The acceptable number of defective pixels on an LCD monitor. Check your monitor before purchasing. Test programs for LCD monitors. Testing the monitor online using Online Monitor Test

Hello! For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, work comfort is of particular importance. I will not “discover America” for anyone if I say that a monitor is one of the most important components of comfortable and productive work. Many users are wondering how to check their monitor for dead pixels, but doing this is as easy as shelling pears.

Today I will tell you how to check your monitor not only for pixels, but also for backlight uniformity and picture blur.

Before starting the tests, let’s take a short digression and get acquainted with the concept RGB color model. RGB is an abbreviation for the English words Red Green Blue. This model is a method of color reproduction that has found wide application in technology. The method is based on the peculiarities of color perception by the human retina. With this model, all colors reproduced by the monitor are output due to a combination of three primary colors - red, green And blue. That is why all tests for monitors work with these primary colors.

Online monitor test

For online testing we need to go to the website -

Go to the menu HTML window. In the first window we see a scale of shades of gray, which allows us to compare similar tones. If you can see dark shades in 2% increments on your monitor, then it's a good monitor. On the highest quality monitors, you can see differences between light tones.
Of course, the evaluation of the monitor does not end on this scale. If we move the mouse pointer to the top edge of the browser window, a menu with various test options opens in front of us.

If the window with hints on the screen bothers you, you can turn it off by pressing the button "Info on/off" in the upper right corner of the pop-up menu.

There are a total of 6 tests in the menu, including the main page:

  • Color range- color spectrum;
  • Trailing- motion blur test;
  • Homogenuity- uniform filling of the screen;
  • Pixelmapping- pixel map;
  • Text- tests with text

Color range

These tests can test your monitor's color reproduction and see its ability to produce smooth transitions between different shades. The menu provides 9 color gradient options so you can compare the smoothness of the transition for each of the primary colors. The Black/White item presents a modified test model on the main page.


Here's a simple motion blur test. Do not confuse it with game performance tests, which measure FPS - Frames per second - number of frames per second.

To set an object in motion, you need to press a button "Start box" and just look at the trail that remains behind the object. The shorter it is, the better the monitor. The same menu also contains other tests in which you can move an object with the mouse pointer.


On this screen we can check the uniformity of the monitor's backlight (against a black background). By switching colors, you can also ensure that the color appears the same across the entire screen.

Also, this test can help in detecting the so-called "dead pixels" since they become very clearly visible against a uniform background.


On a high-quality monitor, the screen should be evenly filled with black/white pixels without any colored areas. This indicates that the monitor matrix does not illuminate the color transition boundaries. In addition, the test allows you to determine the absence of geometric distortions.

This test is often used to check televisions.


They will allow you to evaluate the display of different types and sizes of fonts on different backgrounds.

Monitor test using the program

In addition to the online test, there are a huge number of programs for checking monitors. For the most part, these programs contain the same set of tests. Often the differences are only in the interface.

Such a test program is provided by the testing service described above. You can download it from their website - The capabilities and interface of this program completely coincide with the online checking functions described above.

Program features:

  • test for uniform illumination of the matrix and the absence of “broken dots”;
  • color gradient to check matrix linearity;
  • circles for checking “non-native” permissions;
  • ring gradient to check matrix linearity and discreteness;
  • patterns for checking interpolation of “non-native” resolutions;
  • checking font readability;
  • grid for checking the legibility of parts;
  • moving square;
  • moving square with a scale grid.

This is where I end my article and I wish you easy work at the computer.

P.S. The best rest after hard work is a walk in the fresh air. Don't forget to take breaks, take care of your eyesight and health.

Often when purchasing a computer, we pay more attention to one part of it - the system unit, reducing the importance of another - the monitor. But a flawlessly working monitor, configured correctly, is very important not only for maintaining visual acuity, but also for comfortable spending time at the computer. It is important to check how the monitor works both before purchasing and during use in order to configure it correctly.

There are usually no problems checking for external flaws. But how can you find out about a hidden marriage? After all, the most common defects are related to the operation of the monitor matrix, for example, the presence of dead pixels or a slow matrix response speed, which you will not notice at first glance. For this purpose, special programs have been developed, as well as online services that can quickly and accurately test the monitor.

The first of the tests - “Shaded Screen” - consists of filling the screen with different colors alternately, which allows you to identify pixels that do not respond to color changes - they will glow white or black. The following tests are designed to check the monitor's reproduction of color gradations ("Diagonal", "Step Gradient"), image clarity ("Lines", "Grid", "Circles", "Patterns") and text readability, as well as the response speed of the monitor matrix ( "Moving Square") Evidence of the slow reaction speed of the matrix is ​​the “tail” that appears when the square is moved.

The disadvantage of the TFT test utility is that it is not always possible to worry in advance and take the program saved on a flash drive with you to the store. In such a situation, the Online monitor test resource comes to the rescue, the capabilities of which can be used directly in the store by opening the desired Internet page.

On the main page there is a menu where you need to choose how it is convenient for you to carry out testing: HTML-Window - the page with the test will open in the current browser tab; HTML FS – a new window will open; Executable mode – an option that allows you to download the program to physical media and no longer use the Internet; Input lag test – designed to test the operation of two monitors working in pairs. It is also possible to test a smartphone, tablet or TV. Run the test and you'll immediately see a black-and-white scale that lets you check how grayscale is displayed. To continue, move your mouse to the top of the screen and a pop-up menu will appear with various tests. By the way, there is also a hint window with explanations for each test, although only in English.

The user consumes information through a monitor or laptop screen, so the presence of defects on it is unacceptable. The monitor itself is a fairly simple device, but at the same time quite fragile. The main trouble that a user may encounter when purchasing a monitor is the presence of dead pixels, that is, screen elements that are not capable of correctly transmitting colors. To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully check it when purchasing a monitor, and in this article we will look at how to do this.

First we need to tell you a little theory. A pixel is the smallest part of the display that displays a picture. Depending on the display resolution and its diagonal, a pixel may be larger or smaller in terms of physical size.

Please note: Modern monitors can use several million pixels.

If one of the pixels or a group of pixels does not work, the image on this part of the screen will not correspond to the one transmitted to the monitor from the system unit. There are several types of dead pixels:

  • Non-working. These pixels do not convey the image, and they are always black;
  • Stuck pixels. Most often these are pixels that are stuck in blue, red or green. They are not capable of working with RGB colors;
  • Constantly glowing pixels. These are pixels that are constantly lit in white.

Please note: Sometimes not just one pixel fails, but a group of pixels in a horizontal or vertical stripe, or “squares” of pixels, for example, 5 by 5 or 10 by 10 elements, are damaged.

Why is it important to check your monitor for dead pixels when purchasing?

When purchasing a new monitor or laptop, be sure to immediately check for dead pixels in the store. This is due to the fact that if you discover such a defect after purchase, it is far from certain that you can return the monitor under warranty. The fact is that there is a standard ISO13406-2, which determines the permissible number of defective pixels for monitors of various classes.

This standard provides for the release to the market of monitors in 4 quality classes. The best class is first, the worst is fourth.

Please note: Almost all mass-produced monitors are produced according to the second quality class, respectively, according to the standardISO13406-2 implies the presence of dead pixels.

According to standard ISO13406-2, the following number of non-functioning or malfunctioning pixels in monitors of various classes per one million pixels in the panel is allowed:

  • 1st quality class. There should be no defective pixels at all;
  • Quality class 2. No more than 2 constantly lit white pixels, 2 permanently off black pixels, 5 pixels with other defects are allowed;
  • Quality class 3. No more than 5 permanently lit white pixels, 15 permanently non-lit black pixels, 50 pixels with other defects are allowed;
  • Quality class 4. No more than 50 permanently lit white pixels, 150 permanently non-lit black pixels, and 500 pixels with other defects are allowed.

It is worth noting that the acceptable value of defective pixels does not mean that they are necessarily present on a monitor of one class or another. The quality class of a monitor according to accepted standards is determined by the device manufacturer itself. Depending on what class it determines, additional warranty obligations are imposed on it.

How to check your monitor for dead pixels

When purchasing equipment in a store, you always have the opportunity to check it right on the spot, and in a situation with a monitor, this definitely needs to be done. There are special applications that allow you to check your monitor for defective pixels. Programs are available, both standalone and presented on various sites.

The principle of operation of all programs for checking the screen for dead pixels is identical. The entire working area of ​​the display is filled with a single color, a group of colors or a gradient, which allows you to see dead pixels if they are present on the monitor. Let's look at the main programs and sites that can be used for such a check.

Programs to check your monitor for dead pixels

If you buy a monitor in a store, it is better to first record one of the programs described above on a flash drive in order to perform an on-site test.

Dead Pixel Tester

One of the most famous free applications for checking your monitor for dead pixels. To use Dead Pixel Tester you need to:

Among the program’s capabilities, it should be noted that the function of changing modes can be set to a timer; to do this, you need to check the “Auto Color Cycle” box and set the time in milliseconds. After this, the modes will change automatically.

Another feature of the program is the creation of a limited area on the screen with constantly changing colors. To create it, you need to click on the “Exerciser” button, after which the corresponding square area will be created. It can be dragged with the left mouse button. If there is any doubt that there is a dead pixel in some part of the monitor, this tool helps to verify this.


IsMyLcdOk is another application that does a good job of diagnosing dead monitor pixels. The program also does not require installation and can be easily downloaded for free on the Internet. The application weighs very little and works extremely simply.

When you first launch the IsMyLcdOk program, information will appear that describes what you should click to perform the test. To return to the instructions after starting the diagnostics, you will need to press F1.

To test, select the mode using the buttonsF2-F5. Among the monitor test modes available in the IsMyLcdOk program:

  • Check BitBlt MB/sec;
  • Painted rectangles;
  • Painted stripes;
  • Durability testing;
  • Vertical lines;
  • Horizontal lines.

In addition to special modes, it is also possible to simply switch colors or gradients.

Sites for checking your monitor for dead pixels

If you don’t want to download a program to your computer to check your monitor, you can use sites with similar functionality. Let's consider a couple of options.

Please note: Sites for checking the screen for dead pixels are convenient to use, for example, when testing tablets or smartphones.


A simple and functional service for testing your monitor for dead pixels.

To use the service you must:

To finish testing the monitor with the service, click on the house icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Please note: ServiceMonteon, unlike the programs discussed above, has a mode in which looped video is shown. In this mode, you can check the pixel color update speed.

Vanity Monitor Test

Quite an old, but well-proven service that allows you to test your monitor. To operate this service, you will need to have Adobe Flash Player on your computer, which can be considered a disadvantage. To start testing, you need to click “HTML Windows”.

The choice of operating mode in the Vanity Monitor Test program is carried out through the drop-down menu at the top.

Treatment of dead monitor pixels

Dead pixels on the screen are not always a death sentence. In some cases, you can get rid of them and make them function normally again. There are several ways to do this:

If none of the above methods helped restore the dead pixel, you will have to put up with it or replace the monitor.

Good day.

A monitor is a very important part of any computer, and not only ease of use, but also vision depends on the quality of the picture on it. One of the most common problems with monitors is the presence dead pixels.

Dead pixel - this is a point on the screen that does not change its color when the picture changes. That is, it burns with white (black, red, etc.) color, without conveying color, and it burns. If there are many such points and they are in prominent places, it becomes impossible to work!

There is one nuance: Even when buying a new monitor, you may be given a monitor with dead pixels. The most annoying thing is that a few dead pixels are allowed by the ISO standard and returning such a monitor to the store is problematic...

In this article I want to talk about several programs that allow you to test your monitor for dead pixels (well, and protect you from buying a low-quality monitor).

I sMyLcdOK (best dead pixel search utility)

Rice. 1. Screenshots from IsMyLcdOK during testing.

In my humble opinion, this is one of the best utilities for finding dead pixels. After launching the utility, it will fill the screen with different colors (as you press numbers on the keyboard). All you need to do is look carefully at the screen. As a rule, if there are dead pixels on the monitor, you will immediately notice them after 2-3 “fills”. In general, I recommend it for use!


  1. To start the test: just launch the program and press the numbers on the keyboard one by one: 1, 2, 3 ... 9 (and that’s it!);
  2. Works in all versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10);
  3. The program weighs only 30 KB and does not require installation, which means it can fit on any flash drive and run on any computer with Windows;
  4. Despite the fact that 3-4 fills are enough to check, there are many more in the program.

D ead Pixel Tester (translation: dead pixel tester)

Another very interesting utility that quickly and easily finds dead pixels. The program also does not require installation, just download and run. Supports all popular versions of Windows (including 10).

To start the test, just launch the color modes, change pictures, select fill options (in general, everything is done in a small control window, you can close it if it gets in the way). I like the auto mode better (just press the “A” key) - and the program will independently change colors on the screen at short intervals. Thus, in just a minute, you will decide whether to buy a monitor...

Monitor test (online monitor check)

In addition to programs that have already become a kind of standard when checking a monitor, there are also online services for searching and detecting dead pixels. They work on a similar principle, the only difference being that you (for verification) will need the Internet to access this site.

Which, by the way, won’t always be possible to do - since the Internet is not available in all stores where they sell equipment (connect a flash drive and run a program from it, and in my opinion, it’s faster and more reliable).

As for the test itself, everything is standard here: we change the colors and look at the screen. There are quite a lot of checking options, so with a careful approach, not a single pixel will escape!

By the way, the same site also offers a program for downloading and running directly on Windows.

If after purchase you find a dead pixel on the monitor (and even worse, if it is in the most visible place), then returning it to the store is very difficult. The bottom line is that if you have less than a certain number of dead pixels (usually 3-5, depending on the manufacturer), then they may refuse to replace your monitor (in such cases).

Happy shopping :)

How to check for stuck pixels?

Let's launch the program. We will be presented with several objects for testing: a PC monitor, a mobile device, an LCD device for TV. Select the one you need (in this case, a PC monitor) and click “Monitor defective pixels.”

A program window will appear. Select the first flicker speed.

By expanding the program window, you can see blind points that do not change. This is a stuck pixel.

In order to restore a dead pixel, you need to register the program, which costs real money. According to user reviews, Bad Crystal 2.5 FINAL restores stuck pixels only on those monitors whose operating life does not exceed 3-4 years.


The IsMyLcdOK program is a simple and intuitive tool for testing PC monitors for dead pixels. The software is free. Has several useful checking tools. However, it is impossible to cure a “stuck” pixel with its help. You can run from removable media. Downloaded as an archive.