Wipe data factory reset: what is it and how to properly reset settings on Android. Wipe data factory reset: what is it and how to properly reset settings on Android without harm to the gadget

The smartphone has become an indispensable part of everyday life - it is truly an extremely important device from which productivity and speed are required.

Over time, the Android system begins to work a little slower, and soon it becomes simply impossible to use some applications, and even . Often the phone gets clogged with temporary files stored in the cache memory. In many cases, even reinstalling applications is not a solution, because files remain in the depths of the system, which still slow down the work.

What is Wipe Cache Partition?

To speed up your smartphone and improve application performance, you can reset the cache - Wipe Cache Partition. In other words, this is a procedure to clear the cache from the memory of an Android device.

To understand whether you need to do Wipe Cache Partition is very important - you need to evaluate the performance of the system and how the smartphone works with programs and games. If you notice crashes, slowdowns and slow loading, you can first try and, and then make a Wipe cache partition.

It is worth noting that during this procedure no user data is deleted - only the cache is cleared. Other modes in the Recovery menu can clear the phone book, reset settings, and also remove applications, so you need to be careful.

How to make Wipe Cache Partition?

The cache reset procedure is done through a special section of the Android system called . It is here that you can perform basic actions that are usually used for flashing a gadget, backing up, and other similar actions. Be careful and do not experiment - in the Recovery menu you can delete all device data and reset the settings to factory settings.

To enter Recovery, you need to turn off your smartphone and simultaneously hold down the physical buttons - usually the volume rocker (up or down) and the power key. They must be held until a characteristic menu appears on the display. The key combination to enter this section may differ depending on the Android version and device manufacturer.

In the Recovery section, select Wipe Cache Partition and activate it. You can switch between menu items using the volume keys, and activate the desired item using the power button. The phone will automatically carry out the operation and notify you when it is completed. After this, the device must be rebooted.

Afterwards, all files of both previously deleted programs and used applications will be deleted from the smartphone. As a result of this operation, Android should start working faster.

Many situations may lead to the need to reset the Android system, for example: frequent device freezes, the Android system cannot boot, or the gadget unlock password is lost. "Hard Reset" is a radical solution that allows you to return the device to working condition.

Looking ahead, I note that “Hard Reset” deletes data only from the device’s memory, without affecting the SD memory card, although there is option 2, which allows you to affect it as well.

Attention!!! All contacts, installed applications, messages, etc. will be deleted. It is highly recommended to back up your phone data before starting the reset operation! One backup method is .

Option 1. Recovery Mode

Turn off the device and boot into Recovery Mode by pressing several keys together. Each manufacturer has its own buttons:

  • "+" on the volume rocker and the "ON/OFF" button;
  • "-" on the volume rocker and the "ON/OFF" button;
  • Volume "+" and "-" together and the "ON/OFF" button;
  • Volume "+" and "-" together, the "Home" key and the "ON/OFF" button;
  • In Chinese devices, hold down the volume key and connect the charger.

The volume up/down buttons allow you to move up and down through the recovery menu, and the ON/OFF button selects a command. In the latest devices, control in "Recovery Mode" can be normal (touch).

Select "wipe data/factory reset", and confirm the system reset by selecting "Yes - delete all user data". When the wipe is complete, select the "reboot system now" option.

It will be a little more difficult to see the reset on Chinese phones. For example, in the "iconBIT NetTAB Mercury XL" or the clone "Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500" the recovery menu is in Chinese. If you have the same situation, the picture below shows the Russian translation of the "Recovery Mode" menu.

To navigate through the menu, use only the volume "-" key, because... The "+" key is used to return to a higher level. To select the highlighted command, press the ON/OFF button.

To run a full reset of Android settings in Chinese phones, you need to select the 6th option. What's funny is that after selection, the command will be executed without confirmation.

After a few minutes of waiting, your Android device will boot up as it did when you first started it after purchase, possibly asking you to add a Google account.

Option 2: Restore and reset

In Android settings you can see such an item as “Backup and reset”. It is designed to reset system settings and restore from a backup saved on the Internet.

Click on the "Reset settings" option.

Scroll down and optionally check the box next to "Clear phone memory - card" to delete personal data from the SD memory card, such as photos, music and other user data. Click on the "Reset phone" button.

User data will be deleted and factory data will be restored.

Mobile devices have already become quite an integral part of our lives. Now a person cannot imagine existence without a smartphone or tablet. Devices based on the Android operating system are extremely popular. This OS was developed by Google, and now its market share is incredibly high. Apple's iOS and Windows Phone have a negligible presence in mobile markets compared to Android. However, like all technology, devices on this platform tend to glitch. Various system failures are a hallmark of any operating system. No matter how advanced it may be. Very often devices have to be reflashed. But not everyone knows that it is possible to do without such radical measures. After all, any Android gadget has Android System Recovery 3e. How to use it and what is it even? This is what we will talk about.

What kind of animal is this?

What does Android System Recovery 3e mean? This is a kind of BIOS of a mobile device. Any operating system has its own BIOS - a basic input/output system that can work even if the main OS is damaged. Sometimes the BIOS is not similar to the standard one (as, for example, in Android devices). It is used to restore the functionality of a smartphone or tablet, apply critical updates or reset to factory settings. The Android System Recovery 3e menu has many items that correspond to one or another action. But the trouble is that the names are written in English. Therefore, many people do not even know how to use recovery correctly.

That is why this article was written. Android System Recovery, the instructions for which are absolutely necessary, is a powerful tool for setting up and resuscitating a smartphone. You need to know everything about how to use this recovery in order not to waste money on specialists. Doing everything yourself is much easier and cheaper. We will analyze each item in the recovery menu and tell you everything we can about it. So let's begin.

How to enter recovery?

This depends on the specific device model. In some devices you need to hold down the power button and the "Volume +" key. But sometimes there are smartphones for which this is not enough. Older models with a mechanical Home button require pressing this button as well. Some devices require you to simultaneously press the power and volume buttons. There are also those who must hold down the power key and both volume buttons. This applies only to original devices from well-known manufacturers.

But there are also frankly “Chinese” gadgets with an incomprehensible operating system and “crooked” translation. Standard methods of logging into recovery may not work in these cases. There are several options here. First: study the smartphone documentation (if available) and find the key combination you are looking for. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Most of these devices either have no documents at all, or the documents do not contain Russian at all. The second option: find the desired combination by pressing all the buttons one by one. Now let's move on to the Android System Recovery 3e menu items.

Reboot system now

This menu item performs a complete reboot of the device. After selecting this option, the smartphone will load the standard Android operating system without any changes. Typically, this item is used after completing all manipulations in recovery. Or if you loaded into this mode by accident. Although it is unknown how this can be done accidentally. Be that as it may, Android System Recovery 3e, the instruction manual for which is simply vital for the user, has such a clause. And we have to take this into account.

The menu item should be used last. That is, when all operations are completed, all components are updated, factory settings are reset and firmware is installed. This is the essence of a reboot: to allow the device to apply all the changes made. True, after some of them the smartphone may not boot at all. But that's a completely different story.

Apply Update from External Storage

This menu item allows you to apply the update that is located on the memory card. By the way, new firmware is also installed through this point if the main OS does not boot. There are several sub-items in this Android System Recovery 3e menu. How to flash a new OS? To do this, you need to go to this menu and select Choose ZIP from SD Card if the firmware is in ZIP format. If this is just an update file, then you should select Apply Update From SD Card. This is how any device is flashed using recovery. Simply copy the firmware file to the root of the memory card, go into recovery and select the desired item.

This paragraph has other subparagraphs that apply in non-standard situations. It is possible to check the MDSUM of the firmware file. This option checks the file for integrity and if something is wrong, it immediately issues a warning. You can also check the firmware file for compatibility with the device. These are the informational options of Android System Recovery 3e. Instructions as such are not required for them. If there are errors, then you do not need to install this firmware. That's the whole story.

Wipe Data. Factory Reset

This is a very important point. This option can restore the functionality of the device without any firmware. This tool resets the gadget's operating system to factory settings. Naturally, everything that was on the smartphone will be deleted: applications, photos, music. In general, everything that was in the internal memory of the phone. Android System Recovery 3e, the operating instructions for which are discussed here, was created precisely in order to revive the device without serious intervention in the firmware. And this option allows you to perform this operation.

This function is also used before installing any firmware. It is necessary to reset the phone to factory settings before flashing the firmware. Otherwise, the new operating system will be unstable. But that's not the worst. If you do not return to the factory settings, the firmware may not be installed at all, and then the user will receive a completely “dead” smartphone. There are no instructions in Russian, but the one that is there clearly states that it is imperative to use the Wipe Data & Factory Reset item before each firmware update of the device.

Wipe Cache Partition

Another useful command in Android System Recovery 3e. The recovery instructions say that you need to use this option in tandem with Wipe Data. If the previous item clears the internal memory of the device, then this one clears its cache. Namely, this is where the working application files are stored. Of course, if this is not done before installing the firmware, then nothing bad will happen. It’s just that in the future, when installing new programs, the device’s cache will grow to incredible sizes. As a result, the smartphone will work very slowly. But this is not so scary, since there are many programs for clearing the Android OS cache. And they work great.

It is also recommended to select this function after a factory reset has been done. This will help the smartphone become even “cleaner,” which will have a positive effect on the performance of the operating system. The instructions in Russian for Android System Recovery 3e recommend performing this procedure after the reset. Before rebooting the device. Then everything will be as it should be.

Wipe Battery Stats

This feature helps you refresh your device's battery. After clicking on this item, the battery cache begins to be cleared, into which the current state of the battery, its nominal capacity and other necessary parameters are recorded. By resetting the battery usage statistics, you can extend its life a little. And the new firmware will work more adequately with the battery. For some reason, many Android “gurus” are dismissive of this option. But in fact it is very useful. However, it is not recommended to use it too often. Only before flashing the device.

Mounts. Storage

Here are the controls for the internal and external memory of the smartphone. This item allows you to clear a memory card or built-in memory, format it, or attach it as a drive directly from recovery. This section can be used if you forgot to transfer the firmware file to the memory card, and there is no desire to reboot your smartphone into the operating system. In order to mount the device's memory card as a drive, you need to select Mount USB Storage. As soon as the connection is established, the computer itself will install the necessary drivers for operation.

Once the connection is established, you can do whatever you want with the memory card: format, clear, copy the necessary files, and so on. In order to unmount the flash drive, you should select the Umount USB Storage item on the smartphone screen in recovery. After this, you can move on to other recovery points and carry out further resuscitation of the device on your own.

Recovery errors

Sometimes there is such a common error in Android System Recovery 3e as canceling the installation of the firmware or package. It can occur for several reasons: the firmware file is damaged, incorrect information in the binary file, or the firmware simply does not suit this device. But there is another option: before flashing the firmware, the device was not reset to factory settings. It’s good that they can be easily fixed in the same recovery. There are several ways to do this.

So, if the error occurs due to a broken firmware file, then you should download it, connect your smartphone to the computer, go to the Mount & Storage menu item and select Mount USB Storage. After this, you can copy the firmware again to the root of the memory card. If you forgot to “wipe”, then there is nothing easier than moving a few levels higher and selecting the appropriate menu item. But the Android System Recovery 3e error “No command” is very rare. It only appears when the user tries to install an update via ADB. Usually this method doesn't work. As a result, this error appears. So there is no point in using this method. Nothing will work anyway.


So, let's summarize. We tried to describe the capabilities of Android System Recovery 3e. The instructions that resulted from this attempt will help novice users of the Android operating system learn how to restore the functionality of their smartphone with their own hands. Which will ultimately lead to broadening your horizons and saving a lot of money.

FULL WIPE is a complex operation on mobile devices, which includes completely clearing user data and formatting all sections of the built-in memory. Includes a series of sequentially executed commands ( wipe dalvik-cache + format system + format cache + format/data + wipe cache partition + wipe data/factory reset + wipe battery stats). On devices running Android OS, this operation can be launched from the Recovery menu; it helps to avoid conflicts that often arise between different firmwares. Strictly speaking, Full Wipe removes all tails left over from the previous firmware.
As a result of this action, all programs, application and user data, and settings are deleted from the device. In fact, even the operating system itself is erased, so without having a file with the image of the new firmware, it is strictly not recommended to launch this operation. It is better to perform a full backup of the working system before Full Wipe in case the new firmware does not want to function normally. When erasing the operating system, only the external flash drive remains unaffected, with the exception of the system folder.android_secure, in which Android stores applications moved to the memory card.

Full Wipe on android

So, to perform Full Wipe, you need to select the following items in the Recovery menu one by one and then answer in the affirmative to the confirmation request. Navigation through the Recovery menu items is carried out using the volume down or up buttons, and selection is made using the Power button. Let's take a closer look at each operation that is sequentially performed with Full Wipe.

1. wipe data/factory reset- deleting all settings and user data. This cleans the /cash and /data partitions located in the gadget’s built-in memory, and the .android_secure folder (storage for applications transferred to the flash drive). This operation is in many ways similar to the similar Hard Reset function that is performed on WinMo, although there are some differences. On Android, Factory Reset only leads to clearing the specified partitions, and the firmware itself remains untouched. At the same time, if the user, due to inexperience or intentionally, violated any system functions (for example, deleted some system files), a factory reset will not help restore lost capabilities - this can only be done by flashing the firmware.
On WinMo, Hard Reset not only clears all memory, but also downloads new firmware, replacing the old one, that is, it completely updates the device system to the “off-the-shelf” state.

2. wipe cache partition- clearing the cache memory (/cache section), which serves to speed up access to frequently used files. This is a kind of buffer that allows you to increase the speed of the device.

3. format/data- clearing all user data and settings. This also includes all settings of any installed or previously removed programs, if for some reason their data was not cleared immediately.

4. format/cache- clearing the cache partition.

5. format/system- complete cleaning of the system partition, which leads to the deletion of operating system files (erases it). Please note that once this operation is completed, the device will not be able to operate until the new firmware is installed. When cleaning the system partition, only the factory Recovery menu remains working.

6. wipe dalvik-cache- deleting .dex files. These files are created automatically by the system for all installed applications and are used during their operation. It happens that these files are not compatible with the new version of the application - in this case, conflicts may arise. Deleting these files will lead to their new creation the next time the OS boots, which will eliminate possible problems.

7. wipe battery stats- deleting battery statistics stored in the batterystats.bin file. The operation helps recalibrate the battery. It is best to perform this operation when the battery charge is 100%. According to Google developers, this file only serves to display battery consumption statistics and does not affect the operating time of the device.

8. format/boot- cleaning the OS kernel.

Unfortunately, Android smartphones are prone to various system glitches and problems with updates often occur. Therefore, many users try to solve problems on their own. But this does not always turn out to be a good idea and really helps. Sometimes this can even damage the device or turn it into a “brick”.

System problems

Anyone who has owned a smartphone at least once knows that sooner or later some problems occur with the system that simply cannot be solved by simply rebooting the device.

Sometimes they are associated with incorrectly installed programs. Unfinished system shell updates may also be to blame. Or it’s possible that malware got onto the device due to the user’s fault. All this, one way or another, leads to the fact that the phone begins to work incorrectly.

Of course, there are some methods that help with system recovery. But most often the user has to use Factory Reset.

What is this?

This is the short name for a function that helps reset the system to factory settings. The process clears all files and settings that were previously set by the user. The smartphone becomes, from a system point of view, brand new.

The function destroys data from internal memory and microSD. All that will remain on the phone is a folder with system files that support the operation of the device.

But since this is a short name for the function, there is a full, so to speak, official name - Factory Data Reset. Translated, the phrase means “data reset.” This feature helps you quickly erase all files from your phone. But it does not do a full system restore.

To do this, you need to use the Wipe Factory Reset function. Translated, the phrase means “reset to factory settings.” This option helps to completely clean the system, leaving only one folder with service files in it.

What is the function used for?

One of the most common problems that a user may encounter is memory limitation. Sometimes Android begins to “hide” the phone’s memory, which causes restrictions on installing and downloading applications. The so-called gray sectors of the archive appear.

This phenomenon may not be noticed at first if it occurs with internal memory. It’s worse if the gray sector appears in RAM. In this case, the phone will constantly close programs and remove them from background work, which is why some notifications will stop coming.

Unfortunately, no options help in this case, so you have to use Factory Reset. This is necessary, since a lack of memory will affect the loading of the smartphone, its performance and the correct operation of applications. And even if at first all this is not so noticeable, over time it will simply become impossible to use the device.

Another reason

This function may be needed if viruses have entered your phone. This usually happens due to installing applications from unverified sources, as well as unsafe Internet surfing.

Even if for some reason you need to constantly use the Internet, it is better to get an antivirus program. It may not be able to filter everything, but it will definitely stop the most dangerous viruses.

If malware has already entered the system, the antivirus program may not be able to remove them. They can also damage many system files, which can cause the smartphone to stop working correctly. There will be glitches and various types of errors.

In this case, you will again need to use Factory Reset.

Other reasons

A factory reset may be necessary if:

  • Regular phone system failures, the reasons for which cannot be found.
  • Selling a smartphone to another person. This way, it will be much easier to delete all your personal data in one fell swoop.
  • Unsuccessful flashing or installation of a custom shell.

Function options

As mentioned earlier, there are several types of resets. A partial reset deletes individual partitions and folders, cleans the system and gets rid of files that can cause errors and crashes. In this case, photographs and documents remain untouched.

Wipe Factory Reset is a hard reset that helps you get rid of all files on your phone. It completely clears the system of settings and configurations, deletes accounts and all personal data of the user. In this case, there is practically no chance that viruses or malware will remain on the system.

Reset options

Android allows you to do a Wipe Data Factory Reset in three ways:

  • through phone settings;
  • through the Recovery menu;
  • through a special button on the smartphone.

The easiest way is through the phone settings. But sometimes a system failure does not even allow you to turn on your smartphone, so you have to use other options. It is also easy to reset with a special button, but this is not so common on modern models.

Through phone settings

So, to do Wipe Data Factory Reset, you need to open your smartphone settings. Depending on the version of the shell, you will need to find a special menu. It is usually called "Recovery", "Memory and Backups". Next, you will simply find the line “Reset to factory settings.”

Through a special menu

For Factory Reset in this case you need to run Recovery. Almost all smartphones have this “built-in” menu. To do this, turn off the smartphone, and then use a combination of buttons: the power button and volume up. They need to be clamped and held until you feel vibration.

A menu will appear, which you need to navigate using the volume rocker, and make a selection with the power key. In the new menu, it is easy to find the required line to reset the system to factory settings. The system will automatically launch Factory Reset and, upon completion, notify you that the process was successful.

Via PC

Few people know, but Factory Reset can be done via a computer. To do this, you will have to acquire the FastBoot utility and carefully read the instructions. Here you will have to find an option specifically for your smartphone model, since different manufacturers work with this menu differently.

Most often, you need to enable USB debugging, and then, using ADB and commands, configure a factory reset.