How to add an address to favorites. Adding folders and files to Favorites in Windows

In any of modern browsers There is a function to add sites to your favorites list. In this way, the user can save favorite sites and keep them always at hand in order to have access to them fast access. But for a long time The "Add to Favorites" button for the site was popular. This function somewhat simplifies the process of adding a site to bookmarks and allows you to once again remind the user that it would be a good idea to add the site to favorites.

Psychology is at work here. The fact is that when a user sees an offer to add to favorites on a website, he wonders whether he needs it. And if he decides that the site is really useful, he will add it to his list of bookmarks. And if there is no offer, the user will not even think about this issue. That is why it is necessary to offer: whoever knocks, the door is opened.

Of course, most visitors bookmark pages not because they plan to return to the site every day, but “just in case they need it,” and, as a rule, do not return. But some users return regularly and form the core of visitors. One way or another, if people return to the site, it means that your site is useful, and this will have a positive impact on behavioral factors your resource, which will allow search engines treat him with great confidence.

You need to place the “Add to Favorites” button on your website in a visible place, but not too intrusively. The best place for such a button - the header or side part of the site.

There is no need to make the button too huge or too small. Remember that the button should fit into the overall design of the site, and not be too intrusive or too inconspicuous.

Code for the "Add site to favorites" button

Most modern browsers, with the advent of the HTML5 standard, support the rel="sidebar" attribute.

Adding a site to your favorites - "Nubex" function addSite() ( if (document.all) window.external.addFavorite("http://site", "Site builder "Nubex""); )

Don't forget to bookmark our site! (For browser Google Chrome press Ctrl+D)

Add site to favorites

But remember that in Google browser Chrome is unable to bookmark a site using a button on the site. For this there is special combination keys: Ctrl+D, so don't forget to tell the user about this.

You can track the number of users who have bookmarked your site, for example, using the Yandex.Metrica service (“Attendance” - “Conversions”).

Hello. Let's talk about how to make a link or button to add to favorites (bookmarks) for all browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari is cross-browser compatible, so that when a user clicks on it, he can postpone it for the future and remember your page. Naturally, make sure that the content is interesting, otherwise no one will bookmark it :)
So, let's go.

What to add to HTML Add to bookmarks

Enter the code in any place you need. All settings except those listed below can be changed or deleted.

  • id="fav"
    Instructions for Chrome, Opera and all browsers based on the Webkit engine will be written here
  • rel="sidebar"
    The attribute is required, needed for Firefox, so it will determine that the page via the link should be sent to favorites
  • href=""
    It is also advisable to leave it unchanged. Firefox will take the bookmark link from this address

    If it were up to me, I would replace a with span , but this option will not work with Firefox

  • onclick="addFav()"
    Here it will be determined javascript script. More about him
Things to Add to JavaScript // Function to Bookmark Favorites | https://site?p=710 function addFav() ( var title = document.title, url = document.location, UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), isFF = UA.indexOf("firefox") != - 1, isMac = UA.indexOf("mac") != -1, isWebkit = UA.indexOf("webkit") != -1, isIE = UA.indexOf(".net") != -1; (isIE || isFF) && window.external) ( // IE, Firefox window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); return false; ) if (isMac || isWebkit) ( // Webkit (Chrome, Opera), Mac document.getElementById("AddFavViaSheens").innerHTML = "Press "" + (isMac ? "Command/Cmd" : "Ctrl") + " + D" to bookmark this page"; return false;

Either put the code in external file, or place it in any place you like on the page, for example, in a section or before the closing tag
The code is commented out, I think there is nothing complicated. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

How to avoid showing the favorites link on tablets and mobile browsers

Of course, there is no point in showing a link to add to favorites on mobile devices, she won't work there. Therefore, you need to filter them.
To do this, you can, for example, generate a link with using javascript, and it already filters everything as needed

// Function for determining the "mobility" of the browser function MobileDetect() ( var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (/android|webos|iris|bolt|mobile|iphone|ipad|ipod|iemobile|blackberry|windows phone |opera mobi|opera mini/i .test(UA)) ? true: false ; ) // If the browser is NOT mobile, display the link if (!MobileDetect())( document.getElementById("MyID").innerHTML = "Here HTML link code (see above)"; )

Let's break it down a little

  • var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); — writes browser headers to a variable, converting them to lowercase. Based on its content, we will determine the “mobility” of the browser.
  • return (/Regular expression/.test(UA) ? true: false) - filter. IN regular expression fragments are recorded, which may be in the headers mobile browsers. You can add your own values ​​by separating them | .

    The filter is case sensitive. Therefore, if you enter your values ​​into the filter, be sure to write them in lowercase (small letters).

  • document.getElementById("MyID").innerHTML = "Here is the HTML code for the link"; — looks for a tag with id="MyID" in the code and writes our link instead. For it to work, you must first write down in the place where to display the link
Example of a finished script and page

Let me summarize what it might look like in the end html code

// Function for determining the "mobility" of the browser function MobileDetect() ( var UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (/android|webos|iris|bolt|mobile|iphone|ipad|ipod|iemobile|blackberry|windows phone |opera mobi|opera mini/i .test(UA)) ? true: false; ) // If the browser is NOT mobile, display the link if (!MobileDetect()) ( document.getElementById("AddFavViaSheens").innerHTML = "Add to bookmarks"; ) // Function for adding favorites to bookmarks | https://site?p=710 document.getElementById("AddFavViaSheens").onclick = function () ( var title = document.title, url = document.location, UA = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), isFF = UA .indexOf("firefox") != -1, isMac = UA.indexOf("mac") != -1, isWebkit = UA.indexOf("webkit") != -1, isIE = UA.indexOf(". net") != -1; if ((isIE || isFF) && window.external) ( // IE, Firefox window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); return false; ) if (isMac || isWebkit) ( // Webkit (Chrome, Opera), Mac document.getElementById("AddFavViaSheens").innerHTML = "Press "" + (isMac ? "Command/Cmd" : "Ctrl") + " + D" to bookmark the page" ; return false;

This method is relevant for 2017. It is possible that over time, new versions of browsers will make their own adjustments, and the script will stop working. If you notice such failures, write in the comments, we will review and update the code.

In my last lesson, I talked about what the Favorites section in LiveJournal is. And despite one rather sensitive minus, many are still interested in what it is and how it works (and no wonder - the thing is actually good). So today I will tell you the most important thing - how to add an interesting entry to your favorites, so that later you don’t get lost on LiveJournal in search of it, but find it right away.

So, you found an interesting post and want to save it for future use in your account favorites. It's simple: you need to find the button with a heart, which is in every entry. She looks like this

You need to look for it above the post text on a small panel. It might look like this:

It all depends on what design is used in the magazine of the author of this entry (or in yours, if you look at other magazines in your design).

If you cannot find the button (this also happens - there are a lot of design styles in LiveJournal, and some do not have panels with buttons. Plus, any user can independently customize the design of their magazine), look for the “Add to Favorites” or “Add to Favorites” link under text of the entry:

In some styles it is already available in your friends' feed. IN new tape Everyone will have her as friends:

If you see a page like this, hooray, you found it. the required link or button.

The option is simple (and in the future inconvenient)

Actually, that’s all, you can calm down on this: you have an “Unorganized” folder, where a link to that very entry is saved. If you continue to add records in the same way, they will all end up out of order.

The option is more complicated and more convenient

Or you can go for more difficult path and try to figure out what is on the intermediate page for adding to favorites:

  • Description: By default, it displays the publication date of the post and its title. You can write whatever you want there. For example, instead of “2012-12-04: school_lj: How to create an account in LiveJournal?” simply “How to create an account on LiveJournal?” Believe me, it will be much more readable
    The maximum length of the description is 40 Russian letters (if you write in English, then 80)

  • Keywords: You can add one or more keywords to a post and it will be placed in a category with that name.
    You can enter up to 5 keywords (that is, one entry can be placed in 5 different categories), separating them with commas. Each keyword there should be no more than 20 Russian letters (40 if you write in English)

  • Post access: that is, who can see your list of favorite posts. By default, they are visible to everyone (and can be accessed from your profile), but you can choose the “Friends” or “Only me (private)” level. Accordingly, the list of favorites will be visible only to your friends or only to you.
    Please note that if you add a sublock entry to your favorites and set the level to “Everyone (public)”, then a link to it will be displayed in the list, but those who do not have access to it will not see the entry itself.

After selecting all required settings Click on the "Save" button and your favorites will look much neater. I have already started compiling a table of contents for the LiveJournal School in a selected community (by the way, I will write about such cataloging detailed lesson, community owners may find it useful), and it looks like this.

I repeat, access to Favorites is available from the magazine or community profile. Here's an example from the LiveJournal School:

That's all I wanted to tell you today. In the following series: how to delete entries from favorites, how to organize those hundreds of entries that are already in the “Unorganized” folder and, of course, how to create a table of contents for your magazine or community using favorites. Stay tuned.

By default, Microsoft has already placed some things in Favorites that you may or may not want to see there. The default list includes Desktop, Downloads, Recent Places and even TV programs if you installed Live TV in Windows Media Center.

To remove entries from Favorites, simply click on the desired entry right click and then from the drop down context menu select Delete.

Adding entries to Favorites

In turn, adding your favorite folders to Favorites is almost as easy as removing them from there. To add a folder to Favorites, simply go to it through File Explorer, then on the left, right-click on Favorites and select “Add current location to favorites.”

You can also drag your favorite folder to Favorites with the mouse to add it.

If after deletion you want to restore all entries to default, simply right-click on Favorites and select "Restore Favorite Links". This will not delete the entries you added, but will simply restore the original ones.

Add search connectors to your favorites

New search in Windows 7 allows you to search for content directly from Explorer not only on the local, but also on a remote machine. Right from your desktop, without opening a browser session, you can search a number of different websites. This is done using so-called search connectors. This same feature allows IT administrators to customize searches on their company’s websites.

In fact, adding search connectors to Favorites is quite simple task. To add it, just download the special .osdx file of the desired site (for example, from here) and then double-click on it, thus starting its installation.

Once launched, Windows will ask you if you really want to install the connector.

And after installation, you will see your connector in Favorites. Simply select the connector you want in the left pane and then enter the word or phrase you're looking for in the right pane.

At the same time, with the area turned on preview you can look at the found page.

Convenient, isn't it? Unfortunately, this feature only works under Windows 7 (and 8 too). Although even this can simplify the work in some sense. Try it yourself! Good luck to you!

Hello everyone, dear readers of the DortX Chronicles! Let's continue the conversation about the Yandex browser. Today we will deal with issues such as adding sites to favorites, organizing and setting up bookmarks for your favorite sites.

Adding a site to your favorites or bookmarks in your Yandex browser is very easy! To do this, we just need to go to the desired site and click on the asterisk located at the very end address bar Yandex browser:

After performing this action, the site immediately goes to your favorites. Or bookmark it, it doesn’t change the essence. To whom it is more convenient to call it.
Here you can give the bookmark a name that is convenient for you and select a folder (directory) to save the bookmark:

If you enabled the display of the bookmarks bar, then the bookmark, when saved to a folder called “Bookmarks Bar”, will accordingly be displayed on it:

Yandex browser - where to find bookmarks?

All saved bookmarks are located in the corresponding menu. To get into it, you should:
1. click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” button:

2. Select the “Bookmarks” menu
3. Enter the bookmark manager.
4. Select the desired folder(default is the bookmarks bar).

About bookmarks in Yandex browser

Using bookmarks in your browser makes surfing the Internet much easier. You don't need to remember or write down millions of links anywhere - everything can be stored right in the browser. Do not forget that you can give any name to the saved bookmark - this is done immediately after clicking on the star. And also choose the appropriate catalog.

How to create a directory of links in Yandex browser?

1. Go to .
2. Expand the “Bookmarks” menu and click on “Bookmark Manager”:

3. On the left, select “Other bookmarks” and right-click on this inscription.
4. Select “Add folder”. I suggest you name the folder Helpful Instructions and add articles to it.