The cooler on the laptop is noisy, what should I do? We adjust the fan speed in the BIOS settings. Power supply cooler

Many laptop users are often interested in: “why can a new laptop make noise?”

Especially, the noise can be noticeable in the evening or at night, when everyone is sleeping and you decide to sit at your laptop for a couple of hours. At night, any noise can be heard many times louder, and even a small “hum” can get on the nerves not only of you, but also of those who are in the same room with you.

In this article, we will try to figure out why the laptop is noisy, and how this noise can be reduced.

Causes of noise

Perhaps the main cause of noise in a laptop is into the fan (cooler), moreover, its strongest source. Typically, this noise is something like a quiet and constant “hum.” The fan expels air through the laptop body - this is what causes this noise.

Usually, if the laptop is not heavily loaded, it operates almost silently. But when you turn on games, when working with HD video and other resource-intensive tasks, the processor temperature rises and the fan has to start working several times faster in order to have time to “expel” hot air from the radiator (). In general, this is a normal state of the laptop, otherwise the processor may overheat and your device will fail.

In the second The noise level in a laptop is probably the CD/DVD drive. During operation, it can make quite a lot of noise (for example, when reading and writing information to a disk). This noise is difficult to reduce; you can, of course, install utilities that will limit the speed of reading information, but most users are unlikely to be satisfied with the situation when they instead of 5 minutes. working with the disk, 25 will work... Therefore, there is only one piece of advice here - always remove the disks from the drive after you have finished working with them.

T third The hard drive can become noisy. Its noise often resembles clicking or grinding sounds. From time to time they may not exist at all, and sometimes they can be quite frequent. This is how the magnetic heads in a hard drive make noise when their movement becomes “jerky” for faster reading of information. We’ll look at how to reduce these “jerks” (and therefore reduce the noise level from “clicks”) below.

Reducing fan noise

If the laptop starts making noise only when running resource-intensive processes (games, videos, etc.), then there is no need to take any action. Clean it regularly from dust - this will be enough.

Cleaning from dust

Dust can be the main reason for overheating of the device and noisier operation of the cooler. It is necessary to regularly clean your laptop from dust. The best way to do this is to take the device to a service center (especially if you have never had to clean it yourself).

For those who want to try to clean the laptop themselves (at their own peril and risk), I will describe here my simple method. He, of course, is not a professional, and he will not tell you how to update the thermal paste and lubricate the fan (which may also be necessary).

1) Completely disconnect the laptop from the network, remove and disconnect the battery.

3) Carefully remove the back cover of the laptop. Most often it moves in one direction. Sometimes there may be small latches. In general, take your time, make sure that all the bolts are unscrewed and that nothing is in the way or “clinging” anywhere.

Cleaning a laptop with a cotton swab

5) Fine dust can be “blown away” using a vacuum cleaner (most models have the ability to reverse) or a can of compressed air.

6) Then all that remains is to assemble the device. Stickers and rubber “feet” may need to be re-glued. Make sure to do this - the “legs” provide the necessary clearance between the laptop and the surface on which it stands, thereby providing ventilation.

If there was a lot of dust in your case, then you will notice with the naked eye how your laptop has become quieter and started to heat up less ().

Update Drivers and Bios

Many users underestimate software updating itself. But in vain... Regularly visiting the manufacturer’s website can save you from unnecessary noise and excessive temperature of the laptop, and will also increase its speed. The only thing is, when updating Bios, be careful, the operation is not entirely harmless ().

Several sites with drivers for users of popular laptop models:

Reducing rotation speed (caution!)

After downloading and unzipping the program (for a computer), you need to run the utility as an administrator. You can do this by right-clicking on it and selecting this option in the Explorer context menu. See screenshot below.

Actually, that’s all: now, every time you boot Windows, programs added to startup will start automatically and you won’t have to load them in “manual” mode...

1) Always try to use the laptop on a clean, solid, level and dry surface. If you place it on your lap or sofa, there is a chance that the ventilation holes will be blocked. Because of this, there is nowhere for warm air to escape, the temperature inside the case rises, and consequently, the laptop fan begins to work faster, making an increasingly loud noise.

2) You can reduce the temperature inside the laptop case using from a special stand. This stand can reduce the temperature by up to 10 degrees. C, and the fan will not have to work at full power.

3) Try to look behind you sometimes about driver and bios updates. Developers often make adjustments. For example, if previously the fan was running at full power when your processor heated up to 50 degrees. C (which is normal for a laptop. More details about the temperature here:), then in the new version the developers can change 50 to 60 degrees. C.

4) Once every six months or a year Clean your laptop from dust. This is especially true for the cooler (fan) blades, which bear the main load of cooling the laptop.

5) Always Remove CD/DVD discs from the drive if you no longer intend to use them. Otherwise, every time you turn on the computer, when you start Explorer, etc., information will be read from the disk and the drive will make a lot of noise.

Noise from the system unit is always a bad sign of computer operation. We should get rid of it not only because it irritates our ears, but it can also affect the performance of the computer, as well as the wear of parts. Today, in this article, you will learn why a computer (in particular, its system unit) is noisy and what needs to be done to remove excess noise, returning the computer to its previous sound level during operation.

7 reasons why the computer system unit is noisy

  1. Hard drive problem. The cause of the noise is the way the hard drive works. Moreover, it may not be noise, but crackling, grinding and even tapping. This is especially noticeable when you copy or write something to your hard drive. Such sounds indicate either wear of the mechanism or poor quality material. Therefore, noise can occur both after long and persistent use of a PC, and immediately after purchase. You should not delay this, because if the HDD completely fails, you will lose the files and documents stored on the computer forever and irrevocably. Therefore, you should choose a hard drive carefully, paying attention to reviews from other owners, as well as advice from sales consultants. Of course, our article about that is worth paying attention to.

  2. Dusty video card. This device always creates maximum noise, or even better, hum in the room. To be precise, the cooler (fan) that cools the board is most likely to blame. It is often small in diameter, but even one is enough to create a loud and unpleasant noise. It is usually located “upside down” and its blades can touch the edge of the video card box. It is quite difficult to avoid such noise; it is easier to install it in your system unit. You can solve the issue without buying a new device, but to do this you will need to disconnect the video card from the motherboard, and then disassemble it to get to the cooler and lubricate it, which is very problematic! Also remember that this component is very fragile and can be easily broken. If you still manage to get to the axle, then it needs to be checked for integrity, and then lubricated with silicone oil, which will remain inside the cooler for a long time and thereby prevent noise from occurring. If the axis has already shifted and torsion creates friction against the edges of the box, then the box can be slightly trimmed or sawed off. It won’t look very aesthetically pleasing, “but it will be cheap, reliable and practical” (c)!

  3. The processor cooler is clogged. Another reason that creates a lot of inconvenience for the computer user. As you know, any motherboard has a processor installed, which is also called a “stone,” and a radiator with a cooler is additionally installed on this stone. The created design is quite bulky and collects dust well, since the cooler blows air (from the system unit) to cool the radiator, which in turn transfers temperature to the processor. As a result, a large layer of dust accumulates between the cooler and the radiator, which gradually grows, thereby complicating the movement of the fan. The dust layer adds extra noise, and it also gets into the axis, which causes the speed to be lost and a hum begins to be heard. It's very easy to get rid of everything! First, disconnect the fan, clean it and the radiator from dust. Now disassemble the radiator itself and lubricate the axle with the same silicone oil. Now put everything back together, tightening it thoroughly with screws so as not to create unnecessary vibration.

  4. Old power supply. The power supply is a device that is recommended to be changed every 2-3 years, since it is responsible for the safety of the entire PC. In addition, this time frame is just enough to dust all the internal parts of the power supply. After all, there is the same cooler that blows in air from outside to cool the parts as on the processor. The air carries particles of debris and dust. As a result, noise occurs in the same way as in the case of a video card or processor cooler. However, there can be much more noise here, since the rotation speed of the power supply cooler is higher, since its diameter is larger, and to be honest, not all manufacturers think about creating a quiet fan in the power supply. Of course, you can get rid of the noise yourself by disassembling the unit, cleaning it and lubricating it. But again, not all models have the ability to easily access content. The site’s specialists strongly advise purchasing a new power supply rather than disassembling the old one, because the new one will produce less noise and will give you additional confidence in the serviceability of this personal computer device.

  5. Incorrectly selected optical drive. Rarely, but it still happens that noise is created not by the entire system unit, but only by the optical drive, which is more familiar to users under the name “CD-DVD ROM”. The reason for the noise is the rather low quality of the device. However, be careful here, noise can only occur when a disc is inserted into the optical drive. If there is nothing there, then there will be no noise coming from it. If you notice noise precisely when this device is operating, then we have to disappoint you, because... it is practically beyond repair. Even in warranty service centers they are not repaired, but replaced with new ones. We would generally advise you to abandon their use in favor of flash drives, since today with the help of the latter you can carry out all the same operations, even .

  6. The motherboard or other device is cracked. Noise from the system unit can come not only due to flaws in the operation of the cooler or due to manufacturing defects, but also for completely physical reasons: a cracked motherboard, large debris in the system unit, a cracked video card box, etc. This will cause various kinds of rattling and whistling noises due to the effect of air pumped by coolers on the part. To do this, you need to disassemble the system unit and check its “internals” for defects. This could only happen due to a fall or an accidental/intentional blow. For example, many PC users, when they slow down, hit the system unit with their foot or hand out of anger. Such actions may cause chips, cracks, dents and similar defects.

  7. Poor fastening of parts. If you are asking the question “Why is the computer system unit noisy?”, then you need to check all the fasteners in the system unit. To do this, first open the unit cover. Now take a screwdriver (phillips) and try to tighten all the screws and screws that you can see. Start with the motherboard, since it contains a large number of components, so if each of them is poorly secured, then when they work, the “motherboard” will begin to move in waves, each time touching the metal case of the system unit. Next, check the fastening of the processor (especially the cooler) and video card. Then examine the hard drive mounting. If it does not have anti-noise fixation using slotted gaskets or plastic holders, then rest assured that the noise arises precisely because of poor fastening of the hard drive. Therefore, try to lay a small layer of rubber between the metal beams, which would soften the vibration without spreading it throughout the entire system unit. You also need to attach an optical drive. The last thing you need to check is the power supply. Tighten its mounting bolts as well. If there are additional coolers in the system unit case, check them too.

What should I do to get rid of noise from the system unit?

If you don’t see any problems with the components, but simply want not to hear the computer operating, then you can do just a few steps that will help almost completely absorb the noise.

  1. Change the cooling system. Only a radical change in cooling, namely replacing it with liquid cooling, will help get rid of noise once and for all. Thus, it is not fans that will cool the computer components, but liquids, using pumps, heat sinks, radiators, hoses, sensors and similar devices. The difference will be quite noticeable, but such a system costs about 500 (and sometimes more) US dollars. Too expensive!

  2. Change the system unit box. Sometimes it is enough to change the system unit box to reduce the noise level. For example, you can choose a box with noise and vibration insulation (or even make one yourself). Also think about the legs on which the system unit stands; they should be soft and absorb vibration well, i.e. rubberized.

  3. Change coolers. The most optimal option for reducing noise (low-cost and noticeable by ear) is to replace all old coolers with new, more modern and silent ones. However, here it will not be possible to waste time on trifles, otherwise you will not feel the effect as such! Some can even be customized by choosing either a quiet rotation mode or a loud, but more powerful one (it is needed for those cases when the PC will be used for a long time without interruptions).

  4. Carry out regular. If you regularly read our magazine, then in almost every article we mention cleaning your computer, since it is really very important and useful for the system unit, so do not miss this point from our recommendations. After all, regular reading will save you from unnecessary problems associated with noise coming from the system unit.

Now you know about all the causes of noise from the system unit, as well as how to get rid of it.

If your fan makes too much noise when working with your laptop, then these instructions are intended specifically for you. In this article we will look at why the fan is noisy and what should be done to get rid of the annoying sound.


There are several obvious reasons why a laptop is buzzing a lot:

  • Overheating and, as a consequence, high rotation speed of the cooler blades, which leads to a high noise level.
  • Dust and dirt in the cooling system, which interfere with its full and uninterrupted functioning.

Everything is quite simple, but there are a couple of nuances. For example, if your device makes a lot of noise only when certain games or programs are on, then there is no need to worry or take any action as this is quite normal.

All that is needed in this situation is preventive action every six months in the form. If your laptop makes a lot of noise when programs that do not load the computer are running, you should try to do something.

What actions can you take?

There are several options to correct these problems:

  • Cleaning from dust and dirt;
  • BIOS update;
  • Using a program to change the cooler rotation speed;

Cleaning from dirt and dust

If the cooler in your laptop begins to make a lot of noise and overheat, this may mean that it is excessively dirty. It is recommended to regularly clean the laptop, but for this it is not at all necessary to take it to a service center, because everything can be done at home.

If you decide to clean your laptop yourself, you need to:

If there was a lot of dust in the device, then after cleaning you will immediately notice a positive result: the computer will heat up less and work much quieter. However, prevention does not always help, for example, when the mechanism wears out, in which case complete repair may be required.

Updating BIOS and drivers

Developers often release driver and BIOS updates that fix previously made errors. It is in the BIOS that the temperature of the sensors corresponds to the speed of rotation of the cooler blades. Therefore, updating the software may help eliminate the fan noise.

Sites with the necessary drivers for users of the most popular models:

  • Acer;
  • HP;
  • Toshiba;
  • Lenovo;

Changing the cooler rotation speed

If the fan in your laptop makes too much noise, then perhaps a special program called SpeedFan will help you, which will allow you to change the speed of the blades. It receives all the necessary information from the temperature sensors that your laptop is equipped with and provides options based on the received data. By correctly adjusting the indicators, you can eliminate the cooler noise by limiting its rotation speed.

If the processor temperature rises too high, the program will automatically start the fan at full power to protect the laptop from overheating. Therefore, if after the settings you made, the laptop began to make noise, then there is nothing to worry about.

How to prevent and reduce laptop noise?

Now you know how to quickly and without any problems reduce fan noise yourself at home, and you can help not only yourself, but also your friends and family.

The toilet or kitchen is designed to create optimal air exchange conditions. A properly installed fan that turns on periodically (manually or automatically) allows you to maintain an acceptable level of humidity, although it creates a certain noise. Sometimes the humming of the ventilation system leads to a feeling of discomfort and requires taking measures to solve the problem. There are many reasons why a fan makes noise – and most of them can be eliminated on your own.

Noise and humming are signs of a problem

It is recommended to pay attention to noise before purchasing a device. The value of the indicator is usually indicated in the operating manual of the device. If the noise level is higher than acceptable levels, you should give preference to less noisy models, even if you have to overpay for improved performance characteristics.

The noise level of the device in the list of characteristics on the website

The noise level should also be checked after installing the fan. If the noise load value turns out to be noticeably higher than that indicated in the passport data, the problem may be due to incorrect installation. You can avoid the problem by entrusting the installation of the fan to an experienced technician. Another cause of noise may be a manufacturing defect - such a device should be returned under warranty.

The problem is also considered serious in cases where the fan is humming, the noise from which was previously almost unnoticeable. They solve it by removing the device and checking its condition. If the moving parts are severely worn, the fan should be replaced.

Checking the condition of the impeller

The level of noise generated by ventilation should be compared with current standards. So, during the daytime in residential premises the volume should not be higher than 40 dB, at night - 30 dB. Although, unlike the noise of other equipment (for example, a computer processor cooler), the fan in the bathroom, kitchen or toilet does not work constantly, which means the maximum level can reach 70–80 dB - but not higher.

Causes of noise

To reduce the noise level from forced ventilation, you should choose models from popular brands that are characterized by quiet operation and long-term operation. These include the brands Silent, Viessmann, Vortice and Maico. But even this equipment may not be as quiet as expected.

The main reasons for increased noise levels during fan operation are as follows:

  • increasing the vibration level of the impeller;
  • engine malfunction;
  • increased bearing friction;
  • too high speed of air passage through the impeller blades;
  • violation of verticality or poor fixation of the device;
  • poor assembly (one of the main problems when using cheap models);
  • lack of preventive maintenance of the device.

Preventative work

Contacting a qualified specialist who can take into account all the nuances of installation will help you avoid problems with installation and do everything correctly. For example, only models with ball bearings can be installed on the ceiling, and too long a fan pipe leads to increased air resistance and loud noise.

The reasons for the increased volume of the fan may be sound waves propagating through the air duct. When operating in normal mode, the device begins to hum strongly - first of all, this applies to channel models. The problem lies not only in the fan, but in the whole system, therefore comprehensive measures should be taken, including soundproofing of ventilation ducts.

Methods for soundproofing a duct fan

The reasons for choosing duct fans include the need for forced ventilation over a relatively large area. Their characteristic feature is their installation not in one of the walls of the room, but inside the ventilation duct. Such devices serve several rooms at once, and sometimes the entire apartment or house. higher, which also leads to increased noise levels.

Duct fan

One way to solve the problem of noisy operation of the ventilation system is high-quality sound insulation of air ducts. This requires:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools (silicone glue, soft rubber, roller with a long handle).
  2. Cut rubber strips to suitable lengths.
  3. Glue the inside of the channels with them, pressing them tightly against the walls.

The rubberized surface will increase sound absorption and eliminate most of the noise from the duct fan. However, this method is not suitable for apartment buildings, whose residents will have to solve the problem by soundproofing the wall closest to the air duct and reducing the cross-section. Changing the size of the channel accelerates the movement of air, which leads to spontaneous damping of the sound wave in a laminar air flow. The wall is insulated with a thin layer of mineral wool or other porous materials.

Reducing the noise of wall-mounted models in a toilet or bathroom

A loud fan in a domestic space does not cause such a feeling of discomfort as ducted devices installed in the center of a house or apartment. However, it is still worth solving the problem if the noise from the ventilation system increases noticeably during operation. In order to correct the situation, use the following methods:

  • switching the fan to operate at a lower number of revolutions, which automatically reduces the noise from air passing through its blades;
  • checking that the device is installed correctly;
  • installation or replacement of noise suppressors;
  • check that the device meets the operating conditions (and, if necessary, replace it).

Fan replacement

A good option for creating optimal air exchange in rooms and maintaining a comfortable noise level are special silent models. The volume of their operation does not exceed 25–26 dB. This not only does not interfere with the users of the ventilation system, but also complies with sanitary standards.

The principle of noise reduction in such devices is to use special vibration isolators that reduce vibration of the rotating elements of the fan. The device’s bearings do not require maintenance and ensure silent continuous operation for 20–30 thousand hours. With a constantly switched on forced ventilation system, the operational life of the equipment reaches 3–4 years, with periodic use – more than 10 years.

Installation of a silent model

Choosing a suitable device and special sound insulation methods will reduce the volume of the forced ventilation system. And, although it will not be possible to completely get rid of noise, its level will meet the standards. To increase the efficiency of work to eliminate the noise load from a running fan, it is recommended to entrust them to specialists.

You came home, turned on your computer as usual... and heard it start up. The cooler is noisy. Not a single part will just make noise - it means something has happened.

If the cooler is noisy, it is most likely either dusty or faulty(bearings have become loose, grease has dried out). The cooler on the processor, the cooler on the power supply, the cooler on the case, or the cooler on the video card can make noise.

Try it first vacuum cooler radiator to clean it from dust. If the cooler still makes noise after this, you need to lubricate it. The cooler is usually lubricated using machine oil, watch grease or sewing machine oil. Usually do not advise Use Vaseline and automobile motor oils to lubricate the cooler.

Exists two ways lubricate a noisy cooler: removing it and not removing it. If you don't want or are afraid to remove the cooler, take a syringe with a thin needle and fill it with machine oil (there should be a little oil). Use a needle to pierce the cooler sticker and the plastic plug that is located under it (you will have to apply force to do this). Guide the oil from the syringe under the plug and remove the syringe. All! It is recommended to drop a little synthetic glue onto the hole from the needle so that the oil does not leak out.

If you cannot lubricate the cooler this way, unscrew it and remove the sticker. Clean the cooler from dust (don't forget the space between the body and the propeller) and drop a few drops of machine oil into it. You can put the cooler back.

Be careful when working with the power supply cooler! The power supply elements are under high voltage, so before cleaning and lubricating the cooler, you need to disconnect the power cord from the power supply.

If the cooler on the processor is noisy, in addition to lubrication, it can help. The fact is that noise occurs if the cooler does not fit tightly to the processor. Replacing thermal paste will help close the gap between the cooler and the processor, and the noise should decrease.

If after this your cooler does not feel any better, the problem may be wear. Most often the cooler bearing fails. In this case, only an urgent replacement of the cooler will help - preferably with a more modern and silent one. The problem cannot be ignored. If the cooler fails, other components of the computer will begin to overheat, and then you may have to replace not the cooler, but the video card or motherboard.

Most modern coolers are software controlled. If any part of the computer gets hotter than usual, the cooler starts working at high speeds. When the cooler makes noise for this very reason (you know that it is working) - try to look for the problem in another part. It is not recommended to artificially lower the cooler speed, this may cause overheating.

If it makes noise notebook cooler, then most likely the reasons listed above are also to blame. So the “treatment” will be standard - lubricating, cleaning or replacing the cooler. The difference is that you shouldn't take your laptop apart unless you're confident you can put it back together. It is better to entrust the solution to problems with the cooler to a specialist.