Dynamic in-ear headphones, differences from reinforcement headphones (FAQ on headphones-plugs). What types of headphones are there?

Headphones are a portable device for listening to sound signals. The price range of these devices varies from cheap to very expensive professional models. In order not to get confused when choosing a headset, you need to determine the appropriate option for yourself in advance. There are different types of headphones available in the market. They differ in design, quality, and size.

Classification of modern headphones

The headset has become an integral part of the lives of many of us. She accompanies us when playing sports, on the street, at work. There are a large number of modifications on the market, and sometimes it’s difficult to understand.

The design of headphones varies. The way the sound membrane installed in the gadget works directly affects the quality of the reproduced sound. Based on the design of the built-in emitter, dynamic, reinforcement, isodynamic (orthodynamic) and electrostatic headphones are distinguished.

A significant factor is the type of design of the device, since it determines whether the sound will be accompanied by additional noise or not. In addition, the type of design of the gadget is the first thing the buyer sees. There are in-ear (ear-bud), on-ear, full-size and in-ear headphones.

They also differ depending on the acoustic design and the method of signal transmission. These criteria influence the process of selecting a suitable model.

Construction type

Most often, when choosing a headset, the consumer pays attention to the type of design. Based on this parameter, the following types of headphones are distinguished:

  1. Plug-in, they are also “liners”. Attached to mobile devices. This gadget is not intended for music lovers, since the level of sound transmission and noise insulation is relatively low. They are not suitable for all users due to anatomical features, although in more expensive models this problem is solved with the help of special replaceable attachments.
  2. Vacuum headphones (in-ear). Used to listen to music from your phone and player. They are deeply attached to the ear canal, which provides a good level of sound insulation. Convenient for sports and on the road. They are portable and inexpensive. This is a universal model, but it is most widely used as headphones for phones.
  3. Overhead models. They are attached to the surface of the ear either using a headband or using special earhooks. The sound emitters are located on the outside of the ear, so their level of sound insulation is low.
  4. Full size. Equipped with large cups that cover the ear. This creates additional sound space and provides sound insulation. The headphones are large in size, so they are not very portable. But they are suitable for listening to music in good quality.
  5. Monitor. They are classified as full-size, with the difference that they are larger and more powerful. This is an option for stationary use. They are connected to professional equipment.

All models are equipped with a standard headphone jack or USB connector.

Emitter design

The design of the emitter is a criterion that consumers do not always think about, but in vain. The quality of the audio track reproduced by the device depends on this criterion. There are several types of emitters::

  1. Dynamic emitters are the most popular type. They are installed in devices of all types. The design is based on a membrane with a coil of wire attached to it. A permanent magnet is attached to the membrane, emitting a magnetic field onto the membrane. An alternating current is passed through the coil, resulting in a magnetic field. The latter interacts with the field of the installed magnet, causing the membrane to vibrate and reproduce sound. Headphone models with such speakers are affordable, but from an acoustics point of view they are not of high quality.
  2. Reinforcement emitters, they are also with a balanced armature. They are used in the manufacture of in-canal devices, but only in expensive models. The advantage is greater productivity, accuracy and sensitivity. But at low sound frequencies their sound range is limited.
  3. Isodynamic and orthodynamic emitters. They are based on a membrane with metal tracks applied to it. In the first case, the membrane has a rectangular shape, in the second - round. The membrane is located between two magnets. Current is applied to them, and the membrane begins to move, producing sound. The sound is of good quality, but the price is correspondingly high. They are mounted in full-size models.
  4. Devices equipped with electrostatic emitters. They have a high price because they transmit sound without distortion and in high quality. They are equipped with an ultra-thin membrane that is placed between two electrodes. The membrane moves when exposed to high voltage.

Acoustic design

The acoustic design of the headphones determines whether sounds from outside will penetrate and exit from the speakers to the outside. That is, will external noise interfere with listening to music, and will the latter be audible to people around?

Open type models have a lattice structure on the outer surface. The holes allow sound waves to escape and sounds from outside to enter. This helps reduce sound distortion, but it is not recommended to use such headphones in noisy rooms.

The body of the closed device does not have any holes, the sound is directed only into the auricle. Thanks to this, sound insulation is high and the bass sound is enhanced. This acoustic design is found in different designs, but most often dynamic headphones are closed.

Signal transmission method

Depending on the method of signal transmission, wired and wireless devices are distinguished. That is, they differ in the way they connect to the sound source.


Wired models are the most common, and they are affordable for the consumer. They have good audio quality. They are connected using a standard mini-jack connector. Can be equipped with wires of different sizes. Devices with a USB connector are increasingly in demand.

Additionally, a microphone, volume control, and call acceptance button are installed on the wires. There are 3 types of microphone mounting: on a wire, in a fixed position and built-in.

A microphone attached to a wire is suitable for those who rarely use it. External noise interferes with sound transmission. The fixed microphone is convenient when working in a stationary position. The built-in option is optimal for a telephone headset.


Wireless models attract buyers who are tired of untangling wires. There are 4 types of wireless headphones: Bluetooth models, Wi-Fi devices, infrared and radio connections. Due to their wide range and the ability to play sound files from the network, the first 2 models are popular. There are also types of headsets in which you can choose how you connect to the sound source.

Classification of headphones or how not to get lost when choosing

Most of us love listening to music. Some in the background from time to time, and some who never leave the threshold of their abode without headphones and a player or smartphone. In any case, the issue of buying headphones is relevant, and there are a huge number of them on the market, in a variety of designs, circuits and price categories.

In this material we will try to bring some order to all this chaos in the range of headphones. It’s worth noting right away that there is a percentage of the population who are not too careful with headphones and/or do not worry about sound quality. It sounds fine. This approach has every right to life, for such cases there are a bunch of “penny” headphones in every transition, we will not dwell on them.

Electrophone System

It’s not worth delving into history in this material; that’s not what we’re talking about today, but it’s still worth mentioning the ancestors of today’s headphones in a nutshell. From 1895 to 1926, Britain had a service for listening to concerts and church services at home. The device was called the Electrophone System and looked like old telephones, but with four headphones on rigid handles. Of course, something similar to the current headphones was used by telephone companies for military purposes. The ancestors of the current "plugs" were invented in 1891 by the French engineer Ernest Mercadier. These were miniature in-ear headphones with rubber caps that were used "to reduce friction on the pinna and effectively block out external sounds." The development was even patented, but this design was returned to much later.

A lot of manufacturers were already making headphones in the first half of the 20th century, including such giants as Beyerdynamic and AKG, but KOSS headphones became really popular among consumers. The $200 donated for the wedding of John Koss's wife was invested in a business, namely, renting televisions to hospital patients in 1953. A little later, Koss met engineer Martin Lange, together with whom he made a “portable” record player, and military headphones were remade to demonstrate the capabilities. It was they who attracted the attention of the public at the exhibition in 1958, and thus the KOSS SP-3 appeared.

Well, enough history, let's get straight to the topic. It is worth remembering that if you are not buying headphones “for show”, but are really confused with the choice, in any case, you should listen to them and try them on before buying. Everyone has their own physiology and personal preferences, and it is highly undesirable to rely solely on reviews and reviews. So, first you need to decide on the sound source, the conditions in which the headphones will be used and their required functionality. Accordingly, let's move on to point one.


The cheapest, simplest and most common are headphones - earbuds, popularly called “droplets”. Quite often, such headphones come bundled with portable electronics and usually have low quality both in sound and design. Such headphones usually have low sound quality, do not always fit specific ears and provide a low level of sound insulation, even with ear pads made of foam rubber. The number of models of such headphones is decreasing, they are being replaced by in-ear models, which provide better sound insulation and comfort. More expensive earbuds come with special replacement tips for better fit in the ear. Sometimes you even come across unique models like Dunu Alpha 1 with a hybrid emitter circuit and a bizarre shape. The earbuds are compact, which is convenient on the go.

Dunu Alpha 1 in-ear hybrid headphones have a rather bizarre shape

Some of the most popular at the moment (if not the most popular) - intracanal headphones (popularly “plugs” or “vacuum”). Their peculiarity is that they are mounted directly in the ear canal, plugging it thanks to the elastic tips. This design provides good sound insulation and makes it possible to reduce the amplitude of membrane vibrations, distortion and increase the frequency range. Initially, the design was borrowed from hearing aids and in-ear monitors for musicians. Actually, this is another name for in-ear headphones (In-ear Monitors or IEM). The main disadvantages of this type of headphones are the need for increased attention on the street and not very good reproduction of the upper part of the range, which is usually solved by using drivers with a balanced armature (armature) or hybrid circuits.

Invoices The headphones have a design that involves pressing the headphones to the ears without being covered by the headphones. They are usually fixed using a headband (both at the top of the head and behind the head) or special earhooks. In this case, the emitters are already outside the ear, so for comfortable listening you need to turn up the volume. Such headphones are usually lightweight and are quite comfortable to use as portable ones. But you shouldn’t expect good sound insulation from such headphones.

Cups full size The headphones completely surround the ears, resulting in better sound insulation and less sound loss. They were originally intended primarily for home use, but now there are a lot of full-size models that are distinguished by their lightweight, convenient (sometimes folding) design and relatively short cable length, which makes them easy to use with portable equipment.

Monitor Headphones are basically the same as full-size ones: the cups completely cover the ears. But in this case, the headphones themselves are larger, more massive, and, as a rule, equipped with more serious drivers and a long, thick cable. This is a typical stationary option, usually with a fairly high impedance, which is poorly suited for portable use. They are actively used by people who work professionally with sound.

Acoustic design

In headphone housings open type there are usually holes, slits or slots, this is done to ensure that the speaker is not in an isolated chamber. This way, sounds come in from outside, and some of the sound waves from the speakers come out, thereby reducing the number of reflections and sound distortions. Typically, such headphones sound cleaner and more natural, but are poorly suited for use in noisy environments and public places: excessive noise will interfere with listening to music, while others may well be annoyed by your music, which they can hear perfectly well.

IN closed Headphone housings do not have any slots or holes, so the speakers are closed from the external environment, and the sound is directed into the auricle. These headphones have much better sound insulation and can be used in noisy places. These headphones usually have more bass.

There is also such a thing as Semi-Open (or Semi-Closed) headphones; this is a compromise between the above, which does not have any clear requirements and different manufacturers sometimes put different meanings into this name.

Emitter types

Dynamic emitters are the most common and are used in headphones of any design and type. They use a membrane to which a coil of wire is attached and a permanent magnet in whose magnetic field it is located. When alternating current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is generated that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. Due to this, the membrane begins to vibrate, repeating the shape of the electrical signal of the sound wave. Dynamic headphones usually have a fairly wide range of reproduced frequencies, but not the best accuracy and detail.

Diagram of a "reinforcement" emitter from Westone

Emitters with balanced anchor (reinforcement) were invented back in the 20s of the last century and were distinguished by high sensitivity and power; their first application was hearing aids. Their main part is a U-shaped plate (anchor), around which the coil is located. The armature can only move around an axis passing through the center of that part of it that is inside the magnetic field. The electrical signals cause the magnetic field to oscillate, causing the armature to move, which is transmitted to the membrane, which produces sound waves. "Armature" is used only in in-ear headphones. The main advantages are high accuracy, detailed reproduction and high sensitivity. Of the minuses - relatively small range, particularly at low frequencies. This problem is solved by using several armature emitters simultaneously, or a hybrid scheme with an armature and a dynamic emitter.

Westone W50 in-ear headphones with five armature drivers

At the core Isodynamic, orthodynamic (planar-magnetic) The emitters are made up of a thin and light film membrane with metal tracks applied to it. It is placed between two magnets, and when current is applied to them, it is set in motion. The so-called Hale emitter, which was patented in 1973. Isodynamic ones use a rectangular membrane, orthodynamic ones use a round one. Used in full-size headphones, they are distinguished by high sound fidelity, but also quite high cost.

IN Electrostatic headphones use an ultra-thin membrane, which is located between two electrodes. Under the influence of high voltage, the membrane moves and creates sound vibrations. Electrostatic headphones have incredibly smooth, high-quality and detailed sound that has virtually no distortion. The impedance of such headphones is measured in kilo-ohms and they usually come with their own amplifier. These are solutions for the most hopeless audiophiles with an impressive income: such headphones usually have a very high cost.

Connection options

Standard is wired connection option with a 3.5 mm connector. This option is compatible with the vast majority of sources, be it a portable player, smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer. In some cases, a 1/4" (6.3 mm) connector is used. More often it can be found in stationary and professional equipment; in some cases, an adapter is included in the kit; if not, it will not be difficult to find on sale. A wired connection wins in terms of sound quality and signal stability , however, not so convenient.

Options wireless there may be several connections: home options with radio and infrared connections are gradually fading into the background. More and more models with Wi-Fi connection are appearing. The most common at the moment are Bluetooth models, which usually have a microphone and can be used with mobile phones as a headset. There are models of wireless headphones that also support a wired connection, which will be useful if the battery runs out.

You won’t surprise anyone with headphones these days. We will be much more surprised by their absence in the box with the purchased phone or tablet. There are heaps of headphones of all kinds on store shelves. But what types and types of headphones are there? Are there so many of them and how do they differ?

Despite the countless models, all types and types of headphones can be placed into 4 categories:

  1. In-Ear Headphones
  2. In-ear headphones
  3. On-ear headphones
  4. Over-ear headphones

Most often, the first two types of headphones are combined into one. In my opinion, they should be considered separately, due to the rather serious design differences.


In-ear headphones, popularly called shells. For quite a long time they were the most common type of headphones, especially for portable ones. But the noisy world has forced many to switch to plugs.

I don’t know how they look like shells. Rather, the following picture fits this name better:

But let's get back to the topic. Today there are also many supporters of this performance. Probably, the love for this type of headphones is partly due to the products of the well-known Apple company.

By and large, their EarPods are like AirPods( ) are also more shells than plugs.

1.1 Comfort

As the name suggests, headphones are placed in the ear. To ensure greater tightness, some manufacturers use rubber rings. To reduce irritation of the ear with hard plastic, foam tips are used.

With or without pads, these headphones cannot boast of noise isolation, so in most of these headphones you will hear most of what is happening around you, and you will probably listen to the tracks on your player with others.

Another problem of this type is that headphones do not always match the size and structure of your ear. This leads to the fact that for some the headphones are too small and fall out, while for others they crush...

1.2 Sound

Such headphones usually have a dynamic driver with a diameter of 10-15 mm. Previously, when similar current headphones appeared, due to the lack or high cost of production technologies for such small speakers, their mid frequencies were very high.

Given the loose fit of the headphones to the ear, low and high frequencies suffered even more. This even led to sound engineers artificially increasing low and high frequencies when recording music.

Also in fashion was the V-shaped equalizer setting, which today in many equalizers is referred to as “Rock”. And all because rock music has a lot of midrange frequencies. And there were already plenty of them in the shells.

Now we have already learned how to make high-quality speakers even in smaller sizes. However, the problem of a loose fit has not gone away, so today manufacturers are trying to make a dip in the mid frequencies and raise the low and high frequencies.

1.3 Portability

The headphones definitely have no problems with this. They easily fit both in your pocket and in other small secluded places. I wouldn't recommend wearing headphones anywhere. Small debris can get into their holes, which will ruin their life and yours.

2. In-ear headphones

Earplugs, vacuum headphones - these are the popular names given to in-ear headphones. This type of headphones received these nicknames for its soundproofing properties of the design.

2.1 Comfort

The main difference is the creation of an almost sealed volume between the speaker membrane and the eardrum. This tightness is ensured by the use of a silicone nozzle.

I've heard more than once that people don't like the feeling of a plunger in their ear. For this reason, they prefer shells. Many people actually experience discomfort from the plugs.

But in fact, it’s enough to put them on and wait a little. The structure of our ear is such that it will equalize the pressure itself and become more comfortable. But for some reason this doesn’t help everyone.

2.2 Sound

The main technical difference is the presence of a sound guide placed directly into the ear canal. Thanks to this, the power of the emitters can be an order of magnitude less than that of other types of headphones. All vibrations of the diffuser are directly and most efficiently transmitted to the eardrum.

In-ear headphones with a dynamic driver usually have a membrane diameter of 10-12 mm, but can be as small as 8 mm. Structurally, such a speaker causes great difficulties. The biggest challenge is getting the bass correct and the frequency balance even.

Today, many headphones, especially those in the budget category, suffer from raised bass, which overlaps the mid frequencies, making them low-impact. The depth and detail of the lows is not as good as we would like.

In addition, such a small size of the speaker leads to the fact that its resonant frequency is quite high. This emphasizes the high frequencies, which often begin to sizzle, click and smack excessively.

In addition to the dynamic emitter, in-ear headphones can also use an armature emitter. A balanced armature driver, as it is officially called, has better sound at mid and especially high frequencies.

However, the fixture cannot squeeze out decent bass, mainly due to its very modest size. Therefore, hybrid headphone models in which a dynamic emitter coexists with a reinforcing one are becoming increasingly popular. However, often such headphones are not the smallest in size and are not so comfortable to wear.

2.3 Portability

Like representatives of the previous type, there are no problems with portability here. And they will play with sufficient volume from any hole. But don’t forget that sound quality is determined not only by the headphones themselves, but also by the quality of the sound source.

For lovers of maximum portability and the absence of wires, today there are a bunch of wireless solutions.

3. On-ear headphones

They are named so due to the fact that the earphone, as you would expect, “is placed” on the auricle. On-ear headphones are more of a compromise. They are a very good combination for those who need high-quality sound and at the same time a sufficient degree of portability.

3.1 Sound

In-ear headphones are not as large as full-size headphones, but for the size of their drivers, they can provide much better sound quality than their smaller brothers.

Due to the fact that the sound source is located behind the ear, and not in it, it is easier for the sound (audible) image to form outside the head. This contributes to a better perception of the depth and height of the sound stage.

This allows you to use on-ear headphones for professional applications as well. So there are monitor over-ear headphones. What are monitor headphones, read in .

3.2 Comfort

When it comes to noise isolation, many on-ear headphones smoke nervously on the sidelines. The peculiarity of their design is such that many of them cannot fit tightly to the auricle. If the headphones are open, then there is no noise insulation in them at all.

In most models, when listening to music on the subway, you can hear the subway much better than the music. Although there are also models with decent sound insulation.

For this reason, more and more manufacturers are releasing models with active noise reduction.

Over-ear headphones usually have dimensions equal to or smaller than the auricle. At the same time, they are pressed directly against the ear, so they can cause discomfort when worn for a long time.

3.3 Portability

On-ear headphones are much more portable than over-ear headphones. For even greater portability, many headphones are made foldable. Often the headphones also come with a small pouch or carrying case.

4. Over-ear headphones

Over-ear headphones, called in English Over ear (around the ear) or circumaural (circular) are the largest. They are rightfully considered the highest quality among all types.

As they say, a big piece makes your mouth happy, and in this case, your ear. But why are they better?

4.1 Sound

The main reason why over-ear headphones provide the best sound is obvious - their size. To be more precise, the size of their speakers. Typically, the driver diameter of full-size headphones is more than 40 mm in the case of dynamic drivers.

It is much easier for dynamics of this size to fully play out the low-frequency component. As a result, the bass in them is more developed, rich and deep. Many of these headphones have a frequency range of 8-10 Hz.

But the size of the headphones allows the use of speakers of other, more “exotic” types. For example, these could be iso- or ortho-dynamic drivers, condenser-type speakers, and others.

But it’s not just the size of the speaker; the full-size design allows you to create good noise insulation and eliminate losses due to a loose fit.

It is also easier to implement various systems of acoustic filters and sound guides in such headphones to give the frequency response the desired shape. That is why most often full-size.

4.2 Comfort

These headphones can also be called the most comfortable among all types. They do not act or put pressure on the auricle, but frame it, pressing the soft ear pads directly to the head. Even if the ear pads are not as good as we would like, they can be .

Your ear creates its own “microclimate”. However, this can create some problems when used in warm and hot weather - the headphones will simply be hot.

4.3 Portability

In terms of portability, everything is somewhat worse here. Most over-ear headphones are designed for home or studio use. Very rarely, full-size headphones come with a pouch or case.

Of course, there are enough models that can fold quite compactly. But if compactness is your priority, it’s better to take a closer look at the previous types.

It's not just about compactness. Most full-size headphones have high impedance and require a more powerful amplifier, so not all players can fully drive most full-size headphones.

An interesting representative of full-size headphones are from company . This is a Chinese company that accurately reproduces famous headphone models, at prices several times cheaper than branded ones.


No matter how hard manufacturers try, ideal headphones simply do not exist. But each type of headphone has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, it makes more sense to take earplugs with you on the subway and enjoy full-size headphones at home.

The material was prepared exclusively for the site

In parallel with the growing popularity of portable devices for listening to music, the demand for devices that transmit sound is also growing. Today their market is so wide that anyone can find a headphone model that suits their technical requirements and finances.

Devices are divided according to technological features, which affect both the quality of the output sound and ease of use.

12 best Xiaomi headphones
12 Best Headphones for Sports
, Headphone pinout

Varieties of design

Headphones are available in 5 form factors:


As the name suggests, they are placed on top of the ears. Since the speaker does not penetrate directly into the ear canal, a considerable amount of sound wave power is required to make listening to audio comfortable. Such headphones are produced either with behind-the-ear arches or with one wide arch-shaped bridge located on top of the head.

5 best on-ear headphones


The variety is now popular, especially among smartphone users. In-ear (or vacuum) headphones penetrate the ear canal as much as possible, eliminating the entry of extraneous sounds from the outside. In addition, this eliminates vibrations of the membrane, and therefore sound distortion.

6 Best In-Ear Headphones with Enhanced Bass


They are also inserted into the ears, but do not penetrate deep into them. The cheapest type of headphones, they are often included with a smartphone or MP3 player. Such models have been known to users since the 1990s.

5 Best In-Ear Headphones


Their earcups with speakers cover the entire ear area. Models are usually very massive, with a thick cable and powerful sound. They are also distinguished by their considerable price, since they are used for professional work with sound, and not for domestic needs.

5 best over-ear monitor headphones

Full size

They also cover the entire ear, providing sound insulation. Premium devices released today have a compact (often foldable) form factor and a not very long cord. Quite convenient to use with mobile gadgets.

Emitter device

The sound quality directly depends on this parameter:


They are not used everywhere, but only in the most expensive in-ear headphones. They have limited sound quality at low frequencies, but excellent performance. At the same time, they are sensitive and accurately reproduce small details of the audio track.

8 Best Armature Headphones

Iso- and orthodynamic

They have two powerful magnets, between which there is a complex emitter made of a special coated film. Thus, it was possible to achieve high power and clarity of sound. As a rule, this technology is used in a full-size form factor.


Such models are rarely found on the open market. The emitter in them is a thin membrane located between a pair of electrodes. This design can completely eliminate sound distortion, but for connection you will need a special docking station (a device with connectors for various electronics).


The most common option, but not the best. It is a membrane placed in a housing, to which a magnet and a coil are connected. The electric field created in this way acts on the membrane and creates sound. Due to its simplicity, such a device can be placed in a variety of headphones.

Signal transmission method

This factor affects the usability of headphones.


Devices of this kind still hold the position of the most popular and cheapest. Professionals also note improved sound quality compared to wireless ones. The connection is made via a standard 3.5 mm mini-jack (newer models may also have a USB connector or a 6.3 mm jack).

6 Best Wired Headphones


A variety that saves the user from constantly tangled wires. Sound transmission technology can be infrared, radio (these options are almost out of use).

Models with the Bluetooth function are at the peak of popularity, but headphones with WiFi may soon become leaders - they are capable of not only playing music at an impressive distance from the source, but also doing it directly from the Internet. Wireless devices are powered by a battery.

Acoustics tightness

This setting affects whether the sound coming from your headphones will be heard by those around you:


The earcups of such headphones have perforations on the outside, through which some of the sound escapes (and external noise can also penetrate into the ears).


The cups do not have perforations, so the sound is completely directed to the owner’s ear, while surrounding sounds are not heard.

Microphone mount

Many headphone models are equipped with a microphone, which is used for telephone conversations, video calls, or sound recording. Headphone microphones are of the following types:


Playing music is one of the main functions for which most of us buy a smartphone. Of course, the quality of this process is influenced by the technical component of the device itself - a model without a separate audio processor will not be able to approach the level of players unless you use some magic in the equalizer. On the other hand, even the most sophisticated device can show very modest results if the software and headset are chosen incorrectly. Today we will discuss existing types of headphones and try to help our readers make the right choice.


The question of design features is far from idle; if you want to buy headphones for listening to music on the street and in transport, you will need a completely different model than for home use. Below we will talk about the main types, their advantages and disadvantages.

In-ear headphones

Legendary earbuds. Perhaps this type of device is currently the most widespread, largely due to the fact that it is often part of the package in which the main gadget is supplied. Such headphones are simply inserted into the ear, and the reliability of their fastening directly depends on your anatomical features - many people complain that popular earbuds do not suit them at all.

The ear pads for such devices are usually plastic or foam pads placed directly on the headphone body. This solution allows for improved sound insulation performance, but they are still far from the best examples of in-ear headphones. If you have never used such “ears” before, then first try to test them by asking your friends - it is quite possible that such a solution will not be optimal for you.

In-ear headphones

Popularly, this design is called “droplets” or “plugs”. As a rule, they are attached in the same way due to contact with the ear, but there are also models with a behind-the-ear holder. The main difference from in-ear analogues is that these headphones are inserted not just into the auricle, but into the ear canal, and this in turn guarantees the highest level of noise insulation. If you like to listen to music on public transport, in-ear headphones will be the ideal choice.

This type of device has no problems with compatibility with specific ears, and therefore you can be sure that they will fit perfectly, but if you often listen to music in situations where you need to be attentive and have sound contact with the environment, such devices should be avoided. you are unlikely to hear a car honking from behind.

On-ear headphones

An immortal classic, these headphones are equipped with speakers that literally sit on your ears. Most models of these headphones have a headband, but if you wish, you can find an option with a behind-the-ear holder. Devices of this design, as a rule, play much louder, but this is dictated by logic - the speakers are located further from the ear canal and in order to convey the sound they have to make more effort.

Overhead “ears” also do an excellent job of sound insulation, and therefore they can be used on a busy street or in the subway, but the presence of a headband adds headaches - an incorrectly selected design can put pressure on the head and lead to prolonged listening to music becoming painful. Often, such models are portable, easy to assemble and boast high mobility due to their compactness.

Over-ear headphones

Everything is simple here - thanks to the ear pads that completely cover the auricle, this type of headphones creates additional sound space and, with high technical characteristics, the sound they produce is much better than that of previous design types. Such devices are necessary for people who work with sound or want to get maximum pleasure from listening to music or sound effects in games and films.

Such devices are usually used at home, because they are too large and flashy for the streets, and therefore manufacturers carefully develop the design of the headband so that the user does not experience discomfort from prolonged interaction with the gadget. If the perplexed glances of random passers-by don’t bother you, these headphones can be used in the city without much difficulty, but you need to remember that you can’t just put them in your pocket.

With or without wire?

It’s hard to argue with the fact that wireless headphones are noticeably more convenient in urban environments - you don’t need to constantly adjust a bristling cord, and it’s more comfortable to engage in active sports. But not everything is so simple; many audiophiles note that for maximum sound quality a wire is still needed - sound transmission through the air threatens with losses and interference. So which type is best for whom?

Wireless headphones

These headphones for your phone use Bluetooth or an NFC module to transmit sound signals, which allows you to forget about the always-in-the-way cord. In street conditions, it is difficult to overestimate this advantage - your headphones will no longer get caught on an obstacle, and if you suddenly have to run after a departing bus, you will not need to hold this entire complex structure with your hands.

These headphones perform especially well in outdoor activities and sports – they are simply irreplaceable in a fitness club. On the other hand, if you consider yourself a serious music lover and losses in quality are unacceptable for you, even the most sophisticated modern wireless headphones are unlikely to be able to guarantee you the same level of transmission as their cable counterpart.

Wired headphones

If we are talking about use at home, then the choice is obvious - the wire is unlikely to interfere with you, and the sounds produced will be transmitted as accurately as possible. The length of the wire is an important nuance, especially if you want to use the device on a computer - be sure to take into account possible deviations from the standard position and try to avoid cords less than one and a half meters long - they will seriously hinder your movements. It is far from certain that a wired model will outperform a wireless model in sound, but at least its operation will not depend on the player’s battery charge.

Hybrid headphones

The ideal compromise if you are looking for a universal device. Such a device can work either via a wire, which is convenient when listening to music at home or working on a computer, or use a wireless connection. Let's imagine a situation where the headphones ran out of charge right on the subway. Traditional wireless models can be safely put in your pocket, but you can connect a hybrid gadget using the usual 3.5mm jack and continue using them in this form until you find an outlet.

Noise suppression

Unfortunately, after we turn on our favorite song on the phone, the world around us does not freeze, which means that sounds from the outside constantly invade the intimate process of listening to music. If you are not ready to put up with this state of affairs, then you should take a closer look at devices that have a noise reduction function in their arsenal.

Active Noise Cancellation

As a rule, only expensive premium headphones have this technology. The principle of its operation is simple - headphones have microphones that collect sounds from the outside world and transmit them to the speaker, where sound is formed in the opposite phase, eliminating unnecessary fragments from the musical picture coming to you.

This is an excellent solution that will appeal to those for whom the process of listening to music is sacred in nature, but we remind you once again that such technology is an expensive pleasure, and for people with poor vestibular apparatus they can hardly serve as a solution to the problem - they should use such devices on a long-term basis is not recommended by doctors.

Passive Noise Cancellation

This type of noise reduction is based on simple mechanical principles - the tighter the headphone body fits to the auricle, the less extraneous sounds can penetrate it. As mentioned above, in-ear or full-size headphones cope best with this task, but it is still dangerous to use them in street traffic conditions. If you are absent-minded and inattentive, it is better to endure the noise of the street than to be run over by a motorist.

Microphone presence

In general terms, we have already outlined what types of headphones for phones there are, but we should not forget about such an important component as a microphone. Music is good, but you shouldn’t forget about the convenience of communication, and therefore the headset should have a call acceptance button and a microphone with which you can communicate with the interlocutor.

If you are one hundred percent sure that the gadget will be used exclusively for playing music, then in general the presence of a microphone can be ignored, although its absence usually does not affect the price of the device, so it is better to have one just in case.

That's basically it. We hope that our brief education about what types of headphones there are and whether there are ideal options for home or outdoor use will help you avoid making unwanted mistakes in the future, and the purchased device will delight you with its sound and ease of use for many years. Don’t be shy about asking sellers to let you try on this or that model - this will save a lot of nerves, time and money.

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