Video management. Light Alloy, what is this program and is it needed?

" Appearance" - here you select the language, skin, window parameters: do not show in full screen mode / always show in windowed mode / stick the window to the edges of the screen / limit on changing the window size / show or hide tooltips / minimize to tray / allow to run several videos at the same time.

"Mouse" - mouse button settings:

"Events" - set certain actions at different situations:

  1. downloading the program:
    • move the window to the middle of the screen
  2. file upload:
    • resize the window for the movie;
    • move the window to the middle of the screen;
    • turn on Full Screen;
    • hide control panel;
    • start playback;
  3. end of list playback:
    • To do nothing;
    • close the player;
    • turn off the computer.
  4. minimizing the window:
    • stop/don't stop video.

"Video" - special proportions, rewind options, change resolution when switching to full screen, change playback speed, turn on/off overlay, use video processing

"Sound" - mute secondary audio tracks, forced sound output at 44KHz, volume control.

"System" - setting high priority, program installation location ("C:\Program Files\ Light Alloy\LA.exe").

"OSD" - subtitles, enabling display of service information, frame rate for Micro DVD.

"File types" - files that will be opened with "Light Alloy" by default.

"Keyboard" - view, configure or cancel hotkeys. Assign functions shortcut keys from programs "Bsplayer" or " Windows Media Player" program "Light Alloy".

"WinLIRC" - allows you to control Windows applications using almost any remote control for a VCR or TV. To get the dubious pleasure of using the remote control, you will have to assemble a small circuit (see the Light Alloy help).

"Modules" - display and select codecs installed on your system. To select, click on “add”; in the list that opens, select the required (several) codecs, then be sure to close and open “Light Alloy”.


Header contains standard set buttons to control the window, plus several special icons. The program window can be dragged by any title area, double-clicking on it will expand the window to full screen, right-clicking will cause context menu. During playback, the title displays the name of the file being played.

The header contains the following icons:

  • "About the program" - allows you to find out about the location home page programs on the Internet and register (also called +);
  • “On top of all windows” - puts the program on top of other windows;
  • “Maximize” - stretches the output window to fill the entire screen or shrinks it back;
  • "Minimize" - minimizes the program to the taskbar;
  • "Exit" - closes the program


Called by the [P] key or the corresponding icon on the control panel. Each file in the list can be bookmarked. A number is displayed in front of the bookmark, corresponding to the key on the keyboard to go to it. Double click on the name plays the file. Double-clicking on a bookmark plays the corresponding file and rewinds to the desired bookmark. Each bookmark can be assigned its own name; This will be convenient, for example, when arranging the order of playing movie fragments. You can build tables using the list (the "Table by List" button) using templates that are installed with the program (located in the Report subdirectory). In the "File Type" section you can select necessary templates:

  • HTML tables for placing them on web pages
  • XML tables for processing in databases
  • CSV tables for downloading to Excel
  • TXT tables for printing

You can also create your own templates using your own image and likeness.


  • [Space] - pause/play;
  • - exit the program;
  • Cursor [left]/[right] - rewind;
  • Cursor [up]/[down] - volume adjustment;
  • [~] - hide/show the control panel;
  • - expand to full screen/minimize to window;
  • / - previous/next file in the list;
  • - rewind to the beginning;
  • [+]/[-] on the main keyboard - video scaling;
  • [+]/[-] on numeric keypad- brightness adjustment;
  • + [+]/[-] on the numeric keypad - contrast adjustment;
  • + [+]/[-] on the numeric keypad - saturation adjustment;
  • + - default proportions;
  • + - proportions 4:3;
  • + - proportions 16:9;
  • + - width proportions (the width of the video image will always be equal to the width of the video area);
  • + - height proportions (the height of the image will always be equal to the height of the video area);
  • + - user proportions (default 47:20);
  • + - without observing proportions. In this mode, using the pressed Alt keys and the left mouse button, moving the mouse horizontally and vertically, you can set any proportions “by eye”.


I will list some bugs that I noticed when using "Light Alloy":

  • If Overlay Extended Mode is enabled in the DivX settings, frame saving will not work.
  • If "use video processing" is disabled in the program settings, then brightness adjustment is only possible when playing DivX files and using the "DivX" decoder.
  • In video settings, increased image clarity and smoothing are very demanding on computer resources, especially the processor. Don't be surprised if the audio outperforms the video. By default, these options are not enabled.
  • The author reports an error in This error occurs if the MMSwitch filter is installed on the system. It is designed to switch audio streams, and since “Light Alloy” independently mixes the streams, this filter can be safely removed.

How to register (for those who are on the "armored train" :)

  • Launch the player.
  • Click the "About" button on the right top corner programs (or + on the keyboard).
  • Click the "Registration" button.
  • Next you guess the riddle. For example, this: What is in front of us: two shafts behind the ears, a wheel in front of the eyes and a saddle on the nose?
  • You can't guess. Start registration again.
  • It might work out better with a new riddle.


  • Ease of management.
  • Abundance of settings and at the same time ease of use.
  • Determination of installed codecs.
  • Ability to select codecs.
  • Access to codec settings from the program.
  • Possibility of saving a frame.
  • Pleasant little things like displaying processor load, file information, and current time.
  • Free program.
  • To use the codec you need to restart the program.
  • Scanty information about the program.
  • Saving screenshots is only possible in bmp format.


"Light Alloy" - great player multimedia files with virtually no drawbacks. The program is easy to use for both beginners and advanced users and has the broadest functional capabilities. We can only thank the author of the program Igor Vapnyar and follow the updates of "Light Alloy".


  • Shift +` - proportions as is, i.e. original ratio of width and height, the image fits into the screen;
  • Shift +1 - aspect ratio 16:9;
  • Shift +2 - proportions 4:3;
  • Shift +3 - width proportions: the image size is adjusted to the width of the video area while maintaining the original proportions;
  • Shift +4 - height proportions: the image size is adjusted to the height of the video area while maintaining the original proportions;
  • Shift +5 - proportions set manually via Shift +6 ;
  • Shift +6 - open a window for manually selecting proportions;
  • Shift +7 - in this mode, proportions can be dragged with the left mouse button while holding down the Alt button;
  • Shift +8 - pixel-to-pixel aspect ratio: original image size regardless of window size.


For scaling you can use:

  • + , – on the main keyboard;
  • roller when clamped right mouse button;
  • with a roller while holding Alt, Ctrl, Shift (in any combinations, if configured in);

You can also change sizes through the image settings window.

Video options

For conventional control video you will need a window that opens by clicking on Video options:

The Video Options window allows you to:

  • adjust video proportions; if you uncheck the “rigid proportions” checkbox, then the proportions will be set by using the combination Alt + LMB on the image and dragging it horizontally or vertically;
  • apply a variety of post-processing filters;
  • adjust brightness, contrast and saturation.

Post-processing filters

Post-processing filters are graphic effects, the purpose of which is to improve the image. They are performed by DirectX, so they do not have much impact on processor load. It is up to the user to decide which effects to use. Among them are contrast, sharpness, blur, brightness correction for LCD monitors and others. Filters work on the following visualizers:

  • WMR-9 RL;
  • EVR CA;
  • EVR Sync.

Essentially filters are text files in the Shaders subfolder. They can be added, deleted, renamed and changed to your taste (filters are written in the high-level shader language DirectX - HLSL).

Color Setting

When adjusting image colors Special attention should check the box "Allow hardware control color."

Checking the box allows you to adjust the settings using the video card. In other words, adjust the colors and use them at the same time. However, this only works on Windows Vista and older. For Windows XP - either DXVA without image processing, or uncheck the box.

If this checkbox is not present, then LA Video Processor is additionally involved in video playback. It ensures that it will be possible to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation. But at the same time you can forget about DXVA. In addition, since this is software image processing, the load on the computer processor will increase.

Video settings

Video settings are made in Settings\Video.

Selecting a visualizer

On the first tab in Settings\Video you can select , and in the advanced settings option you can also slightly customize them.

You can also select the mode in which the video stream is not decoded. It can be useful for playing music videos as background music, as well as for combining the sound of one file with the video of another.

Please note: this visualizer must be . To select visualizers of the EVR family on WindowsXP, .NET must be installed on the system Framework versions 3.5.

Rewind settings

All other global settings are on the second tab.

To rewind, you can adjust the rewind amount using the buttons and allow rewinding by key frames.

Default image proportions

Default image aspect ratios can be useful if you have a lot of video files with aspect ratios that don't match the actual ones. For example, most horizontal stereo pairs have aspect ratios of 16:9 instead of the correct 32:9.

Impact on "on top" mode

Can be customized forced inclusion“on top of all windows” mode, which helps you watch a movie and do other serious work at the same time: you work in one program and watch a movie, and when you need to concentrate and the movie is paused, the LA window fades into the background.

It may also help if full screen mode The taskbar does not disappear.

Rotate video to any angle

Exists a large number of videos shot vertically or at an angle. In Light Alloy, it is possible to adjust the angle by rotating the video image. In order to rotate the video image, you must enable alternate mode hot keys. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • V Settings\Keyboard\Alternatives tab;
  • in the context menu of the Minimize button.

After this, the context menu of the Minimize button becomes fully accessible:

In this menu, you need to select the “Rotation along the Z axis” item, after which the image can be rotated using the np+ and np+ buttons on the numeric keypad. The rotation step is 10 degrees.

Note: rotation only works on these renderers:

  • VMR-7 RL;
  • VMR-9 RL;
  • EVR CA;
  • EVR Sync.

Rotation along the X, Y axes is rotation in perspective. Can be useful when watching a video taken at an angle from another video.

Hello friends Let's talk today about the wonderful program Light Alloy, this program is needed to play audio and video files. It is lightweight, has a lot of settings, has built-in codecs, that is, it is not necessary to install them separately.

To be honest, I almost forgot this Light Alloy player; in general, this program is one of the first programs that I became acquainted with, well, I mean in general after buying a PC. Back then, our computers were still called personal computers, as I remember, such a damn long memory... I installed Light Alloy on the computer again to remember it, and to show it to you

In general, what can I say about the player. It has changed, because now it looks like this (I included the video in it):

Outwardly, he somehow became more serious, well, although this is just a cover, but still. But before, the appearance was like this (it seems that this cover is still relevant now):

By the way, I didn’t even think that Light Alloy had the same cover as KMPlayer (also a good player, by the way):

More interesting feature Light Alloy player, there is the fact that when I right-clicked on the video, everything disappeared, only the window with the video remained:

The player is really fast. By the way, the left button pauses, well, many players seem to have this.

To drag the player, you can grab it by any free place and pull it wherever you want

When I tried to add files to the playlist, this message appeared:

That is, you can immediately select the position where the files will be added. It's a small thing, but it's still good that there is such a thing!

But I turned on Mouzon, as you can see, there is a playlist, a music timer, well, that is, everything you need:

You can also see that next to each song there is a time somewhere, and somewhere there is a dash. Where there is time, I already turned on just a song. It’s just that the player itself doesn’t calculate the composition time, I don’t know why. Maybe because it's FLAC format? I tried the MP3 format, but the situation did not change. It is quite possible that this problem can be easily resolved in the settings.

I also liked that the tooltips, well, when hovering with the mouse, are more advanced here, see for yourself:

This is when I hovered the mouse over the play/stop button. When I right-clicked on a track in the playlist, the following menu appeared:

It’s also interesting that the player has a scheduler, to call it, you need to click on this button (if you right-click, other options will be shown, in principle this is stated in the tooltip):

By the way, when watching a movie, this button and the one next to it are located at the bottom, well, this is just a note for you. Well, here is the scheduler itself:

In this case, you can not only turn off the computer, you can also schedule other things, look at these:

And you can also specify the TIME to complete the task, or AFTER HOW LONG the task will be completed. In general, it’s a convenient thing, approximately the same scheduler is also available in Aimp, and this is also a very good player, by the way..

To open the Light Alloy settings, you need to click on this button:

Here are the settings themselves:

Well, here, as you can see, everything is done conveniently, large icons, I think it won’t be a problem to set up something here. When you immediately open the settings, the Appearance tab will open, here you can select a design theme (well, that is, skin). On the Output tab you can configure the sound:

So I specifically opened the Output sub-tab here, because it turns out that support for WASAPI audio output is already included right in the kit, that is, there is no need to connect any plugins. Although they don’t seem to be in Light Alloy.. By the way, do you know what WASAPI is? This seems to be a sound output, well, bypassing the Windows output, and it seems like WASAPI is better, because the range there is a little wider. But there is a lot of debate about whether there is a difference or not, I will only say that if a difference can be heard, it is far from being on the cheapest speakers. So you don't have to worry about it. After all, with WASAPI, the sound will only work in the player; for example, it will not work in browsers. This is not a glitch, this is how the WASAPI audio output mode works

Well, is it more or less clear what kind of Light Alloy program this is? Otherwise I won’t be able to tell you everything, I’ll have to write a lot, I’ll get tired, and you’ll get tired of reading...

And the screenshot will be saved, and where exactly will be written in the player at the top (I think that this folder can be changed in the settings). By the way, to quickly open a folder with screenshots, RIGHT-click on the button for creating screenshots, and select Open folder with pictures:

Do you know how to flip a video in Light Alloy? I’ll show you exactly how to turn it over now! Click here:

And then just put a tick here:

It’s strange, but I didn’t find such an option on how to ROTATE VIDEO 90 degrees in Light Alloy. It seems like it doesn’t even exist, and if not, it’s a decent jamb..

To change the video speed in Light Alloy, you need to RIGHT-click on this button:

And select the desired speed (there are a lot of speeds, everything just doesn’t fit in the picture):

But if you press this button with the RIGHT mouse button:

Then you can specify how much to move the video when you click the same button:

Well, the last thing I will show you is how to disable subtitles in Light Alloy. So look, first, right-click on the empty interface, that is, where there are no buttons, and there in the menu you select Subtitles > Subtitle Options:

And in the next window you simply uncheck the Display subtitles checkbox, it is located at the very bottom:

By the way, have you noticed the la.exe process and think what kind of process it is? Well, this is the Light Alloy player process!

Well, all the guys, I talked about Light Alloy as much as I could. I hope that everything here is clear to you. But what if you don't like this player? That's right, it needs to be removed. And now I’ll show you how to do this, so that if you decide to do this, you won’t have any difficulties with this matter.

So, to delete, you can use , but this is so, well, here you need to be an advanced user. This is a kind of uninstaller, it will remove Light Alloy and will also remove all the remnants of this program in Windows. In general, the deleter is good and good, but whether to use it or not is up to you to decide..

Well, now how to remove it, so to speak, in a simple way, that is, simply using Windows functions! So we hold down the Win + R buttons and write the following command there:

Now find the Programs and Features icon and launch it:

A list of programs that you have will open. Here you need to find the Light Alloy program (I have version 4.8.8 build 2038) and right-click on it, then select Delete:

Now click the Delete button:

That's it, then the window will disappear and everything will be normal, the Light Alloy program will be completely removed.

Well, that's all guys, that's all, I hope that everything was clear to you here. Good luck to you and may you always have good mood


"Mouse" - mouse button settings:

"Events" - specific actions for events are specified:

  1. downloading the program:
    • move the window to the middle of the screen
  2. file upload:
    • resize the window for the movie;
    • move the window to the middle of the screen;
    • enable full screen;
    • hide control panel;
    • start playback;
  3. end of list playback:
    • To do nothing;
    • close the player;
    • turn off the computer.
  4. minimizing the window:
    • stop/don't stop video.

"Video" - special proportions, rewind options, change resolution when switching to full screen, change playback speed, turn on/off overlay, use video processing

"Sound" - mutes secondary audio tracks, adjusts volume.

"System" - setting high priority, program installation location ("C:\Program Files\Light Alloy\LA.exe").

"OSD" - subtitles, enabling display of service information, frame rate for Micro DVD.

"File types" - files that will be opened with "Light Alloy" by default.

"Keyboard" - view, configure or cancel hot keys. Assign shortcut key functions from the "Bsplayer" or "Windows" programs Media Player" program "Light Alloy".

"WinLIRC" - allows you to control Windows applications using almost any remote control for a VCR or TV.

"Modules" - displays and selects codecs installed on your system. To select, click on “add”; In the list that opens, select the required (several) codecs, then be sure to close and open “Light Alloy”.

The header contains a standard set of buttons for controlling the window, plus several special icons. The program window can be dragged by any title area; double-clicking on it will expand the window to full screen; right-clicking will bring up a context menu. During playback, the title displays the name of the file being played.

    The header contains the following icons:
  • “About the program” - allows you to find out about the location of the program’s home page and register (also called +);
  • “On top of all windows” - puts the program on top of other windows;
  • “Maximize” - stretches the output window to fill the entire screen or shrinks it back;
  • "Minimize" - minimizes the program to the taskbar;
  • "Exit" - closes the program.

The list is called up by pressing the [P] key or the corresponding icon on the control panel. Each file in the list can be bookmarked. A number is displayed in front of the bookmark, corresponding to the key on the keyboard to go to it. Double clicking on the name plays the file. Double-clicking on a bookmark plays the corresponding file and rewinds to the desired bookmark. Each bookmark can be assigned its own name; This will be convenient, for example, when arranging the order of playing movie fragments. You can build tables using the list (the "Table by List" button) using templates that are installed with the program (located in the Report subdirectory). In the "File type" section you can select the templates you need:

  • HTML tables for placing them on web pages
  • XML tables for processing in databases
  • CSV tables for downloading to Excel
  • TXT tables for printing.

It is possible to create your own templates.

Detailed description of the program itself

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