Rating of the most dangerous (by radiation) household appliances! Invisible danger: which electrical appliances emit more

The information that some household appliances can pose a real threat to health is accompanied by various established myths and even paranoia. And in order to prevent mental disorders from developing, on the one hand, and to protect yourself from obvious dangers, on the other, it is worth having the fullness of this information.

Electromagnetic radiation is something that unites almost all household appliances. According to experts, the safe limit for the intensity of the electromagnetic field is 0.2 μT (microtesla). It has long been proven that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems. You can't argue with that. And the habitat in the form of a hut in the Siberian taiga, of course, has a much more beneficial effect on the body than the “harsh” conditions of the metropolis.

But since we have chosen an urban future for ourselves, then denying ourselves the basic benefits of civilization based on stupid speculation is, to say the least, stupid. However, it is still worth trying to rid yourself of unnecessary risks.

Central heating

The most interesting thing is that few people realize the threat that the central heating system itself can pose. Good old cast iron batteries evoke the kindest associations for most people. And organizing a sleeping place somewhere nearby with them is in the order of things. However, this can be very dangerous.

Often, a central heating system can be a strong source of electromagnetic fields. And its impact on the inhabitant of the apartment is much stronger than that of all household appliances combined. Therefore, if replacing central heating with something fundamentally new is a big problem, then moving the bed away from the pipes is a good thing in every sense.


Blow-drying your hair is generally harmful to your hair. But they have somehow become accustomed to putting up with this obvious harm, so to speak, sacrificing the little for the sake of the great, in this case for the sake of saving time and impeccable appearance. However, it is worth knowing that a hair dryer creates electromagnetic radiation, often tens of times higher than normal, and all this in the immediate vicinity of such a rather valuable substance for each of us as the brain. And if you add powerful infrared radiation to this, you can’t help but wonder if lush curly curls are worth it.

Table (bedside lamp)

If you have one, this is indeed the case when you personally warmed the snake on your chest. Of course, such a lamp creates a special atmosphere and it is so nice to read a book before going to bed or work in the office under the soft light of the lamp. The excess of the norm of electromagnetic radiation in this case is relatively small - 2-3 times, but considering that you are under its influence for hours...


It is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous household appliances. However, if you are thinking about getting rid of the refrigerator for this reason, then it would be better to make yourself a tin foil hat. Some people say it helps.

It would be much more harmful to your health to not have a refrigerator at all, and to catch some kind of intestinal infection from eating spoiled food.

You just shouldn’t live near a refrigerator – and no problems. Even for the most insidious representatives of their species (those with the No frost system), one and a half meters is a completely safe distance. But it is worth considering that this one and a half meter safe zone should extend in all directions. For example, if the refrigerator is against the wall, and behind the wall you have the head of the bed, such proximity will definitely not add to your health.


TV, as a source of electromagnetic radiation, certainly also poses a danger. But watching it from a distance of less than one and a half meters is at least inconvenient, so we can hardly talk about any serious negative impact in physiological terms. However, its effect on consciousness is much more terrible. The position of Professor Preobrazhensky, who advised not to read Soviet newspapers, is very relevant today, but in relation to Russian television. This is harmful for both the appetite and the psyche as a whole.

Mobile phone

A lot has already been said about the dangers of this miracle of technology, and even more has been written. But for some reason there are no fewer owners of mobile phones. And why? Because modern life is somehow unimaginable without cellular communications. And we will talk on our cell phones more and more, despite all these “Ministry of Health warnings.” What can I recommend here? Buy a good phone model that meets all accepted safety standards and do not talk on the phone while driving. People really die from this.


The extreme harmfulness of microwaves is one of the biggest myths regarding household appliances. If the case is not damaged, it quite reliably protects against electromagnetic radiation. A separate conversation about foods cooked in the microwave. There is a belief that they change their structure and in the end it can almost lead to mutations of the body. In fact, microwaves only increase the vibration frequency of the particles of a substance, and because of this, its temperature increases.


If you now see very large letters, then the distance between you and the screen is probably less than 70 centimeters. If so, move away and everything will be fine. Oh, and don’t sit too long at the computer. It's probably great weather outside right now.

We live in a time when electrical devices that emit electromagnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans surround us everywhere. In this review, we will identify the five most unsafe devices and appliances that can be found in every kitchen.

Energy-saving lamps.

These wonderful, economical light bulbs hide many unpleasant nuances. In addition to the fact that they contain mercury inside, and therefore the lamps cannot be thrown into a regular trash bin, they are also sources of ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation. It is not recommended to be closer than one meter from the source of such light.

Title="Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim
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Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim


In the process of heating food, a microwave oven distributes powerful electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range around. Within a radius of 1 meter from a working oven, it is 10-20 times higher than the norm, so every time you start the microwave, you should leave the kitchen for a while.

Title="Microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen
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The microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen.

Mobile phone.
Everyone has heard about the dangers of this device. Scientists have proven that during prolonged communication, the temperature in the ear area rises by 2-2.5 degrees, and this can harm brain cells. In addition, if at the beginning of a conversation the electromagnetic radiation increases slightly, then after 10 minutes it already becomes dangerous.

Title="Mobile phones harm brain cells
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Mobile phone harms brain cells


Many people still have old-style CRT televisions in their kitchens. Unlike new-fangled plasma panels, units with cathode ray tubes emit powerful electromagnetic radiation, and you should not get closer than one and a half meters to such colossuses. As for modern TVs, their radiation is lower and at a distance of more than 50 cm from the screen, you will be safe.

Sockets, extension cords and power supplies.

Sockets and extension cords, of course, also create an electromagnetic field, but a relatively weak one. However, if a powerful working device is stuck into them, the picture changes. For example, when you plug in a microwave oven, it emits a field that is 20 times higher than the standard one.
It is also worth noting that power supplies and chargers also emit electromagnetic radiation within a radius of 1 meter.

Title="Outlets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses
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Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses

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It's no secret that household appliances make life easier and more carefree. But along with undoubted benefits and conveniences, household appliances also introduce certain harm into our lives. We are talking, first of all, about electromagnetic radiation that accompanies the operation of any electrical device. No matter how hard technology developers try to reduce its possible impact on human health, they cannot completely shield electromagnetic waves. Read our article about which household appliances can be called the most dangerous.

TOP 10 dangerous household appliances

  1. The TV leads the list of the most dangerous household appliances. There are several reasons for this: firstly, we spend quite a lot of time in the company of a TV, and secondly, many do not adhere to recommendations regarding the ratio of the diagonal of the TV and the size of the room. How to protect yourself from harmful radiation? Well, of course – watch less TV and don’t do it too close.

  2. It takes second place of honor. The design of modern microwave ovens sufficiently provides shielding from harmful radiation, but it still does not guarantee complete safety, because a microcrack in the housing is enough for it to be damaged. Therefore, first of all, you need to treat the microwave oven with care, do not slam the door, and do not use the device with damage to the housing. You should not install a microwave in a residential area or near your workplace in an office.

  3. Mobile and radiotelephones, in addition to convenience of communication, can cause certain harm to health. Even though handset manufacturers claim that the radiation from a mobile phone is insignificant, you still shouldn’t wear it on your body: in your trouser or shirt pocket.

  4. Refrigerators, unfortunately, also cause harm. The harm caused to health by a refrigerator directly depends on the year of its manufacture. The earlier this device was released, the fewer functions it performs, the fewer “technical bells and whistles” it has, the more safe it is for humans. Modern models, and especially models equipped with a drip system, should not be approached less than 20 cm for a long time.

  5. Electric kettles, which have become indispensable in almost any home and office, are also unsafe. At a distance of less than 20 cm, the radiation from them exceeds the permissible values, so when you turn on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.

  6. appealed to many people. But in addition to significant energy savings, these light bulbs become a real time bomb. And the whole point is mercury vapor, which begins to seep into microscopic damage to the bulb, not to mention broken lamps. In addition, “economical” light bulbs have a high degree of ultraviolet radiation, which means they are harmful to people with skin diseases and very sensitive skin.

  7. Oddly enough, the harm caused to health by an ordinary table lamp is comparable to the harm caused by a TV. Therefore, it is better not to overuse reading under a table lamp, replacing it with more distant light sources.

  8. Washing machines and dishwashers create a fairly powerful electromagnetic field during operation. Therefore, while they are working, you should not approach them closer than a meter.

  9. When cooking on an electric stove, you should not be closer to it than 25 cm. It is this distance that is considered safe in terms of the level of electromagnetic radiation.

  10. During heating, an electric iron becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 25 cm. That is why it is worth putting it aside while heating.

Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us on all sides every day

Modern people are accustomed to the conveniences that are provided by the presence of household appliances in our home. For example, when waking up early in the morning, many people like to turn on the TV to their favorite channel and put on the electric kettle to heat water for tea or coffee, at the same time take something tasty out of the refrigerator and heat it in the microwave or on the electric stove. At this moment, the idea that eco-house technologies, which have already become irreplaceable friends and helpers, in addition to such familiar amenities, also provide a significant portion of electromagnetic radiation, hardly comes to mind.

The existence of electromagnetic radiation is explained by a change in the state of the magnetic and electric fields, which propagate from any device that consumes electricity and interact with each other in space. Scientists more than 30 years ago established that such radiation negatively affects a person in general and his individual organs in particular.

According to the results of scientific research, the human brain, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation has also been found to cause headaches, fatigue and insomnia.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of all these devices?

Today, the permissible level of influence of the electromagnetic field on a person is considered to be 0.2 microtesla (µT).

But if electromagnetic radiation is so dangerous and comes from all household appliances, then which one poses the greatest danger? To answer this question, measurements were taken of the magnitude of the electromagnetic field from various household appliances in an ordinary home and an eco-house at different distances from them. The Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer was used as a measuring device, which is a portable device designed for safe measurement of the electromagnetic field at home.

Our assistant - Aktacom ATT-2592 analyzer

The obtained measurement results were presented in the form of a graphic illustration for clarity.

So what conclusion can be drawn from the above figures? Let's look at the simple steps that need to be taken to ensure that eco-house technologies do not pose a danger to your health.

Since a person spends a third of his life sleeping, it is first necessary to exclude the placement of any household items at a distance closer than half a meter from the bed. This applies even to devices that seem small at first glance, such as an electronic watch or a netbook. It is better to keep mobile phones a meter or two from the bed at night.

Staying at the computer for a long time is dangerous for your health!

Another dangerous source of radiation is computers and laptops, on which modern people spend a significant part of their time. First of all, you should maintain a safe distance from a PC monitor or laptop screen of at least 50 cm, and, if possible, spend no more than 3 hours a day on them. If you still have a CRT monitor, then the distance should be at least 20 cm greater than for LCD monitors, and in addition, the CRT monitor itself should be positioned so that its back side is not directed to the place where there are often people. It is also highly recommended not to install a PC in a bedroom or other resting place.

Prolonged stay near household appliances leads to nervous system disorders

Also, if possible, it is worth reducing the time you spend near household appliances in the kitchen. A microwave oven, if turned on for a few minutes, does not pose a significant threat, but at a distance of thirty centimeters or closer it creates an electromagnetic field of up to 8 µT. It is better to place the refrigerator at a distance of half a meter from the seating area; for refrigerators of the “No Frost” system, this distance should be doubled. Radiation from an electric kettle becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 20 cm, and from an air conditioner - at a distance of less than 1.5 m.

Washing machines and dishwashers emit more than 20 μT, so you should not get closer than a meter to them during operation. The vacuum cleaner is also characterized by a high degree of electromagnetic radiation (about 200 µT), however, due to the length of the hose, this damage is slightly compensated.

An important nuance is that the walls of both an ordinary residential building and an eco-house are not capable of blocking electromagnetic radiation, so the only way to reduce the influence of harmful radiation is to increase the distance to radiation sources and reduce the time spent near them. It is also worth noting that the degree of radiation from devices directly depends on the power of the devices, so it is better to refrain from purchasing a large number of powerful devices.

Remember that the happiness and health of your family depends only on you!

By following the simple tips outlined above, you can preserve your health and the health of your loved ones in an already built house, or take these tips into account for the technology of building eco-houses.

It turns out that classical medicine is not interested in this problem. However, the first studies on this problem were carried out 30 years ago in America and were caused by a sharp increase in the number of cases of breast cancer in women. And these cases were associated with the then fashion for electric blankets. And then Swedish and American scientists proved that not all radiation is dangerous and that there is a safe limit to the intensity of such fields. And also that the degree of danger of radiation strongly depends on the distance to the sources of such radiation.

What devices are dangerous and how dangerous?

A microwave oven is a dangerous electrical device and you must be at least 30 cm away from it while it is operating;

- vacuum cleaner - dangerous distance of electromagnetic radiation – 60 cm;

Electric stove - for some reason many housewives forget about the danger of staying closer than 30 cm near an electric stove for a long time;

Refrigerator - the danger of electromagnetic radiation varies from source to source and the dangerous distance ranges from 30 cm to 1.5 meters;

- electric kettle - radiation area up to 25 cm;

- washing machine - the dangerous distance ranges from 40 to 60 cm;

- dishwasher - up to 40 cm;

A TV is one of the most dangerous household appliances and the distance to it should be at least 1.5 meters, and for TVs 29 inches or larger, the distance should be increased to 2 meters or more;

- electric iron - dangerous only in heating mode and the distance of dangerous radiation is 20 cm;

An air conditioner, like a TV, is one of the most “emitting” devices, so it is safe to be no closer than 1.5 meters;

Computer - despite the introduction of very strict measures to reduce electromagnetic radiation, this device remains quite dangerous and it is advisable to be no closer than 80 cm from the screen;

A radiotelephone is probably the most harmful device in terms of electromagnetic effects on humans. And not because of the high power, but because of the very close distance to the human brain;

but properly designed house electrical wiring is not a source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation! Unlike a seemingly safe table lamp, which is comparable in radiation to a TV. And we sit in close proximity to her for hours.

So how can you protect yourself from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation?

First, of course, you need to know which devices are the most harmful and, if possible, stay as far away from them as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange them so that they are as far as possible (no closer than one and a half meters) from places of long-term pastime and recreation, especially for children. It should be remembered that neither walls nor other partitions protect against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Only distance. Therefore, pay attention to the appliances located in another room or in the kitchen behind the wall.

Secondly, if possible, do not purchase or use powerful electrical appliances unnecessarily. The weaker the power of an electrical device, the weaker its radiation.

Thirdly, do not turn on several powerful electrical appliances at the same time, for example, a washing machine, microwave oven and vacuum cleaner.

If possible, do not use extension cords to connect powerful electrical appliances and make sure that the wires of these extension cords are not folded into rings or loops.

That's probably all. Since we still cannot live without household electrical appliances...