Download instructions for working in front page. Creating web pages in the FrontPage editor. Creating a template for pages in FrontPage

Creating WEB pages in the FrontPage editor

Creating web pages in the FrontPage editor

1. Launch the editor

The editor is launched as follows: Start / Programs /MicrosoftFrontPage. In this case, the Editor will open with a blank screen; to open the desired page, use the command Open menu File and start editing.

When launched, the Editor will open its own window, at the top of which, as in most programs of this class, there are menus and toolbars. When all toolbars are visible, the Editor appears as shown in the figure.

Depending on how you want to view and work with pages, you can use one of four presentation modes Page.

    Constructor. Web pages can be designed and edited by default in Constructor representation Page.

    Code. Allows you to independently view, record and edit HTML tags. Using code optimization tools in Microsoft FrontPage, you can create clean HTML code and make it easier to remove unnecessary code.

    With division. You can check and edit the content of a web page in a split-screen format, providing simultaneous access to modes Code And Constructor.

    View. Allows you to view the appearance of a page in a web browser without saving it. This mode is used to test a page before saving after making minor, questionable changes.

Using Templates and Wizards

Web-sites' templates. Templates are sample sites or pages that Frontpage suggests you fill out as needed. Like the masters, they create a structure that can serve as a good starting point for developing a site or page. However, the wizards offer you a custom process for creating a website or page, whereas by choosing a template, you will receive an exact copy of that template, with sample text that you can replace with your own. You can get the site template in Frontpage Explorer by selecting CreateV menu File and then selecting Other Website Templates from the submenu that appears.

In the dialog window Website Templates You can choose one of the following templates to use as the basis for your site or page:

- One page website. Helps create a website with a single page.

- Corporate Web Site Wizard . A template for creating a professionally designed corporate website for the Internet.

- Technical support website. Creation of a website for technical support services (especially for software manufacturers).

- Discussion Site Master . Allows you to create a "discussion" group with connections, populated tables and full-text search.

- Blank website. When you want to create an empty workspace, you can use this "template". This creates a blank site, no pages, and you can do the rest by adding content in Explorer and Frontpage Editor.

- Website Import Wizard . The template allows you to create a website filled with documents from a local computer directory or a separate file system.

- Project website. Use this template for a website that will serve as a central information forum for a project.

- Personal website . Choose this template to create a personal page that can contain information about your interests, favorite Internet sites, as well as your photos.

- Database Interface Wizard. Create a Web site that allows you to connect to a database and then view, update, add, and delete records.

- Group website SharePoint . Create a team website with a team calendar, shared data library, task list, contact list, and more.

So, for example, if you select the Personal Web site template as the source, you will get the following:

The course is a multimedia complex for self-learning the basics of working with the Microsoft FrontPage 2003 application. The educational material is presented in the form of interactive video lectures. The learning process is extremely simple and close to classes with a teacher. The student hears the voice of the teacher giving a lecture and sees on the screen his actions during the story. This form of training allows the user to quickly master the concepts of the course being studied and become familiar with the tools of the programs being studied.

Year of issue: 2006
Language: Russian
Size: 1140 Mb

Video codec: Flash

The course includes the following sections:

Introduction (5 lessons).
Web page (15 lessons).
Web site (5 lessons).
Reinstallation and configuration (10 lessons).
Creating Web sites (17 lessons).
Working with text (19 lessons).
Hyperlinks (7 lessons).
Navigation bars and announcements. Checking hyperlinks (13 lessons).
Preview (2 lessons).
Collection of Microsoft pictures (10 lessons).
Graphics (20 lessons).
Multimedia (11 lessons).
Drawing objects (19 lessons).
Tables (13 lessons).
Frames (7 lessons).
Web components (6 lessons).
Templates and forms (15 lessons).
Publishing a Web site and a SharePoint team Web site (12 lessons).
Working with HTML code (3 lessons).

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Before you start working in FrontPage, I recommend that you create a folder specifically for your site. It can be called “site”, “my site”, “my super-duper site”, or, if you prefer English, “my site”, “site”.

On the Internet, files with Russian names, alas, do not work (but this does not mean that they will not work on your computer), so, out of a long-established habit, I will use the default folder site. You, too, can begin to develop this habit, but this is only at your request :)

You can place the created folder anywhere, on drive C, in “My Documents”, on the desktop... in principle, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you have it's convenient to work with her.

However, I do not advise you to create a folder directly on your desktop. The path to it (you can see it in the folder properties, or in the folder itself, it is indicated in the “address” line), in this case, will be very long. For example: "C:Documents and SettingsUsersUser001desktopsite". True, it can be short, for example: “C:WINDOWSDesktopsite”. It all depends on the settings of your computer.

If the path still turns out to be long, then you can create a folder for the site on drive C (or D), then its path will be much shorter: “C:site”. And in order to open a folder quickly and easily, you need to create a shortcut to it and place it in any place convenient for you, for example, on the same desktop.

Why care about the size of the folder path? This will not affect the quality of website creation in any way, but I have learned from my own experience that working with folders whose path is not very long is much more convenient. The example will use the following path to the folder “C:Documents and Settingssite”

Separate folder for the site - the thing is extremely convenient, sometimes even irreplaceable. Your materials and created pages will not be lost anywhere, but will quietly lie in their own separate folder.

Using FrontPage, creating a website should not be difficult for even a less experienced user. For example, you can select a ready-made website, change the standard data to your own, add something, delete something, and that’s it, the site can be posted on the Internet. You can create a new website by selecting File(File) | Create(New). The following window will open to the right of the workspace:

By clicking on the link Other Website Templates You will see that there are many more different types of web sites from one-page to corporate. For the sake of experimentation, you can try to select a website and create a site in this template.

But I actually don’t support this way of creating a site, since FrontPage creates a lot of unnecessary folders for a ready-made web site. And in general there is a lot of unnecessary stuff.

Therefore, I propose a slightly different approach. I suggest creating a website from scratch by selecting the option in the create a new page window Empty page. Or you can not select anything, but simply close the window for creating a new page, since this item is already selected by default.

And in this empty space we will begin to create the first page of the site, or rather, its template.

If you are more or less familiar with the Internet, you have probably noticed that many sites consist of tables. Some tables are clearly visible, others are completely invisible. This is what we will do site consisting of tables.

Now tables as a means of creating a framework are gradually becoming obsolete; they are being replaced by layout using layers. But tables are still a simple and effective way to format a page. For starters, this is just right.

There are several ways to create a table in FrontPage. Now I will describe each of them in detail, so that later you can choose the most suitable one for yourself. But since you can only learn through practice, I advise you not only to read the text below, but also to follow all the steps described.

So, first way. From the command menu bar, select the command Table(Table), and in the drop-down menu - the item Insert(Insert) with an arrow. Move your mouse over this arrow and another drop-down menu will open in front of you. Select an item Table(Table).

The first way to create a table in FrontPage is using the menu Table

After selecting this command, a window will open in front of you where you can specify various parameters for the table being created.

What parameters can you set? In the first area Size you can choose the required quantity lines(rows) and speakers(columns).

In the next area Position(Layout) can be customized:

  • location of the table on the page - for this in the field Alignment(Aligment) you need to select one of the following values:
  • Default(Default) - then the table will be placed at the discretion of the user’s browser, most likely at the left edge;
  • Left(Left);
  • On right(Right);
  • Centered(Center);
  • the distance between the cell border and its contents - to do this, enter the required value in the field Cell margins(Cell Padding);
  • distance between table cells - to do this, just enter the required value in the field Cell spacing(Cell Spacing);
  • table width - note if the checkbox Exact width(Specify width) is removed, the size of the table will depend only on its contents. If the checkbox is checked, then you can indicate the width in pixels(in pixels) or in percentages(in percent). I’ll say right away that the width for the main table (which we are creating now) is better done as a percentage, then it will change depending on the size of the user’s window.

In area Borders(Border) can be configured:

  • width of the table borders - to do this you just need to enter the required value in the field Border Size(Border size);
  • color, light and dark sides of the table

In area Background(Background) you can set a color for the background of the table or select a background image.

For example, let's take the settings that I specified earlier. Choose OK and look at the result.

Great! Now let's try to use for comparison second way creating a table in FrontPage. On the toolbar Standard(Standard) find the icon Add table(Insert Table) and click on it. This will open a small table layout.

A quick way to create a table is to use a button Add table(Insert Table)

While holding down the left mouse button, select the required number of rows and columns. So, for example, two rows and one column are highlighted in the figure. If you move your mouse to the right or bottom edge of the layout, it will expand. After you release the mouse button, the table itself will instantly appear.

This method of creating a table is much easier and faster than the first one. There is one “but” - here you cannot pre-specify the parameters of the table being created. Therefore, if you are going to create another table using the second method, you can change its parameters only after you have created it.

I’ll tell you how to do this a little later, but now it’s more visual, third way creating a table. This - drawing table with mouse. We won't use it now, but if you ever need to create complex tables, you'll know how to do it.

The first step is exactly the same as in the first case. In the command menu bar you need to select the command Table(Table). But the next step is completely different. When you select a team Table(Table), a drop-down menu will open in front of you. Look closely, it has a double arrow at the bottom. Move your mouse over this arrow. Now you have the entire list of commands in front of you.

Command menu Table

This time we need a point Draw a table(Draw Table). Click. The following small window will open.

Drawing a table consists of several stages: the outer rectangular contour of the table is drawn, lines are drawn dividing the table into rows and columns, and excess lines are erased.

First, make sure that the table tool is turned on (it should appear on a lighter background than the other buttons). Now, when the cursor enters the document area, it will take the shape of a pencil.

Now move your mouse cursor to the top left vertex of the proposed table. Then, press and hold the left mouse button, move it to the lower right corner of the intended table and release the button. As a result, the outer outline of the table will appear.

Now, using the same pencil, draw lines that form the internal structure of the table.

You can remove unnecessary lines using the tool Eraser(Eraser). It's easy to use. On the toolbar Table(Table) click button Eraser(Eraser). Then move the mouse cursor to the line you want to erase and drag along it. The erased lines will turn red. To disable eraser mode, click the button Eraser(Eraser) again.

Using this method you can also draw a good table, but let's go back to the previous one. We will work with her now.

The first line can be left for the site name, logo, etc. This will be the so-called top of the site. Usually it is left the same for all pages of the site. The next line usually contains text, pictures, photographs, in a word, information. It’s a good idea to leave space at the bottom for counters that will count the number of visitors. You can also write the name of the site creator there :).

But we only have two lines! Will we really have to start all over again? No, what are you! We'll just insert another row. There are several ways to do this.

For example, if you still have the toolbar open Table(Table), a new row can be added by clicking the button Add line(Insert row). Do not forget to place the cursor on one of the table rows before doing this. A new line will appear before the line the cursor was on.

The next method for inserting a row is also quite simple. To begin with, you just need to select one of the existing lines, click on the right mouse button and... But wait, how to select a line? There is nothing complicated here either. Simply move your mouse over the line you want to highlight.

Then wait until it turns into an arrow and click on it.

The highlighted line looks like this:

And now, without removing the selection, right-click on the selected line. A submenu will open in front of you.

Of all these undoubtedly useful points, we now need only one: Add lines(Insert row).

By the way, you didn’t have to select the line, but simply click the cursor in it. But you will still need the skill of selecting tables, rows and columns, so get used to it :)

The following method of inserting new rows into a table is much more convenient. And now you yourself will understand why. Place the cursor on the line above (below) where you are going to add new lines. Then refer to our favorite point Table(Table), which is located on the command line. Select from the drop-down menu Insert(Insert) | Rows or Columns(Rows or Columns). The following window will open.

You see, at the bottom of the window you can choose the location of the new line - above the selected line (above) or below it (below). Please note that when using the first two methods we were not given such a choice. Let's determine the number of lines, click on OK and see what we got.

Now we have three lines. There was a place for everything, all that remained was to determine where to place the structure of our site. Have you forgotten about her yet? Now we'll look at the easiest way to put structure on the page - by placing it on the second line, next to the "information" middle.

To do this, let's create another table with two columns in the second row. We already know how to create a new table. Moreover, we know three ways to do this! Which one will we use this time?

Let's use the first one for now, since we need to adjust the table parameters from the very beginning. Path to create table: Table(Table) | Insert(Insert) | Table(Table).

In the window that opens, mark one row, two columns and the width of the table borders equal to zero. Set the width of the table to 100% and click OK. The entire table now looks like this:

The small dots in the second line are the same “invisible” table. More precisely, now it is clearly visible, but this is only because at the moment we are in editing mode. And when we switch to view mode, the table will not be visible.

We only need this “invisible” plate to model the appearance of the table, so we made it “invisible”. Now you need to insert another table into the left column. The number of lines should be equal to the number of main points of the structure you have compiled. No need to make columns!

Have you lost the leaf yet? Then we transfer the names of all the main pages (sections) to our table. It is not necessary to include the names of internal pages (subsections) there. To enter page titles into the table, simply click the mouse in the place where the text will be located and type it on the keyboard.

I will tell you in more detail about entering text and changing its appearance when we fill the site with information.

And now, as promised, I’ll tell you how to change the table parameters after its creation. Remember how we highlighted a table row? Now we need to select the entire table.

If you can’t select a table “manually”, you can simply follow the path Table(Table) | Select(Select) | Table(Table). Now, without removing the selection, right-click on the table. By the way, you can not select the table at all, but I already wrote that this is a very useful skill :)

The already familiar drop-down menu will pop up. Only this time we will need an item Table properties(Table Properties). When you select this item, a window will open that almost completely replicates the window for inserting a new table. In it you can change existing settings to new ones.

By the way, in FrontPage the table frame can also be made “double”, consisting of many squares, with a shadow, etc. All this is available in the top menu Format(Format) | Borders and Shading(Borders and Shading)

In the first tab - Framework(Borders) you can change the appearance of the table borders. Look at the possible results after changing the table frame appearance.

In the second tab - Shading - you can set a background image for the table and also select the color of the background and text. But choosing the right color is not easy at all... Therefore, we’ll finish for today, and we’ll talk about colors in the next lesson.

But, wait, what to do with our art, i.e. with created signs? Everything is very simple. They need to be preserved. To do this, select in the top menu File(File) | Save as(Save as). Find the folder on your computer in which we agreed to put the site and save your document in it under the name index.

Why index? Yes, simply because this is how the main page of the site is always designated. And that’s exactly what we were doing now. If you now exit FrontPage and open the document you saved, you will see that it has been automatically saved as index.htm. HTM is short for HTML, do you remember what it is?

It is worth remembering that the “htm” and “html” formats are completely different things. I advise you to immediately choose one thing so that there are no problems later. If you choose the ending "html", be sure to append it to each page you save, otherwise it will be saved as "htm" by default.

Let me remind you that file names for the site cannot be written in Russian letters. Then, when you put your site on the Internet, these files simply will not open.

And one last thing about names. Writing the names of files and pages for a website with a capital letter is, of course, commendable, but extremely inconvenient. I recommend you everything, everything: pages, drawings, archives - write everything in small letters. Believe me, this will help avoid many inaccuracies in the future.

Opening saved "index"

We will now open the "index" document that we saved in the site folder at the end of the previous day. There are several ways to do this. Let's look at each of them, so that later you can choose the best one for yourself.

So, the first way. The index file is an Internet file by default because it is in the format htm (html). So if you open it by double clicking it will take you to the browser viewport.

This way to open "index" in FrontPage is to select the command from the top command line File(File), and in the drop-down menu - Edit in Microsoft FrontPage(Edit with Microsoft FrontPage).

If on the menu File You don’t have such an item, which means FrontPage is not installed on your computer as an Internet page editor. To fix this, you need to first open the FrontPage program itself, and then select Service | Options. The following window will open:

In order to work properly with the site, we need the area Editors was FrontPage. If it is not there, then click on the icon in the upper right corner and select there FrontPage (open as HTML). Then click on the button Use as default.

This was the first way to open a file in FrontPage, through a browser window. But it would be more logical to shorten this path. Therefore, in order not to waste time, you can, without opening the file, right-click on it and select from the drop-down menu Open with... (Open with) and find the FrontPage program in the proposed list.

And the last, third way. First you need to open the FrontPage program itself, and after that open the entire site by selecting File(File) | Open website(Open web). Or, if you have recently opened index, choose Latest files, and in the drop-down menu the desired file.

Of course, it doesn’t really matter which way you open the “index” page in FrontPage, the main thing is that you open it 🙂 Congratulations, another useful skill acquired!