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When working in operating system Windows 7 may encounter the following problem... When the system tries to automatically search for updates (or you manually start the search for updates), it may happen that the search takes forever. You will only see the inscription “Searching for updates...” and even several hours may pass without any results. As a result, no updates can be downloaded, but they can eliminate various glitches and generally improve the performance of the system! This usually happens with recently installed/reinstalled Windows 7, but I personally have never encountered such a problem on more recent versions of Windows. In this article, I will share ways to solve this problem with updates on Windows 7.

Windows updates are a necessary and important thing. These updates contain various improvements, fixes for Windows, which ultimately allows you to get rid of some glitches in the system, close various loopholes for hackers, etc. Although it also happens that new updates give rise to new glitches :) But in any case In case you need to update the system!

About setting up updates for Windows systems 7 and 8 are told.

In Windows 7, you can open the update search section through the built-in Windows search by typing "Update Center". How to use search in any Windows versions, told.

Now let’s look at ways to solve problems with searching for updates in Windows 7, i.e. when updates are searched for an infinitely long time and to no avail. And I’ll start with a solution that helped me personally when I encountered such a problem.

Basic solution. Installing a fix for Windows 7 that solves the problem with searching for updates

This is the method that I think will help most users who encounter a similar problem.

It consists in the fact that you need to manually install a special fix for Windows 7, after which the search for updates should work as expected. So, instructions...

In a few seconds or minutes, Windows 7 will find updates and you can install them!

If suddenly this method does not help, try a few more methods presented below.

Additional solutions to the problem (if the main one does not help)

If suddenly the main solution to the problem of searching for updates for Windows 7 does not help, then you can try a few more options.


I think one of the following will help you solve the problem of searching for updates for Windows 7 the above methods(especially the first one). I encountered this problem on Windows 7 several times, mostly immediately after installing a new “clean” Windows. Sometimes the problem went away on its own after some time, and sometimes it didn’t, and then method No. 1, described in the article, helped me. In any case, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the problem with finding updates for Windows, because these updates are important for the system!

For all systems Windows family installation of update packages is provided. And the seventh version, although considered the most stable of all currently existing, was no exception. However, she also sets the search first. Windows 7 update can take forever various reasons. Let's consider all aspects related to this. The solutions proposed below help eliminate the unpleasant situation in 99% of cases. And all of them are simple enough to be used by even the most inexperienced user in system settings. But first things first.

Why does the search for updates take forever (Windows 7)?

Let's start looking at the main issue by finding out the reasons for disruptions in the operation of the update service. Among the main root causes, most experts point to malfunctions in the work of the Update Center itself and system services who are involved in this process.

Now situations with virus influence will not be considered, since each user must take care of protecting his or her computer. Let's look at how to eliminate infinite 7 on our own. There are at least three ways to do this.

Windows 7: endless update. Diagnostics of the Update Center using system tools

Since the endless process of searching for update packages is associated specifically with the Center, it is logical to assume that this service needs to be checked for functionality.

If you use software the system itself, the problem that Windows 7 updates take forever is eliminated through the built-in debugger. You can call it from the Run console (Win + R) by entering the line msdt /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic, after which a window will appear in which you should use the link to additional settings. In the new window, you first need to check the box next to the permission automatic application fixes, click on the run as administrator link and click the continue button. After this, all you have to do is wait for the diagnostic process to complete, go to Update Center and set manual search followed by installation confirmation.

Diagnose problems using a special utility

If someone does not like the method proposed above or is simply too lazy to delve into the debugger settings, you can go another way.

You should download from the official Microsoft website or any other trusted resource small program called WindowsUpdateDiagnostic. By the way, it is also suitable for more latest versions systems.

After the first start of the utility, select the Update Center line and activate troubleshooting. They will be displayed in the results, which may indicate problems with the drivers or with the hard drive. Please note: the program does not fix the problem in Windows 7. The never-ending update is only identified and specified possible reason. So you'll have to install drivers or check HDD yourself.

Drivers can be installed from Device Manager, but this is too much long process. It's better to use automated tools like Driver Booster With automatic search and integration of drivers into the system.

Downloading a standalone update package

If the problem persists, you will still have to pay attention to Windows 7 Update again. The endless search can be fixed using another method.

To do this, you need to download the so-called standalone package with the number KB3102810, selecting the appropriate bit depth for the system when downloading (32 or 64 bits). You can download the package, again, either on the Microsoft website or on another resource. But that's only half the battle.

Stopping the Update Center service

On Windows 7 endless update can only be fixed if the service itself, which is responsible for searching for and installing updates, is deactivated. You can try to complete active process in the "Task Manager", but, as a rule, this will not lead to anything, and the service will be activated again.

Her complete shutdown can only be done in the corresponding services section, which is accessed through the services.msc command entered in the corresponding “Run” menu line.

Here you need to find the update center line, right-click context menu and select the stop command.

To avoid having to rummage through the service catalog, you can use command line with administrator rights (cmd in the “Run” console), where you should enter the combination net stop wuauserv.

Installing the package and manually searching for updates

Now the most important thing is to install the standalone package. We launch it as standard double click on the downloaded file and agree to the installation offer.

After this, the installation process starts. When finished, you will need to restart your computer. If errors occur during the process of integrating the package into the system, it means that something was done incorrectly at the stage of disabling the update service. You should repeat these steps and run the installer again. In addition, it is possible that the standalone package installation file itself was not completely downloaded (this also happens). In this case, as is already clear, you need to repeat the download or download it from another source.

When the package is successfully installed and the system is rebooted, you should go to the “Update Center” and use a manual search for updates.

If all else fails

Finally, if none of the above helps, in Windows 7 endless updates can be removed by installing the UpdatePack 7 Live service pack (build version 07/31/2016).

Once its integration into the system is complete, the search for updates will automatically start. It is very likely that a lot of them will be found (in some cases their number can reach two hundred or more). You shouldn’t be surprised, because, in fact, after installing the package, the user receives an almost “clean” system in which no updates were installed.

Note: you can install this pack only on top of an existing one Service Pack 1. If it is not there, the updater will not install. The solution is to install SP1 (at least from the official Microsoft website).


As you can see, there is nothing particularly critical in the problem considered. It can be eliminated quite simply by all the proposed methods. It goes without saying that such solutions are only applicable to a system in which no potentially dangerous or active threats have been detected that could cause disruption to the service. Windows updates or block it. In all other cases, such solutions help. When it comes to preferences, the user decides exactly what to do, although you can use comprehensive diagnostics first, and only then install a stand-alone package or service pack. Which one should you choose? Actually, it makes absolutely no difference. And users’ opinions about installing either one or another update differ, so you’ll have to decide for yourself.

Installing updates on your computer allows you not only to make the system as compliant as possible with modern requirements, but also to patch vulnerabilities, that is, to increase the level of protection against viruses and intruders. Therefore, timely installation of updates from Microsoft is a very important element in ensuring the performance and operability of the OS. But some users are faced with such an unpleasant situation when the system cannot find updates or searches for them for an infinitely long time. Let's see how this problem can be solved on computers with Windows 7.

Especially often, users are faced with the fact that the search for updates does not end after installing a “clean” version of Windows 7, which does not yet contain any updates.

This process can last indefinitely (sometimes, in addition, loading the system through), or it can end in error.

In this case, you need to manually install the necessary updates.

But there are also cases when the problem is caused by certain problems in the system or viruses. Then you need to produce a series additional actions to eliminate it. Most known methods we have discussed below.

Method 1: WindowsUpdateDiagnostic

If you cannot independently determine the reason why the system does not actually look for updates, then a special utility from Microsoft – WindowsUpdateDiagnostic – will help you with this. She will identify and, if possible, correct problems.

But there are also situations when WindowsUpdateDiagnostic cannot solve the problem on its own, but nevertheless issues its code. In this case, you need to enter this code into any search engine and see what it means. Perhaps after this you will need or with subsequent recovery.

Method 2: Install the service pack

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why updates do not arrive is the lack of certain updates. In this case, you need to download and install the KB3102810 package.

  1. But before installing the downloaded KB3102810 package, you need to disable the service "Windows Update". To do this you need to go to "Service Manager". Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel".
  2. Go by item "System and safety".
  3. Open section "Administration".
  4. On the list system utilities and tools find the name "Services" and move along it.
  5. Starts "Service Manager". Find the name in it "Windows Update". If the items in the list are arranged in alphabetical order, then it will be located closer to the end of the list. Select the specified element, and then on the left side of the interface "Dispatcher" click on the inscription "Stop".
  6. The service deactivation procedure will be performed.
  7. The service is now deactivated, as indicated by the status disappearing "Works" opposite its name.
  8. Then you can proceed directly to installing the KB3102810 update. To do this, click double click left mouse button on a pre-loaded file.
  9. Will be launched offline installer Windows.
  10. A dialog box will then automatically open in which you must confirm your intention to install KB3102810 by clicking "Yes".
  11. After this, the necessary update will be installed.
  12. After it finishes, restart your computer. Then don't forget to re-enable the service "Windows Update". To do this, go to "Service Manager", highlight the desired item and press "Run".
  13. The service will start.
  14. After its activation, the status should be displayed opposite the element name "Works".
  15. Now the problem with searching for updates should disappear.

In some cases, you may additionally need to install updates KB3172605, KB3020369, KB3161608 and KB3138612. Their installation is performed according to the same algorithm as KB3102810, and therefore we will not dwell on its description in detail.

Method 3: Eliminate viruses

This can also cause problems with searching for updates. viral infection computer. Some viruses specifically create this problem so that the user does not have the opportunity to patch system vulnerabilities by installing updates. To check your computer for malicious code nessesary to use special utilities, but not standard antivirus. For example, you can use . This program does not require installation, and therefore can perform its main function even on infected systems. But still, in order to increase the likelihood of detecting a virus, we recommend running the scan via LiveCD/USB or performing it from another computer.

As soon as the utility detects a virus, it will immediately notify you about it through its working window. All that remains is to follow the advice that is displayed in it. In some cases, even after removing the malicious code, the problem with finding updates remains. This may indicate that virus program violated the integrity system files. Then you need to check using the built-in Windows utilities sfc.

In the vast majority of cases, the problem with finding updates is caused, no matter how strange it may seem, by the lack of necessary updates in the system. In this case, it is enough to simply update manually by installing the missing packages. But there are times when this problem is caused by various glitches or viruses. Then, accordingly, a specialized utility from Microsoft and anti-virus programs will come to your aid.