Install 1C 8.3 Accounting yourself. Correct installation of 1C:Enterprise. Adding an infobase

Many programs have been written in the 1C language for accounting, calculations and summarizing information for various fields of activity. Before installing the specific data base itself, you need to install the 1C Enterprise platform on your computer.

Installation is possible in several ways:
  • from the installation disk included when purchasing the 1C software product;
  • from the ITS disk, if you have subscribed;
  • from the technical support site, also if you have a subscription.
To access the 1C technical support site, you must register your software product, or if you are a 1C partner, enter your partner code and password. The website contains the latest updates, so this method is recommended especially for those who deal with regulated reporting forms that must be relevant at the time of submission. After successful registration, you will have access to updates corresponding to your subscription (exclusively for those software products that you purchased and registered). To install 1C, select “Technology platform 8.2”, then click on the latest version from the list provided. Click on the link “Technological platform 1C: Enterprise for Windows”, download the archive. Open the folder into which the 1C distribution archive was downloaded and unpack this file, for example, using the WinRAR archiver. The following instructions are suitable for any of the three installation methods. In the 1C distribution folder, find the installation file set

up with the 1C icon and run it. The installation wizard will prompt you to select components to install and language. If you want to install the program locally on your computer, leave the default settings. It is better not to change the path to the 1C folder, since when installing updates this is where they will accumulate and the program will automatically be able to select the desired configuration release. The system may require administrator rights to complete the installation, please confirm permission.

Check how the installed program works; to do this, open “All Programs” through “Start”, then select 1C:Enterprise 8.2 and click on the 1C shortcut or simply double-click on this shortcut on the desktop. The 1C launch window will open with the message “The list of databases is empty, should I add a database?”, refuse and close the dialog box.

Now you can set up your configuration in the same way, for example, 1C: Accounting. Please note that after installation only the database template will be added, i.e. when you start 1C, the list of databases will still be empty. To add a database, click the “Add” button on the right and select the desired template, then click “Next” several times in the proposed windows, and when the installation is complete, “Finish”. The list of databases will be updated. Select the new database and click the “1C:Enterprise” button on the right. The database will open, empty for now, but ready for use.

Below we will describe in detail the process of installing a standard configuration in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 system, using the Enterprise Accounting solution as an example. Installation of a typical configuration occurs in two stages, first the configuration template is installed, and then a new database is created from the installed template.

Installing a template.

To add a new template, a special configuration installation program (distribution) is required. You can download the installation program from the ITS disk or from the 1C:Enterprise user support website.

Open the directory with the standard configuration installation program and run the setup.exe file.

The configuration installer will start. Click “Next” on the initial installation window.

Now select the directory where the template will be stored. Having selected the required directory, click “Next”.

We wait for the installation to complete and click “Finish” to complete the wizard.

Creating a new database from a template

Now let's create a new database from the installed template. But first, let’s point the launcher to the directory containing the configuration templates. To do this, launch the “1C:Enterprise” client, click “Settings” in the infobase selection window, in the launch dialog settings window that opens, add our directory of configuration templates (you can add several directories) and click “OK”, saving the entered values.

The Add Infobase/Group Wizard will open. If you are creating a new infobase, select the appropriate switch (already selected by default) and click “Next”.

In the next window we will see a list of templates installed in the previously specified directory. For an installed template, there are 2 options for creating an information base - new (clean) database , And databases with demo data to demonstrate configuration options. (If you plan to create an infobase for subsequent loading of data into it from an upload file (*.dt) or to develop a new configuration, then you need to select the “Create an infobase without configuration...” item.) Select the option we need and click “Next”.

Enter the name of the database (as it will be displayed in the list) and select the type of infobase location - file (on the user’s computer or local network) or client-server (on the 1C:Enterprise server). In this example, select the file version of the work by checking the appropriate switch and click “Next”.

Specify the path to the location of the database files and click “Next” again.

On the last page we indicate the launch parameters for the database being added. If the configuration version differs from the 1C version (for example, the configuration is for version 8.2, but you need to run from a version 8.3 client), you should change this parameter. Having decided on the parameters, click “Finish” to complete the wizard, after which the process of creating a new database will begin, which may take some time.

After we have received the distribution kit of the 1C 8.3 (8.2) platform and unpacked it, run the file setup. exe:

In the installation wizard, click on the button Further:

We select which components need to be installed. By default, the following are installed: 1C:Enterprise (thick and thin client), Interface in various languages ​​(English and Russian). In the example, leave the default settings, click on the button Further:

Select the default interface language:

Click on the button Install:

  • software license;
  • hardware protection key, but this is not the first installation of the platform;
  • a multi-user hardware protection key is installed on another computer on the local network;

You can find out more about it in our article.

For more details on how to install the 1C Enterprise 8 technology platform, watch our video:

How to add an information base in 1C 8.3 (8.2):

  • from the configuration template;
  • create a clean database and load the previously created infobase upload file.

Installing the 1C 8.3 (8.2) configuration from a template

After we have received the distribution with the required configuration, for example, ZUP 3.0 or BP 3.0 and unpacked this archive, run the file setup.exe:

In the Setup Configuration Wizard. Click Further:

Specify the path to the templates directory. By default, the 1C program offers - C:\Users\User Profile\AppData\Roaming\1C\1cv8\tmplts:

In the template catalog " tmplts" there is a directory with the name of the supplier "1C". Inside this directory there are folders with configurations, for example:

  • Accounting – Enterprise accounting;
  • hrm – Salary and personnel management;
  • trade – Trade management:

In turn, each of these folders contains directories with release numbers:

Open the configuration launch window by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop 1C Enterprise- button Add- install the switch « » - button Further:

Installing the switch “Creating an infobase from a template”, select the desired configuration and release – button Further:

We indicate the name of the information base (IB) - how the IB will be displayed in the 1C launch window. Select the type of infobase location:

  • On this computer or on a computer on the local network – file version;
  • On the 1C:Enterprise server – client-server version.



Installation of 1C Enterprise 8.3 (8.2) on the computer is completed:

How to install from a configuration template, see the following video:

Launch the configuration launch window - button Add– set the switch “Create a new information base” – button Further:

Set the switch “Create an infobase without configuration...” – button Further:

Specify the name of the infobase and select the type of location of the infobase, button Further:

Specify the location path of the infobase – button Further:

Leave the default settings – button Ready:

After we have created a new information base, we launch it in the configurator:

Go to the main menu Administration – Load infobase:

Select the previously downloaded information base - *.dt file:

A warning window will appear - click on the button

Let's look at the procedure for installing the Basic version program. Installation involves 3 stages:

Platform installation

The procedure for installing the platform is described in detail in the instructions.

Note: for Basic versions, when installing the platform, you do not need to install the security key driver (checkbox “Install security key driver” not placed).

Setting the configuration

After installing the platform, the configuration is installed, which means installing 1C configuration templates, from which information bases can then be created. To install the configuration, perform the following steps:

Press the button "Ready". Checkbox “Open delivery description” can be left or removed. When installing it, a file with a description of the delivery will open.

Creating a database and activating a license

Database creation

Let's launch the 1C:Enterprise shortcut that appears after installing the platform.

Initially, the list of infobases is empty. To add a new information base, perform the following steps:

License activation.

For Basic supplies, the following points must be kept in mind:

    When purchasing the program, the package contains a PIN code for activating the license, which contains 16 characters;

    PIN code activation is possible only 3 times;

    After the third activation, the program is purchased again or the Basic version is replaced with the PRO version with an additional payment.

    Re-activation may be required when installing the program on a new computer or changing key parameters of the current computer, for example, operating system, hard drive, motherboard, and others.

If you decide to start studying the 1C program, then a good option would be to study 1C using video lessons. But at the same time, you cannot do without 1C installed on your computer. At the end of the article there is a visual video lesson ““. In general, the 1C installation process can be divided into two stages:

  1. Installation of the 1C Enterprise platform
  2. Installation of 1C configuration (standard solution, e.g. Accounting for Ukraine, Trade for Ukraine, etc.)

Let's look at how to install 1C Enterprise (platform)

To install 1C (platform) on your computer, you will need the distribution kit of the platform itself. There are at least three options where you can get the platform distribution:

  1. On the disks that are included with the 1C program
  2. On ITS disks (information technology support)
  3. If you have a subscription to ITS, then you can download these files from the website

We will consider installing 1C using platform version 8.3 as an example. Installing version 1C platform 8.2 is no different from 8.3, so these instructions are also suitable for it.

The distribution installation files look something like this:

To start the installation, open the setup.exe file and click “Next” in the window that appears:

In the next window we can select the platform components and the installation folder. In most cases, the composition of the components does not need to be changed; it is also recommended to install 1C in the default folder. Click “Next”:

In the next window, select the installation language and click “Next”:

Almost everything, finally click “Install”:

We are waiting for the installation to complete:

Next, we are asked to install the protection driver. Driver installation is only necessary if you are using hardware protection, i.e. USB key. If you have a software license i.e. without a USB HASP protection key, then uncheck the box.

The installation program is complete. Click “Finish”:

The installation of the 1C Enterprise platform is complete. In the next lesson we will look at the topic: ““.

And here is the promised video: