Analytics: How to play via modem. 2 Accept incoming connections. Fig.1 Components used for connection

In the second issue of "Mania" for this year, the article "Game via modem" was published, in which accessible language explained how to play any game that supports a modem connection with a friend over a modem.
Despite the fact that the article stated detailed guide to establish a connection, you began to receive questions about setting up modems for specific systems and games. According to the most frequently asked questions We have prepared this FAQ.
Question (Q): You wrote that you can play via a modem via the TCP\IP protocol. Is it possible to play Warcraft III like this?

Answer (A): Can. The algorithm of actions does not differ from what was described in the article.
Q: I want to play online with a friend, but he has XP and I have Win 98. Every time I connect, the system requires me to enter my domain name and password. How to get around this?

A: Open Control Panel, then Network. In the "Network login method" column, select "Regular login to Windows."
Q: When I try to play via modem, the game asks me to enter my IP address. How to recognize him?
A: Go to "Start" / "Run", in the input line type the phrase "winipcfg". Play for your health.
Q: I'm already tired of playing with one opponent. I want variety. Tell me how to play Counter-Strike on the Internet?
A: In the main menu - Play CS, then Play Online. Now or create it yourself new game(however, get ready for a painful wait) or connect to one already created by someone (much easier).
Q: We do everything exactly according to the article. We tried to play Unreal Tournament. We launch LAN Games and simply don’t see our opponent. What to do?

A: The fact of the matter is that you need to click not Find LAN Games, but Open Location, where you enter your friend’s IP address.
Q: I recently installed Windows Millennium Edition, but everything is not as described in the magazine. Do you really have to play only online?

A: You can play Millennium, but it will take some effort. Launch My Network Wizard and create a Networking Floppy (network floppy). With it, you go to a friend (or send content using programs), he runs the file, and everything works fine. But it works with a small caveat - only if you have a network card installed (it's quite cheap - about $10).
Q: If I want to play via modem, do I need to launch HyperTerminal? And in general, what is this utility for?

A: This program is needed to transfer files via modem. HT has an inconvenient interface, so we recommend using analogues of this utility - PC-Telephone and Imici Messenger.
Q: My friend and I decided to play via modem. They did everything as written in the February issue of “Mania”, they even indicated the same IP address. I (the server) log into Kwaku/Multiplayer, create a new game and wait. Meanwhile, my friend also logs into Quake, presses the tilde and writes "connect", and after that the countdown begins (AWAITING CHALLENGE...1,2,3,4...). He waited until 120... How to establish a connection?
A: We received about fifteen letters of similar content. This problem has plagued Quakers around the world for quite some time. The solution is simple: incompatibility between Quake III versions. For example, you have latest version 1.31, and your friend has the ancient 1.17. To play, you just need to patch the games with the same “patch”.
Q: After reading the article about modem gaming, I have one question. As far as I understand, the game method described in the magazine is suitable for Win9x. How to play on Windows XP? I went into " Windows installation", looked through all the sections there, but couldn't find "server" anywhere remote access". I decided that it was installed by default, so I started looking at " remote connections", in the connection properties, etc., but I couldn’t find anything anywhere. If it’s not difficult, write how to play via a modem in XP.
A: Go to Control Panel/Network Connections/New connection wizard/Set up an advanced connection/Accept incoming connections. Next, select the dialer device (in our case, a modem) and check the box next to Allow Private Connections. Meanwhile, your partner creates a LAN server (attention - no dialing!), and you get the opportunity to see it as if you had a mesh. But one more important fact should be noted. While your computer is turned on, your friend can safely climb on your computer. So worry about security issues in advance. In XP it is best to do this in advance regular user(guest) with reduced rights and put it in the menu where we checked the box next to Allow Private Connections.
We wish you a strong connection, low ping and always the first line in the leaderboard...

Games via modem.

Despite low speed You can not only play in the strategy, but also something faster, for example in Unreal Tournament, if you adjust it (install Mod ZeroPing_100 and set in UnrealTourament.ini ConfiguredInternetSpeed=1550, where 1550 CPS is the speed at which modems are reliably connected). Learn more about setting up Unreal Tournament - setting up and playing via modem in Unreal Tournament. Setting up and playing via modem in CounterStrike.

Although in 3D it is not very convenient - in case of temporary problems with the transmission, you will miss or fly away somewhere. The strategy was calmly played, lowering it to 14400-28000 (to be safe). It's especially good to play Worms.

Setting up for 2000/XP:
On one we set up a connection like the Internet, only we indicate the phone number of the computer that will be the server (don’t forget the letter P in front of the number - pulse dialing, and if tone dialing, then the letter T or just a number. For example, P444666 - pulse dialing on a classic PBX and T515151 for more modern PBXs with tone dialing). If you check the boxes Client for Microsoft networks And File access service, then shared (folders and hard disks computers accessible over the network) resources of both computers. But overall performance network will decrease. Therefore, if you plan to play, it is better not to do so. And to transfer files it is better to use, for example, . We leave for maximum performance TCP/IP only.

Fig.1 Components used by the connection.

On the second we start the server
Choose Install direct connection Next > accept incoming connections

Fig.2 Accept incoming connections.

Fig 3. Selecting a modem.

Rice. 4. Users who are allowed to connect.

Set the password by clicking the Properties button.

Tell the caller your password and name.

Rice. 5. Setting a password

Fig.6 Network components. TCP/IP click Properties and set addresses manually. For example from to

Allow the caller to indicate their IP

Fig.7 Properties of incoming calls

The server will have an IP address of, and the caller will have After connecting the modems, we check the connection. Firewalls and similar programs should be turned off - you are not on the Internet, and there is no one to fear. Although if a friend has a network virus... ;)

<10мс TTL=128
Start\Run, type ping (for the server) and ping (for the caller). It should display something like this (example for a caller):<10мс TTL=128
Start\Run, type ping (for the server) and ping (for the caller). It should display something like this (example for a caller):<10мс TTL=128

Reply from number of bytes = 32 time

The less time the better. But if it’s like this:

Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes:
Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes:

It’s possible that the computer’s IP is NOT, but something else. Or the connection is very bad - low, a huge amount of interference due to which the modems re-match the speeds. Try calling again. Although if it’s just a matter of IP address, then some games will find a running game server themselves. Those. on one machine we launch the game server, on the second we try to find the server and connect to it.

If you have opened access and installed file access services, then you need to open computers by typing \\ and \\, respectively. In the picture, the computer with IP has access to drive C.

Fig.8. Computer resources.

After a while, the computers in Network environment, if they had specified same working group. Computer names must be different, and preferably in Latin letters.

Fig.9 Setting up network identification

You can talk and transfer files without installing the file access service (I remind you that it is better not to enable it) by running (available on every machine) - Start \ Run and type conf. After setup (this only happens during the first start), in the window, enter the IP address of the machine you are calling and click Call.

Fig. 10. Netmeeting window.

And on the called one, press the Accept button that appears. It is better to disable the use of audio transmission.
The game immediately sees the server (For example, Unreal Tournament). If not, point to the direct IP of the server. Open a place in Unreal Tournament (if the copies of the game are different, then before starting the game it will download the missing files from the server? Therefore, it is advisable to use the same copy so as not to download maps, skins, etc. via a modem).
In XP, be sure to kill the QoS service (Start\Run, type gpedit.msc) otherwise 20% of the channel will be idle. By the way, this must also be done for an Internet connection.

Previously, there was a site below I quote the page of this site.

No. 1. For the server (for the first player)

Step 1. Go to “network connections” (start - settings - control panel - network connections, or start - control panel - network connections) and select “create a new connection”. The New Connection Wizard will appear.

Step 2. Click “next”, select “establish a direct connection to another computer” click “next”, select “accept incoming connections” click “next”, check the box next to your modem and click “next”, select “prohibit virtual private connections” and click “next”. Select “add” and a window will appear.

Point 3. In the user column, write “max” and the password “max” (do not write anything in the “full name” column) Note: the password and user name can be changed to any other. When you have entered everything, click “ok” and check the box next to the created user (and remove the other checkboxes), now click “next” and now check the boxes everywhere.

Step 4. Then left-click once on “Internet protocol TCP\IP” and click “properties”, then select “specify TCP\IP addresses explicitly”. Now in column c enter:, and in column by: Click “ok” and “next” then “done”.

(Point 5. Personally, I recommend the program “modem taliking v3.0” (but there are also newer versions, but I haven’t tried them yet), if you use this program, you need to skip point 4 in this chapter. Download the program from the Internet , launch it (“chat”), click “setup”, “fix the ip to the desired one”. The server puts “1” at the end, and the client “2”. Click “ok”, and then “update” (it’s okay if the computer will write an error, just close the window) now your IP address is updated. But the Internet may not work with this IP address, so it is advisable to return the program settings after the game:

Go to the “setup” program, “return default ip” and click update. That's it, now continue with #2.

No. 2 For the client (for the second player)

Step 1. Repeat step 1 No. 1, click “next” and select “connect to the Internet” click “next”, then select “set up a connection manually” click “next”, select “via a regular modem” click “next”, enter in In the “service provider name” column, any word (or the name of another player), click “next”. Now enter the phone number of another player using the English p, for example pхххххххх, click “next”, in the user name column enter the user name that you specified in step 3 No. 1, and in the password column also enter the password that you specified in step 3 No. 1 (in this case user: “max” and password: “max”) and click “next” and “done”.

No. 3 Connection

Now the client selects the created connection and “presses the call”, while the server waits for the call (At this time, the server computer, after several calls, will answer automatically). During the connection of both sides, sounds will be heard and after that the modems will connect and an icon in the form of 2 computers will appear.

#4 Game setup

Point 1. After connecting, the server must go into the game and select “network game” or “network game” (maybe something like that), then the server goes to “ICP\IP connection” (or there will also be something something like that) and clicks “create” or something similar, for example, maybe “server”. When he clicked on "create" he is now waiting for the client"

Point 2. Meanwhile, the client clicks on the icon with the right mouse that appears in the right corner of the screen when connecting (an icon in the form of 2 computers) and double-clicks on it with the left mouse, then selects “information” and looks at the client’s IP address there and writes down it on a piece of paper.

(If you need to enter an IP address in the game: With each new connection, it is necessary to look, write down and enter the IP address of the server!!!, it can change) Then also enter the game and click “network game” and select “ICP\IP connection” There he enters in the IP column the IP address of the server written on a piece of paper (with all the dots) and clicks “login” or “join” and after a couple of seconds a table will appear, after a while the server name will appear in it, and the client clicks on it 2 times with the left mouse and enters. That's all that's left to do: set up the game and play.

(But in many games you don’t need to enter the IP address anywhere, and it may even be that the table will appear immediately after the client clicks on “network game”; there you just have to wait a couple of seconds and the server name should appear, and then double-click on it and forward)

Note: In #4, all values ​​in quotes may have other similar names in games. No. 4 was considered using the example of the game “Stronghold Crusader”

In our age of high technology, advanced solutions and total immersion in the Internet of the whole world, the fact remains that the vast majority of users in Russia connect to the Internet via... a simple modem. Unfortunately, dialup is ineradicable in the near future. Someone can argue as much as they like that ADSL has long ruled the roost in Russia. If by Russia in this case we mean Moscow and the Northern capital, then yes, he rules and even dashingly steers the

prohibitive speeds. But as soon as you drive away from the designated settlements by rail, a completely different picture will appear to a curious eye. Dial-up connection - at best 56... at worst -14.400 and below.
However, in large cities, according to statistics, there are still as many dialup users as there are ADSL users and comrades sitting on leased lines combined. Statistics put everything in its place and put in place everyone who tries to argue with it. So it turns out that some Vasya Pupkin wants to cut his hair in some Half-Life 2 or, say, the next series UT with his friend Izya Shniperson, but no dedicated line at hand, no ADSL.
But in this case there is also a way out. Many users - and especially those who buy dial-up cards - do not even try to play their favorite games via... a modem. This is considered impossible. Like, everything will slow down, and those who play with me on faster connections will
They'll beat you right away. No question, of course they will beat you if you play via the Internet. Another thing is that you can play with a friend. What is called “computer to computer”. And this is where it turns out that the most ordinary modem is still very capable, and even the most modern games can be played in co-op or you can have a brutal “meat” death match with a friend - the dial-up speed is almost always enough.
But here another problem arises. It seems like there are good games, and I really want to play, but how the hell can I do it? Games usually don't have any special option for playing over a modem. Unfortunately, this is true. Developers of modern games do not focus on the domestic mass consumer. People in the USA, England, Sweden and other game-producing countries don’t know that we have so many dial-up players, so they are sharpening the gameplay for “thick” Internet channels. However, demand always creates supply, and knowledgeable people have long learned to play games via modem that were not intended for this. And if so, then let’s follow their example and figure out in detail how, having a popular game, a friend “on the other end of the line” and the desire to fight in a deathmatch or play through the game in co-op, we can still achieve what we want.
Tune in to the wave
All actions are carried out in the operating system Windows: It is possible to use third-party programs, but this is not necessary - the standard configuration of “window windows” is quite enough. Please note that it is best suited for playing via modem Windows 98. WITH WinXP, despite the fact that all the functions described below are provided in it, it is more difficult to play via a modem - for reasons unknown to science, the connection is less stable, and on the same line the speed on Windows 98 is higher,
Therefore, we recommend installing this particular system. If you have WinXP, then it is better to install 98 as the second operating system.
To start the game, the first thing you need to do is install the necessary utilities from the Windows distribution. Go to the menu Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs and click on the bookmark Windows installation. Select component Connection and install Remote access server(by default this kit is not installed on computers). Insert the Windows distribution disk and wait until the installation is complete.
When the installer finishes, go to My Computer/Dial-Up Networking and check the box in the menu Allow remote connections. Now your car will not show its temper and will readily surrender itself into the hands of the one who calls you on dialup.
A very important point. Theoretically, the settings described above are enough to play many games, but... Not all. Some require a static IP address. To define it, go to the menu Control Panel/Network, select the item TCP/IP and check the box next to the item Specify the IP address explicitly. The first player should indicate IP, the second - . Subnet mask both players need to determine in . Now restart the computer: the second player can start calling the first. Be sure to check that the connection speed (registered at the time of connection) is at least 28.800 - in reality it will be lower, but it is at this initial connection speed that you can play most modern games.
If you want to play, for example, the third “Quake”, then the first player needs to start
game and activate the item Multiplayer/Create, in which you must indicate the server name in the field Hostname. After that click on OK and create a game. The second player enters the game, activates the console with the “ key ~ ” (tilde) and writes in it - Connect After a few seconds the connection will occur.
In other games, the connection is made in a similar way. For example, in Counter-Strike the first player needs to activate the item Create game, and the second - only after the first player has fully loaded the level, activate Lan Game and click there Refresh. After a few seconds, the name of the server you can connect to will appear. Another option is to go to the menu Internet games and directly enter the IP address of the first player and his port number (most often ).
Brief modem dictionary
Bit/s- aka BPS, a unit of measurement for data transfer speed over the Network.
Modem- modulator-demodulator, converter of a digital computer signal into an analog telephone line signal for organizing communication between two computers. Standard dial-up modems, in addition to the main function, often support fax, answering machine, and caller ID functions.
Modem pool- telephone number by which you can dial to your Internet provider.
CPS (Chars Per Second)- an indicator that determines the data transfer speed on a given line. Number of characters per second. Essentially, one character is one byte of information.
AT commands- commands that control the modem. Some AT commands are standard and
are suitable for controlling any modem, others are different for different modems.
Initiating the modem- during each session, the modem is activated with a certain set of commands that the user can change. By default, the modem starts with a standard set of operands, but you can manually add your own commands. For example, increase the signal level on the line or determine the tone/pulse dialing method.

Passion for XP
When playing via modem Windows XP The connection, for reasons unknown to science, is less stable - the connection is regularly broken, and the speeds are not as high as in the case of the 98th “Ventochka”, but in this system you can successfully play various games. But only if you are not a happy PBX user
pre-revolutionary period. The settings of the XP system differ from the settings of the 98th system, so let's look in detail at what and where to click, where to click and where to put what checkboxes.
Go to Control Panel\Network and further in Internet connection\Network connections. Create a new connection by clicking Further. Select items Establish a direct connection to another computer. Press again Further. Click on the item Accept incoming connections and press again
Further. Determine the connection device and check the box in the next window. Click Further and select users who can connect with you (each needs to define a login and password). Press again Further- from this moment the computer goes into call waiting mode. Next, we define a static IP address. On the menu Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) select an item Properties and explicitly set TCP/IP addresses. At the point WITH: the first player writes , second - . At the point By: both write . Now reboot the machine and you are ready to connect. The first player is already waiting for a call, while the second simply dials, as if he were calling an Internet provider. Further, everything is identical to working in Windows 98 - the settings in games are no different.
While setting up Windows XP to play via modem, you may encounter the following bug. When creating an incoming connection, you must select the device type - modem or parallel port. You must check the box next to the modem so that the modem monitors the incoming signal. And this is where the “window” can fail: when you click OK, the check mark disappears, and the modem, accordingly, does not monitor the line. We were unable to solve this problem using software, but... When you restart the computer, the bug regularly disappears and then appears again.
Another important point. After an established connection via modem, the friend with whom you are going to play has access to all the disks on your computer. If you completely trust your friend, everything is fine; if not, then it’s better to take care of creating a secure connection in advance. In XP, for this you need to define a regular user in advance (
Guest) with limited rights and put it in the menu where we checked the box Allow internal private connections (Allow Private Connections).Speed ​​is everything
We learned how to connect two remote computers via a modem. But what to do if you still want to play over the Internet, but you only have a modem and the notorious dial-up connection. On most PBXs, the speed does not allow playing, for example, high-speed 3D-action games. In strategy -
Yes, you can, but not in shooters. The reason lies in the quality of the modem’s connection to the local PBX. It’s good if the PBX is digital, but what if it’s analog and at the same time of the most terrible variety - ten-day-step, not coordinate?! It would seem that there is no way out of this situation, but something can be done. And in some cases even achieve acceptable speeds.
To begin with, you should buy a high-quality modem, for example US-Robotics Courier V.90. No matter what anyone says, on old PBXs this “machine” gives a speed increase of 20% or more. But it is not always possible and willing to buy a new expensive modem. In this case, too, not all is lost, and there are ways to get a noticeable increase in speed. For this, all you need is to correctly configure the modem via AT commands. Let's take a closer look at how to do this. There are a great many third-party utilities for entering AT commands, but we will do it simpler - we will use the standard Windows Hyper Terminal. Launch terminal: click Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/Hyper Terminal. A window will appear New connection, in which you need to specify a random name, for example Enter. After that click on OK- another window will appear in
which has a point Connect via. Select the port through which the modem is connected. If you have an internal modem, you need to define a port for it COM2. If the modem is external (USB version), then COM3. After this, click on again OK- you will be redirected to the bookmark Port properties, in which specify Speed ​​(bit/s), equal to 115200 , and click on again OK. That's it, the modem is ready to receive AT commands.
In the terminal, go to the menu File, select the item Properties and in the window that opens, go to the bookmark Options, on which click on the button ASCII options. Enable all options Complement carriage returns (CR) with line feeds (LF). Pay attention to the nuance with the option Display entered characters on screen. If the option is enabled and the symbols in the main terminal window are displayed twice, then this option must be disabled. If the option is disabled and the symbols are not displayed at all, then enable it.
Now you need to collect modem connection statistics. You can do this while connected to the Internet, or after completing the communication session. Collecting statistics directly during the communication process is quite difficult, so let's look at a simpler way of collecting statistics, as they say, after the fact. Connect to the Internet and browse various sites for half an hour or an hour. During this time, test traffic will be created. Disconnect from the Internet and launch the terminal. Switch to AT command input mode and use them to display statistics on the physical state of the connection. For example, for the most common Zyxel modems in Russia this is the command - ATI12(for other modems, see the documentation for your specific model). Also set a few more important commands: ATI14 (shows which protocols your ISP supports), ATI13(analysis of the frequency response of the channel) and without fail ATI2(summary report). After you issue the ATI12 command, a variety of data will appear on the terminal screen. You are primarily interested in the following parameters. SNR- signal-to-noise ratio (the higher the number, the better the connection). Rx Bit Rate- speed of receiving data from the provider. Tx Bit Rate- the speed of sending data from your computer to the provider’s computer. Rx Level- a very important parameter that determines the strength of the signal from the provider’s computer (the higher the number, the better the quality of the connection). Tx Power- signal strength from your computer to the provider’s computer.
Next, issue the ATI2 command and record the following data. Retrains Requested- shows how many times your modem asked the provider’s modem for a retrain. This is the main indicator of the deafness of your modem: the more such requests, the more often your modem ceases to understand the received data. Retrains Granted- the number of requests to resend data (the more, the less reliable the connection). FRN Granted- how many times the provider changed the connection speed during the expired Internet access session. FRN Requested- how many times your computer changed the data transfer speed.
Let's draw up a protocol!
Many people know that there are certain modem communication protocols, but few people have any idea what these protocols are, and even more so, how they differ. Let's figure it out.
v.34- a relatively new modem communication protocol that supports a data transfer rate of 28,800 bps. The minimum speed is 2400, then increases by 2400 with each step. The protocol is distinguished by a large, compared to other protocols, amount of data transmitted in one modulation session.
v.34bis.- extended version of protocol v.34. It features an increased maximum data transfer rate - 33,600 bps.
v.90- the so-called “semi-digital” data transfer protocol, supporting speeds up to 56,000 bps. In addition to v.90, there are still various of its “relatives” - protocols V.PCM And 56k, which are used only on asymmetrical lines. That is, when a regular modem is installed on one end of the wire, and a “digital” modem (direct interface unit) is installed on the other. In this case, the signal is transmitted from the “digital” modem in digital form, and from the user - in analog form.

Setting details
Write down all the data received on a piece of paper - it’s time to do a detailed analysis of the results obtained. Compare the numbers obtained by the Retrains Granted and Retrains Requested teams. If the first number is significantly larger than the second, this means that the provider's computer cannot hear your modem. In this case, it is necessary to increase the level
modem signal. If the situation is the opposite, that is, Retrains Granted is noticeably lower than Retrains Requested, then your modem, on the contrary, should be muted to remove excess background from the line. Now let's talk about how to do this. Using the ATI12 command you already know, the Tx Power parameter is displayed, showing the signal level. By default on the vast majority of modems it is equal to -11 dB/mW. To change the parameter use the command AT*Px (X- signal level). We remind you that this command definitely works in modems from Zyxel, but other commands may be used in modems from other companies (carefully read the manuals for your modems). To increase the signal level, set, for example, the command AT*P15 - the signal will be equal to -15 dB/mW. Similarly, the signal level can be reduced.
Once you have adjusted your signal strength accordingly, reconnect to the internet and test your traffic. If the connection speed has increased and the Rx Bit Rate parameter has increased, everything is fine, this is the signal level that your modem needs. If the expected connection change does not occur, you need to experiment a little more with the signal - increase it a little or decrease it, depending on the parameters. Having selected the required level, you need to write it into the modem initialization parameters. The fact is that changes in signal level only apply within one modem session and are reset to zero after the computer is restarted. Come to device Manager, select a modem from the list, click on Properties, in the window that opens, go to the bookmark Additional communication options where in the window Additional Initialization Options and enter the appropriate AT*Px command.
* * *
Practice shows that on a simple dial-up connection via a modem, you can play both with a friend via a direct modem-to-modem connection, and via the Internet. Moreover, in the latter case, you can fight almost on equal terms with opponents who connect to the World Wide Web via a dedicated line or via an ADSL connection. So if you are strapped for money and cannot yet afford expensive high-speed access to the Internet, then you should not lay hands on the system unit of your computer and, in a fit of righteous anger, smash an old fax modem on the floor. The “old man” is still capable of a lot - Quake 3, UT, CS and even Painkiller run great if you configure the modem correctly.