LCD matrix type mva. What type of matrix is ​​better for a monitor?

Question from a user


I want to buy a laptop, but I don’t know which one☺. All users look at the processor, memory - but I look at the monitor, I don’t know where to stop. Basically, DNS offers two types of matrices: TN+Film or IPS (a laptop with an IPS matrix is ​​2 times more expensive). Which one is better to choose?

Good time everyone!

In general, most inexperienced users are unlikely to be able to notice the difference in image quality on monitors (and many don’t even think about it) unless they are shown these monitors together with the same picture. And it’s even better to twist them in different directions - then... yes, the effect of a bomb exploding!

Well, in general, now there are monitors on sale with different types of matrices, most often there are three of them: TN (and varieties like TN+Film), IPS (AH-IPS, IPS-ADS and others) and PLS. So I’ll try to compare them in this short article from the point of view of an ordinary user (various scientific terms, such as pixel color angles, ray refraction - will not be included here ☺). So...

Comparison of PLS, TN (TN+Film) and IPS matrices

In the article I will try to indicate the main advantages/disadvantages of each matrix, I will give several photos of adjacent monitors so that you can clearly evaluate the quality of the picture. I think this way the information will be more accessible to most users.


I would like to note right away that in addition to the matrix, pay attention to the monitor manufacturer! Matrix-matrix is ​​different, and even two monitors on TN matrices can show a different picture! I recommend first of all paying attention to trusted brands: Dell, Samsung, Acer, Sony, Philips, LG (which have already proven themselves).

And so, let's start with the most popular TN matrix (and its frequently encountered variety TN+Film, which, by and large, is not much different from it).

TN matrix

If you go to any computer hardware store and look at the characteristics of laptops (or monitors), the vast majority of cheap and mid-priced devices have a TN matrix. It has one of the main advantages - it is quite cheap, and at the same time provides (in general) a very good picture!

IPS vs TN+Film the difference is obvious! // On the other hand, you are not sitting on the side in front of your laptop (maybe even better - no one from the outside will see what you are doing!)

The main advantages of TN matrices:

  1. one of the cheapest matrices (thanks to this, many can afford to buy a laptop/monitor);
  2. short response time: any dynamic scenes in games or movies look good and smooth (if the monitor’s response time is insufficient, such scenes may “float”, example below). On monitors with a TN matrix, this most likely will not happen, because... even cheap models have a response time of 6 ms or lower (if the response time is more than 7-9 ms, then in many games/movies you will experience discomfort during sharp and fast scenes).
  3. no one from the outside will be able to make out your picture: for those looking from the side or from above, it becomes faded and it is difficult to distinguish colors (example in the photo above and below ☺).

IPS vs TN (tablet and laptop, for comparison). Top view of the same picture!

IPS matrix (Glossy screen surface) versus TN matrix (matte screen surface). The same picture

Response time using the example of a sports broadcast: on the left - 9 ms, on the right - 5 ms (when viewing it doesn’t seem to be noticeable, but if you take a picture of nearby monitors, the difference is STILL noticeable!)


  1. you need to sit correctly and look directly perpendicular to the monitor: if you lie down slightly on a chair while watching a movie (say), the picture becomes less colorful and difficult to read;
  2. low color rendering: if you work with photos (and graphics in general), you will notice that some colors are not so bright, and they look better on other monitors;
  3. the probability of dead pixels appearing on this type of matrix is ​​higher (a dead pixel is a white dot on the screen that does not convey the picture: that is, it does not glow at all. Usually it is just a white dot on the screen).

Conclusion: if you like dynamic films and computer games (shooting games, racing games, etc.), then the TN+Film matrix is ​​a very good choice. In addition, if you read a lot, then the less bright light from the monitor has a more positive effect on your eyes, they get less tired.

For those who work with graphics (take a lot of photographs, edit photos and pictures) - a monitor with a TN matrix is ​​not a very good choice due to lower color rendering.


By the way, many users (who work a lot and for a long time on a PC), like me, note that a bright and juicy picture does not always have a positive effect on the eyes. Some people specifically buy monitors with a TN matrix, because... they make your eyes less tired.

And I think there is a grain of truth in this (I worked for both IPS and TN for a long time - and now I have come to the conclusion that I work with a matte monitor with a TN matrix). In general, I expressed my opinion about the problem of eye fatigue in this article:

PS: I’m not a designer though, and I don’t work much with photos and bright illustrations, so this is not the ultimate truth ☺.


The IPS matrix was developed by Hitachi, and what distinguishes it from TN is, first of all, better color rendition. However, I would immediately like to note that the manufacturing price has increased several times, so monitors on this matrix are several times more expensive than on TN ones.

As for PLS, this is a Samsung development as an alternative to IPS. And it’s worth noting that the development is very, very interesting: the brightness and color rendition on it (in my opinion) are even higher than on IPS (look at the photo below).

IPS vs PLS matrices

Moreover, monitors on a PLS matrix have lower power consumption compared to the same TN or IPS (by about 10%), which can be very important when devices are running on rechargeable batteries.

Both PLS and IPS matrices have good viewing angles: the picture is not distorted and the colors do not lose their brightness and hue, even if you stand at an angle of 170 degrees (which means that everyone sitting to the right/left/center of the monitor will be see the same high-quality picture).

It is also worth adding that the PLS matrix allows you to achieve a short response time, almost the same as on TN matrices. But when choosing an IPS matrix, you need to be especially careful about this parameter: because Not all monitors have a response time of 6 ms or less (although I would already focus on 5 and lower ☺). If you often spend time with dynamic scenes in games, then an inexpensive monitor with a high response time on an IPS matrix is ​​most likely not the best choice.

As for IPS, it has many varieties (I’ll give some of it here, but that’s not all ☺):

  1. S-IPS (or Super IPS) – this variety has improved response time;
  2. AS-IPS - with improved contrast and brightness;
  3. H-IPS – more natural and natural white color;
  4. P-IPS – increased number of colors (considered one of the best monitors in terms of accuracy and picture quality);
  5. AH-IPS - similar to P-IPS, with improved viewing angles and more natural several shades (in fact, it is not much different from the previous one, except for a higher price);
  6. E-IPS is a cheap type of IPS matrix, usually found on relatively inexpensive devices. However, even this type of matrix is ​​superior in quality to most TN+Film.


By the way, when buying a monitor, you MUST pay attention to the type of surface, there are: matte and glossy. Matte ones are good because your reflection and glare are not visible on them, but they are not as bright and do not convey the picture as “juicy” as glossy ones. If you often work outdoors or your room is often illuminated by the sun, then take a closer look first of all at the matte surface (or its version - anti-reflective).

That's all, special thanks for the additions on the topic...

TFT and IPS matrices: features, advantages and disadvantages

In the modern world, we regularly come across the displays of phones, tablets, PC monitors and TVs. Technologies for the production of liquid crystal matrices do not stand still, due to which many people have a question: what is better to choose TFT or IPS?

In order to fully answer this question, it is necessary to carefully understand the differences between both matrices, highlight their features, advantages and disadvantages. Knowing all these subtleties, you can easily choose a device whose display will fully meet your requirements. Our article will help you with this.

TFT matrices

Thin Film Transistor (TFT) is a liquid crystal display manufacturing system based on an active matrix of thin film transistors. When voltage is applied to such a matrix, the crystals turn towards each other, which leads to the formation of a black color. Turning off the electricity gives the opposite result - the crystals form white. Changing the supplied voltage allows you to form any color on each individual pixel.

The main advantage of TFT displays is the relatively low production price compared to modern analogues. In addition, such matrices have excellent brightness and response time. Thanks to this, distortion when viewing dynamic scenes is invisible. Displays made using TFT technology are most often used in budget TVs and monitors.

Disadvantages of TFT displays:

    • low color rendering. The technology has a limit of 6 bits per channel;
    • the spiral arrangement of crystals negatively affects the contrast of the image;
    • image quality decreases noticeably when the viewing angle changes;
    • high probability of “dead” pixels;
    • relatively low power consumption.

The disadvantages of TFT matrices are most noticeable when working with black color. It can be distorted to gray, or, conversely, be too contrasty.

IPS matrices

The IPS matrix is ​​an improved continuation of displays developed using TFT technology. The main difference between these matrices is that in TFT the liquid crystals are arranged in a spiral, while in IPS the crystals lie in the same plane parallel to each other. In addition, in the absence of electricity, they do not rotate, which has a positive effect on the display of black colors.

Advantages of IPS matrices:

  • viewing angles at which image quality does not decrease have been increased to 178 degrees;
  • improved color rendering. The amount of data transmitted to each channel has been increased to 8 bits;
  • significantly improved contrast;
  • reduced energy consumption;
  • low probability of “broken” or burnt-out pixels.

The image on the IPS matrix looks more vibrant and rich, but this does not mean that this technology is without its shortcomings. Compared to its predecessor, IPS has significantly reduced image brightness. Also, due to changes in the control electrodes, such an indicator as the response time of the matrix suffered. The last but not least significant drawback is the relatively high price of devices that use IPS displays. As a rule, they are 10-20% more expensive than similar ones with a TFT matrix.

What to choose: TFT or IPS?

It is worth understanding that TFT and IPS matrices, despite significant differences in image quality, are very similar technologies. They are both created on the basis of active matrices and use liquid crystals of the same structure. Many modern manufacturers give their preference to IPS matrices. Largely due to the fact that they can provide more worthy competition to plasma matrices and have significant prospects in the future. However, TFT matrices are also evolving. Nowadays you can find TFT-TN and TFT-HD displays on the market. They are practically not inferior in image quality to IPS matrices, but at the same time they have a more affordable price. But at the moment there are not many devices with such monitors.

If image quality is important to you and you are willing to pay a little extra, then a device with an IPS display is the best choice.


Monitor selection– the process is extremely controversial, subjective and long. Some want 27” gloss, while others want a professional solution with deep sRGB and Adobe RGB coverage. Still others want the lowest possible matrix response, which is critically important in action games and shooters. You can’t please everyone at once, and there are no universal solutions yet. There is only one thing that the categories agree on - this is the matrix.

Today, there are more than 10 different matrix manufacturing technologies, including IPS, PLS, TFT, TN, PVA and more. Each is characterized by its own photosensitivity, response speed (from gray to gray), quality, saturation and, in fact, color rendition. So which matrix is ​​better? If you don’t delve into the professional segment, then the market is now dominated by options for IPS and PLS. What's better? Let's figure it out now.

What you need to know about IPS

In-Plane-Switching (IPS) technology, also known as Super Fine TFT, appeared back in 1996 as an alternative to TN. NEC and Hitachi were at the origins. Subsequently, they began to develop independently of each other, so the Hitachi version is better known to us. NEC called its matrix SFT.

The development was supposed to deprive TN+film of “childhood” diseases in the form of viewing angles, contrast, color rendering and response time. We fought with the last point for an extremely long time, since Twisted Nematic brought the parameter to perfection, reducing it to 1 ms. Today, both matrices have similar performance parameters, only IPS is ahead of its counterpart in everything else.

We also got rid of “anxiety” when pressing the monitor. If you point your finger at the screen you won't see rainbow colors divorces. Ophthalmologists also agree that IPS is much easier to perceive by the eye, even an unprotected one.

The most common subcategories:


  • S-IPS – technology with the lowest possible response;
  • H-IPS – maximum contrast and uniformity of the screen surface;
  • P-IPS – provide coverage of 1.07 billion colors with a depth of 30 bits;
  • AH-IPS – color reproduction, improved density and brightness with reduced power consumption.

PLS as an alternative

Many people think that PLS matrix- one of the varieties of IPS, but in fact it is a Samsung development used in its own products. Engineers don’t really want to advertise the features of the technology, because the production of monitors based on it is somewhat cheaper with similar, or even slightly better quality, if we talk about the mass market and not professional solutions.

Among the features it should be noted high pixel density(up to 2560x1440) without image distortion or loss of quality. The average response does not exceed 5 ms, and the brightness, contrast and picture quality are at the same level, if we consider competitive models objectively.

Viewing angles from all sides tend to 178 degrees, while coverage of the sRGB range is complete, no matter which way you look at it. Distortions and inversions excluded. PLS monitors are suitable for creative people, namely designers and photographers.

What to buy?

As you can see, development IPS A larger number of people are involved, so the range of matrix categories is extremely wide. They are suitable for both cheap office and luxury designer monitors. The main thing is to read the label carefully.

PLS- a universal solution from Samsung, covering all the advantages of IPS, although the price is slightly higher because of this due to the costs of developing and improving the technology. On the other hand, the picture will be truly magnificent in films, games and graphics editors. Well, it's up to you to decide.

When choosing a monitor, you should approach it very responsibly. After all, it is he who serves as the main object of information transfer from the computer to the user. Definitely, no one would want a monitor with uneven backlighting, dead pixels, incorrect color reproduction and other shortcomings. This material will help explain some criteria that will help you understand what exactly you need from a monitor.

The choice of a good monitor is determined by the sum of such characteristics as: type used matrices, backlight uniformity, matrix resolution, contrast(including dynamic), brightness, aspect ratio, Screen size, communication ports And appearance. Also, those factors that negatively affect eye health will be mentioned.

To begin with, it is worth understanding how the color sensation occurs when looking at the monitor.

RGB (Red,Green,Blue) - the number of color gradations and varieties visible to the human eye, which can be composed of basic colors (red, green, blue). Also, these are all the primary colors that a person can see. Monitor pixels consist of red, green and blue pixels, which at a certain brightness intensity can form more complex colors. Therefore, the more advanced the monitor matrix, the more color gradations it can display, and the more possible gradations it has for each of the red, green and blue pixels. The accuracy of color display and the level of static contrast depend on the quality and type of matrix.

Liquid crystal matrices consist of quite a few layers and b O a larger number of liquid crystals, which can build more combinations, each turning at a different angle, or changing its position in a certain angle. This is why simpler matrices work faster. This happens due to the fact that to occupy the required position, you need to perform fewer actions and with less accuracy than more complex matrices.

Let's take everything in order.

Type of LCD matrix.

What type of matrix should I choose?

It all depends on the tasks assigned to the monitor, the price and your personal preferences.

Let's start with the simplest ones and end with the more complex ones.

(twistednematic) matrix.

Monitors with this matrix are the most common. First invented LCD monitors were based on technology TN. From 100 monitors in the world, approximately 90 have TN matrix. Are the cheapest and simple to produce and therefore the most widespread.

Capable of transmitting color 18 -and or 24 -x bit range ( 6 or 8 bits per channel RGB), which although is a good indicator in comparison with the first LCD monitors on TN, nowadays this is not enough for high-quality color rendition.

TN matrix monitors have the following advantages:

  • High response speed.

  • Low price.

  • High level of brightness and the ability to use any backlight.

Faster matrix response time – has a positive effect on the picture in dynamic scenes of films and games, making the picture less blurry and more realistic, which improves the perception of what is happening on the screen. In addition, when the frame rate drops below a comfortable value, this is not felt as pronounced as on slower matrices. For slow matrices, the updated frame is superimposed on the next one. This causes blinking and a more obvious “slowdown” of the image on the screen.

Production TN matrices are cheap, so they have a more attractive final price than other matrices.

However, monitors with TN matrix have the following disadvantages:

  • Small viewing angles. Color distortions up to inversion when viewed from an acute angle. Especially pronounced when looking from bottom to top.

  • Quite poor contrast level.

  • Incorrect, inaccurate color rendering.

Based on TN monitors can be considered more environmentally friendly in comparison with monitors on other LCD matrices. They consume the least amount of electricity due to the use of low-power backlights.

Also, backlit monitors are becoming increasingly common. LED diodes, which are now equipped with most TN monitors. Significant advantages LED The backlight does not provide, except for lower power consumption and longer service life of the monitor backlight. But it's not suitable for everyone. Budget monitors are equipped with cheap low-frequency PWM, which allow backlight blinking, which has an adverse effect on the eyes.

Console TN+film, indicates that another layer has been added to this matrix, which allows you to slightly expand viewing angles and make the black color “blacker”. This type of matrix with an additional layer has become a standard and is usually indicated simply in the characteristics TN.

(In Plane Switching) matrices.

This type of matrix was developed by companies NEC And Hitachi.

The main goal was to get rid of shortcomings TN matrices Later, this technology was replaced by S—IPS(Super-IPS). Monitors with this technology are produced Dell, LG, Philips, Nec, ViewSonic, ASUS And Samsung(PLS). The main purpose of these monitors is to work with graphics, photo processing and other tasks that require accurate color reproduction, contrast and compliance with standards. sRGB And Adobe RGB. They are mainly used in the areas of professional work with 2D/3D graphics, photo editors, pre-press specialists, but are also popular among those who simply want to please their eyes with a high-quality picture.

The main advantages of IPS matrices:

  • The world's best color rendering among TFT LCD panels.

  • High viewing angles.

  • Good level of static contrast and color accuracy.

These matrices (most) are able to reproduce color in 24 bit a (by 8 bit for each RGB channel) without ASCR. Of course not 32 bits like CRT monitors, but pretty close to ideal. Moreover, many IPS matrices ( P-IPS, some S-IPS), already know how to convey color 30 bits, however, they are much more expensive and are not intended for computer games.

The disadvantages of IPS include:

  • Higher price.

  • Typically larger in size and weight compared to TN matrix monitors. Greater energy consumption.

  • Low pixel response speed, but better than *VA matrices.

  • On these matrices, more often than on others there are such unpleasant moments as glow, « wet rag"and tall input-lag.

Monitors on IPS matrix have a high price due to the complexity of their production technology.

There are many varieties and names created by individual matrix manufacturers.

To avoid confusion, we will describe the most modern types of IPS matrices:

AS -IPS – improved version S—IPS matrix, in which the problem of poor contrast was partially eliminated.

H—IPS – the contrast has been further improved and the violet flare has been removed when looking at the monitor from the side. With its release in 2006 year, now I have practically replaced the monitors with S—IPS matrix. Might have like 6 bit, yes 8 And 10 bits per channel. From 16.7 million to 1 billion colors.

e—IPS – variety H-IPS, but a matrix that is cheaper to produce and provides standard for IPS color gamut in 24 bits(By 8 to RGB channel). The matrix is ​​specially highlighted, which makes it possible to use LED backlights and less powerful CCFL. Aimed at the middle and budget sector of the market. Suitable for almost any purpose.

P—IPS – the most advanced IPS matrix up 2011 years, continued development H-IPS(but essentially a marketing name from ASUS). Has a color gamut 30 bit(10 bits per channel RGB and is most likely achieved through 8 bits + FRC), better response speed compared to S-IPS, enhanced contrast levels and best-in-class viewing angles. Not recommended for use in games with low frame rates. The stuttering becomes more pronounced and interferes with the response speed, which causes blinking and blurriness.

UH-IPS- comparable to e-IPS. Also highlighted for use with LED backlights. At the same time, the black color suffered a little.

S-IPS II- similar in parameters to UH-IPS.

PLS - variation IPS from Samsung. Unlike IPS, it is possible to place pixels more densely, but the contrast suffers (the pixel design is not very good for this). Contrast is not higher 600:1 - the lowest rate among LCD matrices Even TN matrices this indicator is higher. Matrices PLS can use any type of backlight. According to characteristics, they are more preferable than MVAPVA matrices.

AH-IPS (since 2011)most preferred IPS technology. The maximum color gamut of AH-IPS for 2014 does not exceed 8 bit+FRC, which gives a total of 1.07 billion colors in the most advanced matrices. Technologies are used that make it possible to produce matrices with high resolutions. Best color reproduction in class (highly depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the matrix). A small breakthrough was also achieved in viewing angles, thanks to which AH-IPS matrices came almost on par with plasma panels. The light transmittance of the IPS matrix has been improved, which means maximum brightness, coupled with a reduced need for powerful backlighting, which has a beneficial effect on the energy consumption of the screen as a whole. Contrast has been improved compared to S-IPS. For gamers, and in general, you can add significantly improved response time, which is now almost comparable to .

(Multi-domainPatterned Vertical Alignment) matrices(*VA).

The technology was developed by the corporation Fujitsu.

Is a kind of compromise between TN And IPS matrices. Price of monitors for MVA/PVA It also varies between prices for TN and IPS matrices.

Advantages of VA matrices:

  • High viewing angles.

  • The highest contrast among TFT LCD matrices. This is achieved thanks to the pixel, which consists of two parts, each of which can be controlled separately.

  • Deep black color.

Disadvantages of VA matrices:

  • Quite high response time.

  • Distortion of shades and a sharp decrease in contrast in dark areas of the picture when viewed perpendicularly to the monitor.

The fundamental difference between PVA And MVA No.

PVA- is a proprietary technology of the corporation Samsung. Actually it's on 90% is the same MVA, but with a changed arrangement of electrodes and crystals. Explicit advantages of PVA above MVA does not have.

If you are sparing money for a high-quality matrix on IPS technology, perhaps the best option for you would be a monitor on xVA matrices.

Or you can look away e-IPS matrix, which is very similar in characteristics to MVA/PVA. Although e-IPS still preferable, as it has a better response time and does not have problems with loss of contrast when viewed directly.

Which monitor matrix should I choose?

Depends on your requirements.


TN is suitable for:

  • Games
  • Internet surfing
  • Thrifty user
  • Office programs

TN is not suitable for:

  • Watching films(poor viewing angles + unclear blacks + poor color rendition)
  • Working with color and photos
  • Professional programs and pre-press preparation


IPS is suitable for:

  • Watching films
  • Professional programs and prepress preparation
  • Working with color and photos
  • Games(+-; only for E-IPS, S-IPS II, UH-IPS)
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

IPS is not suitable for:

  • Games(for P-IPS, S-IPS)


PVA/MVA suitable for:

  • Watching films
  • Professional programs and pre-press preparation
  • Working with color and photos
  • Internet surfing
  • Office programs

PVA/MVA is not suitable for:

  • Games(response speed too slow)

Monitor resolution, diagonal and aspect ratio.

Undoubtedly, the higher the resolution, the clearer and smoother the picture. More fine details are visible and less pixels are visible. Everything gets smaller, but this is not always a problem. In almost any operating system, you can adjust the scale and size of all elements, from font size to the size of icons and drop-down menus.

It's another matter if you have vision problems or you don't want to adjust anything, it is not recommended to use a very small pixel. Optimal diagonal for FullHD (1920x1080)23 24 inches. For 1920x120024 inches, for 1680x105022 inches, 2560x1440 27 inches. By maintaining these proportions, you should not have any problems with reading, viewing images and small interface controls.

The most popular and common aspect ratios are 4:3 , 16:10 , 16:9 .


Currently the aspect ratio is square ( 4:3 ) is being withdrawn from the market due to its inconvenience and lack of versatility. This format is not convenient primarily for watching films, since films are in a wide format 21.5/9 , which is as close as possible to 16:9 . When viewing, large black bars appear at the top and bottom, and the image becomes much smaller in size. Using 4:3 Visible vision in games is also reduced, preventing you from seeing more. In addition, the format is not natural for human viewing angles.


This format is convenient because it is more standardized for HD films, and even monitors of this format, often have a resolution FullHD (1920x1080) or HDready (1366x768).

This is convenient, because films can be viewed almost in full screen. The stripes still remain, since modern films have a standard 21.5/9 . Also, on such a monitor it is very convenient to work with documents in several windows or programs with complex interfaces.


This type of monitor is as practical as 16:9 monitors, but not as wide. Suitable for those who have not yet owned widescreen monitors, but it is intended for professionals. Professional monitors mostly have this format. Most professional programs are “tailored” specifically to the 16:10 format. It is wide enough to work with text, code, building 3D/2D graphics in several windows. In addition, it is also convenient to play on such monitors, watch movies, and do office work, just like on 16:9 monitors. At the same time, they are more familiar to human viewing angles and can be taken as a compromise between 4:3 And 16:9 .

Brightness and Contrast.

High contrast needed in order to better display blacks, shades and halftones. This is important when working with a monitor during daylight hours, since low contrast has a detrimental effect on the image in the presence of any light source other than the monitor (although brightness has a greater effect here). A good indicator is static contrast - 1000:1 and higher. It is calculated by the ratio of maximum brightness (white) to minimum (black).

There is also a measurement system dynamic contrast.

Dynamic Contrast – this is an automatic adjustment of the monitor lamps to certain parameters that are currently displayed on the screen.

Let's say a dark scene appears in the film, the monitor lamps begin to burn brighter, which increases the contrast and visibility of the scene. However, this system does not work instantly, and often incorrectly due to the fact that the entire scene on the screen does not always have dark tones. If there are light areas, they will be overexposed. Good indicator at the moment 2012 year is an indicator 10000000:1

But don't pay any attention to dynamic contrast. It is very rare that it brings tangible benefits or even works adequately. Moreover, all these huge numbers do not show the real picture.

Why is the dynamic contrast ratio always significantly higher on a monitor with than on a monitor with?

Because LED The backlight can turn on and off instantly. The measurement starts with the backlight completely turned off, so the indicator will be huge, plus add here the high brightness of the LEDs and a white background as the end point. CCFL backlight required more than 1 second to turn on, so the measurement takes place with the backlight turned on in advance on a black background.

First of all, you should pay attention to static contrast, not dynamic. No matter how much you like such huge values ​​in the characteristics. It's just marketing ploy .

Monitor brightness – not the most important parameter. Moreover, this is a double-edged sword. Therefore, we can say briefly that a good indicator of brightness is 300 cd/m2.

Why is it a double-edged sword? - it will be said a little lower, in the part "Monitor and Vision".

Communication ports.

When choosing a monitor, you should not rely on the manufacturer at this point. The most common mistake is buying a monitor with an analog input and a screen resolution higher than 1680x1050. The problem is that this aging interface is not always capable of providing the required data transfer rate for resolutions higher than 1680x1050. Cloudiness and blurriness appear on the screen, which can spoil the impression of the monitor. *to put it mildly

There must be an or port on board the monitor. Availability DVI And D-Sub this is the standard for a modern monitor. It's nice to also have a port HDMI, sometimes it can be useful for viewing HD video receiver or external player. If there is, but no DVI- Everything is fine. DVI And HDMI compatible through an adapter.

Types of monitor backlights. Monitor and its impact on vision.

What can you recommend to make your eyes less tired from the monitor?

Backlight brightness– one of the most important factors that affects the fatigue of your eyes. To reduce fatigue, reduce the brightness to the minimum comfortable value.

There is another problem and it is inherent in monitors with . Namely, if you reduce the brightness, it may appear visible flicker , which has an even greater effect on eye fatigue than high brightness. This is due to the peculiarity of adjusting the backlight using. Budget monitors use cheaper, low-frequency PWM, which create flickering diodes. The rate of light attenuation in a diode is much higher than in lamps, which is why LED backlight it more noticeable. In such monitors, it is better to maintain a golden mean between the minimum brightness and the beginning of visible flickering of the LEDs.

If you have any problems with eye fatigue, then it’s better to look for a monitor with CCFL backlight, or LED monitor with support 120 Hz. IN 3D monitors, more high-frequency frequencies are used PWM regulators than on regular ones. This applies to both LED backlights and CCFL.

Also, to make your eyes less tired, you can set the monitor to more soft And warm tones. This will help you spend more time working on the computer and help your eyes to better “switch” to the real world.

Do not forget that the monitor must be strictly at eye level and stand steadily, without swaying from side to side.

Eat myth what's more high-quality matrices give less fatigue for eyes. This is not true, matrices in no way can not influence it. Fatigue is only affected by intensity And quality of implementation monitor backlight.


Let us repeat once again the most important characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor for yourself.

This matrix manufacturing technology has already firmly entered the modern world. She has enough competitors.

But in order to understand which technology is better, you need to understand what IPS matrices are and why they are better.

The name “IPS” itself stands for In-Plan-Switching, which can be literally translated as "intra-site switching".

Simply put, this technology allows you to display a picture on a monitor with a more active matrix.

IPS matrices mean a type of liquid crystal screen. This type was discovered by Hitachi and NEC as a result of research in 1996.

At the moment, LG has also taken up improving this technology. We developed this technology as an alternative to TN+film LCD displays.

Quite a lot of manufacturers use equipment with this type of display manufacturing technology, since it can significantly improve color rendition and image quality.

The operation of liquid crystal screens is based on polarization.

Typically, the light we see is not polarized. This means that its waves lie in many different planes.

There are substances that can bend light into one plane, and such substances are called polarizers.

Light will not be able to pass through two polarizers whose planes are located 90 degrees relative to each other.

When another substance is placed between them, capable of changing the vector of incidence of light to the required angle, then we will be able to control the brightness.

The simplest LCD screen matrix contains the following parts:

  • Backlight lamp, mostly mercury;
  • Reflectors and polymer light guides, which in the system provide uniform illumination;
  • Polarizer filter;
  • Glass plate substrate with contacts applied to it;
  • Liquid crystals;
  • Another polarizer;
  • Covering glass substrate with contacts.

In addition to the standard filter, the color matrices have a built-in color filter. Each pixel consists of dots of three colors, collected in cells - red, blue and green.

Each of the cells is either on or off, thereby forming shades and colors. If you turn on all the cells at the same time, it will give white color.

Matrices can be divided into passive and active. Passives are otherwise called simple.

In them, control is pixel-by-pixel, which means from cell to cell.

When manufacturing liquid crystal screens using this technology, a problem often arises that as the diagonal increases, the lengths of the conductors that transmit current to the pixels automatically increase.

This problem is expressed in the fact that if the conductors are too long, during the transfer of changes to the last pixel, the first one will already be discharged and turn off.

Also, due to the long length, the tension deteriorates.

This problem was solved by the creation of active matrices. The main technology was TFT (Thin Film Transistor).

This technology made it possible to control pixels individually, which significantly reduces the response time of the matrix.

Thus, it became possible to create monitors and televisions with the largest diagonals.

The transistors are located separately and do not depend on each other. Each pixel cell has its own transistor.

To prevent the cell from losing charge, a capacitor is connected to the pixels, which acts as a capacitance buffer.

Thanks to this, the reaction time is significantly reduced.

Types of IPS matrices

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Over the entire period that this technology has existed, many types of IPS matrices have been created. They were improved for clearer and higher-quality image transmission.

Today there are 7 types of matrices:

1 S-IPS (Super IPS) – This type was created in 1998. It has significantly increased image contrast and reduced response time.

2 AS-IPS (Advanced Super IPS) – This technology was discovered in 2002. It has increased brightness and further increased contrast, due to which the quality of image transmission has significantly improved.

3 H-IPS (Horizontal IPS) – This type was created in 2007. In it, the developers optimized the transmission of white color, and also further increased the contrast. This improvement made it possible to make pictures with more naturalness. Photo editors were most pleased with this improvement, since many details became more visible when editing photo elements.

4 E-IPS (Enhanced-IPS) - This type was developed in 2009. The innovation has reduced response time and improved transparency. Also, such matrices have lower power consumption. This is achieved by installing low-power and inexpensive backlight paws in them. Accordingly, image quality is slightly reduced due to lower power consumption.

5 P-IPS (Professional IPS) – In 2010, a newer type of IPS was released. The number of colors and shades was significantly increased, making the image even more colorful and detailed. This type of matrix is ​​used in more professional equipment, so it is more expensive.

6 S-IPS II (Super IPS II) – An improved version of the first type. It was developed immediately after P-IPS.

7 AH-IPS (Advanced High IPS) - Today, this is the best type of IPS matrix, which was developed back in 2011. It has greatly improved the naturalness, brightness and clarity of the transmitted image. At the moment, this type is the main one in the manufacture of modern technology with displays.

Types of backlighting for IPS matrices

Absolutely any matrix has a built-in backlight. In IPS, the main types of backlight are fluorescent lamps and LED backlighting (light emitting diode).

Fluorescent is a more outdated type of lighting. Today it is quite rare to find her. This type of lighting began to disappear from the market in 2010.

LED backlighting is found in 90% of matrices. It improves color reproduction and brightness of screens.

When choosing a matrix, you should undoubtedly give preference to screens and monitors with this type of backlight.

It will also increase the contrast and clarity of the image on the screen and prevent your eyes from getting tired when working on a computer or tablet for a long time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of IPS

This type of matrix has a large number of advantages.

The main one is improved color rendering and brightness.

You can also note the increased viewing angles, thanks to which the image will be clearly visible from any angle.

Another integral advantage is that the pixels are very clearly visible on this type of matrix.

Users note that the black color on the IPS matrix is ​​blacker.

Other colors are more saturated on the screen.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the high cost.

Despite the fact that the technology has been on the market for quite some time, its cost is still high.

This is due to higher performance, as well as the high cost of raw materials.

Another disadvantage is low performance. While for TN matrices the image switching time is 1 ms, for IPS this figure is 8-10 ms.

Users also noted high inertia, which slightly slows down the frame rate when watching movies in 3D format.

Comparison of IPS and TFT displays

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TFT displays are a type of LCD display that uses an active matrix controlled by thin film transistors. She enhances every pixel, improves performance and contrast.

The most advanced creation is considered to be TFT IPS (IPS is a type of TFT), this is manifested in the fact that the liquid crystals in it are arranged in parallel, when current passes through them, they slenderly and quickly turn in the other direction.

The viewing angle of such displays reaches 180 degrees, and the picture has high contrast and good color rendition.

The latest models of iPhones and iPads have chosen the IPS version, but the number of pixels per specific unit of area.

This may be an indication of which of these options is more worthwhile, reliable and has the potential for development.

TVs with IPS

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The screen diagonal of this TV is 40”. It is also equipped with an IPS matrix.

The screen is thin and the design is very high quality. Resolution 1920x1080 pixels.

The backlight is LED. Since the matrix is ​​installed with IPS technology, the viewing angles are corresponding – 178 degrees.

This model has the same diagonal as the previous one – 40”.

Equipped with an IPS matrix, which is illuminated using strip-type LED backlighting.

The resolution of this TV is standard – 1920x1080 pixels. Viewing angles correspond to the standard matrix type and are 178 degrees.

LG 32LF510U

Since LG has been improving IPS matrix technology in recent years, they undoubtedly supply their own equipment with this type of matrix.

This TV model has a diagonal of 32” and a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. However, this does not affect the image quality in any way.

The viewing angles, like all devices with an IPS matrix, are 178 degrees.

The screen of this laptop model has a diagonal of 14” with a built-in IPS matrix.

The matte finish of the Acer SWIFT 3 screen does not reflect when exposed to direct light.

The viewing angle is 178 degrees, which is the standard for this type of matrix. Resolution - 1920x1080 pixels.

This laptop model has an IPS matrix with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels or 3840x2160 pixels (depending on the modification). Screen diagonal 15.6“.

The viewing angle is standard for IPS 178 degrees.