he decides to turn off the tools that directly depend on this.

In addition, this occurs when, due to contamination, installed elements, they simply cannot work normally. The solution is simple - clean it from dust, active elements and lubricate or replace if necessary. By the way, such situations are often accompanied by the appearance of a black screen and a system freeze.

But how to change topics if the system has already assessed the equipment? Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to find a tool that allows me to roll back this procedure. Therefore, the only solution in this situation is to reinstall Win. At the same time, in the future it is necessary to abandon the idea of ​​​​carrying out the procedure that led to this.

At the same time, it can also help “ System Restore" True confirm the effectiveness of this tool in in this case I can’t, but it’s worth a try, because the function doesn’t require any drastic changes. So what to do? You need to go through several steps.

Windows 10 won't let you set your screen resolution higher than 1024 x 768? Is the image stretched on your monitor or laptop? Panoramic modes gone missing? There are ways to fix all this.

What to do if you can't set the resolution higher than 1024 x 768 in Windows 10

Windows 10 update packages do not include system components and new features, but sometimes also drivers, for example, for video cards or other devices. It may happen that the drivers provided by Microsoft do not work properly, as a result, the screen resolution in Windows 10 does not change and the video card displays the picture in poor low quality. Installation latest drivers from the manufacturer's website does not help, because Windows constantly overwrites them on its own.

This problem has been encountered by some users who use laptops and computers with video cards. ATI Radeon HD 4000 series and below. After updating "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." there are problems with Radeon cards, as a result of which panoramic modes are no longer displayed. Only screen resolutions available: 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. How to fix?

Step 1: Disable automatic device updates in Windows 10

First of all, you need to disable automatic update devices, since in this case it is the source of the problem. The system constantly changes the manufacturer's driver with its own from the Center Windows updates which ends up causing problems.

To begin, open an Explorer window. IN side menu on the left side click right click mouse on the “This PC” shortcut and select Properties from the context menu.

The System tab will open. pay attention to left side windows with a list of available bookmarks. Click on the field " Extra options systems."

The System Properties window appears. Go to the Hardware tab, and then click on the "Device Installation Options" button.

Here you can choose to have the system automatically install manufacturer applications and custom icons.

This feature also includes drivers for specific devices, such as ATI video cards Radeon or NVIDIA GeForce. Check “No (the device may not function properly)” in this section.

The first step has been taken - the system will not change current driver to a new one that causes problems with screen resolution. Now you need to restore the original one for the video card so that all resolutions are available again.

Step 2: Restoring the original driver for the video card

It's worth trying this first in a simple way, that is, using the Device Manager. Open Control Panel in Windows 10 (if there is no “parked” tile, you can find it using search engine), then go to the Hardware and Sound - Device Manager tab.

Then find your video card, go to the Driver tab and use the "Driver Repair" option. Windows should automatically restore the original one that previously worked correctly, and thanks to the fact that we turned off automatic updates in the first step, it will no longer be overwritten.

Immediately after recovery, the screen will turn black for a moment and then return to the correct resolution.

What to do if the driver recovery function does not work

If the recovery option from the second step does not work, then you must first completely remove the existing drivers and then manually install the original ones using the official installer from the AMD or Nvidia website.

Instructions for Radeon cards

If your computer has a Radeon graphics card, download the AMD CleanUninstall Utility. This official utility to remove drivers for Radeon cards.

Launch it, click on OK to confirm the removal and wait until it is completed. After a while, a window with the results will appear - click “Finish” and confirm restarting the computer. Now you can install new drivers.

Uninstalling AMD Drivers

If installed Radeon video cards HD 2000, 3000 or 4000 series, download AMD utility Catalyst 13.4 Legacy Beta Driver.

For newer ones, you can install drivers automatically using the program AMD Driver Autodetect.

After installing them, the resolution will be restored to the correct value compatible with the hardware-supported monitor or laptop screen.

Instructions for NVIDIA cards

Remove the current driver for NVIDIA cards– the easiest way to do this is using the DDU utility ( Display Driver Uninstaller).

Then download and install the original one for your device from the NVIDIA website.

After installing them, the screen resolution should return to its original value.

Today we propose to discuss the question of how to change the language on the keyboard. At first glance, this is a simple process that does not require any special knowledge. In fact, this is not true, and people often have difficulty with this.

When to change the layout

First, let's think about why we all need to change the language layout on the keyboard. For example, we all use the Internet. Just imagine what a computer would become if it only had a Russian layout. We could neither register an email address nor access any website. That is why we need to understand the keyboard.

There is another common case when users, especially amateurs computer games, you need to constantly switch the language. These are various cheats, codes and, as a rule, English is used everywhere. At least the computer “understands” basically only him. So if you want to successfully use all the features of programs or games, you will have to do simple manipulations.

Switching on the keyboard

In order to fully answer the question of how to change the language on the keyboard, we will consider all possible options for changing the layout. The first and simplest of them involves using only the keyboard. Typically you will only need to press two buttons and that's it. But which ones exactly?

In truth, it all depends on the system settings. Typically, the language layout is changed using the right or left side of the keyboard. You will need to hold down the right or left Shift + Alt or similar, but only Shift + Ctrl. This is how you can quickly and easily switch to English or Russian keyboard language.

Language bar

This is a longer method for those trying to figure out how to change the language on the keyboard. You can find it with right side monitor, not far from the clock. It reflects what layout is currently installed on the computer. To change it, click on the letters (RU or EN), then select required language. This method takes longer than the button combination option. But our task is to become familiar with all possible methods.

Problems and only problems

But it also happens that the language on the keyboard cannot be translated by any means. This is a very serious problem, since full and comfortable use of the computer is only possible when the language change function is enabled. Without “switching” you will not be able to install the program, play, or access your email or website. As a rule, if the language on the keyboard does not switch, people immediately panic. Someone decides to reinstall the operating system, someone runs to get the phone in order to call a technician who can solve the problem, and someone tries to deal with everything on their own. We place ourselves in the third category, so let’s start looking for the “root of evil.”

No language

A fairly simple problem is the lack desired language to change the keyboard. This happens in case of some system failures or when installing a new operating system. Thus, an assembly may simply have only one language variant. There are even OS, which by default go only to English language. Of course, in order for a Russian person to see his native letters, it is necessary to Russify the system. After this, the layout will be able to change, and you will not need to rack your brains over how to translate the language on the keyboard.

If you are faced with the problem of the lack of a particular language, then we will help you resolve this situation. The solution is extremely simple: download the language layout from the Internet using Windows services. Open Regional and Language Options, and from the Languages ​​and Keyboards menu, select Change Layout. If you only have one language downloaded, find the “add” button and select the required layout. After this, confirm the action. That's it: now the language will change. Problem solved!


When we started talking about how to change the language on the keyboard, the first thing we talked about was key combinations. By clicking on them, you can easily switch the layout. But it may happen that the combinations of the necessary buttons are disabled and stop working. This is how it turns out that you seem to be doing the necessary actions, but the result is zero. Fortunately, this problem can be easily fixed. How exactly? Read on. We figured out how to change the language on the keyboard, but we haven’t yet figured out all the reasons for the system’s refusal to change.

If it turns out that as a result of some failures, your hotkeys no longer work, then you need to configure them. Remember how we loaded languages ​​for layouts. Now it's time to open Regional Languages ​​and Options again.

Look at the "Control Panel", then click on this category. Next, find the tab Click on it. Now at the bottom of the window click on “change”. After that, you will have access to three possible options. Now confirm the setting and try switching the language. Everything should work.

The buttons are broken

The last, rather rare option for which the language on the keyboard does not switch is a malfunction of the input means. Reveal this kind the problem can be difficult. Why? Ask yourself: how often have your keyboards broken? Probably, either not at all, or at most once every ten years. So if you have any suspicions that computer equipment in poor condition, follow our advice. It will also help you decide how to change the language on your keyboard.

First of all, connect another keyboard to your computer. If you don't have a spare tire, ask your friends or neighbors. As a last resort, go to the store computer equipment and buy a new one. The simplest and cheapest will do. For a laptop, however, a broken keyboard is a rather inconvenient and unpleasant problem. However, it is easier to always turn on a separate keyboard than to buy a new laptop. Now connect your "backup" to your computer and wait for the drivers to install. Check all settings. Everything is okay? Try switching languages. If everything works, then the problem is fixed. If the language on the keyboard still does not switch, then the reason is not a broken keyboard, but most likely a problem with the operating system.

In this situation, there is only one way out - to reinstall the operating system. A radical, but almost always effective and helpful method for solving many problems in the computer field.


Today we learned how to change the language on the keyboard and why the layout may not change. Of course, before taking drastic measures, you need to try everything possible methods dealing with errors and failures. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, it is best to call a specialist. He will definitely be able to diagnose and solve the problem.

Hello dear readers! Finally, we have come to consider critical issues and problems that directly affect the effectiveness of personal growth and spiritual development person. In this article we will look at the following questions: Why can’t a person working on himself change anything about himself and his life? What are the insidious traps of the subconscious and human pride? how to choose authorities and what is the significance of this issue?

In my practice, I quite often meet people who consciously seem to see, understand and work spiritually, but in real life Any changes are difficult for them, or nothing changes at all. Is this familiar to you?

This happens due to the large gap and existing contradictions between the conscious and subconscious minds of a person. When a person’s consciousness (his mind) seems to be open to new knowledge, to changes, admits mistakes, accepts right decisions etc., and the subconscious remains closed and unchangeable, not allowing positive transformations into the depths, into life. This situation is a consequence of the presence of skeletal subconscious programs that block any positive changes.

One of the main programs blocking human changes is the programs of Pride, which are often not obvious and veiled.

But let's talk about everything in order.

"I can't change!" Why don’t long-awaited changes happen to a person who works on himself?

There may be several reasons. The main ones:

  1. Strong karmic blockages - prohibitions on changes, blocks on development, when a person is destined to achieve everything with great difficulty by the Higher Powers “a teaspoon per year”. Esotericists and healers call this - automatism or the wheel of samsara. Why is this happening?- this is a separate big topic, but this happens quite often.
  2. These are incorrect or completely unstructured motives! Why does a person want to change? Why is he trying? If the motive is primitive and does not correspond to the Goal, the person does not receive sufficient Patronage from the Higher Powers, and, accordingly, the results in working on himself.
  3. Technical errors in working on yourself - incorrect implementation of development techniques, when a technique or methodology is mastered incorrectly, or not mastered at all. This happens when a person learns without a Mentor, without a Teacher, and much simply eludes his perception. It seems to him that he is doing everything right, but in reality this is far from the case.
  4. This is the same veiled Pride! Pride, which does not manifest itself outwardly, but is thoroughly entrenched and lives in the subconscious of a person, not allowing anything new into it and blocking almost all positive transformations. It is this problem that we will solve in this article. This problem can be defined as follows - “I am my own greatest Authority!”. This is very dangerous program- a belief that preserves a person completely at one level of development. It seems to him that he is all so cool and developed, but in reality he is not going anywhere, not moving. A Spiritual Teacher or any good esotericist will say - “this person has not taken the role of a spiritual disciple and therefore, he has no chance until he becomes a disciple.”.
  5. Other reasons.

The next question is: does a person need Authorities to effectively develop and achieve success?

Definitely needed! Authority is a Teacher or Mentor, a person from whom you can learn something, who sees, knows, understands and can do more than you. And according to statistics, 99% of all successful people who made themselves and their success themselves had a Mentor, Coach or Teacher whom they listened to and learned from.

And if there are no authorities for you, you are closed to more high levels, you have not taken the role and state of a Spiritual Disciple, and we can definitely say that you are struck by pride, and therefore by blindness and deafness. No matter how offensive it may be to realize this.

You say - “Well, of course, I work with a Mentor or read and respect many authors - I have authorities!”. But I'll tell you - “there is a trap here, a dirty trick”! Consciously, we can have authorities and even a Spiritual Teacher, but our subconscious, which is much larger than consciousness, can be fixated only on itself and have no authorities at all. And to be even more precise: the self-obsessed subconscious, unable to take on the role of a spiritual student, is itself the most important authority for itself. This is a fatal mistake and a dead end of development! This is automatism on oneself, on one’s experience, and accordingly on one’s mistakes, habits, subconscious desires and on one’s past too. This is self-preservation and a stop in development!

As long as you subconsciously become the greatest authority in this world, an authority above all other people on Earth and above God, you will not budge, your problems will only multiply, and you will fruitlessly fight windmills all your life! At the same time, your subconscious will play games with you, confusing you in its labyrinths and contradictions, and forcing you to serve itself. And you will skillfully justify your impasse with hundreds of “reasonable” arguments - why, because of someone or something, you failed again.

Who is the Authority?

Esoteric understanding: Authority- this is a person, soul or other being that is 1 or many levels of development higher than you, a being that surpasses your consciousness in level and positivity (the main criteria for development).

For a believer, the highest such Being (indisputable Authority) is the Creator, Creator, God and His Hierarchy of Light. It is God and His direct Representatives (Forces of Light) who determine all the positive changes that can happen to you. But if They are not authorities for you and your subconscious, no changes occur! You simply do not allow the flow of transformative energy from the Higher Powers into yourself and your life, you are closed!

And many, even deeply religious people, for whom God is sacred, in fact, subconsciously remain closed to Him. That is, they consciously recognize God and the Forces of Light as the main authorities for themselves, but subconsciously they do not recognize them, remaining the only authorities for themselves, the only measure and source of truth. And this is a big problem.

From the definitions presented above, we can draw a logical conclusion: a person himself cannot in any way be an authority for himself. After all, it is impossible to be above yourself, as they rightly say - “You can’t jump over your head”)) And if a person mistakenly believes that he himself can be an authority for himself, then his fate, in this case, is to lead himself along paths, labyrinths and dead ends already trodden in the past, making old mistakes over and over again.

For a person to really grow upward, for his consciousness to develop, for this he needs a more highly developed consciousness (Being), which stands several steps higher in the hierarchy. This is Mentoring and Apprenticeship in the Hierarchy of Light! And without the role of a student, a person, even an incredibly talented one, is doomed to mark time. No super Teacher will help such a person until he helps himself.

“I am my own main authority” or how does the pride of the subconscious manifest itself?

Dear friends! It is necessary to analyze your manifestations in order to learn to see pride in yourself. This is super important!

  1. Do you usually tell others or think to yourself the following: “I myself (or myself) know what to do with my life and myself, and no one can tell me...”, “for me, the main thing is how I feel and understand, everything else doesn’t matter...”, “in my life - everything will be my way and that’s it…”, “I rely only on myself, on my confidence, on my feelings, on my experience, and I don’t really trust anyone else...”, etc. These are beliefs and life decisions based on the program - “I am my main authority”.
  2. No matter who you communicate with, no matter what wonderful circle of people you are in, inside, deep down, you still feel like a lonely person, not always feeling your unity and harmony with people and the Almighty. You find it difficult to open up and trust other people and even God. You feel that your inner world is yours alone, and you never let anyone in there.
  3. It is important for you to defend your point of view and perception of something, and if someone points out an obvious mistake in your ideas or feelings, this certainly upsets you, but does not make you happy. And at the same time, you close yourself off, get irritated and try to find a reason to remain unconvinced.
  4. The most important source of truth for you is not God and His representatives, but yours. personal experience. In other words, “my god is my experience,” which means I myself. And you try much more to rely on the experience of your past, try to find confirmation of its truth, than to learn something new, to learn from your Creator and Higher Powers. Experience, no matter how great it may be, should not be preserved, it should be open to God and, ideally, constantly develop. A person for whom his personal experience is the main super value (stands above God) cannot enter into his own wonderful future, he is doomed to live in the past!
  5. Other manifestations.

There is such a philosophical direction of worldview as “Postmodernism”. Its essence seems to be that there is no absolute source of Truth, the so-called. The truth is different for everyone. And to be more precise - “what I feel is true”, “what I want is right”, “what I believe is true”, etc. The main criterion of truth in postmodernism is the internal subconscious desire of a person, his personal subjective feelings and experiences (and it does not matter whether they are negative or positive, destructive or creative, from God or from the Devil).

This direction, from a moral and purely human point of view, is very dangerous. It’s good if a person’s desires are positive. And if not? If a person begins to believe that his inner desire to kill someone, to abuse someone - this is the truth that comes from the Soul, and he must do this in order to remain true to himself, so as not to suppress and limit himself? What will happen if all people start thinking and acting this way? The same applies to hundreds of other negative and perverted desires that Western civilization is already realizing and legitimizing (its manifestations: pedophilia, etc.). With such a dominant worldview, humanity has every chance of turning into a herd of mentally ill perverts, maniacs and zombies. But in fact, such a person is an ordinary slave of his perverted desires, having lost contact with his Soul and Creator.

This is a small digression that gives an initial idea of ​​what the lack of authority and belief leads to - "true is what I feel".

What needs to be done to develop effectively and free yourself from automaticity?

  1. It is necessary to learn to be a Spiritual Student, and this means openness and trust in spiritual Authority (God, the Forces of Light, Teacher, Mentor, etc.)! And you need to teach not only your consciousness to take on this role of a student, but also, what is much more important and difficult, your subconscious (lower chakras).
  2. But first, the most important thing is to accept that the source and measure of Truth is not you, not your subconscious, not your desires and feelings, but your Creator (the Higher Powers that created this world and its Laws). And it is God (and His representatives) who can lead you out of any problem, out of any labyrinth and dead end in your life. This means that you admit that many of your internal feelings about your own rightness may contain errors, may be incomplete and far from perfect. And the fact that someone’s understanding, someone’s feelings in this world can be much deeper and closer to the divine Truth than yours. This means that you always have something to learn and someone to learn from!
  3. Practice: You need to clearly define for yourself who is the Authority for you and who is not. And it is advisable to decide on this not verbally, as they say, “got crazy”, but in writing - to clearly state from whom you can learn what, and from whom you should not learn. But this is not enough!
  4. It is important to explain to your subconscious, to yourself, that you cannot be your own authority, and that your experience and feelings cannot be the main measure of truth. How to do it? The easiest and most effective way to do this is in writing, so write “I am not an authority on myself, because 1, 2, 3...”, and then find and list at least 10 reasons why this is true. To do this, of course, you need to sit and think. I'll make a reservation here that a person’s feelings can really be a measure of truth, but only when a person’s Superconsciousness is powerfully revealed and developed ( live connection with God blessing)!. Then they say - “God speaks through the mouth and heart of man”.
  5. Next, it is important to determine to whom and what your subconscious should be open always and unconditionally, no matter what happens! Who is the undeniable authority for your subconscious, the source of truth and all Good! For a believer, this is d.b. God and the Forces of Good. It is well described how to open your subconscious to God, to the Light - in the article How to trust God, open your subconscious, remove pressures and fears.
  6. Sincerely ask God and the Higher Powers to remove the blocks to your development, to remove the automaticity and closedness of the subconscious from yourself. Spiritual people have an expression - “to be a true disciple of God means to accept your smallness before God, both externally and internally,” and at the same time it is important to learn to accept the dignity and greatness of your soul.
  7. It is also important to learn to distinguish and feel the subconscious and superconscious in yourself (the presence of God in man), and to develop in yourself the superconscious Intuition, and not the subconscious. And the superconsciousness begins to open up and develop in a person precisely when a person consciously chooses God as an absolute authority and opens the subconscious to His Will and influence. Also, when a person opens his subconscious to God, he powerfully develops such qualities as Sincerity (sensitivity to the truth and devotion to it)!
  8. Of course, there are other esoteric techniques that make it possible to remove the mechanisms of immutability and automaticity of the human subconscious. But they need to be mastered individually, in work with a Spiritual Mentor or Spiritual Healer.

I really hope that this article has helped and will continue to help you better understand yourself, learn to feel and understand more deeply what is happening in your subconscious, and also remove restrictions and blocks to your own development.

Best regards, Vasily Vasilenko