Zherebilo dictionary of linguistic terms

Zherebilo Tatyana Vasilievna




5th edition,

corrected and



Publishing house "Pilgrim" LLC

UDC 80/81/811.161.1

BC 81.2 Rus.4



Doctor of Philology, Prof. S.V. Serebryakova

Doctor of Philology, Prof. F.G. Ozdoeva

Zherebilo T.V.

dictionary of linguistic terms. Ed. 5th, rev. and additional – Nazran: LLC “Pilgrim”, 2010. – 486 p.

ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0
The dictionary includes 5270 terms and concepts of linguistics. It is addressed to a wide range of users: students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, specialists in various fields who study, teach, and research language.

UDC 80/81/811.161.1

BBK 81.2 Rus.4

ISBN 5-98993-002-Х

ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0 © T.V. Zherebilo, 2005.

© T.V. Zherebilo, 2010.


The information space of modern linguistics, which includes the interpretation of all fragments of the linguistic picture of the world, is characterized by the presence in the theoretical and methodological paradigm of many directions, each of which, along with general linguistic terminology, includes its own special conceptual and terminological apparatus, reflecting the specifics of a particular direction.

The variety of systemic and aspecting theories naturally gives rise to a problem, at first glance, insoluble: 1) how, within the framework of the Dictionary, to give a systematic, holistic description of a particular term, inscribing it, on the one hand, into the corresponding scientific paradigm, and on the other, integrating it within general theory language? 2) what place does it occupy? information space modern linguistics in the global information universe? and 3) where, finally, is the line between a term and a non-term, between linguistic terminology and nomenclature?

These questions are not at all idle, given that modern man lives in a global information universe, which is characterized by heterogeneity and inconsistency.

On the one hand, the information universe, and, consequently, the information society itself acts as the basis for the development of language and the science of it. The language of words continues to play a major role in communication, acquisition and transmission of knowledge. A new linguistic style of the era was formed, which is characterized by: expansion social functions special, professional, terminological vocabulary, specialized knowledge.

On the other hand, the continuous build-up of information, the loss of control over it, powerlessness in the face of awareness of all its meanings and “nonsense”, continuous communication, “dissolving” space, immerses a person in a continuous flow of information, thereby contributing to the escape of information meanings, information enactment and violence .

While working on the Dictionary, we tried to systematize linguistic information, to show how, as a result of development, information society the type of science has changed and how, in particular, linguistics, along with other sciences, has become one of the main resources, the object of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Today, linguistic terminology is penetrating more and more widely not only into related, but also into very distant sciences. Its resources are inexhaustible.

The fifth edition of the Dictionary includes more than five thousand dictionary entries. Work on the Dictionary will continue. The author will gratefully accept the wishes and suggestions of linguists and other researchers interested in problems of linguistics.




5th edition,

corrected and



Publishing house "Pilgrim" LLC

UDC 80/81/811.161.1

BBK 81.2 Rus.4


Doctor of Philology, Prof. S.V. Serebryakova

Doctor of Philology, Prof. F.G. Ozdoeva

Zherebilo T.V.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. Ed. 5th, rev. and additional – Nazran: LLC “Pilgrim”, 2010. – 486 p.

ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0

The dictionary includes 5270 terms and concepts of linguistics. It is addressed to a wide range of users: students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, specialists in various fields who study, teach, and research language.

UDC 80/81/811.161.1

BBK 81.2 Rus.4


ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0 © T.V. Zherebilo, 2005.

© T.V. Zherebilo, 2010.


The information space of modern linguistics, which includes the interpretation of all fragments of the linguistic picture of the world, is characterized by the presence in the theoretical and methodological paradigm of many directions, each of which, along with general linguistic terminology, includes its own special conceptual and terminological apparatus, reflecting the specifics of a particular direction.

The variety of systemic and aspecting theories naturally gives rise to a problem, at first glance, insoluble: 1) how, within the framework of the Dictionary, to give a systematic, holistic description of a particular term, inscribing it, on the one hand, into the corresponding scientific paradigm, and on the other, integrating it within the framework of the general theory of language? 2) what place does the information space of modern linguistics occupy in the global information universe? and 3) where, finally, is the line between a term and a non-term, between linguistic terminology and nomenclature?

These questions are not at all idle, given that modern man lives in a global information universe, which is characterized by heterogeneity and inconsistency.

On the one hand, the information universe, and, consequently, the information society itself acts as the basis for the development of language and the science of it. The language of words continues to play a major role in communication, acquisition and transmission of knowledge. A new linguistic style of the era has emerged, which is characterized by: expansion of the social functions of special, professional, terminological vocabulary, and specialized knowledge.

On the other hand, the continuous build-up of information, the loss of control over it, powerlessness in the face of awareness of all its meanings and “nonsense”, continuous communication, “dissolving” space, immerses a person in a continuous flow of information, thereby contributing to the escape of information meanings, information enactment and violence .

While working on the Dictionary, we tried to systematize linguistic information, to show how, as a result of the development of the information society, the type of science has changed and how, in particular, linguistics, along with other sciences, has become one of the main resources, the object of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Today, linguistic terminology is penetrating more and more widely not only into related, but also into very distant sciences. Its resources are inexhaustible.

The fifth edition of the Dictionary includes more than five thousand dictionary entries. Work on the Dictionary will continue. The author will gratefully accept the wishes and suggestions of linguists and other researchers interested in problems of linguistics.

Member of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Zherebilo Tatyana Vasilievna (Zherebilo T.V.) - Russian linguist, specialist in the theory and methods of teaching the Russian language (stylistics, speech culture, text linguistics, general and educational lexicography); Professor.

In 1974 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Voronezh state university majoring in philology, teacher of Russian language and literature. The academic title of associate professor was awarded in 1992, the academic title of professor - in 1998. Received the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences for the dissertation “Techniques of stylistic work (based on word formation in 5-7 grades of the Kabardian school)” (Moscow); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences degree awarded for dissertation

“Functional-stylistic invariant of the language system as the basis for the compilation and use of dictionaries in the national school” (Moscow).

Teaching experience - 48 years, work experience in higher education - 33 years, scientific and pedagogical work experience - 41 years.

She worked at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University at the department of Russian language for foreigners. From the 1986-1987 academic year, she began working at the Checheno-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute, where she held the positions of senior teacher, then associate professor. In 1993 she was elected to the position of professor. She worked as head of the Russian language department (1991-1998), dean of the philological faculty (1995-1997) at the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute; Professor of the Department of General Linguistics at ChSU (since 1997), First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Ingushetia (2001-2002), Professor at Ingushetia State University (from 1998 to 2015).

Main interests Zherebilo T.V. lie in the field of lexicography, psycholinguistics and methods of teaching the Russian language, philosophy of language, cognitive science. Based on the functional-stylistic invariant of the language system, she developed information models of functional styles, communicative qualities of speech, stylistically differentiated texts and procedures for working with them, which have found application in research on stylistics, speech culture, and text linguistics. Having originated in the depths of the logical-grammatical direction, information models mark the development of the cognitive-pragmatic paradigm and are used as interdisciplinary units in various fields of activity: in linguistics in the analysis and description of linguistic meanings, forms, functions; in cognitive methodology as units of training focused on the formation of a personality thesaurus.

The method of linguostylistic abstraction developed by her is a non-classical type of abstraction of the rational structure of a subject, aimed at using the essential properties of linguistic units that are introduced into the model through the laws of relations. Linguistic stylistic abstraction allows for the analysis of undivided linguistic objects, in which the systemic and structural features of linguistic units are considered as a whole, as a hierarchy of typical meanings, forms, functions.

Zherebilo T.V. actively participates in scientific conferences. Gives lectures on general linguistics and the basics of philology, on the stylistics of the Russian language, sociolinguistics, supervises graduate and undergraduate students, and the research work of doctoral students.

Within the framework of the direction she is developing, a scientific school has been created, developed by her followers both in the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic, and beyond their borders.

Zherebilo T.V. has achievements in the development of regional program projects and the Federal Target Program “Russian Language” (projects “Russian Language”, “Bilingual Speech Culture”, etc.). Manages the Russian Humanitarian Foundation grant “Language situation in the Chechen Republic in the context of globalization” (2015-2017).

She participated in the work of the council D 212.256.02 for awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Philology at Stavropol State University (specialty in the council 02/10/19 - Theory of Language, Doctor of Philology). She was also a member of the dissertation council in specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language). Under her leadership, 12 candidate's theses were defended, and master's theses are defended annually.

Awards, titles: Badge “Winner of the Socialist Competition of 1975” (Resolution of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated May 15, 1976), Certificate of Honor of the Voronezh Regional Committee, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the KBASSR and other industry awards, certificates of institutions received before 1986. Later she was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the request of Ingushetia State University (2004), and a Certificate of Honor from the Chechen State University (2005). In 2005, she received a state award and the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Republic of Ingushetia.”

In the period from 1983 to 2016, she published more than 400 works: monographs, brochures, articles, theses, scientific and methodological developments, textbooks, collections of exercises, programs, collections of tests for undergraduate and graduate students, dictionaries of linguistic terms.

She has published 15 collections of poems. She is the editor-in-chief of the interuniversity scientific journal "Lingua-Universum", which, under her leadership, has been published by the publishing house "Pilgrim" since 2006. She edits the interuniversity scientific journal Reflection. Heads the interuniversity circle Lingua-universum

Scientific publications:

1) Stylistic resources of word formation // Youth and social sciences / Abstracts. report – Nalchik: KBGU Publishing House, 1983. – P. 68

2) Stylistic interpretation of the text in Russian language lessons (based on passages telling about work) (Kab.-Balk. University, Nalchik. 1984. – 7 p.). Manuscript dep. In the OCNI “School and Pedagogy” of the MP of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, 08.20.84, No. 147. – 84 dep. (Co-author: Zhirikova R.Zh.)

3) Study of linguistic-stylistic features of derived words in the Kabardian school (Kab.-Balk. University - Nalchik, 1984. - 16 p.). Manuscript dep. in the OCNI “School and Pedagogy” of the MP of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR 08.20.84 No. 148 – 84 dep.

4) Techniques for semantization of stylistically colored derivative words in the Kabardian school (Kab.-Balk. University - Nalchik, 1984. - 30 p.). Manuscript dep. in the OCNI “School and Pedagogy” of the MP of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR 09.17.84 No. 184 – 84 dep.

5) The process of forming generalized knowledge of literature as a condition for the mental development of students // To help the teacher. – Nalchik: Elbrus, 1984. – Issue. 24th. – pp. 39-47.

6) Errors associated with violation of word-formation norms in the speech of Kabardian students // Questions of Philology: Abstracts. report – Nalchik: KBSU Publishing House, 1985. – P. 38-41.

7) Some issues of the state of problem-based study of word formation in the Kabardian school // Issues of problem-based language teaching at a university / Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works – Nalchik: KBSU Publishing House, 1985. – P. 37-43.

8) Experimental teacher // Russian Academy of Sciences. – 1986. – No. 9. – P. 46-48. (Co-author: Zhirikova R.Zh., Tikhonov A.N., Shekikhacheva M.Sh.).

9) Principles of constructing a stylistic dictionary for students in grades 7-10 of national schools of the RSFSR // Scientific conference on the results of research for 1987-1988. / Abstract. report – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1989. – P. 73.

10) Educational dictionary on stylistics // Current problems of national-Russian bilingualism in the educational process of pedagogical universities in Kazakhstan / Abstracts. report – Alma-Ata: Publishing house KazPI, 1989. – Part 2. – pp. 69-70.

11) Educational dictionary-reference book on stylistics, speech culture and text theory (CHIGPI. - Grozny, 1989. - 7 p.). Manuscript dep. at the OCNI “School and Pedagogy” of the USSR KNO and the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences 06/11/90. No. 182. – 90 dep.

12) Text analysis in classes on the stylistics of the Russian language: Materials for experimental testing of the “Dictionary of Stylistic Terms”. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1990. – 30 p. – I hour

13) Text analysis in classes on the stylistics of the Russian language: Materials for experimental testing of the “Dictionary of Stylistic Terms”. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1990. – 17 p. – II hours

14) Tests on methods of teaching the Russian language: Materials for experimental testing of the dictionary of textual terms. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1990. – 32 p.

15) Coursework on methods of teaching the Russian language in national schools: Materials for experimental testing of the normative-stylistic dictionary. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1990. – 32 p.

16) Speech development of national school students: Special course program for students of the Faculty of Philology. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1991. – 8 p.

17) Speech development of national school students: Textbook. village for students of the Faculty of Philology. – Grozny: CHIGPI Publishing House, 1991. – Part I. – 54 p.

18) Speech development of national school students: Textbook. village for students of the Faculty of Philology. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1991. – Part II. – 43 s. (Co-author: Khazbulatov B.A.).

19) Basis for the classification of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of stylistics for educational purposes // Conference on the results of research work for 1989-1990. / Abstract. report – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1991. – P. 68.

20) Current problems of educational lexicography // Conference on the results of research work for 1989-1990. / Abstract. report – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1991. – P. 77. (Co-authored: Stroilova I.V.).

21) Educational dictionary on the stylistics of the Russian language and the culture of speech. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1992. – 159 p.

22) Problems of describing the conceptual and terminological apparatus and commonly used vocabulary for educational purposes. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1993. – 236 p.

23) Educational normative-stylistic dictionary for sixth grade students: Reference manual. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1993. – Part 1. – 28 s.

24) First steps: Gymnasium No. 3 in Grozny (from work experience). – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1993. – 8 p. (Co-author: Okuneva A.P.).

25) The use of invariant units in the compilation of school textbooks and dictionaries // Current state and prospects for the development of methods of teaching the Russian language / Proc. report – M.: Publishing house RAO, ITs PRYA, 1993. – P. 49-51.

26) Educational normative-stylistic dictionary for students of the 7th grade: Reference book. village – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1994. – Part 2. – 32 s.

27) Information models in educational lexicography: Samples of dictionary entries. – Grozny: Publishing house CHIGPI, 1994. – 32 p.

28) Educational dictionaries on the stylistics of the Russian language, speech culture and text theory as a means of teaching speech activity: Towards the formulation of the problem. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1995. – 46 p.

29) Educational dictionary on speech culture. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1995. – 50 p.

30) Selection of language units in educational dictionaries on the stylistics of the Russian language, speech culture, text theory // Int. anniversary session MAPRYAL, dedicated. 100th anniversary of the birth of academician. V.V. Vinogradova / Abstracts. report – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1995. – 2 p.

31) Features of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of stylistics, speech culture, theory of text and its classification // Materials of scientific research. conf. / Abstract. report – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1996. – 1 p.

32) Educational dictionary on speech culture (for 1-2 year students of pedagogical universities). – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – 45 p.

33) Educational normative-stylistic dictionary (for students of VII grades of specialized educational institutions). – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – 60 p.

34) Collection of exercises on speech culture. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – 52 p.

35) Educational dictionaries on the stylistics of the Russian language, speech culture and text theory as a means of teaching speech activity: Pos. for graduate students. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – 27 p.

36) Information models in educational lexicography: theory, system, technology. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – 37 p.

37) Features of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of stylistics, speech culture, text theory and its classification / Sat. articles by prof.-teacher composition of ChSPI. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1997. – P. 29-35.

38) Stylistics of the Russian language: Information models of functional styles. Terms and concepts. Samples of text analysis. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 1998. – 49 p.

39) Introduction to linguistics: Dictionary-reference book. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 1998. – 82 p.

40) Reterminologization in information models (based on linguistic dictionaries) // Current problems of general and Adyghe philology / Abstracts. report – Maykop: Publishing House MP “Quality”, 1998. – P. 48-49.

41) The influence of the structure of linguistic personality on the organization of material in linguistic-stylistic dictionaries / Abstract. report Regional scientific-practical conference ChSU. – Dzhokhar Publishing House of ChSU, 1998. – P. 318-320.

42) Functional-stylistic invariant as the basis for lexicography of meanings, forms, functions // Questions of lexicology and lexicography of languages ​​of peoples North Caucasus, Russian and Western European languages ​​/ Abstracts. report – Pyatigorsk: Publishing House PGLU, 1999. – P. 55-58.

43) Research methods in linguistics: Glossary of terms. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 1999. – 52 p.

44) Introduction to linguistics: Dictionary-reference book. – Ed. 2nd, additional and correct. – Dzhokhar: ChSU Publishing House, 1999. – 82 p.

45) Cognitive units of teaching // Cognitive methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in different conditions/ Abstract. report – Pyatigorsk: Publishing House PGLU, 1999. – P. 15-17.

46) Functional-stylistic invariant as the basis for describing linguistic meanings, forms, functions // Current problems of general and Adyghe philology / Abstracts. report – Maykop: ASU Publishing House, 1999. – P. 49-50.

47) Linguistic analysis of literary text: Sat. exercises. – Nazran: IngSU Publishing House, 1999. – 25 p. (co-author).

48) Functional-stylistic invariant of the language system as the basis for describing the communicative-pragmatic properties of phraseology // Communicative-pragmatic aspects of phraseology / Abstract. report International conference September 28-29, 1999. – Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. – P. 68-70.

49) The thematic principle of constructing an educational Chechen-Russian phraseological dictionary as the basis of a communicative approach to teaching / Abstract. report – Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. – P. 198-200.

50) From logical-grammatical principles to cognitive methodology // Linguistics and school. – Barnaul: Altai State University Publishing House, 2000. – P. 9-11.

51) Information models - units of analysis of linguistic meanings, forms, functions in comparative research // Current problems of comparative linguistics and intercultural communications / Materials of scientific research. conf. Part 1. – Ufa: Bashk Publishing House. University, 1999. – pp. 24-26.

52) Linguistics: Contents and structure of the dictionary of terms. – Nazran: IngSU Publishing House, 1999. – 28 p. (co-author).

53) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction // Ingushetia on the threshold of the new millennium / Abstracts. report – Nazran: IngSU Publishing House, 2000. – P. 40-41.

54) Russian-German dictionary linguistic and stylistic terms. – Nazran: IngSU Publishing House, 2000. – 30 p. (co-author).

55) Methodology of the cognitive paradigm // Cognitive paradigm / Abstract. report international conf. April 27-28, 2000. – Pyatigorsk: PSLU Publishing House, 2000. – P. 68-71.

56) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a research method in general linguistics. – Nazran, 2001. – 270 p.

57) Terms and concepts of linguistics: dictionary materials. – Magas, 2001. – 198 p.

59) Republican parent meeting: recommendations. – Nazran, 2002. – 32 p. (co-author).

60) Project “Bilingual Speech Culture” within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Russian Language”. – Nazran-Moscow, 2002. – 12 p. (co-author).

61) Republican target program"Russian language". – Nazran, 2002. – 32 p. (co-author).

62) Project “Russian language in Ingushetia”. – Magas, 2003. – 14 p.

63) Method of linguostylistic abstraction in linguistics and linguodidactics // Philological education at school: problems and prospects / Materials of international. conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of N.M. Shansky. – M.: IOSO RAO, 2003. – P. 53.

64) Information model as one of the mechanisms for understanding text // Theory and practice of modern methods of teaching Russian language and literature. – M.: Signal, 2003. – P. 30-33.

65) Composition of the “Dictionary of linguistic terms and concepts” // Questions of general and Chechen philology / Interuniversity. collection of scientific papers. – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 2003. – P. 57-69.

66) Information models of communicative qualities of speech as the basis for describing orthology terms // Culture of Russian speech. – Armavir: ASPU Publishing House, 2003. – P. 129-132.

67) Information model as one of the mechanisms for understanding text // Culture of Russian speech. – Armavir: ASPU Publishing House, 2003. – P. 167-171.

68) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a research method: Dedication. 80th anniversary of N.M. Shansky. – Magas: IngSU Publishing House, 2003. – 223 p.

69) Linguistic stylistic models of word-formation types as the basis for describing linguistic meanings, forms, functions. – Magas: IngSU Publishing House, 2004. – 91 p.

70) Dictionary of linguistic terms: Reference manual. – Magas: IngSU Publishing House, 2004. – 154 p.

71) Dictionary of linguistic terms. – Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional – Magas: IngSU Publishing House, 2004. – 155 p.

72) Structure of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Questions of general and Chechen philology / Interuniversity. collection of scientific works – Grozny: ChSPI Publishing House, 2004. – P. 42-67.

73) Linguistic terms in scientific and educational communication // Sat. scientific works of Ingushetia State University. – Magas: IngSU Publishing House; Nalchik: El-Fa Publishing House, 2004. – P. 92-105.

74) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a research method. – Nalchik: El-Fa, 2005. – 288 p.

75) Dictionary of linguistic terms. – Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional – Magas, 2005. – 372 p.

76) Dictionary of linguistic terms. – Ed. 4th, rev. and additional – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2005. – 376 p.

77) Zherebilo T.V. Functional-stylistic invariant in educational lexicography. In memory of G.A. Fomicheva. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2005. – 363 p.

78) Structural and semantic features of prefixed verbs in visual media // Materials of the regional interuniversity scientific and practical conference “University science in conditions of market relations” (December 10-11, 2003). – Grozny, 2005. – P. 372.

79) Cognitive-pragmatic models in language teaching methods as a condition for the formation of a multilingual personality // Materials of the region. intercollegiate scientific-practical conf. “University science in market conditions” (December 10-11, 2003). – Grozny, 2005. – pp. 443-446.

80) Types of lexicographic information in the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 1. – P. 3-17.

82) Set-theoretic method in the information space of modern linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 41-45.

83) Verbalization of space and time (based on prefixed verbs with the prefix po-) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 77-81.

84) Rec.: Ostrovskaya I.V. Emotional concepts in Russian and English linguistic cultures // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 70.

85) Stylistics of the Russian language: developments of lectures // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 87-90.

86) Linguistic semantic paradigm in relation to linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 17-21.

87) Rec.: Shokueva M.K. Verbalization of space and time from the perspective of an observer (based on the material of English, Russian and Kabardian languages) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 30.

88) Distributive paradigm as the basis for the study of prefixed verbs // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 31-33.

89) Foreign language vocabulary as a means of irony and self-irony in the texts of D. Dontsova // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 41-42. (Co-author: Lyanova R.U.).

90) Types of sentences. Classification of sentences by function (Lecture No. 10) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 48-49.

91) Topics of classes for the part-time scientific and practical seminar “Linguostylistic abstraction as a research method” // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 86-88.

92) Dynamics of language processes in visual media (2003-2005) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 20-23.

93) Rec.: Tsybulevskaya A.V. Emotive argotic lexicon / Author's abstract. ... Ph.D. Stavropol, 2005. 22 p. // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 35.

94) Cognitive-pragmatic models in methodology as a condition for the formation of a multilingual personality // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 47-49.

95) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a research method in linguistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 68.

96) Types of virtual space // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 77-83.

97) Personalities. Navrazova Khava Bakuevna // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 84-85.

98) The concept of function and its derivative methods, models, theories in the information space of linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 29-33.

99) Rec.: Malsagov A. Draft program for the course of world literature for students of the Ingush lyceum, gymnasiums and cadet corps // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 45.

100) Oppositional methods, models, metatheories in linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 52-56.

101) Generative method and the possibility of its application in linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 75-77.

102) Theoretical and methodological paradigm in the information space of modern linguistics (thesis) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 84-86.

103) English borrowings in modern Russian // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 100-103.

105) Linguistic stylistics in the theoretical and methodological paradigm of discourse // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 3-13.

106) Rec.: Dolakova Z.M. The influence of interethnic conflict on the role structure of a traditional family. Author's abstract. dis. ... PhD psychologist. n. – M., 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 32-33.

107) Rec.: Dotmurzieva Z.S. Pragmatics of an English literary text and problems of pragmatics of its translation: Author's abstract. dis. ... Ph.D. – Pyatigorsk, 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 33-34.

108) Rec.: Koloeva L.M. Units of dialogic communication (based on the English language). Author's abstract. dis. ... Ph.D. – Belgorod, 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 34-35.

109) Rec.: Shibkova O.S. Cognitive-linguistic concept of the category Quality: Author's abstract. dis. ... doc. Philol. Sci. – Stavropol, 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 35.

110) Linguistic stylistic model of ST as one of the mechanisms for perceiving a literary text (using the example of the works of M.A. Voloshin) // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 36-56.

111) Opening the discussion // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 97.

112) Concept as an object of science // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 98-102.

113) Linguistic stylistic paradigm in science // Lingua-universum. – 2006. – No. 6. – P. 103-105.

114) Stylistics as a science. Differentiation of scientific directions in linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 15-29.

115) Theory of language models (brief description). Using the modeling method in stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 48-50.

116) Rec.: Evloeva Z.I. Russian linguistic terminology in an evolutionary aspect: Dis. Ph.D. f. Sci. – Nalchik, 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 56-58 (Co-author: M.R. Ovkhadov).

117) Rec.: Navrazova Kh.B. Syntax of a Chechen simple sentence: Author's abstract. dis. Doctor of Philosophy – M., 2005 // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 63.

118) Rec.: Prokhorova O.G. Formation and development of social and pedagogical infrastructure of a small town in Russia: Author's abstract. dis. d. ped. Sci. – M., 2006 // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 63-64.

119) Properties of linguistic matter (developments for a seminar on linguistic stylistics) // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 65.

120) The influence of the cognitive paradigm on the development of linguistic stylistics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 76-80.

121) Information space of stylistics as one of the fragments of the linguistic Universe // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 96-105.

122) Regional scientific and practical conference “University education and science” (Magas) // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 112-113.

123) Invariant-variant paradigm in modern linguistics and prospects for its development // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 117-120.

124) Information space of modern linguistics (towards the definition of the concept) // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 121-122.

125) Irreversibility of time in the information space of linguistics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 123-126.

126) Tsvetaeva’s syntax: Dictionary-reference book (fragment) // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 138-144.

127) Persons: Khalidov Aisa Idrisovich // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 145-155.

128) Linguistic stylistic paradigm in the information space of modern linguistics. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2007. – 192 p.

129) Method of linguistic-stylistic abstraction in general and educational lexicography // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 11-40.

130) Rec.: Yakhyaeva A.A. Chechen language in the 90s of the twentieth century: functions and structure // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 44-46.

131) Educational and methodological complex “Fundamentals of Stylistics” // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 47-61.

132) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a method of research and description of the hierarchy of meanings, forms, functions // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 89-94.

133) Linguistic-stylistic abstraction in theoretical and applied linguistics. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2007. – 158 p.

134) Russian language: Morphology: Educational method. complex. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2007. – 32 p.

135) Fundamentals of stylistics: Educational method. complex. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2007. – 36 p.

136) Rec.: Khasbulatova Z.I. Traditional forms of raising children among Chechens in the 19th – early 20th centuries. // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 41-42.

137) Developments: Russian language. Morphology // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 43-57.

138) Methods of linguistic research and description of language, conditioned by the functional and stylistic invariant of the language system // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 97-104.

139) Invariant-variable paradigm in the aspect of ideas of meaningful synthesis // Reflection. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 13-20.

140) Theory and teaching methods – 13.00.02 // Reflection. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 64-65.

141) Rec.: Karakhanova G.A. Formation of a teacher’s deontological culture in the system of continuous professional education // Reflection. – 2007. – No. 2. – P. 78-80.

142) Types of lessons // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 26-28.

143) Text analysis // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 43-48.

144) Functional-stylistic invariant as one of the linguistic categories // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 52-89.

145) Development of coherent speech: Dictionary materials // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 98-106.

146) Rec.: Ezdel - Ingush ethics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 9-10 (co-author: Patiev S.U.).

147) Modifications of the functional-stylistic invariant in text linguistics // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 11-35.

148) Linguistic analysis of literary text: Working programm// Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 6. – P. 19-20.

149) Linguistic abstraction in theoretical and applied linguistics (thesis) // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 6. – P. 30-32.

150) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2007. – No. 6. – P. 50-81.

151) Rec.: Kotieva M.A. Communicative-pragmatic modality of dialogical speech as a manifestation of the category of mode // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 19.

152) Speech errors // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 20-35.

153) Brief index of terms and terminological phrases included in educational dictionaries on stylistics, speech culture, text theory // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 68-70.

154) Organization of an experiment on the development of speech in a national audience // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 16-58.

155) Tankiev Abukar Khazhalievich // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 74-75 (co-author: Patiev S.U.).

156) Theory and methodology of teaching: state and prospects for development in the Chechen Republic // History of science and technology. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 23-24.

157) Analysis of errors in oral and written speech: Textbook. village to a special course. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2008. – 92 p.

158) Russian language in Ingushetia (or problems of Ingush-Russian bilingualism): Textbook. village for a special course. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2008. – 102 p.

159) Minimum program for the candidate exam in the specialty 10.02.01 - “Russian language” in philological sciences. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2008. – 24 p.

160) Research circle “Lingua-universum”: Circle program. Charter – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2008. – 68 p.

161) Introduction to the work “Russian language in Ingushetia” (On the history of the formation of the Republic of Ingushetia) // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 41-44.

162) Chronology of hermeneutics (linguistic poem) // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 45-49.

163) Russian language in the dynamics of the ethnolinguistic situation in the Republic of Ingushetia // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 2. (co-author: Ovkhadov M.R.). – P. 50-53.

164) Language policy and language construction in the Republic of Ingushetia // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 53-57.

165) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 58-68.

166) Linguistic analysis of literary text: Educational and methodological complex. – Grozny, 2008. – 32 p.

167) Fiction among the peoples of the Republic of Ingushetia, created by bilingual writers // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 35-39.

168) Program for the candidate exam in the specialty “Theory of Language” in philological sciences. – Grozny, 2008. – 40 p. (Co-author: Ovkhadov M.R.).

169) Program for the candidate exam in the specialty “Theory of Language” in philological sciences. – Magas, 2008. – 40 p.

170) Program for the candidate exam in the history and philosophy of science (“History and Philosophy of Linguistics”). – Grozny, 2008. – 20 p. (Co-author: M.R. Ovkhadov).

171) Program for the candidate exam in the history and philosophy of science (“History and Philosophy of Linguistics”). – Magas, 2008. – 20 p.

172) Rec.: Koychuev A.A.-J. The pedagogical potential of Islam in secular educational practices. – Thesis. ... Dr. ped. Sci. 2008 // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 8-9.

173) Rec.: Modernization of the content of professional training of a linguist-teacher in the light of the competency-based approach // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 9.

174) Theory of language: Research methods. Program for FPK students // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 10-42.

175) Theory of language: Research methods in general linguistics. Program for students of the Faculty of Education and Training of ChSU. – Grozny: ChSU, 2008. – 68 p.

176) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 69-73.

177) Rec.: Pantyukhova P.V. Model for the formation of the content of teaching English in primary school. - Stavropol. 2008 // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 62.

178) Milestone test on linguistic analysis of literary text // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 3. P. 63-71.

179) Tests in general linguistics for fifth year students // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 3. – P. 71-79.

180) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 58-80.

181) Tests on linguistic analysis of literary text for the 5th year // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 39-64.

182) Tests in general linguistics for fifth year students // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 24-46.

183) Tests on the basics of stylistics // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 36-66.

184) Rec.: Tekeeva M.B. Formation of communicative competence of students in the process of learning a foreign language. Author's abstract. diss. k. ped. Sci. 2008 // Reflection. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 35.

185) Rec.: S.I. Oziev. Arabic-Russian-Ingush dictionary (about 7000 dictionary entries) // Lingua-universum. – 2008. – No. 6. – P. 10.

186) Linguistic culture of the Ingush in the context of globalization (in Russian and English) // Second International Symposium of Caucasian Linguists: Materials. 2008. – Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 2008. – P. 347-350.

187) Information space as an object of research in linguistics // Regional scientific-practical. conference "Current problems of Nakh and general philology". November 21, 2007 - Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2008. - pp. 15-18.

188) The influence of Russian culture on the development of the literary language of the Ingush ethnic group // Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference “University education and science”. 2008. – Magas, 2008. – pp. 54-56.

189) Linguistic tests. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2009. – 152 p.

190) Educational and methodological complex for the discipline OPD.F.01. "General linguistics". Specialist. 021700 – “Philology”. – Grozny: ChSU, 2009. – 56 p.

191) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Lingua-universum. – 2009. – No. 1. – P. 70-79.

192) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms”// Lingua-universum.-2009.-No.4.-P.29-72

193) Lexicography of prefixed verbs//Lingua-universum.-2009.-№5.-P.6-9

194) Review: Suleybanova M.U. Composite word formation in Nakh languages: Author's abstract. ... doc. dissertation//Lingua-universum.-2009.-№5.-P.24

195) Review: Aldieva M.Sh. Somatic vocabulary of the Chechen language in comparison with English: Author's abstract. Ph.D. ... dissertation//Lingua-universum.-2009.-№5.-P.25

196) Fragment of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms”//Lingua-universum.-2009.-№5.-P.62-66

197) Linguistic stylistic paradigm in the information space of modern linguistics (monograph)//Lingua-universum.-2009.-No.6.-P.3-96

198) Fragment of the dictionary of linguistic terms//Reflection.-2009.-No.1.-P.44-60

199) Fragment of the dictionary of linguistic terms//Reflection.-2009.-No.2.-P.43-68

200) Fragment of the dictionary of linguistic terms//Reflection.-2009.-No.3.-P.32-66

201) Dictionary of linguistic terms//Reflection.-2009.-No. 4-6.-P.3-486.

203) Lecture on the history of the Russian language (Primary course)//Reflection.-2010.-No.2.-P.53-58

204) Tables on the history of the Russian language//Reflection.-2010.-No.2.-P.58-65

205) Rec.: Dzeitova M.Kh. Philosophical foundations of peacekeeping education // Reflection.-2010.-No.3.-P.58

206) Rec.: Dzeitova M.Kh. Peacemaking education: Theory and practice//Reflection.-2010.-No.3.-P.58-59

207) Rec.: Dzeitova M.Kh. Peacemaking and tolerance training at school//Reflection.-2010.-No.3.-P.60

208) Rec.: Dzeitova M.Kh. Conflict resolution training//Reflection.-2010.-No.3.-P.60-61.

209) Tests on the basics of stylistics for independent work of 5th year students//Lingua-universum.-2010.-No.1.-P.10-41

211) Review: Kirgueva F.Kh. Training of primary school teachers in a multi-level education system based on competency-based and multilingual approaches: Abstract of thesis. doc. ped. Sciences // Lingua-universum.-2010.-№3.-P.17-18

212) Russian language in Ingushetia (monograph).-Nazran: Pilgrim, 2009.-114p. ISBN 978-5-98993-134-7

213) Language policy and language construction in the Republic of Ingushetia// Russian language as a language of interethnic communication in the Republic of Ingushetia.-Nazran: Pilgrim, 2009.-P.5-12 ISBN 978-5-98993-132-3

214) Lexicographic project “Dictionary of linguistic terms for bilinguals”//Russian language as a language of interethnic communication in the Republic of Ingushetia. - Nazran: Pilgrim, 2009.-P.67-74 ISBN 978-5-98993-132-3

215) Dictionary of linguistic terms (5280 vocabulary units). - Nazran: Pilgrim, 2010. - 486 p. ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0

216) Lexicography of prefixed verbs // Current problems of modern scientific knowledge: Materials of the III International Scientific Conference (Pyatigorsk 2010). - Pyatigorsk: PGLUizdat, 2010. - P. 104-109.

217) Types of lexicographic information (LI) in the terminological dictionary // Current problems of modern scientific knowledge: Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference (Pyatigorsk 2010). -8

218) Lexicography of prefixed verbs in the aspect of the theory of linguistic personality//Materials of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Linguistic Personality in the Modern World”.-Magas, 2010.-P.44-50 ISBN 978-5-989-93-150 -7

219) Information space of modern linguistics//Main problems of modern linguistics/Sb. articles 5 of the international full-time scientific and practical conference September 11-13, 2009 - Astrakhan: Publishing House "Astrakhan University", 2009. - P.44-58 ISSN 2075-535Х

220) Lexicography of prefixed verbs in the aspect of the relationship between the lexical and grammatical levels//Interaction of vocabulary and grammar in the Russian language: problems, results and prospects/ Coll. materials of the All-Russian scientific. conf. (October 21-November 4, 2009). - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after. G.R.Derzhavina, 2009.-P.234-240 ISBN 978-5-89016-500-8

221) Virtual space as a fragment of the global information universe//Materials of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor Yu.D. Desheriev.-Nazran: Pilgrim, 2009.-P.141-156 ISBN 978-5-98993-119-4

222) Types of lexicographic information in the educational dictionary of linguistic terms // Bulletin of Mordovian University. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 112-121

223) Types of lexicographic information (LI) in dictionaries of linguistic terms//Word and Dictionary=Vocabulum et vocabulary/ Collection of scientific works of the Grodno State University named after. Ya.Kupaly.-Grodno:GrSU, 2009.- P.5-9 ISBN 978-985-515-174-7

224) Zherebilo T.V. Language policy in the Republic of Ingushetia // Features of the functioning and teaching of the Russian language in the multi-ethnic region of the North Caucasus / International conference-seminar September 21-25, 2010: ROPRYAL; SSU-Stavropol: Mysl Publishing House, 2010.- P.37-42 ISBN 978-5-9982-0013-7

225) Functional-stylistic invariant as the basis for constructing the zone structure of a dictionary entry//Information and communication technologies in Russian studies: Current state and prospects. Ш International virtual scientific and practical conference/Sb. scientific reports. – Yerevan: Limush, 2010.-P.58-62 ISBN978-9939-64-044-0 BBK 32.973

226) Invariant-variable paradigm in the aspect of ideas of meaningful synthesis//Modern scientific and scientific-pedagogical research/ Coll. materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (June 21-23, 2010). – Ufa: RIC BashSU, 2010. – P. 100-115 ISBN 978-5-905062-01-8

227) Word formation of adjectives with the suffix –sk- and their English equivalents // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.3-5 (Co-authored: Susaeva L.V.)

228) Analysis of the translation modification of a prose work to assess its adequacy to the original // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. -Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.52-56 (Co-authored: Albekov N.N.)

229) Loss of motivation due to deverbatives // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. - Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.56-58 (Co-authored: Akhmadova R.B.)

230) Linguistic aspect of the category of time // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.66-68 (Co-authored: Abdulvakhabova L .B.)

231) Borrowed vocabulary in regional media // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.90-93 (Co-authored: Gadaev S.S.)

232) Analysis of speech errors of college students of the Chechen Republic // 4th annual Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Science and Youth”. – Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2010. – P.96-98 (Co-authored: Mutuskhanova R.M.)

233) Index of lexemes for the dictionary of linguistic terms and concepts//Lingua-universum, - 2010. - No. 4 - P. 30-35 ISSN 1819-3110

234) Functional-stylistic invariant in educational lexicography//Reflection.-2010. – No. 4-6 - P.41-210 (monograph)

235) REVIEW of the official opponent, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T.V. Zherebilo about Albina Abuyusupovna Bidzhieva’s dissertation “Cognitive floral metaphor in Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century (based on poetic texts)”, submitted for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language // Lingua-universum. - 2010. - No. 5-6. - P.14-16

236) REVIEW on the abstract of Svetlana Nikolaevna Lopareva’s dissertation on the topic “Formation of an image of the world among middle school students in the process of moral education: a competency-based approach”, submitted for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education // Lingua-universum. -2011.- No. 1. – P.33

237) Rhetoric:. Dictionary-reference book // Lingua-universum. - 2011.- No. 1. – P.34-48

238) Review of the abstract of the dissertation of Yarychev Nasrudi Uvaysovich “The concept of the development of a conflictological culture of a teacher in a self-learning organization”, submitted for defense for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education//Reflection.-2011.-No. 2.-P.37

239) Introduction to linguistics: Dictionary-reference book//Reflection. -2011.- No. 2.-P.38-72

240) Zherebilo T.V. The structure of dictionaries of linguistic terms as a condition for the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality //Formation of a linguistic personality in the multicultural space of the North Caucasus: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. - Stavropol, 2011. - P.190-196

241) Zherebilo T.V. Errors in the Russian speech of bilinguals // All-Russian scientific and practical seminar “Problems of the existence of the Russian language and Russian culture in the south of Russia: history, modernity and prospects”, December 6-7, 2011, Stavropol State University. - Stavropol: Service School, 2011. – P.14-24

242) Zherebilo T.V. State or functioning: notes on linguistic terms. //Third International Symposium of Caucasian Linguists, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician. K.V. Lomtatidze: Materials, 2011. - Tbilisi: 2011. - P. 276-279 ISBN 978-9941-13-220-9

243) Zherebilo T.V. Research methods in linguistics: Dictionary-reference book // “Lingua-universum”, 2011. - No. 5. - pp. 59-72

244) Feedback from an official opponent on the dissertation of Yulia Avanesovna Pirverdieva “Models of the use of infocommunication technologies in the process of forming the cognitive component of the metalinguistic competence of a linguist-teacher” in specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (foreign language, level of professional education) – Stavropol, 2011 g.//Reflection. - 2011.- No. 5.- P.70-72

245) Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts of general morphology: Dictionary-reference book. – Nazran: LLC “Pilgrim”, 2011. – 44 p.

ISBN 878-5-98993-209-2

246) Review of the official opponent, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T.V. Zherebilo about the dissertation of Gadzhieva Naida Yusupovna “Formation of the foundations of linguistic competence of primary school students of a multinational school (English language, Lak composition of students), submitted for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (foreign languages, level general education)//Lingua-universum. - 2011. - No. 6. –P.39-41 ISSN 1819-3110

246) Review of the abstract of Zareta Magomedovna Pugoeva’s dissertation “Russian and English linguistic term borrowings in the Ingush language and in linguistic discourse”, submitted for the academic degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences in specialty 02/10/20 - comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics//Lingua- universum. – 2011. No. 6.– P.40-42

247) Feedback from the leading organization of the Ingush State University on the dissertation of Natalya Grigorievna Zhuravleva “The phenomenon of a “fashionable” word: a linguopragmatic aspect (based on the material of the modern Russian language)”, submitted for defense for the degree of candidate of philological sciences in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language/ /Lingua-universum.-2011.- No. 6. – P.43 – 45

248) Review of the abstract of Valentina Georgievna Lebedeva’s dissertation “Pedagogical conditions for managing the professional development of multi-ethnic university library staff”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of vocational education//Lingua-universum. – 2011. - No. 6. – P.45-46

249) Zherebilo T.V. The structure of dictionaries of linguistic terms as a condition for the formation of professional competence of philology students // Collection of scientific works of the Ingush State University. Issue 9. - Magas: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, IngSU, 2011. - P.380-390 ISBN 978-5-98864-048-6

250) Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts: morphemics. word formation//Lingua-universum. – 2011. -№6. – P.62-73. ISSN 1819-3110

251) Program of the discipline “Fundamentals of Stylistics”//Reflection.- 2011.- No. 6. - P.27-32

252) Social linguistics//Reflection.- 2011.- No. 6. - P.32-39

253) Program of the discipline “Stylistics and culture of speech”//Reflection. – 2011. - No. 6. - P.39-47

254) Zherebilo T.V. Tickets on theory and methods of teaching (Russian language) for the entrance exam to graduate school in specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methods of teaching and education (Russian language) // Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.70-71 ISSN 1819-3110

255) Work program “Methodology and technique of working on a master’s thesis” // Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.53-58 ISSN 1819-3110

256) Work program “Pedagogical practice” // Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.48-53 ISSN 1819-3110

257) Work program “Research work” // Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.39 - 48

258) Work program “Methods of teaching the Russian language in higher education”: Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.29-38 ISSN 1819-3110

259) Work program “Research practice”: Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 1. – P.16-29 ISSN 1819-3110

260) Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Stylistics and culture of speech” // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P. 79 – 83 ISSN 1819-3110

261) Abstract of the work program on teaching practice // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P.78 – 79 ISSN 1819-3110

262) Abstract of the work program for research work // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P.74 – 78 ISSN 1819-3110

263) Abstract of the work program on research practice // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P.69 – 74 ISSN 1819-3110

264) Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Methods and techniques of working on a master’s thesis” // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P.67-69 ISSN 1819-3110

265) Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Methods of teaching the Russian language in higher education” // Lingua-universum. - 2012. - No. 2. – P.63-64 ISSN 1819-3110

266) Abstract of the work program of the discipline “Fundamentals of Stylistics” // Lingua-universum. – 2012. -№2. – P.65-67 ISSN 1819-3110

267) Review of the monograph by L.M. Koloeva “Speech units of communication”//Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 3. – P.32-33 ISSN 1819-3110

268) Review of tutorial L.M. Koloeva “Teaching English dialogic speech. Aspect: units of speech communication”//Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 3. – P.33 ISSN 1819-3110

269) Terms and concepts of linguistics: morphology //Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 3. – P.48-68 ISSN 1819-3110

270) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the discipline “Fundamentals of Philology”

//Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 3. – P.11-19 ISSN 1819-3110

271) Language state in the Republic of Ingushetia in multilingual conditions//Russian language in a multilingual society: Materials of interregional. scientific-practical Conf., dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Republic of Ingushetia. - Nazran, 2012. - P.5-22 UDC 811.161.1

272) Review of the manuscript of the monograph by I.B. Didigova “Terms and concepts of text theory in modern Russian language.” Magas, 2012 // Reflection, 2012, No. 1. – P.88-89 ISSN 1995-2473

273) Terms and concepts: methods of research and text analysis: Dictionary-reference book// Reflection, 2012, No. 1. – P.61-84 ISSN 1995-2473

274) Program of the discipline “Linguistic analysis of literary text”: For bachelors // Reflection, 2012, No. 1. – P.37-42 ISSN 1995-2473

275) Zherebilo T.V. The state of the terminology system of linguistics in the modern Russian language (registration number 108433) // Scientific space of Europe / Coll. mater. Int. scientific Conf./Naukowa przestrzen europy – 2012/Volune 21 filologiczne nauki. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2012. – P.69-71 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

276) Zherebilo T.V. Functioning of linguistic terminology in the modern Russian language (registration number 107337) // Science Days / Materials of the international. conf./ Dny vedy – 2012/ Dil 46 filologicke vedy. – Prague: Publishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o., 2012. – P.68-70 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

277) Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts of linguistics: General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book. – Nazran: “Pilgrim”, 2012. – 280 p. ISBN 975-5-98993-225-2

278) Zherebilo T.V. Language state in the Republic of Ingushetia in multilingual conditions (registration number 109168) // Key problems modern science/Sat. materials intl. conf./Keys in modern science-2012. Volume 18. Philological sciences. – Sofia; BilGRAD-BG, OOD, 2012.- P.58-64 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

279) Zherebilo T.V. Method of linguistic-stylistic abstraction ( registration number 109544) // Effective tools of modern sciences / Collection. proceedings of the international scientific conference / “Efektivni nastroje modernich ved -2012” - Dil 22 filologicke vedy. – Praha: Publishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o, 2012. – P.67-71 Czech Republic. Prague. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

280) Zherebilo T.V. Invariant-variant paradigm in modern linguistics (registration number 110595) // European science of the 21st century / Coll. mater. Int. scientific conf./ przestrzen Europejska nauka XXI powieka – 2012/ Volume 11 filologiczne nauki. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2012. – P.65-71 Poland, Przemysl. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

281) Zherebilo T.V. Composition of the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” (registration number 111041) // News of advanced science / Sat. materials intl. conf./Novinata za naprednali nauka. May 17-25, 2012 -2012. Volume 17. Philological sciences. – Sofia; BilGRAD-BG, OOD, 2012. - P. 31-36 Bulgaria, Sofia ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

282) Zherebilo T.V. Types of lexicographic information (LI) in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms // Current Problems of Modern Sciences. 07 - June 15, 2012 Poland. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2012. Poland, Przemysl. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

283) Zherebilo T.V. (rec.) Review of the abstract of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kucher’s dissertation on the topic “Formation of professional stability of officers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the educational environment of a modern military institute,” submitted for the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of professional education // Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 4. – P.21-22 ISSN 1819-3110

284) Zherebilo T.V. Types of lexicographic information (LI) in the “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” // Current problems of modern sciences / Coll. materials VIII Int. scientific conf. T. 23. Aktualne problem nowoczesnych nauk – 2012. – Przemysl: Nauka i studia, 2012. – P.3-8 Poland, Przemysl. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

285) Zherebilo T.V. Method of linguostylistic abstraction in linguistics: Methods. Models. Techniques. - Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012. – 169 p. Project number: 58704 ISBN: 978-3-659-17320-2

286) Zherebilo T.V. Linguistic stylistic paradigm in modern linguistics: Paradigm. Theory. Method.- Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. – 420 p. Project number: 59709 ISBN: 978-3-659-18260-0

287) Zherebilo T.V. Complex procedural method (registration number 114942) // Dynamics of modern science / Coll. works int. conf. July 17 - 25, 2012 /Dynamics on modern science-2012. Volume 8. Philological sciences. – Sofia; BilGRAD-BG, OOD, 2012.- P.25-27 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

288) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the entrance exam to graduate school: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – P. 22 – 31 ISSN 1995-2473

289) Zherebilo T.V. Program for the discipline O.A.04 “Lexicology and Lexicography”: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – pp. 31-36 ISSN 1995-2473

290) Zherebilo T.V. Program for the discipline O.A.05 “Linguistic Philosophy”: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – pp. 36-49 ISSN 1995-2473

291) Zherebilo T.V. Program for the discipline O.A.07 “Research methods in Russian studies”: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – pp. 49-60 ISSN 1995-2473

292) Zherebilo T.V. Program for the discipline O.A.03 “Russian language”: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – pp. 60-73 ISSN 1995-2473

293) Zherebilo T.V. Candidate's exam program: Specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Reflection. – 2012. - No. 2-6. – P. 73 – 85 ISSN 1995-2473

294) Zherebilo T.V. Educational program of postgraduate professional education in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language: Awarded degree: candidate of philological sciences // Reflection - 2012. - No. 2-6. – pp. 85-95 ISSN 1995-2473

295) Zherebilo T.V. (rec.) Review of the abstract of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kucher’s dissertation on the topic “Formation of professional stability of officers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the educational environment of a modern military institute,” submitted for the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of professional education // Lingua-universum. – 2012. - No. 4. – P.21-22 ISSN 1819-3110

296) Zherebilo T.V. Complex procedural method (registration number 114942) // Dynamics of modern science / Coll. works int. conf. July 17 - 25, 2012 /Dynamics on modern science-2012. Volume 8. Philological sciences. – Sofia; BilGRAD-BG, OOD, 2012.- P.25-27 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

297) Zherebilo T.V. Functioning of linguistic terms in the modern Russian language // Science. Education. Innovations: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (November 26-27, 2011). In two volumes. Volume 1. – Makhachkala; Aleph, 2012. – P.265 -267. UDC 37.01

298) T.V. Foaling. Program for the entrance exam to graduate school//Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 5. – P.13 – 22 ISSN 1819-3110

299) T.V. Foaling. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Lexicology and Lexicography” //Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 5. – P.22 – 26 ISSN 1819-3110

300) T.V. Foaling. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Linguistic Philosophy”//Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 5. - P.26 – 38 ISSN 1819-3110

301) T.V. Foaling. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Research Methods in Russian Studies”//Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 5. – P.38-49 ISSN 1819-3110

302) T.V. Foaling. Work program for the discipline O.A.03 “Russian language” //Lingua-universum, 2012, No. 5. – P.59-62 ISSN 1819-3110

303) T.V. Foaling. The program of the candidate examination in a special discipline in accordance with the topic of the dissertation: Program of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies) in the specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Lingua – universum. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.26 – 36 (11 p. – 1.36 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

304) T.V. Foaling. Research program: Postgraduate professional education program (postgraduate studies) in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language // Lingua - universum. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.37 – 43 (7 pp. – 0.88 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

305) T.V. Foaling. Pedagogical practice program: Postgraduate professional education program (postgraduate studies) in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language // Lingua - universum. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.43 – 54 (12 pp. – 1.5 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

306) T.V. Foaling. Work program of the discipline FD.A.02 “Methods of teaching the Russian language in higher education”: Postgraduate professional education program (postgraduate studies) in the specialty 10.02.01 – Russian language // Lingua – universum. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.55 – 63 (14 pp. – 1.75 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

307) T.V. Foaling. Educational program of postgraduate professional education in the specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language // Lingua - universum. – 2012. - No. 6. – P.63 – 72 (10 - 1.25 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

308) Zherebilo T.V. Linguistic state in the Republic of Ingushetia // Main problems of modern linguistics / Collection of articles. IX International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference September 27-28, 2012. – Astrakhan: Publishing House “Astrakhan University”, 2012. - P.18-24 ISSN 2075-535Х

310) Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography. – Nazran: Pilgrim, 2012. – 126 s. UDC 80/81/811.161.1

311) Zherebilo T.V. Research methods in philology: Dictionary. - Nazran: Pilgrim, 2013. - 198 p. UDC 80/81/811.161.1

312) Zherebilo T.V. Linguistic-stylistic abstraction as a method for studying linguistic semantics//Lingua-universum. – 2013. - No. 1. – P.35-49 (1.9 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

313) Zherebilo T.V. Prevention of errors in the speech of bilinguals//Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 1. – P.49-57 (1.12 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

314) Zherebilo T.V. Linguistic analysis of literary text//Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 1. - P.57-64 (1 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

315) Zherebilo T.V. Stylistics and culture of speech//Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 1. – P.64-82 (2.36 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

316) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.03 “Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language)” // Reflection, 2013, No. 1. – P.6-14 ISSN 1995-2473

317) Zherebilo T.V. Tests on the basics of philology for 1st year students of ChSU (bachelors, philologists) // Reflection, 2013, No. 1. – P.14-30 ISSN 1995-2473

318) Zherebilo T.V. The program of the candidate exam in the special discipline 13.00.02 - theory and methods of teaching and education (Russian language) in accordance with the topic of the dissertation//Reflection, 2013, No. 1. – P.30-37 ISSN 1995-2473

319) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the entrance exam to graduate school in specialty 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language) // Reflection, 2013, No. 1. – P.38-43

320) Zherebilo T.V. (rec.) Didigova I.B. Terms and concepts of text theory in modern Russian. – Magas: Cap, 2013. – 164 p.

321) Zherebilo T.V. The linguistic state in the Republic of Ingushetia in conditions of bilingualism//Ecology of traditional cultures: Problems of disappearing ethnocultural groups in the modern world/ Mater. Int. conf. – Stavropol: Service School, 2013. – P.58-66 ISBN 978-5-93078-769-6

322) Zherebilo T.V. A series of dictionaries of linguistic terms for philologists//Word and Dictionary = Vocabulum et vocabulary/ Sat. scientific tr. - Grodno: GrSU, 2013. - P. 141-143 (0.36 p.l.) ISBN 978-985-515-628-5

323) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Linguostylistic abstraction” // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 2. – pp. 34-53 ISSN 1819-3110

324) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline OD.A.05 “Linguistic terminography” // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 2. – pp. 53 - 61 ISSN 1819-3110

325) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Linguistic terminology of the first decade of the 21st century” // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 2. – pp. 61 – 65 ISSN 1819-3110

326) Zherebilo T.V. Working programm academic discipline“Linguistic and philosophical problems of Russian studies” // Reflection. – 2013.- No. 2 ISSN 1995-2473 P.71-83

327) Zherebilo T.V. Work program “Current problems of teaching the Russian language at school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 3-4. – P.10-16 (0.88 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

328) Zherebilo T.V. Language state in the Republic of Ingushetia // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 3-4. – P.33-78 (5.75 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

329) Zherebilo T.V. Feedback from the supervisor about course work Bekova Tamara Bagaudinovna “Plural nouns in scientific texts”, submitted for defense in the direction 032700 – Philology” // Reflection. – 2013.- No. 2 ISSN 1995-2473 P.84

330) Zherebilo T.V. Review of the monograph “Competence-based approach to the formation of the content of higher professional education” by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lomteva T.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Reshetova I.S. "// Reflection. – 2013.- No. 2 ISSN 1995-2473 P.84-85

331) Zherebilo T.V. Review of the textbook “Introduction to Slavic Philology” by Azhigova T.M. Nazran: “KEP”, 2013. – 312 p. // Reflection. – 2013.- No. 2 ISSN 1995-2473 P.85

332) Zherebilo T.V. Work program “Current problems of teaching the Russian language in a Chechen school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” // Lingua-universum. - 2013. - No. 3-4. – P.10-16 (0.88 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

333) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “Methods and techniques of working on a master’s thesis. Research methods". Full-time form of education. Direction 032700 – Philology // Lingua – universum. – 2013. - No. 5-6. – P.28-91 ISSN 1819-3110

334) Zherebilo T.V. Technological maps in university classes // Lingua – universum. – 2013. - No. 5-6. – P.120-122 ISSN 1819-3110

335) Zherebilo T.V. The Russian language is “on the verge of a nervous breakdown”... or a new round of linguistic evolution?//Lingua – universum. – 2013. - No. 5-6. – P.125-127 ISSN 1819-3110

336) Zherebilo T.V. The Russian language is “on the verge of a nervous breakdown”: a dead end or a new round of linguistic evolution?//Russian language as a spiritual and cultural collector of the people. - Nazran: Cap, 2013. – P.5-13-0.3 p.l.

337) Zherebilo T.V. Functioning of the lexical system of the regional version of the Russian language // Scientific industry of the European continent. December 07-09, 2013 / Conference materials December 07-09, 2013. - Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science" s.r.o., 2013. - P. 82-87 (0.25 al.) Registration number: 151433 ISBN 978-966-8736-05

338) Zherebilo T.V. Language state in conditions of bilingualism// Education and science without borders/ Conference materials December 7-15, 2013. T.31 – Poland, Przemysl, 2013. - P.13-16 (0.2 pp.) - Registration number: 151561 ISBN 978-966-8736-05

339) Zherebilo T.V. Types of lexicographic information (LI) in the dictionary “Research Methods in Philology” // Perspective Issues of World Science / Conference Proceedings December 17 – 25. T.25 - Bulgaria, Sofia: Byal Grad-BG, 2013. – P.43-47. Registration number: 152327 ISBN 978-966-8736-05

340) Zherebilo T.V. Dictionary “Research methods in philology” in the educational process // Education and science without borders / Conference materials December 7-15, 2013. T.27 – Poland, Przemysl, 2013. - P.45-49 (0.25 pp.) Article registration number - 152334 ISBN 978-966-8736-05

341) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Educational lexicography for bilinguals // Reflection. - 2013, No. 3-6. – P.72-78 (0.84 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

342) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Computer technologies in methods of teaching the Russian language” // Reflection. - 2013, No. 3-6. – P.78-95 (2.25 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

343) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.03 “Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language)” // Reflection. - 2013, No. 3-6. – P.95-103 (1.17 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

344) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.03 “Research methods in methodology as a science” // Reflection. - 2013, No. 3-6. – P.103-108 (0.75 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

345) Zherebilo T.V. Technological maps in classes on methods of teaching linguistic disciplines at a university (based on the Russian language) // Science and education / Conference materials December 25, 2013 - January 5, 2014 - Czech Republic, Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science" s.r.o., 2014 . – P.12-15 Registration number: 152371 ISBN 978-966-8736-05

346) Zherebilo T.V. The relationship between the consciously practical method and modeling technology // Scientific industry of the European continent, November 2014 - Bulgaria, Sofia, 2014. - 0.2 al. ISBN 978-966-8736-05

347) Zherebilo T.V. Expression of the category of evaluation in popular science texts of Internet publications // Perspective developments in science and technology. - Poland, Przemysl, 2014. - 0.12 a.l. ISBN 978-966-8736-05 (Co-author: Mamieva Z.M.)

348) Zherebilo T.V. Contact-establishing verbs as an invariant basis of communication models (Registration number: 183760) // Education and science without borders. - Poland, Przemysl, 2014. - 0.25 a.l. ISBN 978-966-8736-05 (Co-author: Albekov N.N.)

349) Zherebilo T.V. Language state: problems of development of the regional version of the Russian language // Problems of research and teaching of languages ​​in modern conditions, Grozny, ChSPI, December 7, 2013. – Grozny, Makhachkala, 2014. – P.135-140.

350) Zherebilo T.V. The linguistic state in the Republic of Ingushetia: On the problem of bilingual space//Language, literature, folklore. - Grozny, 2014.- P.74-82 (0.4 al.)

351) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Applied linguistics”//Lingua-universum.-2014. -№1.-P.13-18 ISSN 1819-3110

352) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the academic discipline “History and methodology of philology// Reflection, 2014, No. 1-2. - P.25-128 ISSN 1995-2473

353) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Linguistic theory at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries” // Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 2. – P.8-15 ISSN 1819-3110

354) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “General Morphology” // Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 2.- P.15-57 ISSN 1819-3110

355) Zherebilo T.V. Current problems of teaching the Russian language in a national school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” // Lingua-universum. – 2014.- No. 3. – P.3-9 (0.88 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

356) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “General Morphology” //Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 4.- P. 19-62. - ISSN 1819-3110

357) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the academic discipline “Linguistic Discourse” //Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 4.- P.6-19 ISSN 1819-3110

358) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline FD.A.04 “Russian lexicography: history and modernity” // Reflection, 2014, No. 3. - P.67-70 ISSN 1995-2473

359) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for discipline FD.A.05 “Neonominations of the first decade of the 21st century” // Reflection, 2014, No. 3. - P.62-67 ISSN 1995-2473

360) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the academic discipline “Linguistic Discourse”//Lingua -universum.-2014. - No. 4. ISSN 1819-3110 p.6-19

361) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “General Morphology” //Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 4.- P. 19-62. - ISSN 1819-3110

362) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the academic discipline “Linguistic Discourse” //Lingua-universum.-2014. - No. 4.- P.6-19 ISSN 1819-3110

363) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.05 “Theory and practice of linguistic analysis”//Lingua-universum. -2014. -No. 5. - P.50-59 ISSN 1819-3110

364) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline FD.A.06 “Linguistic semantics”//Lingua-universum. -2014. -No. 5. - P.43-50 ISSN 1819-3110

365) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline FD.A.04 “Preventing errors in the speech of bilinguals” // Lingua-universum. - 2014. - No. 5. - P.27-43 ISSN 1819-3110

366) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Linguostylistic abstraction as a method of research and teaching” // Lingua-universum. - 2014. - No. 5. - P.8-27 ISSN 1819-3110

367) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline FD.A.03 “Methods of teaching the Russian language in higher education” // Reflection, 2014, No. 4. - P.57-68 ISSN 1995-2473

368) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline FD.A.06 “Linguistic semantics” // Reflection, 2014, No. 4. - P.50-57 ISSN 1995-2473

369) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for discipline FD.A.03 “Modern information Technology"//Reflection, 2014, No. 4. - P.33-50 ISSN 1995-2473

370) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Methodology of Linguistics” // Reflection, 2014, No. 4. - P.23-33 ISSN 1995-2473

371) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.03 “Methods of scientific research” // Reflection, 2014, No. 4. - P.17-23 ISSN 1995-2473

372) Zherebilo T.V. Work program for the discipline O.A.04 “Research methods in modern linguistics” // Lingua-universum. - 2014. - No. 6. - P.16-26 (1.36 pp.) ISSN 1819-3110

373) Azhigova T.M., Zherebilo T.V., Didigova I.B. Work program of the academic discipline “History of the Russian language” // Reflection, 2014, No. 5-6. - P.47-72 (3.75 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

374) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “General Morphology” // Reflection, 2014, No. 5-6. - P.72-92 (2.6 a.l) ISSN 1995-2473

375) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of Philology” // Reflection, 2014, No. 5-6. - P.92-106 (1.64 al.) ISSN 1995-2473

376) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “Linguistic analysis of literary text” // Reflection, 2014, No. 5-6. - P.106-112 (0.87 a.l.) ISSN 1995-2473

377) Dudarova L.M., Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “Introduction to the technique of linguistic research” // Reflection, 2014, No. 5-6. - P.112-117 (0.75 a.l.) ISSN 1995-2473

378) Zherebilo T.V. Integrative function as an object of linguistics, registration number 185076 // Directions of scientific thought / Sat. proceedings of the conference. MATERIALS OF THE XI INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “AREAS OF SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT - 2014/2015” December 30, 2014 - January 7, 2015 Volume 15, Philological sciences. T.15. – Sheffield: SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD; Great Britain, Sheffield, 2015. – P.96-98 ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6

379) Zherebilo T.V. Linguistic analysis of literary text: Educational and methodological manual. - Grozny: ChSU Publishing House, 2015. – 122 p. UDC 80/81/811. 161.1 BBK 81.2 Rus.4

380) Zherebilo T.V., Mutuskhanova R.M. Morphological errors in the speech of bilinguals // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1. – P.360 & URL: www.science-education.ru/121-17406 (access date: 02/18/2015). ( Electronic journal) (List of Higher Attestation Commission). ISSN 1817-6321

381) Zherebilo T.V. Microstructure of dictionaries of linguistic terms//Fundamental Research. – 2015. -№2-1. – P.194-199; URL: www.rae.ru/fs/?section=content&op=show_article&article_id=10005911 (date of access: 02.25.2015). (List of Higher Attestation Commission). ISSN 1812-7339

382) Zherebilo T.V., Mutuskhanova R.M. Syntax errors in the speech of bilinguals // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1. – 371. URL: www.science-education.ru/121-17570 (access date: 03/02/2015). (Electronic journal) (List of Higher Attestation Commission). ISSN 1817-6321

383) Zherebilo T.V., Mutuskhanova R.M. Conscious-practical method in the aspect of modeling technology//Izvestia DSPU, No. 1, 2015. P.103-107 (List of Higher Attestation Commission).

384) Zherebilo T.V. Work program of the academic discipline “Linguostylistic analysis of literary text” // Lingua-universum. - 2015. - No. 1. - P.18-26 ISSN 1819-311

385) Zherebilo T.V. Program of the academic discipline “Linguistic abstraction as a research method” // Lingua-universum. -

Zherebilo Tatyana Vasilievna has awards:

Zherebilo T.V. Dictionary of linguistic terms. 5th edition Nazran: Pilgrim, 2010. - 488 p.
ISBN 978-5-98993-133-0


The information space of modern linguistics, which includes the interpretation of all fragments of the linguistic picture of the world, is characterized by the presence in the theoretical and methodological paradigm of many directions, each of which, along with general linguistic terminology, includes its own special conceptual and terminological apparatus, reflecting the specifics of a particular direction.
The variety of systemic and aspecting theories naturally gives rise to a problem, at first glance, insoluble: 1) how, within the framework of the Dictionary, to give a systematic, holistic description of a particular term, inscribing it, on the one hand, into the corresponding scientific paradigm, and on the other, integrating it within the framework of the general theory of language? 2) what place does the information space of modern linguistics occupy in the global information universe? and 3) where, finally, is the line between a term and a non-term, between linguistic terminology and nomenclature?
These questions are not at all idle, given that modern man lives in a global information universe, which is characterized by heterogeneity and inconsistency.
On the one hand, the information universe, and, consequently, the information society itself acts as the basis for the development of language and the science of it. The language of words continues to play a major role in communication, acquisition and transmission of knowledge. A new linguistic style of the era has emerged, which is characterized by: expansion of the social functions of special, professional, terminological vocabulary, and specialized knowledge.
On the other hand, the continuous build-up of information, the loss of control over it, powerlessness in the face of awareness of all its meanings and “nonsense”, continuous communication, “dissolving” space, immerses a person in a continuous flow of information, thereby contributing to the escape of information meanings, information enactment and violence .
While working on the Dictionary, we tried to systematize linguistic information, to show how, as a result of the development of the information society, the type of science has changed and how, in particular, linguistics, along with other sciences, has become one of the main resources, the object of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Today, linguistic terminology is penetrating more and more widely not only into related, but also into very distant sciences. Its resources are inexhaustible.
The fifth edition of the Dictionary includes more than five thousand dictionary entries. Work on the Dictionary will continue. The author will gratefully accept the wishes and suggestions of linguists and other researchers interested in problems of linguistics.

MEANS OF CONNECTING PREDICATIVE PARTS IN A COMPLEX SENTENCE. Means of communication that form a structural mechanism that determines the dependence of the subordinate part on the main one: 1) unions: a) by structure: simple, complex, compound; b) by the number of positions occupied: single / double; c) in connection with certain syntactic meanings: semantic (although, if) / asemantic, i.e. syntactic ( what how and etc.); d) by participation in the differentiation of syntactic meaning: conjunctions of differentiating / non-differentiating type; 2) allied words, representing relative pronouns or pronominal adverbs and correlating with certain supporting words; 3) intonation completeness or incompleteness; 4) correlates– demonstrative pronouns used in the main part and indicating its incompleteness; 5) support words – words in the main part, extended by the subordinate part; 6) order of predicative parts: fixed and non-fixed; 7) paradigm: free and unfree; 8) typed lexical elements: a) emotional vocabulary; b) modal vocabulary; c) antonymic vocabulary; 9) private means of communication: a) parallelism in the structure of predicative parts; b) incompleteness of one of the parts.

CLOSED STRUCTURE IN A COMPLEX SENTENCE. Sentence structure based on: 1) comparison; 2) opposition; 3) alternative (two parts).

STRUCTURE OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS. The relationship of parts of a block of homogeneous members in meaning and grammatical means. The grammatical meanings of a block are expressed by: 1) intonation in oral speech; 2) coordinating conjunctions; 3) some lexical and grammatical means. Namely: 1) the intonation of enumeration is observed in non-union and union connections; 2) adversative, dividing, comparative intonation is accompanied by corresponding conjunctions; 3) the structural and semantic integrity of the block is expressed by prepositions, particles, the plural form of words combined with the block, the presence of a common secondary member, a common main member in a phrase, a common part in a compound and complex predicate, the presence of a generalizing word, etc.

THE STRUCTURE IS OPEN IN A COMPOUND SENTENCE. Sentence structure based on: 1) enumeration; 2) alternation; 3) non-distinction (any number of parts).

STRUCTURALLY AND SEMANTICALLY INCOMPLETE SENTENCES. Sentences in which missing members are suggested environment, situation, facial expressions, gesture and so on.: It's coming! Contextually incomplete sentences are characteristic of written language.

STRUCTURALLY AND SEMANTICALLY OPTIONAL MEMBERS OF A SENTENCE can be: 1) main members of the sentence; 2) minor members of the sentence.

STRUCTURALLY OBLIGATORY MEMBERS OF A PROPOSAL. Members of the sentence that occupy key syntactic positions in predicative and non-predicative combinations of words: 1) the main members are structurally obligatory; 2) minor members are structurally obligatory in single-component ones, where they indirectly characterize the subject of speech (thought); 3) minor members of the sentence are structurally obligatory in non-predicative combinations: She answered in a tired voice.

STRUCTURALLY COMPLETE, BUT SEMANTICALLY INCOMPLETE SENTENCES. Sentences with indefinite personal pronouns that replace subject positions, but do not contain complete, comprehensive information: Something must happen. From the point of view of the structural criterion, both positions of the main members are replaced, but in terms of lexical semantics, an indefinite indication of the actor is given.

STRUCTURALLY OPTIONAL SENTENCE MEMBERS. Secondary members in two-part sentences.

STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC COMPONENTS OF A SENTENCE. Members of the sentence: subject, predicate, object, definition, circumstance.

STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEX SENTENCES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION. Types of sentences are distinguished on different grounds: 1) by the number of predicative parts: two-term / polynomial sentences; 2) according to the availability of allied means of communication: allied / non-union; 3) by the nature of the model (scheme): sentences constructed according to free models, and sentences constructed according to non-free (phraseologized) models; 4) if possible, change the order of predicative parts in complex sentences: flexible And inflexible structures; 5) according to the correspondence/inconsistency of the number of propositions and predicative parts of the sentence: symmetrical And asymmetrical designs; 6) by function: functionally homogeneous And syncretic offers; 7) by the presence/absence of emotional coloring: exclamation marks And non-exclamatory.

STRUCTURAL-SEMANTIC DIRECTION IN SYNTAX. Includes several varieties that are gravitating or to study structures, or to study semantics. Senior-senior researcher seeks to synthesize these studies. Specific feature directions - multidimensional study And description syntactic units, their meanings elements And relationships, attention to phenomena transition (syncretism), study of differential properties of syntactic units.

STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF A SIMPLE SENTENCE: 1) special structural diagrams; 2) ways of expressing the structural elements of circuits; 3) grammatically formatted syntactic connections and relationships.

STRUCTURAL VARIETIES OF INFINITIVE SUBJECT. In the Russian language, there are two structural varieties of the infinitive subject: 1) the infinitive itself; 2) compound. 1. Proper infinitive subject modified as follows: a) as infinitive of a full verb: Work intellectually was a necessity for him; b) in the form infinitive of a verbal phraseological unit: To kick the bucket - not such a great art; c) how infinitive of descriptive verbal-nominal phrase: Win a victory at the right moment - a great thing. 2. Compound (infinitive-nominal) subject is two-component. Each component has its own functions: 1) infinitive component indicates the independent, independent nature of the sign contained in the subject and expresses the independent position of the subject in the sentence; 2) nominal component names the sign: To be kind not difficult at all. The verb component of a compound subject performs auxiliary functions: it itself cannot act as an independent subject, because represented by the infinitive form of linking verbs. The nominal component of a compound subject, which has the form of the instrumental case, expresses the meaning of the attribute and its material content. The form of the instrumental case is an indicator of the grammatical relations of the nominal and infinitive (auxiliary) components: Be happy - great art.

STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF SENTENCE MEMBERS: 1) way of expressing them(morphologized and non-morphologized); 2) the nature of syntactic connections and relationships(the same word form performs different functions); 3) syntactic position (place).

BLOCK DIAGRAMS. Typical patterns (stereotypes) according to which units of different levels of the syntactic system are constructed in speech: 1) model of phrase; 2) the structural diagram of the sentence, considered as “the first essential feature of the sentence.” Compiling a complete, finite list of structural diagrams of syntactic units is the main task of constructive syntax. In linguistics, the question of the composition of synonyms and the principles for identifying their structural elements has not been fully resolved. Exist various points views, which can be reduced to two main ones: 1) S.s. includes only a predicative minimum; 2) S.s. includes a semantic-structural minimum. S.s. described in AG-70 and “Russian Grammar - 1980”.

STRUCTURAL ASPECT OF STUDYING THE PROPOSAL. Study of the structure of syntactic units, description of their structural diagrams. A number of scientific directions have formed in modern linguistics: 1) constructive syntax; 2) structural syntax; 3) static syntax; 4) passive syntax.

COMPLEX SENTENCE STRUCTURES ARE FLEXIBLE. SP structures that allow different options for the order of parts: When it started to rain, we came home.

COMPLEX SENTENCE STRUCTURES ARE INFLEXIBLE. SP structures in which rearrangement of predicative parts and insertion of one part into another is impossible: Evening is coming, so the lanterns will be lit soon.

SUBSTANTIVE-ATRIBUTIVE SENTENCES. A structural variety of undivided complex sentences, the structure of which is determined by the verbal connection of the subordinate part with the word form of the noun, which can perform any syntactic function in the main part and occupy any place in it. The conventional connection of a subordinate clause with contact words is formed by allied words that agree with the contact noun in number and gender. Conjunctive words perform the function of sentence members. Attributive relations, on the basis of which the subordinate clause is interpreted as attributive, are formalized using a verbal connection between the contact noun and the allied word. Subordinate clauses definitive connect to contact nouns using conjunctive words which, which, whose; when, where, where, from; What. Unions in S.-A.P. are not used. Typically the subordinate clause follows the contact word. Conjunctive words perform the following functions: a) which has general defining meaning; 2) Which– distinctive-like meaning; 3) whose– possessive; 4) When connects with a noun of temporal semantics; 5) where, where, where– with nouns denoting space; 6) allied word What has a characteristic meaning, is used only in the im.p. form, gives subordinate clauses a touch of archaic, folk-poetic character. All allied words can be replaced with the word which.

THE TOPIC OF ANOTHER SPEECH can be expressed: 1) in a simple sentence using additions to verbs; 2) in a complex sentence in the subordinate part; 3) introductory words indicating the fact of someone else’s speech, its source; 4) particles are used that indicate the subjectivity of the transmission of someone else’s speech or its topic: they say, they say and etc.

TOPIC-REMATIC LOAD OF SENTENCE MEMBERS. Correlation of thematic-rhematic (actual) division with syntactic division. For example, it is believed that topic statements contains subject, rheme – predicate: Green // famous storyteller. As Topics can act predicate: // The library of the institute has also been replenished. As Topics And rhemas secondary members may act: He remembered his past vaguely.

THEME-RHEMATIC CONNECTION IN A COMPLEX SYNTACTIC WHOLE. In the aspect of the actual division of sentences in the text, themes and rhemas correlate with each other, determining the deployment of the SSC, the unity of which is ensured by the distribution of information from the given to the new. According to F. Danesh, three models of thematic sequences of sentences are distinguished: 1) a simple linear sequence, when the topic of the subsequent sentence coincides with the rheme of the previous one; 2) sequence with a constant theme: the rheme of the first sentence is repeated in subsequent sentences as their theme; 3) sequence with derived themes: various derived hyperthemes are implemented, which are either introduced in advance or are implicitly contained in all derivatives. Thematic elements unite sentences, rhematic elements are carriers of new information, contribute to the development of the topic, and the dynamic development of the text.

The type of word combination is determined by what part of speech the dominant member is, which determines: 1) the choice of dependent word form; 2) the content of the relationship; 3) type of grammatical connection.

TYPED LEXICAL ELEMENTS IN COMPLEX SENTENCES. Lexical means that are various types complex sentences regularly express meanings by participating in the formation grammatical meanings: 1) typological and constructive elements necessary for implementation main syntactic meaning; 2) private constructive elements that name an additional grammatical meaning that does not coincide with main meaning.

TYPICAL MODEL OF COMPLEX SENTENCE. A general, invariant model, according to which all complex sentences belonging to the same structural-semantic type are constructed.

TYPICAL SEMANTICS OF COMPLEX SENTENCES WITH PHRASEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. A comparative or adversative meaning, which is complicated by an additional concessive meaning or the meaning of inconsistency. BSCs of phraseological structure are divided into two groups: 1) sentences with an adversative-concessive meaning, which are characterized by lexical repetition in the first predicative part and which are built according to the following phrase models: a) [noun. in im.p. + identity noun in tv.p.], and : Friendship is friendship, but service must be valued; b) [know. word + (then) 1 + identity. I know word], and (but, yes] [...]: It's hot, but autumn has already arrived; c) [know. word + not + identity. I know word], A (But) [...]: Whether you like it or not, you have to go; d) [inf. + ( That) / (Not) + identity Ch. in sp.f.], and (but) : They laughed, but it was a little early; e) [imperative + not + identity. imperative], but [...]: Cry, don't cry, but you have to live; 2) sentences with the meaning of inconsistency: a) [nominative], a (i) : Director, but is not in control of the situation; b) [to what (already) + ...], a: For what I am old... - A maybe you'll outlive me too(N. Leskov).

TYPOLOGY OF COMPLEX SENTENCES: 1) SSP with a general connecting meaning: a) connecting-enumerative sentences; b) connecting-identifying sentences; c) connecting and extending sentences; d) connecting-resultative sentences; e) conditional consequential connecting sentences; f) sentences of connecting inconsistency; g) connecting-gradational sentences; 2) BSC with a general dividing meaning: a) sentences mutual exclusion; b) proposals alternation; c) proposals alternative motivation; 3) compound sentences with general adversative meaning: a) comparative offers; b) adversative-restrictive sentences; c) opposing-concessive offers; d) countervailing and countervailing proposals; 4) compound sentences with explanatory And affiliative relations. According to the structure of the BSC model, they are divided into two subtypes: 1) BSC, built according to free schemes (models); 2) sentences constructed according to phraseologized unfree models. By presence of predicative centers SSPs are considered polypredicative. According to availability subject in parts of the BSC the following are distinguished: 1) polysubjective SSP; 2) monosubjective SSP. Functional classification BSC includes following types sentences: a) narrative; b) interrogative; c) motivating; d) narrative-interrogative; e) motivating-narrative; e) motivating-interrogative. By emotional coloring The following are distinguished: a) exclamatory and b) non-exclamatory sentences. From point of view communication organization the following communicative types are distinguished: a) articulated BSC; b) indivisible. Besides, autonomy of predicative parts predicts the appearance in the BSC independent communicative-syntactic units, which differ from simple sentences in terms of actual division: each of the predicative parts performs a specific communicative task and has its own actual division, characterized by the binary nature of the actual division: each of them has its own subject(T) and rhema(R).

TYPES OF INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES: 1) actual interrogative sentences; 2) sentences that do not contain a question, but have an interrogative form: a) interrogative-rhetorical; b) interrogative-motivating; c) interrogative-negative; d) interrogative-affirmative.

TYPES OF DIALOGICAL UNITS. Types distinguished depending on goal settings: 1) informative dialogic unity; 2) directive dialogical unity; 3) exchange of opinions; 4) dialogue aimed at establishing or regulating interpersonal relationships; 5) evaluative dialogical unity; 6) phatic dialogue.

TYPES OF MULTIPLE COMPLEX SENTENCES: 1) sentences with linear distribution, or combinatorics of parts; 2) sentences with the inclusion of predicative parts and modification of syntactic connections and relationships.

TYPES OF POLYNOMOUS COMPLEX SENTENCES: 1) polynomial complex sentences; 2) polynomial complex sentences; 3) polynomial non-union complex sentences; 4) polynomial complex sentences with different types of syntactic connections (contaminated, mixed structure).

TYPES OF SINGLE SENTENCES. Sentences in which the grammatical basis is one main member, with the help of which predicativity is expressed. Differences in the form of the main member serve as the basis for identifying types of one-part sentences: a) verbal and b) nominal. 1. In verbal one-part sentences, an independent attribute (action) is asserted: They sang on stage; Verbal forms, by their morphological nature, gravitate towards a dependent position, towards the expression of a characteristic attributed to the subject. The independent position of the verb form requires special constructive conditions; in verbal one-part sentences, the main member is played by all the main conjugated forms and the infinitive, expressing the grammatical categories of modality and tense, as well as persons. 2. In nominal (substantive) one-part sentences, the existence of an object is affirmed or denied: It's winter again; Not a soul in the position of the main member there is only a noun (or a substantivized word) in the nominative or genitive case. In nominal one-part sentences there is no possibility of morphological expression of predicative categories and they are revealed with the help of constructive and intonation indicators.

TYPES OF SUBJECTS (IN RUSSIAN STUDIES): 1) nominative subject having objective meaning; in sentences with a nominative subject the “object-attribute” relationship is expressed: The garden is turning green; The garden is green; The apple trees were in bloom; the morphological standard of the subject is the nominative - a noun in the nominative case; 2) infinitive subject denoting an independent attribute - potential action: To achieve means to win; Learning is happiness.

TYPES OF SYNTACTIC RELATIONS IN WORD COMBINATIONS: 1) attributive (definitive); 2) object; 3) circumstantial.

TYPES OF PREDICATES. Varieties of the predicate - one of the main members of a two-part sentence, grammatically subordinate to the subject, having a real and grammatical meaning, which are respectively expressed as follows: 1) real value is the name of the action, sign, state; 2) grammatical meaning - tense and mood: Summer is gone; The birds were excited; Autumn will be dry and warm; Earth is our planet. He was wearing a frock coat. Taking into account the way of expressing real and grammatical meanings, the main structural types predicate in Russian: 1) simple and 2) composite. IN simple predicate material (concrete) and grammatical (abstract) meanings are expressed by one word form or lexicalized combination of words. IN compound predicate real and grammatical meanings are expressed in two components – separately.

TYPES OF PHRASES (IN RUSSIAN SCIENCE): 1) verbal; 2) personal ones; 3) adverbial; 4) adjectival; 5) phrases with numerals (quantitative); 6) phrases with pronouns.

TYPES OF COMPLEX SENTENCES OF CONTAMINATED STRUCTURE BY THE NATURE OF TYPES OF CONNECTION: 1) polynomial complex sentences with composition and submission: a) polynomial sentences in which two or more parts with a coordinating connection are extended by a common subordinate part; b) polynomial sentences in which each of the composed components is a complex sentence; 2) polynomial complex sentences with composition and non-union connection; 3) polynomial complex sentences with non-union connection and subordination: a) sentences in which one common subordinate part extends two or more predicative parts, connected by non-union and forming a construction of homogeneous composition; b) sentences whose components, connected by a non-union connection, are complex sentences; 4) polynomial complex sentences with non-union connection and composition; 5) polynomial complex sentences with composition, subordination and non-union connection.

TYPES OF COMPLEX SYNTACTIC INTEGERS. Types distinguished depending on the structure, the nature of interphrase connections and semantic type text fragment: 1) static SSCs, which are descriptive in nature, are characterized by a parallel connection, the presence of a qualitative, objective, static rhematic dominant, compound nominal predicates, words of qualitative semantics, verbal forms indicating the simultaneity of actions (states); 2) dynamic SSCs that are narrative in nature, characterized by an action dominant and a chain connection; they use verbal predicates, expressed in perfect forms, indicating a sequence of successive situations, anaphoric substitutions and repetitions are common; 3) mixed STS, combining different semantic types of speech; They are characterized by a combination of dynamic and static elements, a combination of narration, description, and reasoning.

CONFIDENCE. Subjective-modal meaning expressed using introductory components: of course, no doubt and so on.

INDICATIVE AND INCENTIVE SENTENCES. A type of nominative sentences in which the idea of ​​being is complicated by an indication of the subject of speech (thought) when it exists or appears. IN block diagram particles enter here, here and: Here is our hostess.

SEPARATION CONDITIONS. In Russian studies there are: 1) general; 2) private and 3) additional conditions isolation of sentence members. Are common U.o.: 1) the possibility of semantic isolation, separation from the word being explained; 2) the volume of a sentence member is more than one significant word; 3) unusual location relative to the word being defined. Private U.o.: 1) the presence of a gerund; 2) the word being defined belongs to the category of personal pronouns. Additional U.o.: 1) clarifying nature of the meaning of a separate member relative to another; 2) a connotation of causal, conditional or other meaning characteristic of the common prepositive definition.

CONDITIONS FOR HOMOGENEOUSNESS OF SENTENCE MEMBERS. The homogeneity of sentence members is a syntactic phenomenon, therefore the conditions for homogeneity can only be syntactic (not morphological or semantic): 1) connection with the same member: subordinate or dominant; 2) uniformity of syntactic function; 3) the absence of a number of dependency relationships between the members themselves. If words explain and clarify each other, then they are not homogeneous members: ... He spoke barely, barely breathing, like a dying man. In the presence of all three conditions, homogeneity presupposes uniformity, logical one-dimensionality of the semantic relations of all members of the series and each of them to the dominant or dependent member. For example, definitions are not homogeneous if they define an object with different sides: The dark August nights have arrived.

ORAL SPEECH. Speech is sounded, pronounced, the primary form of existence of language, earlier in time of origin than written speech. For unwritten languages, this is the only form of their existence. U.r. the following characteristics are characteristic: 1) lack of preparedness; 2) linearity; 3) irreversibility; 4) connection with the physical time of speech, increasing automatism and randomness in the use of linguistic means, reducing the possibility of their conscious selection, which requires time to search, which would inevitably affect the continuity of the speech act and is therefore undesirable. Information content, effectiveness of U.r. increases due to: a) intonation; b) gestures and c) facial expressions. In everyday communication, oral speech is used, which has syntactic, morphological, lexical, and phonetic features. In the syntax for U.r. Characteristic: 1) constructions with unrealized valences; 2) repetitions; 3) constructions with nominative themes. The oral form of speech used in everyday communication is also realized in other areas of language functioning: 1) in public, socially addressed speech; 2) in the scientific field: report, lecture; 3) social and political sphere: speeches at rallies, meetings, meetings, on radio, television, etc.; 4) in the legal sphere (judicial speeches). U.R. used in various fields are characterized by: 1) repetitions; 2) clarifications; 3) associative inserts; 4) use of sentences of uncomplicated structure; 5) the use of tropes and comparisons; 6) techniques for addressing speech; 7) linguistic means of a subjective-modal and emotional-evaluative nature; 8) conversational elements. Synthesis of book-written, neutral and colloquial units in U.R. regulated by situational and thematic conditions, as well as the author’s preferences. U.r. is individualized more than written, since the moment of its preparedness usually lies in the thoughtfulness of the logical-compositional aspect of speech. Reading a finished text is not considered U.R. U.r. maybe: 1) monologue: story about events, public speaking at a rally, meeting, conference, etc.; 2) dialogical: conversation, discussion, discussion. Combining the functions of message, communication and influence in U.R. predicts the saturation of the monologue form with elements of dialogue.

PHATIC DIALOGICAL UNITY [from Latin: fateri – to express, show, reveal]. One of the types of DUs that does not involve productive exchange of information. In F.d.e. the contact-establishing function of language is realized: communication is carried out for the sake of communication itself, consciously or unconsciously it is aimed at establishing or maintaining external contacts. F.D.E. widely represented in the sphere of surface speech interaction: 1) at the beginning of telephone conversations; 2) in congratulations; 3) greetings; 4) routine conversations about health or weather, etc. Replicas of F.d.e: 1) are characterized by a high degree of standardization; 2) are clichéd in nature; 3) the amount of information provided is minimal.

FORMS OF SPEECH. Forms, methods of carrying out speech activity, which can take place in monologue and dialogic, oral and written form.

FUNCTIONS OF SECONDARY MEMBERS OF A SENTENCE. Functions performed by secondary members as supply distributors: 1) conditional function, in the aspect of which the secondary members explain and distribute certain individual words; 2) primary function, in the aspect of which the minor members explain and extend the predicative basis of the sentence as a whole. In the structure of a simple sentence, minor members can extend both the main and other minor members.

FUNCTIONS OF SEPARATE MEMBERS OF A SENTENCE: 1) expression of an additional statement: Creating a new book you often forget about the previous one; 2) explanation, clarification: Right, close to the main street, this house stood; 3) allocation, limitation: There was no one in the house, except their own; 4) connection: The eyes were shining - from happiness; 5) comparison, likening: Summer this year was damp, like autumn.

FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES. Identification of simple and complex sentences according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, incentive. Other classifications are known: 1) narrative and interrogative sentences, and incentive sentences are considered as a type of narrative; 2) narrative, incentive, desirable (optative), interrogative.

FUNCTIONALLY HOMOGENEOUS COMPLEX SENTENCES. Sentences in which all predicative parts coincide in purpose: a) narrative: Night was approaching, it was getting dark outside the windows; b) interrogative: If that's the case, then why are you doing it differently? c) incentive: Work on the topic, don’t let everything else worry you for now.

FUNCTIONAL TYPES OF UNIONLESS COMPLEX SENTENCES: 1) narrative; 2) incentive; 3) interrogative sentence; 4) narrative-interrogative; 5) an incentive-narrative sentence.

FUNCTIONAL TYPE OF COMPLEX SENTENCE. Type of IPS, determined depending on target setting of the main part: 1) if it is narrative in nature, the entire sentence is narrative; 2) if the main part expresses a question, the SPP qualifies as interrogative; 3) if the main part contains an incentive, the sentence is considered as an incentive; 4) in colloquial speech it is possible to function as a declarative-interrogative sentence.

CHARACTERIZATION. Logical-syntactic type of semantics of a simple sentence, represented by sentences in which the nominal predicate contains a predicative characteristic (evaluation, qualification, etc.) of the subject of speech / thought: He's all - child of goodness and light, he's all - freedom triumph (A. Blok). In the general meaning of X. the following stand out: 1) qualitative sign: The bread is fresh; 2) qualitative-evaluative sign: Good damn thing; 3) qualifying sign: Husband is a professor; 4) qualifying-evaluative sign: This picture is a miracle; 5) quantitative sign: There were two boys.