Autocode driver's license verification. Check traffic police fines on your driver's license. Through the mobile application “Traffic fines”

An Internet project called “autocode” was developed by the Moscow government with the aim of implementing two-way interaction with residents of the capital and representatives of city structures. Every year the popularity of the portal is growing, due to the relevance of the information for the population. More and more people are checking cars before purchasing on an online portal.

Each user of the Autocode mos ru portal can find out or request the following information about a car registered in the Capital:

  • Current information on fines and other penalties for traffic violations. Administrative traffic violations.
  • Get information about the place and methods of obtaining a driver's license and car documents.
  • About the operating history of the vehicle and the nature of its operation.
  • About fines for traffic violations or other administrative violations, by a specific person or involving a specific vehicle.
  • About the expiration date of documents.
  • About completed road accidents.
  • About the presence of restrictions imposed on the car.
Also on the Autocode portal there are new services available to ordinary users:
  • Car insurance- calculation of the cost and registration of OSAGO and CASCO policies online. Policies are issued on the websites of partners - insurance agents.

  • Appeal to the AMPP- appeal a parking fine. In this section, you can form and send an appeal only regarding orders for unpaid parking issued by employees of the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP). The numbers of such resolutions (new format) consist of 20 digits and begin with 780 or 25 digits and starts with 03554310 .

  • Transport tax- every car owner must pay it immediately after purchasing a car. The amount of taxes depends on the category and power of the vehicle. Regional authorities have the right to change the tax amount and rate and collect different amounts from different types of vehicles based on the year of manufacture, load capacity and other factors at their discretion.

Go to the Moscow government website

In our country, a large number of cars are sold used. This situation is quite risky for those wishing to purchase such a vehicle. Previously, I had to meet with the seller several times, go to law enforcement agencies, where, through their own channels, they “pushed” the car for legality.

Modern technologies, which have come not only to every office, but also to almost every home, help carry out certain operations much faster. All sorts of services have appeared on the network that help check vehicles remotely.

With this development of online profile pages, users often strive to unlock a car for free using an autocode. This is due to various reasons, one of which is the quality of the result in comparison with similar resources.

Vehicles officially registered in Russia are tested. The current auto check Autocode will provide information about the real history of the car, including all its owners and about the quality of operation of the vehicle. To obtain current data, you must provide one of the unique machine parameters, which include:

  • VIN code located in the engine compartment or on a tag visible when opening the driver's door;
  • state registration number of the car in the classic format A111AA 111;
  • chassis number, registered in the documents for the registered vehicle.

It is important to know! Unlike Autocode, the official Mosavtocode website monitors cars that are registered in the capital and the surrounding region.

After verification, visitors to the portal will be able to receive comprehensive information about a future purchase, which will include the following data:

  • equipment and year of manufacture (model year);
  • how many people owned the vehicle in the past;
  • current mileage of the car;
  • whether it is used as bank collateral;
  • monitoring is carried out on the criminal past and present, whether it is listed as stolen or may have been stolen before;
  • are there any restrictions on registration actions;
  • whether the car was registered with a taxi service;
  • whether there have been any traffic accidents with the vehicle and whether there is damage from them;
  • completeness of a specific car;
  • border crossing history;
  • past repair operations;
  • possible information from foreign sources.

Using an autocode, it is not difficult for a user of any level to unlock a car using its VIN code. All necessary actions required from the user are intuitive. The data provided is as complete as possible.

Purpose of the resource

The service helps citizens avoid encounters with unscrupulous sellers. The authors of the site claim that their brainchild contributes to the following goals:

  • legalization of stolen or fraudulently obtained cars in Russia is prevented;
  • the channel of fraud with real vehicle data, including operating history, is prevented;
  • the service helps citizens not to receive a car of dubious quality or to purchase such a vehicle, having open information about it;
  • Thanks to the discovery of the current parameters, the buyer will be able to value this car at a real amount, which will protect him from overpaying.

The following facts confirm the integrity of cooperation on the part of the company:

  • about 15 thousand users access the resource every day;
  • today the site is the most popular among its analogues in Russia;
  • the money will be returned on the same day if some part of the information is not confirmed.

Quality service

It is unlikely that you will be able to check a car using its autocode for free, since you have to pay for quality. This is due to a wide card index and database. Sources for service developers are:

  • traffic police base;
  • you have to contact the Credit History Bureau;
  • data provided by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers;
  • receive information from Russian courts from open sources;
  • banks also help uncover fraudsters;
  • Bailiffs give their share;
  • there are parameters from insurance companies;
  • car dealers share data;
  • there is a flow from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation;
  • You can get information from popular sales bulletin boards.

For such an extensive flow, the owners are asking 379 rubles, and as a result, a huge amount of work is being done to check. If you spend it yourself, it will be significantly more expensive in terms of time and costs.

The active work of the portal started at the beginning of 2014, when the Moscow Department of Information Technologies began its large-scale testing. The initiator of the creation of the Autocode portal was the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

The purpose of creating the Autocode portal is to improve interaction between residents of the capital, city organizations, executive authorities on the one hand, and the city traffic police on the other on issues related to traffic in the capital.

Login to the Autocode portal

The main page of the portal opens before you:

All 15 services of the Autocode portal are conveniently located on its main page.

Among them:

  • Autostory.
  • Violations and fines.
  • Car insurance.
  • Appeals to AMPP.
  • Transport tax.
  • Appeals to MADI.
  • Pre-registration at the registration and examination departments of the traffic police.
  • Status of consideration of the appeal.
  • Vehicle registration status.
  • Obtaining medical insurance for the traffic police.
  • Evacuation of the vehicle.
  • Vehicle registration.
  • PTS check.
  • Make an appointment for a personal appointment at MADI.
  • Taxi check.

You can easily select the service you need.

What is the difference between working on the Autocode portal for an authorized and unauthorized user?

To work on the Autocode portal, you will initially have to go through the registration process. The portal allows both registered and unregistered visitors to receive information, however, only registered users have full access to data and the ability to perform certain actions on the portal.

  • About obtaining a driver's license.
  • About registering a car.
  • On penalties for violating traffic rules.
  • On the preparation of the European protocol and some others.

In addition, an unregistered user of the portal can obtain brief information about the history of the vehicle, namely: make, model, number of previous owners, how many accidents occurred involving the vehicle.

When registering on the Autocode portal, the user receives a unique login and password. They allow you to use the portal’s personal account.

  • Fines, their verification and payment control. Get information about discounts on fines.
  • Subscribe to notifications about new fines.
  • Make a preliminary appointment with the traffic police to register a vehicle, take exams for a driver’s license, replace a driver’s license, and more.
  • Submitting applications to MADI.
  • Submission of appeals to the AMPP.
  • Full information about the history of the vehicle and much more.

Important: on the Autocode portal you can get complete information about the history of the car: the number of owners, how many times the vehicle was involved in an accident, what damage the car previously received and much more.

The portal is very convenient for users. Let's take a closer look at the work of the Autocode portal using a specific example.

Checking fines on the Autocode portal

Every car driver has violated traffic rules at least once in his life. You might not even notice your violation, stopping, for example, under a prohibitory sign or exceeding the permitted speed by several kilometers.

The Autocode portal allows you to check whether you have any fines for traffic violations.

Pay special attention: To have access to the “Violations and Fines” service of the Autocode portal, you must be a registered user of the system.

In the form that appears, enter your username and password and click “Login”

To find out whether penalties have been imposed on you for violating traffic rules, you must do the following:

1. On the main page of the portal, select the “Fines and Violations” section. It is located in the upper left corner of the portal.

When you hover your mouse over a section, its three subsections appear:

  • Check fines.
  • Evacuation.
  • Penalty table.

2.Select the subsection that interests us: “Check fines.”

The system navigates to a page where the following information form is located:

3. You need to enter the details of your driver’s license and vehicle certificate.

After entering the information, click “Check”.

You receive a list of fines and violations that were registered in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region. The system will also indicate the possible payment of fines at a discount.

Information about fines that were imposed by employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, State Institution of the Autonomous Republic of Belarus, and MADI is displayed on the portal after it appears in the relevant databases of the authorities.

It is possible to check the payment of the fine according to the resolution.

To do this, in the above information form, you must enter the number of the order to pay the fine. Then click “Check”.

As a result, we receive information whether the payment has been taken into account.

You can also go to the page with the form for checking fines by clicking on the red banner of the “Violations and Fines” service located on the right side of the main page of the portal.

Autocode portal services allow you to set up automatic notification of new fines that may be issued to you. To do this, go to the user’s personal account and select “Notification Settings”. Here you need to select the types of notifications and click “Save”.

You will receive information about new fines by email specified when registering on the portal.

Now you can control whether you are fined for violating traffic rules, and if such a situation arises, pay the fine in a timely manner.

The Autocode information portal contains all the reliable information about cars and their owners, since the initiator of the creation of the system was the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The basis of the portal is the ability to obtain information about road accidents or fines, and the government services provided by the autocode system allow you not only to register a car, but to obtain or change a driver’s license. The entire list of services and opportunities for car owners will be analyzed within the framework of this article; using step-by-step instructions will help you independently obtain all the necessary information.

Registration on the Autocode portal

It is possible to use the functions of the Autocode portal in full only after registration. Lack of registration allows you to partially use the service, for example, when checking a vehicle, the information received will be truncated and incomplete. Developed primarily for car owners in Moscow and the region, the Autocode system is open to residents of the capital registered with government services. To log in, you need to follow the link and click the “Login” button in the upper right corner, specify your username and password, after which access will be opened.

Residents who do not have registration for public services need to register, to do this they will need to indicate:

  • personal data (full name);
  • email - you should use a personal mailbox, since only with its help will it be possible to restore your login and password in case of loss;
  • login and password;
  • one of the security questions to choose from and write the answer to it;
  • active mobile phone number to which an SMS message with a code will be sent to confirm registration.

After this, having previously read the user agreement, you should check acceptance and wait for the link that is sent to the specified email address to complete registration. After registration, access to the portal will be opened in full.

Detailed answers have been prepared for all problems that may arise during registration. To familiarize yourself, open the “Registration Questions” link in the upper right corner of the registration form.

How to check a car's history?

Purchasing a car is quite a serious step, especially if the car has already been used. The official website autocode will help you find out whether the car has been in an accident, whether the indicated mileage and year of manufacture correspond to the declared one, and also to clarify the number of owners. To get a full report about the car, hover over the “Check” button and select the “Autohistory” service:

In the form that opens, you will need to provide the following information:

  • VIN number (identification) or registration plate of your choice - open the required tab;
  • series and number of the registration certificate.

The full “Autohistory” report, requested on the official website autocode through government services, includes the following items:

  • car characteristics;
  • number of owners;
  • participation in an accident and the nature of the damage, including based on information from insurance companies;
  • use as a taxi and other commercial purposes;
  • maintenance and actual vehicle mileage;
  • the presence of various types of restrictions, including a ban on registration;
  • preliminary calculation of the amount of transport tax to be paid.

This service allows you to obtain information only about vehicles registered in Moscow and the region. If the car is not found, try using the service on the website of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - “Vehicle check”, which also accumulates information about the participation of the car in an accident and the presence of prohibitions.

The official website of the traffic police allows you to receive the following information about the car when entering the VIN number:

  • general characteristics, including car make, model, year of manufacture, color, engine size, power and type;
  • number of owners and periods of ownership;
  • participation in an accident;
  • being wanted;
  • the presence of prohibitions and restrictions.

Thus, one should conclude that the “Autohistory” report on the official website autocode contains more complete and detailed information. This allows you to be confident in your purchase when purchasing a car in Moscow.

How to check and pay fines for autocode?

After amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, providing for the opportunity to pay fines for traffic violations with a 50% discount within 20 days, the issue of checking the availability of fines in real time became relevant in order to be able to pay on time.

Residents of Moscow and the region have the opportunity to view fines with photographs on the Autocode portal , To do this, just indicate the information of either a driver’s license or registration certificate on the page “Checking violations and fines”:

As part of the autocode government services offered by the portal, after specifying the information necessary for verification, a full report will be generated on the presence of all recorded violations and fines imposed. The report includes the following information:

  • number and date of the resolution;
  • payment terms during which the discount is valid (if any), as well as the payment period without the application of additional penalties;
  • photograph from the scene of the violation;
  • Payment Information.

The drop-down block will additionally indicate complete information about the violator, including personal data and contacts, vehicle information, as well as the type of violation and date of the event.

In addition to checking for fines, the Autocode service allows you to pay online using a special server. If you are unable to pay immediately, you should print a receipt and pay using the specified details. Thus, the information portal can significantly save time; there is no need to wait for the decision to be received by mail and subsequently receive it in person at the post office.

Residents of the regions can only check for a fine and generate a receipt for payment. To do this, you need to click on the “Services” button on the traffic police website and select the “Check fines” item:

The verification is carried out on the basis of the full registration plate, as well as the series and number of the driver's license. There is no need to enter the driver’s personal data, since the check is carried out only on the vehicle without reference to any individual, including the owner or driver.

The system contains information only about unpaid fines. If a previously paid fine is displayed, you must contact the traffic police for clarification. If there is a fine, the date of the violation, the number of the resolution will be displayed, and the period during which the 50% discount is valid (if any) will be indicated. Unlike residents of the capital, who are given the opportunity to view fines with photographs on the Autocode portal, residents of the regions are offered, although scant information, sufficient to check the presence of a fine.

How to check a driver's license?

On the Autocode portal - government services for motorists, Moscow residents can not only check the status of their driver’s license, but also obtain or replace a previously issued license. To check on the page “Obtaining and checking a driver’s license”, it is enough to indicate the series, number and date of issue of the driver’s license - this information is enough to clarify the fact of admission to driving or deprivation of such a right.

Registration on the portal allows you to:

  • sign up for a medical examination to receive a certificate in the prescribed form;
  • register with the traffic police, for example, to take exams to obtain a driver’s license;
  • pay the state fee or print a receipt.

Unlike Moscow car owners, who are granted expanded rights and opportunities through government services on the official website autocode, residents of the regions can only check the status of their driver’s license. To do this, on the traffic police website you should use the “Services” service, select “Check driver” and enter information, including the series, number and date of issue of the driver’s license being checked.

Additional features of the Autocode portal

The Autocode information portal, in addition to its basic capabilities, gives Moscow motorists the right to use the following specific functions:

  • checking information about the evacuation of a car is carried out based on the license plate number. The system offers you to use the SMS notification service, which is completely free. The sent message will contain information about where the car was sent and the traffic police/MADI unit to which to contact;
  • appeal an incorrect decision on a violation by contacting the electronic reception with a complaint;
  • calculate and, if necessary, issue an MTPL policy - the Autocode portal works with various insurance companies - this allows car owners to calculate the cost of a policy from several insurers;
  • calculate the amount of transport tax, check and pay it using a direct link to the Federal Tax Service website;
  • familiarize yourself with the current rules for drawing up a European protocol on compulsory motor liability insurance and register a minor accident without the participation of traffic police officers. The portal contains complete information about the procedure for drivers when drawing up a European protocol, as well as the mechanism for receiving payment from an insurance company.
  • Attention! Lawyers do not make appointments, do not check the readiness of documents, do not advise on the addresses and operating hours of the MFC, and do not provide technical support on the State Services portal!

Нttps:// is an official website directly related to the field of road traffic. Implemented by the Moscow city government, at the initiative of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, with the intention of simplifying interactivity between car owners and the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

About the site

The main methods for identifying all owners of a car or other vehicle include:

  • checking vehicles for theft;
  • inspection of the car for prohibition of registration actions;
  • control over the absence or presence of unpaid fines, the ability to view photographic materials on the violation;
  • obtaining information about car insurance;
  • obtaining data on vehicle mileage;
  • obtaining information about the presence or absence of an accident;
  • checking vehicle registration;
  • monitoring changes in the status of the car after its sale/disposal;
  • viewing the characteristics of the vehicle, information about the number of owners and periods of operation of the vehicle;

To check the vehicle, you need to register on the official government services portal and log in to the website www avtokod mos ru under your account.

In order to use the autocode portal to unlock a car for free in Moscow by VIN, we will need to enter the VIN number in the provided line on the main page and click “Check”.

VIN is a unique vehicle identification number containing information about the manufacturer and characteristics of the vehicle. The VIN code consists of 17 characters (Latin characters and numbers). For example: 1234567890ABCDEFG

In order to use the autocode portal to unlock a car for free in Moscow by car number, we will need to enter on the main page the individual registration plate (number) of the car, consisting of an alphanumeric combination and a regional code, in a specially designated line. Example: A123AA12

Using the Autocode Mos Russian Federation website, you can check the car using the vehicle certificate. To do this, you should enter the vehicle registration certificate on the main page in the specially designated line and click “Check”.

Vehicle registration certificate is a document issued when a vehicle is registered (laminated card). One of the mandatory documents that you must have with you when driving a vehicle. Example: 12AA123456

Methods for checking fines and vehicle violations

On the avtokod mos ru website you can check fines and violations.

To do this, go to “Fines and violations” (check fines).

Enter the data of the vehicle certificate, driver's license or order number in the special fields, click “Check” and receive information in real time.

Driver's license

On the autocode mos ru official website you can obtain free information about the driver’s status and the driver’s license issued to him, as well as learn about the rules for obtaining and replacing it. To do this, you must enter the series and number of the driver's license, the date of issue.

Document check - Check your driver's license.

When filling out the “Driver’s license” field, you need to avoid spaces, using numbers and Russian letters. Example: 12AA123456 or 1200123456

When filling out the "Date of Issue" field, select the date of issue of the driver's license you specified using the calendar. For example: 01/01/2010.

Vehicle certificate

Checking documents - Check the vehicle certificate.

To search for information about registration actions performed with a vehicle, enter the following combination of input parameters: “VIN” and “Vehicle Certificate”.

The new regulations provide for 4 types of registration actions:

  • Vehicle registration;
  • Changing registration data;
  • Deregistration of a vehicle;
  • Termination of car registration;

Resolution number

Using the resolution number, you can check fines in real time (see “Methods of checking fines and vehicle violations”).

Resolution on payment of a fine (resolution number) - the number of the document issued for an administrative offense. The resolution number consists of 20 or 25 digits.

Example:18812345678901234567 or 0356123456789012345678901

What information will you receive on

On the Autocode portal you will receive free information about the use of a particular vehicle, its operation, the presence of fines, offenses, the procedure for registration and validity of documents, and much more. And although the portal currently searches only for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the near future the site will become available to all regions of Russia.

Sample report

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