Install the Rambler media portal application

The browser is based on modern engine Chromium, therefore visually (and not only) is very similar to the well-known Google Chrome. It is difficult to find differences from the American search engine program. Even the Rambler website indicates advantages that, in fact, are inherent in Google Chrome itself. Looking at reviews about Rambler Nichrome, it becomes clear that even among users there is no specific idea of ​​how the browser differs from Rambler from the browser Google search engine. Description Rambler Nichrom also differs little from the browser from overseas. The main advantages are speed, simplicity and reliability.


  • display of 12 frequently visited sites on the quick access page;
  • using one line to enter the site address and search query;
  • protection against malicious sites and programs;
  • the ability to download the Rambler Nichrome browser for free;
  • Restoring a session in case of emergency closure of the program.

Principle of operation:

Rambler Browser (Nichrome) can be downloaded in just a few seconds. Installation will take one minute and require just a few clicks. When the installation completes, the program prompts you to make the browser the default one and open it just now. installed program for Internet surfing. Shortcuts to the desktop and panel quick launch are added automatically and without your knowledge. When you launch the browser, it seems that a popular Chrome browser. What catches your eye in the "Applications" menu item is a link to Chrome Web Store. It seems as if the developers of the Rambler browser created the program not from the Chromium engine, but based on Google Chrome, adding bookmarks to their services and search engine default. To verify this, you can download Rambler Nichrome for free without SMS. The latest version is available on our website.


  • another high-quality browser;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • the program is Russified;
  • The program is freely distributed.


  • this browser - copy of Google Chrome with bookmarks and default search engine from Rambler;
  • works only on Windows and Mac OS X;
  • with more than 15 tabs open on low-performance computers, the program may run slowly;
  • The version of the Chromium engine in Nichrome is noticeably outdated compared to other popular browsers.

Fans of new products can download Rambler Browser (Nichrome) and evaluate the quality of its work. Additional browser convenient to use, for example, using social networks, where several users must constantly enter their login and password. When installing multiple browsers, each user can use their own browser with saved accounts. Therefore, for convenience, you can download Rambler Nichrome for free without registration. After reading reviews about the Nichrome browser, you can decide for yourself whether it is advisable to install a new browser. IN comparative test upon request to random access memory and launch time of browsers and websites, Nichrome is inferior to more powerful browsers from Yandex and Chrome. We also recommend trying

Downloading the Rambler browser for a computer on Windows 10 is worth it for users who are already accustomed to constantly using the search engine of the same name. We suggest you download it from the official website. It is ideal for users who actively use Rambler services. For example, mail, weather, news feed etc. You might be surprised at the similarities this decision and Google Chrome. But it's not just similarities, they run on similar engines.

The solution from Rambler is a convenient solution for Windows 10

The browser from Rambler is often called otherwise - Nichrome. it's the same official name. You can see the similarity in the name of this product and the product from Google. And this is no coincidence, since they are built on the same engine. Hence the compatibility with some popular plugins, as well as all the advantages that Google has. But not all users are accustomed to Google, and Rambler is quite well known and famous in Russia. Therefore, it has its own audience. We recommend downloading the Rambler browser for Windows 10 if you use the following services:
  • Mail;
  • Weather;
  • News feed;
It is designed to work with any site, but Rambler services come first. If you do not have an account on Rambler, then there is little point in downloading the product. You can create an account after installation. It also differs from its competitors in that it offers you various news in an unobtrusive manner. You can customize their output the way you want. You can also customize the topics that interest you or don't interest you. It is possible to block the source, etc. Therefore, Rambler Browser can be considered a news solution.

It is best to download the browser from Rambler from the official website. Our website contains a direct link to the official website. There you can download latest version. Despite the fact that this is a Russian development, the program also has other languages. Russian language comes first in Rambler Browser, but you can use English and some other languages. But if you are still a fan of Google services, then we recommend that you look away

The Nichrome browser was created by Rambler. Their developers, at first glance, worked conscientiously. The browser functionality is designed for fast and efficient work on the Internet, but this is exactly what the average user needs. However, if you look closely, it becomes clear that Nichrome is almost a twin of the well-known browser from Google(in fact, they took it as a model and basis). And although Rambler is far from the first place in overall rating search engines, it is its users that the company primarily considers as target audience your browser. You can download Nichrome for free from our resource.

One way or another, for the average “user” the decision to download Nichrome to a computer with Windows system 7/8/10 can be considered a very successful working option. Already familiar interface, convenient and simple settings menu and tab management, excellent performance. In addition, it easily processes numerous web documents with their variety of formats and is “friendly” with applications.

With the current challenge of protection while surfing in world wide web. You can rest assured that both your computer and all the data stored on it are safe. complete safety. The browser is equipped with protection modules against malicious software.


When developing a browser, it’s already difficult to come up with something fundamentally new. Therefore, existing capabilities are used. Nichrome was no exception. Overall it is very similar to Google browser Chrome. It is so similar that it is compatible with all its extensions. There are no personal extensions specifically for Nichrome itself.

However, there are also features of other popular browsers. For example, as in, here you can have instant access to selected resources. Convenient feature, appreciated by many users. Convenient built-in task manager, launch pad with intelligent control– now these are almost mandatory requirements for good browser. Of course, you can search directly in address bar, however, a surprise awaits users here: the search engine will be Rambler, and this cannot be changed in the settings.

If you are a fan of Rambler, you have another good reason to download Nichrome to your computer for free. The services of this search engine are integrated into the browser. So it will be more than easy to watch the news, check your email, and find out the weather forecast.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Simple, intuitive interface.
  • Performance.
  • Ability to open documents in different formats, their correct display.
  • A panel that displays the most frequently visited resources, as a result - fast access to them.
  • Ability to synchronize with other Chrome.
  • The browser is completely free.
  • A large number of services and plugins that are essentially not used.
  • Inability to select a search engine (only Rambler).
  • "Heavy" installation file.

System requirements

  • Processor with a frequency of at least 2000 MHz.
  • RAM size is at least 256 MB.
  • Free hard disk space - 220 MB.
  • Video card with memory from 512 MB.
  • 32 or 64 bit architecture.

How to install a browser on Windows 10, 8, 7

Download the Nichrome installation file on Windows 10, 8, 7 (by the way, if you still use good old XP, or even prefer Mac OS, everything will work out too).

How to remove a browser

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Find browser.
  4. Delete.

Panel Windows management 10

How to find out the version

  • Go to the menu (three horizontal bars to the right of the address bar).
  • Select the item “About Rambler Browser”.

Nichrome portable version

The Nichrome browser has portable version, which does not require installation. However, it should be taken into account that it lacks Rambler Updater. Otherwise, it is no different from regular version Nichrome.