Long time no love for seobayers so iam writing this tutorial for you guys:

One of the biggest mysteries about xrumer has been creating profiles and me myself being a noob , but a smart one:P, always try to find ways for creating thins easier. Recently i was doing a test and found a good way of generating profile links easily. Before we start i will post results:

Tools- Hrefer 3.3, Xrumer 7.5, Scrapebox, Adword tool for keyword, Keyword studio pro and a linklist merger

Linklist generated- 250k (unique domains)
Profiles generated- 60k (unique domains) - a lot in just 20 days.

Step 1
Generate keywords which people actually try to rank for. This is the most crucial step in profile building. I saw a huge list being shared on another forum which had over 300k words. I say what is the use for searching keywords like "aaaaa", "abra ka dabra" etc. Who will rank for these? So i used common sense and generated keywords which people actually use for ranking.

Usage -
1) Note down atleast 100 keywords from google search (not adwords) which are broad and have massive competition like credit card, insurance etc.

2) One-by-one load these keywords into keyword studio pro (i used crack version:P) and generate similar keywords. Note that these words are better than scrapebox wonderwheel scraper.

3) Load all these keywords into scrapebox and generate keywords upto 3 levels. De-dup them etc. and save them. Then in the end make a huge list of all the keywords generated from original 100 words.

Step 2
Load them into hrefer but before you begin do this:

1) Edit additive words and just use these:

"powered by smf"
"powered by vbulletin"
"powered by phpbb"
"powered by ip.board"

Etc. etc. etc. but only forum software names. I did this so i don"t know which are most useful.

2) Edit search engine filter and place this:


Etc. etc. basically all those filters which have view profile in their url.

The logic is to get maximum of those profiles which have been made for the purpose of visible backlinks. (Iam having trouble loggin into my dedi so will post the complete list later)

3) Start scraping and wait for it to complete.

Step 3- Another very important step.

Usually you all just load the links in xrumer and blast away but no you should analyze the database also to remove dead ones. So click on tools -> database analysis

1) Type the same "powered by" stuff into the box on left hand side.

2) Choose your linklist and select search content and 50 threads and go. This will remove all 404 forums and blogs etc.

Now we run xrumer with this linklist.

1) Load the database and setup your project.

2) Goto advanced options -> select register only, goto speed<--->success and move all the way to success and select recaptcha with 40-50 atempts.

3) Start and let it complete.

While the posting is done i usually move to the next keyword building step.

When all your profiles are created, load them into linklist merger and create a big file from it. Now remove dups and all and you have a good profile link package.

So the jist is - keywords which people search - only few additive words and filters - right settings etc.

You will notice that from your final linklist with medium success and recpatcha off and 20-25 atempts for captcha you will get approx 30k+ profiles. I get 60k with recaptcha and half-success

Happy profile creation....

Everyone knows that I simply cannot live without Joomla, but, in my opinion, there is no good forum for components. That's why I work with forum engines. One of the new ones that I just recently started using is Let's start a new SMF category with hopefully useful stuff. We start small, and as beginners it’s very useful.

First steps in search engine optimization Simple Machines Forum: removing copyright and external links

Let me make a reservation right away that I only work with smf 2 and this article will relate specifically to this version of the free forum engine.

And so, regular readers know how much I don’t like putting “10” external links to the official websites of engines, including forum ones. That is why, first of all, we remove the copyright and as many as 4, attention 4 external links of the form " SMF 2.0.2 | Simple Machines | SMF © 2011 | XHTML"! To do this, connect to the site via FTP forum/Themes/ name of your theme/ and edit the file index.template.php. Naturally, at the very bottom there is a code (about line 330) that displays external links that we don’t like so much. Therefore we delete: "

  • ", theme_copyright(), "
  • " And "
  • ", $txt["xhtml"], "
  • ". It’s all so simple and easy. In the coming publications, expect new materials on promoting and optimizing forums on SMF/

    By selecting a specific topic to view, users are taken to a page with a list of messages in that topic.

    Each individual message usually looks like this:

    Typically, along the top and bottom of each page, a small menu will appear containing (depending on your forum settings) the following buttons:

    • Answer- The most popular button with which users can leave new messages in a topic.
    • Notify- Subscribe to receive notifications about new messages in this topic.
    • Mark unread- You can mark the current topic as unread.
    • Submit this topic- You can forward a link to the current topic to your friend/acquaintance by indicating his e-mail.
    • Seal- Create a printed version of the page with the content of the current topic, for viewing before printing.

    Typically, the list of messages in a topic is displayed in vertical order: old messages at the top, new ones at the bottom. But each user can set a different, horizontal order in his profile. Then new messages will be placed at the top. Each message in the list is divided into two sections. The left section contains brief information about the author of the message, and the right section contains the message itself.

    • Author Section
      • Author of the message- Nickname of the user (or guest) who left this message.
      • Signature above the avatar- Depending on the forum settings, users may have pre-created captions over their avatars or can set them themselves. Typically, this signature serves to individually “mark” users.
      • Main group- Most often, all users are in the Normal Users group, the name of which is not displayed. If the group is any other, its name will be displayed in this place. If the author of the message is a guest, a note about this will also be displayed here.
      • Group based on number of messages- Depending on the number of messages left, users are divided into different groups (Newbie, Guest, etc.). The name of this group may not be displayed if the user is a member of a special group or its display is disabled in the settings of the current theme.
      • Emblem- Usually the number of images in the emblem is set depending on the rank of the group (for example, beginners have 1 star, advanced users have three, veterans have five), or they use different images for different groups.
      • Number of messages- Displays the current number of messages of a specific user.
      • Icons for contacting the author- Display of various icons that help in one way or another to contact the author of the message: link to profile, link to website, ICQ number, e-mail, sending a personal message.
    • Post Section
      • Message icon- Individual icon selected by the author when creating/sending a message.
      • Message subject- The title of the message usually matches the title of the topic, but at the request of the author of the message it can be changed to any other.
      • Button panel- At the top of each message, in the right corner, a number of buttons are displayed that allow you to perform certain quick actions on the text of the message: quote, edit, delete, etc. (depending on the settings and installed mods). Most often, the “Quote” button is displayed; all other buttons are available only to the author of a specific message, as well as moderators and administrators.
      • date and time- The date and time the message was published is displayed directly below its subject. A warning about subsequent editing of the message will be displayed under its content and above the author's signature.
      • Text- Contents of the message (if there are no messages, then why a forum?)
      • Signature- If the user has specified his signature in his profile, it will be displayed here, under the text of the message.
      • Report to moderator- You can quickly report each specific message to the moderators (for example, complain if swear words are used in the message).
      • Recorded by- A mark indicating that the IP address of the computer used by the user or guest when sending the message is saved in the logs (in the database). For administrators (and for those who are allowed to do so), the IP itself is displayed next to this mark.

    While these are the most common message elements when viewing threads, users can hide some of them by editing their profiles.