Yandex add a page for indexing. What is it for

Addurilka, this is not from the word “stupefy”, but from the English. “add url”, which means “add a site”. Each search engine has its own ad site where you can register your site. Below is a list of addresses where you can add your sites to search engines.

Yandex is the most widespread system for searching information on the Internet in Russia. Yandex Addurilka is located at this address:

Typically, sites with unique content get into the index quickly enough, in 1-2 applications (4-7 days). Sometimes you have to wait a long time for a site to be added to the index (from 1 month or longer). You can also place a link to your site on some other resource (site directory, message board, forum, etc.), and the time it takes for the site to get into the index is significantly reduced.

When adding a site to the form, none of the search engines guarantees that the site will immediately appear in their index. Sometimes, as in the case of Yandex, you have to wait quite a long time. However, the advantage of Google is that you can add your site very quickly to their index by placing a link to it on some trust site or popular forum where the search bot visits quite often.

The site also has a section “To help the webmaster,” which allows you to apply to change the site description in the registry of Ukrainian sites, use professional Internet statistics, and participate in the Meta rating.

This search engine also does not require adding the site to the index, since this often happens automatically when links to your resource are found. However, if your site is not in Bing for a long time, you can use its adurilka. After registering, expect a Bingbot bot that will search for pages that meet accepted standards.

The add form contains a field for entering information about the frequency of site updates, apparently to set the schedule for the Nigma search bot. Adding a site occurs almost instantly after filling out the form. Recently, Nigma has become more and more popular search engine.

It is enough to indicate the url of the main page, the remaining sections will be found using the links. GoGo do not give any guarantees about the inclusion of the site in the database; apparently the sites undergo light moderation. To increase traffic, GoGo employees recommend regularly sending an XML file with information about updates to the GoGo.Ru index database.

Also, to add a site to the catalog, you need to select a category of the second level or higher corresponding to the site’s theme, and then click on the “Add site” link. You can add different website pages to the catalog if they have different categories. To use this opportunity, you must have an account on

Google has a blog search section. If your site is a blog that has the ability to subscribe via RSS, then use the forms for adding a site in the PPB services: for Google

In the forms for adding to the PPB, you can specify both the URL of the site itself and the RSS feed of blog posts.

Keys to the post:

  • addurilka
  • how to add a site to a search engine ( search engine)
  • website registration in Google, Yahoo, MSN, GoGo, Yandex, Rambler

Quite often, a new site cannot be found in Yandex. Even if you type its name in the search bar. The reasons for this may be different. Sometimes search engines simply don’t yet know that a new resource has appeared. To figure out what’s going on and solve the problem, you need to register your site with Yandex Webmaster.

What is site indexing in Yandex

First, let's figure out how search engines generally find out about new sites or changes to them. Yandex has a special program called a search robot. This robot surfs the Internet and looks for new pages. Sometimes he goes to old ones and checks to see if anything new has appeared on them.

When the robot finds a useful page, it adds it to its database. This database is called the search index. When we look for something in the search, we see sites from this database. Indexing is when the robot adds new documents there.

A robot cannot crawl the entire Internet every day. He doesn't have enough power for that. Therefore, he needs help - to report about new pages or changes to old ones.

What is Yandex Webmaster and why is it needed?

Yandex.Webmaster is an official service from Yandex. You need to add a website to it so that the robot knows about its existence. With its help, resource owners (webmasters) can prove that this is their site.

You can also see in Webmaster:

  • when and where the robot entered;
  • which pages it indexed and which it did not;
  • what keywords do people search for?
  • are there any technical errors?

Through this service you can customize your website: set the region, product prices, protect your texts from theft. You can ask the robot to re-visit the pages where you made changes. Yandex Webmaster makes it easy to move to https or another domain.

How to add a new website to Yandex Webmaster

Go to the Webmaster panel. Click "Login". You can enter the login and password that you use to log into Yandex mail. If you don't have an account yet, you'll have to register.

After logging in, you will be taken to a page with a list of added resources. If you have not used the service before, the list will be empty. To add a new resource, click the “+” button.

On the next page, enter the address of your site and confirm its addition.

At the last stage, you need to confirm your rights - prove to Yandex that you are the owner. There are several ways to do this.

How to confirm rights to a website in Yandex Webmaster

The easiest way to confirm rights in Yandex Webmaster is to add a file to the site. To do this, click on the “HTML File” tab.

A small file will download. You'll need this file now, so save it somewhere you can see it. For example, on the desktop. Do not rename the file! There is no need to change anything about it.

Now upload this file to your website. Typically file managers are used for this, but for InSales users there is no need to do any of this. Just go to the back office, click "Files". Then at the top of the page - “Add file”. Select the file you downloaded earlier.

Then return to the Yandex.Webmaster panel and click the “Check” button. After successfully confirming access rights, your site will appear in the list of added ones. Thus, you have informed Yandex Webmaster about the new site.

Meta tag Yandex Webmaster

Sometimes the method described above does not work, and the owners cannot confirm the rights to the site in Webmaster. In this case, you can try another way: add a line of code to the template.

In Webmaster, go to the “Meta Tag” tab. You will see a line that needs to be added to the HTML code.

InSales users can contact technical support and ask to insert this code. This will be done as part of a free revision.

When they do this, in Webmaster, click the “Check” button. Congratulations, you have registered your site in a search engine!

Pre-configuration of Yandex Webmaster

The site has been added to the search, now the robot will definitely come to you and index it. This usually takes up to 7 days.

Add a link to your sitemap

To make the robot index the resource faster, add the sitemap.xml file to Webmaster. This file contains the addresses of all pages of the resource.

For online stores on InSales, this file is already configured and should be added to Webmaster automatically. If this does not happen, add a link to sitemap.xml in the “Indexing” - “Sitemap Files” section.

Check robots.txt

The robots.txt file indicates pages that the robot does not need to visit. These are the cart, checkout, back office and other technical documents.

InSales by default creates robots.txt, which does not need to be modified. Just in case, we recommend checking if there are any errors in the robots. To do this, go to “Tools” - “Analysis of robots.txt”.

Set the site region

On the “Site Information” - “Region” page, you can set the region of the site. For online stores, these are the cities, regions and countries where purchased goods are delivered. If you don’t have a store, but a directory or blog, then the region will be the whole world.

Set the sales region as shown in the screenshot:

How else is Webmaster useful?

On the “Search Queries” page you can see the phrases that come to you from the search.

The “Indexing” section displays information about when the robot was on the site and how many pages it found. The “Site Moving” subsection will help you if you decide to install and switch to https. The “Page Retraversal” subsection is also extremely useful. In it you can indicate to the robot the pages on which the information has changed. Then, on your next visit, the robot will index them first.

On the “Products and Prices” page of the “Site Information” section, you can provide information about your online store. To do this, the resource must be configured to upload data on products and prices in YML format. If configured correctly, prices and delivery information will be displayed in the search results of product pages.

If you want to improve the visibility of your company in Yandex services, you should use the “Useful Services” section. In Yandex.Directory, you can specify the phone number, address of your store, and opening hours. This information will be displayed directly in Yandex results. This will also add you to Yandex.Maps.

Yandex.Metrica is another important tool for the owner of an Internet resource, showing traffic data. Statistics and dynamics of site traffic are displayed in easy-to-analyze tables, charts and graphs.

After connecting to the Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrica services, you will receive a sufficient amount of information to manage the site’s positions and traffic. These are indispensable tools for website owners who want to promote their resources in the most popular search engine in Russia.

The next step in website promotion is through a similar service called Search Console.

In order for site pages to be indexed by search engines and appear in search results, the webmaster needs to do a lot, but first of all, the site needs to be added to add-ons. The funny phrase does not at all surprise experienced website owners, since they already know that the word “addurilka” is derived from the English “ add url» – add URL (link).

Addurilka is a special page of search engines with a form for entering the address of a site or web page. With its help, you can notify the search engine about a new site or a new article.

This needs to be done regularly, although I see recommendations that only pages of a new site are added to addurilki. My actions of adding new articles to addurilki are a useful habit: it doesn’t take much time, but I know for sure that I did everything to ensure that search engines were notified about the release of a new article.

This means that you can really count on search engines. Of course, search engines do not guarantee appearance in search results, since all sites are different, and they do not want to promise accelerated results for good sites and not so good ones. Moreover, in this case, the site in the same accelerated way can fall under various search engine filters if the author uses black hat optimization and promotion methods.

Why do you need a list of adduriloks?

After you've created a new website or published a new article, be sure to make a list of add-ons you'll be working with. Every webmaster needs such a list.

You can:

  • create a list
  • post links to addurilki
  • find by keyword in a search engine
  • save a link to my list in a convenient place
  • write an article with your list on your personal website or blog
  • use any other methods.

Adding a site to Addurilki is very simple: you need to enter the URL into the form and enter the captcha, or confirm that you are not a robot. Some search engines may require you to register with the system. If you did everything correctly, a message will appear stating that your page will appear in the index soon.

Search engine boosters for site indexing

The most popular search engine in Runet is This is where webmasters sit for hours on end in their personal accounts of Yandex.Metrica and Webmaster. To improve the indexing of your resource, add a URL and confirm the entry with a captcha.

Yandex Addurilka is located at:, a popular search engine all over the world. Google's minimalism attracts many, since the system's algorithms really provide the necessary and filtered information to the user. In terms of the number of search queries, Google is the No. 1 search engine, and in Russia it ranks second. Many webmasters know that Google is capable of bringing in a lot of traffic. In order to add a site, you need to register an account with Google and confirm the URL entry with a captcha.

Addurilka is located at: search engine is quite popular in RuNet. By the way, also has a webmaster’s account where you can analyze statistical data to improve results. According to the information provided in the daily statistics, provides a fairly decent number of transitions to my site. To add a site, enter the URL and confirm with the captcha.

Addurilka is located at:


On September 18, 2018, Bing announced that its anonymous URL submission tool had been retired.

This is the search engine owned by Microsoft. Not very popular in RuNet, but the site is still worth adding. A little later, you will notice transitions to the site from Adding a site is just as easy: enter the address of your site and confirm with a captcha.

Addurilka is located at:

For those who would like to not only add their site to Bing, but also register with the search engine, I suggest watching the video; perhaps the next steps will be much easier for you to take.

The search engine today operates in beta testing mode, and daily visits sites on the Russian-language Internet in order to process and transmit information to the search engine index. positions itself as a safe and useful search service that provides reliable information and protects users from malicious content. In order to add a site, you need to enter your email address, page URL, enter the characters from the image and submit the information.


Addurilka no longer works, but Sputnik itself works and is the property of Rostelecom, so we’ll leave the story about the add-on for history, and you can test the search at:
♦ Bulk addurilki

A great way to add website pages for those who like large volumes and quantity))

Add URL addresses to Yandex

Add URLs to Google

The URL is added one per line. When adding pages to Yandex, you will have to confirm each address by entering a captcha. Not very convenient, unfortunately. But with Google, everything is simple: you enter a bunch of page URLs and click on the “Add addresses” button. Quickly and without unnecessary hassle.


What resource owners don’t do to optimize their sites and improve the indicators that help search engines rank the site at one or another position in the search results. The dream of each of us is to take the entire TOP 10 in Yandex and Google for each search query :)) (Just kidding!)

Add your sites to search engine add-ons, signal to everyone that you exist, that you are working and creating cool and high-quality pages that are useful for Internet users. I wish you success in your promotion!

On the Internet they may see such a word as addurilka, but do not know its designation. I remember myself, as soon as I started, a lot of unfamiliar terms that I could not always fill out. To bring things up to date a little, I want to touch on the topic outlined in the first sentence.

Addurl- this is a special page on which there is a form that must be filled out in order to notify about a new site or page. As a rule, the form consists of one line in which you need to enter the site url or page, after which the search engine will be notified about the new arrival and should come to visit you.

Why do you need Yandex and Google addurilka?

Because Yandex, the only top one in Runet, and Google all over the world, then, as a rule, all sites are optimized for them. Addurilki are needed in order to:

  1. Speed ​​up resource indexing by search engines.
  2. If you bought backlinks to your resource, to speed up the indexing of these pages.
  3. If you have placed free links on websites or in directories, then such pages cannot always be indexed by search robots, so it is best to use Adduril.

As for itself, now many people do not use addurl, since there are social networks with the help of which you can speed up site indexing in an incredibly short time. Twitter is especially used, on which robots sit day and night, and with it you can achieve excellent results. Get yourself an account on twitter and develop it, a multifunctional tool.

Addurilka Yandex and Google

Let's get straight to the point. In order to add a site or page to Yandex addurilka you need to follow the link:

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a message that the address has been added and will be viewed by the robot as it arrives.

Now let's move on to Google. To add an address to google addurilka you need to go to the page:

After we have crossed over, we repeat the same procedure. In the field, enter the address of the page or website and enter the captcha.

At the end, if everything is correct, and I think there should be no problems, you will receive a message that the request has been received and will be processed shortly.

So you can simply achieve good results in accelerating resource indexing. I recommend using it on young sites that have just launched, as they are less authoritative and are not popular with search engines.

Greetings, dear reader of the blog site! This article will be of interest to novice webmasters and SEO optimizers. In this article you will learn what the concept of addurl is and why you and your site need it.

The term “addurl” means a certain page that is present in every search engine, where there is a form where you can enter the address of your new site, or the address of a new created page on the site.

“Addurl” came into SEO slang from the English word “add url,” which translated into Russian means “add a link.” This service in search engines is needed mainly so that a newly created new site or a new page on a site gets into the search engine faster, that is, it is indexed faster by search engines. Also, the service of adding a site to search engines (addurl) is also necessary so that your freshly written article is not dragged across other Internet sites faster than it is indexed on your site.

This situation is fraught with the fact that if your content is not the first to be indexed on the site, then you will actually be a “copy-pastor,” that is, a person who seems to have borrowed content from another site, although in fact you wrote the text yourself. In such a situation, you can get through the Google and Yandex filters. To prevent this from happening, you need to make sure that search engines find it on your site as quickly as possible after posting content on the pages of your site, and then your unique text will be assigned to your site. Thus, your text will be considered the primary source on your domain in the eyes of search engines.

Many webmasters who have already dealt with search engines, especially the Yandex search engine, know that indexing in the Yandex search engine is slow, especially when the site has just been made, and search engines don’t know anything about it yet. Therefore, by using addurl, you can force your site to be found by all search engines.

Google, as a rule, works faster in general, and accordingly, it quickly finds new sites and new pages created on the site. As a rule, there is no need to resort to Google’s addurl service. Google is pleased with its speed of indexing. However, in this article we will also look at the page for adding a site to the Google search engine.

Addurl Yandex - add a site to Yandex

To add a site to Yandex, you need to follow the link where Addurl Yandex is located - On the page you will see a line with a form where you need to enter the address of your domain or the internal page that you created on the site. Next, enter the captcha (letters and numbers from the picture) and click “Add”.

As soon as you add a site to the above form, a message will appear that the site has been added to the queue for indexing. In about 2-3 weeks, after several updates to the search databases, your site will begin to be indexed, and pages will begin to appear in the Yandex index.

Addurl Google - add a site to Google . I would like to note that in order to add a site to the Google search engine, you must first go through the registration process. Now, in fact, to add a site to Yandex, you first need to log in. Everything here is the same as with adding a site to Yandex. You also enter your website into the form, recognize the captcha (check the box next to “I’m not a robot”, then select the necessary pictures in the pop-up window), and then click the “Send request” button.

As soon as you do everything, the message “Your request has been received and will be processed soon” will appear. Next, you need to be patient and wait a little (usually you will have to wait no more than 2-3 weeks) until your site begins to be indexed, or the new page you created will be included in the search, that is, will be indexed. If you have another site that is already successfully operating on the Internet, then you can put a link on it that will link to your new site or new page, and then the likelihood that Google and Yandex will find your site faster becomes even greater.

It is for this purpose, for faster indexing, that the site is run through Twitter accounts, social bookmarks, and free blogging platforms. This is all done precisely so that the site and internal pages of the site can be found more quickly by search bots, so that new content can be included in the search engine index as quickly as possible.

Registering a site in search engines

The question may arise...Do you need to register your site in other search engines? In the Russian segment of the Internet, it is already clear that the main traffic will come from two main search engines - Yandex and Google! The question arises about the appropriateness of all other search engines. In fact, if you add your site to all other search engines, it will definitely not get worse, but only better. Therefore, let's go over all the other well-known search engines, both Russian and foreign.

Addurl - add a site to is the third most popular search engine in Russia. So let's see how to add a website to Here everything is arranged in the same classical way in Mail as in Yandex and Google. Follow the link - must also first be registered on and you will see a form where you will need to enter your website, check the box next to “I am a human,” and click on the “Add site” button.

It is also possible to add your website to [email protected]. This email rating has both paid (for Internet projects from which you will make a profit) and free registration (for Internet projects that will not sell any goods).

To register a site for free, follow the link There you will be taken to a page where you will need to fill out several forms.

Addurl Yahoo & Bing - add site to Yahoo and Bing

The Yahoo search engine is a powerful corporation in the United States and can be said to be on a par with Google. Yahoo search engine is one of the top three most famous search engines in the world with Bing search engine. At the moment, the two giants have merged and Addurl Bing is used to add a site -

In terms of adding a site, everything here is the same as in previous search engines. Enter your website or website page into the form, recognize the captcha and click on the “Submit” button. Next, you will also need to wait some time for the Bing search engine bot to visit your site and index the new content you added.

Addurl Nigma - adding a site to Nigma

Nigma is a Russian search engine and accounts for approximately 10% of RuNet queries. It is completely unpopular and not well-known among most Internet users, but nevertheless, it is also worth adding your site to this search engine.

Go to the Addurl Nigma system page -

All according to the classics of the genre! In the form, enter the site address or internal page of the site. You also need to indicate your email and set the frequency of updating data on your website. Next, click the “Save” button and that’s it! As usual, you will need to wait some time for your site or internal pages of the site to be included in the Nigma search engine index.

Adding your website to search engines is essentially just the beginning on the path to promoting your Internet project. After you have completely made your site, you just need to add it to all known search engines so that the site begins to fall into the visibility zone of the TOP50 and over time, with its methodical site development on your part, it will be able to rise higher every month and higher to the TOP 10 search results.

Of course, there are many nuances to how to promote your website to the first page of search results. Creating a website and adding it to search engines is just a small part of what you will need to do, as well as methodically work on the site month after month so as not to lose the result already achieved.

We will talk about external and internal SEO optimization and technical audit of the site in the following articles!