Which means the type of communication is not available to the subscriber. What does it mean that this type of communication is not available to Tele2 subscribers?

For many people, staying connected is very important. Often they ask the same from their close people and just acquaintances. Therefore, when they are faced with the fact that someone’s phone is not answering, it confuses them, especially if instead of the usual beeps, an auto-informer sounds. The worst things often come to such people’s minds. But most likely, everything is fine with the relative. You just need to correctly interpret the answering machine phrases.

One of these autoinformer messages is: “This data is not available to the subscriber.” This phrase can be heard for a variety of reasons. And the first thing you need to check is the amount of money in the caller’s account. It is possible that there are simply not enough funds to make such a call. You also need to cancel the ban on outgoing calls using the combination #33*0000# or ##002#.

If after this you hear in response that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, then this is due to the called number. There may be several reasons. The most common of them is a negative subscriber balance when roaming. In this case, until the money arrives in the account, you will not be able to reach him by phone. True, he will still be able to receive SMS.

Another reason could be an accidental or intentional ban on incoming calls. In this case, you just need to cancel it, and the subscriber will be able to receive calls. To do this, you need to dial the combinations #35*0000# and ##002#. If in this case the system responds that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it is possible that his number is blocked. To resume service, you can take your passport to the nearest office or contact center of your mobile operator. A specialist will be able to quickly resolve this problem.

But it also happens that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, and specifically to the one who is calling. It is possible that his number was simply added to the Black List. In this case, you can only do one thing - call from another phone. If you managed to get through, then most likely it is so. Unfortunately, until the subscriber himself removes the number from this list, nothing can be done.

If all the reasons have been eliminated, but the situation has not changed, and this type of communication is not available to the subscriber anyway, you need to restart the phone and move the SIM card to another mobile phone. If this does not help, then you need to contact your mobile operator for help. There may be a problem in the network and you need to fix the problem. You just need to be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to solve the problem that has arisen. Although, of course, any cellular company does everything possible to resolve issues as quickly as possible.

In any case, do not be afraid that the subscriber is unavailable. You can always find out what this auto-informer message means on the company’s website or by contacting its consultants at the contact center or the nearest office. And after that, take all the actions they recommend. It will probably turn out that everything is solvable, and in the near future you will be able to easily contact the called party.

Sometimes an attempt to call the subscriber MTS may result in an answering machine message. Mostly you can hear that the user is currently offline or blocked. There is an extremely rare error “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” which many subscribers have never encountered. Let's find out the most relevant and common cases in which this phrase can be heard from the speaker of your phone.

Network errors

Many operator users are accustomed to hearing automatic messages indicating network problems or problems with their account. In the case of information about the unavailability of communication for the called subscriber, there is nothing to worry about.

Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of all elements that provide MTS communications on the territory of the Russian Federation is a complex matter. No one is immune from problems. It is curious that the phone of the called interlocutor at this moment may be turned on and fully operational.

Accordingly, the person you are calling will not even be aware of the problem. The easiest way is to postpone the call until later. Most likely, after a few minutes, normal network operation will be restored and your interlocutor will be able to receive an incoming call. Nevertheless, against the background of errors that occur, a message about an unavailable connection is a very rare occurrence.

The phone works as a modem Often when a call comes in, the Internet connection is interrupted, because MTS gives priority to providing voice communications. But no one is immune from mistakes; sometimes errors may occur on the part of the operator, due to which you will hear an answering machine when you call.

You can call back a little later. By this time, the called subscriber may turn off the Internet or network failures will stop.

The called party is roaming

Before making a voice call, make sure that the person you are calling is not
now outside the Russian Federation. Theoretically, if such a subscriber has a positive balance, then no

There shouldn't be any connection problems. However, when roaming it can be difficult to keep track of your bill. There are two most convenient ways to solve the problem - top up the person’s account or try calling later, depending on the situation, use the most appropriate one. By the way, the error may occur due to communication problems with the operator providing its services for communication in roaming.


Sometimes you can hear this notification when making a voice call to the subscriber MTS whose number is blocked. As we know, blocking occurs in the absence of timely replenishment of the account. Just try to contact this person later, maybe he will improve the situation by replenishing his balance. Or call him back on another phone, if available.

SIM card failure

You will encounter the notification “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” if the person you are calling has problems with the SIM card or its connector in their mobile phone. This can be resolved by contacting the official MTS office or to the service center, respectively. By the way, this voice message causes some dissatisfaction among users due to the ambiguity of the wording. Most people agree that the operator should change this alert, making it more specific.

If there are no obvious reasons for this error to appear, we recommend contacting the call center of the MTS operator. The manager will study the problem, give a clear answer and help you figure it out.

In the modern world, you constantly have to call, either to resolve personal issues or because of important business issues. Everyone has probably heard different variations of the notification about the impossibility of getting through, and it is not always clear what the problem is. So, many users have a question, what does “This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers” mean? And doesn’t this mean that a person ignores a specific subscriber?

General information about the alert

MTS provides various voice alerts for each case of lack of communication with the subscriber. Information from an answering machine that the called number cannot receive incoming calls due to unavailability of communication is one of the most common and can occur in a large number of cases.

There are no funds on the balance

The first and most common reason why such an alert may appear is that the called user has run out of money in their account. If a subscriber has a negative, or in some cases zero, balance, the full provision of services by the operator is terminated until funds are deposited into his personal account. When the user makes the payment and the SIM card is working, he will receive notifications about missed connections.

To avoid ending up in a similar situation, the company offers customers to use the Autopayment function. Regular customers who actively use the paid services of PJSC Mobile Telesystems are provided with the possibility of loan services from the operator for using communications for a short time after the funds have run out.

Important! When the client uses a pay-as-you-go tariff plan, to unblock incoming calls, it is enough to deposit a small amount into your personal account. When using prepaid packages, the monthly fee must be paid in full to activate the card.

SIM card blocked

The user's SIM card is blocked. MTS provides 2 cases of card blocking: permanent in cases of termination of the contract or non-compliance with its terms by one of the parties, or temporary, at the request of the client, for example, during a long departure.

With this blocking, it is impossible to know for sure what happened to the called number. Therefore, if alternative communication channels are available, it is better to try to use them. Even if the SIM card is temporarily disabled, in this case, notifications about missed calls may not reach the recipient.

Attention! In order not to miss important calls, when voluntarily blocking a card, it is better to set call forwarding to an active phone number.

No network signal

Such an alert also means that where the user is currently located, there is no signal from MTS. The situation may arise in cases where a subscriber moves around the country within the coverage area of ​​partner networks or abroad, without connecting to roaming services or turning them off independently in order to save money.

On most tariff plans available for connection, roaming options are installed by default. However, there are contracts that do not provide for such options. In order not to be left without communication while traveling, you should check the availability of services and, if necessary, activate them before leaving the country.

The telephone is turned off

Some mobile devices, when disconnected, continue to receive the network signal, then when dialing, an alert will sound that the device is temporarily unavailable. If the potential interlocutor’s phone does not support such functionality, then during the call there will be a voice notification “This type of communication is not available for MTS subscribers.”

Attention! In order not to miss important calls when your phone is discharged or turned off, it is recommended to set up the “You got a call!” notification service. With its help, after turning on the device, the user will receive messages about all calls received while the device was turned off, indicating contacts.

Network failure

Sometimes the cellular operator itself experiences operational failures caused by setting up equipment, testing new services, or for reasons beyond its control, force majeure. As a rule, temporary communication interruptions are eliminated quickly even in emergency situations, therefore, in order to understand the reasons for the lack of connection and make sure that there is no connection with the telephone number for reasons that are not the fault of the provider, it is recommended to make several attempts to dial at different intervals .

Internet tariff

A similar alert occurs due to reasons such as using a telephone as a modem or SIM card on a device that does not support telephone conversations (some types of tablets, modems).

Users who rarely talk on a mobile phone and use Internet services more often transfer their phone to special tariffs with maximum traffic, which do not include conversations. This case may also be one of the reasons for the notification that the type of communication is unavailable for the subscriber when trying to call.


A message that this type of communication is not available to an MTS subscriber may indicate different types of blocking or restrictions on the phone number of the called subscriber. When a message is sent to a number that is definitely not blocked, you should try to dial several more times. Alerts often sound when a subscriber is in the metro, where the connection is unstable.

What does “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” mean?

    Information on this topic can be found on the MTS website or from a support operator. But I can't guarantee it will help you. A friend of mine has an MTS operator and he has the phrase this type of communication is not available to the subscriber pronounced in various situations. Logically, it should mean that a person does not have enough money. And since in our country incoming calls are free, it means he is abroad and does not have enough funds to receive a call. But when my friend stupidly rides the subway and is unavailable, I also hear this phrase when calling.

    Probably almost everyone is familiar with the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber, which we hear when we call this or that subscriber. More often, of course, this happens if the person you are calling has run out of funds in their account, or their balance has gone into minus. So he can't receive calls. It is also possible that the subscriber you are trying to reach is blocked. So everything is fine with your phone and SIM card.

    The phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber in most cases can be translated as follows: Would the subscriber want to top up his balance? Another very common option is temporarily blocked by MTS.

    In order to understand what the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber means.

    (Sorry, this type of call cannot be setup) you can view this information on the MTS website. It describes all types of blocking, messages issued and methods for removing blocking. So, in order to unblock the specified phrase, you need to:

    • top up your account to an amount sufficient to pay for the necessary services;
    • pay the invoice.
  • If the answering machine reports that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber (in English it sounds like this: Sorry, this type of call cannot be setup), then this means that number blocked. In this case, both paid and free services are not available to the subscriber. You can unblock a number by topping up your balance. More information about the types of blocking and how to determine the blocking can be found on the MTS website.

    This type of communication is not available to the subscriber (standard MTS excuse) if the called subscriber has little money in his account or a negative balance.

    Anyway, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your phone.

    Try calling your subscriber 2-3 times again, you usually get through.

    The mobile operator MTS (Mobile Tele Systems) has long introduced the practice of blocking subscribers with a negative balance, provided that they do not use the credit limit service or have gone beyond the provided credit.

    If you call an MTS subscriber and hear in response the phrase this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it means the person does not have enough money on his mobile phone balance. As soon as he deposits money into the account, you can call him without any problems.

    Yes, everything is simple here...

    Any operator in the world has a certain type of service, which is divided into areas and dates of the ability to perform something using the mobile gadget of this operator. All these services are divided into paid and free, but both of them must first be activated before they are available for use...

    Let me use an example: there is such a type of service as fax transmission. Almost all operators have it disabled by default, and if you suddenly want to send a fax to someone or receive it, then you first need to activate it, to do this, find out from the operator whether it is paid or not... Until it is activated, when done, you will receive an SMS or in a robot voice they will say:

    this type of communication is not available to the subscriber

    the same thing happens if you have any type of service disconnected, for example, for non-payment or at the end of the validity period...

  • This type of communication is not available to the subscriber

    People also write that the message “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” may appear if the subscriber has a negative balance. The specific amount depends on the tariff plan. And if the subscriber is in the subway.

  • This message may occur in several cases.

    If you run out of money in your account.

    If the activation period for any service has expired and it needs to be renewed or paid for.

    If you are in a place where there is very little or no signal reception.

    It’s possible that something could have happened to the SIM card, so if you hear this phrase quite often and you can’t fix it, contact the office of your mobile operator, or better yet, change the SIM card (if you ask, they can even use the SIM card for the same number issue a new one).

    MTS has recently very often used the phrase This type of communication is not available to the subscriber on the answering machine. This phrase means that the subscriber has a negative balance, and this type of communication is not available to him. Also, such a phrase may mean that the subscriber was blocked for not using MTS services (if you do not top up your account for a long time, do not call or send SMS, the SIM card is blocked, this happened to me with a SIM card from the MTS operator).

    I heard this answer when I called the number of a SIM card located in a 3G modem. Those. this number is not intended for receiving incoming calls, in other words, THIS TYPE OF COMMUNICATION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE SUBSCRIBER. Everything is logical!

    In this case, SMS and outgoing calls are allowed (via Connect Manager you can dial a number and make calls via a computer)

    Sometimes the phone handset will say this type of communication is not available to the subscriber. This usually means that your account has run out of money or you have gone into the red and you can no longer make calls.

    Sometimes there are problems with calls.

    You should either check your balance on your phone, if it is in the black, then call the desired subscriber again, preferably calling from a different location (take a couple of steps).

When you can’t get through to the right person, it’s always unpleasant, and often the reason for this is communication problems. “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” - what does this mean for Tele2 customers and what to do if you hear this message from the autoinformer.

Briefly on the topic

Reasons that you are hearing this alert:

  1. Network error
  2. The phone works in modem mode
  3. The person being called is denied incoming messages or has a negative balance
  4. SIM card failure

Before you tell us what this means, Tele2 customers need to know that the reason for the notification “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” is not their fault. The point is the interlocutor, who for one reason or another cannot accept the challenge. That is, most likely everything is fine with your phone. Here's what might happen to your interlocutor:


Interested in knowing how to disable the Tele2 menu on your phone? Follow the link and read our other article on the site.

What to do

By and large, in this situation nothing depends on you. You need to wait until the person you intend to call takes any steps. It’s another matter if he doesn’t even suspect the existence of such a problem. But, fortunately, in our time, the telephone is far from the only way to communicate. Write to your interlocutor on social networks or instant messengers and let them know that it is not possible to reach them by phone, and also tell them what exactly the auto-informer is telling you. We recommend reading our article about we are sure that the material will be useful to you.