Creating and setting up a Yandex Metrics counter. Installing the Yandex Metrica code on your blog Yandex Metrica informer starts showing data

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk in more detail about how to create a Yandex Metrics counter. On the pages of my blog I have already touched on the topic of the need, and also told, but this article will be devoted specifically to the collection of visit statistics using Yandex.

Thanks to the installed Yandex counter, you can analyze information on the number of visitors, the time a user spent on your resource, the age of visitors, and much more. The Yandex search engine has created a specialized service for this called Yandex.Metrica, and the metric counter is a specific tool that allows you to collect this information. In addition to this service, the search engine has a service that allows each webmaster to track the number of indexed pages, view indicators such as the number of backlinks to the site and a lot of other important information. I highly recommend registering your project with this service.

Let's return to the topic of our article and first register in the search engine. In order to register, you just need to create your own mailbox, and this account will allow you to use all Yandex services.

Creating a Yandex metrics counter

The first thing we need is to add a Yandex counter. To do this, follow the link and click the “Add counter” button, after which we get to the creation page, where you need to enter basic information. In the figure below I have shown an example of filling out all the required fields with fictitious information.

After you enter the information and accept the terms of the agreement, you must click the “Create” button. This action will take you to a new page where we will further configure the main functions.

How to set up a Yandex metrics counter

The settings page contains several sections, I will try to talk about each of them in detail.


In the main section, information will be visible, including number, name, site domain and time zone.

You can change the information, but whenever you change, be sure to click the “Save” button. a thread"

You also have the ability to add additional domains, which are used to monitor resource availability, filter persistent data from reports, and collect statistics on internal clicks.

Counter code

Here you can configure the main functions of the Yandex Metrics counter by changing the code. I’ll tell you about the main parameters without going into unnecessary ones:

Webvisor – Allows you to analyze the behavior of project visitors.

Hash – Tracks the hash in the browser's address bar.

A hash is a unique file name, independent of how it was named.

Asynchronous code – Allows the installed Yandex metrics counter not to affect the site loading speed.

Informer – When installing the code on a site with basic settings, it will be invisible to everyone. Checking the box next to this item will make it visible and the function for setting up the graphical display of the informer will appear (can be seen in the figure below).


In this section, you can enable a web viewer that allows you to record the contents of pages along with the actions of visitors, which will later allow you to view which links were followed by internal navigation, and view all the actions of the visitor on the pages of your project. This section has several settings, the description of which you can read by clicking on the question mark next to each parameter.

Webvisor is a very convenient function that allows you to analyze the usability of your resource and evaluate how interesting and convenient it is for your visitors.


You can add up to two hundred goals, indicating what number of visits is a successful result. In fact, this section makes it possible to set certain goals and inform about their achievement. At the initial stage of creating a website, it is not very interesting, since the webmaster tries to pay attention to filling the site, setting up usability and promoting it in search engines. When the number of visits reaches at least fifty people per day, then you can begin to set certain goals for the future.


This section remained a mystery to me. I tried to find information on the Internet, but really didn’t find anything. I believe that it is not worth filtering any data, since you will not see a complete analysis. Apparently that’s why, when creating the Yandex metrics counter, I didn’t bother studying this section too much.


Thanks to notifications, you can receive messages from Yandex.Metrica if problems arise with resource availability by email or via messages to your phone.

In fact, we have figured out how to create a Yandex Metrics counter, all that remains is to install it and start receiving statistics on visits.

Installing a Yandex metrics counter on a website

After all the settings have been made, return to the “Counter Code” section and re-check that all the necessary functions have been enabled and the visual display is configured to suit the design of your project. If you are sure that you are not going to make any more changes, then click the “Save” button and copy the code to the clipboard.

That's the whole description. In fact, there shouldn’t be any problems in creating and setting up a Yandex Metrics counter, but if you have any questions or add-ons, please let me know in the comments.

Hello, friends. Do you already have a blog, are you filling it with content and want to know how many people read you? Then it’s time to install a Yandex Metrics counter on your website, and below I’ll show you how to do it. Go!

Installing Yandex Metrica

Go to the page Click the “Add counter” button.

On the next page, enter the name of the counter and the site domain and click “Create”. Then go to the “Counter Code” tab.

I recommend checking the following boxes:

  • Webvisor - allows you to monitor user behavior. Useful feature!
  • Asynchronous code - the counter will not reduce the site loading speed. We put;
  • In one line - it will reduce the size, but make the code unreadable. Not for everyone;
  • Informer - usually placed in the footer. Shows statistics to all visitors to your site. I don't bet.

On the "Webvisor" tab:

  • Recording pages when viewed by a visitor - disabled (Necessary for online stores);
  • Writing pages by robot - disabled;
  • Loading pages into the player is not important (I am doing it on behalf of an anonymous user).

We'll look at goals and filters later, for now the main thing is to understand how to install Yandex Metrica.

After the above settings, click the “Save” button on the right and return to the “Counter Code” tab. Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button and paste this code into the footer of our blog. If you don't know how, read on.

Where to insert the Metrica code?

I'll show you 2 ways to add code.


For me this is the easiest way. In the root of your site, go to the theme folder, most often located at “/wp-content/themes/theme_name” and find the “footer.php” file there. Open it and paste the counter code before the closing tag and don’t forget to save.

Through the WordPress admin

The second method is suitable if you do not have access to FTP - install the counter through the WordPress admin. To do this, go to the “Appearance - Editor” section in the admin panel, find the “foter.php” file in the list on the right (May be called “Footer”) and add the counter code to the end before the tag.

Now a new one has appeared on the page with your counters, someone’s first. Go to it and analyze all the statistics of your blog.

In the next lesson I will show you how to install a Google Analytics counter. With this I say goodbye. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about a new visible visit counter (with an informer), which over time, perhaps, will be able to somewhat shake the ultra-reliable position of the most popular one at the moment on the RuNet. I mean the informer that Metrica recently published.

When I created my first website, I really wanted to put a counter on it from . I typed such a query into a search engine, looked through many resources, but it turned out to be just a myth, although many did not fail to advance using this fairly popular query. I remember that it was through him that I first came to Devaki’s blog. A very useful resource, by the way, I recommend visiting it.

Yandex counter - myth or reality?

But still promotion on this request at that time, because this did not exist in nature. Many passed him off as him. Well, starting in the fall of 2009, it was possible, almost without a twinge of conscience, to display a web analytics tool called Yandex Metrica, which, in general, was just that.

But still, it was somewhat different from the popular LiveInternet, which, in addition to quite powerful web analytics tools (probably not even analytics, but still statistics), had an informer visible to site visitors, where one could, if desired, configure the display of traffic data in any form convenient for the webmaster .

This is exactly the kind of informer that Metrica needed so that it could absolutely be called a counter. But this was relevant only until recently, and now we can talk about it publicly, because this system has acquired a visible part that allows you to display information about the traffic of a given resource on the website pages.

When setting up the informer, you will be able to choose one of these three options for displaying it on the site, as well as customize the color scheme and what exactly should be displayed in it. For a start, I think it's good. I am especially impressed by the second option, which displays site traffic by day of the week in the form of a step chart - very original.

By the way, you can configure it so that when you click on the informer, a drop-down window appears with statistics for the previous week:

In general, Metrica attracts with its clarity, beauty and other web two-zero (WEb 2.0), especially against the backdrop of LiveInternet, which in terms of the presentation of information and the clarity of its presentation is still a bit of the past, although, of course, the information it provides is very important in some cases is unique.

Let's hope that, finally, LI will have a worthy competitor in the person of Metrica and its visible hit counter, because competition is always good for the end user, i.e. for you and me, dear webmasters.

By the way, this system can be called a web analytics tool, because it has the ability to set goals and track certain events (for example, going to a certain page, registering, following certain links, etc.).

In RuNet, the most popular tool for web analytics is still Google Analytics, which is quite sophisticated and seriously surpasses Yandex Metrica in capabilities.

But the question is that in RuNet at the moment web analytics is in its infancy, unlike the burzhunet (which, according to some data, is about 5 years ahead of the development of our SEO), where such systems have become one of the most popular tools for website promotion.

In RuNet, Google Analytics is considered the coolest, but in the burzhunet it is used only by novice optimizers. They quite often use professional paid software to analyze the progress of projects. Well, we are lagging behind the bourgeoisie and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, Metrica’s web analytics capabilities will be sufficient for us in most cases.

In addition, the brainchild of the RuNet mirror has such unique tools as Webvisor, a map of links or clicks:

Well, now let’s move on from singing the praises of Yandex and its new counter (for some reason, lately I’ve been promoting their services too much) directly to how to get all this beauty on your website.

How to register and set up Yandex informer

Let me remind you that if you make money on your website by displaying ads from the Yandex advertising network (YAN), then along with the context block code, the Metrica code will also be loaded. Those. Consider that you are already registered in this system, and in order to make sure of this, you can click on the corresponding link on the statistics page of your advertising platform in YAN:

Let me also remind you that if ads from YAN are not displayed on all pages of your resource, then the Yandex counter statistics will be underestimated. In this case, you will need to register and add your site to Metrica (registration actually involves receiving), and then receive and install the code on your site.

But we are more interested in the “Counter Code” tab, where, in fact, you can customize the appearance and get the code. By the way, if you have a YAN context running, then you will only need to get the code for the informer, because Your counter will be loaded automatically along with contextual ads.

In general, until 2009, Metrica was available only to those who used Direct on their website, which is why there is now such a strong relationship between these two services. , is the reverse side of the YAN advertising network - advertisers advertise in Direct, and webmasters place them in the affiliate network. Well, this is to roughly approximate.

So, to activate the display of the informer, you will need to check the box of the same name. All settings for the appearance and functionality of the visible counter are hidden behind the “Configure informer” item.

As a result, an additional area will open where you can select one of three types of Yandex counter and fine-tune its appearance and the information displayed in it:

The first option will display all three possible traffic indicators at once (from top to bottom): the number of impressions of pages of the site under study for the current day, the number of visits and the number of unique visitors. In general, just everything you need.

The second option displays a color graph of attendance by day of the week and one of the three parameters described above. Which one will be displayed on the counter will depend on which field you check in: Views, Visits or Visitors.

The third option will simply display one of your chosen indicators of traffic to your resource.

I think that there is no need to talk about how you can adjust the color scheme, because everything is already clear. You need to select one of two display options and text color, and also get more information when you left-click on the counter (option “Advanced” - see the screenshot at the beginning of the article).

After you create your masterpiece, scroll down the window and click on the “Save” button. Now you need to copy the informer code and, if necessary, the counter code, which will be located in the lower area.

Please note that the counter code will be enclosed in opening and closing tags like:

and the informer into the tags:

Looking ahead a little, I will say that once you install the informer code on your website, you are unlikely to see anything on it, because you will still need to activate its display. This is done on the “Accesses” tab:

You need to check the box “Show informer data":

At first I thought that it would take time, after which the numbers themselves would appear in the informer. Ah, no. This checkbox is necessary and you can’t do without it.

What is the best way to install a Yandex counter on a website?

You can of course copy and paste them together. Everything will work, but it would still be better to insert the Metrica counter code into the template of your site before the closing /body tag, because in this case the frozen script will not slow down the loading of the pages of your resource.

Although lately we have been offered an asynchronous version by default, which does not affect the page loading speed in any way:

But you can install the informer in any place convenient for you, just as I described it in articles about:

I think that by using the materials above, you will be able to cope with this overwhelming task without any problems.

Yes, if you want visitors to your resource to be able to view detailed data from your counter, you will need to go to the “Access” tab in its settings and check the “Public access to statistics” box, after which you will be provided with a link leading to the page with a statue open to everyone:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Today we will talk about the visit counter from the popular search engine - the so-called Yandex Metrics.

Yandex Metrica is a completely free tool for analyzing the quality and quantity of visitors. In addition to counting visitors, Yandex Metrics allows you to view the search phrases that brought your site to you, as well as many other useful gadgets.

About the metric

Yandex Metrica is located at To be able to create a counter, you need to log into your Yandex mailbox using your username and password:

After entering your email login and password, we see the “Add counter” link

click it and see the tab:

“New counter” 1) “Set settings” tab

  • Counter name—specify any name for the future counter;
  • Address - enter, using the HTTP protocol, the address of the site where the future counter will be located;
  • Additional addresses - here we indicate additional site urls, if any; (Additional site addresses. Used to monitor site availability, filter extraneous data from reports and collect statistics on internal transitions.)
  • Check the box - Accept data only from specified addresses.
  • Turn on - Webvisor (can be configured later)
  • 5. In the next step, you can enable an email notification that will be sent to you if your site suddenly breaks. It happens that due to problems with hosting, the site becomes unavailable - in this case, if you actively use email, at least more often than you edit your portal, then you will quickly receive information about failures and take measures to help resolve the visibility of your resource on the network (at a minimum, write a letter to support).

    2) Tab “Install the counter code on the site”

    After we have filled in all the required fields in the first tab, click the “Create counter” button. Before this, you still need to read and accept, that is, check the box, the user agreement.

    The “Install the counter code on the site” tab contains a dozen additional settings, an installation method, and the Metrica counter code itself, which must be saved and inserted into each page of your site.

    Important! Don't forget to click the "Use" button

    To insert code into WordPress, you need to log into the admin panel and open the footer file for editing, that is, the bottom of the page (which is sometimes, and lately very often, called the footer):

    In the console, open “Appearance”, and then “Editor”

    On the right we find the inscription footer.php and click on it - the code for this very basement opens.

    Next, you either need to configure the counter, or you can immediately copy the code that we received from the Counter Code tab and paste it into the file footer.php— I recommend putting the stock after the code with copyright:

    All rights reserved (function (d, w, c) ( (w[c] = w[c] || ).push(function() ( try (

    Now you can go to the website and admire the informer:

    3) Web viewer tab

    On this tab, you can configure how pages will be loaded into the web viewer player, which shows user actions on your site.

    4) Goals tab

    Here you can set some goals, for example, set a goal to count the number of clicks on a specified link.

    5) Filters tab

    Here you can configure report filters and perform some operations. It is advisable to check the box “Do not count my visits” so that your visits to the site are not counted.

    6) Access tab

    This tab allows you to configure access to statistics. If the “Show informer data” checkbox is checked, then any visitor can see statistics on the informer. If the “Public access to statistics” checkbox is checked, then any visitor can go to the informer and see all the statistics in more detail.

    Here you can also simply add a user, that is, allow one specific visitor to see all the statistics in detail. The number of such users who can be given permission to view statistics is, in principle, unlimited.

    Checking changes

    If, after you have placed the code offered by the Yandex.Metrica service on your website, you begin to change the settings, then in order to use the change, you again need to copy the code and paste it into the code of each page again. When specifying goals and adding users, this procedure is not necessary.

    Is it worth using Yandex Metrica?

    It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Many have dissed this service so much that it raises doubts about its use. Others claim that Yandex.Metrica is the best visit counter. In general, opinions are divided, as always.

    Some cite as evidence that Yandex.Metrica should not be installed by the fact that because of it, young sites supposedly fall under the search engine filter (AGS). I installed such a counter on one of my blogs almost from the very beginning and nothing happened - there are no sanctions against my content and there have never been any.

    As an experiment, today I removed the metric and put it in its place, let's see what happens. I’ll write about the results later - according to some craftsmen, attendance should increase - in general, we’ll see.

    Update from 05/26/2014:

    attendance has indeed increased, but now it is impossible to determine the effectiveness of abandoning the metric.