GSM repeater - reasons to buy. Testing Internet speed via WiFi repeater. Antennas for amplifier

It often happens that in a country house, or even in certain places in a city apartment, a cell phone can barely receive a signal. And sometimes owners of even very expensive devices have to run to the nearest hill or “freeze” at the point of reliable reception. Usually, having found themselves in a similar situation and having suffered for some time, people come to the idea of ​​purchasing a cellular communication amplifier. And here a new problem arises: what exactly should you buy?

It’s worth saying right away that choosing a GSM repeater on your own is quite difficult and it’s better to immediately turn to professionals. However, even in this case, it makes sense to delve at least a little into the essence of the issue.

So, for an ordinary apartment or garden plot, ready-made signal amplification kits are quite suitable. They are good because they are already fully equipped for installation. However, before purchasing, the future owner should clarify two important details:

  • What cellular range is generally available in the area where the amplifier is installed?
  • How much the signal needs to be increased, i.e. choose the required power of the device?

Is signal amplification dangerous for health?

As is known, electromagnetic radiation does not have a very beneficial effect on the health of living organisms. Therefore, the question of the dangers of this or that household appliance is raised quite regularly in all media. As for cell phones, in normal mode (in the zone of reliable reception), the power of their radiation is relatively low, and they cannot cause much harm to the human body. You can protect yourself even more while talking on a mobile phone with the help of a simple gadget - a bluethooth headset. Its maximum power is only 10 mW.

It's another matter if the reception area is weak. In such a situation, the phone “frantically” begins to search for a signal from the base station, which leads to a significant increase in the power of electromagnetic radiation emanating from it. Sometimes it can reach up to 2 W, and this is no longer safe. It is highly not recommended to keep a cell phone that is searching for a reliable signal near your ear for a long time. The task of a GSM repeater is precisely to provide a high-quality reception area in a certain area. As a result, the mobile phone operates as usual and the electromagnetic background from its transmitter remains completely safe. The amplifier itself is a low-power device. Its radiation does not exceed 100 mW, which is quite comparable to the parameters of a regular cordless phone.

Indoor Signal Boost

A fairly common situation is when the reception area on the street is excellent, but when you enter a room, the signal level drops so much that it is no longer possible to communicate normally. How does a repeater eliminate such problems? The cellular communication amplifier kit includes two antennas (donor, otherwise known as outdoor, and service, i.e. internal), as well as the amplifier itself (repeater). The outdoor antenna is installed on the outside of the building in such a way as to ensure the best quality of communication with the nearest tower (base station).

The service antenna is placed indoors for the purpose of “delivering” the signal amplified by the device to the cellular device. If the kit was installed correctly, it ensures reliable signal reception throughout the entire room, which prevents sudden interruptions in the conversation and even such unpleasant things as voice distortion or extraneous noise. Installing equipment is a rather delicate matter, so it is better to entrust it to a service engineer. A professional will be able to achieve the highest quality signal reception from the tower and its rational distribution over the entire area of ​​the room.

By the way, WiMax (better known as Yota) and 3G amplifiers also work according to the principle described above. The only difference between them and cell phone boosters is that they operate in different frequency bands.

How does a GSM repeater work?

The repeater consists of two interconnected amplifiers. One of them works exclusively with an external antenna. It provides stable communication with the selected base station and maintains maximum signal strength. The second amplifier powers the service antenna, maintaining the signal level at the proper level within the working area. Since the main cellular standards use the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands, GSM repeaters operate in the same bands.

So if there is a signal with a frequency of 1800 MHz indoors or on the territory of the garden, then you need to purchase an appropriate amplifier. Of course, if the signal at a frequency of 900 MHz predominates, then the repeater must support the same frequency. On sale you can also find dual-frequency repeaters that can amplify signals at both frequencies. However, such devices are quite expensive, and it makes sense to buy them only in case of emergency. Only an experienced specialist can determine the predominant signal frequency near a building. Using special equipment, he will “see” the real state of the surrounding cellular networks. Then, based on the instrument readings, the specialist will provide recommendations on what frequency repeater should be purchased.

What should you know when choosing a repeater?

The quality of cellular communications is influenced by many factors, and when purchasing a GSM repeater, they must also be taken into account. Much, for example, depends on the geographical location of the building relative to the operators’ base stations. The size of the room itself also plays a significant role in the issue of signal amplification. All this must be taken into account when choosing a device model. So, for small rooms with an acceptable operator signal level, it is enough to buy a low-power repeater. If the room area is large and the signal is very uncertain, then it makes sense to get a more powerful device.

However, do not forget that an overly powerful device can greatly affect the operation of the networks of all operators in the immediate vicinity, i.e. inside the room where the antenna is located, the connection will be good, but with the neighbors the situation will be completely opposite. By the way, such violations are closely monitored by the relevant supervisory services, which means that the owner of such a repeater may face big troubles. So when choosing, you need to pay special attention to the gain and output power of the device. The best option would be to seek advice from an appropriate specialist.

Antennas for amplifier

Repeater models differ in antennas, or more precisely in wave propagation diagrams. There are three types:

  • narrowly focused;
  • directed;
  • omnidirectional.

Amplifiers with antennas of the first type are used in cases where the signal from the base station is very weak. This often happens when the building is located in an uncertain reception area for several operators at once. In this case, the antenna is directed strictly to the nearest station. If the signal of one of the operators whose bases are located on one tower is more pronounced than the desired signal, but the signal of “your” operator can be received from another tower, then it makes sense to purchase an amplifier with two highly directional donor antennas. In this case, the signal can be received from both towers and at the same time in fairly good quality. In urban environments, directional antennas work well.

They receive a signal with a horizontal spread of 60-90 degrees, which means they are perfect when there are many signals reflected from various objects. Omnidirectional antennas are most often used as service antennas. They are able to distribute the signal vertically in all directions. It is best to secure them higher. That is why in most amplifiers the internal antennas are equipped with fasteners for mounting them on the ceiling of the room.

Optimal number of service antennas

For small spaces, a repeater with one internal antenna is quite suitable. However, if the area is large enough or there are a large number of partitions inside, then you may have to install additional service antennas to ensure a good coverage area. Antennas for amplifying cellular communications are selected strictly individually, based on the characteristics of the room and the surrounding area. So in this case, the best option would be to contact a specialist.

Most modern people now have access to the Internet at home. It is most convenient to provide Internet access for several devices at the same time using a home Wi-Fi network. The functioning of this network is ensured by a device such as a wifi router - this device, being connected to the Internet via a wired line or using a USB modem, provides Internet access for a TV, tablet, desktop computer (if it is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter) and laptop .

How is the Internet distributed?

There are rumors that in developed countries, irons and vacuum cleaners and all existing appliances are connected to the Wi-Fi network. Of course, a home wifi network is a useful and necessary thing. But this network does not always work uniformly throughout the entire apartment. Areas are often discovered where the signal does not catch or does not provide a good enough connection to the Internet. This happens for the following reasons:

  • The router is not installed correctly
  • The router is installed in the wrong place
  • the apartment is too big and has too many partitions for good signal transmission.
  • The router is not located in an apartment, but in a private house or cottage on several floors.

It happens that for beauty they hide it in a closet or bedside table. The device installed in this way will not work properly; it must be placed in an open place, preferably higher than human height.

In addition, it happens that the outlet of the network cable or fiber optic is located at the very entrance to the apartment, because it was more convenient for the installers. You should extend it to the center of the apartment and install the router there.

But if everything is installed correctly, but the apartment or cottage is too large, there are many rooms with load-bearing walls, the transmitter power will not be enough to provide a reliable wifi signal in all rooms. To solve this problem, you need an additional device - a wifi repeater.

How a Wi-Fi repeater works

The name of this device comes from the English word repeat, which means “repeat, transmit.” The repeater works as follows: the device connects to an existing Wi-Fi network and broadcasts its signal further, expanding the network’s coverage area.

You can try to make a repeater with your own hands from an old smartphone. There is a program for this fqrouter2.

This program will not work with all smartphones, and this is not its only drawback. To work, fqrouter requires you to install root rights on your smartphone, and this is not always safe. However, if you need to save money, such a repeater can also work and perform its function.

It is better to choose a good, powerful repeater from a reputable manufacturer. Installing it at home with your own hands will not be difficult. Such a repeater will work stably and provide a good signal from the router in all corners of the house.

Which repeater to choose

You need to choose a repeater based on the depth of the problem - if the goal is to slightly improve the signal in one corner of the apartment, then an inexpensive model will do. If you need to set up a wifi network in a large house, you will have to buy a powerful and good, albeit rather expensive, top-end repeater.

You can also consider purchasing several cheap repeaters and placing them in the right places. With a certain configuration of the house, this option may turn out to be of higher quality and more affordable than buying one, but the most expensive signal repeater.

When choosing, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • Frequency range of the device. It can operate only at a frequency of 2.4 GHz or in both bands 2.4 and 5 GHz. The second option is preferable if there are still a number of working routers around, for example, among neighbors. A dual-band signal repeater will, in this case, provide faster Internet.
  • Availability of Lan ports. These ports are useful for setting up the device, since setting up over a wireless network is not always possible or convenient. In addition, it can be distributed via wire to Internet devices that do not have a Wi-Fi adapter.
  • Availability of USB ports. Some repeaters are capable of connecting via a USB port to an external hard drive and using it to organize home file storage.
  • Antenna sensitivity and transmitter power. The more sensitive the antenna is in the repeater, the further it can be located from the router. The more powerful the transmitter in it, the greater the distance devices on the Wi-Fi network can connect to the repeater.

This is the best I've come across from devices of this kind. Yes, it is expensive and does not support the total speed of AC1750 (in my opinion, this is overkill for a repeater), but the price of the device is completely justified.

If the price seems too high to you, you can save about 1000 rubles by purchasing the Re305, which has similar characteristics. It is less convenient, but in terms of speed characteristics it is practically not inferior to the Re350. And now in more detail.

Who needs a repeater?

If the Wi-Fi signal does not reach part of your apartment (house, office) or it is very weak and its speed is unsatisfactory, you cannot do without a repeater. Despite the fact that on the Internet such devices are often called a WiFi signal amplifier, in fact, this box just repeats it, essentially passing it on through itself. In other words, this is a signal extender.

However, buying a Wi-Fi repeater is not always justified. As a rule, it is used as a last resort when all other methods have failed.

How to strengthen a Wi-Fi signal without a repeater?

There are several standard tips for improving the quality of a Wifi network signal. I will describe them very schematically, because otherwise the material would require a separate article. Tips are arranged in order of complexity of implementation from the point of view of the average user.

An example of incorrect router placement, taken from the blog of a directional antenna manufacturer. As you can see from the illustration, your neighbors may have better Wifi coverage than you. Simply because the network equipment is placed incorrectly.

To understand how best to place your router, the easiest way to track your actions is by measuring the signal in a problem area using a special program, such as WiFi Analyzer. On the Signal Meter tab you can see how the signal quality changes depending on your manipulations. In other words, we moved the router, went to the problem area and measured the signal level.

  1. If the signal level is more or less normal, but your connection speed is still unstable or low, then in the WiFi Analyzer program you can make sure that you are working on a free Wi-Fi channel. If your router is more than 3 years old and was inexpensive, it most likely operates at 2.4 GHz. There are only 13 channels on this frequency. Since your neighbors have the same router as you, most likely there are several more routers on your channel. Let me just give you an analogy: each channel is a dedicated lane on the highway. If only you use this channel, then the speed of movement in the lane is limited only by the capabilities of your car. In other words, if you can go 60 km/h, you are going that fast. If it’s 120 km/h, you’ll go at full speed. However, if someone else is sitting on your channel, then this is tantamount to crossing an intersection - while the red light is on (packets are being transmitted by another device sitting on your channel), you will stand and wait.

So, let's look at what channel your router is on. Above is an example of measurements taken at my home. If some channel is more or less free, you should switch the router to it, remembering that the edge channels (1,2..12,14) should not be selected - they are not always supported by the equipment and the signal itself is weak. The easiest way to change the channel is to read the instructions for the router or search the Internet for an answer specific to your model. However, as we see above, it may happen that there are no free channels.

  1. The signal has not improved, the channel is clogged. What to do? Ok, it's time to update the firmware. If you have never done this, most likely there has been firmware on the manufacturer’s website for a long time with error corrections, and, what the hell, perhaps enhancing the signal. As a rule, the manufacturer is in such a hurry to throw devices on sale that the firmware is very crude. Then, after the start of sales, the manufacturer can take a long time and tastefully fix problems and holes. By the way, a number of manufacturers, for example, Zyxel, update firmware automatically.
  1. If the first three points did not help, it’s time to move on. It would seem that we are talking about repeaters. However, if your range is full, the repeater will help you little - it will also work on your channel, essentially adding another device to an already busy channel. Below I will develop this idea in more detail.

So, specifically to solve the problem of congestion in the 2.4 GHz band, there is a 5 GHz band with

  • with channels of a different range;
  • a large number of channels.

As a rule, good (read expensive) routers can operate in 2 bands, generating two Wi-Fi networks. For devices that are not demanding on speed, the 2.4 GHz band is suitable. It is also longer-range. But for high-speed devices that are sensitive to data transfer volumes (video, transfer of large files), the 5 GHz band is more suitable. Most modern devices support this range and work with it with pleasure.

By the way, there is one funny nuance here - in theory, the 5 GHz range is less long-range than 2.4 GHz, but the coverage of the new router can be much better than that of the old one. For example, an excellent dual-band router Zyxel Giga III, poorly, but it reaches the neighboring office, located at a distance of 50 meters along the corridor. Yes, the connection quality is so-so. But the previous generation router could not do this. So, by changing your router, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Myths about strengthening Wi-Fi signal or what not to do

  1. One of the frequently repeated search queries is the phrase “download WiFi signal booster.” This is impossible. The maximum that can be done is to download drivers for the computer’s network card and update the router’s firmware. All other advice will be harmless at best. At worst, they will end up infected with the virus.
  1. Another myth is more powerful antennas. As practice shows, replacing the antenna with a longer (and supposedly more powerful) one does not lead to anything. Why: firstly, some of the antennas in modern routers are built into the case. Secondly, they are specially designed for a specific model and lengthening them and increasing the number does not change anything. A funny thing - the Chinese really like to stick a bunch of antennas, so the router looks like a spider. As practice shows, these decorations are of little use. Third, if you disassemble a particular plastic antenna, it often turns out that the metal core in it reaches well up to a third of the length.

Everything else is purely a design trick to make the router seem powerful. The Chinese are especially guilty of this. By the way, there are special attachments for turning the omnidirectional antennas of the router into highly directional ones. But their installation has many nuances to recommend them to most users.

Ok, nothing helps. What to do?

Let's return to the idea of ​​an amplifier for a router. There are two types of repeaters: single-band, i.e. operating only in the 2.4 GHz band, and dual-band, also operating in the 5 GHz band. And the most interesting thing here is that dual-band not only “extends” the network of two bands, but also solves the problem of channel congestion, being able to receive data in one band and distribute it in another.

To illustrate this point, and explain why it's useful, we'll compare two WiFi extenders. The first single-band Wi-Fi repeater, one of the most popular on the market, the Tp-Link Re850 model, and the new Tp-Link Re350, which, as mentioned above, works in two networks.

The setup is carried out as standard. We plug the repeater into a power outlet, then connect to the device either by wire or via Wi-Fi. If possible, it is better to connect via wire, because problems with a wireless network can occur.

Next, go to, after which we find ourselves in the quick setup wizard. We scan the networks and see many networks in the 2.4 GHz band and one or two in the 5 GHz band. We select the networks we need, enter a password and reboot.

That's it, now we have two networks of the required range, which overlap each other and amplify the signal.

Let's start testing. Since my router is installed correctly at home and there are no special problems with signal coverage, we solve the problem radically - we go to the neighbor on the floor. As a result, between the router and the laptop on which the speed is measured there are two thin walls and one solid wall made of brick, 40 cm thick. In a normal situation, the router has no chance. The net is caught and immediately falls off. Measuring speed is impossible in principle. Now let's see how the repeater copes.

What's good about the Re350 model is that it has an LED indicator ring that shows the signal level. If the ring glows blue, the signal from the mother network is strong enough. If it glows red, the signal level is weak and the repeater should be moved closer to the router. In our case, we place the repeater immediately behind the main wall. After measurements, we connect a regular single-band repeater Re850 in the same place. As a result, there is a distance of 5 meters between the router and the repeater and two walls - ordinary and solid. The laptop is still four meters away and one regular wall.

We take measurements using two tools - the iPerf3 program, which determines the maximum speed over a local network, and the standard Internet speed meter In the first, we get “pure” speed within the local network. This way we exclude the influence of the provider and estimate the pure speed. In the second, we use a tool that is familiar to many. I specifically excluded the Download speed because in some cases my provider cuts it. But the Upload speed is unlimited and therefore the values ​​are close to iPerf measurements.

Measurements are taken on an HP ProBook G1 laptop. Router – Zyxel Kennetik Giga 3. Iperf3 is running on the main computer in server mode, the computer is connected to the router by a gigabit network card. First, connect to the 5 GHz network near the router and run a speed test. We have a good figure of 147 Mbit/sec. After which we go to the starting position behind three walls.

Test one - the Re350 repeater caught both networks from the router and broadcasts them further, in fact, sitting “clogging” its own channel in each band. We have the following numbers. Yes, the 5-GHz network has quite good speed results. Notice how the regular Re850 behaves. Not only is the speed low, but it also fluctuates (from 9.5 to 19 Mbps), which indicates signal instability. So the Re350 will still have better range even in the 2.4 GHz range. It would seem that we can put an end to this.

But, we will try the most interesting thing - to catch the network in one range, and forward it further in another. Update from 02/01/2017: In the comments and in the mail, we have already been asked several times to write in detail how exactly to carry out such a setup. Especially for those who are faced with this issue, we have recorded a video instruction:

Why is this necessary? Essentially, working on your own channel, the repeater will clog your own channel, which cannot be called a positive influence. Look at the picture below:

Yes, the signal has increased (green), but the repeater network operates on exactly the same channel as the mother one. Those. The situation has gotten better, but it's not perfect. Let's try to get away from this problem.

So, the first measurement, we connect at 5 GHz, forward the network further to 5 and 2.4 GHz. Normal performance, slightly worse than when the repeater “forwards” both networks. And now the most interesting thing - we connect to 2.4 GHz (which has greater coverage than 5 GHz) and forward the network to 5 GHz.

Do you see what speed? Those. Reliable reception of a 2.4 GHz signal allows you to maintain a high speed and forward it further to 5 GHz, avoiding interference in the 2.4 band. Thus, the combination of the two bands allows for great gains in both range and data transfer speed.

Theoretically, you can choose the location of the repeater in such a way that the 5 GHz network can be reliably picked up (after all, not everyone has solid brick walls a third of a meter thick) and then the network can be forwarded in the 2.4 GHz range. This should give an even greater increase in speed, but under the described conditions I was unable to achieve such a result. In any case, the measurements shown allow us to safely say that a modern repeater should be dual-band, even if the router whose signal is going to be amplified only operates in the 2.4 GHz range. The performance gain is obvious.

Separately, it is worth noting the design of the TP-Link Re350 - thanks to the antennas, the repeater both catches and forwards the signal much better than its single-band counterpart. On the other hand, you have to pay for this with increased dimensions.

Just as fast, but cheaper

Recently, the younger model Re305 has appeared in the line of TP-link repeaters, differing in size and slightly less ease of use, however, its characteristics are similar to the Re350.

Let's compare both models and see if the savings are worth it. At the beginning of testing, we measure the speed in the same room with the router. First by connecting directly to it (in both bands, 2.4 and 5 GHz) and connecting through repeaters.

The first thing that catches your eye is that the Re350, despite the stated presence of a gigabit port, cuts the speed at 100 megabits. Those. Without a repeater, we receive a speed of 200 megabits directly from the router, and through a repeater no more than a hundred. On the other hand, a repeater is usually used where maximum speed cannot be expected. Against this background, the Re305’s performance is inferior only in the 2.4 GHz band, which by definition is unstable - the noisy range affects it.

Second conclusion: this picture clearly shows how the second device on the channel reduces its throughput. Without a repeater in the 2.4 GHz range we had about 100 megabits; by connecting a repeater (read, adding another device to the channel), we reduce the speed by 1.5-2 times. This once again suggests that when setting up a network, you must definitely look for a free channel.

Now we are moving into the dead zone - a place where the network is caught, but is extremely unstable. In this case, the router shows 4.6 megabits in the 5 GHz band, and slightly better, but still insufficient, 13 megabits in 2.4 GHz.

The first situation: both repeaters catch networks of both bands, forwarding them further. The result is that the speed instantly increases to a comfortable 40-50 megabits in both bands. The results for both repeaters are almost identical.

And now the most interesting thing - we set up the so-called “forwarding” mode - both repeaters catch only one network at 2.4 GHz and “forward” them further only to 5 GHz. As you can see, the result becomes 2 times better - both repeaters show their maximums, bringing the network speed to 100 megabits. Those. almost the same speed as if the router was standing right in the room.

As can be seen from the test results, the Re305 repeater is not much inferior to its older brother, but is cheaper. Nevertheless, I still recommend buying the Re350, as it is more convenient for the inexperienced user. Why:

  1. The Re350 has a very convenient indicator ring that makes it easy to find a repeater location.
  2. The Re350 has better antenna placement. What's the matter: as you already read at the beginning of the article, antennas must be placed vertically. No matter how your outlet is located, you can always place the antennas correctly in the Re350. In the case of the Re305, if the socket is positioned sideways (i.e. the plug is plugged in vertically), you will not be able to raise the antennas correctly, which will reduce the coverage area of ​​the repeater.
  3. The Re350 has buttons on the side to turn off the device and turn off the light indication. Sometimes they are very necessary.

If none of these points are critical for you, you can safely buy the Re305. In addition to the best price, you also get smaller dimensions.

What is better to use as a repeater, another router or a repeater?

Very often in the comments there is advice not to bother with a specialized router, but to buy/get a second router and configure it as a repeater. We decided to check how justified such a decision is. For comparison, we took the same TP-Link Re350, and the Keenetic Extra II, which is close in price - a dual-band router with very good long-range and speed characteristics (see our device for this).

We configured both gadgets in the mode of simple repetition of networks of both ranges, i.e. The repeater and router in repeater mode “extended” the main network in the 2.4 GHz range and the second main network in the 5 GHz range. The reinforced network was measured in a “dead zone” behind one brick wall and another wall with a closed metal door, where the signal reached a maximum speed of 2 megabits and then only in the 2.4 GHz range.

As you can see, the performance results of both the router and the repeater are almost the same, despite the fact that both the router and the repeater are among the best in their class. The only option when a repeater wins in speed is when we catch a network at 5 GHz and transmit it further at 2.4 GHz (see the last column of the graph). It was not possible to configure the router this way due to the complexity of the fine settings, which most users will not bother with. In addition, the router does not have such a convenient external indication of network quality as the Re350. This makes it more difficult for the router to choose the right location.

conclusions: Using the second router as a repeater shows very similar speeds. However, on the repeater side there are more convenient settings, easy indication of network quality, and it simply has a more convenient shape, allowing it to be placed more accurately. Therefore, if you are buying a new device, it is better to buy a repeater, because it is simply more convenient. But if you already have a good long-range router or have the opportunity to purchase it inexpensively, then, of course, it is better to use it. Because the router can provide speeds no worse.

If the repeater doesn't help

Repeaters are quite interesting devices, but they are not universal enough. If you need to transmit a signal through a couple of solid walls, or to a remote room, the wireless signal may not cope. In this case, transmitting data over ordinary electrical wires can help. We made a large number of such devices, detailing the pros and cons. In addition, we recorded a short video repeating this text:

WiFi for a country house and cottage

If you have a large country house or cottage, or you want to “carry out” fast Internet to a summer gazebo, an ordinary repeater, even a very good one, may not help you. For really large areas, I would recommend taking a closer look at the Netgear Orbi. Despite the more than impressive price (about 23 thousand rubles), this is the simplest and most efficient way in terms of speed that I know of to connect the Internet to a country house.

The kit includes two devices, one of which works as a router (a cable from the Internet provider is inserted into it), and the other works as a high-performance repeater. The connection between devices, according to the manufacturer, is carried out at a speed of 1733 Mbit/s. Even in cases where the actual speed is two times lower, the remaining performance is still enough to provide fast Internet to any devices around. And Orbi's coverage is simply enormous.

And yes, if you suddenly do not have enough network coverage (although I can hardly imagine such a situation, unless you have some kind of castle, and not a house), you can buy another repeater and add it to the system. The only thing is that it will not be possible to form a chain of repeaters - the additional device will also cling to the central station.


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Often we realize that the coverage area of ​​a wifi router is not enough for the entire house or premises. In such cases, a wi-fi repeater (repeater, repeater) comes to the rescue, which increases the coverage area of ​​the signal. What is a wi-fi repeater, how does it work and how to set it up? In this article we will answer these questions.

What is a wifi repeater and how does it work?

What is a Wi-Fi repeater? If translated from English, then a repeater is a repeater. This is a special device that greatly enhances the signal range. How does this happen? In very simple terms, the repeater connects to a wi-fi network and transmits it further by creating a new connection.

For example, you want wifi to be available throughout the entire house, but this is greatly hampered by walls and other obstacles. Then you can take a wifi repeater and position it so that it can catch the signal from the router. Now, with the help of it, the signal is heard even further. Usually this can be done at a distance of 10-20 meters.

Why can't you just buy a more powerful router? The cost of a powerful router is several times higher than the cost of a regular router, and a wifi repeater is inexpensive and high-quality equipment. In addition, repeaters have proven themselves in the market and have a huge selection. Each user will find something that suits their financial capabilities and needs.

Note that the connection speed when using a repeater is lost, but in a small amount. There is also a strict rule: the further the device is from the router, the lower the speed it receives. They are also used for repeaters.

When using a repeater, you need to understand the following points:

  • A new wifi network is not created. Let's be clear: the main router transmits a signal called "house", but it does not extend to the entire house. We install a repeater and it completely COPIES your network data without changing absolutely anything. You can also use the “house” network, but this time throughout the house.
  • All your devices will connect to the repeater automatically if they are already connected to the main router. You won't need to do this yourself. It's easy enough to set up a repeater.
  • A repeater is not a panacea for all problems associated with wifi: it will not increase the speed and will not be able to transmit the signal over truly enormous distances.

Thus, we conclude: a repeater or repeater is an excellent wifi signal amplifier. It allows you to fill large rooms with it, which a regular cheap router cannot do. This is a good choice for people who value quality in products and their money.

Repeater appearance

A repeater is a small device. It contains several indicator lights (indicating the functionality of some functions), a LAN port and a Reset button, which allows you to return the device to its original settings. Note that the repeater is always plugged into an outlet. Because of this, it should not have much weight.

Choosing a repeater

Modern manufacturers provide a huge selection of this equipment. What should I do? First, decide where you want to place the repeater. Its power and price will depend on this. If you have an ordinary apartment, then the simplest and cheapest repeater is a suitable option.

If you need to fill an office with a wifi signal, then you need a particularly powerful repeater, the gain of which starts from 3dBi. They involve a higher cost, but still allow you to save on the Internet.

Don't forget to consult with store managers. They will help you choose repeaters that are suitable for your case. But if you want to save money and don’t need a powerful repeater, then there is another option - ordinary Chinese repeaters. They also have the right to exist. Their price is significantly lower than imported ones, but they are practically not inferior in quality. If you need a simple and inexpensive repeater, then Chinese manufacturers are the best option. But delivery in such cases takes too long.

Connect the repeater to the computer

The repeater is not a device that is difficult to configure. But this procedure should be approached competently in order to protect yourself from a number of problems. All this will not take more than 10-20 minutes.

So let's get started:

  1. We plug the repeater into an outlet next to the PC. When you start it for the first time, a special red light comes on, which is responsible for operation. Let's wait a little and continue working.
  2. If you want to use a wired connection, then connect the repeater to the router with a LAN cable using a special port.
  3. The next wireless light should now light up, indicating a successful connection to the network.
  4. Find the repeater in the list of available networks on your device and connect to it.
  5. The computer will offer to configure the router, but we refuse this.
  6. Select the item “connect to the network without...”.

The repeater is almost ready for use. All that remains is to complete the setup using your browser:

  1. Open the browser and write in the address bar. Next, follow it and find yourself in a special web interface of your router.
  2. A special window appears for entering your login and password. Usually they are standard: login - admin password - admin.
  3. We get into a special menu and select the “wireless repeater mode” item.
  4. We choose the method of operation of the repeater, which depends on the type of your connection (the optimal one in our case is repeater mode).
  5. Next, a small window will appear that will show visible Wi-Fi networks.
  6. Select your network and click on it.
  7. If required, enter the password.

Now the network is automatically configured and you can place the repeater at some distance from the computer. Your network will greatly increase the quality of communication throughout your home or even office.

What is a wifi repeater and how can this device be useful?

A wifi repeater is a device that allows you to expand the coverage area of ​​a WI-FI signal. This device is also called a signal repeater.

For example, the router is installed in one of the rooms - the signal there is excellent and stable, but in the far room there are problems with speed.

To eliminate this phenomenon, install a wifi repeater that expands the range router and makes the signal more stable.

How to make a wifi repeater from a router

If you do not have a repeater, but have two routers, you can establish a wireless connection between them.

To make a wifi repeater with your own hands, you need in the router, which will be the main one in the circuit, change the transmission channel.

To do this in router settings you need to open the Wireless section. Opposite the Channel parameter, you must enter the channel number in the empty field.

The number can be any, the main thing is to remember its meaning - this information will be useful when setting up a router that acts as a repeater.

To save all changes made, click the “Save” button.

Now let's start setting up the router, which will act as a repeater.

To open the settings, enter the address indicated on the back cover of the router into the address bar of the browser.

For company devices tp-link this is , or

If you did not change the standard data when connecting the router, then enter the word admin in the login and password fields; if there were changes, enter your own data.

Now you need to disable the WPS function - to do this, select the section of the same name in the menu and click “Disable WPS”.

For all changes to take effect, you must restart the device. Then you need to click on “click here”.

Once the reboot is complete, the settings menu will open again, let’s proceed to changing the router’s IP address - go to the Network section and from there to the LAN tab.

Now the last number IP addresses you need to replace it with the number “2” and save the changes with the “Save” button.

After rebooting the device, the changes should already take effect.

Setting up a wireless bridge

Select the Wireless tab from the menu. Opposite the Wireless Network Name line, enter the name of the new network, and opposite Region, enter your region.

Next to Channel, enter the channel number that you specified when setting up the main router.

Advice! If the Internet does not work when specifying the same channels, try entering different numbers.

Now all that remains is to activate the WDS mode - to do this, check the box next to the Enable WDS Bridging line and start searching for available routers with the “Survey” button.

If there are several proposed networks, select the one broadcast by the main router and confirm your choice.

On the settings page that opens, the SSID and BSSID fields will be automatically filled in.

If the network transmitted by the main device is password protected, then in the field opposite Key type you need to indicate the type of encryption, and in the Password field enter the network password.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

The network is ready to use.

The connection status can be seen on the main settings page - if Run is indicated opposite the WDS Status line, this confirms the correctness of the actions performed.

Connecting and setting up WIFI Repeater.

The wifi tp-link repeater is connected to a PC or laptop using a special cable, better known to most users as “twisted pair”.

The repeater is powered through a POE injector.

Now you need to configure the network card. Go to “Start” - then to “Control Panel” and select “Network and Sharing Center”.

Place the cursor on the line “Local Area Connection” and right-click on it. Next, select “Properties”.

Now you need to select the line “Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, and then on “Properties”.

In the window that opens, check the box next to “Use the following IP address.” The IP address must match the address set by the manufacturer.

For the wifi tp-link repeater it is, the mask is

Having selected all the desired values, confirm the changes by clicking on the “OK” button.

Now you need to configure access in the Wi-Fi repeater. To do this, go to your browser and enter the IP address - - into the address bar.

Before performing this, check to see if the proxy server is enabled in your browser settings. Disable it if necessary.

In the personalization window that opens, enter the login admin and password admin.

Go to the Wireless menu, select the Wireless Settings section. Opposite the Operation Mode line, set the status to Universal Repeater. We confirm the changes.

In the Survey menu you will see a list of available networks. Select the one you need by clicking on the Connect button.

Save your settings changes.

In the Wireless menu, select the Wireless Security section and in the required fields, specify the encryption type and password corresponding to the router.

Please note that if WEP encryption is activated on the TP-Link router, then Type, WEP Key Format, WEP Key, Key Type - the parameters should be similar to the router settings.

Otherwise, the TP-Link receiver will not establish a connection with the signal distributor.

You can check the connection status by checking the Status menu.

If, when refreshing the Channel page, you see a constant change in the number, it means that the security settings were entered incorrectly.

After checking that the security settings have been entered correctly, save the changes and restart the device.

To check the connection status of the repeater and router, go to the Status menu and pay attention to the connection parameters.

The name of the router with which the connection is being made should appear opposite the Name field; the Channel and MAC Address fields should be filled in.

In the Traffic Statistics field you will observe a continuous change of data packets.

WiFi signal booster - how a WiFi repeater will help expand your network coverage area

Strengthening the WiFi signal and thereby increasing the range of the wireless network is a problem that faces owners of large apartments or country houses when the WiFi signal needs to be received not only in neighboring rooms, but also in the garage

What is a wifi repeater: creation, configuration, connection