WoL (Wake-On-LAN), methodology and principles of use, setup and rake. Wake-On-LAN service

Wake on LAN technology must be supported by the BIOS and network card. Also, we will need a special application whose functions allow you to send a WOL packet to a remote PC.

Thanks to modern advances, you can turn on a remote PC not only from another computer, but also from your phone. It is also necessary to remember that turning on the computer remotely requires the activity of the network card - it must receive power in standby mode.

Preparatory actions

First of all, you need to configure the BIOS and network adapter to wake up. It doesn’t matter what kind of network it is - built-in or external. Having opened the main I/O program, we will find the section responsible for power management - Power Management, for example.

In this section you need to find the wake-up parameters.

These parameters can go by different names, including Wake on LAN, PowerOn By PCI Card, WOL from Soft-Off, and so on. This option must be enabled.

It is quite possible that you will need to enable the option in the picture below.

To be more confident, it's best to familiarize yourself with all the wake-up options in your BIOS. After all, the computer can wake up from the TV tuner if the option to turn on via PCI-Express is enabled, and after pressing any key on the keyboard if the options related to the PS/2 port are enabled. In our case, we need a parameter associated with the PCI bus on which the built-in network controller is located.

After setting up the BIOS, be sure to check whether the technology being discussed is supported by your Ethernet controller. We will need to enable the reception of the “magic” WOL packet so that the Ethernet controller is configured to wait for it. A WOL packet is a special Ethernet frame consisting of a sequence of bytes containing the MAC address of the network card. Having received such a frame, the Ethernet card generates a signal to wake up the PC.

So, let's open the network control center.

Let's open the properties of the network adapter.

Let's move on to its settings.

Let's enable WOL Magic Package and, if necessary, enable Energy Efficiant Ethernet, Termination Wakeup.

Let's go to the power management tab, where this configuration should be.


Let's use a small program called Wakmeonlan for our purposes. This application does not require installation. After it starts, you need to scan the local network so that Wakemeonlan finds all network devices.

It must work on a PC from which a WOL frame will be generated to turn on the remote PC. This is how Wakemeonlan scans:

If during the scan the application did not detect a currently disabled computer, then it is possible to add it yourself.

Let's add another device manually.

You just need to enter the IP address of this device and its MAC into the form.

Let's determine the addresses we need, for which we'll launch the command line.

Let's run ipconfig with the /all key.

The second way is to look at the “Adapter Status”.

Open the Details window.

Let's find the addresses that interest us.

Having added the desired device, we will update the list.

As you can see, we already have three devices.

After adding, you can easily turn it on remotely by clicking the “Wake up Selected Computer” button.

Let's use TeamViewer

The preliminary setup will allow you to launch the Wake on LAN function of an application such as TeamViewer. To remotely wake up your PC, you must ensure the following:

Cable Internet connection.

The computer is set to one of the modes: hibernation, sleep, or soft shutdown (Start and Shutdown).

Installed TeamViewer.

It is very important to disable Fast Startup in operating systems such as Windows 8 and 10. Your instances of TeamViewer must be associated with a program account. In this case, all devices must belong to the same LAN.

In the application options tab, you need to activate the Wake-on-LAN function and configure the configuration by clicking the button of the same name. By selecting the “Other applications on the same local network” option, add the TeamViewer ID of those devices that are allowed to wake up this computer. To create inclusion conditions using a public IP address, you will have to connect to dynamic DNS, which will also have to be configured on the network router. Let's consider all the steps in order.

First of all, let's connect all computers to an existing account.

Warning window about the need to connect to your account.

Linking using the “Link” button.

The established connection is displayed at the bottom.

We will need to configure the Wake on Lan function.

Check the box for other TeamViewer applications.

Add the TeamViewer ID whose computer will send the WOL packet.

You can wake up a remote PC from your TeamViewer account, where all devices linked to it are displayed. You just need to press a button in the form of a power button, which will send a WOL frame to the Ethernet card of the selected electronic device.

Brief summary

To turn on your PC remotely from another device, you need to configure the BIOS and Ethernet card. In the BIOS you will need to configure a policy for waking up the PC by a network signal, which is in an active state, provided by standby power. Also, you need to configure the Ethernet controller to receive WOL packets. You will also need a special program to generate a WOL package. Such a program could be, for example, Wakemeonlan or TeamViewer.

Few Windows users have heard of Wake-On-Lan (or WOL for short) technology, much less ever used it. Most readers of our site will already yawn at this phrase and rush to switch their attention to something else, more understandable and interesting to read. But don’t rush to do this, because... WOL technology, in fact, is quite understandable, simple and in demand at the present time.

Let's consider step by step what Wake-On-Lan technology is, what requirements this technology has for computer components, what are the features of its settings in Windows 10, and also in what cases it may be needed, when and how it can be used in everyday life.

What is Wake-ON-LAN?

WOL, invented and introduced into the functionality of network devices quite a long time ago, but not very initially in demand (only in narrow circles - network business solutions) Wake-On-LAN allows you to turn on a PC remotely, by issuing a special command via a local network, or even via the Internet . It immediately becomes clear that this is a convenient function - to “wake up” your “machine” remotely in order to gain access to your files, operating system and software installed in the OS.

Thus, using the Wake-On-Lan + combination (TeamViewer, Radmin, and others) - anyone can control their PC, work on it, configure its components from anywhere in the world, accessing the PC via the Internet. In this case, no assistance or the presence of anyone else directly near the computer is required.

Also, briefly, it is worth noting that based on WOL it is possible to implement Wake-on-Wireless LAN - this is a technology for wirelessly turning on a computer, based on the operation of WiFi routers and other similar devices. Of course, such wireless data transmission devices must include support for remote activation in their hardware and software functionality.

WOL technology requirements

To implement such a PC operation scheme, the following technical conditions must be met:

  1. The PC motherboard (which, as a rule, has an integrated network card) must have a built-in Wake-On-Lan support function. Let us reassure you right away - in modern motherboards this function is always present, i.e. is there almost by default.
  2. The PC power supply must support the well-known ATX standard. This technology is more than 1.5 decades old, it is popular and in use, and the ATX standard is supported by almost all power supplies available on the computer components market.
  3. The computer itself must be constantly connected to a power source - be it an electrical outlet, a battery (if it is a laptop or other type of portable PC), or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

Due to the fact that the WOL technology is implemented at the computer hardware level, this technology works in most types of operating systems, be it Windows, Mac or Linux.

The convenience of Wake-On-Lan technology lies in the fact that when the computer is not in use by you (and you are remote from the computer), the PC can be in any of the operating states that save energy. Be it hibernation mode, sleep mode, whatever - the PC can even be turned off (but, of course, not physically disconnected from the power supply)! Well, if you need any files on this PC, or you need to run a certain program on it, you can easily “wake up” your computer, turn it on remotely and start working with it. And this, you see, is very convenient, very effective.

So, if the technical conditions are met, the standards and the WOL format are supported, let’s move on to the Wake-On-Lan settings section to implement this functionality.

Setting up and enabling Wake-On-Lan in Windows 10

Being directly in Windows 10, press the combination of keyboard buttons “WIN” + “I”, the “Settings” window will open, in it select the “Network and Internet” section:

In the window that appears, click on the “Ehernet” (network adapter) section on the right side of the window, and then on the left side of the window click on the “Configure adapter settings” item:

The “Network Connections” window will open. Find the shortcut called “Ethernet”, right-click on it, and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu:

The PC network card settings will open. At the top right, immediately below the name of the network card, click on the “Configure” button.

In the window that opens, select the “Advanced” tab. Next, in the network card properties settings window that appears, scroll through the list of parameters to the “Wake on Magic Packet” item, select it with a mouse click, and on the right side of the window, switch the parameter from “Enabled” to “enabled” if the state is “Disabled” - "turned off":

Next, without clicking the “Ok” button and without closing the current window, select the “Power Management” tab. In this window, check the checkboxes (enable them):

After completing all these steps, click the “Ok” button, the settings window will close, the new parameters will take effect from now on. Close all other windows that are open to make these WOL settings.

“Magic” Wake-On-Lan package

As you noticed, in the previous section the term “magic” package was mentioned; it is also called a “magic” package. What are we talking about in this case, what kind of magic, if the essence of the topic is purely technical - setting up a PC?

The fact is that the “magic” packet was the name given to the same command transmitted over the network that forces the computer to “wake up” and turn on according to the “order” of the owner.

What does the “magic” package look like? Everything is quite simple - it’s a simple combination of numbers, a kind of block of numbers that is sent over the network from the user’s device to his remote computer, which is in sleep mode. This block consists of the following parts:

  • hexadecimal code “0xFF” repeated 6 times in a row;
  • MAC address of the computer's network card, repeated 16 times.

Due to the fact that the MAC address of any network device in the world is unique and does not repeat itself, a “magic” packet containing this MAC address can be intended for a very specific, one network device. This allows you to access your device remotely, from anywhere on the planet, and with access to the Internet. All other PCs, routers and other network devices, accordingly, will not react in any way to the appearance of such a data packet, because they already have their own, also absolutely unique, MAC addresses.

The network adapter, thanks to the enabled Wake-On-Lan technology, constantly scans the network for the appearance of just this command in order to immediately initiate the process of turning on the personal computer - power will be supplied, the PC will turn on, and the launch of the Windows operating system will be initiated.

To do all this, you need to put the network card into PC power management mode, that is, allowing it to turn on the computer when a signal appears - a “magic” packet, which is what we did in the previous section.

Setting up the computer's remote wake-up mode in the BIOS

For successful operation of the computer in Wake-On-Lan mode, in addition to complying with the technical requirements of the supported standards and setting up the network card accordingly, it is also necessary to enable the appropriate operating mode in the computer’s BIOS.

Restart (turn on) the computer, and from the first seconds of booting, continuously press the “F2” or “DEL” key, depending on the BIOS version. Next we need to find the appropriate BIOS setting that allows you to enable Wake-On-Lan mode. Typically, this option is located in the BIOS section “Configuration” or “Power management”. But due to the fact that there are quite a large number of BIOS versions on the personal computer market, and they differ greatly from each other in terms of interface design, it is a difficult task to clearly write where the WOL enabled option is located.

Even the name of the remote turn-on technology itself can be called differently, depending on the model and BIOS version, PC platform (MAC, Windows, Linux). In addition to the original name “Wake-On-Lan”, see examples of possible alternative names from the list:

After the option is found, select its operating mode option as “Enabled” or “Enabled” if the BIOS is in English. That's it, the BIOS settings are complete. To save the changes, press the “F10” key, or in the BIOS menu item, find the “Save and Exit” item, confirm in the window that opens that you have chosen the correct exit option (with saving) by clicking OK. The computer will reboot with the new BIOS parameter already set.

Security and Wake-ON-LAN

The essence of the WOL technology is that each user of the local (global) network in which the computer itself is located with WOL enabled can start this computer knowing the MAC address of the PC’s network card. Accordingly, the issue of data security remains open.

The problem is relevant only for computers with wake-up technology enabled that are connected to any public network. For home network computers, the security level is high.

On the other hand, even by turning on a remote PC by sending it a “magic” packet, an attacker will not be able to bypass the PC’s security settings. The account login password, the BIOS startup password (if this option is installed), personal firewall security settings inside Windows and other security-related issues - an attacker will have to somehow bypass, because Wake-ON-Lan technology only allows turn on the computer remotely, but does not give direct access to information on the computer.

There have been cases when hackers, using a combination of server technologies such as PXE and DHCP, still gained access to the Windows operating system on a remote PC, using a Windows installation image specially customized for their own selfish purposes to bypass security. . But this is the lot of a narrow circle of IT specialists with a high level of knowledge, who are unlikely to covet an ordinary home PC for an ordinary user.

To summarize. Practical use of Wake-ON-LAN

So, we learned what a technology for remotely turning on a computer called Wake-ON-Lan is. The technology itself is not new. But despite this, it has more and more application options - not only in any business solutions using extensive local networks, managed servers running on various network technologies, etc., but WOL can already be used in everyday, home life, or within the tasks of a small office.

As an example, you can use WOL to create a technologically advanced eco-space “smart home”. Indeed, a very concise, competent, and convenient solution. You don’t need to purchase any additional equipment or software to set up a local server at home with remote access, which can already be used to manage home devices, obtain statistics on their operation, etc.

Do you use this PC function in your life and work? Share your experience and impressions about using Wake-ON-Lan technology in the comments under this article!

Also on the site:

Setting up Wake-On-Lan in Windows 10 updated: February 25, 2018 by: Vladimir

Wake on LAN technology will help you turn on your computer over the network using a “magic” package. In order for this packet to reach the network card normally, and for it to accept it and turn on the computer, you need to make some settings.

Setting up Wake on LAN on your computer.

The first step is to configure Windows. Let's take Windows 10 as an example. Press the key combination Win+X and select network connections. In network connections, find our network card (local area network connection), right-click on it and open properties, then click the configure button. Open the “Power Management” tab, here you need to check the “Allow this device to wake the computer from standby mode” checkbox. Then, if you are the happy owner of a Realtek network card, open the additional tab.

There are three parameters you need to check:

  • Turning on via local network after disconnecting.
  • Enable when pattern matches.
  • Enable when the Magic Packet function is triggered.

Wake-on-LAN (WoL) is an underrated and underused part of the Windows 10 operating system. If you are not an avid Windows user, then the phrase Wake-on-LAN will probably not be of interest to you. This function is associated with a local network connection, which in turn will be of interest to gamers and technical support. In the past, this setting was weak, but today, setting up the Wake-on-LAN feature in Windows 10 does more than it used to. So what is Wake-on-LAN? How can this be useful for ordinary users? And most importantly, how to set it up?

What is Wake-On-LAN?

Wake-on-LAN is a network standard that allows a computer to wake up remotely. It has an additional standard called Wake-on-Wireless-LAN (WoWLAN).

For WoL to work, you need three things:

  • Your computer must be connected to a power source.
  • The computer's motherboard must be ATX compatible. Don't worry, most modern motherboards meet the requirements.
  • The computer's network card (Ethernet or wireless) must be enabled in WoL. WoL support is almost universal.

Wake-on-LAN is widespread in the computer world. Since support is required at the hardware level, WoL runs on Windows, Mac and Linux computers without any problems. From a Windows perspective, your computer can turn on from any of the default power states, such as hibernation and sleep, as well as from a complete power outage.

How does Wake-On-LAN work?

Wake-on-LAN uses "magic packets"; when the network card detects a packet, it tells the computer to wake itself up. This is why your computer must be connected to a power source, even if it is turned off. WoL-enabled NICs will continue to receive a small charge 24/7 while they scan for "magic packets".

But what is happening?

The "magic packet" is sent from the server. There can be many things on the server, for example, specialized software, routers, websites, computers, mobile devices, smart TVs. The server sends the packet throughout your network. The package itself contains important information, including subnet information, network address, and most importantly, the MAC address of the computer you want to enable. All this information combined into one packet is called a wakeup frame. Your network card is constantly scanning for them.

Why is Wake-On-LAN useful?

Now you know what Wake-on-LAN is and how it works. But why is this useful? Why should the average user care about this technology?

Turn on your computer from anywhere

It's hard to imagine being on a business trip without forgotten files at home that you can't access remotely. To use your desktop remotely, you will need a remote desktop application that supports Wake-On-LAN. The popular Google Chrome Remote Desktop does not work, but it provides this opportunity.

Note: The BIOS must support Wakeup-on-PME (power management event). And then you can wake up the computer from the off state.

How to enable Wake-On-LAN

Enabling WoL is a two-step process. You need to configure Windows and your computer's BIOS.

Enabling Wake-On-LAN in Windows

  • To enable Wake-on-LAN in Windows, you need to open the Device Manager application. Click Win+R and write devmgmt.msc.
  • Scroll through the list of devices until you find network adapters. Click " > ", to expand the menu. Now you need to find your network card.

  • If you don't know which one is your network card, search for windows " System Information".

  • Go to " Components" > "Net" > "Adapter" and on the right, find the product name or type. Remember these values ​​and go back to the device manager.

  • In Device Manager, right-click on your network adapter and select properties. Next, in the new window that appears, go to the tab " Additionally", scroll down the list and find Wake-On-LAN, select value Enabled(included). The name may vary between devices and some will have Wake on magic packet.

  • Next, go to the "tab" Power management" and you should have two items checked there: Allow this device to wake the computer from standby mode And Allow the computer to wake up from standby mode only using a "magic packet". Click OK.

Enabling Wake-On-LAN in BIOS

Unfortunately, the BIOS menu differs between computers and laptops, making it impossible to provide precise instructions. Basically, you need to press a specific key while your computer is booting up. Typically, the buttons are Escape, Delete or F1. See detailed guide.

  • In the BIOS menu you need to find the " "Power" and find the entry Wake-on-LAN and enable (Enabled). Don't forget to save the BIOS settings.
  • The tab may also be named Power Management or you can find this function even in Advanced Settings.

Security implications of Wake on LAN

Magic packets are sent using the OSI-2 layer. In practice, this means that anyone on the same network as WoL can use your computer to download. In a home environment this is not a significant problem. In a public network this is more problematic. In theory, WoL only allows you to turn on computers. It will not bypass security checks, password screens, or other forms of security. This will also prevent you from turning off your computer again.

However, there have been cases where attackers used a combination of DHCP and PXE servers to boot a machine with their own boot image. This gives them access to any unprotected drives on the local network.

Recently I thought that it would be useful to be able to remotely turn on my home computer in order, for example, to retrieve an important document that had been successfully forgotten at home. Any person literate in hardware matters will say that there is no need to invent anything - there is a Wake-On-LAN function, and I will talk about its practical application in this article. Technically, in order for the computer to “wake up”, a necessary condition must be met, but we’ll figure out which one further.


In order to fully take advantage of the remote activation function, you must:

Motherboard supporting WoL (Wake-On-LAN);

ATX power supply;

Network card or modem that supports power management;

Computer turned off in Soft-OFF(it is in this mode that it goes through the start, after pressing the power button on the case/keyboard, turning it off using all possible software means).

Main part, reality and fiction

After analyzing all the material, I came to the conclusion that it would be convenient to divide the methods of turning on the computer into three categories, and then lead the story based on them. So, let’s conditionally divide all the methods into:




Why there will be a place for fantasy in this article, as well as why I arranged the sections this way, will become clear a little later.

Section 1. Boring. Wired connection methods

Firstly, wired methods of activation, of course, include activation using the keyboard and mouse. Both methods are boring, easy to include BIOS’e, in the Power section, and are in little demand, well, unless the system unit is inconvenient and the power button is far away.

Second option, which I attributed to this section - switching on via the network, i.e. clean Wake-On-LAN without additional hassles.

Specifically in this case, you need a network adapter (if the network card is discrete and inserted into a PCI slot version lower than 2.2, then you need to connect it to the motherboard with a three-pin WoL wiring), and the presence of the network itself.

Note : For sleep and hibernation states, two more wakeup methods are sometimes available: WakeUP on PING/ARP– waking up when accessing your PC over the network, and WakeUP on Link Change– awakening when the network status changes (turned on/off).

The process of setting up WoL begins with enabling it in the BIOS, all in the same place - in the Power tab.

Also on the Internet, it is advised to check the status of the checkbox on the Power Management tab for the network adapter. Control Panel > Equipment and sound > device Manager > Select your network adapter from the list > Properties > Power management> Check the box " Allow the device to wake the computer from standby mode».

I also recommend checking the status of the Wake-On-Lan parameter on the “ Additionally" (if it is available at all) for your network adapter.

Now everything is ready to turn on the computer via the network, only the last detail remains - find out MAC the address of your network adapter. There are many ways to find it out. The simplest (for Windows): Start > Execute > cmd > getmac

However, if you have several network devices on the system, then the command may be more convenient ipconfig /all It displays complete information on all network adapters; you will need to find the required one and write off the “physical” MAC address.

Now all that is needed is to send a special packet over the network that will turn on the computer. IN Unix systems this can be done from the console, for operating systems Windows There are special applications. Here are some of them:

- Magic Packet

- Wake On Lan


Finding such applications is not difficult, so I will not pay much attention to this. The only thing I can add is the program WOL supports work from the command line, i.e. you can create a shortcut like: , which will send packets with the specified MAC addresses.

Section 2. Interesting and useful. Remote inclusion methods

The simplest and most understandable way to remotely wake up a PC is to turn it on from a call to the modem. To do this you will need: a modem that supports the function Wake-On-Ring and activation of the item of the same name in the BIOS of your motherboard.

Moreover, it is important to understand that if the modem is external, then you need to activate the “ Pwr Up On External Modem Act", and if internal - then the item " Wake On Lan or PCI Modem».

In this case, the computer will turn on every time the phone rings - convenient if you have an open line that no one will call. The only downside is that the modem can be triggered by interference or dialing on a parallel phone, which means that the PC may turn on falsely.

But this is not the most interesting method - turning on the computer from any place where there is Internet access can be much more useful.

What you will need:

PC with configured Wake-On-LAN;

A router or modem (an external modem operating in Router mode) that supports a constant Internet connection;

Static “white” IP address or DynDNS account.

To explain why I will describe my configuration. Internet comes by ADSL on WiFi router, from where it is distributed to all necessary devices. Since the IP address is dynamically assigned to me, I had to register an account on DynDNS.com to be able to find your router on an external network at any time (find out the current IP address).

Now about the settings, in order for the packet to pass through the router - you need to forward ports 7 and 9 to the broadcast address, since in the off state the PC network adapter is not assigned an IP address. For example, your PC and router (and other devices, if any) are on a subnet 192.168.0.*** then you need to forward ports 7 and 9 (I forwarded only 9) to the address . But even here difficulties arise - as a rule, you cannot specify this address in the modem settings. There are two options:

1. Trick the input data verification system in the modem's Web configurator. To do this, you need to disable JavaScript in your browser and save the required address. In Opera: when trying to save an address with 255 at the end, Opera showed an error window, at the bottom there is a checkbox “Disable script execution for this page” - check the box and save the desired value. It worked on my LinkSys WAG-200. This method is also good because it is enough to forward the port once in such a way that you can turn on any computer on the home subnet from the WAN.

2. Create a static ARP entry in the ARP table of the router or modem. This is done so that the modem/router can determine your computer by its MAC address. Those. The modem must have a hard connection between the MAC address and the IP address of the computer, and then the packet will reach the destination (in dynamic ARP mode, the record is not stored if the host is turned off). Then you need to forward the port to the computer’s IP address.

After the problem of delivering the magic packet is solved, all that remains is to remember/write down the MAC address of the computer that we need to turn on and...

In principle, you can use the utilities described in section 1, but it may also happen that you don’t have them at hand - no problem, you can send an enable request from the addresswakeonlan.ru! Also on this site you can set up sending a WoL package on a schedule, which may be useful in some cases.

So here it is in the 21st century, in order to turn on the computer you just need to go to the page and make a couple of clicks. There are also programs for cell phones and communicators that allow you to send a WoL package via GPRS.

As for false inclusions, in order for the computer to turn on, you need to know exactly the MAC address and the destination address (where to send the packet). In general, during the entire test period I had no cases of the computer turning on falsely. In my opinion, it is this ability to turn on the computer, being anywhere with Internet access, that is the most useful in our time.

Section 3. Fiction. Wireless activation methods

The easiest way to turn on a PC wirelessly is to turn it on using a remote computer control kit. Simply put, this is a remote control that allows you to control many functions while being at some distance from the computer. For example, I had such a set that came with my motherboard.

IR receiver it is inserted into USB and receives signals from a small remote control, which has the coveted power button. Everything works fine for me from the remote control. In order for everything to work according to this scheme, you need to activate the ability to turn on USB devices in the BIOS.

It is also necessary that power is supplied to USB devices when the PC is turned off. The latter, as a rule, is switched by jumpers on the motherboard itself. You can read more about this in the instructions for the motherboard.

There are other kits that are sold separately, they also have the ability to turn on the computer from the remote control. Also, most TV tuners can turn on a computer remotely. From a practical point of view, this method is of little use, because the distance to the computer is strictly limited, and in the case of IR kits, direct visibility between the remote control and the receiver is necessary.

Also, wireless switching methods include Wake-On-LAN via Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, not everything is so wonderful here - most network Wi-Fi adapters e moat does not support WoL. There are descriptions of wireless adapters that support WoL on the Internet; they usually have a higher price compared to other adapters. I was never able to test WoL over Wi-Fi at home, since the network adapters built into both the PC motherboard and the laptop do not support this function. Apparently this feature will become more widespread among Wi-Fi adapters in the future.

The next thing that came to my mind was turning on the computer through Bluetooth adapter. Technically, this is the same network adapter, which also has a MAC address, which means it is quite possible to implement the WoL function. However, I did not find any information about the implementation of this method in practice. In general, the feasibility of this method is highly questionable - Bluetooth adapters also have a very limited range. Moreover, I would include sets of wireless keyboards and mice (some also work via Bluetooth) into this same category.

Well, the most incredible idea that came to my mind was turning on via USB 3G modem, when sending an SMS or a call to the SIM card in this modem. Again, technically, to implement such a function, it is necessary that power is supplied to the USB bus when the PC is turned off, and the modem at that time is in working condition and supports this function.

In general, it turns out that you can turn on the computer from almost any device, the main thing is to find a way to achieve the goal and so that this function is supported by the device itself. However, this is completely fantastic...

Bottom line

Just recently I asked myself this question: how to access data on my home computer without having to keep it on all the time, and I found a solution to this problem. I was surprised that everything you need is at hand, and this function is traditionally considered useless in most cases. When I was dealing with this issue, I had to read a lot of information, and I discovered that on Western forums the issue is discussed much more often than on ours.

Also, do not forget that all of the above methods can not only turn on the computer, but also wake it from sleep mode and hibernation mode. As a result, I discovered a very convenient feature, and I hope that this article will help someone in solving everyday problems and issues related to the Wake-On-LAN function.