Free in-app purchases in the app store. How to view detailed purchase history in the App Store and iTunes Store on iPhone and iPad

The information contained in this article is freely available in Apple Help, but I want to explain everything to you simply and clearly.

This article is about in-app purchases in the app store for free. What are in-app purchases? How to transfer them? What are they needed for?

In-app purchases are those purchases that are found inside apps from the App Store. For example, cards, bonus levels, purchasing the full version of the application, money in the game, etc.
Which apps have in-app purchases in the app store?

When purchasing an application in iTunes, you should pay attention to the Top in-app Purchases line located to the left of the application description. It is possible that the application itself is free, but with in-app purchases you can, for example, purchase the full version of the game for $5. Surely, now it becomes clear to you why you need to pay attention not only to the price of the application, but also to the Top in-app Purchases line (in-app purchases).
Apple advises game and app developers to include the purpose of in-app purchases and their benefits in their descriptions, but many do not follow this advice.
What are in-app purchases for?
For the buyer - getting the additions and extensions he needs for a certain fee.

But for the developer there may be several options:
 This is a way to monetize games. Everything possible is sold - health, energy, play money, bonuses, etc.
 Subscription for a month, a year and beyond is possible exclusively through in-app purchases.
 The creator’s desire to protect his application from illegal use.

Many people know that JailBreak hacks the program and allows you to install it on iOS without purchasing it. But what you buy through in-app purchases cannot be hacked and obtained for free. On jailbroken apps, in-app purchases lead to various internal errors.

Types of in-app purchases in the app store:
1. Compensable - energy, health, increased construction speed, play money, etc. They buy it again every time. They cannot be transferred from one device to another, and when you reinstall the application, they automatically expire.

2. Non-compensated – full version of the game, new game levels, GPS maps, etc. Buy once. They can easily be transferred to another device, in other words, downloaded again for free. When you reinstall the game, they are also installed for free.

3. Subscriptions – daily news, online game for 6 months, etc. Not everything is so transparent here. Even Apple itself does not give precise answers on this matter. To be honest, subscriptions should be like non-refundable purchases, that is, they can be transferred from device to device for free, but before making such a purchase, it is better to first find out about it from the developer. Be careful!

Details Category: Settings, instructions on iPad. Created: 07/03/2013 20:12 App Store and iTunes . Not long ago, one of my friends decided to buy for work iPad . Since the tablet had to regularly change hands, so to speak, from one user to another within the department, my friend immediately after the purchase iPad , began frantically looking for ways to limit access to purchases in App Store and iTunes . He linked his bank card to his account. But most of all, he ended up spending his money on this bank card due to his own negligence.

One evening he went to iTunes to listen to the singer’s album “Nyusha”. He wondered how he could buy the album. Or rather, how the purchasing process generally occurs. But my friend didn’t know that even if the password is for purchases in App Store and iTunes (or rather the password to the account), it is not always requested immediately before the purchase. That is, a friend quite logically assumed that after clicking the “Buy album” button, as in the screenshot below, iTunes will ask him to enter this password.

To his surprise, the album simply began to download without entering a password. But even then the acquaintance did not think that he had already become the “lucky” owner of this album. In addition, he did not know the fact that the invoice for the purchase would not arrive immediately and the money would be debited from the card only after a couple of days.

But the bill came. So, friends, so that you don’t get into trouble, and so that others don’t accidentally bankrupt you, our site has compiled competent instructions for you on how to set restrictions on purchases in online stores Apple so that everything works as it should.

I hope how to link your bank card to your account Apple ID you have already figured it out, and you have set the password. If not, we will tell you about that soon.

So if you already have Apple ID , you have linked a card and want to limit access to purchases, then first launch the “Settings” icon and look for the “Restrictions” submenu. If you do not yet have a password for the “Restrictions” function, the system will prompt you to create one. This will be your password to access this particular function! Attention: do not confuse this password with the password to access the iPad!

So, if you want your password to be requested immediately before installing any application (program) from App Store , or before purchasing an album in iTunes , then in the “Restrictions” submenu we look for the “Password Request” item and set the value to “Immediately”, and not “15 minutes”, as is the default!

All. Now, when making purchases, you should be prompted to enter your password immediately. But still, I suggest you check everything first on free applications in App Store , because anything can happen. When installing free applications, the password should also be requested all the time. If everything works with free programs, then you can be completely sure that everything works as it should!

Here is the nuance of use iOS , ignorance of which can empty your wallet. If you liked the article, please add a plus sign via social networks or drop a comment.

Be careful when shopping. Thank you!

Hi all! You have to pay for everything :) Including games, applications, ringtones, in general, for all the content that you download to your iOS device. No, of course, download games and applications for free, take, for example, the same one. However, in my opinion, it is better to support the developer and purchase the program or game you like.

How does this usually happen? You link your plastic card to your Apple ID account and money for purchases is debited from it. What if you don’t have a credit card? Or do you just not want to “shine” your plastic? Apple has a solution! After all, there are alternative ways to pay for purchases in iTunes and the App Store without using a bank card.

We will talk about them today - let's go!

iTunes Gift Card - buy games and applications without a credit card

Essentially, this is a regular card that can be purchased in many stores or ordered online. For example, in the Sberbank application, there is definitely such an opportunity. By the way, there is no great need for the card itself; you need a code that, as it were, replenishes your virtual balance in the App Store and iTunes. And money for purchases is already debited from him, and not from a plastic card.

Important! For a “physical purchase,” the code is not written on the Gift Card itself, but on the cash receipt. Don't lose it.
Disadvantages of this solution:

  1. Fixed denomination - at least 500 rubles, then 1000 rubles, etc. It’s very inconvenient if you need to buy an application or game that costs 19 rubles. The rest will lie and wait in the wings.
  2. You can't buy it everywhere.
  3. In some places it is sold at a premium, which depends on the arrogance of the seller.
  1. Can be used as a gift.
  2. Some depersonalization of payments - no one asks for your data.

Payment in the App Store and iTunes from a mobile phone account

Now this is more interesting! Indeed, recently in Russia it has become possible to make purchases in the App Store and iTunes using your regular mobile account. At the moment, only Beeline provides such joy. But if you are a subscriber of another mobile operator, there is no need to be scared and change your service provider, because the SIM card does not necessarily have to be in the phone.

How to start paying for games and applications for iPhone and iPad from your Beeline number? You need to change your payment information for your Apple ID account (if you don't have one, then).

That's all! You can safely start buying games and applications, without any credit cards or other misunderstandings :). Payment will be debited from the SIM card.

What is important to remember and know:

  • The SIM card does not have to be in the iPhone or iPad.
  • The starting balance can also be spent, that is, having bought a SIM card with balance, there is no need to immediately replenish it.
  • There are no commissions!

Comfortable? In my opinion, very much so.

There are a lot of advantages of such a solution - this is the ability to replenish a fixed amount (exactly the one needed for the purchase), the relative safety of payments (there is no point in flashing a bank card), and the ease of payment. In my opinion, there is only one minus - at the time of purchasing a game or application, this SIM card must still be installed in some device, since it receives an SMS with a confirmation code.

Updated! Since November 2016, Megafon subscribers also have the opportunity to pay for games and applications in the App Store using their SIM card balance. How to do it? Exactly the same as for Beeline. The instructions are a little higher :)

Payment card - what to do in this case? In fact, the solution to this problem is extremely simple.

In contact with

In addition, this problem, in part, also affects users who live in Ukraine and Belarus. It is known that residents of these countries will have an account in either Ukrainian (in the corresponding country, of course) or English by default. And if you need to indicate Russia as a region, it will be almost impossible to link local payment cards. And if you can’t link cards, then how to pay for purchases in Apple branded services?

Most users have probably, if not encountered, then at least heard about the service Yandex money. It was launched in 2002 and during its entire operation it managed to occupy its niche, becoming one of the leaders among electronic payment systems. It is with the help of this service that you can EASILY cope with the purchase of content.

To do this, you need to create an account on the Yandex website, and then, after logging in, go to the payment service using the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad. There is also an easier option - the official application Yandex money. It should only be noted in advance that payment for services using it is only possible in Russian currency and through a Russian Apple ID.

How to buy a game or application for iPhone, iPad or Mac without linking a card:

1 . Go to the Yandex.Money website or download the application to your device Yandex money, then launch it and log in;
2 . If a Yandex wallet has not yet been created, then you should register it there, in the application;
3 . Top up your wallet using any of the following methods:

4 . After creating a wallet and replenishing it, you should top up your Apple ID account (to be able to make content purchases in Apple services), which in turn requires the following steps:
4.1 Turning to the “Search” option, enter the word “ iTunes«;
4.2 Click on the item " Code for App Store and iTunes«.
5 . In chapter " Code for App Store and iTunes“, you should indicate your phone number and the amount by which you plan to top up your Apple ID (500-15,000 rubles).

6 . You must click on the button “ Pay» and enter the password for your wallet account in the field that appears. A link code will appear on the screen; when you click on it, funds will be credited to your Apple ID account. Information with a code will also be sent via SMS (the code can be entered in the same way as a gift card promo code in App Store -> Enter code).
7 . After payment, you can view your cash balance directly in your Apple ID account in the App Store application (the “Selection” menu).

It is also worth noting that the Yandex.Money administration, together with Apple, holds frequent promotions - when replenishing an Apple ID account, the user is credited with 15% of the payment amount for free.

This guide can be useful not only for novice users who are just starting to get acquainted with i-technology, but also for more experienced ones who, for various reasons, have not previously encountered the need to purchase applications in the App Store. In this article we will describe in detail how to register in the App Store and buy any application for iPhone.

How to register in the App Store?

The App Store is Apple's specialized application store, the work of which every iPhone user will have to deal with, otherwise why would they buy such a technological device at all? In order to gain access to the Apple Store (and at the same time the iTunes Store), we need to register an Apple ID, which will become your identifier for many services, for example. Registration is possible from any Apple device, be it an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, or from a computer using iTunes.

Registration in the App Store via iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Step 1: Open the stock app App Store

Step 2. Select a section Selection and scroll to the very bottom of the page

Step 3: Click the button To come in and in the pop-up window select Create an Apple ID

Step 4. Select the desired country whose applications will be presented in the store (leave the automatic selection of Russia) and click Further

Step 5. Read and accept the user agreement

Step 6. Then enter your email details and specify the desired password (the password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter). Attention - the specified email address will be the login of your Apple ID

Step 7. Below you will need to select three security questions and answers, as well as your date of birth

Step 8: Next, you will have to choose a payment method that is convenient for you, which currently could be a Visa, MasterCard or Amex credit card. Carefully fill out all the parameters, because it is from the card that money will be withdrawn for purchasing applications and built-in content. Please note that Visa Electron and Cirrus Maestro cards are not supported in the App Store.

After you click Further For the last time, you will receive a letter to the email address you specified during registration to confirm your registration. Once you successfully verify it by clicking the link in the email, your Apple ID will be officially created and ready for purchases on the App Store and iTunes Store

Registration in the App Store via iTunes

Step 1: Launch iTunes. If you do not have it installed, download the latest version of the program from the official website

Step 2. In the panel on the left, select iTunes Store(if the panel is not visible, click View -> Show side menu)

Step 3. In the window that opens, click on the button To come in, and then Create an Apple ID

Step 4: The registration process begins. Click Further, then read and accept the user agreement

Step 5. Enter the required information: email (which will later become your Apple ID login), password (must contain at least 8 characters, at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter), indicate three security questions and answers to them, and also enter your date of birth

Step 6. Select the desired payment type and enter your credit card information. As already mentioned, the App Store only works with Visa, MasterCard or Amex cards, and their varieties are... Visa Electron and Cirrus Maestro are not accepted

Step 7: Click Create an Apple ID

In iTunes, registration in the App Store is much faster than from a mobile device, so I recommend registering there.

How to buy an application in the App Store?

Now that you have an Apple ID, you can safely download free applications from the App Store and leave reviews for them. But often the best apps are paid apps. Let's figure out how to purchase an application in the App Store?

How to buy an app via iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Step 1: Go to the application App Store

Step 2. Select the desired paid application, click on its price tag, and then on Buy

Step 3. Now you will need to enter your Apple ID password into the pop-up window, and in some cases you will also have to provide the answers to your security questions

Step 4. Confirm in the pop-up window that you are ready to buy the application and if the credit card is attached to your account correctly, the money will be withdrawn from the account and the application will be successfully purchased

How to buy an app through iTunes

Step 1: Open iTunes

Step 2. Go to the tab iTunes Store, and then click on the button App Store, located at the top center of the screen

Step 3. Select the desired application and click on the button Buy under his logo

Step 4: Confirm you want to buy in the pop-up window and enter your Apple ID password to verify. Here, in some cases, you will also need to enter answers to security questions, be careful

Step 5. If the details in your Apple ID settings are correct, the application will begin downloading to you in iTunes

How to Buy Apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Without a Credit Card

What should you do if you don’t have a credit card, but you don’t want to get one specifically for purchasing applications in the App Store? There is a way out, and more than one.

The first solution is to create a virtual QIWI Visa credit card, which you can safely use in the App Store after topping up your wallet account in the nearest terminal. You can register a QIWI wallet, and at the same time a virtual card, by following this link. In the near future we will write detailed instructions on how to do this.

The second solution is to buy an iTunes gift card, using the code of which you can purchase any digital goods in the App Store and iTunes Store. In order to activate the code, just go to the App Store application, scroll the Selection menu page to the very bottom and click on the Enter code button. You can purchase an iTunes gift card (or an App Store gift card, they are exactly the same) at any large equipment store, for example, M.Video or Euroset.

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