Fan cable error when turned on. The reason for the Fan Error. How to fix these problems

Quite a lot of people may encounter an error when loading the system " CPU Fan Error! Press F1 toResume" She shows herself maybe for completely different reasons. This article will talk about possible ways solutions.

1. Cooler does not spin

In this case, we must agree with the message in the BIOS and accept the sad truth that your cooler may have broken. To check performance, try connecting the cooler to a different port. If it started spinning, then the problem was in the port on the motherboard. Well, if it doesn’t show signs of life, then it’s time to go to the store for a new one.

2. The cooler is spinning

If the cooler is spinning and you are sure of its port, then the reason may be the following:

  • If the problem appeared out of nowhere, then your cooler may be quite dusty, which makes it difficult to accelerate when the system starts.
  • The problem may begin after some “replacement” of the components of the system unit. These "replacements" may have made changes to the BIOS. Majority motherboards Asus requires 600RPM for Intel processors at launch and 800RPM for AMD processors.

In order to solve this problem, you should open your BIOS settings and find something like a Hardware Monitor tab there. The tab should contain settings for the CPU cooler.

The CPU Fan Speed ​​line may indicate N/A. Change this value to ignore. This will force the motherboard to ignore the CPU cooler RPM during system startup.

I welcome everyone who is reading today's article. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS checks each device and later compares the results with the parameters entered into the system. He does an analysis, including the cooling system. This important system, which allows your equipment to work properly and protects it from overheating.

If you receive an error when you turn on your computer CPU fan error press f1 , then this signals you that the computer has cooling problems.

CPU fan error Press F1

This warning occurs when the CPU heatsink cooler is simply not working. A cooler is, as you might have guessed, a fan whose task is to cool the equipment.

Is the cooler clogged or broken?

So, what to do if there is similar problem? First you need to inspect the problem cooler and carry out a superficial diagnosis. This is done quite simply:

You need to open the wall system unit Your computer. Next, turn on the power and see if the cooler is working? So the cooler doesn't work. Don't rush to despair. It is quite possible that the whole thing is due to accumulated dust, which does not allow the device to work as it should. If you see that the fan is completely clogged with dust, then you should take the following steps:

Or rather, clean your computer, here’s an article for you:

1. With great care, open the latches of the cooling system (important: You need it to be disconnected from the connectors or the board)

2. Remove the cooling system. Again, with great care: do not damage anything there!

3. Unscrew or remove the fan itself.

4. Disconnect and bleed the radiator. In this case, it is best to use a special vacuum cleaner. You can do it without it, but it will be safer with it.

5. Clean thoroughly.

6. Assemble the fan by connecting it to the radiator. We attach the fan back to the cooling system.

8. Let’s see: did it help?

If it doesn’t help (even though you did everything correctly), then this means that your fan is broken. The most correct thing in this case would be to replace it with another one. Believe me, it will be better this way. I am attaching a video to this article in which you will clearly see how to properly remove and install the cooler from the processor.

By the way, CPU warning fan error Press F1 may also appear because you connected your fan to the wrong connector. For example, you made a mistake and connected it not to the CPU Fan (as I advised you above), but to connectors such as Chassis Fan or Power Fan. As a result, the BIOS simply cannot “see” your cooler and throws an error.

Therefore, before you conclude that the fan is broken, check to see if the reason is your error?

System error

Another one reason CPU fan error is an error in the operation of the program that controls fan speed. If it is not configured correctly, the equipment may overheat and break down, or best case scenario- emergency shutdown.

How can I check this? It’s not that difficult, I’ll tell you, dear friends.

2) Looking for Hardware Monitor.

3) We look at the rotation/revolution indicators of the cooler. If it is very low, then the equipment may overheat before your fan even starts working.

Of course, you can always turn off BIOS control. Just turn on “ignore” (here: CPU Fan Speed/Hardware Monitor). Depending on the motherboard model. In my case, I go to the boot section (BOOT) and change Enabled to Disabled:

But keep in mind that then you will have to monitor your cooler and processor temperature yourself. This must be done at your own peril and risk, because keeping track of these indicators is not so easy and then there will always be a risk of equipment failure due to overheating.

Concluding today's post, I hope that the above tips will help you figure out: what's wrong with your equipment? However, if you doubt the results of your repair, it is better to entrust it to a specialist. Don't risk your hardware needlessly.

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Each user experiences various problems when working with a computer. Today we will look at the problems that appear when you turn on the computer, namely before starting operating system and ask the user to press a key F1 at computer startup.

CMOS checksum error - Default loaded" or "CMOS battery has failed

This message most likely indicates that the battery in the BIOS is low. If you didn't know, the motherboard has a coin cell battery built into it that stores data such as time and date when the computer is unplugged. Turn off the power to your PC, start it up and look at the date. If it is incorrect, then it is definitely a battery issue. After replacing the battery, the computer will not ask you to press f1 at boot.

CPU Fan Error

This text on the monitor indicates a cooler malfunction. The fan cooling the processor may spin at low speeds or not work at all. The problem may lie in a sensor that is reading data incorrectly. It is best to remove the side cover and look at the behavior of the cooler with your own eyes. If the cooler does not spin, check the connector to which it is connected, perhaps there bad contact. Pay attention to the second wire, which monitors the cooler speed. If everything is connected correctly, but the cooler does not spin, most likely the reason is in itself.

Keyboard error or no keyboard present

Users see this message when the computer does not see the connected keyboard. The first thing you need to do is look at the connector; perhaps the plug is not fully inserted into it. If everything is fine, but the error does not disappear, connect another keyboard. If there is no positive result, then most likely the connector on the motherboard is broken. There is only one option left - buy a USB keyboard.

Press F1 to resume, F2 to Setup" or "Press F1 to resume, Del to Setup

IN in this case computer requires when loading pressf1 , because the BIOS settings a have changed a little. To solve the problem, you need to return the BIOS to its original state.

A:Drive Error Press F1 to Resume

Your priority boot device is the Floppy drive. Most likely you have never even used it. You need to go into the BIOS, go to the Boot tab and select the HDD to boot.

No IDE Master H.D.D. Detected! Press F1 to Resume

A problem with hard drive. The motherboard doesn't see it. Try connecting another HDD.


In this article, we looked at the main reasons that ask us to click. Most of their listed problems are very easy to fix, so even a novice user can handle them.

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Faces various errors when you turn on the computer, and “CPU fan error press f1 to resume” is one of the most common. Let's figure out how to solve the problem.

Elimination of the “CPU Fan Error” error during boot.

To put it in a nutshell, this error is an indicator of problems with the processor cooling system (fan). The BIOS asks you to press F1 to load the OS and it actually does.

ADVICE. Sometimes the OS asks you to press a different key. Also, in more rare cases, the message sounds like “Your CPU fan fail or speed too low.”

However, pressing the button does not solve the problem, and the message appears again and again. This happens because the system automatically checks the functionality of all components of the PC before booting, and if there really is a problem with the cooler, it is worth solving the problem to avoid overheating the processor and completely stopping the PC. But there are also cases when the OS makes mistakes. So what could be causing the problem?

Finding out the cause of the error

Before you panic and disassemble the case, let's check the settings. If, immediately before the “CPU fan error” error appeared during boot, you changed the cooler rotation speed in any programs or in the BIOS, return everything to its initial state. You can also try to select settings that will make the error message disappear. We also recommend checking if the time on your PC is reset upon startup. If it resets, then the reason may be a faulty battery on the computer's motherboard, which means reset and other CMOS settings. In this case, replacing the battery will completely solve the problem. If you disassembled the system unit before the error appeared (repaired, changed something, or simply cleaned it), then the essence of the problem may lie in incorrect connection fan (or turning it off). Let's talk about this in more detail.

As already mentioned, before downloading BIOS systems evaluates the performance of each computer element, including the cooler. The number of revolutions is measured, and if they are zero, an error appears. Most often, the fan is simply connected to the wrong connector, and the system cannot detect it. In this case, reconnecting the wire will be enough to fix the problem. The next reason may be a mismatch between the motherboard and the fan plug (for example, the plug is three-pin, and the connector on the board is four-pin). In this case, the cooler works properly, but the system simply cannot determine the number of revolutions. The best solution in this case is a selection suitable equipment. If this is not possible, then below we will tell you how to ignore the error.

If all of the above reasons are excluded, then it is still worth getting into the system unit and checking whether the cooler is working, whether the wires are interfering with the movement of the blades, whether there is a lot of dust in it, etc. Simple cleaning of the cooler can also help. True, not for long. Here it is important to decide whether it’s time to simply change the processor cooling system.

How to get rid of the error

Having found out that the reason does not lie in the settings, we try to remove the left cover of the system unit and visually evaluate the operation of the cooler. As mentioned above, we remove elements that interfere with rotation, if any, including dust. To do this we do the following:

  • We detach the cooling system from the motherboard or connector;
  • Carefully remove the system from the processor;
  • Unscrew the fan;
  • Clean the radiator (the easiest way to do this is with a vacuum cleaner);
  • Let's count the cooler itself;
  • Attach the fan to the radiator;
  • Install the cooling system on the board;
  • We connect the fan plug to the connector on the board (CPU FAN).

We try to turn on the computer (you don’t have to put the cover back in place for now) and see if the “CPU fan speed” error disappears and if the fan is working.

IMPORTANT. Double-check the presence of thermal paste on the heatsink to avoid overheating the processor when trying to turn on the computer.

Next, check whether the cooler is connected correctly. The fan plug has three pins and should connect to three pins on the motherboard (usually labeled CPU FAN under them). Power Fan and Chassis Fan connectors are optional. If the cooler is connected to them, this is the cause of the error. Let's see if everything is in its place.

ADVICE. Some system units are equipped special function adjusting the speed of rotation of the cooler blades from the front panel. To enable this function, you need to connect the cooler a little differently. Check the documents for the cooling system and motherboard. The fan may have been connected incorrectly due to this.

How to ignore an error

In cases where you are sure that the cooler is working, you can ignore the error by correcting some values ​​in the BIOS. This can be done by disabling the cooler speed monitoring function. For this:

  1. Let's go to BIOS.
  2. We are looking for the Hardware Monitor item.
  3. Select the CPU Fan Speed ​​section.
  4. Select the “N/A” state (sometimes “Disabled”).

Having done this, do not forget to periodically monitor the operation of the cooler yourself, since the system will not be able to warn you about overheating, which will result in damage to the processor. You can check the temperature at special program in the “Computer – Sensors” section. We also advise you to correct some values ​​in the BIOS. For example, threshold automatic shutdown PC overheating. We do it this way:

  1. Go to the BIOS again.
  2. Select Hardware Monitor.
  3. We check the speed values ​​and required amount to start the cooler. If the switching threshold is too high, overheating may occur even before the cooling system starts operating. average speed fans – 1500-2000 RPM (revolutions per minute).

Another option would be to simply disable waiting for the F1 key to be pressed. To do this, you just need to turn off the option “ Wait For F1 if Error" (transfer to Disabled state). In new operating systems, you can find this option in the “Boot” section.

IMPORTANT. This item applies only to non-critical errors.

Occasionally, the problem may be with the motherboard. In this case, diagnostics followed by repair or replacement are necessary.

To summarize, we note that the most common reason If this error appears, it is still a non-working or poorly functioning cooler. Replacing this part is easy and inexpensive. In any case, it will cost less than buying new processor in case of overheating.