A busy computer port does not see the printer. The PC does not recognize the printer: possible causes and solutions

Are you connecting your printer to your Windows XP computer but nothing happens? The system does not recognize your printer, identifying it as an unknown device? Or, despite the fact that the printer is installed and correctly detected, it is impossible to print on it? Let's try to figure out why printing equipment refuses to work normally.

Why doesn't my Windows XP computer see the printer?

The computer may not see or may not recognize the printer correctly for the following reasons:

  • the printer is turned off or faulty;
  • the cable connecting the printer to the computer is faulty;
  • on older computers to which printers are connected via COM or LPT ports, these same ports either do not work or are disabled in the BIOS.
  • when connecting modern USB printers, the reason may also be a non-working USB port;
  • printer drivers are not installed;
  • The Print Spooler service is not running;
  • the printer software is not supported by Windows XP or conflicts with other software;
  • If problems arise when connecting network printers, there are errors in the network settings.

Eliminating hardware reasons

It is not always possible to deal with hardware problems on your own, but you need to check what is within your power first. To make sure the printer is working properly, connect it to another computer - if the printer is faulty, the problem will occur there too.

Also check the cable you use to connect the printer to your PC. If you have the opportunity to replace it and test the work with another, be sure to do so. And of course, try connecting the cable to other USB ports on your computer.

If your system does not see printers connected to COM ports, you need to make sure that the ports are not disabled in the BIOS. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab – “IO Device Configuration” or “Integrated peripherals” and make sure that the COM Port parameter (other names for the option are Onboard Serial Port, Serial Port Address, Serial Port) is set to “Enabled”.

To check whether the LTP port is enabled, also go to the same tab in the BIOS and look at the value of the Onboard Parallel Port option (Parallel Port Address, Parallel Port). It should not be “Disabled” either. If the port is enabled, you can see some values ​​in the settings of these options, for example, Auto, 378H/IRQ7 or other similar ones.

It happens that COM and LTP ports are enabled in the BIOS, but the computer still does not see the printers. This often indicates a fault with the contacts in the connectors or the controller chip that controls these ports (Super I/O chip). Sometimes this happens when the legs located around the perimeter of this chip move away from the contacts on the motherboard.

Troubleshooting software problems

Installing drivers

The most common reason that Windows XP does not see printers is the lack of necessary drivers. To check this, open Device Manager. Right-click on “My Computer” on the desktop, open “Properties”, go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Device Manager” button.

If you see question marks or exclamation marks in the equipment list, such as here -

the reason is obvious: Windows XP simply doesn't know what the device is, so it can't use it.

Printers are always supplied with a disk with drivers, and to solve this problem, just insert the disk into the drive and point the New Hardware Wizard to the path to it.

The driver will install automatically. After restarting your computer, you can check how your printer prints.

If there is no such disk, but you have access to the Internet, you can find the required driver using the device code. To do this, do the following:

  • Find your printer in Device Manager and open its properties.
  • Go to the “Details” tab.
  • Select “Equipment IDs” from the list.
  • Copy the top line from the code list.

  • Paste it into the search bar of Google, Yandex or other search engines. Most likely, several web resources will be found from where you can download the appropriate driver. It is more reliable and secure to download drivers from the websites of equipment manufacturers.

Checking if the Print Spooler service is running

Service Print Spooler or Print Spooler is responsible for the interaction of printer drivers with the operating system, input/output components (ports) and network protocols. If it is disabled, don't be surprised if your printer doesn't print or Windows XP doesn't see it.

By default, the Print Spooler service is assigned a startup type of “automatic”. But sometimes users themselves turn it off as unnecessary, when there is no printing equipment.

  • To check, open “Start” - “Run” or press the “R” and “Windows” keys.
  • Enter the command in the “Open” line services.msc and click OK. The service management program will launch.

  • Find “Print Spooler” in the list of services and open its properties (from the context menu).
  • Give it a startup type of “Auto” and also start it if it is stopped.

  • If the “Print Spooler” does not start, check if the “Remote Procedure Call (RPC)” service is running and if the file C:WindowsSystem32Spoolsv.exe is on your hard drive.

Why won't the printer install?

However, in some cases, despite the availability of drivers and the correct configuration of services, the system still does not see or install the printer. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Windows XP has not been updated for a long time and therefore does not support new printers;
  • Printers were previously installed on this computer and their utility utilities remained in the system, which conflict with the new drivers.
  • Security software does not trust drivers, especially those that are not signed by Microsoft, and therefore blocks their installation.

To deal with the first problem, just update Windows XP. To do this, open “Security Center” through the Control Panel and select “Check for the latest Windows Update” in the right half of the window.

Download all available updates from the Microsoft website. It is especially important to install Service Pack 3 for Windows XP if you do not have it.

If the update did not help, and you know for sure that other printers were previously used on the computer, remove all components belonging to them through “Add or Remove Programs”.

The next step is to check whether the installation of unsigned drivers is blocked on your system. Since installing drivers without a Microsoft digital signature is quite dangerous (due to the possibility of viruses entering the system), Windows XP may prohibit this.

Open system properties by right-clicking on “My Computer”. Go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Driver Signing” button. If in the list of Windows XP actions you have the option “Block - prevent installation of an unsigned driver” selected, select “Warn - prompt you to choose an action every time.”

If you use third-party software such as antiviruses and firewalls to protect your computer, temporarily disable them during driver installation.

How to connect a network printer

In cases where the network printer of a home group of computers does not print or is not recognized, the most common cause is incorrect network settings.

First of all, make sure that in your network environment there is a computer to which the printer is physically connected. Both your and that PC must be part of the same workgroup, which is configured through System Properties - the “Computer Name” tab.

Open the “Network Neighborhood” window and click on the “Show workgroup computers” menu item for network tasks.

If the required PC is not in this window, make sure it is working and connected to your home network. Check it and your network settings. The local IP addresses of these two computers must be within the range of addresses for private networks, for example, - and not repeated.

If you see a computer with a printer in the workgroup window, but the printer still does not print documents to your PC, check the sharing setting. On the PC to which the printer is connected, open the “Printers and Faxes” window through the “Start” menu. In this window you should see all your network printing equipment.

Click on the “Printer Sharing” menu and turn on “Sharing” in the properties. After that, check if the network printer prints documents from your PC.

Still no results? Check to see if the ports that the print service uses are blocked (TCP ports 139 and 445). If you are using Windows XP Firewall, open it through Control Panel. On the Exceptions tab, check the box next to File and Printer Sharing. Save the settings and check if the printer prints after these changes.

Why doesn't the printer print?

What to do if the printer still does not print? Perhaps your documents simply haven’t gotten around to it yet. This happens when there is a long print queue for this printer, as well as when there are problems opening a file.

To resolve this issue, you must clear the print queue.

  • After opening the “Printers and Faxes” window, right-click on the printer icon.
  • Select “Open” from the context menu. You will see how many documents your printer is printing at a given time. Or rather, how many are waiting for their turn.
  • Click on “Printer” from the top menu and select “Clear print queue” from the list.

  • After everything, send the documents to print again. If this was the whole problem, you can see how the printer prints them.

Other reasons that your equipment does not print are low ink or toner levels, as well as various problems in the device itself. Any modern printing equipment informs the user about a lack of ink by turning on special indicators on the body.

As for the breakdown, this option is likely when you have tried all available means of solving the problem, but the printer still does not print or the computer with Windows XP still does not see it. There is nothing left to do but contact the service center.

It happens that the PC system does not see the connected external device. This can happen with a web camera, speakers and printer. Let's find out what reasons contribute to laptops not seeing printing devices and how to fix it.

Before you send the device for recycling, it is still worth finding out the reason why the laptop does not see the printer. This is an important point, since many nuances can be corrected yourself.

What will we talk about:

Check connection

First of all, you need to make sure that all cords and USB cables are connected to the PC. Equipment malfunction can occur due to a loose contact or USB cable. It is also worth checking the units for damage. In this situation, try connecting the printer to the ports, then inspect the cable. Don't forget to turn on your device. The reason for the non-working state may be simple user inattention. This is the first reason why the laptop does not recognize the printer via USB.

Driver installation and malfunction

It often happens that the laptop does not “see” the Canon printer. The cause of this malfunction is mainly the drivers. The breakdown is easy and quick to fix. It is enough to install the computer software. Often, drivers “fly off”, that is, they are damaged or even deleted. If you have a Canon brand device that your PC does not see, you should check the drivers.

The best solution would be to remove them completely and install them again. This can be done using a disk; media with software is included with any printer, including Canon. But if for some reason they are not there, then do not be discouraged. Just go to the manufacturer’s official website and download them from there completely free of charge.

Check printer settings

The reason may be an incorrectly selected device as a print source.

If you have several installed printing units of different brands: HP, Canon, etc., you should go into the settings and see which printer is selected as the main one. It happens that the settings get lost.

The entire “breakdown” of the equipment lies in this part. To eliminate it, just select the brand of the desired device and save the settings. If you don't have the printer you need, such as HP, try reinstalling its software.

System failure

A common and important cause of equipment failure. If such an incident occurs, then you need to completely remove the operating system and reinstall it again. The process requires a long time to restore the system and install all the necessary drivers for the PC and printer. Next, check the operation of the printing device; if the problem is still not resolved, check all the points described above.

If the printer does not function, the following reasons are possible:

  • All necessary driver programs are not installed;
  • printer failure.

System incompatibility

In addition to the reasons already mentioned above, one of the options is system incompatibility. Often, when buying a printer, people do not pay attention to the characteristics of the device. So, as a rule, all supporting systems are described, when installed on which the printer will work properly. If you do not take into account the details, you can spend quite a long time thinking about the cause of the equipment malfunction.

The problems cannot be resolved due to the fact that the operating system does not support drivers at all. If you have such a problem, we recommend looking for software on the Internet, including on the official website of the company producing this equipment. If the search is successful, just indicate the required device model and download the file.

Then start the installation process and follow all instructions. Try to understand every word you write. If the software requires you to turn off the printer during installation, then follow these instructions. Deviating from the installation rules will result in drivers being loaded incorrectly and will affect the operation of the printer.

Advice! If you were unable to determine and eliminate the cause yourself, you should contact a service center.

Listed above are the main reasons why the laptop does not “see” the HP printer and brands from other manufacturers. There are tips for eliminating various types of breakdowns. A large proportion of the occurrence of this type of malfunction is due to dysfunction of the driver system. If you have problems, we recommend that you follow all the tips described above; if the problem still cannot be solved, you should contact a specialist.

There may be several reasons why the computer does not see the printer. In this article we will look at them and try to solve the current problem.

First, check the cable that connects the printer to the computer. If it is not broken anywhere and the wires are not exposed, then pay attention to how the plugs fit into the computer and printer ports. To ensure good contact, they should not dangle; you can still move them a little. Now turn on the printer using the switch located on it. The red or green indicator light on the front of the printer body should light up.

The next thing you need to do is check the installed drivers on your computer. To do this, go to “Start” - "Control Panel""Device Manager". Then we look for the printer in the list. I don’t have it connected, so I’ll show you on another device. Right-click on it and go to “Properties”.

On the “General” tab we look at the device status. If it says the same as in the picture below, everything is great. If not, you need to reinstall the drivers. In some cases, even if the system reports that the drivers are working fine, it is better to remove them and install them again.

To do this, go to the “Driver” tab and click “Delete”.

To do this, go to the official website of your printer manufacturer: HP, Canon, Samsung and others. Then go to the “Support” section. Here we select the device itself, its subtype and model. Next, click “Select”.

For HP printers, the site looks like this. You need to go here "Support service"– “Software and drivers”. Then enter your printer model and click "Product Search". You will be offered drivers, select the appropriate one and click “Download”.

Here in the section "Printers and Faxes" Your printer should be displayed.

In the event that your computer multiple printers connected, select the one you need, right-click on it from the menu and select "Use as default".

Then in the same menu go to "Printer Properties". On the tab "Additionally" check that the marker is near the item "Always available".

Another reason why the computer does not see the printer may be disabled print service. To do this, go to “Start” - "Control Panel""Administration". Here we double-click on the item “Services”.

In the next window we look for the item "Print Manager" and double-click on it.

Here, make sure that in the “Status” item it says “Working”. If your “Run” button is active, click on it. Then in the “Startup type” field, select from the drop-down menu "Automatically". Click Apply and OK.

I think everything worked out for you and you can print the required document without any problems.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

Almost everyone has encountered a problem when the computer stopped seeing the printer, or did not see it initially. Even if both devices are fully operational, the computer may not recognize the printer, despite the correct connection. This problem is the most common, but at the same time the easiest to solve.

Possible causes of malfunctions

  • Incorrect connection.

Often the reason for the printer's invisibility is a lack of contact when connected - a consequence of clogged ports, a faulty cord, or simply not a tight fit at the junction.

  • Incorrect operation of drivers.

Drivers for printing devices, like any other software, can fail, causing the printer to malfunction. If there is no disk included when purchasing a printer, the user may download drivers that are incompatible or unsuitable for a specific OS.

  • A different default printing device is set.

This problem may occur if other printing devices are connected to the computer, or if they were previously connected but not removed properly. This means that the operating system recognizes another printer that is automatically selected.

  • The print service is disabled.

In search of an answer to the question of why the computer does not see the printer, users often forget about the settings of the operating system itself. For trouble-free printing, the service must be turned on at all times.

Ways to solve these problems

To check the connection, just make sure that the working ports and cable are used. If you find debris or dust in the ports, you need to clean them to ensure contact between elements. To check, you can free all connectors, and if the computer does not see usb, check each of them sequentially. Sometimes the problem can be solved by simply checking whether the printer itself is turned on, since many people often forget to turn the device on again after disconnecting from the network.

Problems with drivers can come from either their incorrect operation or their complete absence. To install drivers, it is important to use the original disk included with the printer. If there is no such disk, drivers are downloaded from the Internet on the official website of the device manufacturer. When downloading a driver, it is important to select a package that fully matches the printer model and your operating system. If the drivers are not working correctly, you can reinstall them by first removing the broken version.

To set an existing printer as the default device, you need to right-click on the device icon and check the box next to the “Use as default” option or simply select this option.

To enable the printing service, you need to go to the Control Panel, the “Administration” tab, then “Services” or “Print Spooler”. After this, you need to enable the service by selecting “Startup type” or the “Run” command and checking the “Automatic” option.

Thus, if the computer does not see the printer connected, then you can solve this problem yourself in most cases. Evidence that the problem has been resolved is the correct operation of the device and its display on the computer. In other cases, you need to contact specialists, since the lack of results from all of the indicated methods for correcting the problem may indicate the presence of more serious malfunctions.

Greetings, friends! Sometimes it happens that when you need to print something, the laptop does not see the printer via the USB connection. It seems that everything is installed and connected correctly. There are several explanations for this, and below I will talk about all possible situations.

Types of faults

There may be several breakdowns due to which Windows 10 does not see the printer:

  • the printer is not turned on;
  • wire fault;
  • missing or old drivers;
  • another printing device is selected;
  • virus;
  • failure in the automatic operation of the printing service;
  • USB controller disabled;
  • physical breakdown.

The reasons why the laptop stopped seeing the connected printer are very different and most of them can be easily resolved on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists. The only exception is a physical breakdown; obviously, in this case, repairs will be required at a service center.

Physical malfunctions

So, if Windows 10 does not see the printer, then first of all you should check whether it is turned on. Many printers have two buttons that supply power. One is located on the front panel, and the second is often located at the rear. Many users are unaware of it. It happens that someone turned off the power with the back button, and the new user did not take this into account. When the device is turned on, it has a light indication, which allows you to understand that the device is ready for use.

The second probable reason is that the USB cable is broken or disconnected. In the first case, the test is carried out by replacing the wire or connecting another device with this cable. If the computer or printer was recently moved, it could simply become disconnected.

Another point regarding the wire is the first connection to the PC. If the device is installed for the first time, you must strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. Many manufacturers indicate that you should connect the printer and PC at a certain point in time when the driver installation program requires it. It is not correct to connect both devices before installation. The printer must be disconnected from the power supply when connecting a wire to it. When the laptop tells you to turn on the printer, only then is power supplied. Violating these recommendations is the answer to why the computer does not see the printer.

Programs with software

Software on a PC is an important element in the operation of any device. Without a driver or its incorrect operation, the device is not detected by the PC. An important point when installing the driver is to use the latest versions designed for a specific OS and Windows bit depth. Famous manufacturers HP, Canon, Epson include a disc with software in the kit. It is worth understanding that during the implementation of the device, the software may become outdated, as new driver versions appear. I recommend installing the program for the printer not from a disk, but by downloading the current version from the manufacturer’s website. This will help save time and effort.

What to do if the printer has been in use for a long time and it suddenly stops working. I recommend checking the driver. It could have been damaged by a glitch in the operating system or by a virus. First of all, you should install anti-virus software and clean the system, then, if there are available restore points, roll back the system to return to a working version of the software. If this does not help, then the easiest option is to reinstall the drivers.

An OS failure often causes malfunctions not in the operation of the printer itself, but in the laptop controllers used for connection. When connecting the MFP, a USB connection is used. For various reasons, controllers may stop working correctly. In this case, the laptop stops seeing the printer, flash drives, mouse and all devices connected via USB input. You can check whether the USB connectors are really to blame through the device manager. It displays all the nodes of the laptop; if any icon has an exclamation or question mark, then it is not working correctly. In this case, you will need to install a driver for it. This can be done directly through the properties (update driver item) or by first downloading it on the manufacturer’s website for a specific model.

Sometimes the printer is detected by the laptop, but printing still does not occur. This is possible if several printing devices are connected to it. The system always selects one of them by default. In this case, when sending documents for printing, the default printing device will perform the job. There are two ways out of the situation - set the desired printer for automatic printing or select it manually each time.

In order to become the main one you need to do the following:

Start - Settings (gear icon) - Devices - Printers and scanners. Here we will see all connected devices and by right-clicking on the one we need, select “use as default”.

If the printer will be used periodically, then you can send documents to it manually. To do this, simply select the desired device in the print settings selection window.

In order for the equipment to print documents itself, a special service has been installed. Due to a failure or outside intervention, it can be disabled or switched to manual mode.

You can correct the situation as follows:

  1. Start – Search.
  2. Enter the MSC command.
  3. The print manager will open, go to its properties.
  4. In the General tab, select the “Automatic” startup type, and also click on the “Run” button if it is active.
  5. We save the actions and see if they produced results.

All of the above actions solve the main number of malfunctions that may prevent the user from printing. Sometimes the problem can be resolved even easier - just restart the computer, and in some situations the antivirus is to blame. That is why, before moving on to serious actions, you should restart your PC and disable antivirus applications.

Thank you for your attention! See you again! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.