An advertisement appears on the desktop, what should I do? How to remove ads on Android. Advertising virus. Video instructions - how to get rid of advertising in pop-up windows

Reboot your computer to remove banner will not help, and when you enter a problem into a search engine, very unusual and extremely ineffective advice is given that is unlikely to help you. This article is precisely intended to help ordinary users protect themselves from such an “infection” as a virus, banner or advertising.

The main thing is not to fall for the trick of scammers and do not under any circumstances send SMS to the number they provide - this will still not help you.

1st way to get rid of the advertising banner:
First you need to restart your computer and go to safe mode(safe mode). In order to go there, when your operating system starts loading, you need to press the key several times F8. If you don’t know exactly when the operating system starts loading, then press F8 from the beginning of turning on the computer. Ultimately, you should see a menu like this:

Select the topmost item from it: Safe Mode or Safe mode. After this, you will need to wait for a short time (or maybe a long time, it varies). If you have been using the same operating system for a long time, then you will definitely have to wait a long time. So, be patient and wait for the download.

Once safe mode for working with the operating system is loaded, you may be asked whether to continue working, answer Yes.

After this, you will actually enter safe mode. After successful login, feel free to turn on your antivirus (Kaspersky, dr web, nod) and do a full scan of all hard drives. You are lucky if a virus is found, in which case the antivirus will remove it automatically. After removing the virus, we reboot the computer, and if it was the same ill-fated virus that distributes advertising - advertising banner from desktop disappears. Thus, banner removed!

Also, there are times when the computer does not have a pre-installed antivirus or something that could find our ill-fated virus, which prevents us from working normally on the PC. In this case, there is also a way out. To begin with, you should get into the launch commands. To do this, go to Start -> Run(for Windows 7 commands, you can enter the command into the search bar in the same start). In the command line (command line) enter the word regedit. After entering this window should appear called the registry:

After that we go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Run and see this window:

If you find a line with numbers (not necessarily the same as on the screen, they can be anything in a chaotic order) - this means that you have found the very virus that is responsible for the banner and advertising on your desktop. After a successful search, select this object and press the Delete button on the keyboard, but be careful - you only need to delete this object, do not delete the folder by mistake Run.

That is, we delete only objects of unknown origin. After deleting the object in the window interface, follow the file location path (which is indicated in the Data field) and delete the file with the virus itself. Such actions almost always help get rid of banners and ads on your desktop, ultimately removing the virus. The banner disappears and the normal desktop resumes.

2nd option how to remove the porn banner:
It happens that safe mode does not work, what should I do then, how to remove the banner from the desktop (screen)?

In this case banner removal process a little more complicated than in the previous case. First you need to restart your computer. When the desktop loads, when you turn on the computer, quickly press ctrl + alt + delete, thus launching the Windows Task Manager. As soon as it starts, go to the processes tab and quickly delete the process explorer. There is a chance that with such actions, especially if it is done quickly, the virus will not have time to launch its splash screen. If you succeeded this way stop banner launch and advertising image, then click in the task manager "New task" -> regedit, then follow the steps indicated in the first case.

3rd way to remove the ransomware banner:
The situation is similar: safe mode does not want to start. In this case, to remove the banner from the desktop you will need another computer and a flash drive. A program for searching and removing viruses is copied onto the flash drive without prior installation. We insert the flash drive with the utility into the computer, reboot the PC until all processes have loaded, you need to quickly go to the flash drive and run the utility. If the launch has begun successfully, then, one might say, we rejoice and wait until the virus is found and removed.

4th option how to remove SMS banner:
If the situation is similar, that is, safe mode does not start, but the previous methods somehow did not work, there is still a way out and it is possible to remove the advertisement (banner). You will need another computer to connect remotely to the infected PC. We connect two computers with a network cable, connect from the second computer to the network. After this, using the rdp (mstsc) protocol, we try to connect to the infected PC we need, while entering the username and password of the PC user. Then we go to it and look for a suspicious (unknown) process in the processes of users of the infected PC, and delete it. We recognize him by the same incomprehensible numbers in his name. After these steps, we disconnect and try to restart the infected computer. It should help.

5th method to remove a banner from the desktop:
You can try to disconnect the hard drive, insert it into another PC, check there for viruses and, if a virus is found and removed, assume that we managed to remove the banner the easy way. If you can’t find the virus, then go to C:\Documents and Settings\(Account name)\ folder with strange numbers, and then delete all the files in it. Such actions should also help and the advertising banner (advertising) will disappear.

6th case of banner removal:
If all the previous methods are unsuccessful, try on some computer with the Internet to search the Internet for passwords for this virus on sites that develop antiviruses. They often have medicines in stock for such cases. I do not indicate specific sites and antivirus manufacturers in order to avoid advertising.

7th option for removing an advertising banner:
If you can’t find a cure online, try reinstalling the Windows operating system without formatting and deleting all data. Your personal files will remain intact, and the desktop may become normal; the banner will be deleted along with the reinstalled system files.

8th method on how to remove ransomware banner blocker:
If all the previous options did not produce any results, only the last method is suitable for removing a banner on the desktop - installing a new operating system with formatting the hard drive. This will already give 100% results in removing ads from your PC.

After you succeed remove ad virus, still check your entire computer for other viruses. After all, if you got one virus, it is possible that there are others. After that, check the hosts file for any suspicious lines.

An important sign that you still have traces of the banner on your computer is this strange VKontakte message -
"At the moment, technical work is underway. Sorry for the inconvenience. ( technical work)."

This message appears due to changes in the hosts file. The file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (depending on who has which drive). In this folder we find hosts and open it through notepad, check it, delete unnecessary lines. If you notice the # symbol, then know that it means a comment and tells us that the line with this symbol is not perceived by the system in any way.

If you only observe one line:
" localhost" - this means everything is fine. But you need to copy the hosts file and view its contents through Notepad again. If you notice any differences and names of sites known to you, for example,, then you have a virus.

In this case, you need to delete the hosts file. Your Windows operating system will automatically create and restore it. After deleting the hosts file, you need to see if the VKontakte site (or another site that was listed there) is working. If it works, be sure to change the password and recheck the system for viruses, perhaps even with a different antivirus.

The hosts file allows Windows to find the IP address of a site without asking the Internet, so you can simply specify any IP address for absolutely any site. This is often how scammers act.

How to remove a banner using Doctor Web

I hope this article helped you in removing an advertising banner from the desktop. Don't fall for scammers' tricks!

  1. We indicate the path along which the installation will be carried out and click on [k]Next.
  1. The next step involves configuring the shortcuts. Here we use the same button.
  1. We are waiting for the installation of the application to complete on the PC.
  1. The installation is complete, all we have to do is run the program.
  1. After the application is installed, you can proceed directly to scanning for viruses. Launch the program and start scanning.
  1. To view the results, click the corresponding button.

All that remains is to quarantine the found viruses and your PC is safe.

After the scan is completed, the program must be uninstalled. This is done through the Windows control panel and does not cause any difficulties.


The following program also worked very well. This is the famous Hitman Pro from Mark Loman. Let's figure out how to work with the utility.

  1. First, of course, we download the latest Russian version of the program from its official website. Then run the resulting file and click the [k]Next button.
  1. We accept the license and move on to the next step.
  1. We refuse installation and select the one-time scanning option.
  1. We are waiting for the computer to be checked. Already at first, some threats are visible.
  1. When the scanning is completed, you need to configure work with the results. Each item has a drop-down list from which you need to select the appropriate option.
  1. As a result, the cleaning will begin and will protect your PC from malware in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is click on [k]Exit.


Let's move on to the simply legendary application for searching for advertising modules. This is the famous AdwCleaner, which you can download on the official website. Then we move on to working with the program.

  1. First, press [k]I agree.
  1. Then select the marked button. It will run a PC scan.
  1. The scan will begin and will take some time.
  1. After scanning, you will be shown a report with the threats found.
  1. To remove viruses, you need to select them in the menu below and click [k]Clean.
  1. We will be warned that all programs on the PC will be closed automatically and the system will reboot. If you have saved the necessary data, click [k]OK.
  1. Next, click [k]Reboot now.

Attention! Be sure to save all data from running programs and close them. Otherwise, some files may be lost.


The next cleaning tool for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 is Cleaner. You can download the program, just like others, on its official website.

  1. When you receive the distribution, run it. No installation is needed here, just click the start scanning button.
  1. We are waiting for the process to finish
  1. We see a number of threats found and click on [k]Disarm.
  1. Cleaning will not take much time.
  1. When finished, all we have to do is click on [k]Done.

This is such an easy to use program. But this is not enough for us, let's look at one more.

SpyBot - Search & Destroy

This application is developed by Safer-Networking Ltd. From the name alone it is clear that the main task here is to search and destroy viruses. So download the app and get to work quickly.

  1. Once the installer is downloaded, run it. For the deepest and most complete scanning, click the menu item marked in the screenshot.
  1. Next, select the item surrounded by a red frame.
  1. The inspection has begun, we are waiting for it to be completed.

At the end of the scan, all threats will be removed.

Attention! While scanning, do not run any programs, thereby preventing the program from working.

Reset Browser

Sometimes you can remove viruses that have settled in your browser by resetting it. We will show an example of cleaning based on Google Chrome, since it is the most popular. In other browsers, for example, Opera, Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari, this can also be done without difficulty.

  1. Let's go to the browser menu. In Chrome, this is an icon with three dots.
  1. Then select the settings item.
  1. Scroll the content to the very bottom and select the item circled in red.
  1. Click on [k]Reset.
  1. We confirm our intentions by pressing the marked button.

After this, the browser will restart and be rid of any malicious code.

Task Scheduler

Sometimes a virus that you have picked up is also registered in the task scheduler. Thus, he seems to add himself to autoload and secretly. Let's figure out how to remove it from there.

  1. You can launch the application using the Win+R key combination. When the small window opens, enter the following command into it:
  1. Here you will see standard tasks, among which extraneous ones may get lost. We'll just have to remove it from here.

Malware can also nest in normal autorun. To remove it from there, you can use the CCleaner utility.

Launch the program, go to the [k]Tools - [k]Startup tab. Here is a list of all applications launched with the system. If desired, they can be removed or disabled completely.

After running CCleaner, be sure to restart your PC.

Removing extensions

Again, the instructions will be shown using Google Chrome as an example. In other browsers, proceed in the same way.

  1. In the browser, go to its main menu, select the sub-item [k]Additional tools, and then [k]Extensions.
  1. These are our plugins, if you see something extraneous here, feel free to delete it.

Remember! Even an extension that has worked for you for many years can become infected with a virus over time and “add it” to you. You should trust only proven and well-proven plugins.

Uninstalling programs

  1. Initially, launch the control panel. You can find it through search.
  1. Let's move on to the point marked in the screenshot.
  1. We carefully look through the list of applications and, if there is something unknown, delete it by right-clicking the mouse.

Sometimes, before you can remove unnecessary malware files that pop up on your computer, you need to unlock access to them by stopping the process. This is done like this:

  1. Launch the task manager by right-clicking on an empty area of ​​the taskbar. From the pop-up menu, select the item indicated by [k]2.
  1. When the task manager is launched, go to the [k]Details tab and carefully examine the list of running processes. If you find a stranger, stop it and then delete the files.

Attention: if you are launching the task manager for the first time, click the [k]More button in its lower left corner.

I personally encountered this problem, a friend of mine’s computer displays a bunch of ad blocks on absolutely all pages (even in search engines on Yandex, Google), the pages open by themselves and it doesn’t matter which browser to use, I tried it on different ones - Firefox, Chrome, IE . Everywhere the same result - advertising on the pages. At the same time, he had Kapersky antivirus installed, which was regularly updated. Even checking with an antivirus did not lead to anything - the advertisement was still displayed on the sites.

Here is an example - the official ASUS website; such advertising cannot be there.

We check browser extensions to remove ads on websites.

You need to check which extensions are installed and enabled in your browser.

To view the extension in Firefox, you need to open the browser, click on the "Menu" button, select "Add-ons".

For Chrome browser users, follow these steps: Click the "Menu" - "Tools" - "Extensions" button.

A window will open with all installed extensions.

If you see suspicious extensions, disable or delete them. If you don’t understand why you are using this or that add-on, just disable it, nothing bad will happen, just some add-on will be disabled. The Internet function will work, if you don’t notice the extension is disabled, then you don’t need it and you can remove it. For the most inexperienced, I would recommend disabling all add-ons and checking whether advertising appears on sites (restart the browser first); if the advertising is gone, then turn on the extensions one by one and check for the appearance of advertising, this way you will identify a viral add-on and remove it.

We remove “garbage” from your computer/laptop.

The next step is to clear the junk from your computer. By trash I mean temporary folders, recycle bin, etc. To do this, you can use a free program that does not require installation - CCleaner. Unzip the downloaded archive and run the corresponding version of your operating system EXE file (x86 or x64). The program will start, on the Cleaning menu, it will have checkboxes indicating the items that need to be deleted, I recommend leaving everything as default, clicking the “Analysis” button, after finishing the analysis, clicking the “Cleaning” button.

CCleaner will not affect the files you need; if you look carefully at the items, you will see that it will only remove potential garbage - temporary files, recycle bin, Cookies, browser cache, etc.

We get rid of viral advertising on websites by cleaning unnecessary programs on your computer/laptop.

Few people know, but in addition to installing one program, you can simultaneously install one or more, or change the default browser, or change the start page in the browser. This is not always good, since this is usually an attempt to hide changes made to the computer (for example, installing a virus). What to do to avoid this:

1) Do not download programs from torrents or suspicious sites; if you want to avoid catching any infection, go to the official website of the program and download from it.

2) When installing programs, carefully check the checkboxes and items installed there; it is because of mindlessly clicking the “Next” button that you can change settings or install unnecessary programs in parallel.

So, it is quite possible that by installing one program you installed a virus that inserts advertisements into all sites. In order to check this, go and look at the list of installed programs and remove unnecessary ones. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”.

Here you will see all the programs that are installed on your computer/laptop. Take a close look at those that are suspicious and unfamiliar to you. Remember when you started seeing ad blocks on websites and look at what programs were installed at that time, to see if there is an extra program that you did not install. In my case, this method helped. I discovered a program NetCrawl that was unfamiliar to me, and after uninstalling it, the ad blocks disappeared from all sites and browsers.

We clean your computer/laptop from viruses.

Well, the last step, even if you have removed the malicious program, clean your computer/laptop from viruses. I recommend cleaning with not just one antivirus, but several, you can use “disposable” ones, for example

After you have managed to get rid of ads in your browser automatically or manually, you may experience that pages and sites stop opening, and the browser reports that an error occurred when connecting to the proxy server.

In this case, open the Windows Control Panel, switch the view to “Icons” if you have “Categories” and open “Internet Options” or “Browser Options”. In properties, go to the “Connections” tab and click the “Network Settings” button.

Enable automatic detection of settings and disable the use of a proxy server for local connections. .

How to get rid of ads in your browser manually

If you have reached this point, then the methods described above did not help remove ads or pop-up browser windows with advertising sites. Let's try to fix this manually.

The appearance of advertising is caused either by processes (running programs that you do not see) on the computer, or by extensions in the Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera browsers (as a rule, but there are other options). At the same time, very often the user does not even know that he has installed something dangerous - such extensions and applications can be installed secretly, along with other necessary programs.

Task Scheduler

Before proceeding with the next steps, pay attention to the new behavior of advertising in browsers, which became relevant in late 2016 - early 2017: launching browser windows with advertising (even when the browser is not running), which occurs regularly, and programs for automatically removing malware Software does not fix the problem. This happens because the virus writes a task to the Windows task scheduler, which launches the advertisement. To correct the situation, you need to find and delete this task from the scheduler:

Removing browser extensions from Adware

In addition to programs or “viruses” on the computer itself, advertisements in the browser can appear as a result of installed extensions. Moreover, today extensions with AdWare are one of the most common causes of the problem. Go to the list of extensions in your browser:

  • In Google Chrome - settings button - tools - extensions
  • In the Yandex Browser - settings button - additional - tools - extensions

Disable all dubious extensions by unchecking the corresponding box. With experience, you can also determine which of the installed extensions causes advertising to appear and remove it.

Update 2017: Based on the comments to the article, I came to the conclusion that this step is often skipped or performed insufficiently, while it is the main reason for the appearance of advertising in the browser. Therefore, I propose a slightly different course of action (more preferable): disable all extensions in the browser without exception (even those you trust 100 percent) and, if it works, enable one at a time until you identify the malicious one.

Removing programs that cause advertising

Below I will list the most popular names of “programs” that cause this behavior in browsers, and then I will tell you where you can find them. So, what names are worth paying attention to:

  • Pirrit Suggestor, pirritdesktop.exe (and all others with the word Pirrit)
  • Search Protect, Browser Protect (and also take a closer look at all programs and extensions containing the words Search and Protect in the name, except SearchIndexer - this is a Windows service, you don’t need to touch it.)
  • Conduit, Awesomehp and Babylon
  • Websocial and Webalta
  • Mobogenie
  • CodecDefaultKernel.exe
  • RSTUpdater.exe

It is better to delete all these things when found on your computer. If you suspect some other process, try searching on the Internet: if a lot of people are looking for how to get rid of it, then it can also be added to this list.

And now about uninstalling - first, go to the Windows Control Panel - Programs and Features and see if any of the above are in the list of installed ones. If there is, remove it and restart your computer.

As a rule, such removal does not help to completely get rid of Adware, and they are rarely displayed in the list of installed programs. The next step is to open the task manager and in Windows 7 go to the “Processes” tab, and in Windows 10 and 8 go to the “Details” tab. Click the "Show processes of all users" button. Look to see if there are files with the specified names in the list of running processes. Update 2017: to search for dangerous processes you can use .

Try right-clicking on the suspicious process and ending it. Most likely, after this it will start again immediately (and if it doesn’t start, check the browser to see if the advertising has disappeared and if an error has appeared when connecting to the proxy server).

So, if the process that causes the ad to appear is found, but it cannot be terminated, right-click on it and select “Open file location.” Remember where this file is located.

Press the Win keys (Windows logo key) + R and type msconfig, then click “Ok”. On the “Boot” tab, select “Safe Mode” and click OK, restart your computer.

After entering safe mode, go to the control panel - folder options and enable the display of hidden and system files, then go to the folder where the suspicious file was located and delete all its contents. Run again msconfig, check if there is anything unnecessary on the “Startup” tab, remove what is unnecessary. Stop booting into safe mode and restart your computer. After that, review the extensions in your browser.

Additionally, it makes sense to check the running Windows services and look for links to the malicious process in the Windows registry (search by file name).

If, after deleting the malware files, the browser began to show an error related to the proxy server, the solution was described above.

Changes made by the virus to the hosts file to replace advertisements

Among other things, Adware, which caused advertising to appear in the browser, makes changes to the hosts file, which can be determined by multiple entries with Google addresses and others.

Changes in the hosts file causing advertisements to appear

In order to fix the hosts file, run notepad as administrator, select file - open from the menu, specify that all files are displayed and go to Windows\System32\drivers\etc\, and open the hosts file. Delete all lines below the last one, starting with a hash, and then save the file.

About the Adblock browser extension for blocking ads

The first thing users try when unwanted advertising appears is installing the Adblock extension. However, in the fight against Adware and pop-ups, it is not a special helper - it blocks “standard” ads on the site, and not those caused by malware on the computer.

Moreover, be careful when installing AdBlock - there are many extensions for the Google Chrome and Yandex browser with this name, and, as far as I know, some of them themselves cause pop-ups to appear. I recommend simply using AdBlock and Adblock Plus (they can be easily distinguished from other extensions by the number of reviews in the Chrome store).

Additional Information

In the future, be careful when installing programs and extensions, use official verified sources for downloading. If the problem remains unresolved, describe your symptoms in the comments, I will try to help.

Video instructions - how to get rid of advertising in pop-up windows

I hope the instructions were useful and allowed you to fix the problem. If not, describe your situation in the comments. Perhaps I can help you.

Reboot your computer to remove banner will not help, and when you enter a problem into a search engine, very unusual and extremely ineffective advice is given that is unlikely to help you. This article is precisely intended to help ordinary users protect themselves from such an “infection” as a virus, banner or advertising.

The main thing is not to fall for the trick of scammers and do not under any circumstances send SMS to the number they provide - this will still not help you.

1st way to get rid of the advertising banner:
First you need to restart your computer and go to safe mode(safe mode). In order to go there, when your operating system starts loading, you need to press the key several times F8. If you don’t know exactly when the operating system starts loading, then press F8 from the beginning of turning on the computer. Ultimately, you should see a menu like this:

Select the topmost item from it: Safe Mode or Safe mode. After this, you will need to wait for a short time (or maybe a long time, it varies). If you have been using the same operating system for a long time, then you will definitely have to wait a long time. So, be patient and wait for the download.

Once safe mode for working with the operating system is loaded, you may be asked whether to continue working, answer Yes.

After this, you will actually enter safe mode. After successful login, feel free to turn on your antivirus (Kaspersky, dr web, nod) and do a full scan of all hard drives. You are lucky if a virus is found, in which case the antivirus will remove it automatically. After removing the virus, we reboot the computer, and if it was the same ill-fated virus that distributes advertising - advertising banner from desktop disappears. Thus, banner removed!

Also, there are times when the computer does not have a pre-installed antivirus or something that could find our ill-fated virus, which prevents us from working normally on the PC. In this case, there is also a way out. To begin with, you should get into the launch commands. To do this, go to Start -> Run(for Windows 7 commands, you can enter the command into the search bar in the same start). In the command line (command line) enter the word regedit. After entering this window should appear called the registry:

After that we go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Run and see this window:

If you find a line with numbers (not necessarily the same as on the screen, they can be anything in a chaotic order) - this means that you have found the very virus that is responsible for the banner and advertising on your desktop. After a successful search, select this object and press the Delete button on the keyboard, but be careful - you only need to delete this object, do not delete the folder by mistake Run.

That is, we delete only objects of unknown origin. After deleting the object in the window interface, follow the file location path (which is indicated in the Data field) and delete the file with the virus itself. Such actions almost always help get rid of banners and ads on your desktop, ultimately removing the virus. The banner disappears and the normal desktop resumes.

2nd option how to remove the porn banner:
It happens that safe mode does not work, what should I do then, how to remove the banner from the desktop (screen)?

In this case banner removal process a little more complicated than in the previous case. First you need to restart your computer. When the desktop loads, when you turn on the computer, quickly press ctrl + alt + delete, thus launching the Windows Task Manager. As soon as it starts, go to the processes tab and quickly delete the process explorer. There is a chance that with such actions, especially if it is done quickly, the virus will not have time to launch its splash screen. If you succeeded this way stop banner launch and advertising image, then click in the task manager "New task" -> regedit, then follow the steps indicated in the first case.

3rd way to remove the ransomware banner:
The situation is similar: safe mode does not want to start. In this case, to remove the banner from the desktop you will need another computer and a flash drive. A program for searching and removing viruses is copied onto the flash drive without prior installation. We insert the flash drive with the utility into the computer, reboot the PC until all processes have loaded, you need to quickly go to the flash drive and run the utility. If the launch has begun successfully, then, one might say, we rejoice and wait until the virus is found and removed.

4th option how to remove SMS banner:
If the situation is similar, that is, safe mode does not start, but the previous methods somehow did not work, there is still a way out and it is possible to remove the advertisement (banner). You will need another computer to connect remotely to the infected PC. We connect two computers with a network cable, connect from the second computer to the network. After this, using the rdp (mstsc) protocol, we try to connect to the infected PC we need, while entering the username and password of the PC user. Then we go to it and look for a suspicious (unknown) process in the processes of users of the infected PC, and delete it. We recognize him by the same incomprehensible numbers in his name. After these steps, we disconnect and try to restart the infected computer. It should help.

5th method to remove a banner from the desktop:
You can try to disconnect the hard drive, insert it into another PC, check there for viruses and, if a virus is found and removed, assume that we managed to remove the banner the easy way. If you can’t find the virus, then go to C:\Documents and Settings\(Account name)\ folder with strange numbers, and then delete all the files in it. Such actions should also help and the advertising banner (advertising) will disappear.

6th case of banner removal:
If all the previous methods are unsuccessful, try on some computer with the Internet to search the Internet for passwords for this virus on sites that develop antiviruses. They often have medicines in stock for such cases. I do not indicate specific sites and antivirus manufacturers in order to avoid advertising.

7th option for removing an advertising banner:
If you can’t find a cure online, try reinstalling the Windows operating system without formatting and deleting all data. Your personal files will remain intact, and the desktop may become normal; the banner will be deleted along with the reinstalled system files.

8th method on how to remove ransomware banner blocker:
If all the previous options did not produce any results, only the last method is suitable for removing a banner on the desktop - installing a new operating system with formatting the hard drive. This will already give 100% results in removing ads from your PC.

After you succeed remove ad virus, still check your entire computer for other viruses. After all, if you got one virus, it is possible that there are others. After that, check the hosts file for any suspicious lines.

An important sign that you still have traces of the banner on your computer is this strange VKontakte message -
"At the moment, technical work is underway. Sorry for the inconvenience. ( technical work)."

This message appears due to changes in the hosts file. The file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (depending on who has which drive). In this folder we find hosts and open it through notepad, check it, delete unnecessary lines. If you notice the # symbol, then know that it means a comment and tells us that the line with this symbol is not perceived by the system in any way.

If you only observe one line:
" localhost" - this means everything is fine. But you need to copy the hosts file and view its contents through Notepad again. If you notice any differences and names of sites known to you, for example,, then you have a virus.

In this case, you need to delete the hosts file. Your Windows operating system will automatically create and restore it. After deleting the hosts file, you need to see if the VKontakte site (or another site that was listed there) is working. If it works, be sure to change the password and recheck the system for viruses, perhaps even with a different antivirus.

The hosts file allows Windows to find the IP address of a site without asking the Internet, so you can simply specify any IP address for absolutely any site. This is often how scammers act.

How to remove a banner using Doctor Web

I hope this article helped you in removing an advertising banner from the desktop. Don't fall for scammers' tricks!