The program cannot start d3dx9 26 dll. Causes of d3dx9_26.dll error. How to fix this error

d3dx9_26.dll is a dynamic library that serves to speed up data processing during interaction operating system with video processing devices in the computer. This module is included in the package Microsoft DirectX and is responsible for processing video graphics in applications and games. Not installed in the operating system by default, this module is often installed along with the software or game. If there is no anti-virus software, it may be infected with viruses and Trojans.

Library description:

File language: English
DLL file size: 2.19 MB
Archive size: 1 MB
Document format: .zip archive
OS version: Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows Vista | Windows XP

Errors related to the d3dx9_26.dll file:

If this module is damaged due to correct update or overwriting a program or a patch for it during the installation of another game, or if it is infected with a virus or is completely absent from your computer, then the operating system will crash when accessing this file. Types of error messages associated with this dll:

  • “the program cannot start because d3dx9_26.dll is missing”
  • "d3dx9_26.dll was not found"
  • "the file d3dx9_26.dll is missing"
  • "The file d3dx9_26.dll could not be registered."
  • "d3dx9_26.dll access violation."
  • "could not start this application, because the file d3dx9_26.dll was not found. Reinstallation apps can solve this problem."

Most often, problems associated with this module occur among fans of playing the following games: “NFS Most Wanted”, “GTA SA”, “Civilization 4” and “PES 2014”. The problem may also manifest itself in users who work with software designed for video processing.

Why does Windows OS report the error: “d3dx9_26.dll”?
The fact is that when starting a game, application or program executable file requests access to the library and when the operating system does not find it (for one of the reasons described above), it throws an error, and the desired software usually does not start.

How to fix this error?

  1. conduct full scan Your computer for the presence of malware, antivirus. If it is not available, download it from the Internet and install it on your computer. Without good antivirus and regular scanning for malware software Your system will eventually collapse
  2. next you need to download working version dll(s) for problematic application or games.
  3. The answer to the question: “Where to put it and how to install d3dx9_26.dll in Windows?” You will find in the archive that you downloaded from our website. In addition to the library itself, it contains detailed instructions for installing dll-(ok), it is also on the site pages
  4. Following the instructions, perform all the necessary actions and reboot
  5. trying to launch a game, application or program that has not worked before
  6. if the above steps do not help, we recommend downloading and installing latest version Directx and check for more latest versions drivers on official websites
  7. check for errors in the registry. Of course, doing this yourself is not recommended without proper experience. We recommend finding a program on the Internet to check and correct Windows registry, download free version Software or purchase it if it is paid. Then install and use it to identify possible problems.

Checked by antivirus!

Description of the dll file: DirectX Function Library for Windows
Possible dll error: error d3dx9_26.dll was not found
Compatible Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8

Our catalog contains next versions this library:

How to download d3dx9_26.dll and install it

Open the zip file downloaded from the site. Remove d3dx9_26.dll to a folder on your computer. Where should I put d3dx9_26.dll? We recommend that you unpack it into the directory of the program that requests this dll. If this doesn't work, you will have to extract d3dx9_26.dll to your system directory. The default is:

C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me)

C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000)

C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP, Vista, 7)

If you are using 64-bit Windows version, you should also put d3dx9_26.dll in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\. Make sure you overwrite existing files(but don't forget to do backup copy original file). Restart your computer. If the problem persists, try the following: Open the Start menu and select Run. Type CMD and press Enter (or if you are using Windows ME, type COMMAND). Type regsvr32 d3dx9_26.dll and press Enter.

Attention! It is very easy to download d3dx9_26.dll for free from the Internet, but there is a high probability of infecting your computer malicious code. Please scan ALL files downloaded from the Internet with an antivirus! The site administration is not responsible for the performance of your computer.

Please also note that each file has a version and bit depth. DLL file s same name can be either 32-bit or 64-bit. Installation in DLL system files does not help in 100% of cases, but mostly problems with programs and games are solved with this simple method. Most often you encounter DLLs when there are errors in the operating system. Some libraries come with Windows system and are available for any Windows programs. Replacing DLL files from one version to another allows you to independently expand the system without affecting application programs.

DLL error? Our specialists will help!

Can't figure it out? Game won't start? Are you constantly getting DLL errors? Describe your problem in detail and our specialists will quickly and competently find a solution to the problem that has arisen. Don't be shy to ask a question!

If you, Dear user, when you tried to start the game, you became an involuntary witness to a system “uprising” and the OS attacked you with a difficult-to-understand DLL error"Absent system library d3dx9_26.dll. The program cannot be launched,” and you don’t know what to do in this case, then this article is for you. In just a couple of minutes you will know where to download d3dx9_26.dll for free and where you should install the missing file, which is so important for the OS.

What caused this error to occur?

First of all, you should know that this file (d3dx9_26) is an integral part of the general system program DirectX. Or rather, it belongs to its 9th version. As a result of the loss this file the system library becomes incomplete and the process of interaction between the OS and other software components, accompanying game scenario, becomes simply impossible.

In most cases, the culprit of the “non-startable” celebration is some ill-fated virus. It’s not uncommon for the above-mentioned “library” to crash as a result of incorrectly applied software. Sometimes the user himself, without knowing it, deletes an important DLL file. In general, there can be plenty of reasons. However, there are two fail-safe solutions to such a difficult situation, which will be discussed further.

Solution #1: download and install the missing DirectX component

Next steps:

  • Through the Start menu, open the This PC section.
  • Next, enter the disk directory (C:\).
  • Our destination is the “Windows” folder, which is located in root directory OS.
  • Once you are in this folder, find the "system32" folder and double click with the left mouse button enter it.

  • Now drag the unzipped file into the open area.
  • The system will require your consent “Replace” - we change!
  • Now you can start the game.

If everything is “OK” - enjoy your favorite activity, if not - move on.

Reinstalling DirectX

Rarely, but still happens: replacement or “toss” missing file dynamic library does not lead to the desired result. The operating system still “swears” and continues to throw out incomprehensible error messages. To restore “gamer justice” it is necessary to establish new copy DirectX. In our case, the ninth version.

Instead of an afterword

Now you know where and how you can download d3dx9_26.dll for free. However, it may well be that in the future you will need different dynamic files(Maybe, ) and the found “dialers” you will have to download from little-known sites... Always check the files downloaded from the Internet and never forget - “well-wishers” in world wide web more than enough. Wishing you dizzying adventures and desired victories!

Why do you need the d3dx9_26.dll file?

The dynamic library d3dx9_26.dll is required for software package DirectX. The latter is used by many game and application software developers. You will not be able to play NFS Underground if d3dx9_26.dll is missing from your computer. Other games that involve video may also refuse to launch if this problem occurs.

What to do

Just download d3dx9_26.dll. It doesn’t matter at all what program requires this file, but if you launch the game and receive a message like “The dynamic library d3dx9_26.dll was not found on the computer. Re-installing the application may fix this problem,” then it is quite obvious that you should download the d3dx9_26.dll file.

You can get it from our website, and this is very convenient, because in addition to guaranteeing that the file will not contain viruses, you also save time: you do not need to go to all Internet sites and look for the d3dx9_26.dll file - you can download it right here, here, via a direct link.


Before installing the file on the system, check HDD your computer for the presence or absence of viruses. If viral activity is detected, it must be eliminated before the process of introducing it into the virus begins. Windows dynamic libraries d3dx9_26.dll.

If you have scanned your computer antivirus program and no viruses were found, you can begin the installation process. It is divided into three stages: first you will need to copy the file to the system directories, then register the dynamic library in the system and finally reboot the operating system.

Copy the file from the place where you saved it after downloading it from the Internet to the system32 folder. It is located in the system directory of the operating system.

How to download d3dx9_26.dll for free?

Now we need some information. Namely, you need to determine the bit capacity of the system you are working on. To do this, find the “Computer” or “My Computer” shortcut and right-click on it. Will open context menu, in which you need to select “Properties”.

A window has opened in which all your attention should be focused on the “System Type” column. What is written there? If this column says “64-bit operating system,” then the d3dx9_26.dll file will additionally have to be copied to the SysWOW64 folder, which, just like system32, is located in the Windows system directory.

Please note that as the name system folder may be different, and the drive letter may be different. Traditionally, the folder is called Windows, and the drive letter is C. But if these values ​​are different for you, take this into account when creating the correct path for copying the file.

Copied? Now let's move on to registering the file.

If you are running XP, in the main menu click "Run" and write cmd command in the window that opens.

If your operating system is higher than XP (Windows 7/8/9/10), then you need to write the cmd command where the text “Find programs and files” is written. It's in the Main Menu. Yes, yes, right on top of this text. In all cases, write commands by pressing the Enter key.

You have now opened software tool, where it is very convenient to write various instructions for Windows, and most importantly - immediately receive the result of their execution.

Write regsvr32 d3dx9_26.dll. After you press Enter, the file should be registered. If for some reason registration fails, you must definitely find and eliminate this reason. Remember: correct work dynamic library without registration in the operating system is impossible.


After all copying and registration steps are completed, you must perform full reboot operating system for all changes to take effect.