How to create a folder on a Nokia Lumia phone. How to create live folders on Windows Phone

Along with the update, which Microsoft began distributing at the beginning of the month for developers whose Windows phones run WP 8.1 Developers Preview, devices running mobile Windows got the function of creating live folders on the home screen. The innovation allows you to group application tiles depending on their purpose and thereby makes access to them much more convenient.

And we immediately suggest you watch a visual video:

So, to create a live folder on Windows Phone need to:

1. Make long tap on the desired tile.
2. Drag the tile to the tile of the application you want to place in shared folder. A separate block will be created.
3. Make a long tap on the area of ​​the screen with the name of the folder/block if you would like to give it a specific name.
4. If necessary, drag other tiles into the ready-made folder.

To remove a tile from a live folder, click on that folder. Its contents will open under the folder. Select the desired tile from the block that opens, hold it and either delete it by clicking the corresponding icon, or move it back to the start screen.

As you can see, nothing complicated. This way you can combine into one folder for quick access tiles for general thematic applications, such as, say, Skype, Whatsapp, BB Messenger, ICQ and so on. There are no restrictions on adding application shortcuts.

Without a doubt, the Live Folders feature is one of the nicest new features brought by the first WP 8.1 update. Another no less interesting new opportunity is the distribution of the Internet via Bluetooth, not WiFi. Of course, the user is given the right to choose whether to use WiFi or Bluetooth when working with the built-in hotspot.

Again, Windows Phone supports the above features starting from version 8.1 GDR1. Still haven't received Windows Phone 8.1, let alone upgraded it? In this case, you can use it, which will allow you to update without waiting for Microsoft's efficiency. As soon as your Winphone receives the 8.1 update, check the new update in the system settings - this will be GDR1.

In Windows Phone 8.1, developers have added several new options for users to personalize their home Windows screen Phone 8.1 and systems in general. In this article, we will tell you how to create a one-of-a-kind home screen, making the most personalized smartphone unique.

Tip 1: Experiment with varying amounts tiles

You'll be surprised how much the experience of using your smartphone can change when you switch to displaying three rows of tiles instead of two. Open "Settings" - "Desktop + theme" and turn on the "Show more icons". The tiles on the home screen will become smaller, but the screen will be able to display three rows of tiles. Arrange the icons in such a way as to distribute the tiles as evenly as possible along the entire length home screen as used. Don't concentrate the most popular icons at the very top of the screen, pushing everything else down. By distributing tiles evenly across the home screen when using the device, you will observe the entire set of tiles and their messages.

Of course, if you get tired of the three-row view, you can return to the usual two rows at any time, thus refreshing your home screen.

Tip 2: Use a background for the tiles

Some say that this function is one of the most better opportunities Personalizing the Windows Phone 8.1 home screen. Except beautiful background You will also get a wonderful three-dimensional effect, when the icons will supposedly “float” above the picture. It looks much more beautiful than an ordinary, static fill.

It is also worth remembering that not every image is suitable as a background. Practice shows that monochromatic images look best without small parts. Set a photo of the starry sky or deep space as your background and your smartphone will become “just space.” Textured pictures, gradient or polygonal, are ideal for backgrounds. We will talk about this in the next paragraph.

Do not forget that no one has canceled the usual accent theme. If you are not satisfied with the picture or you cannot find the appropriate one, simply click “delete” in the “Desktop + Theme” settings and select the color you need.

Tip 3: Use apps to create backgrounds

It may happen that you will not find one for yourself suitable image that would satisfy your aesthetic needs. It doesn’t matter, because there are applications created for creative people. One of the best of its kind is Theme+. It is updated very frequently, and updates add more templates and features. With Theme+ you can choose a background template (simple polygonal images) as a pattern from simple figures- circles, triangles, quadrangles, lines and so on. You can decorate the template with a wide palette of colors, and you can add two additional colors to the whole picture. The application costs $1.

Again, can't find anything? Trust chance and click on the random selection button to let the application choose for you.

Tip 7: Use apps to create clock tiles on your home screen

Were you jealous of HTC owners who had a wonderful tile on their home screen with a clock (updated every minute) and other information? This is no longer a problem. Just update your smartphone to Windows Phone 8.1 and install one of available applications. After all, Microsoft has now allowed applications to update tiles every minute and Attention: this does not affect the battery in any way, checked! We recommend using one of two applications: Analog Clock Tile or TimeMe. The first will allow you to attach both an analog and digital clock. The app has a lot beautiful templates, so there will be something to choose from. The second application is more in part digital clock but offers an abundance of personalization and features. The best thing about these apps is that they are both free.

Tip 8: Use blank tiles and tiles to create titles

This is another reason why you should download Start Perfect. With this app, you can add simple, completely blank tiles to your home screen to style the screen to suit your sophisticated stylistic needs. It also allows you to make title tiles for groups of tiles. Group the settings tiles in one place and add a tile with the text "Settings". There are a lot of possibilities, they are limited only by your imagination.

Dear readers, these are just 8 tips for creating a good home screen. It is quite possible that we did not mention any additional methods. Tell us about them in the comments.



For those who use Nokia Lumia based operating system Windows Phone, a new update has appeared from the company's developers, with the help of which the issue is resolved how to create folders in Nokia.

Now, having downloaded special application through the market and installing it on your smartphone, you get the opportunity to create folders, group them and fill them various programs and games.

So far, this opportunity has appeared exclusively to Lumiya owners, but it is possible that soon other users will have access to creating additional system elements on your mobile device.

Which application allows you to create folders in Nokia

The service that adds folders to the phone's desktop is called "Nokia Folders". The main advantages of the application are:

The ability to combine identical programs into groups and store them in one place;
- Ability to name the folder by any name;
- Editing and deleting folders;
- Organizing space on the device desktop.

You can create any number of folders on your smartphone and transfer any number of applications to them.

How to use the Nokia Folders service

Understanding how to create folders in Nokia using the Nokia Folders program is not difficult. You only need to do the following:

1) Download and install the “Nokia Folders” program through the market;
2) Start the service;
3) On home page find “Plus” and click on it;
4) The system will automatically create a folder;
5) Now name it;
6) Check the boxes next to those applications that you would like to see in this place;
7) Using special character move the folder to your desktop.

Now, if you exit the program and look at your desktop, you will see a folder created, opening which you will find your applications. In a similar way, you can create other work folders and fill them.

At any time you can delete, edit or drag them to another location. And to remove specific application from specific folder, you just need to open it and click on the desired service.

“How to create folders for applications?” is a question that new people often ask Windows users Phone, especially if they came from iOS or Android. Considering the idea Windows interface Phone, folders lose some of their importance, but many users would not refuse additional method organize their applications the way they want.

On unlocked WP7 devices, folders can be retrieved using the Folders homebrew app, but on WP8 this was not available until recently, but Nokia seems to have finally taken note of the high demand for this feature and has decided to release its own proprietary app that solves the problem of missing folders on the platform.

App Folder is an application released exclusively for Lumia smartphones, which allows you to create folders in Windows Phone 8. With this application, you can keep shortcuts to applications and settings inside folders, which can be named as you wish.

On the main page of the application there is a “+” icon, which is used to start creating new folders.

When creating a folder, the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for it. App Folder allows you to create an unlimited number of folders and place both application shortcuts and phone settings shortcuts in them. You just need to go through the list of all the applications and settings you have, and mark the ones that you want to put in the folder. To make searching for apps in the list easier, App Folder comes with a search feature. You can also sort apps by installation date or alphabetically—again, to make it easier to find the apps and settings you want to add to the folder.

Once all the shortcuts have been added to the folder, you can change their order by dragging them on the editing screen. After that, all you have to do is click on the pin icon at the bottom of the interface.

Folder tiles created through App Folder come in three sizes. In addition, the tile of each folder displays icons for the applications contained in it, but it would be even better if notifications from applications were also displayed on them.

Overall, App Folder is a great solution that will definitely add convenience to your Nokia smartphone Lumia. This free application, and you can download it from the link below.

App Folder application