Russian language for Samsung at. Samsung TV service menu. Russification, change of TV region and Smart Hub. What is needed for firmware

Most mobile phones and tablets with the Android operating system sold on our market already have Russification built into the firmware. Even in Chinese smartphones from second-tier companies, their manufacturers are trying to localize the interface of the system and installed programs, including into Russian. Unfortunately, in practice there are still cases when a phone or tablet from a little-known company ordered from China comes with firmware in which the Chinese language is installed, and in the best case it can be changed to English or one of the most common Western European languages. For some users who are fluent in foreign languages, this may not seem like a problem. But we think that most buyers would like to install their native language on their device and enjoy all its advantages.

Today we will tell you, dear readers, how to translate your Android into Russian. If you are one of the owners of the above-mentioned mobile or tablet with an unfriendly interface, this article is written for you.

How to check the presence of Russian language in the operating system

We assume, dear user, that since you are reading this article, you have already checked the settings of your Android device and made sure that the Russian language is not in the selection list. But if you still forgot to do this, check the availability of the Russian-language OS interface right now. Go to the "Settings" menu item on your phone or tablet and then select "Language & keyboard". In the menu that opens, select the first item “Select language” and check the list of available languages ​​to see if Russian is there. If it is missing from the system, it’s time to install it, correcting this annoying flaw.

Russification of Android keyboards only

Some users are ready to come to terms with the fact that the firmware of their device or the interface of some programs does not have Russian localization, but they need at least Russification of the on-screen keyboard. After all, typing texts, communicating on social networks, sending messages, etc. Latin letters are at least unreadable for those who will receive these messages. For such users, the solution may be to simply install a keyboard with Russian language support on the system. There are a huge variety of similar keyboards for Android, because, in fact, a keyboard is a regular program that you can download and install on your phone or tablet.

On Google Play Market, you can always find something suitable for the search query “keyboard”. One of the popular ones is SwiftKey Keyboard, which has support for Russian and Ukrainian languages. But you can choose any other keyboard to your liking, experiment. Installing applications from the Google Play market is described in detail on our portal in.

After installing the new keyboard, all you have to do is follow the path “Settings” ->

"Language & keyboard" and check the box next to the keyboard that we just installed. If necessary, you can click on the name of this keyboard and make the desired program settings in the list of parameters that appears. Now you can type texts in any applications in Russian.

How to Russify Android (for Android up to version 4.2)

Many users are unlikely to be fully satisfied with the conditional Russification given in the sections above, and they will want their Android phone or tablet to communicate with them entirely in Russian. This can be done, and now we will tell you how to completely translate Android into Russian if your phone or tablet has an old version of the operating system.

The most popular application for localizing Android firmware is MoreLocale 2, available for download on Google Play.

Download the program from there or install it on your mobile device in any way. Next, in order to install the Russian language in your system, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Launch MoreLocale 2 and select the green "Custom locale" item in the program window;

In the window that appears after this, you need to click the “ISO” button located next to the “Language” menu item and select the “Russian” language there;

After that, click the “ISO” button located opposite the next menu item “Country”, and select “Russian Federation” from the list of countries;

Press the "Set" button to confirm your choice;

You can enjoy full localization, your phone or tablet has learned to speak Russian.

Please note: if the applications installed on the operating system do not have Russian language initially, MoreLocale 2 will not be able to Russify them. Perhaps in this case your operating system will not be completely Russified. But it's better than nothing, isn't it?

In addition, when using the method given above, it is necessary to take into account the following: due to the changed rules for making changes to the OS configuration, This method will not work on firmwareAndroid version 4.2.x and older. How to transfer devices with new versions of Android, read on.

How to Russify Android 4.2 and higher

Complete Russification of the entire Android operating system version 4.2.x and higher is associated with some difficulties, but there are no difficulties that a true Android system enthusiast cannot overcome, right?

To begin with, let's say that on Google Play there is a program Set Locale & Language, which allows you to set the system language, even if it is not in the firmware. The developers claim that it can localize even Android versions 4.2.x and older.

However, many users complain that the Set Locale & Language program does not always work stably, and localization settings may disappear after restarting the application. Only one recommendation can help here: try, try, and hope that you are lucky and your device is localized reliably.

But if the previous method turned out to be useless for you, now we will teach you another method on how to translate the system language of your phone or tablet into Russian. This method was originally invented for HTC smartphones, but for other phones or tablets it also works great in many cases.

To Russify new versions of the Android OS, we will need to download the adb program and install it on our computer. In addition, in this case it is also necessary to install the More Locale 2 application, which was already discussed above. Also install drivers for your smartphone or tablet on your PC. To Russify your Android device, follow the instructions below:

1. Enable the "USB debugging" mode on your device (Program menu -> "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging"). If the "Developer options" item is not available in the menu on your device, you need to find the "About phone" item in the "Settings" menu and click on the name of the device model or firmware version ten times in a row. "Developer options" will appear in the settings menu;

2. The ADB program must be unpacked on the computer to the root of the C: drive (the path to the executable file should be like this: C:\adb\adb.exe);

3. Connect your Android device to your computer;

4. Launch the command line application on your PC by running cmd.exe;

5. Enter the command cd c:\adb to go to the folder C:\adb\;

6. To search for your smartphone, enter the commandadb devices;

7. The program should display your device ID below under the line " List of devices attached ";

8. Enter team

adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

9. Make sure, What V window appeared answer programs

lo cale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION;

10. If we made an error in the command syntax, the system will display a message with help from the pm command. In this case, you need to carefully repeat the command again.

11. Disconnect your Android device from your computer and launch MoreLocale 2.

12. Repeat the sequence of actions for Russifying the firmware using MoreLocale 2, indicated in the previous section.

If your phone or tablet is not found by the ADB program, and you see the word “offline” next to its identifier, this means that your version of ADB is outdated for this model. Download the Android SDK and install it on your computer. In the /platform-tools/ folder you will find the latest version of ADB.

Please note that this localization method (like the method for Adroid before 4.2.x) works at the software level, and not at the operating system level. That's why if you do, your localization will fly off, and to get the Russian language after resetting the settings, you will have to do everything all over again.

As you can see, it is not always easy to localize new mobile devices with the latest Android firmware. The only good news is that even little-known Chinese mobile phone developers are already paying attention to the market of Russian-speaking users, and phone or tablet models that do not have Russian localization are becoming less and less common. For most modern devices, it is usually possible to find, if not official, then at least custom (custom) firmware, in which the Russian language will be built-in. We hope your new mobile phone on Android OS will be exactly like this!

Go to the following path “Menu – Settings – Language & keyboard”. Click on the topmost item “Language” and select Russian (Russia) from the list of languages ​​that appears. If the Russian language is not on this list, then you need to Russify your Android phone or tablet. “But how to Russify Android?” - you ask. We'll talk more about this in the next step.

Step 2. Complete Russification of the Android device

By complete Russification we mean the following: Russian keyboard and Russian interface of the Android system itself. If you only need to Russify the keyboard, then proceed to step 3.

Instructions for those with Android version 4.1.X and lower

For this procedure, we will use the crack “MoreLocale 2” (Download from our server or from the Play Store - 255 KB). Download this application from the links given earlier and launch it. A window will appear on the communicator screen as in the first screenshot, click on the green inscription “Custom Lacale”, a window will appear as in the second screenshot - in this window, first click on the button with the inscription ISO opposite “Language” and select “Russian” there, then opposite “ Country" and select "Russian Federation" from the list. Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Set” button. All! Now your smartphone or tablet is completely in Russian.

Russification of Android version 4.2 and higher

Since the Android operating system version 4.2 Jelly Bean and later have protection for configuration changes, simply installing the program is not enough and you need to work a little with the ADB console application, which is installed on the computer and is used for debugging communicators and tablets.

First of all, install the MoreLocale 2 program on your device, links to which are above. Next, you need to install ADB on your computer (Download - 467 KB, updated 04/23/2014) and drivers for HTC phones (Download - 15 MB). Attention: if we have a different phone, then install the driver for your phone! Download ADB and unpack it to the “C:” drive so that it looks like this: C:\adb\adb.exe (i.e. 4 files should be in the adb folder). We simply download and install the driver. Next, on the phone, go to “Menu - Settings - For Developers - Debugging via USB” (“Menu - Settings - Developer options - USB debugging”) and put a tick there. If there is no section “for developers” (this happens on Android version 4.2.2 and higher), then go to “Menu - Settings - About the device (or About the phone)” and click on Build number 10 times. A message should appear indicating that the "For Developers" section is open. Enable USB debugging. Now we connect the phone to the computer. We launch the command line (if you have Windows 7, then click start and enter “cmd” in the search field, then press the Enter button), write the following commands in the command line:

  • cd c:\adb- go to the folder with ADB.
  • adb devices- we are looking for connected devices, there should be 1 line below the line “List of devices attached” - this is your communicator.
  • adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION- we give the MoreLocale2 program the right to change the configuration of the smartphone.

That's it, now we disconnect the smartphone from the computer and launch the Local program and do everything as for devices on Android version 4.1.x and lower.

Step 3. Russification of the keyboard

In order for the keyboard of your device to be in Russian, just install any Russian keyboard from the Play Store, go to “Menu - Settings - Language and Keyboard”, and there, in the “Keyboard and input methods” item, select the keyboard installed from the Market.

Recently, tablets and phones based on Android OS have become popular. Many people purchase devices abroad, after which they soon face a number of questions. The main problem, as a rule, is the language of the tablet or phone, namely the transition to Russian. Without it, it is difficult to configure the device correctly. Where should you start and how to russify android?

Working with mobile device settings
When starting to resolve the issue, you need to check what languages ​​the device supports. To do this, there are settings that you need to get into. Going to the tablet or phone menu, we find the “Settings” icon, these are the settings. Looking through all the menu lines, select “Language and Keyboard”, here is the entire list of device and keyboard languages. If Russian is present, then we simply select it. This is the most basic option, as it does not require unnecessary steps, everything is in order and the device is ready for use.
But how to Russify an Android tablet or phone if the gadget does not initially have Russian language? To do this, you need to use the Play Market application, where you can find a lot. After logging onto the Internet and going to the desired program, type “ ” into the search bar. We download, install and put into operation.
Several different windows will appear, you should select “Custom Locale”. Here you need to enter “Russian”, and in the second line, “Country”, set your country of residence and confirm the action with the “Set” button. After this, the device based on Android OS is completely Russified.

How to Russify Chinese Android?

It also often happens that Chinese androids malfunction, after which they are returned to factory settings. This means that the language is Chinese and it is impossible to understand anything, so you will have to navigate using the icons. Before Russifying Chinese Android, you need to open the same settings, they are displayed under the icon with horizontal and vertical lines. Next, go to the menu, don’t pay attention to the text, find an icon with the letter “A” and three dots - this is the language settings menu. By clicking on the first line, we get to the desired list of languages, from which we can easily select the appropriate one.

How to Russify Android 4.2.2?

The process of setting up the Russian language in Android 4.2.2.
Android 4.2.2 is a newer version of the operating system, so configuration change protection is installed here; simple installation will not work in this case. Before you Russify Android 4.2.2, you need to familiarize yourself with the program. This special console application is installed on the computer, and then it is used to debug tablets and phones.
The Russification method under consideration will also be relevant for later versions of the OS. First of all, you need to download and install the “ ” application on your device (as described above). We also download the program onto the computer and install it; we also install the drivers for your Android device. When installing, we agree to all the terms.
Next, go to the device menu, go down to “Settings”, open “About device”, then click on “Build number” until “For Developers” appears. Well, then “USB debugging” / “USB debugging”, here we mark the line with a tick. After all the manipulations, connect the tablet or phone to the computer.
We launch the command line (if you have Windows 7, then click start and enter " cmd", then press the Enter button), write the following commands on the command line:
cd c:\adb- go to the folder with ADB.
adb devices- we are looking for connected devices, there should be 1 line below the line “List of devices attached” - this is your communicator.
adb shell pm grant android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION- we give the MoreLocale2 program the right to change the configuration of the smartphone.
We disconnect the device from the PC and configure More Locale 2, as described above.

The Android operating system has become very widespread. Its virtual freeness gave the Chinese a free hand. Even the smallest companies from this country have started producing smartphones. They often focus on the low cost of their creations. Of course, these manufacturers try to sell their goods not only in their native China, but also outside the country, using one or another online store. And sometimes the buyer faces one problem - the device he received has an interface made in English or Chinese. In this article we will show that Russification of Chinese Android is not difficult.

It should be noted that by default Google implements support for several dozen languages ​​into its operating system. There is also a Russian among them. A smartphone manufacturer can get rid of certain languages, for example, to reduce the amount of memory that the operating system will occupy. But practice shows that recently large and not very large companies have stopped touching language packs.

It is also impossible not to note the fact that when you first start the smartphone, it should prompt you to select a language. This applies to almost all versions of Android. If he doesn’t offer you to do this, then someone has already launched the device before you. But this is not scary, since you can install the Russian language on Android almost blindly. To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Go to " Settings" If you use hieroglyphs instead of English, then focus on the appearance of the icon, which should look like a gear. In the latest versions of the operating system, it can be found not only in the menu, but also in the notification panel, if you pull it out completely.

Step 2. Proceed to the section " Language & Input" Usually next to its name there is a simple image of the globe.

Step 3. Click on the item " Language" It's at the very top.

Step 4. You will be offered a list of languages ​​built into the operating system. Select from the options " Russian».

That's all! However, as we said above, the Russian language may not be on the list if the manufacturer decides to ignore it. Then you need a special program for Russification.

Using the MoreLocale 2 cracker

There are not as many localizers on Google Play as we would like. One of them is MoreLocale 2. The application is free and compatible with a huge number of devices. In fact, it contains all those language packs that are present in the Android operating system by default, before the influence of the Chinese manufacturer on it.

First you need to install this program. After this, do the following:

Step 1. Activate the section "For Developers" settings. Our recent article already wrote about how to do this. In the case of the English version of the operating system, you first need to go to “ Settings».

Step 3. Here tap about 7-10 times on the item “ Build Number" This will enable developer access rights, which will be indicated by a pop-up notification " You are now a developer».

Step 4. Press the " Back" Proceed to the newly appeared section “ Developer Options».

Step 5. Here you need to activate the checkbox next to the item “ USB Debugging", thereby enabling USB debugging mode..

Step 6 Now you will need the archive with the ADB executive file. Download and unzip it to the root of the C drive of your computer.

Please note that the versions for Windows XP and subsequent versions of this operating system are different!

Step 7 Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. Next, launch the command prompt. To do this, open the menu “ Start" and enter in the search field " adb” (without quotes) by left-clicking on the displayed result.

Step 8 Type the following into the command line: cd c:ADB. Click Enter.

Step 9 Enter the command " adb devices", then press Enter. This will show you the code name of the device connected to your computer. If the system cannot detect the smartphone, then something has gone wrong - it is quite possible that you are using a low-quality cable.

Step 10 Enter the following commands in order:

  • pm list packages morelocale
  • pm grant jp.c.c_lis.ccl.morelocale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

Note: The command line does not support the copy function. In this regard, you will have to enter all the text manually.

Step 11 Disconnect your smartphone from your computer and open the program MoreLocale 2.

Step 12 Find in the list of languages ​​" Russian" Click on this item.

The system will be automatically localized. Your actions are now complete!

Russification of the keyboard

Interestingly, after changing the system language, absolutely nothing will change in the virtual keyboard. If English and Chinese were previously offered there, they will remain the same after Android localization. Fortunately, setting the Russian language for the keyboard is much easier than for the system itself. Especially after Google made its keyboard a separate application, allowing it to be downloaded from the online store.

Step 1. Download the program Google Keyboard .

Step 2. Now follow to " Settings" and visit the item " Language and input».

Step 3. Here click on the item " Google Keyboard».

Step 4. Click on the item " Languages».

Step 5. Check the languages ​​you need. Or activate the item “ System language"if Android is already Russified.

That's all, the Russification of the keyboard is complete! Of course, in exactly the same way you can enable the Russian language on any other virtual keyboard, if it supports it (some of them only have a Latin layout).

In order to unlock the Smart Hub and add the Russian language to the menu of TV models 2010-2012. (C-D-E series) do the following.

Let's look at the service menu of the Samsung UE40ES6100 TV as an example.

Method number 1: using the TV remote control.

With the TV turned off, press the sequential combination of buttons “Info - Menu - Mute - Power” on the remote control:

The TV will turn on and the service menu will open.

To exit the engineering menu, press the “Power” button, turning off the TV:

Now turn on the TV again, press “Menu” on the remote control and follow the path “System - Language”:

Now select Russian from the list:

Follow the path" Control - Sub option" and set the parameters "RS-232 Jack - Debug" and "Watchdog - Off":

This will enable the service port and error timer, which will automatically reboot the system in case of critical indicators.

But sometimes it happens that the “Local Set” parameter in the service menu of a Samsung TV is inactive and cannot be changed. At the factory, this feature is closed in the firmware.

Well, let's try the next method.

Method number 2: using the software console ruSamsungTVCommunicator.

This method works on many 2011-2013 models. (D-E-F series).

This program allows you to fully control your TV from your computer. Also allows you to access the extended service menu. So, download the above application on your computer.

Naturally, the computer and the TV must be on the same network and see each other. We talked about how to do this correctly in.

Turn on the TV and use the “Source” button on the remote control to switch it to “TV” mode:

Return to the computer. Disable your antivirus (firewall) so that it does not block the program when it detects the TV.

Now unpack the downloaded archive with the program and run it by clicking on the “ruSamsungTVCommunicator.exe” file:

The application will start and display several information windows in German. Agree everywhere, click “OK”.

Then the program icon will appear in the system tray and will scan the TV for several minutes:

Wait until the following message is displayed and press the “Weiter” button:

Now, in the folder with the program files, the “ruSamsungTVCommunicator.ini” file will be created with the settings for connecting to your TV:

Knowing this data initially, you can enter it to avoid lengthy scanning when you first start the program.

Now go to the TV. You will see a request to add a new device on the screen. Click "Allow":

At this time, a virtual console will open on the computer. Click on it the sequence of buttons “Info - Factory”:

Try to press quickly. If the service menu does not appear on the TV, repeat the combination several times.

After the menu has opened, use the TV remote control to select the “Option” item using the up-down arrows (the left-right buttons are the only ones used to change parameters) and press the “OK” button (center key):

In the “Local Set” item, instead of the “EU” value, set the “CIS_RUSSIA” parameter:

Now press the “Return” button on the TV remote to go back a step and reset the system settings by clicking “Factory Reset”, then “OK”.

This step will reboot the TV, then enter the service menu again.

In order to add Russian language to the TV menu, go to “Control - Sub option” and specify the settings “ Region - PANEURO" and "Language Arabic - CIS":

As you can see, in our case, when connecting with a software remote control, the second item is not available (it is simply not in the menu).

Now exit the TV service menu. Press the “Factory” button on the virtual remote control twice:

Follow the path " Control - Sub option" and specify the parameters "RS-232 Jack - Debug" and "Watchdog - Off":

If, using this method of entering the service menu of your Samsung TV, the “Local Set” parameter is inactive and cannot be changed (the option is closed at the factory), then proceed to the next method.

Method number 3: using infrared diodes and an old headphone cord.

This method is the most reliable. Calls up the extended service menu for Samsung TVs of 2010-2013 models. (C-D-E-F series).

The point is this. We take one LED (can be from an old unnecessary remote control) and connect its cathode to the right or left channel of the headphone plug (regular 3.5 mm mini-jack). We connect the LED anode and connect it to the ground of the plug.

This completes the installation work. Look how it looks schematically:

In fact, everything worked out even without a soldering iron. The author of the article took a mini-jack - mini-jack cord and simply attached the diode legs to the plug at one end.

It looks like this:

Temporary solution without a soldering iron:

You can, of course, solder it for convenience, but holding it for two seconds is not difficult. And also, I’m wildly sorry, but in the photo the anode is also mistakenly pressed against the sound channel. The mass is on the opposite side, under the thumb. 😉

As a cord, you can use a lot of options: just a headphone plug with a piece of wire, a 3.5 mm mini-jack cord - tulips, etc.

Is there some more second method manufacture of this device.

This time we take two LEDs and connect them in parallel according to the circuit: the cathode of the first - to the anode of the second, the anode of the first - to the cathode of the second.

Then we solder the whole thing to the sound channels of the headphone plug. In the diagram the design looks like this:

Of course, in this option you can’t do without a soldering iron.

By the way, if you don’t have diodes at hand, you can try the option with a factory infrared blaster, which comes with some Samsung models:

The functionality of this design is easy to check. Insert one end of the cord into the audio output of a computer or laptop, attach an LED to the second according to the diagram.

Now, any sound file, turn the volume up to full and point the turned on mobile phone camera at the diode - it should light up.

Connect our simple design to your computer (laptop). Disable all equalizers in the sound card settings and set the volume to maximum:

In Windows Media Player, also set the volume to maximum, remove all equalizers and disable playback repeats:

Now let's take the whole thing to the TV. Turn it on and use the “Source” button to switch it to “TV” mode:

Point the LED at the TV receiver (the place where you point the remote control). The distance should be 10-15 cm:

Run the file “INFO_FACTORY_inv.wav” from the downloaded archive in Windows Media Player. After this, the TV will turn on and the service menu will open.

Using the up-down arrows (only them. The left-right buttons change parameters) select the “Option” item and press the “OK” button (central button):

In the “Local Set” item, instead of the “EU” value, set the “CIS_RUSSIA” parameter.

After this, press the “Return” button on the TV remote control to go back a step and reset the system settings by clicking “Factory Reset”, then “OK”:

The TV should now reboot itself. If not, turn it off with the “Power” button, and then go back to the service menu.

Follow the path " Control - Sub option" and specify the settings "RS-232 Jack - Debug" and "Watchdog - Off":

This will enable the service port and error timer, which will automatically reboot the system in case of critical indicators.

That's all, the Russian language will become available in the TV menu and the Smart Hub will be unlocked.

Method number 4: an alternative option using the infrared blaster included with the TV. It works quite often.

1. In the first step, with the TV turned off, press the sequential combination of buttons “Info - Menu - Mute - Power” on the remote control. The service menu will open.

2. Now play the file “FACTORY+3SPEED_inv.wav” from the previously downloaded archive of service codes. At the same time, the TV screen should blink. If this does not happen, repeat the playback until you notice blinking. Then turn off the TV using the “Power” button on the remote control.

3. Now press the button combination “Info - Menu - Mute - Power” again to call up the engineering menu. But now in the “Option” menu the “Local Set” item, which we need so much, should become editable. 🙂

1. If you didn’t succeed the first time (“Local Set” did not appear), repeat the whole process again. Sometimes for some reason it doesn't work the first time.

2. If while playing the file “FACTORY+3SPEED_inv.wav” the TV goes into test mode (the screen starts blinking alternately in different colors), do not be alarmed. Just press up the joystick on the back of the TV and everything will go away.

3. If, when using a blaster, the TV does not react to the codes at all, it means that the built-in sound card of your computer does not have enough power. Alternatively, connect it through an acoustic system with a built-in amplifier.