Aliexpress order processing time. Processing an order for Aliexpress. What is order processing on Aliexpress, and what you should know about it

One of the most common questions new buyers ask on the Aliexpress website is “What is the processing time?” This article takes a closer look at the process behind this phrase, as well as how to extend this time.

What is “order processing” and why is it needed?

As soon as you have added an item to your cart and paid for it, a counter appears in your personal account. The allotted time is given to the seller so that he has time to collect and send your goods to you. After the selling party has done everything necessary, all shipping information will appear in your personal account. This is the track code for and a link to the carrier’s website where you can check the location of your purchase.

The time interval is set by the seller himself. You can see it in advance, even before. In the product description category, in small, pale font, it is indicated how long the store will ship the order.

Deadlines may not always coincide. So, for example, some items from the same store are sent within 24 hours, while others may “hang” for a week. In this case, you should not grumble at the seller. It all depends on how busy he is at the moment. On normal days, orders are processed much faster than on holidays.

But it also happens that the seller clearly does not meet the allotted deadlines. What then? Then you need to make a decision.

What to do if the seller does not have time to send the item

In this case, it is not necessary to monitor the timer. The only thing that can happen is if you forget about it, the deal will close automatically and you will get your money back. But again, if the seller is good, with a high rating, then it is likely that he simply has a backlog in his warehouse, so he cannot meet the specified deadlines.

You can independently extend the order processing time, without the knowledge of the seller. This will give the store more time to ship the goods. To do this, go to “My AliExpress” and click on the “My Orders” tab.

In the window that opens, opposite the product whose timer is coming to an end, click the “Extend processing time” button.

The system will then ask you to enter the period for which you want to extend the order processing. After this, the timer will be updated, increasing by the time you specified. If necessary, deadlines can be rescheduled several times.

If shipping takes too long, you can cancel your order. To do this, click the “Cancel order” button and indicate the reason why the decision was made. State it as is. The seller does not send the ordered item for a long time.

Don't forget that you can always contact the seller to find out the reason for the delay. To do this, in your personal account in the “header” of the order, click “Message to seller”.

A window will open in which you should write a request, asking you to indicate the reason why the item has not yet been sent.

Situations where the seller does not have enough time to ship are rare. But if this happened to you, now you know what to do.

For any questions related to working on Aliexpress, you can contact technical support. Fortunately, it works perfectly. There is a Russian chat where friendly and sociable consultants will inform you on issues of interest. You can get to the operator from the main page of the site. Go to the “Help” tab and click on the “Help Center” button.

In the window that opens, there will be an online chat banner on the right side.

Tech operating hours support from 07:00 to 23:00 Moscow time.

One of the most important elements of placing an order on Aliexpress is its processing. First, the purchase is processed, then payment is made, then it is checked by the seller and the stage of collecting and sending it begins - this is processing.

After processing the order, the seller is obliged to send the buyer a track number to track the parcel and change its status to “shipped”. As soon as the status changes, the counter starts and the delivery time begins to count down; according to Aliexpress rules, this period is 60 days. And the order processing time itself lasts 7 days. Experienced buyers, as a rule, have no difficulties tracking all stages of an order, but beginners may have difficulties. Let's look at the most common situations that relate to order processing.

How do I know when the processing time ends?

When the buyer has paid for the goods, and this has been confirmed by the Aliexpress payment system, the order processing time begins. The user can check such data. To do this, you need to log in to the portal (enter your username and password) and then go to the menu where a list of all purchases is displayed. Time counters are displayed at the very top of the page.

What to do if sending timeout expires

In such a situation, there are only two options:

  1. after the end of time, just wait for the refund, according to Aliexpress rules, if processing is not confirmed, that is, the order is automatically closed, the money is returned to the buyer’s account within 3-10 days.
  2. if the time has come to an end, the buyer can independently extend the processing; it is also necessary to notify the seller about this and ask why the order is not being sent and whether it will be sent at all.

Why do sellers delay processing? There could be several reasons for this. Most often, this is done in order to have time to collect the required number of orders for wholesale purchases within a certain period of time, thus resulting in a price lower than that of many. Others try to justify fast delivery. For example, your package has already been on the way for a week, and you still don’t see that it has been processed. For the purpose of lively competition, many sellers on Aliexpress set a delivery time of 15-30 days, but as practice shows, this figure is very rarely achieved.

When choosing products, on the ad page the seller always indicates the time during which he will process the order, many people simply do not pay attention to this column. And then they wait and get nervous, but in fact the ad indicated as much as 15-20 days. Some buyers are not willing to wait that long, but if the product is unique or at a very competitive price, then such lengthy processing will not be a hindrance.

The buyer in such a situation should not worry at all; when he does not have enough patience, he simply politely asks to cancel his order or waits for the specified date. The money will still return to the user if the processing time expires.

Until the specified period on the product page has passed, for example, 7 days processing, the buyer cannot cancel the order due to the long wait. But when, at the specified time, the waiting period suddenly changes, 10, 20, 30 days on the part of the seller, then the user has every right to cancel.

When the seller does not send the parcel, he needs to write in English and ask about the reasons, most often 3 out of 5 immediately set the status to “sent” or explain the reason for the delay.

How is buyer processing extended?

The user can independently extend processing on Aliexpress. For example, there are 1-2 days left before the deadline, but the seller reports that he will be able to send the parcel in 3-4 days. Then the buyer needs to visit the page of his orders, select the one he needs and click on the “extend” button. Then a window will appear where you need to indicate the number of days, because it is not necessary to set 7 days again, when the seller says that he will ship in 3 days, this is the number to set. But there is one caveat. Firstly, you can extend processing only from three days, and secondly, the remaining days are also added up. For example, there are 2 days left until the end, the buyer extends it by 1 day, and in the end we get 5 days.

Based on practice, only buyers extend processing on Aliexpress. Also, to perform such an operation, the seller’s consent is not necessary; he will simply receive a notification that you have extended the order. But it is impossible to shorten the period established by Aliexpress. The buyer can only ask the seller to deal with it faster.

Aliexpress sellers, as a rule, always try to collect and send orders on time, because it’s their money, and no one wants to lose it. But if a situation arises when processing is delayed, there is no need to panic, you just need to ask why such a delay is happening, but most often they themselves write to their clients and ask them to get into the situation and not worry.

After you have paid for the order on the Aliexpress website, the seller is given some time to process the order, which is about 3-10 days. This is the time for the seller to pack and send the parcel to the buyer.

What is order processing time?

After you have selected and paid for your order, the Ali store checks and confirms your payment. Your order has a new status - “order processing” and a countdown begins, for example - Days left: (7 days 5 hours 43 minutes). There is an opportunity to cancel the order or extend the processing time. So what is order processing time?

The order processing time for Aliexpress is the period of time during which the seller accepts, processes, collects the parcel and transfers it to the post office for dispatch. Usually only after this you receive a track code to track your parcel. During this period, the seller can clarify the details of the order with you.

Order processing time should not be confused with order protection time. The difference is that order protection is the time during which you must receive the parcel, and processing time is the period during which the seller must send the parcel after payment for the order.

Why does it take so long to ship the goods? What to do if the seller does not send the order for a long time?

The Chinese seller can spend more time processing the order if, for example, the product is currently out of stock or the order time falls on a holiday or weekend, so it is recommended to cancel the order or extend the order processing time.
Also, the payment method you used to pay for the purchase in the online store may also affect the order processing time; if you paid with WebMoney, Qiwi or Yandex.Money, the payment will be processed instantly; if using a plastic bank card, payment may take 3 banking days.

How to extend order processing time on Aliexpress?

If the order processing time on the Aliexpress website expires, then you can extend it; to do this, go to the main page of the official website and go to the “My orders” section:

And next to your order, click the "Extend processing time" button:

What happens when the processing time ends?

If the order processing time (timer) expires and the seller does not confirm shipment, the order will be automatically canceled and the money will be returned to the buyer in full. At this time, you can also cancel your order and get your money back.

Why extend the order processing time?

Sometimes it happens that the Aliexpress seller notices the order too late, and he may ask you to extend the processing time by writing a corresponding message: “Please extend the processing time so that I can send you the order,” here you do at your discretion.

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After paying for an order, there are several processing statuses, during which you can determine whether the payment went through or not. From the moment of payment until the moment of dispatch, the order is in the processing status. The seller is given a limited period, when the goods have already been paid for, to ship it. Each seller sets this deadline differently, so some stores may ship paid orders within a week, while others may ship them the very next day. The seller is obliged to send the order within the specified period, the accuracy of which is determined down to the hour. Order processing is a guarantee that if the seller does not meet the specified deadline, the money for the product will be returned to the buyer. All stages of the order are recorded in the purchase history, where each stage “payment-shipment-delivery-receipt” is accompanied by a certain status, which is displayed on the order page. Order processing time depends on the number of purchases from the seller, as well as the ordering period. For example, on weekends and holidays, orders may not be shipped due to the fact that warehouses are closed. If the processing time is running out and the order has not yet been shipped, the buyer can cancel the order or extend the processing time. Typically, sellers ship paid orders within a few days from the date of payment, so if the seller has not done this by the end of the processing period, you can check the status of the shipment with a personal message. If the seller does not contact you and does not send the order, then it is advisable to cancel it. It is noteworthy that sellers on Aliexpress receive money for paid goods only after the buyer confirms receipt. Until this moment, they are stored on the service, so buyers who canceled orders before shipment or who had problems with sending the goods, its processing, or the order went frozen, do not have to worry, because in the event of an irresponsible attitude of the seller or unforeseen situations, buyers will receive return. We will talk further about how to extend the order processing time and what to do if processing is coming to an end and the order has not yet been shipped.

The buyer can also request an extension, and this can be done as soon as the order has been placed. It is advisable to extend the order processing time if it falls on holidays, because all warehouses in China are open from Monday to Friday, and are closed on holidays. If the seller does not send the order and does not communicate, the buyer can cancel the order, even on the last day of processing. In this case, you need to indicate the reason for cancellation and complete the order.

Processing time allows the buyer to track the stages of the order, so immediately after payment, you can see how long to wait for shipment. Although processing times vary from seller to seller, when you order from well-rated retailers, you can count on timely shipment.

How long does it take to process an order?

How long it takes to process an order depends on the seller. They set their own processing time, which can range from several days to weeks. It is impossible to find out the order processing time before payment, but as soon as the payment goes through, the processing time and its period will appear in the order status, during which the seller is obliged to send the goods, accurate to minutes. The time it takes to process an order can be of several types:

  • from 2 to 5 days - accelerated. In this case, all shipments are carried out promptly, that is, after payment for the order, only a few days pass and the order is already on its way. Typically, expedited processing is offered by large stores with many employees responsible for shipping. In this case, shipping can be carried out the next day or even on the same day after payment. Sellers who offer expedited processing usually do not exceed the deadline because all the goods are in stock in their warehouse.
  • from 5 to 9 days - average. Most of the sellers on Aliexpress offer a week or a little more to process the order. Shipments are usually made earlier, but this way the seller is simply on the safe side in case it takes a little longer than expected.
  • More than 10 days - long. It is rare that sellers offer more than 10 days to process an order, but if the shipment falls on holidays or weekends, then it is possible. If the seller offers a long processing time, you can cancel the order immediately and find the product from another seller, or ask them to ship the order faster.

Usually, processing orders on Aliexpress takes several days from the date of payment. In rare cases, processing takes over a week, but still, be patient and wait until the seller sends the order. You can expect expedited order processing if the product is in stock. All shipments are made in the morning, and in addition to packaging, the processing time includes registration of the parcel in the international system, therefore, due to the time difference, dispatch can be carried out the next day after payment or immediately as soon as payment is made. You can check the processing time with the seller by personal message before you pay for the order.

How to find out and where to view the order processing time?

You can find out information about the order processing time only if the goods have been paid for. This information is not displayed in advance. How to find out and where to view the order processing time depends on which device you want to view this information from. In order to find out the order processing time after payment from the mobile application, you need to go to “My Orders” and click on the product that interests you. After this, the information “Status: the seller is processing your order” will be displayed at the top, and the reminder will indicate that if the seller does not send the goods within the period written there, the order will be automatically canceled.

In order to find out the processing time through the extended version, you must also open “My Aliexpress” and find the “My orders” section there. As soon as you open it, the site will display all orders, including the one that has not yet been shipped. You can find the order you want to see the processing time in the list, or use the transition link at the top “Awaiting Dispatch” and it will still display the item that has not yet been shipped. The amount of time indicated in the “Processing time expires” column is that period. whichever one you need. A different amount of time may be indicated there, depending on the conditions of a particular store.

Also, if you open a page with an order, the top block will indicate the status of the order, the number of days for its processing, and then the delivery conditions, etc. After sending, the order status will change and in that column it will be written how many days the seller has for the order to be delivered.

How to increase order processing time?

In case the processing time is running out and the seller has not yet shipped the order, the buyer can request an extension. Also, the seller can himself extend the order processing time if he sees that it is coming to an end and he does not have time to send the goods. Every buyer should know how to increase the order processing time, since this period can be extended by the number of days that the buyer thinks is sufficient for shipment. An extension allows you to give the seller additional time so that he can ship the order, while it does not impose any restrictions on either the buyer or the seller. Increasing the order processing time is advisable if the order was paid on the eve of holidays or weekends, and the seller has only 3 days to ship. You can also extend an item if the size or item itself is not currently in stock, but is expected to be received in the near future. In this case, the extension is discussed with the seller personally, since the buyer can specify from one additional day to a month if he is willing to wait that amount of time for shipment.

To increase order processing time, you need to go to “My Orders” and find there the one that requires additional time. You can increase the processing time only until the seller sends the order. On the right there is a button “Extend processing time”. After clicking it, a window will appear where you need to enter the number of days for which you want to extend processing. Then you need to confirm sending the request and, if the seller agrees, then additional time for sending will appear in the status.

If the seller, without discussing with the buyer, extends the order processing time, then you can complain about it or cancel the order completely. You can also extend the processing time on the order page, where there is a button to increase this period.

Why does it take so long to ship the goods?

After payment for the goods, it automatically goes into orders and as it is processed, its status changes. Immediately after payment, the money is not transferred to the seller. He receives notification of the order and has a limited amount of time to ship the goods. The order processing time depends on what warehouse the product is located in, the volume of orders and how long the shipping process itself takes. Large Aliexpress stores have a lot of goods and they are not always in the same warehouse, which is why the shipment of goods takes so long. Depending on what day you order, you can expect fast shipping or you may have to wait a few days. All orders placed on Friday are shipped on Monday, meaning a minimum of 2 days awaiting delivery. If the order falls on holidays or was placed during major sales, then shipping delays may take up to 5 days. You have to wait the longest for shipment if the product is currently out of stock. You should also take into account the time difference and various additional hassles that the seller incurs in addition to shipping. Thus, he is obliged to indicate the tracking number on the website immediately after sending the order, and also send a notification to the buyer.

Shipment of goods takes different times, so you don’t always have to wait long, but sometimes, on the contrary, shipping takes quite a long time. Processing time doesn't really affect anything. More than one seller handles the shipment, so much of the processing time depends on the skills and work schedule of the warehouse. Also, the seller is responsible for shipping the goods and, as soon as the parcel is transferred to the sorting center, the order status will be changed. If you want your order to be shipped faster, you can write a personal message to the seller with this request and then the order will be collected faster.

What to do if the seller does not send the order for a long time?

All sellers are required to ship the order within the processing time specified. The countdown goes down to seconds, so if for some reason the time runs out and he still has not sent the order, the buyer can do two things: give more time to send or return his money back. What to do if the seller does not send the order for a long time depends on how much you want this product. If you have been looking for it for a long time or the price suits you better than other sellers, then you can extend the processing time. This will give you the opportunity to wait a little longer for your order to be shipped if the protection period is coming to an end. If you are not in the mood to wait any longer and think that enough time has passed for delivery, you can request cancellation of the order.

In order for the buyer to manage an order that is still at the shipping stage, control buttons are provided “Extend processing time" and "Cancel order". The first button allows you to increase the order shipping time by a certain number of days. The buyer himself chooses how many days he wants to increase the processing time. In order to request cancellation of an order, you must click the “Cancel order” button, after which a field will open where you need to select the reason for cancellation “Processing took too long.” Then the sent request will be received by the seller and, if he agrees, he will cancel the order and the money will be returned to the buyer.

If the processing period expires and the seller does not send the order before it ends, then it will be closed automatically and the money will be returned. If the seller himself asked you to extend the processing time, then you can agree to his request, this will not cause any consequences. If you want to cancel the order, then this is also not a problem, the main thing is to have time to do this before the order is shipped.

What happens when the processing time ends?

Once the processing time has expired, you can do two things: either extend it for some more time, or wait until the order is cancelled. When the processing time ends, the order will be automatically canceled if the seller does not send the goods. In this case, the buyer should not worry, since his money will be returned within 3-15 days from the date of completion of the order. The action of cancellation or refund does not require any additional intervention on the part of the buyer. As soon as the processing time ends, the order will be canceled immediately, which is why processing is counted in seconds. After completing the order, it will be transferred to the archive, and the buyer will receive the money back. If the seller extends the order processing almost at the last minute, you can cancel it so as not to wait any longer and find the same product from another seller, or still accept the terms and wait a little longer for shipment. When the processing time ends and the order is cancelled, the seller will not be able to ship it because the order will be closed.

What should I do if my order processing time is running out?

When the processing time expires, many buyers begin to get pretty nervous, especially if they placed an expensive order. What to do if your order is running out of time depends on how badly you want the item. If you want to receive an order, you can open its history and click the “Extend order processing” button, and then indicate by how many days you can still extend the shipping period. By the time the processing time expires, you can write a message to the seller and clarify whether you should extend the time or not. If the seller does not respond, then you can do it in another way - cancel the order. The cancel button is located on the order page and when selecting a reason, you can indicate that the processing time took too long. After canceling an order, it will be automatically closed and the seller will not be able to ship the goods.

If the order processing time expires, you can take no action at all. At the end of this period, the order will be canceled automatically and transferred to the archive, and the money for the order will be returned to the buyer’s card. It is not necessary to monitor the processing time, and you don’t have to worry about the order at all, because canceling an order due to the expiration of the processing time is provided for by the site’s policy.

What should I do if a Chinese person asks to open a dispute and change the delivery method?

Some issues regarding orders must be resolved directly with the seller via private messages. But if the seller asks you to open a dispute and change the shipping method because the conditions for your region have changed, you will not be able to do this. Disputes are not resolved through personal messages, only through the appropriate form, otherwise, prove it. that the decision was made by mutual consent - you cannot. Unshipped orders cannot be managed through a dispute and it is generally impossible to open a dispute for such orders. What to do if the Chinese ask you to open a dispute and change the delivery method depends on whether you want to get your purchase or money back. You can cancel the order, where you select the reason “The seller cannot send the goods using the chosen method” and then the cancellation of the order will be the fault of the seller. Also, you can ask him to leave everything as is and send the order using the method you chose, since the seller may have his own interests in this matter. You can open a dispute when the goods have already been shipped, and then no earlier than 10 days later.

What should I do if the product I ordered is deleted, along with the seller’s store?

If a seller is found to be fraudulent or has received a complaint, his activities may be under review and all unshipped orders will be frozen. The answer to the question of what to do if the product I ordered is deleted, along with the seller’s store, is very simple - nothing. If the seller is still involved in some kind of fraud, then his store will be blocked and removed from the platform. All customers who are waiting for him to ship orders will get their money back. There is no need to worry about this, since payments do not reach sellers until “Confirm receipt” is indicated. Frozen orders may take longer to process than regular orders, but ultimately the money for such items will still be refunded within 3-15 days.

What should I do if my video order is running out of processing time?

Many buyers are very worried when the order is paid and they have to wait until one status changes to another and, ultimately, the seller still sends the order. Each purchasing process has its own timer, which indicates the time for each stage of the order. So, there is a timer for checking payment, processing an order, delivery, sending feedback, etc. At the processing stage, the order is being assembled and, if the buyer sees that time is running out and the goods have not yet been shipped, he can either cancel the order or extend the time and give the seller more days to ship. If you still don’t quite understand what to do if the order processing time is running out and what to do in this case, we recommend watching the video guide

What is order processing on Aliexpress and what to do if this time runs out? The answers to these and some other questions are in this article!

What is order processing on Aliexpress, and what you should know about it

Processing an order for Aliexpress by the seller is the next stage after completing the purchase, paying for it and verifying the payment by the system.

You can find out the approximate order processing time by paying attention to the following line when purchasing: “Dispatching within ... days.”

As is obvious from the description, during this time the seller processes your order and ships it, after which it sends you a track number and changes the purchase status to “Shipped.” With a change in status, the counter restarts and tracking of the parcel begins.

That is, if at first the counter showed 7 days (indicated in the example above Aliexpress order processing time), then with a change in status, the countdown of the delivery time will begin and, accordingly, 35, 45 or more days.

This is, in short, what it means to process an order on Aliexpress. Now let's move on to the most common questions that beginners may have at this stage.

Where can I see when the processing of an order on Aliexpress ends?

So, you ordered the product, paid for it, the payment is verified by the system and your order is transferred to the seller for processing. You can view the remaining order processing time.

When you go to the order page at the very top, you will also see a counter that shows how much is left until the order is processed.

What to do if the order processing time on Aliexpress expires?

In this situation, you have two options:

  1. Wait until the deadline expires and the order is closed. In this case, the system will return your money within 3-10 days. Usually the return happens faster; for me this procedure took a maximum of 2 days.
  2. Extend order processing time on one's own. In this case, you will give the seller additional time so that he can send you the order. In this case, it is advisable to notify the seller about this and ask when he is going to send you the order and whether he is going to send it at all.

I have already written about possible reasons, so I won’t dwell on this in detail. Which option to choose is up to you to decide.

If you still decide to extend the order processing time on Aliexpress, then this is done very simply. It’s enough to find the one you need, and then click the “Extend processing time” button.

The same can be done on the order page itself.

As a result of clicking this button, a window will appear in which you need to indicate the desired number of days of extension.

So, I took the order with 4 days of processing remaining and increased this period by 1 day. As a result, it turned out that the minimum “step” of increase is 3 days - the counter eventually showed 7 days and 16 hours instead of the previously available 4 days and 16 hours.

In this case, the increase in the order processing time is carried out unilaterally - you do not need the seller’s consent to this, unlike after payment. Theoretically, the seller can also increase the processing time without your consent, but the last such case I observed was about a year ago, so maybe now he can’t :)

And yes, It is impossible to reduce the order processing time on Aliexpress. You can only write to the seller and ask him to hurry up with the shipment. This is another common question for beginners, but the answer here is so clear that there is no point in separating it into a separate subsection.

This is how it turned out to be an educational program on the topic of what order processing on Aliexpress is, and also what is generally worth knowing about it. If you still have any questions about this, ask them in the comments, I will try to help.

I’ll talk about whether it’s worth increasing the processing time at all some other time :)

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