Fastboot Mode on Android - what is it? Fastboot Mode what is it on Android

Fastboot Mode is a special mode used on Android phones and is needed for debugging the mobile phone, its firmware and other interference with system files. It is also used for fast loading. In addition to Android, Fastboot is also found on other devices, but in this article we will focus specifically on smartphones from Google. We will tell you why the mode may turn on, what it is, what it is for, and what to do to get out of it. Let's get started.

What is Fastboot Mode on Android

First, let's figure out what Fastboot Mode is, and we are specifically interested in the operating system platform from Google.

Fastboot Mode is a debugging protocol that is part of the Android SDK (Android software development), which means software development for Android. This mode is used to debug the operating system itself (firmware), to update it or install additional components.

The peculiarity of this method of loading Android is that the OS itself does not start, the device only initializes the driver necessary to be able to read or write to the phone’s FS. You most often need to work with Fastboot Mode via the ADB command line, but sometimes special software is also used for this.

Here are the most common commands that are used when working with Fastboot Mode:

  • Flash is a firmware mode that overwrites the device’s memory, in which the Android operating system is stored.
  • Erase – erasing any section or the entire file system as a whole. Needed for a “clean” installation of the OS.
  • Reboot is a command to exit Fastboot and return the phone to the main operating system (in our case, Android).
  • Format – used for formatting a section, sections, or general formatting.

In order for a device switched to Fastboot Mode to be recognized by a computer or laptop, you need to install special drivers on Windows, which are released separately for a particular phone model.

What is it for?

Now you know what it is, all that remains is to explain where and why this mode is used. Access technology in “Fast Boot” is used in the following cases:

  • Firmware for Android phones.
  • Operating system update from Google.
  • Elimination of errors caused by failures in the OS.
  • Editing system files (this means firmware).
  • Bypass Android FRP using, for example, Fastboot Android Reset Tool.
  • Reading hidden information about the device, which cannot be obtained without interfering with the internal FS.

Attention: you cannot change the identification number of an Android phone (IMEI) via Fastboot. Since this parameter is hardwired into a separate chip, which cannot be accessed by conventional means.

Why does it appear

Sometimes a user encounters the fact that Fastboot mode is activated on his phone, although, according to the person, this should not happen.

Fastboot Mode on Android can be activated for the following reasons:

  • The user accidentally pressed the combination of buttons assigned to activate the “fast boot” mode on his gadget.
  • There was a glitch in the firmware, as a result of which the operating system can no longer boot normally.
  • A signal to start the mode was received from the computer with USB debugging enabled.

If a black screen with a debugging image appears in front of you, do not be alarmed. Usually exiting Fastboot and booting into Android is very simple. Below we will tell you how to do this.

How to exit Fastboot

There are several ways to disable fast boot mode. Let's look at each of them in more detail; for clarity, we will use step-by-step instructions, each stage of which is accompanied by a screenshot. Let's start with simpler options and only if they do not help, move on to the next method.


The easiest way is to restart your phone. To do this, hold down the power button and hold it until the device is reset. In this case, a characteristic vibration signal will follow, after which the power key must be released.

If after rebooting the gadget again writes about enabling the “fast boot” mode, proceed to the next method of deactivating it. If your device has a removable battery, try removing it, waiting a couple of minutes, and reinserting it.

Important: enabling Recovery mode on Android is done only from the off state.

Reset to factory settings

You can also try turning on Recovery mode, which is found in any Android phone.

Options for enabling Recovery on different devices:

If your device is not in the table, you can find the necessary information online or ask a question in our Telegram group.

Through the reboot menu

So, when we get into recovery mode, we need to do the following:

The example below is shown on the basis of a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x phone, but everything will look approximately the same in other models.

  1. Go to Recovery.
  2. Using the volume up and down buttons, select the option to reboot into the system. The choice is most often made by the power button.
  1. We are waiting for reboot.

If it doesn't help, go to the next section.

Formatting internal memory

You can also try to disable Fastboot on Android by formatting its internal memory. Below we will write how this is done.

Attention! This method involves deleting all user data, including photos, videos, music, etc.

  1. Launch Recovery mode again and select [k]Wipe All Data. We apply our choice and confirm it.
  1. We confirm our intention.
  1. We wait for the internal memory to finish formatting, then wait for the reboot to the main operating system. Please note that the first startup after a factory reset may take some time. Sometimes it's even 10 minutes or more. In this case, the smartphone seems to “freeze” on the power-on logo. Here you just need to wait.

Has Fastboot started again? Then read on.

Via PC

This instruction will help those who were not helped by the previous options. But it is precisely this that has the greatest effectiveness. Let's get started.

Attention: the instructions you will find below are shown using the example of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x and are provided for informational purposes only. If you have a different model, check the procedure using information from thematic forums.

  1. We open Yandex or Google and write a request on our phone. We find the 4PDA forum and go to it.
  1. In order to download files here, you must register. The procedure will take only 2 – 3 minutes.
  1. Initially, download the driver for Android Fastboot Mode.
  1. Then we load ADB itself.
  1. Unpack the driver into one of the folders that you need to create first.
  1. We start the installation depending on the bitness of the operating system.

To check what Windows you have, use the Win+Pause/Break hotkey combination. In the line marked in the screenshot you will see the architecture of your Windows.

  1. We continue installing ADB to exit Fastboot. Here we just click on [k]Next.
  1. In an instant, the installation will be completed. Click the button marked below.

Let's move on to installing ADB.

  1. Unpack the downloaded files into any created folder.
  1. Launch the file marked in the screenshot.
  1. Enter “Fastboot reboot” into the command line. Then press Enter.

Attention: at this moment the Android must be connected to the PC via USB.

As a result, a reboot will follow and your smartphone will start in normal mode.

If this option does not suit you and Fastboot on Android is still active, all that remains is to reflash the phone.


Flashing is the last but most effective method that will help your Android get out of Fastboot. Before we continue, a reminder:

The instructions are given using the example of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x/5x smartphone; for other gadgets, other options and the firmware themselves are used. By installing the wrong software, you risk killing your phone.

So, let's see how the firmware of our Chinese device is installed.

  1. The first thing you need to do is download the firmware for your Android. The best way to do this is on the popular 4PDA forum. We enter the query in the search bar and select our forum.

Android is an open system that allows any user to change system files, install different launchers, shells, change screen resolution and much more. The ability to flash your device also plays a significant role in all this. By the way, many people buy devices from famous brands with the expectation that there will be a large number of firmwares available on the Internet.

The Fastboot mode plays a key role in the firmware of the device - and not only in the firmware. You can enter Fastboot mode on devices from different manufacturers in different ways. Thanks to Fastboot, you can install firmware, recovery, install the kernel, clear the cache, and so on on your device. Fastboot is not part of the Android system, it is part of the smartphone's bootloader. However, it is worth remembering that not every device supports Fastboot, and in some cases this mode is completely blocked.

For example, in the case of HTC or Samsung, you will have to unlock the bootloader first. However, in older Samsung devices, such as Plus, when you go to the bootloader through it, you can immediately mount recovery and install firmware and Gapps without any manipulation. Today, in turn, Samsung has gone so far as to limit the number of firmware installations with the help of KNOX.

If you are the owner of a smartphone of a popular brand, the instructions below will help you understand how to correctly switch to Fastboot mode:


If you have a Samsung device:

  • Turn off your smartphone
  • Press and hold the Power button, Volume Down button, and Home button for a few seconds.
  • If you have an older Samsung device, such as a Galaxy S:

  • Turn off your device
  • Press the Power button and Volume Up button and wait about 20 seconds until the Samsung logo flashes 4 times (in my case I had to wait that long).
  • HTC

    If you have an HTC device:

  • Disconnect your device
  • Press the Volume Down button and the Power button.
  • It is worth noting that you will only be taken to the bootloader, from where, by selecting “Fastboot” and connecting the smartphone via a USB cable to the computer, you can perform various manipulations through third-party programs or directly through the console.


    If you have a Sony device:

  • Turn off the device
  • Download and install DooMLoRD's FlashTool Xperia Driver Pack
  • Check and install Fastboot drivers (second option from top)
  • Connect the USB cable to your computer (not your smartphone!)
  • Press and hold the Volume Up button while connecting the device to the USB cable.
  • Motorola

    If you have a Motorola device:

  • Turn off your smartphone
  • Press and hold the Volume Down button. Then press and hold the Power button for about two seconds. Release the Power button, but the Volume Down button should still be pressed, after two seconds, release the Volume button as well.
  • Comment: Some devices need to be connected to the PC by holding the Volume Down button and the Power button.


    If you have a Google device:

  • Disable your Nexus device
  • Press and hold the Power button, Volume Up button and Volume Down button at the same time. Do not release the buttons until you reach the menu.
  • LG

    If you have an LG device:

  • Turn off your smartphone
  • Connect the USB cable to your computer (not your phone!)
  • Press and hold the Power button and Volume Up button at the same time. You need to hold it for about 5-8 seconds. Then connect the end of the USB cable connected to the computer to the smartphone.
  • Sometimes users of Android phones or tablets encounter Fastboot Mode without completely understanding what it is?

    When they turn on their gadget, they see a screen with animation and some list of data, which is more reminiscent of a system failure.

    Usually, A regular reboot won't solve this problem and it’s better to follow the instructions step by step than to try to figure it out on your own. After all, it is one of the system ones, and a user who is poorly versed in such things can accidentally harm his own gadget.

    Subsequently, because of this, you will have to contact the service, wasting your time and money. But this can be easily avoided if you figure out the problem without unnecessary haste.

    Below you can find out in detail what it is, why the process occurs and how to act when it appears.


    What it is

    In the Android operating system, it provides full access to a smartphone or tablet to control it via a computer. This approach allows:

    • install applications;
    • configure various parameters;
    • flash the gadget;
    • distribute access rights.

    Fastboot is not part of one specific OS, but it can often be found in the Android SDK environment, because without it it will not be possible to fully establish communication between the PC and the gadget.

    In this case, we mean difficult data transfer, namely setting up the device.

    It is worth noting that it starts earlier than the operating system itself. This suggests that the mode can be used even when it is not yet installed on your gadget.

    Why does it occur

    Having such a mode is very useful, but what to do when you don’t need to configure your smartphone in this way, and a window suddenly appears?

    Reasons for its appearance may be different:

    • error when flashing the gadget;
    • accidental key presses – turning on the smartphone and increasing the volume at the same time;
    • obtaining root user rights;
    • system failure.

    In any of these cases, the Android icon will appear on the device screen, as well as system information for your gadget.

    To begin with, if Fastboot occurs, you should check if .

    The volume up and down buttons are active - with the first we scroll through the items that are displayed on the screen, and with the second we make a choice (like using a key Enter on PC).

    Thus, we reach the inscription "NormalBoot" and select it with the volume down button.

    If after that the smartphone turns on quietly, then this, at a minimum, indicates that there are no problems with it and a system failure is also not the cause. Sometimes it occurs due to the connection to the computer.

    Synchronization occurs, you do all the necessary actions: install a new application, upload a photo or download a movie, and then, disconnecting from the PC, you see that it does not disappear.

    This is due to the fact that the service center probably did not disable this function. You can deal with this on your own:

    • after the gadget loads normally, go to it "Settings";
    • then select the tab "Screen";
    • Having found the item in it, uncheck it.

    Thus, the fastboot mode will be deactivated, and when turned on, it will no longer disturb the user.

    What to do in case of a system failure

    If the transition to "Normal Boot" blocked or, even worse, only one message is visible on the screen "Fastboot Mode" and there is no summary of parameters, then for some reason the gadget’s system has failed and there are two options on how to fix everything.

    Option 1

    You can always try to restore the system and return the smartphone to working condition again.

    Important! During recovery, all data stored on the smartphone is formatted, so it is better to protect yourself and first remove the memory card.

    First, you need to hold down the power and volume up buttons at the same time. In the menu that appears, find the item – wipe data/factory reset.

    And then select it and wait until all settings are rolled back. The process may take from one to several minutes.

    The gadget will reboot, and you will again be able to use it for your own purposes.

    But installed applications and bookmarks in the browser will have to be restored again, because such a procedure returns it to factory settings.

    Option 2

    You should resort to this option as a last resort when none of the above methods definitely work.

    If the mode that appears when you turn it on does not contain parameters, if rebooting the gadget does not give anything and you can’t even call it up, then you have to do the following:

    • remove the battery;
    • insert it back;
    • Press and hold the power button for at least 30 seconds.

    The return of Fastboot Mode will make it clear that it’s time to move on to more drastic actions.

    You will have to reboot the device, but through the computer.

    Note! To work with a smartphone that has experienced a system failure, you will need suitable drivers.

    Not that difficult.

    Just use a search engine, and from a series of suggested sites offering to download “firewood”, try to choose official ones in order to eliminate unpleasant incidents associated with the introduction of viruses, etc.

    1 Unzip downloaded “firewood”;

    2 Data from the archive put it in a folder;

    3 After connect the gadget to the PC via USB cable;

    4 You will have to spend some time waiting, while the computer recognizes the smartphone, after which he will offer to install drivers to start working with the gadget;

    5 Since we have already pre-downloaded them, then select “Install from a specified location”;

    6 Select the folder in which you placed them and click Enter.

    After the drivers are successfully installed, let's move on to working with the device via the command line.

    • go to the menu "Start";
    • in the execution line we write "cmd";

    This method, which includes the use of a PC, is the most effective. But it’s still best to resort to it when smaller and simpler recovery actions probably won’t work.

    Fastboot, a mode designed to increase loading speed in laptops and Android, does not always function properly. In other words, Fastboot Mode may fail. Although this phenomenon is rare, it still occurs. In cases where the mode, as they say, works to its fullest, it provides the following capabilities:

    • The loading speed of the operating system is significantly accelerated by disabling when loading third-party applications.
    • The electronic device begins to work more smoothly, without braking or freezing.
    • Performing various operations in Android is greatly simplified.

    Fastboot Mode is a fast boot feature designed to quickly launch the operating system in Android and laptops. It is also used for firmware or software debugging purposes. Translated, Fastboot Mode means “fast boot mode”. Each computer manufacturer has its own specific Fastboot Mode design system. As for Android, regardless of the brand, this function has virtually no differences.

    However, this mode is not always beneficial. It happens that you need to get out of it.

    How to exit Fastboot Mode Android

    Disabling Fastboot Mode on Android is necessary in the following cases:

    1. If the mode is accidentally activated as a result of a settings failure;
    2. In case of malfunction of the electronics itself. Sometimes you can't do without
      flashing the device.

    What to do with Fastboot Mode in such cases?

    Before you start taking steps to disable this mode, you should first make sure that there is a problem in your Android or laptop. To do this, you need to restart the operating system on the device.

    If the mode is activated, the message Fastboot Mode will appear on the screen when turned on. This is exactly the case when you should turn it off
    Fastboot Mode feature.

    Disable Fastboot Mode in Settings

    Although Fastboot Mode on Android is effective for quickly starting the operating system, it is necessary for all users. For example, if a smartphone or laptop is used occasionally and frequent restarting is not required, it makes sense to disable this function completely and permanently. This is done very easily and quickly:

    If necessary, the mode can be easily reactivated.

    Exiting Fastboot Mode during a system failure

    This procedure is performed as follows:
    The simplest and most common way is to remove the battery from the electronic device and insert it back after 10 seconds and turn on the smartphone again. Often, the device will boot into normal mode after performing such simple steps.

    The steps described below are similar to resetting the settings to factory settings! Use them at your own risk!

    To reset the settings, use the “Recovery” menu on the device.


    I hope you understand what Fastboot Mode is in Android systems and know what to do if the device boots itself in this mode.
    Fastboot Mode is often useful for full and wide access to a tablet or laptop, or when operating system malfunctions occur. Here is some information about what Fastboot mode is on Android.

    Fastboot Mode is a software component that is used to increase system boot speed, debug applications and low-level firmware. Similar functionality is found in laptops not of all models, in the main ones from Lenovo, Acer and Asus, as well as in tablets and smartphones running Android OS.

    Applications differ depending on your device; if in a laptop this setting allows you to bypass the BIOS and boot much faster, then in Android this is a completely different function that allows you to access and control the system part of the smartphone. A kind of root mode to expand access rights. This is hinted at by the image itself, which contains a disassembled robot.

    Fastboot Mode, what is it on Android?

    We will talk specifically about the Android OS, in which this function not only helps, but also confuses some users. Fastboot Mode is designed to ensure that you get full access to the gadget when using a computer without rights restrictions. This way you can install applications, flash your smartphone/tablet, configure system settings or open root access.

    Fastboot is used for developing applications for devices and is part of the Android SDK. Without this program, or at least its Fastboot element, you will not be able to fully interact with the gadget on your PC.

    There are cases when this type of smartphone startup is automatically installed, so even restarting the gadget does not help. There are several reasons, but without understanding the mode, you will not gain access to the smartphone.

    Fastboot Mode, what should I do?

    In general, the function is very useful, because it gives more freedom in controlling the gadget through the computer, but it happens that no one called the window, but it appeared intrusively and you do not know Fastboot Mode how to get out of it. The window itself looks approximately the same in all smartphones; it contains: technical information about the smartphone and its configuration and some mode parameters.

    There are several main reasons why you might end up in this menu:

    • You accidentally pressed the lock key and the volume key at the same time; the principle is different in some models;
    • System failure in the gadget.

    When it says Fastboot Mode, the first thing you need to do is check to see if you can switch to normal mode and there are no problems with the system. To do this, you need to use the volume control, by pressing up you will change the active element, when you reach the inscription “Normal Boot” press the volume button down to activate the element.

    This situation also happens when you turn on the mode for working with a PC, and after that it automatically goes to the Fastboot window or after picking up the gadget from the service center you forgot to disable this function. Regardless of the reason for the appearance, the standard launch is available in a similar way (except for problems with Android), in the same way you can turn off the function.

    Also, so that a window with a similar mode does not appear again, you can disable the function in the settings. If you do not use these features, then it’s better to do so, you will deactivate it, but you can return it to working condition at any time, but it will not disturb Fastboot Mode on the phone. This is done this way:

    • Open the "Settings" menu;
    • Select the “Screen” section;

    • Uncheck the box of the same name.

    This way you can block the unwanted appearance of the Fastboot window, and if such a need arises, you will return it to the active position.

    Fastboot Mode - system failure

    The other case is much worse, since it means there are failures in the system and does not allow the gadget to switch to normal operation mode. Alas, although this method will return the device to a serviceable position, the price for this action is very high, full formatting of the contents, in this case it is better to remove the SD memory card.

    • You need to go into recovery mode, this is done by holding the Power button and rocking the volume up or down, depending on the manufacturer;

    • Select the wipe data/factory reset element that appears, it will roll back the settings;

    • Click additionally wipe cache partition;

    Perhaps after completing these steps you will also have to reflash your smartphone or tablet; a PC is used for this, but is not always required. Accordingly, the storage itself will be cleared and the settings will be reset to factory settings, but you can install them again.

    You shouldn’t start right away from this point; perhaps you accidentally entered Fastboot mode and you just need to exit it.

    After completing the steps, the problem with Fastboot Mode should be resolved and the device will return to normal operation. To avoid such difficulties in the future, simply disable fast boot mode.

    If you have any questions on the topic “Fastboot Mode, what is it?”, you can ask them in the comments

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