Interesting statistics: which iPhone is the most current? Whose smartphones sell better in the US. Which OS users download more apps?

This pressing question, which has been looming in the minds of potential consumers over the past few years, is only aggravated by the abundance of models existing on the market. Today, anyone can find a device – as they say – to their liking and, without overpaying too much, use it with pleasure.

Not ready to spend a huge amount on flagship model, but can’t come to terms with the stuttering of the “spotlight”? No problem, take the iPhone SE, which, even taking into account delivery from abroad, will cost you 25,000 - 27,000 rubles. Do you want something bigger and more interesting in appearance? iPhone 6 is your choice, especially since the version in the basic configuration will cost you only 30,000 rubles.

Fans of monstrous screens with a diagonal of 5 inches or more have no choice but to pay attention to the iPhone 6 Plus, which I personally think is the most balanced device since the iPhone 5s. The same applies to the more expensive and productive iPhone 6s Plus, which regularly pulls the strap of Apple’s main innovation as of the summer of 2016. Against this background, it is quite surprising that none of the listed smartphones are half as interesting to Apple itself as – you’ll laugh – the iPhone 3G and 3GS.

This, in any case, is hinted at by an infographic summary published - wherever you think - on Wikipedia. A direct comparison shows that the least current model The iPhone turned out to be the first generation. Its “life” in official retail was only about a year. It was followed by the much more popular iPhone 3G, which dominated the market for 3.5 years. But the most interesting thing for Apple itself and consumers was not the iPhone 5s, as was previously believed, but the iPhone 3GS.

The latter existed on the market for almost 4 years - an absolute record for devices of this type. Unprecedented by the standards of 2009, the power and amazing functionality made the iPhone 3GS the most attractive purchase of the 2000s. And so much so that it was not shameful to own it even in 2011, when the glass-aluminum iPhone 4S ruled the roost, and even more so for the ridiculous 12,000 rubles that were asked for it in domestic retail.

The summary of the iPhone 5c, the first but failed contender for a budget price tag, also looks interesting. Introduced along with the iPhone 5s in September 2013, the polycarbonate iPhone failed to gain the attention it deserved from consumers, and therefore was called the most disastrous Apple product behind last years. Against this background, the cycle looks especially strange iPhone life 5c, approximately equal iPhone cycle 5s, which existed for about 2.5 years.

What could this mean? Yes, everything is about the same thing that I was talking about a few months ago - Apple needs an inexpensive and not necessarily a sophisticated smartphone. Fortunately, Cupertino realized this in time and released the iPhone SE. The new product can attract consumers not only with a relatively affordable price tag, but also with a very functional “filling”. I think he will become the new leader, taking over the entire market.

In old firmware before iOS 9.0, the iPhone had a wonderful item: Settings - General - Statistics. This paragraph showed memory usage in detail. different programs. It was immediately possible to understand which programs took up how much space. I used this item very often, especially when there was not enough memory in the device.

At one point I noticed that the item had disappeared. I searched everything in the General Settings, but I still couldn’t find it. I even decided that Apple company I decided to remove this information, even though it is important for many.

After reading a little on the Internet about new firmware, I found what I needed. It turns out that the Statistics item was moved to another section and called it completely differently. Now all information about programs is located in the Settings - General - Storage and iCloud section. Now it's called that.

In this menu item, you can manage memory both directly on your phone and memory in your iCloud cloud.

Try it, perhaps it’s high time to conduct an audit of forgotten and unnecessary programs.

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Today we will not give further subjective opinions of individual people about who is the queen of mobile phones operating systems. Disputes between fans of the bitten apple and the green robot often lose sight of such an important thing as facts. What do the facts say?

Whose smartphones sell better in the US

Despite the fact that the American market is very far from us, it is still one of the largest in the world, which means it makes a decisive contribution to the global distribution of smartphone sales, so let's start with it. In mid-November 2012, Kantar Worldpanel Comtech presented data on sales of smartphones on Android and iPhone, and then the shares of these OSes turned out to be 51.2% and 43.5%, respectively. Despite subsequent jumps in performance, as competitors took turns rushing into first place, the overall picture between November 2012 and February 2013 remained unchanged:

Next comes a study from ComScore MobiLense, which took into account all smartphone users over 13 years of age. Important Note: here the statistics do not go for a period, but cover the entire past up to the current moment. That is, over the years of development and distribution of smartphones, by January 2013 the ratio of Android and iOS owners in the United States looks like this:

Whose smartphones are selling better around the world?

We have dealt with the USA, and now the figures that are more important from the point of view of objectivity are global indicators. According to IDC, in the fourth quarter of 2012, Android accounted for 70.1% of all smartphones sold, while Apple accounted for 21%.

Whose tablets are selling better around the world?

Who sells more in the world

Of all the diversity Android manufacturers smartphones, we single out only Samsung as the only “dominator”. The rest of the Android manufacturers go like “and Co.,” but they all also make Android devices. Here's how things stood in the 4th quarter of 2012 on a global scale.

Who sells more in the USA?

Strategy Analytics reported that in the 4th quarter of 2012, Apple won the American market by a small margin.

Who makes more money

Data based on Canaccord Genuity research. In fact, this point has little to do with operating systems, but still.

Who has more apps?

Even if company X released the best OS in the world tomorrow, it still wouldn't attract anyone until it could boast an app store... a big app store. Please note that by now both operating systems have more than 800 thousand applications, and with such a number, further comparison is generally pointless - both have everything you could want.

We will not write anything about the ratio of applications tailored for tablets, because we could not find the necessary data on Android.

Who has the best apps?

The uTest company collects ratings and reviews of all applications from Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The data is then transferred to a 0-100 scale, and by January 2013 the situation was like this:

In other words, some average general iOS app 5.3% better than the Android app.

Which OS users download more apps?

Canalys provides statistics according to which in the first quarter of 2013, every second application downloaded was an Android application.

Who makes more money from apps?

Money again - again Apple is out of competition. Data from Canalys for the first quarter of 2013:

Who is there more on the Internet?

NetMarketShare publishes monthly reports on the shares of various operating systems and browsers on the Internet, including mobile ones:

And this is where funny things begin. Research from StatCounter suggests that in March 2013, there was more Android on the Internet than iOS.

Perhaps the whole point is in the incorrectness of the information collection technologies used by this or that company, but in general the moral is this: do not believe the statistics.

Who is there more in the business sector?

Citrix showed the distribution of mobile OS in the corporate sector for the 4th quarter of 2012:

Bottom line

What's the result? We see that in various aspects the advantage passes from one giant to another, and it is still not possible to give an objective answer to the eternal question. Topic closed?